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“You’re pretty heavy, Zeridee.”

Alden spoke quietly, but his voice seemed loud and out of place in the greenhouse. Just minutes ago, people had been screaming here. Alden had been screaming. His body was still a little shaky from the aftereffects of what had happened.

I don’t even know what to call it. Must have been the “fight” half of fight or flight mode.

Now, there was only the gentle burble of a stream that didn’t exist and the plap-plap sound of water dripping through the open ceiling panel onto the empty patch of floor where the flyer had been.

For just a few seconds more, he took stock of it all.

Zeridee’s torso was against his chest, her weight carried by his back and shoulders when he let his arms fall away from her, thanks to the strap he’d made out of her long braid. The Artonan woman was around five feet tall—a usual height for adults of her species. He could already tell that carrying her was going to get difficult sooner than he’d like.

Now that she was wrapped in the protective magic created by his skill, he could haul her around however he wanted.

Throw her over a shoulder; balance her on my head if I have to. I can do it. I’ll manage.

His right foot throbbed. He was sure he’d broken a toe or two. Kicking another person as hard as you could while you were wearing sandals was probably some kind of brawling faux pas.

He was less sure about the blood slicking the end of the sandal. It might have been his own, possibly from one of the busted toes. But he hadn’t examined himself for injuries until just now. He couldn’t see the foot well without going to a lot of trouble and shifting Zeridee around.

And there were so many other possible sources of blood in the room.

One dead Brute. One severed arm. One stabbed and battered Artonan.

His gaze landed on the man who’d been lying in the shadows ever since Alden had reached the greenhouse. The one they’d called Grigs. Briefly, the thought of checking him for a pulse passed through Alden’s head, but he dismissed it.

If the man was dead, there was no point.

If he was faking death, then he might spring up and attack once he was found out.

If he was unconscious, Alden didn’t have the time or strength to spare to help him. Right now he needed to move.

In some direction.


All right. I don’t know what the best thing to do is…so familiar. I never know what to do when things get really, really bad, do I?

Just try not to be a complete dumbass.

Dawdling around here at the crime scene and worrying about the level of deadness of one of the corpses would take time. There were Artonan-safe drugs in the house, but finding them would take time.

Time was limited.

The first warning that the Avowed assigned to protect and assist in this neighborhood were about to leave had come while Alden was returning the Great Dane to her owner. The last train was already gone. Alden had seen the Speed Brute who’d been checking homes heading out to clear the next residential area that was being evacuated.

But he wasn’t the only red halo around. There were a couple more. And I just saw someone.

Down by the water. The person with the halo and the shining staff who he’d guessed was an Adjuster doing some kind of tool-enhanced spellwork.

I know the red halo means, “Don’t talk to me, I’m busy,” but come on. It’s not like I have a small problem.

He moved. Out of the greenhouse, as fast as he reasonably could without falling on his face or dropping Zeridee. His foot bumped into something in the grass as he left, and he realized it was his temper sphere.

That was a plan that went absolutely nowhere.

Irritated and unwilling to stop or bend over with his burden for an enchanted object that just wasn’t that useful in the present situation, he kicked it upwards with the edge of one sandal in a completely half-hearted attempt to retrieve it.

The small glass orb flew up. He took a step and snagged it easily with his left hand.

Typical, he thought as he hurried around the side of the ambassadorial residence and headed for the front. I break my toes kicking a Brute, and I’m lucky I didn’t break more than that when I landed from that stupidly high jump earlier, but I’m poetry in motion when it comes to retrieving a sixhundred dollar golf ball I don’t really need.

He reached the street and looked around. The single narrow lane here was incongruously cute, given the situation. It was paved with brick and closed to any motor vehicle that didn’t belong to the residents of the houses that lined it. A light designed to look like an old-fashioned gas lamp flickered over Alden’s head. Even the bicycle racks in the neighborhood were hidden by trellises or in little nooks, and the ones he’d found on his trips back and forth earlier had all been empty.

He resisted the urge to go check the rack a few houses down in case a bicycle or electric scooter had miraculously appeared there. Instead, he headed for the staircase that led all the way down the hillside to the boardwalk.

Moving toward the ocean felt bad, but the red halo had been there. How long had it been since Alden had spotted them? He’d talked to Zeridee for such a short while in the bar, sent the text to Haoyu, shut the phone back in the safe, headed out to the greenhouse…

They’d been ready to leave.

Fifteen minutes at the most.

Please still be there.

The air bit at him as he went down the stairs. He kept one hand on the wet railing because if there was ever a time not to trip over his own feet this was it. Halfway down, breeze block walls separated the staircase from the tile-roofed cottages on either side. The houses were almost all dark. The ones with lights still shining in the windows were just as empty as the others, but he couldn’t help looking at them a little harder, eager for signs of life.

A painted iron archway at the bottom of the stairs welcomed him to Punta de la Luna, and his feet hit the boardwalk for the first time. It was wide and windy. A fence of interwoven ropes separated the edge of the promenade from the sea below. More fake gas lamps flickered beside a couple of storefronts, but there were brighter lights here, too, keeping the whole boardwalk illuminated. To his left, a few dozen meters away, a bank of binoculars on poles pointed south. They looked like the kind of things that could be used to view F-city and The Span in daylight. To his right, there were more businesses, including the only bed and breakfast he’d ever seen on Anesidora.

Where’s the red halo? They were right here earlier.

If they’re still around, they would be near the water, wouldn’t they?

“Hello!” he shouted. Then, deciding that wasn’t the right greeting under the circumstances, “HELP!”

When no reply came, he cupped his hands over his mouth and shouted it again.


Bad. This is bad.

He looked back behind him, up the hill.

It’s going to be a really hard walk if that red halo isn’t here anymore. I can’t stay down here by the water for long, but if I could just get linked up with some rescuers…

The fastest way out of this was finding someone to help, even if they couldn’t stop their work to actively save Zeridee. If all they did was call ahead through some infogear to tell a law enforcement officer with a car to wait for Alden up ahead or something, so that he had a destination in mind that wasn’t miles from here, it would be enough to make this awful situation manageable.

If the red halo was on foot, casting final spells prior to abandoning the area, he or she had most likely headed north along the boardwalk. Assuming their work was something like Plopstar’s and they needed access to the ocean to push back the contaminant, they wouldn’t have left the waterside.

There’s still a chance of running into them. We’ll try just until we reach the end of the boardwalk. It wasn’t that far.

Heart pounding, he turned to the right and headed north, hugging the fronts of the buildings, not at all eager to get any closer to the ocean than he already was.

He shouted for help every ten strides. He also opened a message window and started mental texting the System. It was busy teleporting people, preventing that low probability of chaos exposure from turning into a high one, and, apparently, hunting for terrorists who wanted to unleash demons on Earth. But now that his own need for salvation was looking pretty damn urgent, he was less worried about bothering it.

[This is Alden. I’ve got a dying Artonan strapped to my chest, and we’re in Punta de la Luna, and my flyer has left with the wrong person on board so if you’ve taken me off your to-be-assisted list for the night please put me back on it.]

[Thank you.]

[I know you’re having a rough time. I’m sure that a few million Avowed are asking you for stuff right now and the Artonans are probably putting a lot of pressure on you to figure out what’s up with the Matadero incident. I don’t want to distract you much, but some sign that you’re reading my messages would be great.]

[You’re doing a really good job, and I appreciate you. Perhaps my hostility during our last meeting is on your mind. You know that I do approve of your work. Big fan. I don’t even need a teleport. Those are more trouble for you, right? Just a quick text message to the nearest person capable of helping me will be fine.]

Alden couldn’t decide if he was just very unhappy that it wouldn’t answer him, or if he was actually a little surprised.

There were still active disaster alerts that he could access with a thought. One of them said that nonessential services were halted. One said all personal requests for teleportation would be ignored.

He could read just fine.

I kind of thought it might be paying extra attention to me anyway.

He knew he wasn’t the most important person running around Anesidora right now, but he’d hoped the commendation that had earned him the early teleport might also earn him conversation privileges above and beyond the usual in dire circumstances.

Apparently not. Unless it just doesn’t like me.

That idea wasn’t welcome at all.

The Earth System had indicated it was incapable of having feelings toward its Avowed…except on bad days.

What if I’m on its shit list? Oh, hell. Of course I am. Think of how much easier its life, or whatever it has that passes for a life, would be if I just dropped dead.

Now that he’d had the thought, Alden could come up with far too many ways him disappearing would appeal to the System if the System was in a mood.

I’m fucking weird, and it’s got to expend energy thinking about how to handle me. The Artonans didn’t equip it with rules for one of its Avowed waking up to his own presence and authority. I’m going to refuse to do the one thing it really wants me to do until the last minute every single time it asks.

And when it finally does get my permission…

Alden didn’t like to think about the process of affixation. Ever.

But he had a lot of reason to believe his future ones had become more expensive in that way Systems seemed to care about. Joe had once said the Contracts didn’t want to force affixations on Avowed in part because they were “hell on the budget.”

Even with Alden fully agreeing on Artona I and having been as thoroughly warned about the nature of it as he could have been…

“You will fight back, and you will lose.”

His stomach rolled.

Well, that’s one way to take my mind off the present problem. But getting back to it—the Earth Contract is probably reading my texts and feeling something like hope. I bet it’s watching the special snowflake that only exists because a whole bunch of aliens involved themselves in ways they shouldn’t have, and it’s chanting, “Melt, melt, melt!”

There were probably other reasonable explanations, ones that didn’t attribute quite so much hostile glee to the System. But whether Alden was being unfair or not, it didn’t change the fact that he wasn’t getting any answers.

[You’re doing a really good job, and I appreciate you,] he texted again.

He hoped that made it feel guilty about the chanting.


The boardwalk ended. A paved walkway connected it to a street that was just as lifeless as everywhere else.

“Crap,” Alden whispered, looking around desperately for any sign of red. “Okay, Zeridee. I said we were only going to come this far, and we’ve come this far, and now we just do the next thing.”

Two choices.

First: keep going. Inland. Hope he found people soon. Second: run back to the house, find the first aid kit, and jab Zeridee with something that might stave off blood loss. Hope there was something else in there that would give her some mental clarity. Talk to her until she understood she needed to call for help through her eye rings

“These are both awful choices. They are pure shit.”

