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[A/N: Wednesday's release may be quite late. Possibly even Thursday evening. I've had something come up and steal a day of my time between now and then...that being said, I'm having so much fun writing these, so it's possible I'll hit a stride and manage it faster than usual. 

Notes on minor characters are at the bottom for those who appreciate them! They're the practical variety this time rather than particularly creative ones.

I hope this chapter starts your week off right, everyone.]


From the end of the last chapter:

Notices appeared. Alden’s nerves were suddenly so bad he could barely make sense of the words the System was sending him even though he could read them fine.

[Disaster Alert: Attack on Matadero]

[Disaster Alert: Low Probability of Chaos Exposure]

Nobody had time to say anything about the two shocking “Disaster Alerts” before a third arrived:

[Disaster Alert: Oceanic Anomalies - Imminent

Avoid seawater. Seek high ground. Beware of possible tsunami.]


Within moments, everyone on the bus was talking.

“System, call my mom!”

“Does this say tsunami?”

“What in Apex is an oceanic anomaly?”


“The tsunami is the anomaly!”

“Then why is it listed separately?”

“Text my sister.”

“Emergency teleport!”

“Access wardrobe.”

“Like the giant waves? Do we even have those here?”

“I thought there wasn’t any chaos on Earth!”

“What’s happening at Matadero? What kind of attack?”


“Uh…System? I asked you to call my mom.”

“I SAID LISTEN UP!” Torsten Klein bellowed from where he stood by the driver’s seat. At his back, the wipers were rhythmically stripping the raindrops from the bus’s windshield, and the head and taillights of the traffic on the bridge shone bright.

Silence fell. Alden, still on his feet, was gripping his leather cuff bracelet, pressing the auriad hidden below it hard into his wrist. He stared at the Rabbit’s Wardrobe, willing the window to look like it was supposed to.

It didn’t seem to be glitching, exactly. The tabs were there, including the special ones she had added. But there was nothing available for purchase. The shop was closed.

It’s different from back then. When I asked for the Wardrobe on the day the Thegund System broke and the request failed, it didn’t look like this.

It’s just not letting me make purchases. Everything else is normal.

Anxiety bubbled inside him anyway.

Your interface missing a function doesn’t mean anything is falling apart. You’re on Earth. Go ahead and do Peace of Mind, so you can—

“We’ll reach Apex in a few minutes. Stay. Calm,” Instructor Klein commanded. “Don’t panic about your calls not going through. Mine aren’t either. The System is obviously busy right now. I’m sure we can expect more information soon.”

Alden heard the words. He understood them. He even believed them. Mostly. But they did nothing to stop his mouth from going dry or his chest from tightening.

He wanted to climb out the window and run away. He wanted to crawl under one of the seats and hide. He wanted to be summoned, immediately, to anywhere where his connection to the System looked completely, one hundred percent normal.

It’s fine. Klein’s here. This is a bus full of high ranks. There are worse places to be. Calm down.

A hand shot up near the front of the bus.

“Not right now, Jupiter. Let me finish talking.” Klein’s demeanor was composed. “During an emergency, keep your wits about you. Don’t throw your powers at problems unless you need to in order to keep yourself or someone else safe. Pay attention to instructions from the authorities, from the System, and in the absence of instructions from those two sources, pay attention to me.”

His gaze landed on each of them in turn, calm and piercing at once.

“I don’t know any more about what’s going on than you all do. I’m sure information will be coming to our interfaces shortly. If I learn something else, I’ll let you know. For now, I expect you all to behave like this is a serious matter and you are serious young men and women.”

“No more translation,” a voice said quietly.

It was Ignacio, looking unnecessarily embarrassed about admitting he didn’t understand all of what Klein was saying. Spanish was his first language, and if Alden remembered right, he spoke Hindi as well.

“Even translation is broken now?” Mehdi said. “That seems bad.”

“It’s not broken,” Alden said forcefully. “The System is just busy. It’s not going to break.”

Mehdi turned to him with arched brows.

“Will someone buddy-up with Ignacio and translate for him?” Klein asked.

“I’ll do it!” said Jupiter, springing out of her seat. “But, Instructor, shouldn’t we turn around?”

Before Klein could answer, she went on: “We’re almost at the halfway marker, but it’s a slightly shorter distance back to F-city. And they have more safe harbor locations, don’t they? Isn’t there a building near that end of the bridge that’s supposed to be an emergency shelter?”

“Yes!” said Mehdi, rising to his feet. “My family lives near there. My mother’s always complaining about how ugly it is. Like a windowless fortress. We should go!”

There were murmurs of agreement from a few people.

Klein shook his head. “We’re already northbound. We have shelters in Apex, too, if we need to get to one. You also have to think about the responsibility of being…well, there are other reasons for heading in this direction. The main one is that the System indicated we should head to high ground quickly, and U-turning a bus on The Span will cause traffic problems and ultimately slow us down.”

“Other people don’t seem to know that,” said Kon, leaning over Everly to stare out the window.

Once his attention was called to it, Alden realized it was true. The sounds of horns honking and people shouting filled the gaps in between the sirens’ wails. There were four lanes on the Span, two headed north, two south. Cyclists and foot traffic that traveled below certain speeds could use the Span Trail, a jogging path that hung just below the level of the roadway from the western side of the bridge, like a shelf.

Behind Instructor Klein, the traffic, which had been on the heavy side but still steadily flowing in both directions, was shifting now. Motorcycles and mopeds were changing direction everywhere, and a small black car in one of the southbound lanes suddenly shot forward.

Finlay swore. Tuyet let out an alarmed eep. An instant before the car should’ve collided with the pack of bi-wheeled traffic in front of it, it lifted off the ground and went over the other vehicles instead, presumably thanks to the skills or spells of the driver or a passenger, since it didn’t look Wrightmade.

At least, it didn’t look like it was made by a Wright who’d known what they were doing.

The car barely cleared the heads of the nearest riders. Some of them actually ducked. Alden whipped around to watch as it got just enough height for its tires to skim the top of a city bus.

“Stupidity like that,” Instructor Klein intoned, pointing at the car, “is exactly the sort of behavior I expect you all to avoid. That person clearly doesn’t know how to fly a vehicle, therefore they should not be flying a vehicle. If they don’t kill themselves or someone else, they’ll exhaust their magic. They’ll create havoc for everyone around them.”

The CNH bus had already been slowing thanks to the shifting traffic. Now, it jerked as the brakes brought them to a full halt. Alden swayed on his feet.

Before anyone could even comment on the fact that they’d stopped, new System messages started rolling in.

[Disaster Advisory: All disaster alerts remain in effect.]

[Global Advisory: Due to an emergent situation affecting an area and population within the purview of the Triplanetary government, all nonessential Contract services on Earth have been halted. Requests for information will be answered once normal function has resumed.]

[Disaster Advisory: Local damage mitigation efforts are in progress. All personal requests for teleportation will be ignored. Your teleportation priority will be assigned to you shortly and may be adjusted at any time.]

[Disaster Update: Attack on Matadero - Confirmed]

[Disaster Alert: Oceanic Anomalies - Imminent]

“What the hell is happening on Matadero?” Mehdi muttered.

Matadero. I was supposed to be going there tomorrow.

Oh no.

He looked at Haoyu, sitting in the seat right behind him by the window. His dark brown eyes were fixed on the space in front of his nose. Alden couldn’t tell if he was staring at his interface or the seat back. His face—usually so cheerful, always so expressive even when the expression was a lie for the sake of one of his jokes—was blank.

“Haoyu,” Lexi said quietly, “I’m sure…”

“What are you sure about?” Haoyu asked without looking at him.

He didn’t say it harshly. His voice was as blank as his face. But there was a collective held breath, a group wince, as if he’d snapped at Lexi instead.

All over Anesidora, the sirens reached the quiet trough of their wailing and rose again toward their crescendo.


A minute after the bus had stopped, the students were all out of their seats and crowded at the front, trying to get a better view through the windshield. The sounds of Torsten Klein’s feet on the metal roof vanished suddenly.

“Used one of his spell impressions to get more height,” Mehdi said.

The Instructor was figuring out the traffic situation. The smaller vehicles were still in motion, weaving in and out of the stationary cars, buses, and vans.

“It’s not going to get better for a while, is it?” Kon’s voice was tense. “It might even get worse. We’re all trying to get off, but there have to be people in Apex and F who are heading to the bridge right now because they want to make the crossing. They’ll be trying to reach homes or families…”

“They’ve probably closed it,” said Lexi.

“That doesn’t mean they closed it before more traffic hit it,” Kon replied. “It could be jammed from end to end.”

The sirens had begun such a short while ago. Everything was happening fast, but it felt so slow. The word “imminent” was burned into Alden’s eyes. He’d expanded the last disaster notice and frozen it there rather than swiping it away. It was proof that the System was here and doing stuff; he wanted that proof even more than he wanted clear vision.

It couldn’t tell us how imminent? It couldn’t define oceanic anomalies even a little?

His brain fed him images of demonized fish swimming through the sea, crashing into the supports that held the bridge, poking them full of holes, transforming them into sand.

Knock it off. If the System meant demons, it would’ve said demons. It’s not like it doesn’t know the freaking word.

And there was no chaos here. Yet. Alden was on high alert in more ways than one, actively paying attention, waiting for the first brush of something against himself that was antithetical to his existence.

It wasn’t there. Not even that more nebulous sensation of being watched, of having your privacy violated, that he’d felt the first time chaos had touched him.

The world around him felt normal right now. His own body and his mind were the things that were growing increasingly foreign.

I hate this.

His chest hurt. His ears rang with tinnitus he didn’t even have anymore. His thoughts were pinging rapidly from planning to demons and corpses and watching patches of his own flesh turn into something grotesque—

Calm the fuck down!

The self-directed order didn’t work.

You could know you were heading farther and farther off the rails without being able to stop yourself. Your head could be reminding you that you were normally capable of logical assessment, could be in the act of trying to do logical assessment, while at the same time, some wounded animal inside you ripped into every rational notion you had before it could gain traction.

I hate this so much.

He wondered if he was acting weird in addition to feeling weird. He was just standing quietly at the back of the group while the others looked out the windshield. Haoyu was beside him. Everly was right in front of him, standing on her tiptoes and trying to see.

He assumed he seemed all right to them. Like he was paying attention to their conversation about Klein, the alerts, and the people on the bridge who were starting to behave badly.

A man had just abandoned his car in the highway and taken off on foot. Alden’s classmates were debating. The debate was relevant to the next few minutes of his life, and he wanted to listen, but he was only catching sentences here and there that were getting ground up by the rapids of his thoughts.

I need to do Peace of Mind right away. I’m glad Kibby is with Alis-art’h. Alis-art’h will keep her safe no matter what happens to me. Tsunami? The water will be cold. Thenn-ar coughed up blood when she died. Should I run? If people are abandoning their cars, there’s no point in us staying on the bus. Should I trust Klein to know what he’s doing? Get your bag; it’s full of all your stuff. Did the global advisory go to Aunt Connie’s phone? Next find out if the surface of the bridge counts as the ground element for your trait. Is help coming? Do I run? Haoyu’s dad might be dead. Aren’t tsunamis usually caused by earthquakes?

Somewhere in that stream of unwelcome garbage, Alden knew there were good thoughts, ones that would lead to useful actions. But his ability to prioritize seemed to be badly damaged.

He breathed in through his nose and out through his mouth.

So it turns out my interface not having every feature I expect it to is something I can’t handle.

It shouldn’t be shocking. A buggy System had been the glaring warning sign about Thegund. System failure had marked the end of his old life and the beginning of his horror story. If something was going to hit his panic buttons particularly hard, why not that?

On some level, he was fascinated by the fact that he could recognize what was wrong with him, recognize that he was responding poorly, and still be unable to overcome it.

On a much more urgent level, he was afraid he was going to make the shift from panicky thoughts to complete and utter insanity. Or immobility. And then Klein would leave him here by himself so that he didn’t hold back the functional people.

Abandon the weakling. Sacrifice him to the demon fish.

Pretty sure that’s not one of my reasonable fears. I need to calm down. How do I calm down?

I need to do Peace of Mind right away.

Suddenly, Alden realized he’d been telling himself to do Peace of Mind “right away” almost since the sirens had started. Within seconds, he’d known he should. He’d just….


Do the Peace of Mind no matter what. Right now. Get it done.

He stumbled away from the group toward the back of the bus for reasons that would only make sense to a panicky scatterbrain. Like, it wasn’t polite to start reciting your poetic Artonan in the middle of a group of people who were having a conversation. Mind your manners, Alden.

He rolled his eyes at himself and stopped at the last row of seats, facing the rain-glazed rear window. His hands were shaking. They mostly stopped when he started using them.

Dexterity. It had been made a part of his being. Alden’s hands were supposed to move well, and here they were, doing it for him.

The wordchain was so familiar.

Three months ago, I did this in the car with Kibby.

He’d been calmer three months ago, facing down almost certain death. After he’d survived this, he’d have to unpack the why of his mental state being worse right now than it had been back then.

Alden finished the chain. As the last syllable sounded, it felt like someone peeled the top layer off his panic and threw it away.

Thank you.

He suddenly remembered one of the boys in Engaging with the Unexpected asking why you would “sacrifice your edge” by using this chain.

That guy just doesn’t have enough edge. My edge is so sharp I have plenty to spare.

He hesitated, then started casting it again. It would probably double for him now, based on things Lute had said. Alden had performed the chain consecutively without paying it back during the car trip on Thegund. Trying to cast it when it was already active, for an increased effect, was a different thing. But it was a super healthy chain. He’d practiced it a lot, his form was perfect, and he was an Avowed.

To his relief, it worked. His edge dulled a little more.

Now the new one.

He wove his hands through the patterns for the chain he’d used earlier today. Mastery over his body would be extremely welcome. But when he reached the end, nothing happened.

I said it a lot faster than usual. Nerves. Was that the problem?

It was a much more powerful chain. Shorter snapback timeframe. Harder to cast. It was less familiar to him, and he was already holding debt for it. Maybe Alden just couldn’t call on it again with all those things working against him.

He dried sweaty palms on the front of his shirt. I’m tempted to go for a triple Peace of Mind.

He lowered his hands instead. He was calm enough to know that the urge was probably an overreaction. He wanted to be able to focus through his tension, not take it so far that he placidly let a giant wave carry him out to sea.

And I’m about in the right emotional place now.

The sirens were still making him anxious. He was afraid. But he was no longer so anxious and afraid that he couldn’t decide what to do.


He strode back to his seat and grabbed his messenger bag. His finger brushed over the medallion on the clasp, and he felt the familiar authority prick of it identifying its owner.

Good bag.

He had two ponchos still in their packaging, a temper sphere, a carabiner, and a hundred feet of tightly coiled paracord. It was just the normal stuff he’d been playing around with during breaks lately. He didn’t even have the fancy survival cord he’d been using in gym today because he’d thought he was going to the mall to have fun, dammit, and he hadn’t swapped out his daily supplies for apocalypse supplies.

The apocalypse supplies were supposed to go in his apocalypse bag months from now, when he was due to be summoned. So that he could be a vastly over-prepared cocktail party waiter.

I thought I was too paranoid. Ha! Clearly, I’m not paranoid enough.

He also had his Artonan-made tablet, a stylus, a pack of origami paper, and one of those cookie dough protein bars—completely squashed because it was nasty and he’d just left it in the bottom of his bag to be abused.

And, finally, a pile of lavender sachets.

He’d recently embarked on a plan to deposit his excess supply of the things in places where poor, lavenderless people might appreciate them. So that he could ditch them without feeling wasteful. If some of the classrooms and restrooms on campus suddenly smelled better than others was anyone going to mind?

He dug the sachets out and tossed them toward the back of the bus.

Not dying because I was weighed down by a few extra ounces of dried flowers.

He considered tossing other things, but he could think of uses for most of them so he didn’t.

Granted, he couldn’t think of many uses for them that would be relevant if he fell into the ocean. Maybe he could inflate a poncho and use it as a float or something.

The only other things he had were his clothes. Green plaid shirt, t-shirt underneath, a blinky checker in the front pocket of his jeans. He dug his hand into the pocket. Sure enough, his unknown Opposite was merrily chaining in response to his earlier chains.

Alden watched the Opposite stone glow for a second, then tucked it away again.

“Are you all right?”

The whispered question came from Haoyu. He’d separated from the others, who were…

Oh, okay. So that’s happening.

They were watching Klein, who was way out in front of them now. He was high above the traffic, clinging to one of the spell-created effects he used to rapidly shift his position sometimes when they were in the gym. The spells made invisible blocks that only he could touch. He could cast quite a few of them, but they didn’t last very long at all.

The Instructor had a high-powered flashlight in his free hand.

Alden’s memory for the fine details of the past few minutes wasn’t great, so he didn’t know if Klein had taken the light from the bus or grabbed it from a vehicle on the ground. He was flicking it on and off up there.

Morse code? We’re at that point.

“I’m fine,” Alden told Haoyu. “I wordchained myself into being something more like fine anyway. I guess you noticed? Are you…”

Are you all right?

Returning the question in this case seemed wrong. There were System notifications flashing in their eyes that said Haoyu’s dad was under attack.

“Will you entrust me with my bag?” he asked instead.

Haoyu nodded, but then he said, “That requirement makes your skill so much less useful. It’s strange. If you didn’t have someone else with you, you’d be helpless.”

He was still talking in a slightly off voice. Alden had the impression he’d lost a personal filter or three.

“I know.” He decided not to comment on the uncharacteristic bluntness of the comment. “I’ve thought about it a lot. What’s Klein doing?”

“We’re not sure.”

The answer came a second later, in the form of lights going up in the air ahead of them. A flare sizzled. A large beam flashed its own Morse code. An illusion of a traffic signal shone red. All of them were blurred by rain.

Alden looked out the back windows to see a string of similar communications flying into the air behind him. He didn’t understand all of them; someone was in the air back there, waving glow sticks with abandon.

But the bulk of the information was clear.

“Traffic’s stopped everywhere,” Maricel said into the quiet.

Klein was swinging down from his perch, headed back toward them.

Looks like we’ll be running, thought Alden.


The instructor returned to the bus with a tall young woman who was pushing a bicycle. Alden and most of the others met them on the pavement, their belongings already in hand.

“We have a plan,” Klein said, sounding unhappy about it. “This is Dee from our Uni program. Adjuster. Ranged blasting spells.”

“So useful right now.” Dee gave them all a wave.

“She’ll be accompanying us. We’re running. Finlay…” He stared at the speedster. Finlay looked a little wild-eyed. Everyone did. “Can you safely make your way on your own?”

Finlay’s head jerked up. “Yes?”

“You don’t have to.”

“No, I can! I can get myself back to campus or wherever the System tells me to go. No trouble.”

“You have to watch out for people being idiots. Moreso than usual,” Klein warned.

“I’ll be fine.”

“Then go. Straight to Apex. Don’t stop until you’re somewhere safe.”

“Yes!” Finlay met Alden’s eyes briefly. “Erm…good luck?”

“Good luck,” Alden said.

Everyone repeated it in voices showcasing a range of emotions from stiff with nerves to forcefully cheerful.

“See you back at school. Soon! Really soon,” Finlay said.

He took off.

“Stop turning around to look at us!” Klein bellowed after him. “Eyes in front of you!”

“Can I go?” Tuyet was gripping her bright yellow purse tightly. She kept her dart case in there. “One of my sisters lives on the Apex side with my nephews. She might need help. I’m not tired. I can make it.”

Klein glanced down at her shoes. She was wearing ballet flats. “Fine. If you have any trouble, just stop and wait for us. Now, for the rest of you, here’s what we’re going to do.”

He asked them to run in small groups.

“Not piled on top of each other. Just close enough together that if someone has a problem, you know it. Don’t leave your slowest group member so far behind you that you can’t reconnect with them.”

Other than that, they were supposed to run as fast as they safely could.

They set off with the uni student bringing up the rear on her bike, keeping in touch with Klein via an infogear phone. Once she’d pointed out that infogear was still allowing limited local calls, Klein had asked to borrow a watch from Mehdi, who was the only person on the bus who had a piece of the Informant’s tech.

Then he’d kept it.

He made it sound like he was only going to hold it for a second. I don’t think he meant it to come across that way. But he’s a thief now.

The instructor was running ten times as much as everyone else, frequently leaping over unoccupied vehicles as he headed up and down the bridge, trying to monitor the progress and safety of all his students at once.

It made Alden wonder why they didn’t all run in more of a pack so that Klein could guard them better. His brain, still being a dick even under the influence of two Peace of Mind chains, supplied him with the opinion that it was to decrease the risk of a total wipeout. If the bridge crumbled beneath one small group, at least the rest of them would survive.

Then why don’t we all just run separately? he wondered.

So that when the demons come, you can fight them off together, said his brain.

Probably, the truth was something like that plus Klein trying to balance his own wishes to keep the whole class under his protection with a certain cold logic that said the faster kids shouldn’t be made to hold back for the sake of the slower ones in a dangerous situation.

The front group—Marsha, Ignacio, and Rebecca—were soon too far away for Alden to spot amidst all the stopped cars and other fleeing people. The second group—Haoyu, Lexi, Mehdi, and Kon—were far enough ahead that he thought it might be foolish for him to swap groups and catch up with them even though part of him was itching to do just that.

It happened, Boe. You were right. I want something to be ground, and it isn’t.

The bridge appeared to be made of nice groundish things Alden usually got along with well. Assuming it was really concrete and steel from Earth and not some similar materials from another world—always a possibility on Anesidora—he would’ve been able to run on it under most circumstances. But it was soaring over deep water, a marvel of engineering. Not so much as a blade of grass growing out of a crack.

Basically, The Span was too closely aligned with the object element for his movement trait to interact with it. He wondered if a really powerful Ground Shaper could still work with it.

Doesn’t matter. I can’t.

Alden was the fastest member of the back group, but he was still slow enough that if he sprinted to join the guys ahead of him, he’d be the one holding them back. So he was running with Maricel, Everly, Jupiter, and Njeri.

Jupiter had requested that the System use her foundational enhancement points to increase her sense of smell. Alden was going to have to ask her why she’d done a thing like that when they were all out of this.

They’d been running for about three minutes. The rain wasn’t heavy, but it was so windy on top of the bridge that his nose and cheeks were going numb. Or maybe that was from the cold. He was grateful for his ponchos.

One was still safely tucked in his entrusted bag in case he needed armor later. He was wearing the other to keep himself dry. His hood was back since it wouldn’t stay on while he ran, but the plastic was doing a good job of trapping body heat elsewhere.

He had no preservation active on anything at the moment. Since the trait wouldn’t work here on the bridge to speed him along, he was saving his magic. He didn’t know what he’d need to do with it for the rest of the night.

Resource management.

He was pissed that traffic had stopped the bus, but he was glad that the bridge wasn’t completely empty at the same time. This could’ve been an even creepier spot than it was at the moment. The ocean stretched out to either side of them. It was so dark out there, and Alden was so blinded by the bright street lamps that lined the bridge that he couldn’t really make out much.

Lights from boats and ships. A helicopter had flown over right after they started running. Apex glittered ahead of him.

Why did they build it so far from F?!

Maybe they really were planning to slap another urban island between the two one day and call it Mid City, as Konstantin had once joked. A half-moon shape, to stay in keeping with the theme.

Tires squealed, and Alden looked around.

He didn’t spot the source of that sound, but up ahead, Haoyu suddenly shouted and threw himself against the side of a minivan. Lexi yanked Kon out of the way as a southbound motortrike careened out of its lane and into theirs, taking advantage of gaps between stalled vehicles. Alden stopped, pressing himself to the trunk of a coupe just in case the trike rider did something else unexpected.

The person’s helmet had a glowing blue stripe that matched the lighted wheels. As they growled past, stinging drops of water flew off and spattered his poncho.

“I hope you hit a pothole and die!” Mehdi shouted loudly enough for his voice to carry over the wind. He was wearing the same knee-length black coat with the stylized bronze lion on the back that he’d worn to Kon’s party. It had looked pretty cool when they set off, the lightweight fabric whipping around him as he ran. Now he just looked soggy.

Motion from inside the car he was pressed against pulled Alden’s attention, and he realized a boy and girl were staring at him from the backseat. The youngest one waved an action figure at him and said something that was muffled by the glass. It sounded like he might’ve been speaking Russian.

The man driving the car leaned around to talk to the kids. Most people were leaving their cars now, but Alden had run past several occupied vehicles. He wondered if they were thinking that the jam would clear. Or if they were guessing that the bridge qualified as “high ground.” It had been built for boats to pass below it.

I’m glad Klein didn’t want to sit tight.

They were kilometers from shore in both directions, and the System was telling everyone to avoid seawater. If anything did happen to the bridge, there was nothing but seawater around them. Alden wanted to be close enough to Apex that he could swim the rest of the distance in rough waves, and he was guessing he couldn’t swim very far at all in those conditions.

So running it was.

Njeri and Maricel dashed up beside him and paused to see what he was staring at. The little boy waved his action figure at them, too.

“I haven’t seen any other children out here,” Maricel said. “Not ones much younger than us. He’s the same age as one of my brothers.”

This late at night, even on a weekend, most little kids would be at home in bed. The boy looked around five or six. The girl wasn’t much older.

“Should we offer to…?” Alden trailed off.

Oh my god, the chaos.

“Do you need help?” Maricel was calling through the back window.

If there’s a corruption incident here, what happens to the kids?

They weren’t Avowed. But most of them would be.

What exactly…?

The passenger window rolled down. “They will teleport soon! Very soon!” the driver said, motioning them onwards with his arm. “Go! Go!”

The churning in Alden’s guts quieted at that. Relieved in more ways than one, he set off again.

The System’s moving the kids somewhere safe first.

The dad was just waiting with them until it happened. The System was functional. Everything was going to be fine.


Alden and his group had made it nearly half the distance when new System updates appeared.

[Disaster Update: Oceanic anomalies may occur in your location soon.

Evacuate watercraft. Move inland. Tsunami-like incursions of water remain possible. Analysis of likely outcomes is still underway.]

Before Alden could make any guesses about what all of that meant, he received the next notice.

[Teleportation Priority Assigned: 8m 59 s

Your priority may be adjusted. Please continue to seek shelter. Rejecting teleportation is not advised.]

YES! thought Alden. Yes, yes, yes. The System is going to teleport my ass somewhere safe in eight minutes. I hope it drops me all the way back in Illinois.

He wasn’t the only person happy. There was a general clamor from his classmates and others on the bridge. A few whoops.

And at least one outraged shout of “An hour and eighteen minutes!?” from a guy standing in front of his car holding an umbrella.

That does seem really long.

The guy would definitely make it somewhere safe on his own two feet before then, right? As long as he actually moved them instead of standing around.

Does the System deprioritize you if you’re not making an effort?

It was an odd thought and it seemed unlikely, but just in case, Alden was going to keep moving forward effortfully.

Klein was coming toward him for one of his checks, running between cars and occasionally bounding over them.

“I’m good,” Alden called.

Usually that was all the instructor wanted to hear. He hadn’t stopped moving since they left the bus, but now he fell into step beside Alden, who suddenly had the bizarre impression that Klein was running in slow motion even though the two of them were going the same speed.

He’s been flying all over the place so much I forgot he could move slower.

