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5x01: WeTransfer, Vidyard

5x02: WeTransfer, Vidyard

5x03: WeTransfer, Vidyard

5x04: WeTransfer, Vidyard

5x05: WeTransfer, Vidyard

5x06: WeTransfer, Vidyard

5x07: WeTransfer, Vidyard

5x08: WeTransfer, Vidyard

5x09: WeTransfer, Vidyard

5x10: WeTransfer, Vidyard

5x11: WeTransfer, Vidyard

5x12: WeTransfer, Vidyard

5x13: WeTransfer, Vidyard

Favorite season. Incredible ending. I'll die on this hill.



You asked about where in the UK the castle was, it's actually not in the UK at all. Merlin was shot in Wales, England, and France and "Camelot" is in fact the Château de Pierrefonds in France (not very far from Paris).

Emily Boyd

I'm watching your reaction for the episode with the Dolma, where Colin Morgan is the old woman. In the DVD commentary, Alexander Vlahos (Mordred) talked about how difficult it was to film the scenes with the Dolma because he and Bradley James kept breaking down laughing. There's one little scene where it cuts away from the two of them very quickly because they could never do a take without laughing.