Just do something fast. You don’t have time to think.

The choice that felt the most terrifying was going back to the house.

What if he did that and searched the attic and couldn’t find the medicine? Did he give up after ten minutes? Twenty? Half an hour? What if he found it, but it didn’t have the same variety of supplies he’d seen in his kit?

What if he misjudged Artonan biology and waking Zeridee-und’h up for a few minutes and letting her bleed out a bit more killed her?

“We’re going on foot,” he said. “Unless that food truck over there has keys in it. Then I’m going to learn to drive a food truck with a frozen person on my lap.”

The food truck was in a small parking area up ahead. It wasn’t any closer to the water than he already was.

Alden hurried toward it, moving at a lope now that his feet were on something that qualified as ground again.

A wave crashed, and the wind whipped some moisture against his cheek. He didn’t think about it. He was too busy silently praying that some trusting and good-hearted food truck owner kept a key under the visor.

Then he saw the shine of a thin layer of water crossing the street up ahead.

He stopped and spun. To his left, as far as he could see ahead of him and behind him in the dark, the water was coming ashore.


He gave up on the truck in an instant and ran as fast as he could down the street, Zeridee’s body a painful weight that he gripped in both arms to steady himself and her both.

Nonono. Even the seaspray is enough to carry it? Is that how it works?

The same crashing wave that had thrown water up into the air just now and touched his cheek must have spread a fine mist over half of everything in sight. If just a speck of that Sinker Sender device’s remnants was enough to call water ashore to submerge whatever it had touched…

He hit a cross street and turned up it.

Don’t look back again. You and Boe always talk about how people who do that in chase scenes are just slowing themselves down. Keep running.

He didn’t stop until his thighs and calves were burning.

He didn’t stop until he was blocks inland and blocks northward, a little farther along than the place where he’d found the man in the tuxedo earlier. He collapsed onto a bus stop bench, gasping for air and clutching Zeridee to him, careful not to let her rest on the bench itself so that he didn’t lose preservation on her.

Okay, he thought. Okay. That’s far enough for now.

He leaned back and stared at the curved roof above him, chest heaving.

Sprinting with an adult is incredibly different from marathoning with a Kibby backpack. I knew that. But everything hurts already.

Just need a minute to catch my breath. Then I can keep going and keep yelling for help.

Telling himself that it was fine to take a minute to think here was at least half a lie. He wasn’t sure it was fine at all, but he was sure his body wasn’t going to cooperate with the panic pace he’d just tried to set.

So we know some things now. Water’s coming. Red halos seem to have left the area. Wow, what an amazing job they did of helping all the sensible people get away.

Haven’t seen a soul except for stupid asshole murderers who were trying to take advantage of all the normal people being gone.

He blinked a few times.

Someone tried to kill me a little while ago.

None of the expected emotions were connected to the idea at all.

A man took a metal rod and tried to drive it through my back. He hit me on the back of the head with it, hard enough to crack open my skull.

The whole fight in the greenhouse felt like something that hadn’t really happened. Alden didn’t think he was blocking it out because it was traumatic. He remembered it all with a surprising amount of clarity.

But the event had been so sudden and impersonal.

He’d realized something bad was happening. Then he was in it. Then it was over.

Sitting here at this bus stop on this abandoned street with the System ignoring him and the water turning dangerous again was taking a bigger emotional toll.

He looked down at Zeridee, shifting her so he could see her face under the braid. Sometimes—usually, if he was being honest—the people he carried this way looked uncanny even to him. But she’d closed her eyes or blinked right before she was preserved. Her expression was soft, probably because she’d been in the midst of trying to comfort him with her loving lies.

If he didn’t think about the bloody gash on her head, she looked like she was asleep.

Actually asleep. Not “sleeping” like the guy with the stake through his brain.

“What a total badass,” he said. “They sneaked up on you and shot you with that thing, then they stabbed you, and you still beat them. I only helped a little there at the end. Do you do double duty as trained security for the ambassadors or something?”

She’d been scared.

What was that scream I felt, Zeridee? Are you a wizard?

She wasn’t dressed in the kind of clothes working wizards often wore, but that could have been her trying to fit in with humans. She also didn’t seem to have any of the stuff that adult wizards came equipped with, though. She hadn’t whipped out a wand or a pile of potions or an auriad. No rings on her fingers. And she definitely hadn’t cast any spells that Alden had noticed.

Did she feel me cast a spell?

He was under the impression that spellcasting might be detectable by people more experienced than him. He sometimes had a vague awareness of his own spells happening after he’d sent out the command.

It seems pretty subtle to me, but that doesn’t mean it is to everyone.

He hoped she hadn’t noticed. He hoped he’d managed to get away with using the auriad in public. The ambassador’s video monitoring all seemed to be focused on exterior locations, and he’d been inside a greenhouse full of wall-to-wall plants. He didn’t think he’d been filmed.

Nothing I can do about it now if I’m wrong.

He finished catching his breath, and took another minute to search through his new medical kit. If he needed to take something in it, he didn’t want to have to go fishing around in his bag and trying to read labels while he ran. As he stuffed a different injector into each one of the pockets on his shorts, he became aware of a strange sound. It was distant, and he couldn’t quite tell where it was coming from.

A grumbling roar.

Not a sound that belongs here, he thought. Not a sound I’ve heard before.

I wonder…

If a lot of water came ashore, Alden thought it might sound a little bit like that.

“Time to go,” he said quietly.

He wrapped an arm around Zeridee’s shoulders and stood with a grunt.

“You really are pretty heavy.”


Alden walked for several minutes, periodically prodding the System and calling out for help. He passed another closed train station.

I just have to keep going. There will be other people up ahead. This isn’t Thegund. The similarities are getting really, really uncomfortable. But the System exists. I am in a highly populated location full of Avowed.

The world isn’t corrupted, and I’m not alone.

But it felt an awful lot like he was.

Just a little while ago, I was talking to people and helping people. I was making signs that people were reading. They’re around. I will find someone.

He went a few more blocks. He checked three cars and a vehicle that looked like a homemade jeep, but they were all locked. He walked down the middle of a street, trying to stay highly visible, but the helicopter that passed far overhead seemed to have a task that didn’t involve looking for stray Rabbits.

And when it detected him with its sensors, the boxy food delivery drone he found sitting outside of a laundromat just repeated the same “Disaster Alert” messages he was getting from the System.

“I know I need to stay away from water!” he snapped at it. “I’m trying!”

Great. I’m getting irrational.

He’d hoped that if he approached the drone and it saw a person where one shouldn’t be it would send some kind of message to emergency responders.

It’s fine. Every step I take makes us safer.

He was in a very residential area still, one that was under full evacuation orders, but he was out of the Punta de la Luna neighborhood. As he headed around the curve of the crescent, Apex would widen. The coasts would be more distant. Flood waters would have to travel farther to reach him.

I can—what’s that?

“That’s a headlight!”

Up ahead, coming toward him, was the single headlight of a motorcycle.

Alden leaped away from the drone and stood fully in the middle of the street, waving both his arms over his head in what he was sure was a universal symbol for, “Stop. I need help.”

Thank you, thank you. You’re going the wrong direction for some reason, but you’re going really fast. If you could just pick us up and carry us forward for two or three minutes, into an area with some people

The motorcycle slowed down as the rider, a dark-haired woman in a soggy sweater and jeans, spotted him.

Warm relief mixed with excitement coursed through Alden. “Please, we really need a—!”

She shook her head, looked away, picked up speed again, and was gone.

“No!” Alden shouted after her. “No! Come back!”

The taillight turned a corner in the distance and disappeared.


She saw me. She totally saw me carrying a hurt person.

We looked each other in the eyes. She seemed to be thinking about stopping.

But she hadn’t.

Maybe she’ll come back.

His stomach clenched. He held Zeridee in a crushing grip as he stared at the place where the motorcycle had disappeared.

It didn’t return.

She’s probably got her own problems tonight. And no room on her plate for one more.

She could’ve been on her way to find her lover, her parents, or her friends. She might just have been a little too scared of him to stop. He was carrying a bloody, stiff Artonan down the street. Maybe he looked dangerous.

Alden understood all of that.

He didn’t know why it felt like he’d just taken the most devastating blow of the entire terrible night.

She looked like she cared, and then she didn’t.

I wish she’d tried to stab me in the back instead.

That strange thought was followed by another, even stranger one.

I was supposed to die months ago. I wrote a will with Alis-art’h. I thought I was saying goodbye to Kibby forever.

And then I made it back.

Maybe wanting to survive one more disaster is greedy of me. Maybe being the guy who pulls it off again isn’t in the cards.

He stared down at the pavement.

“Jeez,” he whispered. “Melodramatic and morbid, just like that? It’s not nearly that bad. So stupid.”

He ordered his legs to move him forward and they did.

At least that’s something.


He kept walking, trying to knock himself out of his sudden and very unhelpful funk by talking to Zeridee and jabbing himself with an injector that reduced physical pain.

“You did such a great job prepping the med kit. I’m glad it has non-total pain reducers in it. Those things are wild, but breaking bones and not even knowing you did it is overkill. I would like to live my whole life without ever being in a situation where I need something like that.”

He went on talking about nothing and looking over his shoulder every time he heard a noise that might have been the motorcyclist returning.

“You know, she’s probably already on her way back. Bet she took a different street so that she didn’t have to see us here struggling along…”

He trailed off.

There it was again. That strange roaring sound.

To my left.

He had been periodically marking sturdy structures with his eyes. Just in case. He’d just passed by the last one—a building full of rentable studio spaces for artists. It didn’t have ground floor windows and it had six floors. That was about as good as it got right here.

The sound’s getting louder, thought Alden. And it’s doing it much too fast.




Perfect timing


Thanks for the chapter!


These chapters sate my hunger only to string me along for further wanton unrequited desire. Thank you Sleyca


Thank youu (love these *large ripples* chapters)

Alan Miller

Thanks for the soup!