“Are you all right to pick up the pace?” Klein asked.

“Yes.” Alden was running, but it was a very comfortable run.

“Our tail’s getting long here. Front group’s way ahead. I’m going to carry some people forward past the next group. You’ll be at the back for a couple of minutes with Dee. She’ll loan you the bike so you can catch up to us. Give it to Jupiter when you reach her. Dee will catch up on foot.”

“I’ll do it.”

He was relieved. He knew they were making okay time; they were passing a lot of the people who were traveling on foot in the same direction. But he still wanted off this bridge ASAP.

Ironically, I’ll probably be teleporting right as I reach the finish line.

He didn’t have a problem with that. He’d say goodbye to this place and hello to safety in whatever way happened first.

“Don’t worry about your teleport assignment,” said Klein.


“Priorities are still being adjusted.”

I don’t want my priority to be adjusted if it’s going to go in the wrong direction.

“There’s a good chance we’ll make it to an appropriate location before the teleports come due. I know a couple of places,” said Klein. “I’ll reject mine if I need to. Nobody gets left alone.”

Something about that didn’t sound right. Before Alden could register what it was, the instructor was gone. He zipped by seconds later, plus one Jupiter who looked like she was being jostled a lot more than was comfortable.

I think he was being nice to me? Alden resisted the urge to yell at a woman on a moped who almost sideswiped him from behind. Telling me nobody got left alone. He thinks my timer is longer than his.

Is it? No, he also thinks we’ll be in a safe location before they finish counting down. No way are we getting off the bridge and to a chaos-resistant, flood-resistant shelter in eight minutes.

So my timer is shorter than his, then?

That made sense if the System was going with lower ranks first. But then why would Torsten Klein think it would be the other way around?

The Instructor raced back for Njeri, then Maricel. When Dee pedaled up to give Alden the bicycle, he asked, “What’s your teleport timer?”

“It’s twenty-five minutes. Keeps changing a lot, doesn’t it? Don’t worry about it too much for now,” she said, dismounting.

She started to pass the bike to him, then stopped with one hand on the handlebar, looking toward the sea through a gap in the frozen southbound traffic. Her mascara was streaking the light brown skin of her cheeks, and the back of her wet shirt had a logo on it advertising the diner Alden had ordered the giant mound of hash browns and onions from last weekend.

He stared at his own timer. It hadn’t changed by a single second. It was ticking steadily down.

“Did you see…?” the Adjuster asked, frowning.

Alden looked away from the time to follow her gaze. There was another helicopter going over and a small shape, barely visible against the clouds, that might have been a person in flight.

“What?” he asked, raising his voice over the sound of the chopper blades and the wind.

“Never mind,” she said. “Let’s get you—”

The lights of one of the ships suddenly went out.

Alden couldn’t see the vessel the lights belonged to. It was too distant, and the dark beyond the shining Span was too impenetrable. But it might have been a yacht—something fun, probably, rather than a working ship. He’d been looking right at it because the lights were color-shifting through the rainbow and it stood out compared to the other things in that direction.

“Did you see a boat disappear?” Alden asked.

“Maybe they…had a power outage,” she said. “Let’s not stand around.”

Alden threw a leg over the bike. As his sneaker hit the ground on the other side, the bridge shuddered below his feet.

It wasn’t a big shudder, but the bridge had been solid and immovable until just now.

His hands tightened on the bars. His heart rate, already fast, kicked into a new gear.

They both looked at each other.

“I don’t think that was a power outage,” said Alden.

The bridge shuddered again. The lights of another boat, a much smaller one speeding toward Apex, winked out.

I swear it just went down, but boats can’t sink that fast, can they?

“Ride!” shouted Dee. “Go!”

He took off. She took off. Around them, people who had been waiting in cars or opting for a more leisurely jogging pace than a bunch of high rank teens started to run, too.

A van door swung open right in front of Alden, and he almost lost control of the bicycle as he dodged around it.

Fuck, fuck, fuck I don’t want to fall into the Pacific with tons of rubble.

Was the bridge still shaking? He didn’t know. Maybe it would feel different on a bike.

The wind was in his ears. Someone was screaming in Chinese. There was a sharp crash from behind him that had to be a vehicle hitting another vehicle.

And then the water came.

It wasn’t a tsunami. It wasn’t even “tsunami-like.”

And the giant, Hollywood-style killer wave his asshole brain had been picturing was definitely nowhere to be seen.

Alden saw the phenomenon happening with his own eyes and failed to understand it until he was already at its mercy.

The ocean, bubbling and swirling in a way that looked otherworldly, crept over the concrete barriers that formed the sides of the bridge. It crawled across the lanes and spiraled up the columns of the lampposts. It was one inch deep, two inches, a foot in an instant. Alden managed to jump off the bicycle instead of falling, but there was nowhere to go.

He threw himself onto the hood of the nearest car, barely registering the fact that others were doing the same thing all around him.

And then the bridge dropped.

He shouted as the car disappeared from below him briefly, and then he was slamming down onto the hood again, staring up at the twinkling light of some brave drone or distant star as the water started behaving like water once more. It suddenly fell away from all the pillars that supported The Span with a mighty crash.

A mass of liquid released its grip on the lamp over Alden’s head. So much water had gathered up there in just a few heartbeats that when it fell on him it was more like a blow than a splash.

The bridge almost felt like it was swaying. Or maybe he was just disoriented. Who knew anymore?

He’d heard at least one loud crack split the night.

Am I falling? Are we sinking?

He felt like it took him forever to figure out that neither of those things was happening at this particular moment. According to his teleport timer, only seconds had passed.

[Disaster Update: Oceanic Anomalies - Confirmed]

I think that that doesn’t really cover what just happened, thought Alden. I think tsunami was a bad description too.

He slid off the car and splashed down into ankle deep water that was rushing down the pavement.

I think the ocean just tried to eat The Span.


New  this Chapter:

Dee - Adjuster with explosive spells, a university student at Celena North

Minor Characters Making Reappearances:

Marsha - S-rank Polearm Wielder, recently impersonated a cork thanks to Jeffy, very stabby but only thinks other S's are worth stabbing

Ignacio/Shrike - S-rank Knife Meister, sends a flock of knives flying around when he is on form, Lexi, Alden, and Writher beat him during the obstacle course

Finlay - S-rank Speed Brute, from Scotland, fastest guy in class, undefeated until recently when Marsha got him while he was trying to defend a teammate

Tuyet - S-rank Dart Meister, excellent sniper, fast becoming  close friends with Maricel

Jupiter - S-rank Life Shaper, killed Alden with a tree, borrowed some holly for fighting purposes (its borrowing if you give it fertilizer when you replant it!)

Mehdi - A-rank Agility Brute, highly competitive, occasionally quite rude, Kon's roommate, seems to badly want to beat the B-ranks in class at something, having trouble getting the B-ranks in class to care about that

Rebecca - A-rank Jumper Brute, she made up that subclass name herself, she hops really high, seems to be friends with Astrid, didn't really want to be a Brute but her parents didn't save up enough money for trades

Njeri - A-rank Water Shaper, ice hockey, feed them to Victory!, got the team temporary tattoos last chapter to celebrate

Everly - A-rank Adjuster, a beautiful ice spider according to her boyfriend, Kon.

Torsten Klein - S-rank Agility Brute. Was on Alden's interview committee, teaches offense.

Got left to babysit the bus. You have to wonder if the other faculty members feel guilty about that right now.

The Span - an 8km long bridge connecting F-city and Apex

Point Nemo - Where Anesidora is located. It's the oceanic pole of inaccessibility, located farther from land than any other point on the globe.]





Thank you for the soup

Radha Patel



"Waves" gang we wait another chapter




Soup! My last comment in Ripples II worked! Beginning to eat my home made soup early really DID make the sup sup soup drop!


Thank u for the chapter!






Thankyou Sleyca!!


It's great to hear that you're enjoying the writing process! It's such a joy to read this every week




Take all the time you need! I’m saving this chapter for tomorrow morning, hopefully it’ll be a pick me up before class


Thanks for the chapter!

Carl Earl

Soup! Tyfc. Oooooh BOY things are happening. Good written examples of PTSD emergency thinking! "A cataract smashed into Alden from the lamp right over his head" Is there another definition of cataract that I'm unfamiliar with, or is this a typo of some kind?

Kim Enteiu

He went straight to get his lab coat and 🥺 Back to reading…


That sucks


Holy fuck, I thought the last cliff was brutal

Twara Sandeep

Thanks for the chapter! Holy shit! That's a cliffhanger full of danger! And, of course, Alden's in the middle of it as always.


Well, that's definitely an anomalous ocean.


This chapter makes my heart hurt

John Anastacio

Thanks for the chapter Sleyca. Very exciting. Poor Alden, I feel bad for him with his trauma-induced panic. I'm surprised Finlay was still with them; I expected him to dash on home by himself.


Agghhh, this was great but it went by too fast. Edit: I loved the beginning with Alden and Hayou's reactions. Felt very concerning in a realistic way. Also, I have to wonder if the water is an effect of the bomb/submerger combo or if it's being actively manipulated by someone or something else. Edit Part 2: I have entirely too many thoughts, but I just wanted to clarify that by saying it went by too fast, I meant that I read it too fast.


I'm confused. But then, so is Alden.

Giants Craft

Interesting but backwards that the Artonans prioritize the most powerful/ones with most potential over those with most need in emergencies


If he carried someone would that pause their teleport timer?


Is Alden on a short timer because he's been assigned to Matadero as reinforcements?


Delicious soup? Delicious bridge!

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

The way Alden was written toward the beginning of this chapter makes me genuinely wonder if Sleyca has experience with PTSD. The non-functional System is *exactly* the kind of thing that would trigger an episode like that, and the description of the traumatic response hit a little too close to home there for a minute.

Matt DiMeo

Hopefully he thinks to grab the nearest classmate if and when he gets teleported.


Thinking Alden might get teleported to help with his powers somewhere, rather than being evaced to safety


It's at least a little more mixed then that, if we can take that father's word for it that his kids were being teleported very soon, which he knew before the rest of them even had teleport timers.


oh my god oh my god. 1) rip all the ppl trying to calculate the realism of tsunamis from underwater explosions. we do alien magic on this island, get outta here with your physics :p 2) rip that commission for joe, alden doesn't get to buy a new Hot Lab Coat. makes sense, tp is magically expensive, system would turn off that option in an emergency like this 3) teleportation priority! wow that has Implications. Alden has a higher priority than Klein, which would make sense if it was based on squishiness? like I would've assumed non-avowed kids would be a top priority. but Klein seemed to assume Alden would have a lower priority? which implies other Factors to calculate priority. Other people's timers flicker as it changes; obviously the situation is changing and it updates, people are finding shelter, but also I'm thinking how some of its changing because people are getting injured and moving up, or dying and getting removed from the queue. 4) a cataract smashed into Alden? like. a whole-ass boat? is he injured and just not feeling it yet? EDIT: okay another definition of cataract is large volume of water. thats... better. still BAD. ahhhhh wednesday 5) holy fuck i was still not expecting this much impact from the sabotage Will did.


Thank you for the chapter

Clay Smith

The cliff!!


If it's prioritizing by value, Alden's super special glowing heart is going to get outed

Heather White

And this is the moment I curse my lack of willpower. I TOLD myself to wait until the next chapter came out before reading…

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

This chapter was so cinematic. I could see the chaos on the bridge and hear the ominous noises. Something about the tone of the writing this chapter gave me the same feeling as an eerie, ominous, and suspenseful soundtrack would in a movie. It was superbly done.

Jeremy Goldberg

oh man, the system got restricted for the entire planet. the whole world has got to be wondering wtf is going on right now. also, thank you for the chapter!

Zenopath (AEV)

Is it just me or did this chapter feel short? Like it was a couple minutes of real time...

Victor Cavalcanti

It's a bummer we won't get to see Alden going to matadero any time soon.


You are thinking catamaran. A cataract is either an eye problem or a waterfall (latter in this case).

Heather White

It would be interesting if timers were 1st for children & second for people deemed most useful in the crisis. Since he’s done emergency work before & it’s in his profile, he might get called in for that (not necessarily Matadero).


Thanks for the soup! Very exciting!

John Anastacio

I think part of the reason for the System losing most of its functions for Alden and the others is that it is so small and weak. Processing power and bandwidth and active power must all be diverted to critical tasks.

Jonathan Marhold

You monster... ending a chapter like that...

Kim Enteiu

That did not feel like 25 minutes of reading. Holy f— I’m shaking a little bit.


damn what a chapter

Alan Miller

I hope that when Alden's timer gets close he's able to pick up and pickle 2-3 extra people since the Thegund teleports seemed to show that preserved individuals are 'neutral'.

William Forrest

Google tells me it can mean "a large waterfall." It was definitely a new one for me as well.


Not only that, he panicked and forgot he could access the wardrobe mentally.


My thoughts while reading chap: 1. I am BURSTING with excitement at the thought of reading this chonky chapter. 2. Alden saying wardrobe —OMG MY HEART D: 3. The Thegund trauma is real… 4. Hmmm teleportation priority… shits getting real 5. HAOYU NOOO 6. The Thegund trauma is really real…. 7. LOL it feels like he’s taking magical metaphorical chill pills in the back of the bus 8. “Ha! Clearly, I’m not paranoid enough.” ☠️ 9. [stunned and too engrossed to write anything else]


Catamaran is a boat, so is a cataract, but the latter is a really specific type/brand

Matthew Lester

Inexplicable, terrifying, magical natural disasters are so refreshing.

Kim Enteiu

I commented as I started reading & had a benchmark. It felt much, much shorter than it actually was.


Remember, according to that Artonan a couple chapters back, Alden has the highest commendation of any human. He's probably like, 10th in priority order

Carl Earl

Fits with them prioritizing potential. And I also wouldn't say they are prioritizing potential over need, I think they are classifying need differently than you expect. Teacher expected Alden's timer to be higher because Alden is a Hero Student and should be less needy than children and non heroes. That's why Dee's timer is at 25min. Klein likely expected Alden's timer to be about there. He's thinking of Alden as a future hero, not as a rabbit.


That's evil and exactly what is gonna happen now that you've spoken that into existence. How could you do that to Alden??


How could you wish something so horrible on him??? 😧

John Anastacio

It sounds like a good idea in that it might make them come along with Alden, cutting short their wait. I just hope it doesn't cost the System too much extra to bring along Alden's pickled luggage.


Genuinely wondering if, because of this event, the System has to severely ration teleports for the foreseeable future. Like, it gets everyone out now, but for the rest of the year you gotta charter flights to get anywhere.

Zenopath (AEV)

So of all the ways to be outted, teleport timer is the weirdest. Torsen is going to be wondering why Alden had such a high priority he was first of his class to be teleported out. Priority is based on the relative importance number the system assigns you. His fake profile has a low priority which is more in line with what Torsen was expecting. But of course the system is using his real profile importance number, and the system ranks Alden the sort-of-knight who is also a wizard much more highly than a simple avowed. It would be hilarious if he gets teleported to a roomful of wizards. "Why are you here? This safe room is for wizards only... Why would the system bring you here?" Or maybe his teleport timer indicates the system plans to draft him to do something rather than just evacuate...

C. Adkins

That guy just doesn’t have enough edge. My edge is so sharp I have plenty to spare. This line goes so hard. God I love this story.


I guess between figuring out how Alden could be really useful in this situation, we forgot that Sleyca is great at making sure we realize that a disaster is a fucking disaster. And that when shit hits the fan, the story is not a superhero story but an apocalyptic survival story. I might be scared of bridges now.

William Forrest

If it makes you feel better, my brain kept trying to make it into cataphract. I was thrown for a loop when heavy cavalry suddenly showed up.


That's assuming he's getting teleported somewhere safe and not to matadero as some has speculated below

Jeff Scott

The system deems him important so his timer is much quicker than the other avowed, but after the children and civilians. His commendation, his wizard authority, his few connections to the Primary's family and Mother, or even special protection as he's still on sick leave from the last disaster, so many reasons to increase his priority. I'm thinking his wizard status is going to be important and then revealed to at least one important person.


Kind of shocked he did not already have a lab coat purchased


I hate to say this, but when you go to publish, I think this needs to be dragged out even more. As it is, my heart is in my throat.

Michael Blue

I wonder if Alden will be able to play off his higher priority if he uses the chance to pickle someone else (or two) as he’s teleported

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

Did I read this right that the ocean was trying to CLIMB THE BRIDGE?! Does that mean those boats that had lights go out a few seconds earlier were grabbed in a watery grip and then dragged down under the surface? THIS IS NIGHTMARE FUEL!

Skull Leader

Honestly I think it is more his citation at play. His citation makes him one of the important human in the eyes of the system. The only people I think the system would prioritize over him would be someone from the Triplanets. At least that is my best guess. Granted where this teleportation is going to take him is up in air. Somehow I doubt it will be taking him to a safe place where he can ride the event out. Especially when he is unusually resistance against chaos. I am sure the system at the moment is moving their best pieces in the grandest of chess games at the moment.

Explo Rin

That's one hell of a large ripple


Alden's teleport is to Matadero. He doesn't get to be safe. He gets to be reinforcements. How we know: (1) His timer is short, when Klein expects it to be long. (2) His timer is stable, when everyone else's bounces around. Why it might be happening: (1) The Rabbit Contract allows Rabbits to be summoned on much shorter notice than anyone else. Reinforcing Matadero isn't technically a summons, but it may be close enough for the System to exploit Alden's "Rabbit discount." (2) Alden has a commendation, and in fact the top commendation out of all humans. "Send in all commended Avowed" may just be on the checklist for Matadero reinforcement triage. (3) Alden has a skill for stabilizing both victims and bombs. (4) Alden has a skill from the original 300.

John D Jones

Whenever Wardrobe comes back up, Alden still won't buy it yet because he first needs to get some brown trousers. Shit, it be gettin' real up in this place.

Explo Rin

Did the old one get destroyed? Would've thought he shouldn't need to purchase one


[Disaster Alert: Oceanic Anomalies - Imminent] Goosebumps when I read that. This chapter was even better, I have a feeling this arc and its fallout are going to rival Thegund. I wonder if Dee is the girl from uni who viewed Alden's admittance exam? The one who was in the library with her boyfriend, if I recall correctly Thank you for the chapter!! These latest ones have gotten me so stoked lol Edit: was wrong about Dee - the girl from admission was named as Robin! My bad! Dee’s power sounds really cool, I wonder if her skill lets her help control different types of explosions


Thanks for the soup! And thanks for letting us know that we might have to wait for the next helping. Hope everything is well in Sleyca-land and that you continue to enjoy this amazing story with us.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Thoughts: 1) demonified water shapers? Skysea guards were still out searching for the missing boat, and water shapers are the sort of people who might be in that team 2) I wonder what’s the mechanism that makes sentient demons want to spread chaos, since sentient beings can be turned into demons and we know some demons are sentient. Maybe something similar to the authority high Boe described, with a few personality changes to make them chase that high at any cost? 3) Torsten Klein maybe is being teleported somewhere to help others, he likely has points in speed and strength. At the same time, it’s probably half an hour or more, so not too urgent, if that’s even a correct guess. He assumes Alden will have an even longer timer. And on top of all that, he seems confident enough about how teleport priority works to make assumptions. We know that children (ie the vulnerable) get teleported first. Maybe this is a low dose of chaos where the main threats are physical ones? So once everyone vulnerable is out, it starts teleporting people who can help, and everyone else is fine to delay because the amount of chaos won’t be enough to seriously hurt them? 4) why is Alden’s timer so short? Special things about him compared to the rest of the group: low rank, has commendation, very stable authority, can preserve people. I see some people saying they’ll teleport him to help out somewhere else. I think I agree that’s the most likely, since if it was otherwise, it would make more sense to delay due to his stable authority. Second most likely is that he’s just squishy lol. Maybe the system also takes into account that he’s supposed to be on ptsd leave and bumped him up a bit?

William Forrest

It was pretty melted by the time he made it to safety, and then a healy bird ripped it off him. I don't think it even teleported off the moon with him. He was described as wearing that Hawaiian shirt and wizard pants that didn't fit once he made it to the Mother planet.

John Anastacio

Alden didn't get a new coat yet because he's still on vacay. He wasn't expecting to approach a chaos environment until then.

Skull Leader

@Explo Rin - The old lab coat was full of holes and useless by the time Alden ran/crawled to safety during his moon run.


the old one spent 9 months in chaos hell, the demon bees took little chunks out of it when they hit. it probably had like blood on from his crazy marathon carrying kibby too.

Cyrus McEnnis

Against that Alden is on system enforced leave from being caught in a chaos storm and rescuing someone without obligation. I don't think the System would pressgang him, given the relative implied cost of breaking promises in Artonian society. But I could easily be wrong!


Please preserve me so Wed/Thurs comes sooner 😭


Guessing that Alden's timer being both shorter and consistent, as opposed to longer and ever-changing, does indeed mean he's going to get teleported somewhere to help instead of to a bunker-equivalent. Also guessing that since Klein thinks his timer is longer, and Alden is alone on the bridge now, that he's going to teleport out in a way that will lead to assumptions of his demise instead. Or who knows? Find out in next week's soup on soup-er Thursday!

Bryan Thew

This right here is going to trigger the mother of all shopping sprees.


Don't worry Haoyu, your dad is probably fine. It's not like Sleyca has been hinting at anything. All that stuff with the bag of candy. the wizard's thoughts on the survivability of his class, or Stuart's input on Matadero... It was all completely benign flavor stuff, I'm sure.


Honestly that might be the perfect bait and switch for Alden. From the beginning of the chapter it just emphasized he's still traumatized from his experience, so the teleportation timer is a relief. But if it turns out it just sends him to the heat of the action... well, it's not unusual for our poor Rabbit (the first summon, Stu's leg getting blown off, the moon). Oh boy, im gonna die from the uncertainty 😭

Jeremy Goldberg

Another difference is his significance rank as calculated by the system. That one number on his real profile that’s much smaller than on his fake profile. I think the Primary is called the Primary because that number for him is 1. Also, I wonder if Alden’s teleportation priority is based on his real profile or his fake one.


Might be the start of a superhero mentality peeking through the standard teenage one -- he wants to be a hero, and he has superpowers. He may have stayed to see if they were going to be assigned to help/assist instead of going straight home. Good kid.

Heather White

And now that he knows his access to the system can be cut off in an emergency, he’ll be carrying all of it with him everywhere.


I might need to change the word cataract for the RR post! I didn't mean for it to be confusing.


Is this going to be the second time people declare Alden dead? How many lives does a rabbit have?


Seemed the opposite to me -- the father with little kids seemed certain they were getting ported very soon, so that's prioritizing those most in need. Similarly Klein and the other S/A-ranks with Alden were implied to have longer/variable timers making it more feasible to reach shelter on their own before being ported out.


An alternate explanation for the short timer: Alden gets early evacuation, because he's cooler. Being a commended proto-knight has secretly raised his priority rank with the System ahead of everyone else. Take that, S-ranks! The System says Alden's cool. "Coolness discount" would explain the short timer. I don't trust it, though, because it doesn't explain why the timer is so stable. The stable timer suggests a fixed arrivals rate at a specific destination... like the Matadero reinforcements pad.

Skull Leader

Is the great Earth system playing chessmaster at the moment? Teleporting his best resources to where it needs the most help. I kind of want to see this event from Earth System POV as it scrambles into action. I am starting to suspect that while Alden would love to be teleported to safety that his unique chaos resistant and magic skill set places him in unique/rare skillset for the system to utilize. I feel like 7 minute timer given to Alden is about as quick responding as the system can be as a reactionary containment force when it has to analyze the situation, plan out a response and comb thru all its available resources. Well Alden I suspect you will have to answer the call of heroism once again. Even if you are screaming yourself raw at the even thought of it. Think of Kibby's disappointment Alden, if the best avowed EVER does not answer the call...


Jacob's so dead isn't he... Poor guy.


It's actually long! 7k words (not counting all the author and character notes). Our chapters have been quite leisurely in tone for a long while, so maybe the action factor is making it feel different.

William Forrest

Re: 4. In To a Quiet Rabbit, Alden sees his importance ranking amongst other sapients. The number was significantly different between his real and fake profiles. Both profiles displayed his commendation, rank, and ability to preserve people. I expect (though it was never expressly stated) that both reflect his stable authority. The main difference between them was the acknowledgment of his authority sense (since his fake profile covered for his candle lighting spell) and his understanding of how to correctly level his Skill. I expect those are the reasons for his priority in the emergency teleport list. Though I am often wrong about my predictions so... large grain of salt.

Swiss Jeez

Of course, priority number isn't mentioned in regular profiles, only the Artonan expanded ones I believe. So nobody can be 100% sure of his priority based on his fake profile.


Talk about a birthday gift! Tftc!


Alden has a weird teleport time, which might be because he’s basically a knight in training and a high value avowed. However, it could be to move into a place where he’s needed more to help with chaos. Would the system let him know if it was option two in advance? Or would it just drop him in without any warning?

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Tries to preserve some injured guy while teleporting, thinking that he’s bringing him to safety Gets teleported to the front lines to help out Guy becomes a demon instantly

Jeremy Goldberg

That makes sense! Somehow that global notification really drove home the scope of the situation for me. Suddenly the possibility Stuart’s dad and aunt getting woken up by emergency notifications right now feels a lot more plausible.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

New thought! Even without his skill, his authority was so notably stable that the Primary marked him as ‘hire this guy in 30 years to be a courier in chaos zones’ Probably he’s just being teleported (initially) to be a courier in a chaos zone, and then Sleyca will toss in an entire handful of complications that will make me very happy and Alden very sad

Zenopath (AEV)

Yeah this is my guess too. He's going to get drafted to do something, for sure. What will be funny is that he will undoubtedly grab any classmate he's near as his countdown gets neat and preserve the to let them hitch a ride to safety, so that will play out amusingly.


There's a lot of speculation that Alden will be teleported somewhere not safe, and I think the biggest clue is Klein's comments about prioritization times. Klein expects to be teleported first to help with the disaster, but Alden is up before him instead! I could be wrong, but I hope I'm not lol.


I’d go with real. My main assumption is that his priority rating bumped him up the ET chain. Other than that, I think what people are saying about him getting put in place to help might also pan out. Because two things can be true at once. After all, the Primary is the Primary, presumably due to regularly putting his own self, bodily between chaos and the rest of the universe’s population.

William Forrest

You decided to have your main character trampled by a Meister of Heavy Horse. I was with you Sleyca. No confusion here.

Skull Leader

Alden was warned by his Gustavo that "A Rabbit man carries all he needs to survive the ravages of interplanetary travel upon his person." "And that applies twice for Rabbit superheroes!" May Alden never forget this lesson from now on.

Carl Earl

#4 You are thinking of a catamaran. A cataract is the thing you get in your eyes that make them look milky and turn you blind. Not sure yet what Sleyca meant to put here. #3 I don't think non-avowed have system access even for ET. The system being able to contact you (and vice versa) is the first step of being selected.

Jeremy Goldberg

My feeling (based on basically nothing) is that Alden is being teleported to safety first because he’s considered more significant by the system. I’m wondering if Kline’s comments about declining his teleport and not leaving anyone behind are foreshadowing Alden’s future decision to decline his teleport to help one of his classmates or something. On the other hand, given that the system is overextended and ocean itself has just turned into a tentacle monster, it’s entirely possible that Alden’s vacation just got canceled.


