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Hey everyone!

As some of you might have noticed, Gumroad out of nowhere decided to change the way discount codes work for both creators and customers. While this might be a good change for some, it made it completely useless for me and the way I was using them, so I had no choice but to move all my content to Google Drive.

I know this is good for you guys because you will be able to access the content much easier and faster, but the way I was using Gumroad was more of a safety measure against Patreon's unclear policies in regard to nsfw content, so now that my content is more exposed to that, we will have to wait and see what happens. For now, I will continue to post everything there and you will find all the links on each post :)

Since I didn't have much time to do it, there might be some links that don't work. If that's the case, let me know and I'll fix them as soon as I can :)

I also wanted to let you guys know that the new Archive Tier is now available! Like I mentioned last time, this tier will be mostly for anyone that wishes to pledge a bit more and I'd like to thank the people that have pledged already and those that might pledge in the future! I appreciate it a lot! This tier will give you access to all my old content from 3+ years ago, which will be updated every month, and I will also post some deleted content there from years ago very soon! You can find all the archived content on the "archive" tag

That's it for now! Let me know in the comments if you have any questions :)



How will people who pledge get the archived pictures? Through a mega or Google link? Will it be dm’d to them?


Most of it is available through Google link, while a few old exclusive pictures were posted here directly, so you can just download them from Patreon. The old deleted content that I'll post soon will be on Google Drive as well and linked here in a new post, so everyone will be notified :)