Hell ya! TYFTC




Praise Sleyca, the soup is served and i will gladly partake! Edit: That was some tasty soup! Very good descriptions and authentic to the post-panic, not-yet-normal, manic sort of thinking people do in crises. Alden is doing his best, which is well beyond what most others are doing, particularly those doing their worst who got him into this mess



Carl Earl



Thanks! The song has restored my strength


I just opened my phone and the notification instantly came up. It is fate, I must procrastinate my essay and read now. Also, thanks for the soup!


Thanks for the soup! Sleyca, your story makes my week just a little bit better every chapter.


Thanks so much!

Bunny Waffles

GAH! I feel like I read that whole thing in only a few minutes! IT FEELS SO SHORT! I NEED MOOOOOORE!


Yay! Thank you for the chapter! Absolutely terrified and loving it 💚


It'll be pretty funny when the Earth System goes through it's backlog. At least Alden didn't include his thought process in his message.

Heather White

I feel like I’m in a horror film screaming, “Don’t go towards the ocean! That’s where all the scary is!” (shhhh… don’t tell me how it turns out. I’m still reading)

Emily Curtis

I'm sure the noise is just... A really loud and playful kitten. Everything will be fine. Just keep moving.

Alan Miller

I feel like the ocean on the side away from Matadero might not be as dangerous, but that might be a bit much for Alden to consider right now.

John Anastacio

Thanks for the chapter Sleyca. This is ch 55 Man on the Moon all over again - Alden carrying someone injured whom he pickled and he is feeling despair and desperation as he struggles to keep moving. It sucks. edit: I expect significant emotional trauma for Alden from all this. It happened to him again and it will keep happening. Also trust issues. How can he depend on the Contract anymore? How can he depend on his fellow human beings? Lastly a need to lift weights and/or invest more points in Strength. Because people are just too heavy.


Aaaaaah thank you for the chapter!!! The parallels between him carrying another Artonan after Kibby was so cool! I definitely need another re-read before I can fully appreciate that aspect of the chapter. My best guess for the roaring sound is an actual tsunami… but idk what a magic tsunami would look like! Can’t wait for Sunday!


Thank you for the chapter😘

Stephen Nehila

Good job with the chapter boss.




At work but can’t wait to dig in ASAP! Cheers Sleyca!

Twara Sandeep

Thanks for the chapter! This was both joy and torture in one neat package! The roaring does seem to be the ocean, and I love how the mounting tension builds up with the increased roars of the ocean. I also do hope Alden finds a safe way soon, cause it ain't looking good for him at all

Neal Mayne

Alden really should have found out where Zeridee was planning to go. She said she was leaving after the last trains and that safety wasn't far.


You might be a soup addict Edit: and i might be one too


I hope the system eventually answers and is like, dude stop double texting I was going through stuff. (Stuff being the potential end of the world)


It's funny to me that the System is semi-omniscient, clearly it can automate tasks and focus on particulars but if it does, it has to relinquish a measure of control and finesse for other things. A give and take. It kinda gives me the vibe that its possibly the sentient amalgamation of all the sacrificed knights or something. If authority can somehow gain sentience, (kinda like the Warp/Immaterium from Warhammer 40k, generating chaos gods from the collective unconscious psyche of living things?)


1. okay alden's super polite letter to the system is very funny. if it actually works he'll have "being nice" as a superpower 2. "I bet it’s watching the special snowflake that only exists because a whole bunch of aliens involved themselves in ways they shouldn’t have, and it’s chanting, “Melt, melt, melt!”" -- alden T_T bro. this is one heck of a metaphor im laughing so hard, and then he caps it off with passive aggressive niceness XD 3. "She looked like she cared, and then she didn’t. I wish she’d tried to stab me in the back instead." -- oof. okay CNH better be rehiring the good psychologist for everyone. 4. yknow we've been having a pretty good pattern of a chapter with increasing tension, then a chapter with slightly reduced tension (like waves). looks like next one will be ramped up again


Didn't he have a spy phone thing? Is it inaccessible because it's locked in the safe, or did he just forget it?


They say the water rushes out to sea right before a tsunami comes in


Alden’s free Authority and his BOAB grow faster when he uses them under pressure….. This little jaunt preserving the maybe Wizard and using his Authority in combat and stress is going to destroy his growth plan and cause Alden to reAffix way too soon…. Probably like a crisis affixation during this episode…. Rapid Rabbit level, ACTIVATE!

Josh Delgado42

Thank you for the chapter! Loved reading Alden's flurry of thoughts as he works his way through this!


If every time he goes through a crisis he ends up reaffixing and being in a ton of post affixation pain he's going to get double PTSD for crises. One because it's a crisis and two because of all of the ridiculous shit that's going to happen to him afterwards. Edit "Oh no my life is in danger again! Oh no I'm going to spend weeks in agony even if I don't die!"


thanks for the chapter!

Neal Mayne

Zeridee tells him to lock it up before they leave, and I'm sure it just wasn't on his mind to go back for it after the fight.


I appreciate Alden having very scattered thoughts that he still manages to wrangle into performing smart actions, at least the best apparent option of his limited choices moment to moment. Feels realistic without being reader-frustrating, a kind of appropriate level of heroism for this world/character; nice author touch.

Heather White

Remember when Bobby and Alden talked about his goals? (ch. 69) “I do need to be able to pick up and carry heavy things for the most obvious use of my skill though…” “How heavy?” “An adult person.” “Oh. Not heavy at all.” “Two adult people?” “Sounds awkward. But still not that heavy. You’re talking about doing it for hero work right? Rescue?” Alden nodded. “Then you’re looking at a minimum of six years down the road. More likely eight.” Sorry, Bobby, but he needed the strength to start rescuing & hauling people around much, much sooner.


That was so tense. Thank you for the chapter!


oooof. Great chapter. From a wide angle lens, it seems like not much happened, but these scenes feel crucially important to understanding what footing Alden is placing himself on in regards to the world around him. favorite bit: Alden's mental path wondering if the System hated him because he was (in Joe's words) "hell on the budget" feels both incredibly paranoid and also completely accurate.

Neal Mayne

Marsha is going to be passed when she finds out that Alden got to fight and she only got to fly a couple girls around.


A bit thin and watery soup I must say this time.

Brett Peterson

The motorcycle girl is rough - but altogether realistic


Aaa, the similarities to Thegund would break me, I dunno how Alden's holding it together.


Hoping he isn't going to be sitting on a roof for a few days until Stuart's call...


I forget, but doesn’t Alden have a way to directly contact “Mother”?


They really evacuated this neighborhood very well, huh? This really drives home what a bad idea it is to turn off communications during an emergency. That’s the most important time for communications! The cost of text message to teleport has to be remarkably small for this to be worthwhile. Or it’s to inconvenience the hypothetical additional terrorists, which would be a very aggressive choice to make.

Amber Gregory

Scary scary scary. Have you seen those tsunami videos where cameras picked up people still walking through empty streets moments before those streets become rivers? I really don't want to think about Alden being one of those people. I'm scared he's in shock and he can't think straight. Also, this is SO mean-mean to Alden, Sleyca. Brutal.


Thanks for the chapter. If I had to describe it one word: spooky. What's going on elsewhere? Who knows!


Thanks for the chapter~ Oh the trust issues! Can't trust the system nor other humans, a hard pill to swallow for Alden I'm sure.

Bob Ross

Alden does such a good job of recognizing his intrusive thoughts, and responding to them like they're separate people. Hard to see him be so hard on himself, but great to see him pick himself up again and keep going

Neal Mayne

That's fair they were just low ranks but it was a real high stakes fight that might make her interested.


Since Anesidora tends to be a bit hedonistic, any bets on a “I survived the big wave” themed surfer party?


Thanks for the chapter! This disaster is going to do so much for Aldens stress resistance

Alan Miller

Zeridee also wasn't in any shape to get it back out. It was being left behind because it wouldn't work in the flyer or destination (probably range).

John D Jones

We really don't know. Alden saw that he had a privilege called "Mother" but he didn't really know what it was or how to use. Figure if the roar is a monster wave that is somehow a literal monster, Alden will probably attempt to use it. Editing to add: @ Kim Enteiu Sure, it's system run, but maybe it's run by Mother, AKA the Artona I system. Maybe this "privilege" means that Alden can directly contact Mother even when he's not in or around Artona I.

John D Jones

She saw a guy carrying another "guy" and it was a motorcycle. No way to carry three people. Maybe she'll tell someone about it earlier to help Alden.

David Burchfield

I am wondering if Zeridee has the magitech equivalent of cybernetics and they are making her heavier than normal for her size.


Also I love when Alden is petty, trying to guilt the system hahaha

John D Jones

Alden was in a fight that saw two people (apparently) die and a third get his arm chopped off. That's way more bad-ass than play-duels in the Superlative club. Marsha's probably going to be crushing on Alden and try to challenge Vandy to a duel to who gets the best stalking times for following Alden around.

Giants Craft

The Artonans are hedonistic. The Aneisidorans can’t even drink alcohol lmao

Kim Enteiu

There is the preponderance of cost. I heard about a communications issue a big company had a while back, someone accidentally sent a meeting request company-wide. Then people began to reply all to it. It took less than a minute to back up all of their email delivery for hours. Half of the emails were people trying to unsubscribe, the other half were people replying “Don’t reply all” with reply all in response to them. The next big detail would be the flow of information. As minor of a likelihood as it might be, there is a second stage planetary evacuation point beyond the local evacuations that are happening. That is not something the system would want freely shared. It’s giving clear instructions and focusing on doing the math.

Alexander Dupree

Oh no this cliff is made of water and sadness isn’t it?


I thought Alden had disabled the training wheels portion of his ability that forced him to feel the full physical burden of an object he's preserving. That's what allowed him to carry people and the weighted bags during the obstacle course. Was that different because he was preserving the rope alone instead of the combination of rope and cargo or is he just too frazzled to do that here?

Cole Norman

Alden: "why did they turn around on the motorcycle" Yes let's go see the blood covered child with the blood covered corpse in a danger zone where everyone is meant to be evacuated


He got rid of the requirement that he stay moving. He still, and always will, feel his burden and it's weight.


Is the solution to the situation going to be a very loud and exauhsting authority scream from alden? The story has hinted at being able to sense authority from large distances. This does seem a ripe situation for alden to have no choice but to out himself.