I hope Haoyu's parents (and other people at Matadero) will be alright. Sea demons seem interesting. I do question the decision to cross the span when the system clearly told them to stay away from the ocean. I'd understand if they were half-way through when the alerts hit.

Skull Leader

Given that a cat got nine lives and a rabbit is so much better than any cat...sorry Sophie, I say Alden got a few more in bank.


Yeah... my mind immediately leapt to Alden accidentally dragging Haoyu into Matadero - and his father sacrificing himself to protect him. However, I'm somewhat unclear on what grounds Alden would be sent there, in the first place - and my money is honestly on him being used as some form of teleport helper, which has the added tension of needing him to force himself to go back into the danger after leaving it.

Zenopath (AEV)

Didn't Hazel brag about her priority number at some point? I'll have to reread party animals, lol.

Billy Corcoran

I think Alden might have the highest priority of anyone on the island. Higher than children, etc. I say this because his timer didn't shift in the slightest, which makes sense if his position is locked. It would be strange if, with everything in flux, his number was locked to something specific like "43rd".


It would not make any sense for Alden to be teleported anywhere other than safety, contrary to what some seem to think. It would be highly irresponsible for the system to do that, especially without giving him any prior warning. Alden is the Mc but the world doesn't revolve around him, he's completely ill prepared for dealing with this situation regardless of how special he might be.

Jeremy Goldberg

I wonder if there are going to be any political ramifications to the fact that this was apparently caused by a terrorist attack and not “natural” causes or a mistake or something. Will the Artonan government trust Earth less now? This is assuming of course that this isn’t the first day of the apocalypse and the world’s oceans aren’t about to crawl onto the continents and eat everybody.


Oh my god. Is it possible the Velra mega yacht is out at sea?

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Also, don't think I missed that Mehdi has been wearing an Informant watch the whole time! The things that watch has heard...

Kate Yen

It's also worth remembering that Alden has an unusually high amount of free authority. Probably more than anyone even remotely close to his rank or level. As far as the System is concerned this makes him risky. His authority is stable and unlikely to be corrupted, but if something happens to him anyway, he'd be a more powerful demon than most Avowed, probably


They were very close to halfway through.


Knight Alis-Art sure as hell ain't getting woken up by the disaster. She's on vacation! Though the Primary might get paged into work at an ungodly hour.


He should be able to, as that is what happened when he took Soren to the hospital after he burned his arm in ch. 124.

Carl Earl

Ahh. I saw that secondary definition, and it still didn't click for me until now. Thanks guys.


Is this what happens when the submerger is destroyed? Patches of ocean start trying to submerge things?

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

How lucky that Aulia just picked up an extra helicopter for her new favorite grandchild. I'd bet they made it off, but... nonzero chance of grandwitch demon?

Jeff Scott

I'm certain that children have higher priority, but what he does have is the highest priority within his category, Avowed. The number of children and civilians is fixed so there's nothing to adjust. If he was ahead of even children he wouldn't even have a timer, he would've already been teleported.

Alan Miller

@Sleyca, "cascade"? Everyone else discussing his teleport priority, don't forget his Priority rank in 64, "To A Quiet Rabbit" - "He compared the numbers on the real profile and the fake. They were both stupidly big. But the fake one was way higher."

Jeremy Goldberg

I’m trying to understand the mechanics of the bridge dropping and then stopping. Is Alden’s section of the bridge somehow floating on the surface of the ocean now?


I feel like if that were the case, Klein wouldnt expect to be able to refuse his teleport

Jeff Scott

Oh no... this is a plausible theory. "I know just the person to help with disaster crew once the children are safe!" -Earth Contract

Robert Smart

Wow he went deep on his anxiety/ptsd there. I guess his go bag gonna be more of a go bag in the future


I personally find it a bit unlikely Alden is being teleported into danger. If they specifically need people with rescue powers, it feels like Alden’s timer is too short. Is Alden so far down the list he takes 7 minutes to get to? And if it’s not just rescue people, Klein should be way ahead of Alden on the list (unless the System knows he’s helping his students ). We know weaker people get evac’d first: see the kids in the car. I suppose it’s possible it’s teleporting out the weaklings, *then* teleporting in the rescue heroes.

Jeff Scott

Plus the dice incident in Lute's flashback. Totally not foreshadowing.

Alan Miller

Hazel thinks she's important, but obviously no mere number could convey that importance


Is Sleyca referencing some cultural thing about "borrow for too long and you're a thief"? Sleyca's used the idea twice in this story, once for Joe's ring and now for Mehdi's watch. Each time the receiver is called "a thief" or that they "stole" the object, despite no intended subterfuge and obvious reasons the moment hasn't come to give the object back. Does "thief" mean something different in Pennsylvania (or wherever) than on the West Coast?

Andrew Tobin

Damn, it feels like so much happened, but barely anything happened because it was all so quick and condensed.

Malcolm Haynes

Are we sure it’s not just wishful thinking/ denial of situation severity by the father?


@Carl That doesn't fit with the kids in the car being on the shortlist for ET. @fonn 3) As others have speculated, the system might also (re-)assign their ET priority based on their perceived usefulness to help in this emergency. That could include experience with chaos events, useful skills for rescue operations, etc. I think knowing Jeffy's timer would be really illuminating right now. It could also explain why Alden's timer does not change, his usefulness is pretty universal.


I’m more worried if Benjamin and his side of the family was on it 🙈 grandwitch demon is too terrifying lol @Super Supportive Super Fan, facts. Plus the rainbow effects Alden saw on the yacht before it lost* power 😂


If we are lucky, he'll be assigned to a (first) response team going to what's left of it, looking for survivers.


I think the chaos incursion has, in some way, taken over or corrupted the magic of the submerger.

Andrew Tobin

I know Alden has trouble with things entrusted being supported by things and not carried by him - but I wonder if he could have offered Dee a dink and she could have climbed on with no additional weight for him to pedal with?

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Yeah, but I’m thinking he’ll be a courier (like Mother said the Primary wanted him to be) rather than at the front lines or rescue, that would be lower priority by several minutes but still a pretty high priority

Alex Iskandar

Damn that bridge dropping scene feels like it came out of a 2002 movie.


It could be that this is Alden-centric thinking. He borrowed something, then kept it overlong during a disaster. He may be projecting his own uneasiness at effectively stealing something and then never trying to give it back. Could be there's even some trace byproduct of the Gremlin in it?


I thought all "emergency teleports" automatically go to the ET landing pad at the hospital. Wouldn't really make sense to ET people into even worse situations without warning them about it. Also, the timer wouldn't be needed if the system was just gonna ET people all over the place. I doubt that the timer is caused because the system can't ET everyone at the same time, rather than because the landing pad needs time to be cleared between arrivals.


And I forgot, he can't preserve more than one person at a time yet. So max. 1 passenger.

Andrew Tobin

“Hahah! I have rescued you to the safety of… the very heart of the disaster.”

Billy Corcoran

I think you could be correct, but my thinking on this and why I figured it might be otherwise is - surely there are children entering shelter and being deprioritised throughout the chaos? The AI can clearly adjust on the fly. Alden's teleportation ranking should be skipping downwards if there are children in a 'fixed' category below him.


I wonder if he'll start carrying a coat around after this


Meanwhile people who complain this story is too slice of life...

Benjamin Helkey

Intense chapter! Do we know what rank Dee is? I'm trying to place her 25 minute teleportation timer. My guess is that she is an 'A'. 'S's were referenced as part of team strategy and I don't remember her name there.


@asyn he was planning to once his vacation from being summoned was up, but he thought he had more time to deal with preparing his emergency bag.


He shouldn’t be watching stuff in the gym it isn’t a public area

Jeremy Goldberg

I like to think there’s actually a specific Artonan word for an ocean gaining sentience and consuming the flesh of the living, but the System was just being a dick about translation again.


Or maybe it doesn't matter in the end at all because the timing of the ET will force him to choose between the ET and some of his friends/classmates and he declines it to stay help/protect them.


I reread the block of text at the start. Did alden just not hear the first listen up or did the author just not write it?


Bridges are built with supports that help it resist the downward pull of gravity. Structurally they're not designed to be particularly resistant to upwards motions, so when the ocean swelled, it pushed up and raised the bridge with it. When the swell dropped again, the bridge was let sink and would be slammed back down into its supports, stopping it from falling any lower. Note: That does mean that repeated swells will likely damage the supports until a point where they collapse.

Mandy Wang

I wonder what’s going on with the Velras right now… since y’know, their boat… also I hope Lute is ok.


Klein never said he expects to be teleported first nor that he will be conscripted to help with the evacuation. He is just being nice to the student he knows has enough trauma from being in a similar situation that he wouldn’t have been allowed in the school normally. All he was doing was assuring Alden he wouldn’t be alone this time


I feel like even it there is such a word, this is its best understandable translation, but I wonder if the system has limited word count and that's why it doesn't clarify stuff or give specified instructions


Thief is being used humorously in this particular chapter. Alden is fully aware that Klein didn't intend to keep Mehdi's watch forever, but he did run off with it and now Mehdi is no longer in possession of one of the only functional communication devices on the island in an emergency. It's just Alden being hyperbolic in his own head. Poor Mehdi is probably not too happy though...


Dee isn’t part of their class she is a university student that used to go to their school we know very little about her


Once again, Sleyca, I'm hooked. Which is incredible, because I was already hooked in the first place. You've double hooked me. Tyftc

Benjamin Helkey

Ah thanks, I missed that. That explains why she has a 25 minute teleportation timer. A highschool 'A' should be lower on the emergency recruitment list.


I agree, Klein is the offense teacher for a reason and not the rescue one. While he is fast, his skillset is combat, not rescue. There are probably many avowed better suited to it than him, especially in Anisodora.


The primary thought he might be useful for that in 30 years not now. Besides there hasn’t been any chaos yet so the system would be better off grabbing a speed, agility or aqua brute as they would convey things faster and be more likely to survive doing so


Seemed too big to be the work of a single Avowed, I thought. It's probably the bomb. We have precedence for magic bombs doing way more than they were designed to when combined with the right materials. Remember what Kibby did with the "remodeling bomb" on Thegund. The bomb was in a boat full of spell ingredients, potions, weapons, and who knows what else. And then it slammed nose-first into a chaos zone.

Jeremy Goldberg

I’ve always suspected the system was designed to be deliberately obtuse to limit the rate at which humanity learned about magic.

Adam Davies

More MORE MOoOoOooooOoOoOOoOoOOOORRrrRREEeE!!!!!!!!


People saying Alden might be transported somewhere else, but I think an early transport is already plenty of potential drama. Does he take it and leave classmates to die? Does he try to sneak someone out with him using his skill? At minimum his commendation will be revealed in the worst possible way if he leaves early.


If it doesn’t have that much processing power why would it bother calculating where he should help rather than just stick him in a shelter and move on to help other people


Oh no, the system is going to make him choose between being reinforcments and trying to help or being teleported to a safe place while this all dies out.


He might be going to a separate, safe "staging area" for a Matadero relief force, though, instead of the regular ET destination. Less traffic at that destination might mean a stable arrival time and it wouldn't be immediately dangerous. That would also make sense so everyone there can be briefed together on their job before teleporting to Matadero as a group.

Heather White

I think he was a bit too panicked to hear it, so we didn’t hear it either.


His timer is an estimate he isn’t being shown every flux in his priority ranking because it would just make him unsure and panicked about when he will get teleported.


Okay final comment that’s not a reply lol. I wonder if the effects of this event will increase the prevalence of the Informant’s infogear - I can’t believe world governments would ever want to be so reliant on the System ever again, if this one event caused a worldwide outage of critical System services. Wrights are so cool

Mathieu Deg

Couldn't it just be in order of importance ? There is definitely a safety factor since the children were teleported first. But it's mostly because non-awoved are considered first priority if I remember correctly. After that would be how important the system considers you to be and Alden should be really high given he has the highest commendation on Earth. I think there was an importance number mentioned when Alden first saw his fake profile, Alden is probably way higher than the other students.


[Disaster Alert: Low Probability of Chaos Exposure] This hasn't been updated yet, even though other alerts have been. I don't think chaos containment has broken (yet).

Benjamin Helkey

Probably! But the night is young and there may be many other reasons to use his power.


@Michael: Alden can preserve multiple people at once. He did it on Thegund before things went bad. One person has to pick up another, then Alden needs to target and pick up the standing person. Both will be preserved.

Cyrus McEnnis

@John - Yeah, I'd imagine so. But consider for the moment Artonian society. They take oaths extremely seriously. Word chains, possibly one of the oldest forms of magic, is based around the concepts of debt & repayment. Is it likely they'd break an agreement that an Avowed needs some time off before being summoned? Especially when he has a fairly severe case of PTSD around chaos & emergencies? I could easily be wrong here, but I just don't think we're going to see Alden be tapped for action when he's literally in recovery from his last summoning. In all honesty I think Alden is a high priority for evac for precisely that reason - he's a B rank rabbit who's trying to live an intensity 4.1 life.


It is medical leave rather than vacation, though. In general it is more difficult to override than simple vacation

Heather White

I’m just impressed by how convincing, how utterly real this chapter felt.


Oooh wow. He would be a perfect courier of people - it’s already established he can carry multiple people with his skill! That may help with the teleport limitation!!! Makes me think he may be known as the rescuer in this event, time-traveling and teleporting people to the nearest shelter!


If you drop something heavy with a comparatively high surface area into a liquid, it will decelerate quickly, before picking up speed again while sinking... Also, Sleyca emphasizes that Alden is neither falling nor sinking "at this particular moment" and everything is happening really fast, in a matter of seconds. So no worries, the part of the bridge Alden is on just stopped falling because it hit a denser medium and will begin sinking in very short order.

Temp One

I'm guessing the priority is based on a person's importance, with perhaps some adjustment depending on the person's inability to defend themselves. Kids aren't very inoperable, but they have unrealized potential and are very vulnerable. Especially considering how they might react to Chaos. So probably get a high priory for the system. Outside of that? Teleportation priority probably corresponds closely to rank. Alden being a big outlier. As technically the first human knight in addition to his commendation. He gets a position near the front of the line.

Carl Earl

I'm still wondering why half the comment section feels like Alden's low timer is in any way connected to his "personal ranking" and means he is going to be teleported into the mess as an emergency responder rather than the System classifying Alden as a priority rescue because he is squishy, he is on system enforced trauma leave, and his trauma is SPECIFICALLY connected to chaos outbreaks. If Klein wasn't operating in emergency thought mode, he should EXPECT Alden to be teleported out way sooner than the other students, but he isn't thinking of Alden as who he is, he's just thinking of him as the kickass hero student he is. I bet the system normally expects avowed in hero training to be much more capable of handling themselves in an emergency than children, low ranks, people not in training. I would imagine they are prioritized almost last, with only active heroes and older Hero students in front of them. Alden is a special case because he is not expected to be able to handle himself because of the recent trauma.


He mentions that he is saving his magic by not even preserving any of his own belongings right now. Also, I think Klein offered him Dee's bike because Dee can run as fast as Alden can bike.


he's marked to be summoned at 30 years old. So he has less than 14 years to go.


Thank you for the chapter. I don't know if Alden is getting ET to safety or is going to assist with relief efforts, but it seems he is not going to save Jacob, Mina and Co at the last minute, which I kinda hoped for.

Neil H

Some prophetic words from Boe back in ch 24: “Seriously?” Boe sounded exasperated. “I get that [Azure Rabbit is] the coolest looking of the options. But you’re going to be running away from a supervillain one day, and you’re going to try to escape from them using an overpass or something and it will suddenly be not fucking “ground” anymore because it’s over-crafted or the altitude is six inches too high. Take the composure enhancement.”


Probably nobody heard it until it was shouted by Klein


Regardless of how small and weak it is there is no point in spending time or resources on non-essential things during a disaster. Also the primary might get told about this but unless chaos is about to consume the world I doubt he is going to come personally and even then it might just be a few knights instead

John Anastacio

If Wardrobe stopped working for Alden doesn't this mean he had a Wardrobe malfunction?


we reached discord level 3 recently, so now we have this new link! discord.gg/SuperSupportiveFans

Master Program

Theres something oddly cozy about his Artonan opposite immediately chaining wherever they are in response to his peace of minds. Just a comforting reminder that the rest of the universe is out there and still acting normally even if he is currently in a sea of chaos.


I don’t think Klein assumed he would be teleported first he just knows that Alden has enough trauma from a similar situation he shouldn’t be at school so was reassuring him he wouldn’t be alone this time


Crazy immersive writing this chapter! The triggering of Alden's panic attack, his mental train of thought, contrasted with Haoyu's 'shocked into neutrality' state was executed well.


Also, my single favorite moment might just be the small interaction Alden shares with Dee, where he's blankly noticing her shirt that advertises the diner while she's watching boats wink out in the distance before Alden does. It's a small thing, but it really shows how you build a foreboding tone. A bunch of small things piling up

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

I know, right? I felt like it sucked me in and didn't let go until the very end. I could feel the dread, the panic, and the desperation as the characters tried to hold themselves together. The realism was remarkable.


Thats because you have more faith in the system then we do.

Juan Diaz

Didn’t realize what his unchanging timer could mean until now. Good catch.


Brrrrr..... loved it! Can't wait for more!


Perhaps, but a rabbit of any other shade would not have survived Thegund

Temp One

I think what's especially great is that, in this moment, Alden really fucking needs that composure.


1) I am thinking the submerger exploding, its magic going haywire or something like it, reversing its properties so it tries to submerge everything in a wide radius


Huh, apparently a cataract is not just an eye condition, it's also a waterfall. Kinda confused how the bridge dropped without breaking.


Going to be interested in seeing how everyone’s Priority Rank (see Ch 64) is calculated. And Alden’s in particular. And whether that is part of the information the system is using to assign teleportation timers. For example, does the fact the system considers him to be a (stealth) knight influence the Priority Rank. And how does his real and fake Priority Rank compare to Kleins?


Alden is having PTSD flashbacks. This is a good way to see how Alden has grown. Put him in a familiar scenario, and see how he handles it. I am curious if Alden's teleport priority is because of the commendation, and he is therefore more important to keep alive, or if it is because the System needs him to help. My guess is the former. The latter seems unlikely, no matter how cool it would be to see Alden save the day. I hope those kids are okay.


The primary thought he might be useful for that in 30 years not now. Besides all avowed are resistant to chaos to a degree so the system would be better off grabbing a speed, agility or aqua brute as they would convey things faster and be more likely to survive doing so. It seems extremely unlikely that there will be enough chaos to create areas that Alden is specifically needed for. The only real advantage in sending Alden would be his ability to protect non-avowed from chaos


1. Alden has a fast timer (faster then an S). 2. His timer is stable. *3. He doesn't have an option to refuse teleportation, unlike Klein.* edit Hold on, I must be seeing things. It just says "not advised". Guess i read wrong. All that seems to hint at system needing him somewhere at a specific time.


I think it depends. In general I agree with you. But if by some crazy chance the bomb didn't explode yet and is still accessible, Alden might be the only person on Earth who could truly pause that timer. Fair or not, metrics like that won't go in his favor. Granted I don't expect this to happen, but I can't dismiss this or a similar possibility.


Nom nom nom -- does ocean plus everybody equal soup?


Seriously doubt super power spymaster who doesn't listen to the government's orders cares about public vs private areas. But he probably has better things to do.


Yeah. I'm also confused. When it dropped I thought it collapsed, but then he was still standing on it with no mention of it being uneven/difficult terrain. And the water was flowing back off. But how does a bridge drop a few feet? I can't envision what happened here.


Everyone talking about how whether the teleport is gonna send Alden to safety or in to the fray... I personally don't think we'll get to find out, cause he's going to reject it. Shit is going down on this bridge and there are a bunch of people in immediate danger. Traumatized or not, I don't think Alden has it in him to just peace out while leaving a bunch of people to die if he thinks he can help, and imma bet there's going to be some ways he can help. I bet his timer's gonna come up as he sees some people getting like, sucked into the ocean, and he could save them by grabbing their hand and stasising them, but he'll have to cancel the teleport to do it.


Yaaaaas! bruh, the term is tsu-NOM-ee …get it? Perfect translation.


Oh, absolutely. The guy who took an injection and passed out? Yeah, that was probably because he knew he wasn't going to survive, and wanted a less painful end.


Lute is in the bathtub and we're going to find out later that his tub water tried to consume him. :D


I think only non-essential services went down, but then that's by whatever the system defines as essential.

Heather White

Maybe Klein is thinking clearly and the interaction isn’t about the timers. Maybe he’s thinking about Alden’s intake interviews & essay about Moon Thegund and simply wanted to reassure Alden he won’t let Alden be in that position again.


All comments saying Aldens teleport timer ist so short, but this ist the longest teleport timer he ever had.


His teleportation priority is high but the real question: where the heck is it going to teleport him? It's even odds it teleports him somewhere for him to act the hero instead of somewhere safe...

Josh Brooks

Aaaahhh yes! I feel like the only thing Alden will have the cognizance to do is preserve people during his teleportation, because this is ROUGH


Off-Topic Question -- The triplanets are Artona I, II, and, III. But are they all in the same solar system? Different orbits around the same sun? One of them orbiting another in a binary orbit situation? Different solar systems? Do we know? Thanks!

Zenopath (AEV)

It said "teleport rejection not advised." That is probably what everyone is receiving. It implies that he can reject, and that the system hasn't made it mandatory for him to help.

A Avery P.

Agree with you there, the priority teleport might bring him to the affected area, since he's the ranking person nearest to call on (from the system's perspective).


I kinda hoped Jerry would what with him being an aqua brute and all. Maybe it would highlight the importance of his brute type to him


Crawling up the sides of the damn bowl.


Off the top of my head - I think 1 and 2 are in the same system but 3 is in a different dimension. Don't quote me on that.

Zenopath (AEV)

The way the system talks about resources, this will definitely drain them. It is unclear how system resources get replaced though. Will a group of wizards get dispatched to chant some spells for a few days, or does it replenish on its own over time? Is there an government worker somewhere who fills out a chaos disaster magic resource distribution form?

Zenopath (AEV)

But Torsen already knows about the commendation, and still thinks Alden has a low priority...

Temp One

Klein thinks that his teleportation timer is shorter than Alden's. By this logic, it would mean that's because Klein considers Alden a more kickass hero than he is. Which doesn't really compute. Rather we know Klein is still determining whether he considers Alden to be a waste of space in the hero program. So the implication that he thinks Alden's timer is longer than his probably comes from the perspective that he thinks Alden is less important to the system than he is.


I think there has been, on the sub. Will felt something that was oddly similar to how Alden described chaos feeling in this chapter before he had authority sense. Depending on what happened on the sub since we saw it last, chaos could be spreading. We just know it hasn't made it to Alden yet.


Temp-- I don't think we know what metrics Klein is using. I think it's equally possible that he feels a longer timer means more able to take care of yourself, but that he expects he might be called to assist elsewhere. I don't think you can make assumptions about it being a badass ranking -- much more complex I bet.


He did the equivalent of some stranger asking you to borrow your phone for an emergency and then running off with it, how far Klein has fallen!^^

Partha Peddi

Alden's teleport timer being short, but not a ET means he is going to safety rather than towards disaster for his power usage. I wonder where he will be taken with the teleport? Will he regret his destination more than the bridge, near his classmates? Will he reject his teleport to be close to his friends and classmates?


I’d like to see Marshah duel that.


On the bright side, Maricel will probably be too distracted by all the innocent people dying in this disaster to think about Jacob biting it. Hell, he practically shoved himself into the ocean’s gullet.


Just look at whether the teleport is cancellable or not. If its not, its not the normal emergency transport everyone else gets.


I thought that it was because Alden's priority in The Universe is higher than the rest. Remember Mother gave him the fake profile and on it his priority was much lower than on his real one? I think Mother gave him quite a high priority. I wouldn't be surprised if teleportation priority is set by Profile/Universe priority. Perhaps kids are higher than adults, because they would have to rebuild Earth if there were a massive catastrophe. However, for adults it would be the most powerful first, because, ditto, they would need to rebuild in case of catastrophe. Alden is a very special case, however. He has Knight in training privileges


I'm with you sister. Damn, it was a bit triggering for me, hit so close to home. But I love how realistic it is. If you suffer from it, there is no way to "mind over matter", no matter how brave you are. That is why the Peace of Mind is such a great mechanic she inserted in the story.


Interesting that the stone WORKS I would have classified it as non essential System function Maybe it's non essential planetary ( AI / Spirit ) functions and the stone is hard coded, simple, and piggy backing on essential services ( like SMS uses an unused portion of the cell phone hand shake ) 🔲


My bet is that Alden is going to freeze a minor chaos monster before his teleport timer runs out. It will rapidly be eating away at his authority that’s only had a few hours to regenerate. He’ll be faced with the choice to teleport it with him to the safe zone, leave it on the bridge with all the other people, or ask to be redirected somewhere it can be dealt with like Matadero. The poor sap will be forced to choose ground zero of the chaos exposure.


I was thinking exactly the way you were. That real profile priority coming into play here. It is going to be the first seed planted in the faculty's minds that something with the Rabbit is not as it seems


I also thought it would make an amazing scene in a movie! The darkness with the only illumination from the street lights, and the teenagers just running...

Stylemys (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-19 09:25:01 Who wants to bet that the Artonians’ magical description for Water includes its desires to swallow up the Ground/Object with its tides?
2024-02-19 09:23:44 Who wants to bet that the Artonians’ magical description for Water includes its desires to swallow up Ground/Objects with its tides?

Who wants to bet that the Artonians’ magical description for Water includes its desires to swallow up Ground/Objects with its tides?


It is definitely the Action Factor. It went by in a wink


His authority should be fully regenerated by now and I don't think he can preserve a monster.


Now it makes sense! I was a bit dumb, didn't get it at first...


I think it is just going to plant the first of many seeds to come

Slightly Morbid

The absurd trauma that will hit Alden like a steamwagon when he pops those wordchains. That would be PTSD inducing by itself, so I hope he takes a sedative before.


Even more deviously, the System is hard programmed to try to get him to affix other skills. It flat out told him it would be on the lookout for opportunities when he’d be most open to do so. Should the opportunity and reasonable-enough justification come up to teleport Alden into a desperate enough situation where he’d have to affix a spell/skill to better survive or save someone (like Jacob)…


Or she'll blame herself for not trying harder to stop him before he left. If she had stopped him early on and discouraged him from stealing the submerger etc, then none of this would have happened and those innocents would be alive. I can see her blaming herself as she was the one who was in his confidence. It's not true or fair to herself, of course, but she might take that route.


Lol, best comment! I still remember when the natural disaster movies were a thing... Tsunamis, tornados, meteors..


TsuNOMi ...nom nom nom. Best possible translation the system could have come up with.


So this late at night, one of the ships out to sea would probably be full of Velras. The open ocean is safest place to be during a tsunami and Aulia already lives semi-full-time on her yacht. Little might they know that Ocean anomalies like to gobble up objects on their surface.


Damn, good catch! It collects data all the time... So, in the future , if, say, the Informant gets a request to speculate about secrets of certain class members, we will know why it is so accurate


And here I thought that Joe could finally catch a break and makes some funds from his cut of the coat sale.


