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Diagnosed! Which was obvious, but it's always nice to be validated when you know what's going on with your own body. They want me to do an in-house, overnight sleep test anyway to zero in on what exactly my treatment looks like, which I thought would take a week to schedule a date that's another several weeks out, but it's been scheduled for TOMORROW night. Here's hoping I have the same luck when scheduling the follow up/treatment setup.

So far so good, thankfully I'm on track for treatment starting this month, which is fantastic because it feels like I've had the channel and writing on the back burner for six months (it's only been, like, two) and I've been getting antsy the past couple weeks. It's not like I have an option--after 18 months of increasingly dire sleep deprivation my brain and body have simply had enough--but my impulse to Do Things never goes away. The spirit is willing, etc etc.

Will give another update when I have more details on when exactly treatment will get up and running. <3



Hope things go well for you!!

Allyn (@spiteandbooks)

so happy for you! I know how hard it can be to get a diagnosis and I hope everything goes smoothly!