John D Jones

@ Ehren Attempting to guilt someone into not trying to indirectly murder you because it would make their life easier doesn't seem so much petty as desperate.

Neal Mayne

Iirc if he's preserving a container then he doesn't feel the weight of its contents, but a semi solid object like a person he gets the full weight.


He has to support her weight because he’s preserving her because she’s wounded. If he preserved just her clothes, his skill would carry her weight but she would be actively suffering her wounds..


GAAAAAAAH! How can you write so much and then it's gone so quickly! Your chapters just vanish into thin air as soon as I open them!

Neal Mayne

Anyone that could pick up on that would already be alerted by Zeridee's.

Scarlett O'Hare

Honestly I kinda hope that the noise is someone that can help Alden rather than incoming water, but there's really no telling until we see what happens next time.

Heather White

“And when it detected him with its sensors, the boxy food delivery drone he found sitting outside of a laundromat just repeated the same ‘Disaster Alert’ messages he was getting from the System. ‘I know I need to stay away from water!’ he snapped at it. ‘I’m trying!’” I loved this moment. The frustration was tangible. I also randomly wondered if threatening to beat it with a baseball bat would make it disgorge vegan hot chocolate.


Thanks for the chapter. This is all leading up to something rediculous like Alden preserving the Sinker Sender too. Looking forward to wherever it leads.


Fortunately, growing BoAB is not the primary contributor to Alden's need to affix; growing his free authority is, so exercising his free authority (i.e. manual casting) much worse on that front.

Cyrus McEnnis

Although, interestingly, it appears he can pickle an object while sitting down as long as the weight is still only supported by himself. So he, can, theoretical, keep pickling while resting as long as the weight isn't sufficient to crush him.

Chas Becht

This is what a raccoon feels like when it rinses of its cotton candy.


damn it Alden, why did you go to the sea?


Alden should just authority tap like a madman so all the wizards take notice lmao


early chapter? nice! Thank you

Jason Harpster

This chapter has a real twilight zone vibe to it. Not like creepy, just the whole empty city thing woth the odd sound.


Of fucking course Alden broke a toe. Because he couldn't just be carrying an artonan girl out of an apocalypse scenario on his back again, he has to be doing it on broken feet. *Again*. Some day, a temper sphere will be valuable. I believe this, deep down.

Temp One

Oh no, I'm so anxious Zeridee isn't going to survive this. Alden held out for days with Kibby though, and that was with chaos assaulting his authority. So I'm hoping if he finds a decent spot to bunker down he can manage with Zeridee settled on his lap long enough for help to arrive.


He still spends the magical energy to maintain the preservation. But if nothing is attacking his Burden, or weighing on it too much, or trying to corrupt it, his energy regeneration might manage to outstrip expenditure. And he can definitely rest his physical muscles, even if it comes at the cost of a little Authority.


Come on, what are the odds that any of the three dead dudes were A ranks or higher?

Temp One

The manufacturers would say it isn't a thing, as it would encourage people to beat their drones with baseball bats. But secretly it would totally be a thing.


Alden needs to support the entire Burden by himself, because that's a fundamental part of the skill. He can't drag it or roll it or even carry it through an area of reduced gravity because that would be supporting part of the Burden for him. He's found a workaround where if he picks up something light and then puts something heavy on top of it then he only carries the weight of the light thing, but that leaves the heavy thing un-preserved, which in this case means 'bleeding to death'. However, as long as he never stops Bearing it, his Burden will stay preserved even if he sits down, rides in a vehicle, etc. He could probably sleep without dropping preservation, if he put whatever he was Bearing on top of himself and didn't roll over.

Temp One

I think someday he won't need to physically carry the weight of the burden. But he's not there yet. We know this because some of the things he'll eventually be able to preserve don't even have weights in a physical sense. Bearing the weight of an object is likely part of the training wheel package that trains Alden's mindset. Much like his original requirement that he keeps moving to preserve something.

Matt V

It's torture reading this whole thing one chapter at a time, but I'm a glutton for punishment because I can't even wait past the night it releases. Sunday can't come soon enough.


Yes, he’s yelling for help when *he* should be yelling for help. Easy mistake lol. Honestly I’d love for Alden to be outed. I know he wants to keep the intensity level low but I just can’t wait to see how everyone reacts to the first human (first non-Artonan?) wizard.

Temp One

@John D Jones, I wonder if the System's model of Alden is comprehensive enough that it's like: "Damn Rabbit is trying to guilt me into not indirectly murdering them. I'm going to indirectly murder them twice as hard now. "


Is the biker related to the thieves? She went to the embassy, found them and is coming back (fast noise). If so, will Alden use Zeridee as shield or as weapon?

Jeff Scott

That section of his social anxiety spiral due to silence from the system was way too relatable. From an unanswered but read text message assuming you somehow pissed them off to a livestreamer missing a day so I freak out they might've quit or died, I can personally vouch for the realism of that part. Meanwhile the system genuinely is too busy to worry about a kid that was already teleported once to a safer location.

Master Program

So not to rag on Alden who is clearly trying his best in a bad situation but isn't his current predicament mostly self-inflicted? He would've easily been safe at this point if he had just taken his own advice about not passing on evacuation from danger when the opportunity comes. In fact, without the illusion of safety provided by having a flyer available nearby, Zeridee may have followed her original plan and left long before the looters arrived thus avoiding injury altogether. While we will never know what might have been, it kinda feels like Alden could've saved everyone alot of trouble if he had just been a tad bit more selfish.


I'm pretty sure I saw Hagrid show up in the middle of the chapter just to drop a one liner and leave. "Yer a wizard, Zeri."


pretty slim i'd say. They seemed to never be summoned and being salty about it, so they probably tried to train for a moment but were never called. So probably low ranks but that's enough for an Artonan and a B-Rabbit (a D-rank Shaper can have more physical fondation points than Alden)

Andrew Simpson

This was the shortest chapter in recent memory by a fair bit I think. Around 4.5k words, where we've been enjoying 7-9k chapters for a while.


That biker is Aunt Connie!!

Cyrus McEnnis

Oh yeah I meant while physically resting, Alden would need to maintain his authority expenditure.

Temp One

I wonder if that biker lady was dispatched by the Artonans to investigate the Ambassador's residence after it became clear that the escape shuttle was commandeered by a theif. Would make it a little ironic that she sped past Alden if that were the case; as he'd have been the ultimate goal for her to rescue.


A double stack of peace of mind, probably Scared about when it ends. Double scared about him paying the other half.


Same, I really hope he gets outed this arc because if he keeps it a secret the whole time he’s at school it’ll probably be years (in real life) until he gets exposed considering the pacing, not sure I have the patience haha


I should not have woken up to read this if I intended to go back to sleep…😱


"She looked like she cared, and then she didn’t." She is looking for somebody else and slow down to identify the pedestrian she saw. My guess (but I'm often wrong) : she is related to the thieves

Neal Mayne

Or she could have stayed till the last minute like Alden was worried about and be dead now. Honestly I think that is fairly likely she stopped her tasks before finishing in order to get Alden in the flyer. She would have still been dumping potions down the drain when looters showed up if Alden left.


What are the chances that [Burden of Enchantment] finally gets its time to shine? Alden's had it for over half the length of the story now and it's just kind of... existed. Even if he couldn't do anything fancy with the enchantment, simply being able to turn magical water into plain water sounds *ideal* for his current situation. Of course, that would require Alden to "perceive" his way into allowing that something burdening his target (Zeridee) was his to bear, whether given explicit permission or not. That would be a pretty huge step forward.


I'm starting to suspect that the system literally doesn't notice texts that aren't being actively sent somewhere. his tactic of making a draft message hasn't ever merited a response from the system and I'm beginning to suspect that it doesn't even receive it. My theory is that the system interface is an enchantment, not part of the contract itself. And the reason it vanished completely on Thegund is that it decayed from the chaos combined with the contract no long existing to maintain/repair/replace that enchantment.


In other words, the system, and the contract, are not the same thing. The analogy being that the thing the avowed sees is a web browser, while the contract is the server it talks to.


Thegund Flashback aaagghhghhhhh!


I cant wait to see what that roar is all about!


the web browser has some limited amount of storage and processing capabilities, but anything more advanced needs the server. And right now, the server is restricting what portions of it can be accessed. Costs almost nothing to deny a request without processing it beyond figuring out what part of the API it's trying to access, and critical functions can still be kept on.

Cory C.

IIRC there have been non-artonan knights before, but not very many. I think that came up during his talk with Mother.

Temp One

I'm worried the Earth System might be fucked up enough that it sees this situation as a way to leverage Alden into accepting an early level up package that doesn't improve his primary skill. And it's just waiting for the situation to get dire enough that it can jump in and tell Alden that it'll spare the resources to teleport him and save Zeridee- all for only the low price of forcing him to waste his Authority. Only problem I see with that is it'd irrevocably destroy the System's relationship with Alden. I could imagine Alden trying to get a restraining order on the Earth System, or something, at that point. And making a formal petition to live with his Artonan 1 mum instead.


Fantastic chapter! I love how, despite the increasing danger to his life and the repeated mentions of how unconfortable and restricting Zeridee's preserved body is, he never once thinks about leaving her behind, not even his intrusive thoughts point at such a logical idea from a self-preservation standpoint. Alden truly is a hero. I wonder if Alden can preserve himself with some clever application of his skill. He can examine and understand which bit of his authority contruct does what, so it might be possible to mimic the bit that preserves objects with his free authority to anchor himself to reality, such that the coming tsunami can't sweep him away...

McIntosh Ewell

@Temp One I partially disagree. The principle behind Alden's skill seems suspiciously similar to that of Word Chains. He relieves someone of their burden and takes it on himself as weight. I don't think this will ever change, but I do think the kind of weight might change based on the burden (or maybe it'll become something Alden can select). Instead of giving a person the positive portion of the Chain, he freezes them. Pain, anxiety, fear, weakness, all negative effects are nonexistent while his skill is in effect. I think that freezing effect may be still part of the training wheels. Further mastery over his skill may allow him to select a specific burden to bear (though that may be contrary to the 'All Burdens' part of the name), allowing his target to function in an enhanced capacity. This would push him more in line with the embodiment of Chains I've begun envisioning him as, and ironically might legitimize the Velra Matriarch's theories about their connection. It would also have the benefit of making Alden incredibly effective in a support capacity.