Bright heart Alden must petition the Artonan Government for greater allocations post crisis. Palace of chainers will support him as he moves to the Mother planet and begins the political arc of this story. I’m only half joking. Sleyca is doing all the genres in this story. Space Opera Sci fi Political Epic will be followed by slice of life cafe section cause why not. The cage section will be more white knuckle.


I agree. Also, thinking a bit meta here, but SupSup so far hasn't been the type of irrational story where the protagonist is already a super-efficient hero in every single crisis.


Yeah, I agree with the other readers that the end of the last chapter basically implied he is dead


Good question. If Dee doesn't see him teleport, then she might think he was swept away by the current..

Carl Earl

I think Klein has heard someone closer to the front worrying about their time and assumes that Alden's timer is similar to what the other student's timers are. Since he says that he will refuse his if he gets ET'd before all of the students are out, then it implies that the other students are near to Klein.


The ocean is a cruel mistress. There’s a reason that the Greeks described Poseidon as a sadistic, rapist monster of a god. This might be the Artonians’ version of that.


Might’ve just been the peak of the swell rising in front of the boat. We don’t yet know how many were taken under.


Fellow fans, help this clueless lady (me) to understand what happened with the water and the bridge.. did the water level rise and then fall? How did a waterfall of water land on Alden from above? Do I understand correctly that the bridge broke?


I doubt all kids were treated as equals either. If parents compare how long it took their kids to get emergency teleported, that could provide a strong clue as to what rank they’ll affix at. The kiddos with more Authority for their age almost certainly were prioritized higher.


I just want to say, Sleyca, you may really become a full time writer. You are incredibly good. This scene was masterfully done. The super popular "litrpg" and "progression fantasy" authors can't hold a candle to you...


Chaos potential is almost certainly a factor too. An easily demonized Whiff would be too problematic to ignore.


What a great reminder that Alden is still developing as a hero. He isn't this perfect protagonist who can just overcome trauma and save everyone after just one year of being selected


The description of the water trying to eat the bridge wasn’t just description— the water acted abnormally in the exact way described. It rose then fell in ways that defied physics. The waterfall that fell on him was made possible by the anthropomorphic water climbing up objects on the bridge in defiance of physics. When whatever that was cut off, the water fell on him. I’m still not clear on your other questions though about the bridge.


I think it makes sense though. Either for all species or maybe Earth specific, children get saved first. Then it’s Artonan sensibilities and wizards and knights are Important. It seems that Klein implies the most capable get saved first after the most vulnerable (Rabbits normally get rapid teleports so it seems it’s not a matter of ease), maybe strong avowed are more at risk of corruption, (though this contradicts how Kibby reassured Alden about post affixation stability in words for demon so probably not). Wizards being first / commended / true universal priority being something makes sense though.


Yeah, I consider myself to have a pretty robust vocabulary and “cataract” in that context still took me two rereads to parse correctly. Lord knows how Royal Road would handle it.


It was pushed up on top of the swell of the tsunami, before slipping down the backside of the “ripple”. The bridge dropped but not through the air. Now we’re probably just waiting for the water to get sucked back into the space where it was pushed away from.


Remember how everyone was okay with sensing their Avowed children to the island because it was such a rich and safe place? Methinks that mental gymnastics routine is going to change after this.


Me too. I had to keep reminding myself to breathe.


It was already indicated it is cancellable though, the system recommended to not cancel it.


I can SENSE the future Western Arc and hear the distinctive whistle.


I'm thinking there's emergency healing centers set up here and there, I hope Alden's teleportation time is so soon because Alden could be a useful helper to Healers. I know his time is short, but I'm wondering if Alden could get an instant teleport if he was holding children or someone injured, teleporting might be cheaper. He could get a System mission to save someone, preserve and hold them, while teleporting to somewhere safe.

Mathieu Deg

I'm 99% they're already full-time. There is no way they would write as much otherwise. Also the number of patrons/income they have is way higher than many full-time writers.


There are a couple of instances of missing time. Klein leaving the bus isn’t even mentioned. Sure it’s after a bit of a time skip, but the way Sleyca wrote it was (most definitely deliberately) off. It wasn’t written, ‘Klein had gone outside to check on…’. No. Instead we went straight to, ‘The sounds of Torsten Klein’s feet on the metal roof vanished suddenly.’ It’s only after that we get an explanation for why he was out there. Like a jumbled up thought process. So nerve wracking.


On a meta level I doubt the situation is over soon for Alden. But I also doubt the teleport into danger theory, the only reason to do that if something really needs to be frozen in time otherwise he simply isn't that useful yet compared with some adult heroes. So something needs to be frozen but not so urgently that it can't wait 6 min. That cuts down on the options important enough to summon him during medical leave. He might decline the port because he suddenly needs to save someone though. On the other hand he can just preserve them and take them with him.


I can't help but feel like Alden won't make his teleport window. After all, nobody gets left alone, right? He's going to be the only backup somebody has when his seven minutes run out and have to refuse. Either that or the System will go down at 0:02.

Jumping Flounder

if it’s a suspension bridge it would have upwards leeway, so it rose with the water, but when the water receded it fell back into its support cables


Narratively, I almost feel this may end up being a ‘you’re still small’ reminder. Alden has been getting on top of his trauma, and, just like us he might be thinking oh no how will I be used. Then, he get taken to safety and he may will feel guilty. He’s going to have to figure out how he copes with his PTSD, and if he and Haoyu are safe but Haoyu’s dad is still out there, that guilt might get them to head out anyway. I can see the psychology to Alden choosing to do something without obligation again. The balance and burden of doing things he doesn’t have to do while afraid. That’s very much the struggle right? If he’s ET into Matadoro, I don’t know narratively that fits with the nature of his struggle and growth to date.


@Sleyca, I love words like that ( looking at you Lois McMaster Bujold ) But It is very close to catamaran AND my adrenaline is spiking hard all over this chapter So I had to read it 3x to figure out what it was 🔲

Jumping Flounder

i’m surprised he didn’t grab his lab coat out, since he said it helped keep the chaos away.

Aspiring Moth

I wonder if losing the submerger and not realising was part of bad half of the gloss?


I think that the bomb was calibrated to take advantage of the way that Matadero already had the walls of reality weakened. The whole area was set up to allow for a small scale breach, like a pressure release valve, and then the SaL boat hit the carefully calibrated valve with a sledgehammer. Now instead of a controlled leak you have a whole pipeline of chaos shooting into the ocean around the island. This metaphor got away from me slightly.


@GryphonKnight - great point! Really three options... Either it's piggybacking, it's considered essential (unlikely), or it's operating on something adjacent to the system's purview and doesn't need it at all. Sort of like how wordchains seem to be adjacent to avowed/wizard magic, which both work off authority instead of however wordchains operate (which I think is implied to be fundamentally different).


The system has in the past prioritized the safety of children, then the unavowed, then the low ranks. I think the logic is that if you're an A or an S you can handle your own evac, or at least survive long enough to get a later window.


[best Lexi impression] On Point Nemo, the soup eats you [end janky Russian accent]


I don't even recall different dimensions being confirmed. Dang.


Yeah, so many stories have the protagonist always act optimally. Or how the author thinks is optimal. Or in a way that looks optimal right now but will turn out to have been a terrible mistake later. Or in a stupid way but boldly and without hesitation no matter how much the audience is yelling at them to stop. It's refreshing to see a hero acting like a genuine person in a seriously fucked up situation that triggers very close comparisons to deeply traumatic events. But also OOF.

Bob Ross

Did he use it on the moon every day? Or just the first day (finding kibby), and the last ("Hey gremlin. wanna see something neat?")


Did the System forsee this possibility of events and that's why it put an S-Bridge Wright on the market?

Super Super Supportive Supporter

I define soup as a substance which is primarily water mixed with food I define milk as water with emulsified animal-produced fats and proteins I define cereal as crunchy solids, typically mixed with milk The planet earth is cereal, and also soup


What Pordgy said above, the ocean swelled up and lifted the bridge up a bit with it. Then thee water crashed down again and the bridge returned to its position.


The water didn't just rise, it slid over the entire surface of the bridge and all its supports until there was a foot-thick layer over every surface, then pulled downward. The bridge held in spite of this (probably Wright-made), so the water gave up and stopped moving in impossible ways so it just flowed away (but with a huge amount of mass at dangerous speeds). I think that what they saw with the boats as it approached was the same basic thing: not just rising in a swell that a decent ship could just float up with, but actually covering the deck and then pulling into the depths.


That's the million dollar question, imo. From a readers standpoint it just seems like TOO MUCH coincidence, but no matter how I try I can't come up with a potential in story explanation that would explain it as anything else.


Ah, so good, but these cliffhangers kill me T_T Gotta pause my subscription in order to give the story some time to pile up (it's so good, that I have to take a break? Lol)


Yeah I read it as his human brain trying to make sense of it, as it happened, as falling. But I’m fact the ocean was magically climbing up the bridge and it’s not a mundane normal physics thing like bridge collapse at all.


The way I pictured what was being described, was that when the bomb went off, it pushed a huge amount of water away from the centre point, in a great big ring. This is the tsunami, aka the “Ripples” that these chapters are named after. Now, the Anesidora islands, and the bridge, have been specified to be floating. They are presumably designed to go up and down with the swell of tides. Normally it wouldn’t really be noticeable because of how large and wide they are… but now we’re dealing with a wave big enough to be called a tsunami. The peak of the swell travelling towards the bridge world have hidden the lights of the boats as they went over it. Then when the peak hit the islands and the bridge in the middle, it would have created the illusion that the water was defying gravity as it first crawled upwards, higher. Forcing the bridge to bow upwards. Until finally they were over the edge and the water began dropping. Taking the bride back down it’s other side.

Bob Ross

Alden: "Dang, I wish this bridge wasn't so associated with the object element" Oceanic anomalies: "Is that right?"


By the time if the Q and A, she was still part time. Could've changed, but she was also putting out the same number of chapters back then

James Townsend

Guaranteed that timer for his teleport specifically is just the system teleporting all the backup towards the chaos incident. Because he's useful for the incident and has a commendation, he definitely got on the list for responders, just not very high up.


Michael, good spotting! I hadn’t caught that.


What Sindri says makes sense. It has to be normal physics in response to a bomb going off under water (which I wouldn't understand, but I guess it is water rising and then falling rapidly). The description of the "bridge falling" confused me as to whether the bridge supports gave way or not


Well said Sindri. Superhero stories' protagonists always have a plan and can act on it immediately...


That moment when Alden sees the children in the back of the car and thinks "oh my god the chaos..." 😭😭😭 Poor Alden, Sleyca is really making him face his demons (pun intended)


I said it last chapter, but I really believe major changes in Avowed beliefs and politics are going to start happening after this event


In the Q&A she said she doesn't want to quit her day job. My theory is she's a doctor - she said close to a lawyer (in marks I suspect) and would affix healer in a heartbeat. Given her struggles to write on time and that she says she writes till late at night, this isn't her 9-5 yet. Dr fits that the money from her patreon isn't causing her to quit (she's not working in a cafe or other low paying job) and she must love her job (or she'd jump to her passion for writing immediately).


There's no evidence he used it every day and if he did the snapback would have been horrendous in a tension filled environment like that.


He can preserve beings and he can preserve hostile attacks sent to him that he’s not meant to catch. Put that together and Alden should be able to preserve hostile beings that throw <i>themselves</i> at him. What matters is that they intend to burden him somehow, not that they want him to endure/ survive said burden.

David lance

I have a sinking feeling that Sleyca's character notes are going to become a health/life status over time and lose their humour...


ALDEN TIMER My vote is for Alden's teleport timer being a place of safety AND a place Alden can help As Earth S's only Knight, Alden has unique knowledge ( including language fluency and common misconceptions ), experience ( working without a system ) and powers ( looking at you authority sensing ability and Knight level foundation points ) to help coordinate Knights and everyone else Earth S's ( AI / Spirit ) conversation with Alden last BaOB level up, is especially interesting NOTE EMERGENCY MEDICAL Alden has an emergency medical assistance commendation ( reward for a job well done is more work ) RESIST RESIST RESIST Alden has an especially Chaos resistant, Foundation Point, enchantment ( see below ) Alden has the chaos resistant Gremlin Alden is an accidental Knight with a relatively low ( 13-15% ) unbound authority LANGUAGE Alden tried to buy an enchanted item but the shop was closed for new purchases Alden can help translate between ( Knights / Wizards ) and English without an enchanted item His vocabulary for demons, and magical bombs, may strike others as strangely comprehensive KNOWLEDGE Alden is relatively knowledgeable, and experienced ( for a human ), about working without a system, demons, unstable magic and magical explosions ( thanks to Joe's side quest ) Alden is cleared on many sensitive Knight subjects Alden is well versed in both Earth, and Artonan, culture Alden both knows more about what is actually going on, and misconceptions both sides have about each other, so can interpret for both sides Alden already showed this knowledge , and skills, with the magical obstacle course meeting by helping everyone understand what is going on, plan and coordinate AUTHORITY SENSE Alden can sense magic ( chaos, demon, Submerger, etc ) which will be so helpful with rescue, triage, and emergency clean up ( long term clean up will probably be handled by others ) ALDEN FOUNDATION POINTS Quote "bonus you chose, the enchantment equivalent to one and a half points in Speed and one and a half in Agility gradually broke down while you were on Moon Thegund. The remnants were scoured from you, and it was replaced during your most recent affixation with a similarly effective but more powerful enchantment that is suitable for higher amounts of chaos exposure.” It paused. “Make of that what you will.” For a moment, there was silence while Alden considered everything. He was calmer. The Earth System’s sudden willingness to be honest about a subject that had been a growing sore point over the past months was probably a manipulation perfectly timed to make him calmer. But knowing that didn’t stop him from being grateful for the relief. You’re such a bastard, he thought. Such an awful, powerful, unstoppable, cruelly competent, probably necessary bastard. End quote 🔲


Personally, I think the Water anomaly innately wants to swallow up Objects around it. That ancient Artonian magical archetypes are coming to life.


Let’s just hope the system brings them to safety and doesn’t spit out Alden and his +1 on matadero lmao


I wonder if Alden is 'heavier' magically speaking when he preserve other people or if the teleport would ignore other people.


There was a lot of focus on his survivability during the Wizard’s POV. Could be that Haoyu’s dad is the ONLY human survivor. Which would mean that Vandy loses a parent instead and is always wishing that it was them that survived, no Haoyu’s dad.


Scraps of Submerger magic appear to have created huge blobs of Spooky magical salt water A section of the suspension bridge was lifted up ( cables slack ), then dropped back down ( cables taut again ) similar to lifting up part of a hanging chandelier, then dropping it ( this hurts when you do it with your unprotected forehead ) 🔲


The focus on Haoyu’s dad having such a simple and defensive build during the Wizard’s POV makes me think that he might be the ONLY human survivor of Matadero. His skill set is a focused gestalt, which might cause people to rethink how they approach their affixations.


Considering that Tuyet’s brother was on one of that ships that winked out, there might not be anyone left alive that knows SAL didn’t do this. Honestly, I expect that SAL members will be labeled terrorists and won’t be welcome on the island after this. Which will cause a problem because where else can they be deported to when they’re caught?


The safest place to be during a tsunami is the open sea. If they didn’t know what ocean anomalies entail, then casting off the island might have seemed like a fantastic idea.


I'm surprised Alden managed to hold up so much better than i expected him to, however his panicked thoughts were written so well i could clearly picture him being overwhelmed with everything happening. It's always so sweet to me how his first priority when in danger or distress is always Kibby's physical and mental wellbeing. I wonder how mentally resilient Artonans are though, Kibby should be just as traumatized as Alden but you never really see that from her other than occasional references to her massive guilt and regret - could just be that she's a kid and more mentally flexible i guess? Stu'art did have traumatic hallucinations (i'm guessing of dead family/friends coz of the way he reacted to Alden's return) as a kid so i guess they're probably very human even with their double consciousness and more stoic culture. Also, Aulia is probably on her ship offshore but chances are that she's 100% safe for now. Her ship is designed to be a physical and magical fortress if needed plus she probably has her own submerger or two in case of emergency (Orpheus had to "borrow" one from somewhere after all). Actually, if i'm not mistaken shouldn't there be a Chainer in Matadero to assist with supplying buffs on the fighters? Aulia might be on call there instead.


Considering that Lute could peep on the gym class so easily, it might actually qualify as a public space.


@Mack Like a cellular phone, the stone probably needs the System It is communicating with another dimension ( needs power ) through a Chaos ward ( needs finesse ) 🔲


Alden could probably teleport 1 or 2 other people with him though, i don't see a case where he'd decide not to go unless there's a lot more people stuck than that and he thinks he's going to be far more of an asset if he stays behind than a liability


Your last paragraph is the main possibility isn’t it? I doubt that the system will be able to teleport every non-avowed AND every low level avowed to safety before chaos arrives. So Alden’s job might be to preserve people until they are teleported


Yes and no. I agree that the system probably wouldn’t do it without warning. But I disagree that it wouldn’t try to utilise his skill in these circumstances. If the chaos spreads to anesidora, there are probably tons of people who can’t get teleported out in time before chaos affects them. For non-avowed and low ranks, that’s potentially deadly. So it would make sense to have Alden preserve some of these vulnerable people until they get teleported out. Hid skill is uniquely good at protecting others from chaos.

Allen Polak

The act of affixation is utterly debilitating, and would not be something Alden could do for this situation, unless it was somehow ongoing for (at minimum) weeks. I very much doubt anything fixation related will be a factor in it's decision making here.


The wave affect is probably related to the Submerger artifact from last chapter


I think it's implied that submergers are rare and difficult to get, so it's possible that the one Orpheus traded away was the only one the Velras had. I bet they notice it missing pretty quick in this situation.

Barrett Fogarty

More like Charles Bronson, in a wind blown red lab coat in a shoot out against three chaotic desperadoes. "Once Upon a Time in the West". Can Alden squint manfully?

David Kanevsky

Its a floating suspension bridge? They over engineered this thing. Good for them!


I am slightly embarrassed to admit that this chapter was responsible for a very poor night’s sleep on my part – firstly from excitement at awaiting it to drop, then adrenaline afterwards…but what higher compliment can you give a writer?! Thoughts: 1. “Ripples III”: a third Ripples – we’ve still yet to get to “Waves” - we’re still building up to the real main event! (PS, I have to think that Sleyca is just trolling us now with her blatant disregard for sequentially matching named chapters 😉 “ONE HUNDRED THIRTY: Ripples, I”, then “ONE THIRTY-ONE: Ripples II” then just “Ripples III”?! Or is she just an agent of chaos herself haha) 2. “Wardrobe”: as suspected, Alden’s first instinct is to immediately buy another chaos resistant coat – not a bad instinct really (rather than run away, which seems to be some of his schoolmates’ instinct judging by the requests for ET). 3. “We’ll reach Apex in a few minutes. Stay. Calm”: again as suspected, Klein behaves pretty ideally in this situation, exactly the sort of person you want around when shit hits the fan. 4. “You also have to think about the responsibility of being…”: with great power comes great responsibility…high ranks shouldn’t take up space in the shelters for low ranks. 5. ““What are you sure about?” Haoyu asked without looking at him”: prediction time! My guess is actually that Haoyu’s dad survives. Practically, he has a build entirely designed around self-defence and being resistant to chaos, plus he is surrounded by other elite avowed and knights to assist. Meta-analysisly, him being in danger has been flagged so much I’m ready for a bait and switch, plus I think dealing with a grieving Haoyu would change the tone/focus of the story in a way that would be a bit jarring. I very much could be wrong though! 6. “[Disaster Update: Attack on Matadero - Confirmed]”: as suspected, Jacob/Mina/Riley are gonners. The boat has crashed into Matadero and triggered the chaos upheaval. There was just no time for them to be rescued. Perhaps they will reappear as demons… 7. “Mastery over his body would be extremely welcome. But when he reached the end, nothing happened”: like on Thegund, a little bit of dickhead behaviour and bad luck has, like pebbles starting an avalanche, lead to disaster – some bullying of Soren and his accident have meant that Alden is carrying wordchain debt rather than being debt free, and a crucial tool in his arsenal is missing. 8. “I thought I was too paranoid. Ha! Clearly, I’m not paranoid enough”: you’re not paranoid if they really are out to get you Alden! And by “they”, I of course mean Sleyca 😉 9. “a temper sphere, a carabiner, and a hundred feet of tightly coiled paracord…Artonan-made tablet, a stylus, a pack of origami paper, and one of those cookie dough protein bars…blinky checker”: this is like Cluedo! Which one of these delightful Chekov items will prove crucial in the upcoming disaster? Each has been carefully set up in previous chapters – paracord is most obviously useful…but perhaps it’s now the temper sphere’s time to come in clutch with some essential invisibility? 10. “It happened, Boe. You were right. I want something to be ground, and it isn’t”: from C24 “you’re going to try to escape from them using an overpass or something and it will suddenly be not fucking “ground” anymore because it’s over-crafted or the altitude is six inches too high. Take the composure enhancement.” Amazing – Alden is on an over-crafted overpass, and he should have taken the composure enhancement to help with his PTSD! 11. “If there’s a corruption incident here, what happens to the kids?”: Death or demonisation. 12. Teleportation timer mystery: I’ve been chewing over this. So, when Alden was a non-avowed minor, he was priority 1 (C23) – first to be rescued in a disaster. He’s now priority 6 (5 categories of people ahead of him to be rescued) – per C69. This suggests that generally the most vulnerable people are rescued first. However, Klein seems to know that as a B-rank, Alden will be prioritised after the more valuable higher ranks. So clearly, in the event of a disaster involving chaos, there are different factors affecting priority, and the system is instructed to rescue higher (and therefore more valuable) ranks first. So, why is Alden’s timer shorter than the higher ranks, and why is it not jumping around? One possible answer is that the teleportation is not to a rescue shelter, but to somewhere else (perhaps Matadero) where Alden’s skills are required. However, note that the timer is still called “Teleportation Priority Assigned”, and he is advised not to reject teleportation – this all indicates it’s a standard rescue teleport. So my conclusion that the teleportation is a rescue teleport, but Alden has been prioritised higher than nearly everyone around him because the system knows he is simply more valuable, because of his knighthood. He is in his own category, completely unique on Anesidora, so his rescue time is fixed. What does this mean? We know he can carry people with him when he teleports, as they are considered to be part of him. He may carry people, perhaps his schoolmates, to safety. Or perhaps reject it to try and assist people on the bridge…another difficult choice about being a hero awaits – will he make the same choice again? What type of hero is he? 13. “The lights of one of the ships suddenly went out”: where is the Libra? If it’s somehow miraculously safe, a pretty sure indication that Aulia in some way planned / had knowledge of the submerger “theft” and attack. 14. The Ocean rising: the Golden Gate bridge is 67 meters above sea level, so I’m guessing the Span is at least that high. So the chaosified water has crept up its’ giant pillars in a very non-tsunami like fashion, and then crept up the objects on the bridge (“spiraled up the columns of the lampposts”) and then yanked downwards. Sounds like there is some kind of guiding intelligence behind this attack. Soon it’ll be the S-rank bridge Wright’s time to shine!


Lute may end up tutoring more people if superhero school adds Piece of Mind word chain to Engaging with the unexpected or even Gym class 🔲


If those kids die Alden is going to give himself new trauma. If he gets teleported early I wonder who he will bring with him? We might find out his actual max ability on number of people he can preserve at once very soon. On his priority: my theory is that Alden's rank is in the top 100 humans rank on earth, maybe first if the system is considering his potential as a knight, so then the 6mins must mean the system is teleporting teleporting people that have moments to live first.


The question is what can anyone change? No country will be more interested to host them. This is the reason why Avowed are banished to the place furtherest from everything else on the planet. The only place further away is the moon. So they can't move. We don't know why they have to have demon killings so we don't know if they can change anything there as well. Assume that everyone find out how the catastrophe started. How should you prevent it? Further increase the surveillance of the population? That has never had any uncomfortable side effects #sarcasm. And if no one figure out what went wrong we get back to that we don't know why they are killing demons. It might not be possible to stop it. The rest of the world won't care. They might send some help but it will be forgotten in a month.


The discords main theory is that she is a teacher, tho you do make a compelling case for doctor


It has to be normal physics? In a story with magic and chaos abominations? I am not sure sure about that. Could be chaos infested water


Damn good chapter. Lots to think about and speculate on… On a non chapter related note, I’m still not completely sure how azure rabbit trait looks when Alden is using it. I’m wondering if it has melee combat potential, like Alden can use small adjustments of his feet/footwork to get in and out of an opponents range almost instantly. Give ‘em the ole rope-a-dope.


Well, bridges are useful and are prone to catastrophic failures so it could be a coincidence. I guess we'll just have to read. It's not like the new Bridge Wright could do anything about this bridge for a couple of years at least anyway.


>he was running with Maricel, Everly, Jupiter, and Njeri. Jupiter got her wish to join the team with all the ladies from the Workshop Will their Workshop experience come in handy? 🔲


>When Dee reached him on the bike, he asked, “What’s your teleport timer?” >“It’s twenty-five minutes. Keeps changing a lot, doesn’t it? Don’t worry about it too much for now,” she said, dismounting. Dee is 3.5x Alden's timer but probably a Level 4+, Rank A+ Dee seems to be treated like an evacuation teleport ( constantly changing ) while Alden seems to be treated like a Summons teleport ( scheduled ) NOTES Dee is most likely Rank A with 5-8 levels since most of superhero school is Rank A and they are expected to level before graduating to University 🔲


The only person who said alden was getting teleported to safety was alden thorn. The system just said to not reject it.


He might be being summoned but the other explanation for Alden's timer is that he is a much higher priority due to being a Knight in all but name.

Barrett Fogarty

I don't like to speculate about what Sleyca is going to do to Alden next but back in Chapter 73 when Maricel asks him why he wants to be in the Hero program he says: “I want to survive if I’m ever attacked by demons. Or if some wizard summons me and forces me to fight alien sea monsters. Or if a bomb explodes in my face.”


it makes me wish he had his old coat just to frame it later after a few years when hes come to terms with it all. Like how people keep their pins and bolts from their bones after bad accidents


I think the wording at the end of the chapter could be clarified a little bit. “according to his teleport timer it was only seconds.” The timer is only seconds away from activation? The bridge only fell for a few seconds?


Peace of Mind is a healthy word chain so he’s got some time to pay them back. Hopefully he can spread out the payback rather than doing them both at the same time, that would help.

Elijah Overland

I doubt it’s tied to the systems at all. Wordchains are a very old form of magic, so it’s likely completely different than the system on a foundational level.


132 happens to be my favorite number, and what a chapter to commemorate it!


Where’s Jeffey when you need him... hopefully getting some hero time with his extremely useful and extremely relevant life jacket spell.


Definitely higher level than that I think. They are expected to level like at least twice a year during high school and Dee could be any university year too. So more like 8-16 levels. Using Alden as a reference isn't going to work well considering he is more chaosproof and has an ability useful for aiding in evacuation.


"I thought I was too paranoid. Ha! Clearly, I’m not paranoid enough" This reminds me so much of the poster of the paranoid king in Infinite Jest, love it!


