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A few thoughts on this. And if you guys care, it's a very good read. But of course, two tl:drs below in bold.

tl;dr 1: I'm super proud of this drawing and it's the best representation of my skill and desired style yet.

This is, to me personally, best drawing I've ever done.

It is the closest I've gotten in the search for "my style". The look I want my art to have. I've struggled quite a lot in trying to find the right face and hair style painting/rendering style I want for my characters. This is the first time I'm completely satisfied with both.

In terms of rendering, it is also the best I've done. The lighting and shading is fantastic, and values are spot on. I've also found the best combination of painting tools that allow me to achieve this. It's very easy to use, requires at most three layers (and I can realistically bring it down to two), gives me a huge range of expression, and is very fun to use. I expect my future still paintings to achieve a similar level of artistry.

I'm still not completely satisfied with the linework, but again, it's the best I've done so far. There's more to be done.

Some of you may not like it as much as my previous pieces, and that's perfectly fine. I don't expect you to. But this is a huge milestone achievement for me. Thank you all for indulging me and supporting me in my efforts to develop as an artist.

Anyway, moving on to the subject matter... THE CAPTION

tl:dr 2: "fertile mind", stream of consciousness for porn captions. Absolutely love this format.

I've come to the realization lately that while I love breathing context and scenario into my drawings, I don't necessarily like "writing them". I'm a very skilled writer, but then when it comes time to write out the caption, it feels like I'm editing an essay rather than making porn. It feels like a chore.

A week ago, a light bulb went on. I nicknamed this light bulb concept the "fertile mind", and it's the idea that the most intense mental experiences in sexual fantasizing are not linear essays, but rapid bombardments of parallel thoughts and imagery. Usually, you get one sexy idea, that sexy idea leads into another sexy idea, co-mingles with another sexy idea you've had previously, and the web of scenarios and fantasies just spreads in a viral fashion, eventually forming something of a cohesive story.

I really wanted to try writing a caption this way: completely freeform, hand-written, no structure, just write down every thought that comes in.

Omg. This was the most fun I've had writing a caption in, basically ever. Excuse my vulgarity, but I literally had a boner the whole time I was writing it. This is in stark contrast to writing essay captions, where spend more time correcting grammar and adjusting font sizes, 

Obviously, the particular subject matter in this case may not be to everyone's taste, but this fertile mind style of writing should work just as well for any other subject matter. I can't wait to try it out again on my next work.

It looks a little insane, but that's what's so amazing about it. It's so raw and real. I implore you guys to read all of it, and see how you could resonate with this style of story-crafting. I'm always open to suggestions.

edit: oh and her boobs are amazing.