Tycho Green

While the submerger is an enchanted object I am uncertain if the water can be considered enchanted per se. Would be great for leveling up though. Alden will end up running around on overtaxed authority if he uses Burden of Enchantment, might happen just by trying to save Zeridee.

Guus van der Borg

That there no longer are non-Artonan knights leads me to believe that the previous non-artonan knights were from Gorgon's race. And moreover, that they were FORCED to be knights. Gorgon is royally pissed about something that his race had 'no choice' in, and they naturally had a sense of authority. I bet, that back in their dark history, when they were still thinking that chaos would destroy the universe, they forced knighthood upon Gorgon's race. It would explain why they never tried to do it agaim and why Gorgon is so royally pissed.

John D Jones

I think Alden is way down the list of things the Earth System cares about right at the moment.


We don't know they were wizards though. They might have simply been alien Awoved who stumbled upon one of the 300 and levelled It enough

Tycho Green

That is exactly what I thought, only that the System would play it differently. The system has a broader view and estimates Alden’s chances for survival without its interference as high. Common sense would say that Alden is preserving Zeridee and his bag containing Kon's teeth as a whole, but I don’t think it was mentioned that he does. He might run around with two preservations active, eventually overusing his authority which could happen even with only one preservation if he keeps it up long enough. Alden could come out of this situation with two levels for a total of three. Should Alden be right about his affixations being heavier on the budget than average, an extremely pragmatic view for the System would be to think: "This expensive boy will survive this and hopefully realize his inadequacies. Maybe he is more willing to affix next time we meet."


@temp one affixation would make his abilities basically useless because using them would hurt like hell, that isn't really a viable plan. (And I doubt the system has much attention to spare for him currently.)

Ben Passos

Most chapters the last couple of months have been roughly this short.


Yeah as Neal said she wasn't even finished with the tasks she wanted to do. She already left early because of the revelation about his friend. So doubt her earlier plan was to leave sooner than that. Possible of course.


To be fair if he tried to leave her behind a) she would wake up and b) he would lose azure rabbit. Admittedly given what she’s said she would maybe be willing to entrust him something lighter as she lay dying but still.

Master Program

I believe she stated she was planning to leave shortly after the last train was gone in one of the prior chapters. As I said previously, we'll never know what might have been but the way I read it, the potion disposal wasn't one of her primary tasks. She was only tidying up since she had a guaranteed way out with Alden anyways. Otherwise, she was cutting her escape margin suicidally close with how quickly the neighborhood flooded and she seemed too intelligent and informed for that. Based on how long they stayed, she wouldn't have been able to get to safety in time without the flyer even if she hadn't encountered the looters.


That’s a great idea and would be so OP if Alden could preserve himself but I kind of doubt it’s possible because in one of the previous chapters it said that sacrifice is one of the elements of magic that makes spells powerful. Plus the skill name is Bearer of all burdens. Just like a bike can’t propel itself up a hill without a person riding it I think it would be unlikely that Alden could preserve himself.

JJ Hunter

I've been thinking about how much Alden's hard-won improvements in his skill handling are helping him and Zeridee now. Dropping the need to keep moving to retain preservation has been a big one - getting to periodically rest (at least physically) is really helping.


This one made my heart heavy. His melancholy and mood come across very well. :(

Temp One

@McIntosh Ewell, I don't disagree with those possible avenues for Alden's power development; and in fact think they'd be quite cool to see! The only point about the weight thing I'd want to clarify though, is that just because Alden's muscles aren't being strained by physically carrying the weight, doesn't mean Alden isn't carrying weight. The difference would be he's using his authority instead of his muscles. But given almost all Avowed don't have an authority sense, I could see Artonans designing his skill to lead Avowed into the mindset of bearing the weight of something using the physical senses they do have. My primary reasoning though is a little meta, admittedly. Alden's ability to physically carry things is going to eventually plateau unless he wastes copious amounts of his authority on enhancing his strength. And even then it's going to have some basic, fundamental, limitations. Like how do you bear the weight of something in an environment without gravity? The Primary can use his Skill to bisect moons. I hardly think a high level Alden, by comparison, will only be able to preserve a couple people (or whatever he can physically hold on to and carry) and only in environments where objects have discernable weight. If his skill is going to reach heights like the Primary's. Alden should eventually be able to use his skill to preserve entire moons. How do you physically carry a moon? It would be such an awful limitation on the skill that even Hannah's adjuster power knockoff would have greater utility.


Sleyca Patreon comment 95 ( formerly 93 ) The B-List, pt 1 ( Do you have bells? ) 95 Let's just say it's Mother's way of saying, "Feel free to reach out." 🔲


I remeber Alden not counting saving Kibby as a "life saved" because, according to him, he was saving himself. I'm starting to wonder if saving 'himself' goes deeper than that.


Maybe it’s not water roaring. It might be a vehicle he doesn’t recognise


If I'm honest, this chapter was a bit disappointing. It's realistic, it's tense, it's well written... but it doesn't show me much new about Alden or his world. In the Thegund run, every chapter showed me Alden trying new things.

Benjamin Collins

My thoughts.... We confirmed he can preserve two things but doesn't he need permission from the targeted person? Can he target two people as well now? If he can't how in gym class was he preserving the mint in his stomach after releasing whoever gave him the mint to target someone else?


She'd also be bad at her job. If checking the Artonan residence was her goal, not stopping for the kid carrying an injured Artonan in an area where only one should be left would be really idiotic.


... although Alden morbidly imagining the System cheering for him to die was still pretty entertaining.

Temp One

I think people have started conflating Alden 'bearing' something with him physically carrying it. When Alden is preserving something, he's bearing it with his Authority. The thing that is more fundamentally "Alden" than what Alden himself is. The reason for the requirement to physically carry something is probably two fold. The first being that almost all Avowed don't have an authority sense, and so can't feel their authority bearing something. Which means Artonans likely used physical senses as a surrogate for the skill, as initial training wheels to get the skill holder into the right mindset. The second reason is, likewise, probably just due to Alden's own mindset.


"That was a plan that went absolutely nowhere." This is one of the things I love about this story - not everything Alden does pans out. Just like real life.


If Alden and Zeridee both make it out Alive, will he get another commendation?


Anyone else reading and thinking "Yeah, Sleyca put this bit in because she read our comments on the last chapter"


So well written, and you just know that without the word chains this would've been almost impossible for Alden


Agreed. A Bearer is the one taking up the burden, if they bear nothing, the whole purpose and thus magic collapse s

Colby Rob

Agreed. It was tense but nothing of substance actually happened

Partha Peddi

This is a lull chapter between high gear action chapters. It has to be for it to be short. I am guessing the sound Alden is hearing is water overwhelming weak buildings to collapse them. That is why Alden is looking for strong structures to hide within. Hoping for action to pick up in the next one.


Puppy is right, many parts of the System behaves like a computer program. If it wants to preserve processing power, it would have to disable some apps like the chat function. Makes zero sense to keep the app running just to monitor it for the one or two dumbasses (sorry Alden, I don't really think that way of you), who didn't listen to the evacuation notices.


Yes, that girl has zero sense of self-preservation, I don't think she would even mind sacrificing herself


Perhaps this is what it is leading to? Maybe once he is on the verge of being killed he would instinctively send out an authority scream?


COMMUNICATION BLACKOUT, HIVIZ, OVERREACTION Responding to several themes in the comments COMMUNICATION BLACKOUT This chapter is reminding me strongly of our discussion in previous chapter comments of 9-11 communication Sometimes things, like communications, just do not work. Or work weirdly ( texting out of the DMV metropolitan area worked, but not texting into the DMV area, calling into a DMV area landline from another state worked but no wireless calls in or out ) It is often much later until we find out exactly why Pro Tip: always have a physical connection, wire or fiber, like Voice Over Internet, because wireless communication is much less robust HiViz After Moon Thegund’s vault life, Alden overindulged in soft and fuzzy After TsuNOMi, Alden might overindulge in small, sensor, drones and HiViz clothing “Alden, why does your shirt have a built in laser, light show? Is your phone showing an infrared, night vision, drone view of the closest bus stop?” OVERREACTION Personally, after one night, in the middle of no where, on the roadside, in the dark, cold, and rain, with car trouble, I subsequently started hoarding flashing lights, flashlights, and HiViz vests, and clothes Next time I had car trouble, in the dark and cold, the roadside assistance driver could not find me. Turns out that with all the flashing lights, and HiViz stuff, he thought I was another professional out helping a stranded motorist. Humans see what they expect to see A lot of that HiViz gear, and flashing lights, got donated after that over correction ( still a smol hoard of over kill category flashlights, rechargeable batteries, and chargers ) 🔲



Neal Mayne

So do you all think her plan was just to hunker down and wait for it to pass.


While I'm reading I keep wondering what is the "specific goal" Sleyca has with these chapters. She wants some specific character growth to happen and/or plot development. I tend to think it is more of the former than the latter, since so much focus has been on Alden's thinking and not so much on how the disaster is impacting the islnd and other people on it. I wonder if this whole experience is meant to disillusion Alden and make him distrust the System and other people? Or to realise how messed up he really is psychologically and that he needs to fix that before he focuses on purely "getting stronger". Or perhaps just teach him something more about himself, expanding on the conversation started with Boe - yes, he isn't the Hero type, but he *can* be when it is someone he cares about. I can't even do a poll this week, because I don't think the events matter as much as what is happening in Alden's head


I think my polls show Sleyca which dumbass ideas she has to dispel in the next chapter

Louise jordan

Can we just take a moment to ponder the life choices of those reviewers who said they were dropping ss as it would be boring in a school setting. I am kindly empathising at them.


Oh my hat, how many times were you in the cold, dark night with car troubles?


Sure hope that woman on the motorcycle isn't a terrorist looking to unleash demons on Earth.


Thank you for the chapter! How unpleasantly familiar for Alden. Help is closer this time, but it is also worse because those that could help are not hearing/listening... I like the moments of frustration. Get mad Alden! This should not be happening! You don't deserve this! Wonder what's up with the woman on the bike. Foreshadowing? "He had been periodically marking sturdy structures with his eyes. Just in case." So, so smart, prepared, making all Rabbits proud.