Re:14 I am not sure about an intelligence, I have a picture of an out of control "submerger" magic wave rolling out from matadero after the boat/bomb exploded, trying to submerge everything in it's vicinity including the bridge.


Trying to imagine the volume of water the explosion moved to cause the ocean to crest over a bridge which is high enough for boats to go underneath. An average sailboat has a 40m mast, and an average container ship height is 35 meters. While the average tsunami is like 9 meters, can go up to 30 meters high (rarely), and there was one in Alaska that was over 500 meters high. Not sure how this would carry over to deep water though.


This wait is gonna be worse, I'm hanging on that cliff

Elijah Overland

Thank you for the chapter! Your writing is so good that I swallow up these massive chapters in what feels like minutes and then spend and hour reading all the comments and it’s STILL not enough! Best story I’m following right now, easily.


These are huge blobs of "Spooky water" ( seawater anomalies ) most likely caused by the Submerger being violently disassembled 🔲

Emily Gurnavage

I didnt read it yet so no spoilers - can someone tell me if it ends on such a terrible cliff hanger I should wait till Wednesday/Thursday for the next, or just read it? =p


He needs have someone entrust his other poncho to him then have the four slowest huddle together, slide the poncho over the group, then pick them all up and run until the system teleports them all.


Is the ocean S ranked? If it’s a lowly A (or lower) then it’s not worth her time.


It only took him seconds to figure it out what was happening, even though he thought it took longer. I thought the sentence was pretty clear, personally


The way I read it is that this wasn't laws of physics explosion, but chaotic influence explosion. The water trying to consume the bridge may have detached from the body of origin, like a ball being thrown.


I wouldn't be surprised if he is sent to help with triage at a hospital. His timer is Long enough for patients to be pouring in, short enough that he can start helping with casualties

Bob Ross

I interpreted that as "I didn't know how long it took because my natural ability to track time is as rattled as the rest of me, but according to this helpful timer it only took a few seconds"

Emily Gurnavage

Damn. I got a few paragraphs in (flying car lift off) before realizing it might be better to wait. I shall try, lol.

Anton Shomshor

I was thinking the same thing. Alden isn’t getting rescued, he’s counted amongst the rescuers.


Hey guys what the difference between Knights of Artonoa and the regular wizards? Both of them can use their authority right?


I think the people on the ships probably had the highest teleportation priority due to their proximity to the ocean and their inability to get away in time.

Maddy Weller

This was so good! I love that Alden did try to get that coat, but the system wasn’t having it. I bet that his teleport timer is so much lower because his overall priority number is so much lower then most people, in a good way, which he saw when comparing his fake a real profiles. I just hope nothing happens to the rest of his class when he gets teleported before them. And look at Klein, trying to be nice! I also loved the system not working fully being a trigger for Alden to panic, and then him working past that. It’s so good!

Aidan Gorman

I wonder if the system will transport him to mataduro due to his chaos resistance


@Mack same I have not noticed any planets-in-another-dimension talk in the series at all. @Mag1cM Do you think you saw that in another series or a comment from Sleyca?


All wizard caste artonans can sense and use their authority. Knights are both wizards and avowed, letting some of their authority get bound into skills, which enhance its efficiency and ease of use. Because of their authority sense it is extremely painful though so few choose to.

Neil H

I thought I remembered an earlier chapter that listed out the ordering logic for emergency teleport priorities, but couldn't find it. Anybody else remember where that is?


Why do you have to be so good at writing Slyca? This book is going to be all thats on my mind for the next 2 months. Im not going to be productive because ill just be daydreaming about "What happens next" chapter to chapter :(

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

It hit so hard how even the Peace of Mind chain, which was pretty obviously the right call to stabilize his mental state, took so long for him to finally use. That felt so real. There are those moments when you know you need to do something that will help pull you out of the darkness, but you have to painstaking collect enough of the pieces of your fragmented mind to make that thing happen first. It hurt to watch, but it was so very real.

Maddy Weller

Also, the fact that it seems like Klein has the ability to refuse his teleportation, and Alden explicitly doesn’t. I wonder if that’s also a sign he’s being brought somewhere to help, which poor Alden.


I'm worried about his Gym chain being unpaid, he could get himself killed if it goes off while he's still in danger


Not so much cliffhanger as much as the danger isn’t resolved yet. It’s still spicy but it’s not like the chapter ended with “the bridge collapsed and he plunged into the sickly glowing water” or something

Jeremy Goldberg

Comments later than mine are talking about the bridge being a suspension bridge, and being lifted up by the ocean so that the cables were briefly slack, and then dropped. That’s something I can picture, and that also explains how Alden was able to see the water falling off the bridge supports. I was thinking the supports were columns underneath the bridge holding it up.

Maddy Weller

He was very specifically planning on getting a new one once he could be summoned again, but that’s still multiple months away.


... Alden did wonder if there was enough ground there for a shaper.


I mean those were all things that happened when he was summoned the first time. But maybe there will be another mishnen and we’ll get to see how much Alden has grown since the last time he fought one.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

Personally, I am looking forward to the spy-thriller-mystery arc. Alden breaks into secure facilities by preserving the enchantments on them, goes undercover as an Artonan with his best Thegundese accent, and preserves a bomb that threatens the Leafsong University campus until his team manages to take down the culprits and disable the trigger mechanism. Thus earning Alden yet another commendation. When Lexi asks what he did that weekend, Alden's excuse that he was visiting his elderly aunt does not hold up to scrutiny for long.


Not horrible cliffhanger, but yes, suspense is very high, might be worth waiting.


And kids too. The dad did say they would be teleported momentarily. The system likely has the same worries that Alden does about persons with high chaos potential who haven’t been stabilized by the contract yet.


You are assuming that Alden is being teleported to safety. Alden is the highest decorated avowed on the island and one of the most experienced in dealing with Chaos. It is entirely possible his teleportation timer is so short because he is going into danger.

Mehmet ali Reyhan

Knights are people who affix skills like avowed wizards can't affix skills they don't have classes they can get spell impressions but I think they can't have foundation points


I wonder if Alden is going to be teleported to safety or danger. The system knows he is a wizard/knight, albeit a mostly untrained one.


Maybe we need an S Rank Bridge Wright on Earth S because Omniscient System knows SAL is collecting a lot of anti bridge heroes, talents, materials, etc. 🔲

Jeff Wells

I'd say worked around the panic rather than worked past it. If his peace of mind chain breaks for any reason he'll be back to full panic mode again. He still needs all kinds of therapy to actually overcomethe trauma that caused the panic.

Skull Leader

Wild prediction: The tab to his knight outfit is still accessible. Alden will call on it for this crisis. Unlikely I know but hey it could happen. And yes I know the outfit is locked out on Earth and its powers are accessible only on the Triplanet region. However based on the Alert messages, the Triplanet government has been alerted and is likely acting. The knight outfit might become unlocked and powered if the Triplanet systems wish it to be. Earth might not be able to do this action but we do know that Systems talk to each other. Mother might wish for her dear ryeh-b’t "Knight" to act. I doubt this trigger will be pulled as it certainly a mega escalation on intensity but I can see it being possible if he is acting as support for the two full knights. But it is more likely that he will be asked to help triage or transport people. But frankly this is too awesome of imagery to not to dream about... Or maybe Alden will get his dear wish and be teleported to somewhere completely safe and can let others handle this event. Should of thrown more coins into that wishing well...

Jeff Wells

Hailhound has it right, Knights are Wizards who also use skills, like Avowed.


There are two references I found I’ve set out in my comment below (point 12) 👍


Actually, Alden can refuse the teleport, he has several refusals saved ( Summons Teleport or ST ) and a several commendations ( ET ) The System just wants him to accept the teleport ( fixed schedule suggests a ST ) >[Teleportation Priority Assigned: 6m 59 s Your priority may be adjusted. Please continue to seek shelter. Rejecting teleportation is not advised.] 🔲

Jeff Wells

And he established earlier that, while others timers were changing, his was very stable.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

@Rob, I think the unpaid wordchain Chekov's Gun has already fired with him being unable to use the good side of Self Mastery for this crisis because he is still carrying the debt of the bad half. Personally, I don't think we will see him dealing with the bad half snapping back on him unexpectedly during this crisis, as it has the potential to feel like a bit too much of a Diablo Ex Machina for the situation.

Jeff Wells

That depends on if the system is prioritizing him because it thinks he can be useful now, or if it thinks he'll be important later and so wants to get him somewhere safe.


I actually disagree on that. Reading all of this at once has a much bigger emotional impact than reading a single section every few days. Too much, and the reader can get emotionally burned out. This is why I don't like to read Wandering Inn in book format. Too easy to burn out on the drama.

Maddy Weller

I figured the bridge wright was needed for something on one of the Triplanets, since the whole thing is Avowed helping Artonans. Even if that’s the case, I’m sure they would be useful for fixing this or helping to build a better bridge, once everything has calmed down.


Can't help but trying my own definition after my predecessors, haha. The classical Wizard is an Artonan that uses their free authority to cast spells and assert themself against reality in the process. All their authority is free and compared to the average Artonan their natural/innate authority or authority sense seems to be stronger. We might have gotten some more bits dropped about that during Thegund that I don't recall but essentially Kibby's natural authority was just that much stronger than everyone else's that she could assert herself against the chaos and everyone else could not. The classical Knight is an artonan Wizard that became an Avowed in the Mother system. By binding part of their authority into a skill/spell, they become specialists at this skill/spell, able to use the skill at higher effectiveness and under much more lenient conditions than with free casting as a wizard. This means reducing their available free authority for use with free casting. Example: Alden does not have enough free authority to cast the more complex auriad spells in his spellbook because the majority of his authority is in his skill and can't be used for anything else. If all his authority was free, he could cast a lot of them. Affixing authority for people with authority sense - which is at least common or even normal among Artonans - comes with excruciating pain and given what we've seen from Alden with some kind of ...Split Authority Disorder (SAD)? We know that by having both unbound authority and affixed authority, authority growth is supposedly being sped up, the free and unbound authority supposedly subconsciously trying to tear apart the affixation and "freeing" the bound part of the authority for everyone with an authority sense. At least that's my current theory for HOW it accelerates growth and why the affixation would break if there is too much free authority. In general it can be assumed that anything that can be done with an affixed skill can also be done by a wizard but it will take longer, be more costly and require more free authority than using it via an affixed skill and unlike an affixed skill - at least for passive improvements - I would expect they are not permanent. Due to the faster authority growth of knights, it can be assumed that some feats possible with affixed skills are impossible for any living Artonan wizard, but only out of practical concerns, e.g. not enough authority, not out of theoretical concerns.

Matt V

Thanks for digging up that quote. I had completely forgotten about that interaction with the Earth System, and it certainly does suggest both the immediate plan the ES might have for him as well as the long-term path Mother/ES are planning for him.


Good call, the System specifically says nonessential 🤦‍♂️ my bad lol. I consider messaging/calling/communication to be essential, maybe that’s only happening at Anesidora


It's too early for that. Absolutely not going to happen until at least the second year of high school, my hunch is more last year of high school. Imagine the consequences: He'd probably instantly get abducted after this emergency is over to some knight school or whatever, new life with Stu starting. While that is COOL it would also mean the immediate abandonment of CNH with most of its characters that Sleyca went a pain through to introduce and the abandonment of whatever else is going on with the Velras, SAL, Boe etc. I feel like there is too much investment to drop the ball on Anesidora just like that.


Really great job showing Alden’s panic, i was getting anxious along w him the entire time

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

If Aulia offered to handle the debt for him, the way she's done for Hazel on her birthday, I wonder how tempted he'd be.

John D Jones

@ Matt DiMeo When was that stated in the story? Doesn't Alden have a privilege called "Mother?" He might be able to contact Mother even from Earth. I don't think he'll don the Knight uniform unless shit gets a lot deeper and he thinks it would help despite the cost in raised Intensity.


Not really related to the chapter but in a comment response I realized that Alden's fears about his authority and affixation that would also be present among other knights has characteristics of a medical condition that could be abbreviated as SAD: Split Authority Disorder.

Brandon Steele

His patron profile says he is currently at 31K per month... if that isn't full time idk what is

Heather White

Yes, I’ve been worried about Maricel thinking it’s her fault for not being able to talk him out of it. That could really set her back.

Jeff Wells

Safe from a tsunami, sure, but what about a magical oceanic anomaly that takes one look at the laws of physics and says "you're not the boss of me! "

Second Raddish

Alden can refuse, it's just not advised. He's a bamf but if the teleports are being prioritized while also being used to shuffle around relevant personnel then I'd think an experienced avowed with a skill set that could help multiple people would get the call.

Heather White

Remember that helicopter that flew overhead while Alden & the Dee were talking? Velras making a break for it. XD


I do wonder why they decided to put the chaos release valve right next to an extremely heavily populated area... or vice versa. I guess it is mostly avowed so they're less at risk than regular people, but still.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

I like the idea of Alden being pulled in as a translator! Essential work takes many forms. And remember during the intake meet&greet where everyone introduced themselves and demonstrated their powers, and Alden chose to demonstrate his ability to speak fluent Artonan instead of his skill? My real-world computation intuition says that a world's worth of translation would be a lower burden on the system than a single teleport, but if he's gotta be teleported anyway, might as well be efficient about it. And Earth system might have contractual translation limitations that Alden doesn't.

Second Raddish

His time remaining constant while others are fluctuating could indicate his teleport being scheduled in time with some catalyst though.

Matt DiMeo

Knights are specifically and explicitly not avowed. Mother corrects Alden when he says so. But they do have affixed skills like Avowed do. The Knights themselves seem to use the term “Bound”.


Aulia's luck wordchain blowback is causing havoc again I think. Jacob getting the Submerger from Orpheus is bound to be discovered and the blowback to the Velras will be tough. At least I assume so

Heather White

This is one of my favorite parts of SupSup. I’ve read so many litrpg’s where by chapter 130 he’d already be stronger than everyone else, the only one who could save the day, or the most important, powerful one on a team. Sleyca is doing an incredible job balancing between needing to see him grow as a hero and his development being slow so it feels realistic and has depth.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

I also had to reread that to understand the "it was" did not refer to the teleport time but to his perception the bridge action.


I think it's the other way around The valve was at point nemo as it is the furthest from land with amenities for the fighters. When the world tried to find a spot where to put all the "dangerous" superhuman, point nemo (already half develop and far from everything) kind of answered all the criteria


#12 🧐 My current theory, Alden's teleport timer is weird because Earth S's System is going to rescue teleport Alden to a safe location that is ALSO a place he can help ( two birds with one stone ) Because Alden is not in a safe place, and not in a place he can help, and it is not an emergency summons ( those are instantaneous ) @Alex Thank you 🤩, I have been looking for the Ch 69 quote for the last 30 minutes 🔲


Patreon comments just reset and I lost you comment Thank you for finding Ch69 quote Argh, Patreon works different on smartphone versus smart tablet


@Endaris while I think it's really unlikely to get the uniform, the moon horror survival mission also meant immediate abandonment (more like postponement) of the current cast, so it's possible

Heather White

Sleyca, your response here may be my favorite (and the most delightfully evil) response in this week’s comments.


I don't think this has anything at all to do with the luck blowback. That was nearly a year ago. These are consequences for actions taken by Orpheus and Jacob, and a bit of demon influence I'd guess (Will the object shaper seemed to have chaos wounds).


My Spouse does not even read _Super Supportive_ ( waiting for the hardback, or at least an eBook ) and she approves of Spooky Seawater being labeled TsuNOMi or TsundereNOMi 🔲


Jeffry’s finally gonna see how important aqua brute is.


Ok prediction time! I predict that Alden will be forced to cancel his teleport to save someone on the bridge. This will eventually leave Alden and Klein alone to defend themselves in the city and at some point Alden will have to use his wizard powers to defend himself. Klein will be the first person to learn about Alden’s wizard abilities and be a helpful confidant moving forward.


@Brandon, Some of the best writers keep their day job because it helps them write people Not because they need the money Though John Scalzi ( ex president SFWA and millionaire author ) points out writing income can disappear overnight for multiple reasons so even full time writers need backup plans 🔲

Skull Leader

I feel like I am being jumped here by responders when I did mention that it was unlikely and did mention that the uniform was not normally available on earth or have powers accessible. It is a wild prediction for a reason. I was merely pointing out that maybe it is possible for these limitations to be overcome and overridden. Of course I understand as a story point that it is very unlikely to happen as it would not fit with the long scope pace of the story. That was never my point in my original post.


Exactly. I would also be scared, because many things can happen which makes you lose your patreon supporters and then you have zero safety net


I meant I couldn't make the connection between choas and water behaving strangly, but point taken, there could be such a reaction that we are just not aware of yet


Absolutely kicking myself over not listening to the Cliffhanger Warning, I’m going to be crawling up the walls with anticipation by the time Thursday night (therefore Friday midday for my timezone) rolls around with the next chapter…


They're building a long floating suspension bridge in Norway! https://dissingweitling.com/en/news/further-development-of-the-floating-bridge-bjørnafjorden I spend entirely too much time researching stuff that I barely end up showing on page...


Ah, that helps Gryphon. I didn't imagine the cables (we don't have many bridges where I'm from ☺️). Ok so the bridge falling down could cause large volumes to be thrown up in the air and cascade down onto people...


Joe says (Ch39) Artona I & II were settled when Avowed were first created 🔲


In most litrpg, the MC is always the MVP in every situation, even when they weren't the most powerful 😂

Heather White

I was just rereading the first section, with all the babble, and the dark humor is fantastic. Everyone having the normal responses, talking about what’s happening, trying to contact family, or trying to ET, except for that one person desperately trying to get wardrobe to respond. And while all those other voices could be any of the students, we know exactly who’s calling for wardrobe.


@Sindri, yeah that tracks. I also have to wonder if we are going to see more powerful demons. Especially given the description from Will of something "scrabbling on the otherside"

Heather White

Could’ve been much worse. She could’ve ended at, “And then the bridge dropped.”

Heather White

Congratulations! Thank you for putting your time into such a great space for the community.

Jeff Petkau

@Markus The rest of the world's opinion doesn't really matter. Isolating the Avowed on Anesidoria is only possible because most Anesidorians support it too; if that changes, and they start refusing to force people to move there, or if a lot more new avowed start refusing to register, then the system has to break. It's just not stable the way it is.


I like this prediction a lot. Having Klein back Alden would be really beneficial for him. Especially, when you think about the other teacher's who seem to like him already like Big & Little Snake.

Swiss Jeez

The teleportation from Artona III to Thegund (which is in the same solar system as Artona I I believe) was called "trans-dimensional"

Heather White

Wow, the video on that page is gorgeous. I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen a floating bridge before.


About 12, i think his priority is that of a baby-knight, i would assume a bonafide knight's priority would be extremelly low as they can help themselves most of time. Like so I believe a knight just after affixation would have a higher priority than Alden at the moment

Jeff Petkau

Eh? Cross-dimensional teleports are mentioned many times. Gordon comes from a broken dimension. Though it's unclear what that actually means. Sleyca does seem to use "dimension" as if it's interchangeable with "solar system".


“Point Nemo - Where Anesidora is located. It's the oceanic pole of inaccessibility, located farther from land than any other point on the globe.” The chaos point is in the right place, it’s just the weird humans decided to build next to it


Thanks for the chapter! Rip Alden's comfy intensity 4 life, once again gone before he could say goodbye.. And poor, poor Haoyu q_q he's just a sweet little party badger. I hope he recovers. Now it's time to lay down and ugly cry while I patiently wait for Thursday to come


Teleportation allows for interdimensional travel! Dimensions have been mentioned a few times...usually during teleports or talks about demons. All of the Artonas have their own solar systems. Thegund is in the Artona I system, in orbit around a gas giant called Kimnor. III is in a different dimension from the other two in my notes, but it's not officially canon yet (unless I've accidentally already mentioned it in passing in the story...I didn't think I had, but since Mag1cM remembers it that way I might've). There's a lot of world building stuff going on with Triplanets politics and wizarding history, so I'm keeping a bit of flexibility in place by not giving tons of insight yet. That way by the time we get to it, I can make sure it's all fitting together. Edit: And of course the official name of the System in English is "Interdimensional Warriors Contract"! Edit Two: Swiss Jeez makes a good point. I can't find the spot in the story right now, but I've very likely mentioned interdimensional teleportation in when it comes to traveling between III and Thegund already since that's how it is in my head. So that would make it canon after all.


Alden is definitely going to reject his teleport to save someone. However I think it will be his main skill at the end of the day. Bearer of All Burdens is the OP skill that he needs to prove to Klein is worthwhile.


Guys, I just thought of something funny. Imagine Wardrobe had worked and Alden just suddenly donned this bright red lab jacket in the bus 😂


I can't believe this. Sleyca please! Why must fictions come in chapters and not materialize fully born? I hate this.


Aldens behavior from the prospective of the other students has to look so strange. He is initially quiet, then goes the back of the bus and mutters in Artonian while waving his hands around. Then he goes to his backpack and throws a bunch of lavender packs into the back of the bus. 😆


Tyftc, god this made me antsy.


I am using the word "dimension" in more of the classic sci-fi/fantasy sense.


lmao, good point. That's probably why Haoyu asked him if he was ok. Glad someone was paying attention.


Imagine afterwards some classmates telling Alden: "we never appreciated how tough it must've been for you on that moon with the chaos, now we understand ". Alden: " yeah, well, it was kinda similar, except that I had no System interface or way of communicating with the authorities and there were demon grasshoppers that left holes in non-Avowed" *Crickets chirping*


lucky you. This really is an excellent chapter for a lucky number. My favorite number is 419. If we ever see it it'll be a long time from now.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

I will never stop getting a kick out of seeing Alden casually reference some unbelievably dramatic part of his life without realizing how it sounds, then seeing people around him try to awkwardly figure out how to react.


Why is Alden suddenly alone at the back, with Klein telling him he won't leave anyone behind? I know Klein carried Jupiter forward, but what about Maricel and Njeri?


What he went through is actually so ridiculous, I don't think us as readers can always maintain perspective on it since we were fed bits of the Thegund arc over time


Exactly. I think a lot more Avowed are going to go off the radar instead of Anesidora. Then other nations are going to put pressure on Anesidora to come capture them, but they won't realistically have enough manpower for that. At some stage the forced removal will become a farce


I very much hope, that we will never get a POV of the systems. It would be interesting, but I just don't think anyone alive could do such a POV justice.


A lot is going to be clearer in forthcoming chapters, but yes, the water is definitely not following regular physics here. It crawled up the sides of the bridge, completely encompassed it right down to the street lamps and gave it a yank downwards. The cascade of water that hits Alden from above comes off of the light immediately above the car he's lying on the hood of. When the bridge-encapsulation ends and the water goes back to being water, it crashes down on top of him.


It is kinda sad. Jacob's dad said avowed can't think for themself and here is Jacob, proving his dad and taking the identification spell, because everyone else said it was more usefull.


Farther up I read a comment that Aulia just uses her yachts personal submerger to safe the boat, not realising that it was traded for drugs.

Heather White

Since Alden was the fastest of that group, I think Klein was going to carry the others forward first & meanwhile have Alden catching up on the bike.


Thanks for clarifying Sleyca! Ok, I'm thinking that the water returning to normal might have something to do with the figure Dee saw flying in the air (probably a Knight). Unless the action of lifting and dropping water is to cleanse the chaos like Alis did with dirt


Personally, I think the bigger problem will be the rising faction that likes living separately but wants their own space far away from Matadero. If no one is willing to give it to them, then eventually some of them will just take it the old fashioned way. Avowed colonization will drastically change the global situation.


His first summon timer was much much shorter for a regular mission was 48 seconds. His first emergency summon on Art III was 4 seconds. I suspect it was just a regular ET to a safe location which the relative short timer is due to his priority number.


SYSTEM SHOP Discussion of System shops Personally, I was under the impression magical gear in the System Shop is manufactured by magic crafters ( Avowed, Wizards, Knights ), stored for future use ( based on predictions of future need, and current resources, by Omniscient Systems ), and teleported directly to the buyer LOCKED SHOP Maybe, Earth S’s System Shop is locked for multiple reasons Non essential service System might need the items during the emergency Crafters should be reaching a safe location, not necessarily a crafting workshop Crafters should be repairing items not creating items Many Shop items are currently unreliable ( requires System to operate, easily damaged by emergency conditions, etc. ) Many BUYERS are currently unreliable ( panic buying, no knowledge of chaos events, no knowledge of magical disasters, etc. ) BOMB COAT Joe‘s Bomb coat was designed by Joe, but likely created by a Wizard, or Avowed, in Earth S’s universe For Earth S’s Shop, of the in stock items, it was the best stats Alden could find ( like MMO have different items in different regions and the stock rotates ) KNIGHT UNIFORMS Knight uniforms are only available ( in universes / on planets / System shops ) that have appropriate crafters AND ( Knights that might need replacements / new Knights that might need a starter kit ) Earth S’s Shop has no new Knights so no reason for a Knight’s starter kit Even if Mother wanted to slip a Knight’s uniform to Earth, Contract I ( and Earth S’s Contract ) would prevent both System ( AI / Spirits ) from doing it without alerting the Knights ( magical contracts, the Artonan’s favorite type of magic ) 🔲


Not a big wave in this scene. (Pretty sure one big enough to crest over the bridge would've thrown every vehicle and soul off the bridge at a lethal rate of speed) Instead, we have some very grabby water encapsulating the bridge and then trying to yank it down into the deep.

Zachary Sloan

As Alden himself mentions, if this was the case (and his timer was lower due to his lower Rank) Klein wouldn't have reason to (seemingly) assume that Alden's teleport is later. I'm thinking this might just be the Earth System deciding that Alden has exceptionally high value (since it's aware of most/all of his circumstances).


If the System <b>really</b> wanted Alden to affix something ASAP, it would offer to upgrade his trait to work on Objects and/or Water. Something like that would be really hard for Alden to turn down right now.

Ilia Ciolac

My prediction: Alden will be teleported to that Artonan couple by their request. It’s the safest place and they probably care about what might happen to him and this is also why his timer is so low.

Zachary Sloan

My best guess about the timer is just that the Earth System prioritizes Alden highly due to his circumstances. Klein's behavior seems to imply that high ranks generally have higher priority (since he seems to assume Alden will be one of the last to teleport). The Earth System is aware of Alden's circumstances, so it makes perfect logical sense for it to prioritize him as a "future asset."


I will let others advise you, since I have authorial perspective rather than reader perspective and that sometimes makes me think things aren't *too* cliffhangery when others assure me that they are. I hope you enjoy either the read or the wait! :)

Aspiring Moth

Assuming the "Alden will be teleported to matadero to pickle a magical nuclear warhead" group is right, it would be a great time for boe to crawl out of the cat only to realise he now has a few million lives to save

Zachary Sloan

This is my assumption (about the reason for Alden's high priority). It makes perfect sense for the Earth System to heavily prioritize him. It's aware of Alden's full circumstances (and thus aware of the fact that Alden will become one of the most powerful Avowed in the future, assuming he continues living). As you mention, I imagine it first prioritizes people in immediate danger, and then goes in terms of something like "their net value as an Avowed." The most interesting part IMO is that Alden's timer never changes. Everyone else's is oscillating, which I assume is because of different people finding themselves in dangerous circumstances (or worse, dying and being removed from the queue).


