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2x01: Vidyard, WeTransfer

2x02: Vidyard, WeTransfer

2x03: Vidyard, WeTransfer

2x04: Vidyard, WeTransfer

2x05: Vidyard, WeTransfer

2x06: Vidyard, WeTransfer

...I think this marks the end of the slow burn idk idk

*We're trying out Vidyard again! Let me know if it works for you, and if all goes well it'll become the main means of watching extended reactions (while I keep WeTransfer on the side in case of emergency).



The fight between Louis and Armand is some of the best acting I've seen in my life! Jacob and Assad deserve ALL THE AWARDS!! And the things they said to each other were absolutely INSANE!! Just the most heinous hateful shit you could possibly say to someone about their worst trauma. I was fucking GAGGED the whole time Idk what it says about me that this is the episode that made me fall completely in love with Armand. I adore how much of a fucked up freak he was in this episode. The creepy dead eyed yet furious stare as he says "He's fine. You're fine. Everything's fine!" to Louis while repeatedly slamming Daniel into the floor. The horror of him casually controlling Daniel's body like he's an object rather than a person. The way he remains completely unfazed as Daniel cries and begs for his life, focused only on the fact that this boy held Louis' attention when Armand can't anymore. It was all so good!! I was also absolutely enthralled by the scene where we see how he kills his victims. The way he slowly convinces Daniel that he wants death. The gentle way he speaks to him as he cradles his face, his thumb caressing Daniel's jawline. Telling him that it's okay, there will be no pain. It'll feel like a bath, like honey on his tongue. The way he says "come, I'll hold you. You rest now." as he embraces him😭 It was just such a gorgeously tender scene! I know it's technically murder, but I'm fucked in the head so my brain just thought it was romantic as hell. Ngl I think if Armand did that to me it would fix me actually😌


No that argument was *everything,* it was simply incredible. They're developing Armand to the same extent as Louis and Lestat (yet in his own specific lane, of course) and it's honestly breathtaking. This show is staggering.

jdkkw Li

Hiii Brittany!!! Here is a Interview with Carol! The costume designer for IWTV!!! I think you would be interested!!! https://x.com/hello_tailor/status/1801005480640119125?s=46&t=c9BCRL_wOt-SqKjdP3II1g

jdkkw Li

Yes, Lestat is involved in “that” in the books, too!!!!

Nicole Mazza

Yep! So happy that they're going with that instead of leaving him out like the film did!

Areanna Whitewolf

*no spoilers* We know what's coming. We knew it when they reached paris....we all know what's coming. (Raises a glass of Mikes H. Raspberry lemonade) For now let us drink and live in denial. For the tragic horror of it all has not yet reached us.