Life update: it got worse. The Moon 2: Killer waves. Really wasn’t expecting a sequel this soon storywise. Have weird feeling Alden is heading for failure this time around. He better strap himself down for the piece of mind bad halves, because it’s gonna be nuclear. Maybe he could pass them off to someone. Could be Aulias cue to do our boy a big favor. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Hopefully the Informant still has eyes around here and can assist somehow. Contact some active response hero or Artonan who has access to system. Maybe it would be enough to get Earths attention back to Alden. If it isn’t actively ignoring him as he fears.


Sleyca can't win. "124: Poor Mice" went up on RR, and Sleyca's revised Alden's ET with Soren to be 8 seconds, not 4 seconds, since terrible people like me complained there was too much talking for 4 seconds. Now on RR they're complaining that 8 seconds isn't fast enough to be a real emergency teleport! --facepalm--

Cyrus McEnnis

Yup. They crop up sometimes here, and more often on RR, every now and then.

Carl Earl

Yea, there were a couple who said they were dropping around the time the obstacle course stuff started, or slightly before that. I also pity any who followed through with it.


It does show you the new position that Alden is in within his world though and the effect being that being in this position is having on him.

Carl Earl

Yea, I think the ripples and waves are the realization growing in Alden that what kind of hero he can be is not ONLY the kind of hero he wanted to be. He CAN totally be the guy who quietly works from the background enabling his teammates to do the flashy attention-grabing hero work safer and more effectively, but when everything goes to shit, he can ALSO be the guy who fights two murderers off their latest victim and the carries her dying body to safety from a regional disaster.

Carl Earl

I don't think he has to keep his target to keep his preservation. He can have one person tell him to preserve the mint, then have someone else tell him to preserve a body, but if he loses preservation on the mint, he'll have to find someone else to entrust him with it.


Cue Beacon Orb. For "Space".


Has Alden forgotten to cast his wordchains on himself?


Where is the wizard hello? Someone spamming that for a couple of minutes will definitely be noticed by someone in charge. Artonans don't need it. So they will know there is a human wizard that is in trouble.


Thank goodness Alden put some points into Strength, Stamina, and Bobby after his last Artonan-carrying adventure. I do wish he’d remember his little orb that Zeridee gave him which is apparently both a beacon and some kind of escape to space, but I’m betting that Alden is going to wish he’d remembered that just as much. Really, this whole chapter— this whole arc— has been a thorough lesson to Alden on the importance of clearheaded thinking in a crisis. Which isn’t fair to him, but facts are facts. They don’t have to be fair.


We're getting back to the basics, Alden vs planet.

Sleepy Dad

I wonder whether Alden offered to affix immediately in exchange for an emergency teleport. That would test his System ignore theory, and remove any lingering paranoia, one way or the other.


Sadly they last few chapters have indeed been half sized. Can understand maybe Sleyca is just too busy, but given the high stakes of the current Arc, it sucks for the reader.


great chapter


I wonder if that is what Alis did, activate that Privilege before sending Aldin onto Artona I.

Aidan Gorman

A roar of rushing water or roar of demon? Time will tell


Yup, right around the time the moon arch officially came to a close, people really started complaining. There was about a month or so; during the intake, school tryouts, Boe’s in the cat arch’s. You couldn’t come to the comment section without some naysayers trying to drum up support among other readers for their ‘shame Slayca into changing the entire story structure by threatening to leave en masse’ campaign. … I May have lost my temper at them a couple of times…


I mean that's essentially's Boe's I need a break skill


What makes you think the drones aren't made by the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation and would only dispense a liquid that was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea.


Quite a slow chapter this one, but atmosphere and creeping dread done brilliantly. I think the aim is to really get us into Alden’s head and ramp up the tension from his isolation, ready for some possibly hugely difficult moral/physical decisions he might face very soon. Just a few thoughts: 1. “You’re pretty heavy, Zeridee”: I think it’s quite likely that she is particularly heavy (which Alden repeats more than once) because she has been enhanced, like Stu was, to have stronger bones or similar (which also made Stu notably heavy). Another possible hint that she is indeed Artonan black-ops. 2. “Just try not to be a complete dumbass”: are Alden’s actions here the first time he doesn’t do the obvious, best solution – i.e. to go and get the infogear phone and ring someone for help? Why doesn’t he do this – does he just forget? 3. “The small glass orb flew up. He took a step and snagged it easily with his left hand”: oh my god. When will the temper sphere actually become useful?! Surely soon, given this very conspicuous picking up… 4. “Instead, he headed for the staircase that led all the way down the hillside to the boardwalk”: eeesh, Alden. This is a terrible plan. Go and get the infogear phone, call for help, and then walk towards safety! 5. “he’d hoped the commendation that had earned him the early teleport might also earn him conversation privileges above and beyond the usual in dire circumstances”: possibly the System places less value on the commendation than the Artonans do. It seems quite socially / quasi-religiously important to Artonans (tied up with their reverence for knights), which perhaps aren’t factors that the System has really been programmed to take into account. 6. “Do you do double duty as trained security for the ambassadors or something?”: very curious to find out. Secret agent I reckon! If she was more typical trained security surely the ambassador wouldn’t have so callously left her behind. 7. “What was that scream I felt, Zeridee? Are you a wizard?”: I’m still voting for untrained wizard, maybe one with sub-par control that meant she didn’t qualify for wizard school, but with enough authority sense to still make the universe move a bit. 8. “he stuffed a different injector into each one of the pockets on his shorts”: if one is the anti-pain injector, possibly the other is a stimulant he might end up using next chapter? 9. “a dark-haired woman in a soggy sweater and jeans”: who is the motorcycle rider I wonder and why is she heading into danger…is she another looter – friends of the three men? An innocent going back for her dog? 10. Predictions? Alden shelters in this high building while water floods towards him? Will it get high enough to sweep him away? Will he have to make a terrible choice about continuing to preserve Zeridee or not? Will it retreat before it gets to his level and he has to continue trudging on? Or will help arrive in time?


@Guus I don't think that is right. I remember Mother telling Aldin she never had a chance to merge with one of his kind. I assumed that meant that no Gorgon ever became an avowed.


Alden is just the best. He won't leave  people behind. The looter with a crushed throat doesn't count : he brought it on himself. Good on Alden for being decisive on that. SlimCognito : our boy has unresolved grief that pushes him to self-sacrificial acts. He likely doesn't want to admit that he puts his self worth in helping others, he likely had the thought that without having to care for Kibby he wouldn't have found the inner strenght to survive Thegund.

John Anastacio

#4 - from ch 135: < She finally looked up and nodded. She slapped her hand on top of the safe to release the infogear from its confinement. “Meet me in the greenhouse after you send him your message. I will take your suitcase.” As he took the cell phone, she added, “And put that back in the safe when you’re done with it. It won’t work in the flyer or at our destination.” > I guess Alden put the infogear back in the safe, and he doesn't have the authorization to open the safe.


I thought it was what's creating the waves and needed to be destroyed? Maybe I missed it

John Anastacio

The beacon is indeed a good solution to Alden's problems but I think it's not an immediate or even a quick one. I figure it makes him easier to find but only if someone is looking for him.


Hm so do you think that the safe is keyed to Zeridee and given Alden put it back he can’t get it out himself? Surely though it’s worth him dropping preservation on zeridee for an instant and slapping her hand on the safe to try and release it again?


I’m pretty sure that he can only have one targeted person right now. However, the entrustment can be extremely vague. Example: he could be holding a mint on his palm with several lengths of rope looped over it. “Tell me to preserve these?” “Do it.” And that would be enough for Alden to be able to preserve both the ropes and the mint. The entrustee wouldn’t even need to realise that the mint was there. I think in gym he’s been mostly limiting his entrustee to one person unless something happens to force him to switch.

John Anastacio

I don't know anything about Artonan safes but given how Artonans like to get intoxicated I doubt a semiconscious Artonan can open a safe.

Guus van der Borg

@Patience Right, I forgot about that. Do we know if the knights predate the Mother though? Because I feel they probably do. Gorgon's race might simply predate Mother.




Too many Most fun was during a downpour, broken down next to a flood marker for the creek next to me 🔲


if the water catch up : Just keep swimming Just keep swimming Just keep swimming Swimming, swimming

Maddy Weller

Oh no, poor Alden. I’m probably going to be saying that until the whole disaster is over. I wonder if the next set of chapter titles will be flood?


I think it was being left behind because the Artonans don't want to expose their escape plans and locations to the informant.


Yeah, MP. This entire story is that question. How much do you owe others your interference and help before you become the problem/become too self sacrificing to be considered an actually good person. Like with Zeridee and the random people coming to the house. As soon as they put the signs up, people stopped trying to shelter there. Whereas, when she had been there to greet them they argued with her. After all if she’s not leaving, isn’t that because it’s safe enough to stay? How much help was it reasonable for her to give? You could argue that as soon as Alden made it clear that he wasn’t leaving her behind, she maybe should have slapped some signs up and called it a night. But hindsight is not truly 20/20. It’s impossible to say for sure if they actually saved lives by staying that little bit longer, or if they should have left the speedster to it. Either way I think Boe’s evaluation on how much risk Alden has been taking, might shock Alden a little when they finally talk. After all, every single choice today felt automatic to him. “Of course, I’m not going to leave Zeridee behind. Of course we should help evacuate other people before we take our guaranteed escape pod.” Etc. On behalf of Boe I say, “Always take the teleport to safety when it’s offered Alden. Always…”


This is also a reminder that Alden didn't get enough sleep the day before, too.

Jean Bohdel

TYFTC!!! I’m in the middle of it and wanted to make a note (which you can just ignore if you like). Faux pas in italics really took me out of the story. I know “foreign” words are done this way to help readers, but it is a word that has been accepted into English, so it isn’t necessary. It also made me start thinking about how in this world there are so many different cultures and languages side by side in the island that they probably would have even more borrowed words. I think here it hurts your flow more than it helps people with comprehension.