I always thought a cataract was a specific form of whitewater, a drop in a river. Is this a regional usage? I would think cascade is a better word for this description.


It's probably just an enchantment. Wonder how chaos resistant it is.

David Burchfield

Remember it's the same with the Knights and the Forest. I think they put it there because that is where the most people the most qualified to deal with it are.


If he freezes a chaos monster it's dead since he would enforce His auhtority on it i think via his skill.


Bet jeffy is gonna ignore the tp and swim back to the dorm

Bob Ross

I was going to say that I think the system might have higher priorities right now, but then I started wondering. How much additional danger is Alden in by carrying around that ratio of unbound authority? Probs not much, he carried way more for way longer on Thegund, but I feel like he's about to be in the thick of it here soon, so maybe? Also just realized that the system can't take advantage of this particular emotional state anyways. Alden can't affix right now without becoming unable to use BoAB. Anything the system offers him wont benefit him until after the event has passed.

Guus van der Borg

I don't think the deal with Boe holds up if Alden was 'forced' to do the heroics. It was all about limiting the danger Alden steps into voluntarily after all.

Bob Ross

@SkySeeker(dnLKiam) I feel like Joe really had Alden pegged back in chapter 29. Joe muttered in Artonan, then narrowed his eyes. “Do you realize you’ve just admitted to something extremely surprising, or do you perhaps think it’s normal?” Story of Aldens life!

Guus van der Borg

It really is amazing. There are multiple chapters dedicated to explaining that the gloss is not responsible for every bad thing that happens, and that the gloss ended almost half a year ago. And yet every single chapter there are still multiple people blaming the gloss for everything.


We know from chapter 67 that there are warehouses where the System stores (among other things) the Wardrobe items. So your theory about them being made ahead of time is confirmed!

Calum Donaldson

I figure the Bridge Wright is someone who eventually developpes into making teleporters. Also only having one bridge between Apex and the main island seems not ideal.


POINT NEMO PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE ANESIDORA I agree with other commenters ( looking at you @ImNotHere ) about the history of Anesidora Point Nemo has a large moat ( 2,688 km ) to protect Matadero, Matadero ( likely pre [ human / octopus / dolphin ] first contact / magical research / resource world survey station ), Apex ( human support for Matadero including magic forest for wards ) and F-City ( Avowed Enclave created when Apex too small ) DESERT In addition to Point Nemo’s 2,688 km moat, it is an Oceanic desert ( no oceanic plants, no oceanic animals ) So less ecologically damage from ( magic / chaos ) disasters and almost no animals to demonize ( probably warning signs about seafood and aquatic pets ) very similar to lifeless Moon Thegund It does suck for seafood markets, aquatic pet shops, zoos, and large domestic animals THIRD ISLAND PS Alden, since Apex has the best magic infrastructure, and F-City the second best, when the third island is added, F-City will get gentrified Forcing out poorer ( relatively ) Avowed that will sell their property on F-City to buy cheaper property on the third island ( named Alden or Samuel or Thorn if our accidental Knight is not careful ) The logical location would be equal distance from Apex, and F-City, but knowing humans, they will probably put them in a straight line forcing commuters from Thorn Island to go through F-City 🔲


Lute will REALLY need reputation repair after this Maybe tutor lots of people in Peace of Mind? 🔲


> know exactly who’s calling for wardrobe. It wasn’t the Lion ( Winston ), or the Grandwitch, calling the Wardrobe 🔲

David Burchfield

My guess on the teleport timer is that the Children are first because of the risk of them demonizing if exposed to chaos. That is the biggest risk and worst case snowball situation and dovetails nicely onto human morality standards. After that it is by priority rank (how valuable the triplanets considers you) Because of his commendation and potential Alden ranks very highly relative to most humans.


It doesn't have to be one or the other. If Alden is teleported to the main hospital he is presumably 'safe' - but he's also in the perfect position to use his powers to help out.


Does this count as a "bad day" for the system?


@Guus van der Borg, you see it's all part of Aulia's schemes, it even affects all levels of meta reality. Only a real girlboss like her is capable of such a feat.


Maricel due to s-rank has better stats and is faster than him due to no ground there. Njeri is a a rank water Shaper I think. So she is in no trouble. I also think alden was too focused on what was happening and not everyone nearby from the description of events.

Tycho Green

All went according to plan when all of a sudden chaos broke lose. Warning: You are under attack. Warning: Risk of Chaos Exposure. Warning: Oceani- But Lind and Esh, watching the Avowed fighting against the Demon only moments ago, had already stopped listening. They stared at each other, intuiting their partners thoughts through their new link: Get the rabbit here as fast as possible, so we can babysit one more person!


I think if he preserved a thing underneath some students and got teleported, he would take the poncho along but drop the students. Iirc it's not normal for an emergency teleport to take along multiple people even if they're touching, he can only bring a passenger if they're the Burden he's Bearing.


Yeah the deal with Boe was about choices, not consequences. That's why they agreed to an appropriate reprisal based on Alden's original plan to just send out some emails to the Boaters and visit one particular maid-brute briefly, not to what actually happened with the Velra Matriarch getting involved and Manon ending up dead and Hazel banished from the planet.


Well, on a normal day it can handle the messaging service, Internet connections, and occasional teleportation for every single Avowed on the planet simultaneously. And now it doesn't have enough spare bandwidth to let a text message through for a few hours. So yeah I think Terra is having a bad day.

Heather White

I thought Maricel should be faster than him too since he can’t use azure rabbit, but it’s mentioned that he’s faster: “Alden was the fastest member of the back group, but he was still slow enough that if he sprinted to join the guys ahead of him, he’d be the one holding them back. So he was running with Maricel, Everly, Jupiter, and Njeri.”

Flying Goat

When everyone in the world is so busy thinking about what happens next, that's when Sleyca takes advantage of the situation, and seizes control!

Flying Goat

Also possible that the chaos gets bad enough that the system is unable to teleport people. Either way, though, I agree that Alden's not going to end up teleported to safety - that would just be too anti-climactic (And don't think he's going to be teleported in to risk his life doing something heroic - just seems unlikely to me. And if he were that obviously important to helping handle the event, he wouldn't be in a rescue queue)

Bob Ross

Shoutout to the commenter who was (sufficiently) paranoid about Alden carrying Gracefullness wordchain debt. If he'd have paid in advance like he'd planned, the wordchain might have landed despite his slightly faster cadence when performing it!


Some kind of water elemental/demon? The Velra's better get off their yacht pretty quick!

Aspiring Moth

on the other hand, there's nothing forcing Alden to actually take the job. the system might teleport him in, but it isn't forcing him to put himself in danger. he can say no at any point. so he is putting himself on the line by choice to save people he doesn't know or care about, which was what what the deal was about. just because he's the optimal choice to solve a problem, doesn't mean it's optimal for him as a person to risk his life


Introducing the spin-off to Super Supportive: Very Villainous

Temp One

Shouldn't be, as his Skill is the one that needs to bear the burden. Otherwise it would deactivate like the issue he has with Max's speed strips.


@terrestial Ah right, I forgot that people stack when it comes to his power. Thank you for the reminder!

Marcus Rodriguez

In addition to what everyone else said, they all forgot to mention being a knight (affixed wizard) comes with insane power growth and affixing provides some chaos resistance.


lol. And there was me thinking about cataract surgery to replace the lens in the eye.

Heather White

Nice callback to Alden’s meeting with Earth’s system in chapter 105: “I am not even capable of liking you or disliking you in a manner that you would understand. Unless I’m having a very bad day.”

Bob Smith

Is this a mixing of the bomb and the submerger's effects? It kind of seems like the water was trying to submerge everything it touched.


Thinking about the priortisation for ETs... I think kids are prioritised first, or at least are high on the list. Couple of reasons: 1) Parents, as a general rule, tend to be overly protective and prone to panicking. I can't see a parent waiting patiently in their car with kids unless they were *very* certain an ET was coming. 2) On Thegund, once Thenn-ar understood the danger, she says she should have sent Alden in the vehicle instead of Kibby's father. Using the space for a man destined to die quickly was a waste. But the implication is she still would have sent Kibby's sister. Implying Artonans (like humans) think its appropriate to try your hardest to save a child, even if its not logical. So, probably kids first. What about the Avowed? Klein seems to think he might need to turn down an ET. This implies that he thinks his ET will arrive earlier than at least some of the students. However, he doesn't say he will *definitely* turn down an ET. So either he thinks everyone will get to safety before ET times start, or he isn't sure what determines relative ET time. For the second option - could it be free authority level? It would line up with what little we know about chaos/demonisation, and would explain why he thinks Alden's would be particularly long. Of course, this would only be part of it. The shifting times implies that relative safety, health, etc. play a role in priority. Which brings us to the final point of interest. Why is Alden's timer so steady? If it was only a few seconds then it could be explained by him being at the beginning of the queue, but with 7 minutes then there are clearly a lot of people getting ET'd before him. Therefore, I think Alden isn't in a queue at all. His ET is tied to a different trigger with a fixed time limit. One possibility is that as a VIP the system has to get him out within a fixed time period. Some rule like "if a VIP's naturally priority would ET them >10 minutes after incident starts, instead ET at 10 minutes". Alternatively there's something else the System is expecting to happen in 7 minutes, and is planning on ET'ing to coincide with it. A summonariam being opened? Or maybe its an agreed time to summon people for the Knights?


After the whole big thing about not wantonly endangering himself to help others whether it was called for or not? I think Alden will accept the teleport. And take two preserved people with him when he goes. And then find a way to help from relative safety, like assisting in a hospital.


I think your reasoning for the kids is flawed. I expect the system's reason for going for them first is much more concrete than vague cultural expectations like that. These are anesidoran kids. Meaning, possibly high authority, high chaos potential kids who are not yet protected by affixation. They need to be put as far away from chaos as possible, as soon as possible, or risk creating some really bad demons, who will in turn spread more chaos...

Partha Peddi

To be open with you all, I re-read the chapter, and I am underwhelmed with the ending. If only it moved a little further along to a more meaningful event...


It's similar in usage to waterfall. It works fine here, though cascade would also work.


that's fair, it's a pretty tough cliffhanger. But I feel like we are slowly building up with the last few, perhaps ill read the next couple chapters in a chunk.

Heather White

I have to admit that the first time I read the paragraph describing the water coming up on the bridge I was still thinking tsunami surge (he said it wasn’t like the other kids had described but also said their knowledge was sketchy), so I didn’t really take in the supernatural nature of it. I was thinking it just looked kind of surreal to him because he’d never seen one before, and I thought the description of the water on the light posts was kind of a poetic way of describing water swirling around an object in its path. I didn’t see the water going all the way up the poles or completely covering them, and my mind explained the water that fell on his face to be a product of the rain and possibly a gust of wind knocking a bit extra off. Now when I go back & read that section I can see it’s clearly meant to be supernatural, not poetically descriptive, and Sleyca’s description up above has really clarified it for me. I think that one paragraph description of the phenomenon may just have been too subtle to knock aside my preexisting tsunami expectations.


I feel the priority is based on the priority rank of the person. Alden has a private rank and a public one. His private rank measures his present and future value, which make him more solid than kids with limited present, but some potential, future value.


My dude, I want to read your comments because clearly you've got a lot of thoughts on things and I have to assume some of them are interesting or insightful. But I think I'm allergic to your formatting. Have you considered using punctuation? I would also recommend nesting replies under the comments you're replying to. (@ing people doesn't notify them, it's just being used by some commenters to visibly indicate which person in a chain they are replying to; doing it this way means your "reply" will probably never be found.)


I think that actually getting and wearing the coat that he was using through eight months of hell might be difficult, emotionally. He stated his intent to get a new one, because it was really good at keeping him alive, but I think he was waiting until later to do so since he's immune to summoning for a while and earth is Perfectly Safe. Of course even if he had already bought it, that wouldn't help him here unless he always wore it (or at least carried it along) to dinner out with his classmates; he didn't get the ability to magically change outfits and the purchase price only includes one teleportation fee. I kind of expect Alden to have spent a quiet evening or two going through the whole wardrobe and tagging all the items that seem useful for a heroic career instead of just being for style or housekeeping so that he can get the perfect coat/hat/whatever for the situation in a matter of seconds... only for the store to shut down.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

The year is 2524. Humanity discovered immortality in 2056 and by popular vote, gave the first dose to Sleyca. We are now on chapter 3206, Alden is level B-13950, and is able to slice moons in half by preserving each half of the moon as a separate object It doesn’t seem to be ending anytime soon


@no: yeah, that's a great point and makes me even more confident that they are definitely priortising kids. @MacGuffin: The problem with that theory is it completely fails to explain the most interesting thing - why is Alden's time ticking down steadily and not fluctuating?


I have to finish to compile the epub in one to ease the research on Anesidora islands. Right now I just have the lenght of the span in head. I need to check : - if the size of the islands are mentionned - the orientation of the crescent (the only one I can eliminate is up as there would be two "north of north") - the form (and orientation if not circular) of f-city (somewhere at the back of my head, my gremlin tells me circular might have been mentioned) I'm not sure they would put the third island in line. And if they make it big enough, it would not necesserly be the "low income" (they could have houses with treehouse-appropriate tree) But putting the island further away from Matadero might be an incentive after these events


Can't wait for Alden to be about to reach the end of his "evacuation" timer with two very vulnerable people in his party that he can't leave behind, so he picks them both up to carry to safety... and transitions directly to the middle of the chaos storm.


Carrying a whole person drains his magic faster than equivalent mass of normal objects. If it doesn't offer a major immediate benefit, it would be better to save his energy. Especially since that envelope of un-expended Authority is his only armor against Chaos.


The vast majority of heroes are A-rank. S is rarer but not super unusual. Then I'm not sure if a B or a Hyperbole is less common. So she's almost certainly higher rank than Alden, and most likely higher level as well unless she's really been slacking.


I think early evacuation is more likely to be because of his low rank than because of his commendation. An B-rank student should be a higher priority for getting out of a disaster area than an A-rank student since the more powerful kid can last longer on their own... but a person Commended for Unusual Bravery is probably fine to leave where they are for a while; they'll either find their own way out or go all Hero Mode and save the day. On the other hand, if some of the other commenters are right about it being a summon timer rather than an evac timer for him, then the kid with eight months demon-slaying experience and the highest Commendation on the planet should definitely be brought in to help with the crisis.


Wordchains are a completely different kind of magic, largely unrelated to wizardry and the avowed. Why would they have to go through a Contract? Ordinary humans can use wordchains without a speck of Authority in them and no system interface at all. Anyway, now I have this mental image of some poor Artonan kid getting excited that his opposite on earth is stringing together a half dozen chains in quick succession... and then never seeing the stone light up again... and gradually coming to the realization that maybe they weren't chaining so fast for a happy reason.


You mean wait even longer? Damn, you must have nerves of steel and be a master of self-discipline. But like Sleyca said this chapter is not short (7k words without notes and caracters recap) and the cut must be more natural here than a little bit further


This will read amazing when binging. Unfortunately we are the serial crew, so we have to suffer the cliffhanger. This chap is the kind you click the next button even if it is already 2 am and you have to wake up at 7 for work


This effect from the water looks an awful lot like a Submerger running in reverse. Instead of a protective bubble of hardened air surrounding a ship and keeping the water at bay while propelling it safely through the depths, you get a bubble of animate water surrounding a ship and keeping the air at bay while propelling it rapidly to its doom. I think the initial tsunami warning was when the system noticed an underwater explosion and figured that would push water around in dangerous ways because physics. Then as more data came in the System was like 'good news! it is not a tsunami. Anyway get as far away from the ocean as you can very quickly for non-tsunami related reasons and for the love of all that is holy do not try to ride this out in a ship.'


Yeah. And all credit to Haoyu though. He himself is losing composure worrying about his dad, yet, he still has enough of his wits about him to be able to reach out to someone else in need.


I think a lot of it is that we just didn't spend a lot of time with Kibby. I do suspect she's suffering from PTSD, and we see there's definitely some trauma-induced guilt there (blaming herself for her sister's death). But we only got a short interlude with her, and a lot of it was focused on her heist.


Huh. He forgot to preserve his poncho during the weird tsunami. I think he dulled his edge too much. He could have given his spare poncho to someone else.


It's possible that Alden is the heaviest person there (since he's a guy and older than the S and A ranks), so he got the bike while Klein carried the lighter girls.


Against Chaos specifically, I think that carrying a bunch of extra unbound Authority would actually help protect him. Maybe not as much as the same Authority folded into a more stable state, but he's certainly less vulnerable to chaos than an equal-level avowed who isn't also a wizard. Your Authority is your armor against corruption, a big ball of "I am Me, you can't make me anything else" wrapped around anybody with magic, that has to be eroded down to nothing before they can be influenced by chaos (whether that influence is to mutate you, turn you demonic, or just kill you).


"Thegund fucking sucked!” he told Stuart and the storm. “Even before the Contract failed, it sucked. It was still all the time. No wind. And there was almost no sound. That place felt like death even before it turned into death.” “Would you like me to have Aunt Alis dig an ocean there?” “YES!” Dear Alden, Here's your ocean. Sincerely, Chaos

Jumping Flounder

i honestly though when i first read that he threw himself into a minivan that he was pulling an Edward and stopping a car from hitting someone else.


Ah yes, Surprise teleporting him into danger followed by "pickle this bomb or everyone dies, but like, feel free to say no."

Aspiring Moth

believe it or not, the world managed to function before Alden graced it with his presence, and will do so after he's dead. while he may be an option (and maybe the best one in this situation), he isn't the only one


I hope their helicopter is big enough for everyone, including the staff.

Aspiring Moth

Hannah, for example, would have been good for this with her preservation bubbles. A team of water shapers could push the bomb out to sea too, worst case scenario

Michael Telford

And it seems to me that even the maximal chaos intrusion is expected to be handled by a single Knight. Two powerful Knights are honeymooning here. This is the alien equivalent of getting separated from your parents at the mall.


He did not forget. He specifically says he's conserving his powers in case he needs them later.


Didn't he get hit in the head, and is on the verge of passing out? He needed it, but his reactions were too slow.


[This chapter] Motion from inside the car he was pressed against pulled Alden’s attention, and he realized a boy and girl were staring at him from the backseat. The youngest one waved an action figure at him and said something that was muffled by the glass. It sounded like he might’ve been speaking Russian. The man driving the car leaned around to say something to the kids. [clipped] “Do you need help?” Maricel was calling through the back window. If there’s a corruption incident here, what happens to the kids? They weren’t Avowed. But most of them would be. What exactly…? The passenger window rolled down. “They will teleport soon! Very soon!” the driver said, motioning them onwards with his arm. “Go! Go!” The churning in Alden’s guts quieted at that. Relieved in more ways than one, he set off again. -------- [Ch 40 Zero In] He looked back at the car. Girls in the back seat already strapped in, father in the driver’s seat—it had felt wrong. [clipped] He pulled the toys out of his pocket and held them out to the little girl who still had the glowing halo of light-that-wasn’t-light floating above her head. She stared at him. Her little sister was bawling in the seat beside her. “Yours,” he said. He wanted to say ‘take them,’ but this was the best he could do. The girl reached for the toys. Alden waited until she had all three of them clutched in her small fingers, then he said, “One for me, one for you, one for your sister.” She blinked. Her father leaned over into the back to say something to her. She passed the Ryeh-b’t model to her sister and set it on her knee when the younger girl didn’t move to take it. Then she took the whistle for herself and passed the glittery putty ball back to Alden. “Thank you,” she said. “Thank you,” Alden said, trying to smile. He felt his skill activate. “Bye. Go home safe.” ------- The parallels are wrenching


I want to throw out there to y'all that there is no bomb to preserve at this point. The "oceanic anomaly" was the effect of the "bomb" going off, interacting with various magical materials nearby, and maybe influenced by the chaos zone. Bomb is probably one of those not-quite-right translations, in this case. It's a single-use device that has a massive area of effect, but the effect in question is not explosion. It's "the water grabs anything Object-aligned and yanks it downwards". Note that water rose to engulf the bridge and the cars, but not the people standing on top of the cars. We have precedence for magical materials next to a magic bomb greatly amplifying its effect, which is probably why the effect had such an absurd range in this case. Kibby did something similar with the "remodeling bomb" on Thegund.


They could always just invade New Zealand or something lol


Right, but putting him in that situation in the first place would be inherently coercive. Like it would be one thing if his teleport were indicating that he was being summoned for work, and then refused, but putting a kid with a hero complex the size of the island in front of this situation and then saying, "feel free to refuse bro" just isn't the same as Alden getting to make a rational decision to not be involved.


When I was a kid grabby water would have been great nightmare fuel


Agreed that the bomb (which is either the wright-made bomb or that plus the Submerger) has almost certainly already exploded. Barring extreme fortune, Jacob is gone. Subject to the limitations of Fragile Atmosphere, Mina and Riley may or may not be gone. Oceanic anomaly still feels chaos-based to me, but I will agree that a device that affected Object-aligned entites and pulls them down could be plausible.


Another thing, also from Ch 40 Zero In: ------------ But they were so little. It would be as easy to take all three of them as it was to carry two adults. The kids would be happier with their dad coming along, too. And that way, if something disastrous came up and prevented Alden from returning, the family wouldn’t be separated. ------------ Alden has teleported with two people before. He thinks he should be able to do three. We don't know what the factors behind the costs to the System are for teleports, though they clearly have some and require rationing. However, if the number of teleports themselves are a significant expense, Alden can theoretically reduce them by allowing the System to use him for bulk teleporting small groups, starting with the one that he's in when his timer expires. Three additional people is the minimum point where this becomes an advantage (Alden in + Alden out with people = 2 teleports vs 3 teleports for three people out). He would still have to be entrusted with them and pick them up, but he has previously though this would work.

Second Raddish

Underwhelming as far as events playing out yeah. Character development though I think it's solid. I like that Alden's reaction to being exposed to a fraction of a memory froze him in place. Homie needs help but needs to know he needs it first.


Later on, Boe: "I'm sorry, you saved HOW many people?!?!?"

Alex Scriber

Really exciting chapter. Did a great job of establishing and maintaining tension. I wonder why none of the Avowed are trying to clear the traffic jam? In our world, traffic jams during a disaster are inevitable and almost unfixable because vehicles are heavy and people are weak. On Anesidora, especially near Apex, neither of those things is true. Apex residents, and thus most people traveling to or from Apex, are all high ranks. We just saw this same group of teenagers handily manage "differently shaped metric ton and half metric ton weights" during the obstacle race (https://www.patreon.com/posts/one-hundred-five-97140421). A typical car weighs anywhere form .5 to 2 metric tons. Some vehicles might be too heavy to move, but most won't be. Remember this is Anesidora, and most vehicles aren't even as big as cars due to the large taxes applied specifically to limit vehicle and car ownership. So most vehicles will be smaller than cars, and most cars will be on the smaller, lighter end. If even teenagers can deal with jammed vehicles, surely a typical adult can? Brutes make up a large percentage of the Avowed population. Granted, the adults driving those vehicles are going to resist having their vehicle unjammed - but only until they get in accidents and then abandon their vehicles like the idiots they are. Would staying on the bus and only getting off to unjam traffic be slower than sprinting? I'm not sure - depends on how much traffic needs to be unjammed. But it would keep the whole group together where Klein can protect them. Not to mention helping everyone stuck behind them, which is about half the people on the bridge.


From Boe when Alden affixed: “… it seems like it’s a coat of magic that transforms a percentage of gravity’s effect on you into force as you kick off the ground.” Your thoughts have also crossed my mind - based on Boe’s description of the trait, I feel like Alden could very easily redirect that magical force into punches and kicks. I even hope that Alden will somehow, someway learn to bear forces, like gravitational or kinetic forces and redirect that force into Azure Rabbit, but that is baseless speculation/me wanting Alden to be cooler than he already is haha. The main problem is the Ground limitation! If Objects were added to Azure Rabbit it would be so much better, im hoping the Ground requirement is a geas he just hasn’t worked though yet, otherwise he will need to come up with a solution.

Eitan G.

I’ve seen a lot of people commenting on this. I really think the answer to this is just “math”. If you are far back in the line, say 500,000th, then any update to the queue between that and 0 will make your number change. So 500,000 possible inserts or deletions. On the other hand, if you’re place 5, there are only 5 possible inserts or deletion that would change your number. So just by that alone you’d get a far more stable number.


Back of the envelope calculations for an 8 km bridge that has four lanes which are gridlocked in both directions could easily have 7,000 cars on it. Even whacking that down to 1/3 gives us about 2,300 cars. Apex DOES have a lot of people who can move weights, but given the extreme time constraints, the uncertainty of the situation, and the unavailability of casual teleport, I can see why this idea would be quickly abandoned (like so many of the vehicles themselves). Having said all that, I can see some Avowed may be working to clear the traffic much further ahead and within some of the moderately safer areas, but Alden has miles to go before that's relevant to him.


@Eitan sure, I'd expect Alden's number to be more stable. But not *perfectly* stable. The fluctuation should be proportional to the square root of your position - which itself is (probably) proportional to your time. So, if 25-30 minutes is normal for most of the hero students, then since Alden has a quarter of the time I would expect half the fluctuation. I.e. If everyone else sees their time regularly changing by 10-20 seconds then Alden should see 5-10 second fluctuations.

Heather White

Since the end of last chapter there’s been the question of what Oceanic Anomalies would be & how they would affect Alden et al. Would it be a tsunami that knocks them off the bridge or collapses it? Would it be a shockwave or something with chaos in it? Would it be demons? Will they get off the bridge before the anomalies arrive? The buildup leads to Alden surviving the creepy supernatural water assault, which answers quite a few of those questions & sees him going through a frightening experience & surviving it. For me it feels like a pretty significant event and a reasonable place to end the chapter. We know that for now he’s alive & well, even though he still has a long way to go.


Alden himself is probably prioritized as a child. Or near child. He's in high school guys. This is a high school field trip. I don't doubt that there is some narrative nonsense about to happen, this is a book after all. But Klein and Dee are both adults, not to mention both super heroes. Alden is 17. At *best* we can expect priority to be "whose most likely to die/get hurt in a chaos disaster". Children, especially for chaos potential noted above. unavowed adults rookie avowed(I.E. High schoolers) and then avowed sorted by power/how relevant they are to the situation. With a focus of freeing up supers who are otherwise protecting charges and closeness to epicenter (why that one guy is at an hour 9 and dee is at 20 mins). I think most the other people we've heard the timer on so far are in that last category. Its only natural Alden isn't. As one of the weaker high schoolers he'll be in the first of his category to be teleported.


Not to mention that alden and his class are being babysat by two people who could be used elsewhere. So that might further push him up the queue I don't know how much that plays in though since we don't know exactly if this disaster is one that needs bodies on the front line or not. It might be that the demon escaped/spread, but it also might be that it got annihilated by the submerger/artonans. We simply don't know what's happening over there yet.

Andrew Tobin

That was one of the many cool recent moments - Alden contemplating and second guessing all of his starting choices and kicking himself out of it by reflecting that any of different choice could have affected the outcome on Thegund. Still feeling for Jacob on that bubble option though.

