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"Don't look, sissy!" My boyfriend shouts at me.

I wince and turn to look back into my corner. It's so frustrating. So I'm up here, glowing vibrator stuck in my ass as my handsome boyfriend fucks his concubine. Fair enough. It's not like I deserve to please him yet anyway. 

But I'm not even allowed to watch? How am I supposed to learn then?

I blush, unable to handle the thought that they might be watching my butt oozing lavender-scented lubricant out onto the floor behind me and I wouldn't even know.

"Did I say you could talk back to me?" My man growls at me.

Wait, what? I didn't say anything.

"Answer me sissy," he raises his voice.

His baritone roar sends pleasurable shivers through my tied up body. God I love him. I love him so much. I want to please him. Pleasure him. Let him use my body. Unfortunately, I'm not good enough. So he has to settle for her.

"I didn't say any--"

"Shut the fuck up sissy! Tell me, did you forget your role?"

I sit there, staring at my corner, in obedient silence.

"Good girl. Just sit there, shaking in your frilly little fishnets, completely silent, staring at your little corner, listening to your handsome stud of boyfriend fuck a real, beautiful woman."

Even through the sound of her melodic moaning, I could hear him softly caressing her skin. Whispering sweet things to her. Making her feel love and warmth through the various facets of his intoxicating physicality.

"I bet he likes having a vibrator stuck up his ass," the bitch giggles.

I remain silent by decree.

"Stay silent if you want me to increase the vibrations."

Oh God, please don't. I can't handle anymore of it. There's a puddle of precum sitting in front of me, enough to fill a tea kettle. I actually want to shift my position so the sinful liquid doesn't stain my knees, but I'm afraid to do so for fear my master might disapprove.

I fail to protest, as I have no right to. A sharp meek slips out of me as the vibrator screams out from its cocoon shell. I feel tears welling up in my eyes, unable to cope with the shear volume of pleasure pulsating through me. The only thing stopping my tears from mixing with my precum is the last ounce of dignified manhood still fortifying me. I trust that manhood will dry up soon enough.

"Darling, I have an idea," the witch groans at my man.

I hear the couch creaking, indicating a shift in position. My boyfriend leans in to listen to her whispering.

For several minutes.

Giggles and laughs erupting from both of them.

Oh God the suspense is killing me. She's gone from being a silent, obedient little slut for the last forty minutes, to being instrumental in plotting my psychosexual demise.

What could she possibly be proposing to him that's gotten him this excited?

They both shift back to what should be their original positions. She lets off a soft moan as he penetrates her once again. I hear a faint "Yes. Yes warm me up," radiate from her as they get back up to speed.

"Let's play a game, sissy."


A small "puck" or "pop" sound finds its way from the couch to me.

"Your superior here is doing something with her right hand. If you manage to figure it out, we'll let you taste creampie sweetness."

Very little of that sounds like a victory.

"If you can't, we'll lock you in a dog cage for the rest of the night, and make you watch a looped recording of everything we do in your bedroom after this."

Well, when you put it that way...

"Take your guess, sissy."

Last I checked, she was being fucked doggy style, so presumably her left hand is propping up her torso. So let's go with logical answer.

"She's touching herself?"

The subsequent burst of laughter suggests I'm wrong.

"You get three tries, darling. Two left."

My heart skips a beat, "you never said anything about how many--"

"Shut the fuck up sissy. You're lucky I'm even letting you answer."

Not cool. Okay, let's think about this. All I have is my hearing and thought. I remember hearing some kind of "pop" sound. What could that refer to?

"You have ten seconds to give us your second answer, darling."

Jesus fucking Christ there's a time limit too? I bet they're just making this up as they go along.





As my master reads out each second, my ears and thoughts are bombarded by the sound of hard moaning and pounding.



Any semblance of cohesive thought vanishes as he reads off the final seconds.


Just fucking throw it out there!


"She's touching her boobs!"

"Bzzzzzzt. You have 15 seconds for your final answer."

Despair creeps into my soul as they both in unison begin the final countdown in unison. I'm glad I don't have a job defusing bombs.

And then, I catch what I suspect is my lucky break. As I inhale through my nose, a faint whiff of lavender rushes into my nose. Of course! The pop was the lid of the lube bottle popping open! How could I be so stupid?

Okay, her right hand. Lubed up. She can't be fingering herself, because presumably she's being fucked in there. Goddamnit. The only plausible reason to use lube would be to slick something for penetration.


It can't be his penis, because they've been fucking for a while now, and she's got to be slicker than ice by now.


There's no sense in using it on her mouth.


"She'a lubing her ass?"

"Ding ding ding! Congratulations! You've won tonight's prize!"

I feel like crying.

My boyfriend amps the vibrator to its highest setting and throws it at me, clearly having no need to torment me with any sense of delicacy any longer.

He smacks her ass, and begins fucking her with maddening fervor. The bitch's calm moaning escalates into something between "grunting" and "screaming", muffled only by the humming sound of the vibrations rocking me to the core.

The love of my life grunts as he cums inside what should be my gaping sissy hole. Whether it's her ass or her vagina I can't tell. Please don't tell me it's her ass.

She whistles at me, "come here darling, dinner's ready."

Guess I'm about to find out.​



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