@Guus Maybe... my mind has been kind of going in circles on this one. But, I think not. Because I believe that the wizards developed the kernel, Mother, to assist the knights communication etc as well as affixing their bound skill. I don't think they could do that themselves. But, potentially what Mother was referring to was merging with a Gorgon priest (I would assume that the priesthood is similar to the wizards) so that maybe some everyday Gorgons became Avowed, but no priest did because that would make them knights, and would be torture, not of their own choosing.

Victor Cavalcanti

Did Alden purposefully not use the weight reduction to offset skill fatigue?


It got blown up, and now billions of microscopic SinkerSender particles are floating through the water, wrecking havoc.


Thank you for the slice of life chapter. Alden's mental health issues got spot light just enough, story still moved, and proper "this took seconds but felt like hours" tension has been built. I loved it. I didn't like the parallels to moon thegund but they do highlight hero work particularly well. As always, looking forward to the next chapter.


I loved that quote from Kibby. Such a sad truth from a child's mouth (said, I imagine, with some snark in the tone.)


The weight reduction trick would have been to preserve like her clothes instead, then he’s just holding the weight of the clothes. He can’t do that in this case since Zeridee is injured, he needs to do her whole person.

Tycho Green

Pete For Alden it wasn’t a viable plan the first time the System wanted him to affix either. It is a viable plan for the System though. Apparently it cannot care less how much pain affixation causes Alden or that he can’t properly participate in school. I hope you realized that Temp One wasn’t speaking from Aldens perspective. I'm not under the impression that anyone is confused about what its top priorities are right now. Francis It’s awesome that you have such insight into how the System works, something that we could consider a true artificial intelligence. Let’s assume it makes its computations in the manner you suggested, saving energy by disabling the chat and so on. There is still room for doubt that its oblivious to what kind of situation each Anesidoran is in. In that case Alden wouldn’t need to even send a message, since the System would know if he truly needs help. Both options have merit in my opinion and end of the day I don’t know how this world spanning, mind reading System operates. Neither do you.

Heather White

PatienceHoney — and all the cups have Share and Enjoy printed on them? If you don’t like your drink, prepare to be referred to the Complaints Department.


The series is totally going to end with Alden chopping a (small) planet in half given how much trouble they give him 😀

Jean Bohdel

Amazing chapter! You make it very hard to enjoy other non-drop days!

Heather White

Sleyca is good at messing with our expectations, so my fingers are also crossed for the sound heralding something good (some weird wright-made contraption?). Of course, at this point Sleyca could mess with my expectations by having the sound actually be a flood.


My best guess is Zeridee is “just” someone from a powerful family of wizards who was born with a poor wizarding authority. I remember very well that Kibby’s dad and Joe thought being a low wizard was worse than a higher normal. It’s also possible she used to be a knight candidate who dropped out. In Stu’s memory the future knight class grades dropped exponentially in people as grade levels went on… and the only other person we’ve seen who is both extra heavy, has eye rings, and knows tons about knights was future knight Stu. Those candidates have to do something after they realize they can’t take on the burden, and even a candidate who dropped out is probably important enough to be given a fairly pivotal but service-oriented position like an ambassador assistant. She also has a similar mindset with regard to honor/shame and seems unusually knowledgeable and eloquent regarding the knight’s mission, though that’s more shaky since it could have just been something she is aware of due to position or family status. The former knight candidate thing is still me stretching, though. It is still more likely she is just from an important family but has poor authority, and is enhanced for other reasons.


Like in Firefly with people speaking manderish ... englanderin... Maybe the system has made people lazy subtitling everything? There was that advertisement for language classes, and though Lute is fluent in Manderin, he doesn't seem to pull random (more appropriate for the moment) words into his speech. But, maybe that is an ASD etiquette thing?

Heather White

I was thinking she would be trying to walk to safety but that it was far & she could be in a lot of danger along the way (basically Alden’s conclusion)


Perhaps he’ll get another commendation out of this, if he survives

Neal Mayne

Considering that Alden was worried about even unpreserving her even to try the medications in the house it makes sense he wouldn't risk her to get the safe open.

Heather White

If you go to last chapter’s comments, near the beginning there’s a comment by Boredwayfarer about the chapter being short, and Sleyca responded with an interesting, lengthy post about why some chapters end up being longer than others, largely to do with how different types of chapters have different natural break points. (btw, this chapter was a good bit longer than last chapter)


Theory that would be way too convenient for Alden: just like Plopstar was using her magic to disrupt the Sinker/Sender particles, Alden will be able to use his spells as well. The straight authority spells seem to have a bigger “ripple” effect than Avowed spells, so they’ll be more effective at disrupting the magic particles.


Alden doesn’t know that it can go long range, as far as he knows it is only felt in the same room.


I like your first theory! Would make sense if there were wizard families who would neglect training their "untalented" children. And why said child would end up on a completely different planet away from her family and culture


I think this is just literally the pay off from those Boe convos where he says “if it’s not Kibby, I don’t know/think I could save someone else” Well, turns out he can, he does still have that hero inside of him.

Barrett Fogarty

On the first read of the chapter I agreed with you. On the second, I think we are shown a bit more complexity and self awareness. Alden powers have grown but his fundamental Aldeness has stayed the same. Boe is gonna be pissed.


Maybe, but considering the Artonan stance on children and education I think it’s more likely a, “You are weak but still need to be useful, here have this sinicure position where lots of information comes through and work towards our family interests.” type deal. Probably not neglect so much as she’s just not a great wizard. Artonan culture is more collective and clannish so there is likely a duty to serve type deal that makes them view it not as neglect but as duty.


I doubt that Alden could just slap her hand on the safe, but it would be good if Sleyca could clarify, because it would make sense for him to try at least (because how would Alden know it wouldn't work).


As for predictions, as I said in one of my comments, it depends on what kind of character growth Sleyca wants for Alden in this arc. I truly hope it isn't that he must sometimes let someone else die to save himself..


Nah, that demon was sent to the nether realm by the knights


Maybe the screaming ball could be like the whistle from the end of Titanic 😂


RR commentators are generally of a lower IQ in my not-so-humble opinion. Those guys mostly fight over who got first comment and diss each other


Generally Alden always downplays his strengths and achievements. It would be cool if he could get to know himself better and be more proud of that person


To point 9. What if the contract responding to his texts did message the closest help which was the biker. When she came upon the scene of Alden carrying what looks like a dead antorian she moped out.


My car once got stuck in a ditch in a rural part of Australia in the middle of the afternoon with no phone reception. I will always remember the panic I felt thinking it might turn dark soon. If it had been dark I think I would've lost my mind


Probably. Along with a scolding from Stu and Zeridee and Boe and maybe even the System


Exactly! In a typical webnovel, Alden would suddenly discover he had telepathic powers or the Knights would've been coming towards him just as he reached the beach


Yes. What else could it be? A vehicle doesn't sound the same as a body of water moving.. best case scenario it is a person blasting the water with magic


Personally, I'm always a bit disappointed when time-critical events are happening, but most of the chapter is internal dialogue. I'm probably more impatient than average, but I think that proper pacing for scenes like this is critical. It always makes me think of God from Monty Python. "GET ON WITH IT!" Alden essentially picked Zeridee up, walked a bit looking for a powerful avowed, then ran in the opposite direction. That's the whole chapter, lol.


I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate the THOUGHT that goes into setting up your scenarios. So often I'm reading a story and it just feels like the author really, REALLY wanted there to be a conflict/difficult situation, so suddenly some arbitrary BS happens and oh no bad stuff is happening. I just dropped one of the new anime this season because it had such a contrived scene in order to isolate the MC and the heroine... anyway, it was garbage. Cause like I WANT to put myself in the MC's shoes and seriously ask myself, how did we get here and how do we get out of it? If the situation's setup was arbitrary, the solution also feels incredibly arbitrary. But you're not like that. This disaster has had its pieces building up for at least 30 chapters I think? I mean ever since we heard about those trying to escape the island, the pieces were there. The ambassador and all the lore about Avowed, the island, rank discrimination, F City, the System, teleports, all of it... This feels incredibly organic, much more than was necessary, so I'm just sitting here awed by how a carefully constructed system of people can so easily and meaningfully just... fall apart. Thanks for the chapter!


Lol fair enough. However, we do know the resources the System has to work with are limited. It needs to save those resources as much as possible. To me it is logical that it wouldn't spend any resources observing all Anesidorans or monitoring Awoved chats, since it had already put measures in place to save everyone to the best of its ability. Everyone got a teleport, in order of importance. If you are in trouble before you got teleported, then you aren't important enough to spend extra resources on and hopefully the deployed Avowed and police would save you. Alden might be the only person on that island who was important enough to get a quick teleport and then got himself into even more danger. So my question is - why would the System use resources to check up on citizens even though it had put an evacuation plan in place already.?


It will be useful when he needs to make conversation about pointless stuff he's wasted money on, I guess.


Boe would ask Alden: "if I were the person who were offered the flyer, would you have wanted me to stay behind?" Of course the answer would be no. And in Alden's defense, he did think What Would Boe Do. But his hands were already moving by that stage and he was running automatically when he saw the Brute lifting the spike...


My thought was similar. That he would start doing the little authority fist bump, and one of the wizards will realise something extremely weird is going on and check it out.


I think she wanted to maximise her chances of saving as many humans as possible and didn't care what happened to her in the process


I wonder if Alden could preserve Zeridee on top of a preserved poncho with air inside it..

Heather White

This is my favorite (earnest/serious) comment on this chapter. It captures why the chapter really worked for me.


He already has Peace of mind. And if it has run out, he isn’t panicked enough to need it right now. He tried casting the Body one on the bus and it failed.

Brett Peterson

The dissing is a pain, agreed on that. The "first comment" thing is a meta-game; I've played it, and it truly has nothing to do with the author or stories. I HOPE that didn't reflect or lower my IQ... but I've mostly stopped playing it, because it IS a little annoying for other readers. I think authors tolerate it over there because it boosts their algorithm.