John D Jones

Regarding Klein, one thing that's important to keep in mind is that this story isn't "Harry Potter and the Alien Sooperpowerz." Despite multiple speculations prior to this (many of them mine) so far Alden has managed to save... himself... from falling victim to his own trauma-induced terror that "Oh, Jesus-fuck, it's going to happen again!" Torsten Klein is not Severus Snape. He has no personal animosity toward Alden and is concerned about Alden's well-being in a genuine way. His opposition to Alden being on the Hero track at Celena North also came at least partly from a place of concern for Alden himself.

Flying Goat

And Alden still needs to gain 5 more levels to gain the ability to make pickles with his power.

Andrew Tobin

It’ll be fine. The mishnen will ignore all the human flesh to nom on the premium Artonen flesh from the wizards.

Andrew Tobin

Possibly, or maybe he just couldn’t stack it with the other two at his present level of practice. It could just be he didn’t get it out cleanly too.

John D Jones

@ Ilia Ciolac & Tycho Green Why? Why would the couple move to do that? They know [i]of[/i] Alden but they don't actually know him or have a personal connection to him. There are multiple good reason for Alden to be moved to safety ASAP. He's got the Commendation. He's the first human Wizard. He's basically the first human Knight of the Mother World. Him dying here in a Chaos tsunami would represent a huge lost opportunity to grow the relationship between Artonans and Humans. But the two Knights don't know most of that. The Systems do, though and that's probably what they're acting on.


PATREON COMMENTS >I would also recommend nesting replies under the comments you're replying to. (@ing people doesn't notify them Thank you for the feedback Patreon ( and Royal Road ) comment sections all SUCK None, of the three, are developed by forum software programmers FORMATTING >But I think I'm allergic to your formatting. Best to just skip my comments. My target audience ( see Protégé Effect below ) is not a perfect overlap with Sleyca Patreon members PROTÉGÉ EFFECT The below link is a comment discussing video game forums. But most of the points also applies to web novel forums ( especially world building discussions ) Unfortunately most comment sections ( Patreon, Royal Road, etc. ) are not fully functional forum software Dec 15, 2021 7:26 AM ( https://forum.smallgiantgames.com/t/community-content-essay-is-it-really-quitting-if-you-keep-coming-back-or-stalker-ghosting-empires/140141/31 ) 🔲


I suspect Alden is faster because he is physically more fit and the other slowpokes aren't specialised in speed, so they would only have a couple more stats in speed at most.


In the q&a, Sleyca mentioned/joked that a third island might be half-moon shaped to keep to the “theme,” so it’s safe to infer that if Apex is a crescent, then f-city is in the shape of a large letter F


I mostly agree with you But Alden says System understands demon ( and bomb ) So WrightBomb probably broke very sturdy Submerger Oceanic anomaly is Grabby Water according to Sleyca ( aka Spooky Water aka TsuNOMi nom nom nom 🔲


Maybe their longsight chef will be able to tell them to get far away!


I still totally see Alan Rickman playing his character. I wish that was possible.


More crackfic scenes. First, a reminder from Ch 24: --------- Many things humans used as flooring didn’t qualify. A floor made of granite slabs was definitely ground. A floor made of concrete was, too, but it was less ground than the granite…and if it was several stories above the earth it might be classified as an object. Wood flooring often wasn’t ground, but a big pile of wood mulch almost always was. Literally any pot full of soil with a live plant in it was ground. Even if it was on an airplane. ---------------- "Guys, I have an idea. Come over here. Now, Jupiter, I know you have a plant on you." "I said I was borrowing those plants. I promise all of their owners will see them again." "Doesn't matter. This is important. Njeri, if Jupiter sticks this in the pavement crack over here, can you water it?" "Sure. You might have noticed, but there's plenty of water around" "Ok, Jupiter, I need you to make this..... why do you have kudzu wrapped around your leg.... whatever, I need you to make this grow as fast as you can here. Just trust me." ------- "Lexi, what tf was that?" "I can't completely tell, but I think that was Alden doing his bunny hop thing down the road over the cars as hard as he could with three frozen girls tied to his back...... and now they just vanished in mid-air." "Um... should we tell Klein?" "He's over there and he looks pissed off about something. I think he already knows"


I've seen a few solid theories for why the ocean tried to eat the bridge - the bomb, some kind of chaos effect. What if the extremely powerful magical object called a submerger is trying to submerge it (along with the boats we saw disappear and possibly Matadero itself)? Will was metaphorically trying to scratch a chaos itch, maybe he thought dunking it would do the job. The vehicle the submerger is sitting in would not necessarily be annihilated, giving Jacob / Mina / Riley a path to survival. Telling the water to envelop something is an odd mechanism for a submarine, but magic works by authority telling the world how to act. And there is a lot of magical research into the control of water - maybe that's the easiest way for Artonan magic to do the job.


RANT AND WORKAROUND Wow, Patreon comment software is bad Currently I am reading on a tablet's browser because the smartphone app keeps ( freezing / resetting ) the comment section FIND ON PAGE Because the website loads new comments between the end of Sleyca's post and the top of the comment section I am forced to search for "Nemo" to find the end of Sleyca's post PROGRESS LOG I also have to note the top old comment ( before loading new comments ) so I know when I have hit the old comments again FIX Why does Patreon not load new comments at the BOTTOM of the comment section for browsers? like it does with the app Then I could just keep scrolling down And add a new comment ( "join the conversation ... " ) at the TOP of the comment section for browsers? like it does with the app Then I would not have to scroll past the last loaded comment to add a new comment 🔲

The butler did it

Ok, so I did some backtracking because I could swear Sleyca laid out how this works at some point, but apparently that's my imagination. She did hint about it though. At the funeral on chapter 23: "Alden had to wear a lanyard with a large badge hanging from it that identified him as a minor and a non-Avowed. Ms. Zhao had called it the “double squishy combo.”" During Intake on chapter 69: "His Evac Priority card flashed briefly into view when they crossed the halfway point on the bridge. He was pleasantly surprised to see that he was a Priority 6 now. In the event of an emergency, there were at least five categories of people who’d need to be rescued before him. The lanyard Cly Zhao had given him to wear when he came for Hannah’s funeral had been Priority 1." So what we can assume from this is that children and non-avowed get first priority, and the other layers we're not sure about.


Superfluidity can sort of act this way. Liquid helium is slightly famous for behaving in weird ways and crawling up and out of the sides of containers it's in. I can see some sort of chaos change to the local laws of physics, even outside of more direct chaos effects.

Partha Peddi

The chapter starts with the alert, but ends a few seconds before the teleport. It would have been natural flow if it ended with either Alden getting teleported and being surprised and saying "holy sh*t", or refusing to teleport due to a certain event that will be revealed in the next chapter.


So, urgent question here. Why did Jupiter spend foundation points on her sense of *smell*?!

Jason Harpster

@john d. jones - "But Lind and Esh, watching the Avowed fighting against the Demon only moments ago, had already stopped listening. " In unison they shout, "Mother, we have avowed in need of immediate chaos stabilized Teleportation to a House of Healing!", The Contract replies (42 seconds, Summoning Quiet Rabbit).


I expect Alden will take the teleport. There is a small chance he takes someone with him.


Best honest guess? She's an S-rank Shaper of Life, which I think can be a healing class. Maybe she wanted to be able to smell things like cancer, like some animals can.

Partha Peddi

Telling people to entrust themselves to him will take too long. Time being a major factor, it would not have worked.

Zenopath (AEV)

Plants have pheromones. Apparently at least some plants have been shown to communicate with each other, basic stuff like "I'm being eaten by bugs!" Which has been demonstrated to cause nearby plants of same species to increase their own production of anti insect chemicals. Many plants also sent chemical signals via root network but maybe you could sniff that out too. Just saying maybe Jupiter wants to be able to "listen" to what plants are saying, with her nose...


It would be challenging for random people. Timers might play a factor though if he was sent to pickup people who would otherwise have a longer timer OR if the System directly ordered those people to cooperate. I still think his immediate group would probably cooperate, especially if his guaranteed timer was a lot earlier than theirs

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Maybe she just wants to be able to stop and smell the roses. At least some plants communicate via airborne hormones, right? Also, plants are basically chemical factories capable of making all sorts of interesting molecules/drugs. Smell could help her find and identify plants, keep track of their mood, and know if she's moving their internal state in the direction she wants. Which for carnivorous alien meat petal might be extra important.

Partha Peddi

@redhandedjill, right? Only a few seconds to teleport should take us to another peak dramatic moment.


Thank you for your sincere replies. You all make some intriguing points! Also, I love that this is one of the things Alden's brain throws at him in the midst of everything.


Maybe smell could help with shaper-based breathing gestures? That was the only magic-based reason I could think of when I was reading the chapter

Bryan Thew

Back up profession? We do know there are professional smellers so....


Just make them unconcious. Alden playing wack-a-mole. Or some sleepy-sleepy-tech.

John D Jones

I can't see Rickman playing him but maybe Peter Stormare. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoJ1p1bV72Y&ab_channel=Movieclips Not the best representation of Klein, but the best movie Lucifer ever.


Being pre-avowed seems to be the most vulnerable state you can be, right? High levels of unbound authority just waiting to be consumed and remade by chaos. Without the defense of the system. I hope the kids in the car didn't get splashed by chaos-water.

Zenopath (AEV)

In general you are probably right. My theories from last chapter about Alden disarming bomb are likely not going to happen. But small possibility exists that the submerging grabby ocean is a result of the submerger being deliberately broken by Jacob and company. Jacob has a small chance of survival if the two ladies take turns breathing in to his mouth. This gives them all a small chance of survival, as opposed to the 0% chance they would have if boat smashes into shore at top speed.

Josh Brooks

That’s a perfect and accurate take. Aulia is simply to girlpilled to not cause massive chaotic anomalies. Also, I think everytime something bad happens, someone comments that it’s from the Gloss, which is pretty funny to me. It’s the real-world reaction that the people in the book also have to the Verlas.

Zenopath (AEV) (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-20 05:16:24 So I want to point out that we don't know for sure that bomb detonated or that Jacob died. It could be that the grabby submerging water is a result of the submerger being broken. Riley, Mina, and Jacob could have decided to break the submerger and swim for it, figuring that's better plan than waiting for boat to smash into shore. Jacob could have survived if Riley and Mina took turns breathing air into his mouth. I give this prediction about a 50% chance of being true, based mostly on the fact that Sleyca bothered to mention the girls using Fragile Atmosphere, which would be a weird thing to mention if she planned to kill them off. Though it's possible she mentioned it just to leave us wondering. Second, fairly unlikely prediction, maybe Alden will team up with an aqua brute to go retrieve the bomb from sunken ship...
2024-02-20 05:16:24 So I want to point out that we don't know for sure that bomb detonated or that Jacob died. It could be that the grabby submerging water is a result of the submerger being broken. Riley, Mina, and Jacob could have decided to break the submerger and swim for it, figuring that's better plan than waiting for boat to smash into shore. Jacob could have survived if Riley and Mina took turns breathing air into his mouth. I give this prediction about a 60% chance of being true, based mostly on the fact that Sleyca bothered to mention the girls using Fragile Atmosphere, which would be a weird thing to mention if she planned to kill them off.
2024-02-20 05:10:30 So I want to point out that we don't know for sure that bomb detonated or that Jacob died. It could be that the grabby submerging water is a result of the submerger being broken. Riley, Mina, and Jacob could have decided to break the submerger and swim for it, figuring that's better plan than waiting for boat to smash into shore. Jacob could have survived if Riley and Mina took turns breathing air into his mouth. I give this prediction about a 50% chance of being true, based mostly on the fact that Sleyca bothered to mention the girls using Fragile Atmosphere, which would be a weird thing to mention if she planned to kill them off. Though it's possible she mentioned it just to leave us wondering.

So I want to point out that we don't know for sure that bomb detonated or that Jacob died. It could be that the grabby submerging water is a result of the submerger being broken. Riley, Mina, and Jacob could have decided to break the submerger and swim for it, figuring that's better plan than waiting for boat to smash into shore. Jacob could have survived if Riley and Mina took turns breathing air into his mouth. I give this prediction about a 50% chance of being true, based mostly on the fact that Sleyca bothered to mention the girls using Fragile Atmosphere, which would be a weird thing to mention if she planned to kill them off. Though it's possible she mentioned it just to leave us wondering.


That would be awesome! Most of the fun of reading the comments is us trying to make Alden even more cool, as you say. What if the secret to the Ground issue is him just putting some dirt in his sneakers!! LOL


@Aspiring Moth I wouldn't even say he's the best option. just that he's one of the not terrible options that exist.


Wonder who alden will carry with him when he TPs if any.

Marcus Rodriguez

No, Jacob cannot survive the submerger breaking. It is not air problem and more of physics problem of being instantly turned to paste. Also he is a low leveled C-rank Wright, he is not going to have the magic in stats or traits to deal with it, even if some avowed like say Jeffy or Klein could.


"the lights were color-shifting through the rainbow" -> rain I don't think being teleported to help on your own planet is considered as being "summoned" since you are not being teleported at the behest of some Artonan to help them. So I think this may be possible without the system breaking its promise. Also the system would be right to argue it is better to be summoned prematurely to help than be crushed under a bridge as it seems things are headed. I may have to come back in a month. It will be torture having to wait for each chapter while this arc is happening!


Rainbow is correct. The lights are changing red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, red again. It's a party boat, that's why it caught Alden's attention.

Slightly Morbid

My instant thought was for tracking purposes. If people became lost from each other.

Partha Peddi

I like this comment I just read in 113: “Did they tell you it’s sometimes used to remind a person to move forward? It can be a way of saying that no matter how beautiful or painful a moment in your life is, it’s still just a waypoint. You can’t hold onto it, but you can have the next moment.” The Ripples 3 is just a waypoint. However it ended, it will move forward by Thursday evening with Ripples 4, and then 5 on Monday morning. And I love the way 113 ends.


Jacob's chances of survival depend entirely on their location and submerger behaviour. If they are at the bottom of point Nemo (4000m below the surface!), they are likely all dead. Jacob immediatly and the rest once the "Fragile Atmosphere" runs out. If they physically hit Matadero however, then they must be near the surface. The question is whether the submerger protected them against the impact or not. If it did then they all have a chance, if it didn't - Jacob is a gonner. The survival of the others will depend on the immidiate situation (Is there chaos around? How much? Is there anyone nearby capable of rescuing them?). Of course, there are other possibilities for rescue: the submerger breaking closer to the surface or avowed with water powers being present nearby or knights doing something crazy or teleportation etc.

JJ Hunter

Absolute nail-biter of a chapter. The very human instinct for everyone to try to draw on System resources immediately after the disaster alerts go out reinforces why Earth Contract likely started with cutting off all nonessential Contract services - I wonder how many teleports per minute the average entirety of nonessential Earth Contract services are worth? The wording of that global advisory ("Due to an emergent situation affecting an area and population within the purview of the Triplanetary government [...]") makes me wonder if Earth isn't the only planet suddenly getting a similar advisory sent out right now. Can the other global Contracts loan some of their Systems' processing power and resources to Earth Contract to help manage the time-critical surge in response needed here? Emergency teleports have to be significantly cheaper than affixing replacement Avowed, no? Wonder if part of the implied timing limitation on how many teleports can happen per minute here has to do with where people are being teleported - if they're almost all getting routed through the main teleportation hub for teleportation efficiency's sake, I expect there's built in limitations on the pacing to account for on how fast people in crisis can reliably get moved out of the chamber to make room for the next incoming teleportation(s). Wonder if people on boats ended up being first in the emergency teleport queue - did Tuyet's brother and company get an evac before Oceanic Anomalies yanked that boat down into drowning (and maybe chaos?? yikes!)? I suspect it would have been very, very expensive to try to save Jacob, Mina, and Riley in an area temporarily outside of the Contract's umbrella; there might be some additional features to Fragile Atmosphere that could make it easier for Mina and Riley to be located and yeeted in time (pre-explosion? post-explosion pre-spell expiration?) or at least mercy-killed from a distance before getting converted to demonic abominations. One suddenly realizes why Cly's distance sniper specialization might be considered so valuable by the System... Alden's struggles for sufficient peace of mind to function effectively in this crisis - how he keeps explicitly and implicitly thinking about Kibby, how hard it is for him to focus long enough to help himself with wordchaining so he can think clearly enough to at least rescue himself and maybe be able to help others too - it feels so real. It makes the tension of the onfolding disaster here feel earned, and any effort before immediate self-preserving survival action feel epically heroic. It's tempting to curse out the people doing risky things to save themselves that have serious risk of hurting other people and impeding everyone's survival changes, but Alden's own struggles humanize how tempting it is to act that way in a crisis, how much panic can undermine logic and altruism and bias towards any kind of action even if not all actions are actively helpful ones and some may even be fatal mistakes. I keep wondering if Jeffy's spell impression on Marsha is still active. Having an emergency life jacket preventing immersion would be such an asset right now.

Alexandre Coelho Borges Cheinquer

It doesn't progress the story, but I think it's essential for us to see the effects Thegund had on Alden. For me it's kind of like seeing his insomnia, or have him dread affixation.

John D Jones

I think Jeffy used his "land moves" 3-4 hours ago so they've likely worn off by now.


I hope we get to see everyone do a big group hug so Alden can group them together as a single object and teleport out. We already saw that he can teleport people he has preserved with Soren.

Zenopath (AEV)

If the submerger breaks all at once, or it breaks while they are at the 4000m depth, then yeah probably they dead. But you know, it's a magic device built by Antorians, it could break slowly, letting the ship slow down and water flow in slowly. Also yeah, maybe they got help, somehow. I don't know how they survived exactly, and maybe only Mina and Riley made it, but the system keeps mentioning the oceanic anormally seperately from the tsunami warning, so one could be the submerger's fault, the other could be the threat of the yet unexploded bomb.

Heather White

Are Lexi’s roommates having a positive effect on him? Twice in this chapter he tries to be supportive. Once when Haoyu’s staring blankly at nothing, and once when Kon’s kind of freaking out. Ok, so he isn’t really successful either time, but when we were first getting to know him it’s not something I would have expected.


If Fragile Atmosphere act as a distress beacon they could be teleported before the disaster. And with wishful thinking, if Jacob hold hand with them, the system might see him and take him along. Or he face the consequences of his choices and die/get corrupted by the chaos


yes, but he still has to lift them, he has to carry his burden (for now?) So holding everyone at once might be difficult (same as the bus in the previous chapter)


An additional thought: IF the Submerger is still intact and IF it is malfunctioning in a way that is causing grabby water, it's possible that Alden's skill could act in a way to preserve it and therefore disable it. I don't know that I see this as a likely course of events, but it could be possible.


"Why do you have one of Tuyet's darts?" "No reason...."

Andrew Khitry

Is Alden the only person who has an Arthonan stylus in the nearest vicinity? Coincidence? Don’t think so!


It depends, if every timer is on a random distribution then the sum of them all should be stable enough, for every person doing something dumb and getting their timer shorter because they gonma die there is another person that did something smart and now they are a lesser risk so higher TP time

Alex Scriber

That’s a lot of traffic for slightly after midnight. The bus left the mall at 12:05 at night. The bridge is probably significantly under its maximum capacity. Admittedly this chapter makes it sound like there are a lot of people around, but there's a wide range of options between enough to cause a couple accidents and full capacity. Previously established world building details argue that it should be on the low end of the range.

Benjamin Collins

Oh gawd could you imagine sleyca doing a side by side book with this one just a villains story instead and then Alden and the villain eventually go head to head. Sounds awesome except for the part that that would cut down chapters to one a week of each story and let's be honest, no one wants that


[Jeffy swimming by Marsha, who's floating next to the bridge after getting swept off]: "You're welcome....."

Heather White

“an area and population within the purview of the Triplanetary government” Yeah, I’ve wondered about this passage too. I’ve been thinking it might mean Matadero and/or Anesidora. Matadero could make sense because it’s a battle training facility (area overseen by the Artonans) for avowed (population more or less owned by the Artonans). Anesidora might also count because it has such a concentration of avowed. If that’s the case, then it wouldn’t suggest roping in other planets. It would just be notifying the rest of Earth that the System was largely cutting them off while it deals with Matadero/Anesidora.


It might prioritize those with high chaos potential since they are likely children of avowed.

John D Jones

As far as the next chapter goes, I'm just going to use every scrap of my weak and limited willpower to pretend that the next chapter will drop early Friday morning. That way instead of checking for updates every five minutes all through Wednesday and Thursday, I can forget about it and help a friend edit his book - which is what I'm supposed to be doing since I'll be off from work.


And avowed have been stabilized by the affixation, so they are lower priority. And the Earth contract’s main mission is to suppress chaos, which was why even though Alden didn’t want to hear it, Earth would try to get him to affix when possible to decrease risk of chaos breaking out.

Heather White

I plan to attempt (and will likely fail) to convince myself that the next chapter will magically appear on Monday. If there happens to be two chapters then, I’ll tell myself ‘what a big surprise!’.

Andrew Tobin

Dammit. I just realised it’s only Wednesday, not Thursday. Somehow I’d convinced myself it was coming tonight!

Matt DiMeo

What “wizard powers” could he possibly use? He’s got a few trivial spells, that can punch a pillow, without damaging it apparently, from across the room. And he can crush something, as long as it’s already small. He’s got no useful wizard powers.


But it’s gridlocked. If it was really significantly under capacity,there wouldn’t be a traffic jam since being at capacity is what a traffic jam is. Time becomes irrelevant.


Oh no... Alden. I am really worried you jinxed yourself... From Ch 125 It's Pepper Flavored “Even if I do end up in a crisis, the chances of that crisis involving me being stuck on a planet without a System and nothing but one companion and a rope we wove out of natural fibers are astronomical.”


‘keeping in touch with Klein via an infogear phone. Once she’d pointed out that infogear was still allowing limited local calls, Klein had asked to borrow a watch from Mehdi, who was the only person on the bus who had a piece of the Informant’s tech.” I was thinking about this line and our earlier visit with the Informant in a surprise pov section and what it was like to live through 9-11 When 9-11 happened the whole country changed, dramatically, it's views on cell phones. The need to keep yourself connected never felt more obvious to me than it did that day. All of Annasedora is about to go through some of the trauma Alden has been through. And the Informant appears to be positioned perfectly to be the answer to the systems failures. I think he's about to become a whole lot more powerful. Good thing he has a happy dog. People with happy dogs are rarely evil

John D Jones

@ Andrew Tobin You're luckier than me. Right now it's still Tuesday (10:36 PM) where I am.


finally catching up... the more chapters I read, the more I find Alden's restriction to be redundant (can only use his ability if entrusted with something). He's already spending so much time and effort exploring and improving his skill. His growth is more than enough to support the story. If other abilities don't have such ridiculous restriction, why does his have one? What purpose does it serve? I hope we get an explanation later on about the reason behind this restriction. For now, it's distracting in a way that a character's ability is being given an unreasonable handicap when everyone else doesn't have one. But, nice cliffhanger? Will there really be demon on Earth?

Shain Oleson

I haven't read all the comments so maybe someone already said this but I think his lower timer is a reflection of his importance to the system as a whole and he might have the highest priority among humans due to his commendation. For example the Primary would have the lowest timer if he was on Earth since he is the most important according to the system. Which is different from the priority that humans assign to people like childern that are unavowed. This would explain why his teacher would assume the he has a longer timer since as a new avowed how could he be ranked higher by the system compared to a veteran. The system seems to prioritize based on value to fighting chaos and if there is an event they would offer to save the best first just in case, it doesn't mean that those who have a lower timer would accept the teleport just that they would be offered first in case needed.

Heather White

Personally, I do think the bomb (or whatever destructive thing it might be) has already gone off. And I’m glad of it. Even though Alden’s skill is perfect for pickling bomb-like things, at this point in the story’s development it would be really weird for him to suddenly become “the boy who saved Matadero”. It doesn’t fit with his slow development into a hero. Unless everyone who knew about it was sworn to silence (which introduces other problems), he would be too famous, too set apart from his peers, too much of a superhero before he’s supposed to be one.


I suspect the "restriction" is fundamental. Being entrusted with a burden may act like a magical contract, preventing a part of Alden's mind from losing focus on the magical act of preservation. Not being the owner of the burden, it prevents chaos from telepathically/spiritually whispering "let it go, give up".


So Mother mentions some things regarding "roots in sacrifice and symbolism" regarding the skill. It's possible that the skill actually gains efficacy from being hyper-specialised or constrained in this manner. There's also this nebulous overlap that the skill has with Gorgon's "blessing of the devourer" stuff, that we've only got hints about so far - with Alden being allowed to eat people he has preserved (for whatever reason, lol). It's possible that Gorgon suggested the power to Alden, not just because it is strong or has lots of potential, but because the mentality behind it is closer to being in synch with Gorgon's "priesthood". And Mother confirms that Gorgon (or rather the gremlin's) comprehension of authority/affixation differs from hers. There's just this underlying current of consumption to Gorgon's deal when it comes to the application of authority, and the fact that Alden's skill is hooking into that in some fashion seems rather important :P It's just very nebulous at this stage. And from a craft of writing perspective, I suspect it's *supposed* to bother us enough that we keep tugging at that metaphorical thread, mentally :P

John D Jones

@ Jessica The entrustment aspect of Alden's Skill is almost certainly never going to go away. Over time it might get "looser" or "broader" ("Alden, grab pick up anything you think you might need.") but it is core to the Skill that the Bearer must be entrusted with a Burden in order to Bear it. There's already a demon on Earth and there many been quite a few demons on Earth in previous years. One shows up once a year. That's the whole point of Matadero. A demon shows up and the assembled heroes kill the hell out of it. A better question might be: Will a bunch more demons show up now because of this stuff going down?


The Contract is, literally, a contract, so I assumed the odd/formal wording was essentially an echo of the legalese of the original little-‘c’ contract, provided as rationale for the temporary cessation of service and/or as a (required) notice that the Artonans aren’t breaching terms


yeah, I've a feeling this restriction won't go away. Maybe this can be stretched into Alden realising something and he can then bear his own burden? I mean, isn't he absolutely useless if he's on his own? unless the other skill he's picked, the magic, can grow enough to balance out his handicap. Cool, thanks. I forgot the part that mentioned demon's shown up previously already.

Alan Miller

This just occurred to me during rereading, "wait, is this like what happened when the submerger took the boat down?"


I still don't quite get the Gorgon deal... you're scrambling my brain, lol. I might need to re-read that part.


I believe we did get an answer a few chapters ago. Alden was talking about how being burdened and being aware of being burdened made the skill more powerful. The entrustment is the mechanism by which he takes on burdens. We don’t know why, necessarily, that particular method was chosen, but the skill does need *some* mechanism to differentiate between burdens and non-burdens, so it’s fundamental to how the skill works. Personally, I suspect it has to do specifically with the sacrifice component that has been mentioned (which seems to be a theme for the Knights, and I wouldn’t be surprised if all Knight skills had a similar “flaw”). If he could take anything as a “burden,” it wouldn’t count as a sacrifice. I also suspect that the workarounds he uses to get entrusted with objects results in a less efficient protection (ie costs more authority) than he would get if he were actually using the ability as it was intended. The sacrifice component makes a lot of intuitive sense too. The thing about Authority is that it can do literally anything, so no skill should be more powerful than any other when they both use the same Authority unless it was (intentionally?) designed poorly. The only way to make these kinds of legendary skills would be to supplement them somehow. So, the ancient wizards engineered intentional defects into the skills, which allowed them to inject foreign magical concepts (in this case, sacrifice) and to shift the power in a favorable way

Heather White

I do think that we still have a lot to learn about the skill. Alden’s only had two conversations with people who understand his skill: Joe (ch. 39) and Mother (ch. 59-60). Those chapters give the only direct information we have so far on the fundamental nature of the skill, and they clearly leave a lot out. Mother shares the original description of The Bearer of All Burdens: “You may bear that which has been entrusted to you by the one you choose to serve. You will preserve that which you have mind, strength, and will to bear. You may not lay your burden down.” We don’t know why the skill was designed that way (yet). But Mother straight up says it’s not a skill meant to be used solo. Its very framework requires entrustment. It’s interesting that the skill is a rabbit skill. Rabbits are the service class, and BoAB is a service skill. If it were a skill a person could use on their own, I think it would be in the adjuster class instead.

