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Drawing this one was a bit of a learning experience. I'm not used to drawing people from this kind of perspective, so it required a lot of "pretend" practice. Which, of course, involves kneeling in side an almost-closed the closet and imagining there's a beautiful girl giving me the key to my release. This job can be really fun at times.

I didn't really achieve the angle I wanted, which was to see more of her upper torso and have her looking down a lot more, as though the viewer were a bit lower. The problem with doing that to the extreme would be that her beautiful face would be kind of obscured. It's a tricky balance that I didn't want to spend too much time finding, so just went with this.

The body proportions from the initial sketch were kind of wonky, and made her look a lot fatter than she was. Nothing that a mesh transform/warp couldn't fix. That tool is a fucking god-send for making small non-destructive adjustments.

I'm extremely pleased with the caption itself, as it not only plainly describes in a scintillating way what's going on, it also touches upon several other key fetishes (no pun intended) that often parallel cuckolding in a very succinct and elegant way. Humiliation/emasculation, high school bullying, implied sissy, and of course, what the unspoken picture makes extremely obvious.

I am also extremely pleased with how the hair turned out. Last time, in Today's expenses, I felt the weak point of the drawing was the elegant slut's hair, and this time, after doing some studying, I've figured out how to approach hair drawing and the final result looks fantastic. I'm not satisfied with how the mid-range of the hair highlights showed up (which is virtually non-existent) but that's about the only thing I'm dissatisfied with, and you can be sure I'll have a solution for that soon. Otherwise I'm extremely pleased. 

I'm also really pleased with how the shading of the torso came out. I don't have much experience adding value to muscles yet, and I think the previous drawing made her look abnormally skinny, so this was great. I came about it in kind of an unusual way too. I was actually airbrushing the mask of a tone curve in an attempt to add more convincing lighting atmosphere, but when I threw it under the skin's gradient map, voila! The soft-airbrushes suddenly made themselves into perfect 2D-ish cel shading. Will definitely be studying/reimplementing this technique again in the future.

The eyes turned out kind of weird, for reasons I dont' quite understand yet. Will be doing more studying on that too.

The lip gloss highlights are utterly bewitching. I didn't want to give her full-on colored lipstick, because I haven't found a way to do it yet without making her face seem too "western", but not having any color at all made it seem like she had some spunk on her lips already. The perfect balance was achieved by airbrushing the lip gap with a saturated pink. Perfect.

I did want to make her smile much more pronounced, more "maniacal sinister glee" rather than the calm and collected she has now, but I haven't figured out how to do it yet while preserving a clean anime-look and while not going overboard and making it look too cartoony.

A lot more studying to do, but also a lot of progress made as well.



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