We learned about people trying to escape in the 70s or 80s. It's a disaster at least fifty chapters in the making.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

I think Alden might ditch wearing sandals after this. I was honestly kind of surprised that he was wearing them in this crisis, because a lot of the inconveniences he has mentioned due to wearing sandals are the exact reasons that I don't feel comfortable wearing sandals often. I know that the odds of getting wrapped up in a random crisis with nothing but the clothes on my back are infinitesimally slim, but I still can't help but think about how any given outfit I choose would hold up in a crisis situation. Sandals just don't cut it. I would not be surprised if Alden switches to mostly wearing sturdy, closed-toed shoes after this.


Thanks for the very warm welcome in last chapter's comments friends. Y'all made it exciting and friendly to be here, which is something that can only help Sleyca get more followers. Thumbs up to the great community. I love to theorycraft as much as the next nerd, so I'll probably do it in a thread here. Overall, though, I liked this chapter. I appreciate the narrative maneuvering it took to get here, creating a sensible circumstance in which Alden, on Earth, has limited System access, is unable to ET to safety, and is isolated from friends and family. The interactions Alden has with his friends and teammates always lead me to believe he's bound not just for a support role, but for some sort of super team leadership. His ability to react to dire circumstances has been forged in fire. I love hearing Alden's inner narrative as his trauma and his heroism duke it out inside himself. I really can't wait to see how those two forces temper each other and evolve within him. It's so relaxing to feel like this story is in the best of hands, and we can just trust Sleyca to take us for a ride. :)


If I'm theorycrafting on potential Alden powers and power ups (which I hope has no undue influence on the author), Alden's at his best when he's protecting someone. I wonder if, when he finally sees himself as the hero he is, accepting his true desire to save people from harm and the fact that he can't save everyone, he will finally trust himself. And if he trusts himself, perhaps he can entrust himself with whatever needs doing. However it shakes out, I think Alden's power grows most quickly and fiercely with his heart.


I also wonder how Alden's sense of his own skill within his Authority will evolve. Having your freedom and potential and sense of self forcibly twisted up and bound into a shape sounds awfully painful. Quite the burden to bear, if you will. :raised eyebrow:

Explo Rin

It happened at microsoft over a decade ago. Google, err, Bing "Bedlam Microsoft"

Tycho Green

I wouldn’t argue the chats and things like that, it needs to save energy somewhere after all. The main reason why I think there is a decent likelihood of it having a vague idea of what everyone is doing is so it can’t get blindsided. The events unfolding started while the System was monitoring everyone as usual. While it might not intervene beyond what it has already done to save single individuals (or duos or trios), stopping supervision, more specifically supervision of Avowed, might not be a reasonable conclusion in the Systems eyes to save energy. The children in need of supervision faction could even have pushed for a rule that to stop monitoring human Avowed is not allowed. It boils down to this happened while I was watching them, I can’t stop watching them. Just some speculations though, I can see it acting either way.


I feel like it may help that the skill is so well-aligned with who Alden is; Gorgon really picked well, but then understanding people's desires through that rite is sort of his thing, isn't it?

Jason Harpster

Alden opens Wardrobe. Alden Purchases Knight Uniform. Contract Earth, Mother 1-3, Both Knights on Earth, Top five members of the Arth family (including Stu)..... "WTF Why Does He Have That?!?!?!" Personally I think that is it, with the local contract obsessing like a loot gremlin cutting services, who knows if the Mother privilege will properly do it's thing in the middle of the disaster.


No, he did those chapters ago while on the bus

Brandon Steele

The main thing it "shows" you is the deference in how Alden is handling this situation compared to the moon. It is a very similar situation, but he has abilities now, he knows how to use the first aid kit, he is making rational decisions...


Not really. We've had absolutely no inkling there is chaos around. Alden would certainly feel it if it was a demon.


This is the greatest idea of where those knights go that I've head considered. We know that the SinkerSender basically aligned with it's purpose over the years so I could easily see a Contract doing the same (also see: Leo our favorite toilet flusher).


During my teenage years, I worked accident reconstruction, sandals and vehicles do not mix Just in case I have to drive, sandals are strictly "in the house" shoes ( specifically beach sandals for letting my feet air dry after turning them into prunes ) 😇


with the exception of going to the beach to look for the red halo in the first place... that one was making me scream.


Agreed. I have to wonder if it's the one motorcycle wright (?) that was mentioned as a 1 off very early in the story.


@Shawn I forgot about Leo! That does make sense. And with the submerger becoming more powerful over time, its actually quite interesting. Idk if Sleyca was influenced by this idea but it's a very old Shinto belief that the longer an object is maintained and cared for, some of them eventually come to life or take on a certain character. Super interesting!


I'm assuming he'll be in a safe place when he finally pays it off (or worse it snaps back) but I suppose I shouldn't assume that.


oh I forgot about that - would be a fun experiment to steal the oceans enchantment


Happened at Honeywell while I worked there too. It was a fairly common problem for awhile.


@DaftWully I had the same thought but who is going to entrust the water to him?


I guess that is when Sleyca added the 'this story contains SLICE OF LIFE' two more times into the description :D


I rather doubt it. There were 3 of them, a bike isn't a good evac vehicle for that many people. It's probably just coincidence designed to point out the difference between what Alden does in an emergency and what normal people do.


Predictions: The water will come up to him, he will try some locked houses and then brave it maybe hugging a tree. Zeridee will be submerged, but it will not matter since she is preserved. It will be touch and go. The water will drop down again, rush away. Chapter will end.


I'm still hung up on the Artonans trying to evacuate him. Did they bother to read the commendation? They must believe it's political BS because they're essentially asking him to act directly opposite of the way that got him the commendation.


I think to be a knight candidate, she would have had to be a talented wizard already. And since those are their own caste with voting rights, etc, I doubt she would not just forgoe those privileges to be a 'normie' assistant.


I agree! some people complained a lot in the last chapters comments about it being contrived - I do not see this here at all!


At this point if someone calls this "contrived" aren't they basically admitting they have completely no idea what is going on? lol


Imo, I don’t think the weight carrying requirement is ever going to go away for the same reason he’ll always need an entruster. He might be able to use his *free*(how to italize/bold? -_-) authority to bear the burden. But he’ll have to keep bearing the burden in some way for his skill to activate. Using the authority bound up in BoAB doesn’t count for use here. Good thing our boy’s a wizard.


to be sure we need to know what was the "wish" Gorgon picked : - be an avowed to wich he raised his probability - be a sidekick hero for which BoAB is needed (espacially if Alden had Hannah in mind)

Scar Path

Have to say I love how this time Alden is stuck in a situation where the only reasonable option is to be a hero. When Zeridee screamed and he saw her being attacked... I run it through in my head, and Alden can probably justify saving her as being self-serving because he needed that plane. Now that the ball got rolling, though... He could stop being a hero at any moment. Hell, if he wants to hide that he's a wizard... letting her die would have been the easy option. But that's not who Alden is. Once he commits, he won't give up.


I've been thinking about that, like doesn't he have a Freeze spell? If he could somehow identify the Sinker particles and freeze them in place, the submersion effect will at least not spread beyond its current position right? Of course the problem is identifying the particles... might need his vegan senses to help with that if it counts as "unbalanced" or something. Or, you know, just run.


That's why I was wondering if she was related to the thieves. At that moment, Alden is going uphill like everybody should do but the biker is going the other way. If she is related, the bike might not be the escape vehicule (the looters must have something for them) and it might be the only/fastest vehicule she had access to


Peace of Mind is, according to the Velras family, one of the healthiest chains in the Universe. It doesn't go from Peace of Mind -> Anxiety of Mind directly, the Peace just fades and then he either casts the bad half (which needs a name) as is proper to payback the debt, or, it eventually snaps back on him. If, and it's a big if he can get rescued, then the payback isn't that big of a deal. I rather expect the story to go like this: 1. Alden Runs some more 2. Alden deals with some waves and the SinkerSender 3. 2xPeace of Mind fades and Alden goes back into panic mode like he was on the bus. 4. Alden gets rescued. 5. Alden spends a day doing Alden things, maybe talking to Wizards, a healthy Zeridee etc. 6. Alden casts the negative side of Peace of Mind, then takes a sleeping pill from his bag. He might also cast the opposite of My Body is my assistant at this time. 7. Another day passes and Alden repeats 6 to pay back the second Peace of Mind.


What should we call the opposite of these wordchains? My nominations are below but I'm curious what other people think of them as: Peace of Mind :: Anxiety of Mind My body is my Assistant :: My Body is my Hinderance

Alan Miller

Random thoughts: is there any reason Alden's entruster needs to be physically present? How far away could they be and have it still work? Across the room is clearly fine, but could an 'overwatch' person entrust something to him? The fun part: is Earth (the system) enough of a person to be an entruster? I'm sure Mother is.

Josh Brooks

For those who have been counting, this day has been going on since Chp. 125: It's Pepper-Flavored, I believe. In that time, Alden has: -Decapitated Winston -Used Peace of Mind twice -Used My Body Becomes My Assistant -Preserved Kon's Teeth -Ditched One (1) Bike -Saved Two (2) People -Fed One (1) Team to Victory [I don't think Marsha's team counts] -Took a Drug Test -Thought that Life was Great Two (2) Times [yikes] [“Even if I do end up in a crisis, the chances of that crisis involving me being stuck on a planet without a System and nothing but one companion... are astronomical.” -Alden, World's Worst Psychic] -Ate Filipino Food -Bought Eight (8) Types of Beef Jerky for Jeff (Jeffery)


the entruster can be anywhere, just not to far from the burden when Alden pick it up (for now?) Gustavo entrusted Alden his umbrella for the entrance exam and he was in F-city while the exam were in Apex


Did Dee ditch her bike? I remember that she took it after the first water rise but I'm not sure if she dropped it with Mark or on the countertop

Alex Scriber

I really enjoyed Alden’s paranoia about the system hating him (is it still paranoia if he’s right?) If I was still capable of coherent thought in a situation like that, I would be thinking something similar. The phrasing is both very funny and makes me empathize with him at the same time.


You are an amazing artist. The feelings/thoughts going through Alden"s head are very realistic. I felt something similar, in a safe environment, while doing navigation in the wood and wanting it to be over. Your thoughts drift, making you feel crazy and just wanting the challenge to head. Thank you for the chapter.


I love how we lost an hour but I’m still refreshing before 8 pm 🙃

Twara Sandeep

And so the reload-spamming begins again, the eternal cycle