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tl;dr - captions will be moved off the illustration itself, and onto the body of the post from now on. Saves me time. Better for blogging and social media. More breathing room for drawings and stories together. And we can try "patron written captions".

Sorry for not posting yesterday. Patreon seemed to be down for repair for me.

From here on I'm gonna try captioning my illustrations outside the actual picture. In other words, when I post on tumblr, the caption/story will be in the post body rather than inscibed on the image itself. Same goes for Patreon, Hentai-Foundry, or any other places I post. There are a few reasons for this.

First, I realized I spend an awful lot of time finding fonts and positioning the texts in the image. Sometimes I'm even forced to trim certain parts of the story just to make it fit at a certain desirable size. Separating it means I can draw the image without consideration for the text, giving me more illustrative freedom, and I have more breathing room with the language.

Second, in a lot of places I post, I'm required to put something in the description for the post. My illustrations and captions are self- explanatory, so having to describe what describes itself feels redundant. I think separating the two will be better use of space. I also see most tumblr captions are done this way too.

Third, probably the most important reason: I want to do much more in-depth stories, with dialogue and shit, and I think changing to this new format will give me much more flexibility with this regard. Some stories may even have multiple illustrations in the post body, making it a sort of light novel-ish format. It'll also make posting serially on tumblr a much more excitable thing.

As a bonus: I kind of want to try a "patron captions" sort of thing, where I draw a sexy illustration, and all you patrons write your own interpretation. It's a way of making things more interactive, and in speaking with each of you,  I find you guys have some really creative ideas that I wouldn't notice on my own.

Let me know if you guys have any thoughts or suggestions.



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