Partha Peddi

Alden has the highest commendation of all humans, so his TP will be immediately after all non-avoved.


@Jessica, for some more brain scrambling :D From chapter 51: ---- “Anyway, in more technical terms the Rite you just triggered by drinking the girl’s blood allows us to intermediate between a person and their own magical potential. Most of my people could not control the power they held, so those like me enabled them to use it. They came to us, we read their needs and desires, and gave them what they wanted if it was possible and fell within our very strict notions of what constituted a proper miracle. Basically, I was the village wishing well.” ---- People... entrusted... ahem... their authority to Gorgon, who used it up to create an effect. People are also entrusting stuff to Alden - and if they hand their whole self to him, he is allowed to consume them with the Gremlin's permission. It's amusingly bizarre/upside-down in the way that it has manifested, thus far (why TF would I eat part or all of someone, yikes), but this appears to be an artifact of two schools of magic meeting in the centre and becoming a bit lost in translation, combined with a bit of unpredictability due to Gorgon not letting Alden eat him to finish the rite in it's usual fashion. However, if you look at it through the lens of say, a magical contract - each party giving something to the other, mutual gain, mutual loss. The give and take involved with Alden's ability also has a fairly strong echo in the general idea of give and take of magical contracts we've seen, as well as other Artonan quirks like wevvi service and hospitality and such - something I'm reasonably convinced is related to the sacrifice of the knights, their consumption by the magical trees, and the subsequent (limited supply) of ritually significant wevvi fruits that may or may not be Knight juice (possible christian-style communion mythology parallel, consuming the 'flesh and blood' of martyrs). Going back to the skill - he's choosing to serve someone, and they are giving something up to him: there's an exchange to create benefit going on. There's a whole lot of parallels, here - and Sleyca, as we know, loves to foreshadow stuff WAY in advance. Of course, I have *no idea* what the exact significance of the whole sacrifice, consumption and stuff is, how it relates to magic and chaos etc. - and I expect we're going to be given tantalising little crumbs as time goes on.


Ok, that sounds plausible. I just hope maricel and njeri aren't still behind Alden


I agree with Obbu, it is a whole theme and it somehow links to a deeper truth about authority and the imbalance in the universe aka chaos. But we don't know the details yet


Good point! The System won't seem omnipotent anymore, people are going to want a backup


I also think he cares more about his roommates and brother than he would like to admit!


There is a pinky and the brain episode very similar to that @Flying Goat


Let's do a poll! Since Patreon sucks I'm going to have to do a makeshift one by putting the three options under this comment. "Like" the one you agree with! The question is: "Will Alden accept the teleport?"


2) Yes, and he will grab people next to him and take them with


Good insight into psychology regarding trauma. Alden's situation is similar to that of soldiers with PTSD. As young mentally healthy people they will brave the danger with courage but once mental state is unwell person regress. Going back to action may be even impossible without solid therapy to bring back once courageous person.

John Anastacio

A new thought for me - if Alden chooses to refuse his teleport in favor of someone else getting it, would the Artonan knights think him noble and brave or stupid and selfish for doing so? It is my uneasy notion that they might think the latter and that Alden might get scolded in the near future by one or more knights. I think this because I gather from remarks made by Alis that the Artonans are heavily ivalue the greatest good for the greatest number, and their ranking system is meant to show exactly how valuable you are.


Oh! I just thought of a wildly stupid pointless theory : what if Alden is stuck with only beef jerky? Will he have to convince the gremlin to eat meat? (Please do not hit me in the head XP )


I wouldn't be surprised if he grabs random people for his teleport then heads right back out to save more people with another ET. He can save lots of people that way if he can game the system

Eitan G.

I find all of this unlikely to happen. More likely, I think, is that his timer is going to run out and he’s going to realize that his friends/group, all have timer’s substantially longer than his. He’ll refuse it so that he stays with them. I don’t think there’ll be much planning put into this. He’s been in a chaos environment, he survived because Kibby was there, he wouldn’t be able to tolerate it if he left and something happened to them. I think that’s all the motivation to stay that he’ll need. Also I think Artonans would find this decision heroic at minimum. They revere their knights who sacrifice pieces of themselves routinely and put themselves in harms way to protect people far less important than they are.

John D Jones

No biggie, he can preserve and then eat a classmate, possibly by having Natalie cook them down into "long pork" jerky.

Barrett Fogarty

The problem with binge reading is realizing how much Sleyca has put in that we didn't realize was important on the first read through. I'm thinking chapter 28 and Joe's lesson on perception is relevant right now.

Barrett Fogarty

The issue that Alden will have to solve some time is how can he preserve someone who is injured and unconscious. Hoayu just sort of flagged this problem on the bus.

Heather White

You’re right that we don’t see them getting carried, but Klein is so fast that I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s already done with carrying all 3 — he was so adamant about no one being left on their own.


It seems like his timer isn't low cause he's B rank. That leaves his star, makes sense that that may have benefits like earlier evacuation


Jupiter's smell enhancement is fun, but I am still so dang curious where Maricel's foundation points went.

Ano Ano

That line also means anything Alden has said around Mehdi, and anything Mehdi has said about Alden, is available for purchase.


@Jonathon i think you're 100% right. The informant has access to more info about Alden than anyone else on earth that Alden hasn't given the info to freely. You have to wonder if he'll sell the info at all.

John D Jones

Not "only" that. The System(s) know Alden and are privy to his secrets. They know he's a human Wizard (and along with casting spells can feel his own Authority). They know that "Let Me Get Your Luggage" is really the Knight Skill "The Bearer of All Burdens." To the Systems (including Earth's) Alden isn't "B-rank Rabbit." He's "Baby Human Knight of the Mother World" so he's way more important to them than even an Earth Hyperbole.

John D Jones

Probably some into Strength and Dexterity for combat. We know some went into Strength because during the School Assessment when she and Alden were test-fighting each other to get used to the Gym Suits, she wasn't allowed to attack his head presumably for fear of badly injuring/killing him (as far as the suits went).

John D Jones

@ John Anastacio I think we might be over-estimating how much Alden is on the Matadero Knights' radar. They know about him because of the Commendation, but that seems to be it. They don't know that he's Stu'art'h best human friend (and probably best friend period since Alden helped save him when his foot got eaten by a sea monster instead of, y'know, putting him in the position of getting his foot eaten by a sea monster). If they knew him as "the best (and possibly only) friend of the Primary's son" they'd likely be a lot more proactive in hauling him to safety, but as far as we know, they don't know that. Now, they might well get a message from the Primary to the effect of "Alden Thorn is Stu'art'h's best friend. Stu'art'h is going to Affix his Knight Skill in a few weeks and I don't want him grieving for his friend while he goes through that. Extract Alden Thorn from danger as soon as possible."

John D Jones

Artonans apparently have access to other universes/dimensions. Clearly those in charge of "programming" the Earth System looked into a dimension where Men in Black was a thing and took this scene to heart: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPMMNvYTEyI&t=17s&ab_channel=itsthevoiceman

Jason Harpster

Individual 9/11 experiances may vary. All I got out of it was a whole bunch of "you could be dead in a ditch" dominance games as one hypocrite hypochondriac family member tried to use it to validate their world view.


Non-serious theory, but I'm going to feel bad for Jupiter if she smelled the lavender packets Alden threw towards the back of the bus and enhanced her sense of smell because she thought her power was causing the smell in response to the incoming disaster.

Jason Harpster

He has a known history of emergency teleport stabilization in light to mild chaos. Pretty much makes him the MVP despite the PTSD.

Jason Harpster

Effective combat rehab actually involves shoving the soldier back in the situation that injured them ASAP. What was it Korea battle fatigue was giving way to ptsd? Anyway forcing people to deal with trauma while it is still trauma keeps it from setting into lifetime long phobias and disability.


Actually I heard something about it. Once soldier underwent PTSD-worthy accident quick confrontation with fear before it settles down into the bones is kind of solution albeit I felt it was dubious as I read about it many years ago.


In case of emergency, he can probably preserve the jerky and drop preservation once it's in his stomach. He's done this before, with the non-vegan vile concoction they were drinking at the party. The gremlin was very confused.

Jason Harpster

@Rob Wouldn't be suprised if he gets summoned to Matadero, which would be a kick in the pants for anyone he grabs to teleport with.


And yet he still has a 7 minute timer :) so kids probably still come first


This thread of commentary got me thinking that obvious restrictions are built in to teach moral obligation to young knights, probably related to the proper application of authority. The original Artonan affixed skills could be based around a notion of chivalry. Once the lesson is internalized the restriction is partially lifted because its function is understood. The first lesson was of sacrifice. Is the second one of service? He'll probably need to further develop his understanding of the relationship the Bearer has with the one he chooses to serve and that which is entrusted before the restriction can be reduced. He started way back on Monday before all of those distractions.

John D Jones

Well, sure. Knights fight Chaos but "ounce of prevention vs. pound of cure." It's a lot better to prevent people from becoming demons than to fight them once they've turned.

Benjamin Collins

@sleyca does your name come from something? I only ask because EmEs uses sleyca as a character name in there story. Are you also EMES?


I feel Alden’s short timer is definitely a result of his wizard status, but more so his commendation and the “Mother” system authority to make fake accounts. I also feel like his timer will somehow not work. With the magic water sweeping over the island, there might be chaos right behind that, causing his system teleport to possibly break. Although, we don’t know how bad it is at matadero right now I can see the knights possibly calling in reinforcements (maybe more avowed or knights). I also wonder if other knights saw Alden using his skill would they be able to tell if it’s a “knight” skill.


I dont think the system is preparing for the future, i think its solving the current situation. Everyone else had timers that would fluctuate while Aldens was constant. To me it feels like the system is planning to have him go somewhere and do something only he can do, and is affording him the 7 minutes to help the people around him. If he was just going to be warped to safety his timer would jump around like everyone else, but hes not in the "Warp to safety" pool of people, hes in a different pool that has a different destination determined by the System. That other pool of Avowed have a specific role to play with fewer variables to change a warp timeframe


I know this is probably just my personal head canon, but I've always suspected that Citrine Rabbit either directly (with an obfuscated description) or indirectly was an enchantment that increased chaos resistance. Whether that would make a sufficient difference to offset the speed loss is admittedly less clear. Maybe longer pickling of Kibby pre-escape means she holds out longer in the car, which offsets it?

John D Jones

The Knights recognizing Alden's Skill by watching it in action is... iffy leaning toward probably not. BoAB has apparently fallen out of use/favor with more recent Knights. It's more likely that higher ranking Knights like Alis'art'h or the Primary (and one reason I'm really looking forward to the Dec. 15 visit is that we'll have a chance to learn that guy's actual name. Placing my bet on Steve'art'h) since they might have studied more of the Knights' history and be familiar with all the 300 Skills.


I feel like the system purposely made his timer short, so he could save others alongside himself, I just wonder whether he actually realises he should take some others with him, or comes to regret not doing so at a later date.


My personal daydream is that he'll get someone to tell him to preserve the bridge which he will attempt to do via authority as he cannot physically hold the bridge at all. That seems like way way too much for him at this point which is why it's a daydream and not a theory, and also assumes the bridge gets hit with another wave.


In addition to what everyone else said about symbolism, I think the entrustment 'restriction' is actually a really important feature. He's like a shaper/adjuster, but instead of water, his element is "the thing my target entrusted to me." Something being a burden is subjective, so his skill has the entruster decide. Alden himself may not be burdened by something, but as long as he perceives it as a "thing entrusted to him," it should work. Like a 20lb weight isn't a burden to him, but is one for a child. The really important thing I assume the entrustment does, is bypassing authority when preserving a person. At LeafSong, preserving one of the experiments instantly fatigued his skill, and yet he can preserve people? Highly magical people like Instructor Plim? By entrusting themselves to Alden, they're telling their authority to not resist, which would let him preserve Knights and their authority related burdens.

Flying Goat

Wasn't there discussion in "Engaging with the Unexpected" that put ensuring civilians' safety in the order: kids > non-avowed adults > then Avowed, lowest rank first? The implication that things may be in the opposite order (modulo those kids, at least) seems weird here. Note that Alden would presumably be high ranked Avowed in that measure - I think fewer than half of Avowed are B or higher? I'm having trouble finding that scene, so it's possible I'm not remembering it correctly, though can be hard to find specific events in previous chapters.


Think it was Alden's first trip to Hannah's funeral?

Ano Ano

Lexi's problem isn't that he doesn't care about people. His dream is to protect people doing the work his family does. No, Lexi's problem is that he is an emotionally constipated jerk. Hopefully he'll learn how to treat people decently at some point.

Ano Ano

Who do you think Aulia was buying from when she confirmed that Hazel hadn't killed Alden?


Wasn't it proven that some 9/11 victims that were debriefed immediately after by reliving their experiences ( as was the orthodoxy at that time) induced PTSD more than baseline? The Israeli post drafting approach of nightclubs, MDMA, festivals, more MDMA , Goa, party and talking has now been proven to be FAR more effective


What teleport? I vote no et will happen

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

I don't know if the story will go this direction, or how Alden's path would intersect with this anyway, but I could picture a situation in which two D-rank avowed in one of the zones that permit them to remain in their home country have a kid who gets a B-rank Sway class and hides it. If the Sway was clever and ambitious enough, he or she could eventually leverage that foothold of low rank avowed into a territory for any avowed, causing a breakdown in the geopolitical status quo regarding superhumans, and all manner of chaos might ensue.


I keep wondering how short of a time period Alden has before his body control word chain snaps back. I know it is short, but is it a few hours? Days? It has already been probably around 8-ish hours since he did the positive side of the word chain. (assuming his gym class starts at 4pm, and it is now around midnight) He is already delayed from when he planned to activate the negative side of the chain. Will Alden have to deal with being a massive klutz while also dealing with a chaos crisis?

Heather White

There is a brief mention near the beginning of the Funeral chapter (ch. 23). It’s not a complete list of priorities. I could swear there was a place later on where he was happy that his priority changed to be lower, but that may be while he’s in intake. Here’s what’s in 23: “Alden had to wear a lanyard with a large badge hanging from it that identified him as a minor and a non-Avowed. Ms. Zhao had called it the “double squishy combo.” It looked dorky, and it came with a button he could press in the event of an emergency.” -and then a couple of paragraphs later, after he complains about having to wear it with his formal clothes, Cly responds- “If it makes you feel better, plenty of Avowed have their own version of it. It’s just attached to our System IDs. It’s for prioritizing rescues.”

Aspiring Moth

it's 3 weeks. lute tells him while he's learning the wordchain. short of something unforseen happening, the only effect of the debt right now is that he will struggle to use the chain again in this crisis

Heather White

Shiyon - iirc, Joe told him that the reason that experiment instantly fatigued his skill was because it was made from wood that was still partially tied to its mother tree & he basically got in an authority contest with an entity much more powerful than him. And lost. The student had entrusted it to him and he perceived it as entrusted. However, it wasn’t completely the student’s to give, and the mother tree absolutely didn’t agree to it being entrusted. As his recent catching tennis balls experiment has shown, his perception of entrustment matters, but there are limits.

John Anastacio

John D Jones - I wasn't really concerned about Alden being scolded by a knight. I was more interested in the theory behind the Contract's choosing who gets teleported first, what the reasoning is, and also how Artonans view and respond emotionally to a person of high value sacrificing himself for people of low value.

Josh Brooks

There is also a mention of it post-Thegund, where Alden is revealed to be priority level 6 (no idea how that ranks), with level 1 being minor non-Avowed. Whatever chapter that Jeremy meets up with Alden on Anesidora is the chapter where this info comes from if I didn’t forget.

Flying Goat

Looks like that was "CHAPTER 69.2 - A Busy Rabbit". "He was pleasantly surprised to see that he was a Priority 6 now. In the event of an emergency, there were at least five categories of people who’d need to be rescued before him. The lanyard Cly Zhao had given him to wear when he came for Hannah’s funeral had been Priority 1."

Heather White

Ok, thinking it existed but not being able to remember clearly was driving me crazy, so I dug around & found it. I’m glad you remembered it, Josh. Like you said, it doesn’t elaborate on what’s in priorities 2-5. It’s in ch. 69, when he’s on his way to meet Bobby for the first time: “His Evac Priority card flashed briefly into view when they crossed the halfway point on the bridge. He was pleasantly surprised to see that he was a Priority 6 now. In the event of an emergency, there were at least five categories of people who’d need to be rescued before him. The lanyard Cly Zhao had given him to wear when he came for Hannah’s funeral had been Priority 1.“ edit: oops! Flying Goat — looks like we both went on the hunt for that passage. I should’ve refreshed my page before I put this up. XD

Heather White

I appreciate your hope for Jacob’s survival. I’m 99.5% convinced all three are dead, but I do wish that he survived. I hate seeing characters I feel empathy for being killed off, and in just the time we were in his POV on the boat, Sleyca made me feel for him. I know authors have to kill characters sometimes, but it can really suck. I wish I could believe in his survival, but I’m not at all optimistic.

John D Jones

5'll get you 10 that after this Alden will pretty much always pay the debt before he uses the good part of chain no matter how clumsy he is in embarrasses but non-life-threatening situations.


I intended for the bypassing authority part to mean people entrusting themselves, not things, but maybe it didn't come across clearly. I did forget the mother tree part, so thanks for the reminder! The authority/magic battle is the point. A person (and their authority) willingly entrusting themself won't resist. Because authority affects reality, it probably makes the process even easier. The person who offered themself expects to be preserved. I assumed unconscious people would be treated like objects by his skill, because no active resistance. The cost/difficulty for objects is influenced by it's 'weight' in magic, if I remember right. Maybe unconsciousness is some kind of existential compliance instead? As for limits and perception, it has to make sense. So less "exactly what my entruster specified", and more "mutually understood concept being implied as the burden." So perceiving air as its separate gases is unlikely since Alden can't tell them apart. He's limited by which options he picks on level ups too.

John D Jones

@ Jonathan To be fair Alden probably hasn't said all that much around Mehdi because he doesn't especially like him or want to spend time around him. Most of their interactions can be summed up as: Medhi says something macho and/or denigrating to Rabbits and/or B-ranks. Alden blows off or ignores Medhi as someone utterly inconsequential. Medhi is Sangry (sad and angry).

Jeff Petkau

> using..."dimension" more in the classic sci-fi/fantasy sense I assume by this you mean something like parallel universes. I always trip over this in sci fi stories because it seems inconsistent with how *big* the universe is. E.g. just the visible universe has ~1 trillion galaxies, with ~100 billion stars each. So the idea that stuff happening in one tiny solar system could break the whole thing, or even *matter* at that scale, always makes me do a double take. (So in my headcanon, Gordon's world might have been destroyed but not the whole universe around it.)


to distract us while we wait, here is a new wildly stupid pointless theory : The story is not on an alternate earth, but on a planet out there. This is the real life story of Sleyca adapted on our planet. She is the awesome rabbit who helped the primary successor save several worlds from the chaos. Sleyca just write this romanced version of her life to pass time while she inspect a new ressource world candidate... Hang on, somebody is knocking on my door


Another day another destiny This never-ending wait for soup to be These patreons who do not know wait Will surely reread in a craze One day more.. (It's not perfect but I tried)

Second Raddish

I've been checking for the Thursday update since Monday. Willpower is overrated.

Second Raddish

One of the two knights on their honeymoon mentioned they'd never been more aware of the others presence before. I think whatever ritual is involved with marriage might include an actual binding somehow of the couples authority. Alden's ability requirements could be an abbreviated version of that ritual that is enabled with a minimum demand of trust.


One more day without my soup Will we ever get new soup One more day with comments stacking I was born to read this soup What a plottwist I'd have read And I swear I'm craving soup But sleyca had things to do

Matt DiMeo

The original 300 skills are not knight skills: an essay. https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vR7eEHqapGes5oo7kqR539jAfZ24wHaF6SqTjy1ud82gpX7ToMPx_e9NQbVPi4lxTOH2ywIiz9xsHdj/pub


Still really like the idea that the submerger functions by telling Water to grab stuff and move it. Since it is a super long lasting enchilada item, perhaps the abnormal setting is burning all of its reserves at once to achieve the large scale effect here. Maybe the probably a bomb device was mentioned because it is actually a reserve battery or somehow enables the submerger to operate at scale. Maybe the submerger Object telling Water to grab the chaos nexus resulted in chaos telling Water to grab all Objects in a large radius instead?


DISCUSSION OF RADIO COMMUNICATION 9-11 CELLPHONES @Rob >When 9-11 happened the whole country changed, dramatically, it's views on cell phones Cellphones are not always the answer. Most require cell towers ( for exception, see mesh networks below ) During the 9-11 attacks, Federal ATF Agents, with guns, expelled everyone from buildings too close to the Whitehouse ( Zone 1 ) and locked the empty buildings. Since land lines, and broadband, were inside the buildings ( many people were forced to end land line calls at gun point ), you had a huge number of people on foot, or in traffic, flooding local cell towers with text, and voice This caused a ripple effect as clients of Zone 1 businesses, and government offices closed. Then their clients, then those people’s clients until the DC, Maryland and Virginia Metro Area ( DMV ) was closed TEXT ( SMS ) My spouse, and I, had to TEXT ( SMS ) Dad in New England who voice called Mom to pick us up at the subway station ( WMATA ) You could not text ( SMS ) anyone around the Capitol ( DMV to DMV requires two local cell towers ), only text from the Capitol to the rest of North America ( DMV to rest of US requires one local cell tower ) VOICE If you were moving ( DMV area ), almost no voice calls were possible because there were no available capacity at the next cell tower to hand off your call MESH NETWORK The Informant’s tech probably has a built in mesh network capacity Smartphone can exchange data with each other just using WiFi, and Bluetooth, ( Airdrop, mobile hotspot, etc. ) but software usually prevents voice calls, and texts, without a cell tower for reasons ( battery life, security, capitalism, etc. ) So the Informant’s tech is probably using nodes in all the stalled vehicles ( with larger batteries ) to route signals 🔲

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

So, Patreon gave me a notification about half an hour ago that "Temp One and 4 others" replied to one of my comments on this chapter. Now, with the Patreon interface being the clunky thing that it is, it took me some time to go back over my comments this chapter to see if there was a new reply. I can't find one. Has this kind of thing happened to anyone else?

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Not sure about you but I’m able to go into the notifications tab in the Patreon app and tap on the notification and it brings me to the comment that was replied to


For me Tap notification ( wait for post to load ) Tap " X Comments " at bottom of page ( wait for comments to open, load comments, auto scroll to comment notification refers to ) 🔲


It only works on the app When I try it on the browser, it loads the post, but not the comments 🔲

Heather White

Gotta watch out for submergers that come with chilies and tortillas! That’s probably the cause of this whole disaster — Jacob was supposed to get a cheese submerger, but he got chicken instead. The evil spellchecker strikes again. XD I’m looking forward to finding out how chaos & the submerger interact (if they do). It has interesting potential.

Heather White

I’ve always used the browser because I've heard so many people say how much the app sucks. But if it has the option to go straight to a reply? Duuuude, I’ve wasted so much time scrolling and un-nesting everything. Sorry Not-Lauren-K, I’ve just done it to you again?


You can also like, then unlike, and it will notify you of the like ( depending on timing ) 🔲

Sarah MacDonald

The fact that Mehdi's mom and family lives in F-city might give cause for why Mehdi has had such a need to "beat" B-rank Alden in the past. The only reason why they would live in F-city as opposed to Apex is if his family are all low ranks. He's the family outlier as the A-rank, completely unexpected. He feels less than the other A-ranks (and obviously S-ranks) because their positions were assured compared to his own. He has a psychological need to prove to himself that lesser ranked peers are publicly confirmed to be below him in power.

Bob Ross

Posting this comment as a reply to two of your posts, then deleting one of them. If you get a ding from both, but patreon still notifies you that you have two replies, then that should prove the theory. Hope I judged that right. :)


Yeah. I remember actually no one could get a call through when it happened. Especially on cell. I think the reaction to people buying cells was less intellectual and more emotional. People bought the "reliable" networks in droves. "Can you hear me now? Good I won't die alone". I think your right about a super mesh network. I think based on the informants chapter it probably meshes in magic too which is probably part of the reason it sounds like it's only kind of up.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

Thanks for helping me test that, Bob Ross. It looks like Patreon only notified me for the reply you didn't delete, once again leaving me mystified. The most frustrating thing is, it wouldn't be the first time this Patreon interface has behaved inconsistency under what seems like the exact same circumstances, so I still don't know if that explanation might still happen sometimes and not other times. Aaaagh. Thank you again for your help. I like trying to figure things like this out.

Temp One

Knowing me, I'm sure the comment you missed was as profound as it was life altering. (See: Shitposting) Edit: Also, I totally made a test comment and then deleted it. As something weird seemed to be going on with my posts.


We? You better provide the next verse if you wanna be included :p (jk)

Heather White

Thanks to this thread I’m trying out the app (iOS). One issue — on longer posts that get cut off, when I tap See More nothing happens. It doesn’t expand. Am I missing some double-secret-handshake, or is it a glitch?


Pssst sleyca, the rr chapter just dropped. Is the next one dropping tonight or should I sleep?

C. Adkins

And Sleyca, we are fine either way. I mean, just scroll up and see the Les Mis soup chorus occurring. We are pretty entertained (and possibly chronically sleep (soup?) deprived. Lol

Scarlett O'Hare

My guess is because he has the star. There is probably some order like Save the non Avowed children, then start grabbing the most valuable avowed, of which Alden is the highest.

Scarlett O'Hare

Thanks you all for this. Given his timer seems fixed... Could it be that Alden isn't being teleported to safety and perhaps is being teleported somewhere to help with something?


A lot of Family Zones are in F-city, so it might be that


She said it would probably come up Thursday afternoon, so go to sleep


Hahaha, you are welcome to join and add some soup lyrics


Gotta love a thread of four armchair psychologists stumbling over themselves xD


@hydrabogen, Then enlighten us, oh master of psychology with your wisdom.


there is a chapter on a cloud I like to go there in my sleep are so many soups for me to eat up in my chapter on a cloud -- drink with me, to soup gone by read with me, what we once read -- there's a grief that can't be spoken, there's a pain that goes on and on empty bowls and empty chapters now my soup shall wait for dawn


In the kitchen, pots a-stir, Whipping up a soup, that's my whirr. Broth and veggies, in they go, Simmering slow, nice and low. A ladle full, steaming hot, Served with love, in every pot. It's not just food, it's a hug, Warm and cozy, like a snug. Super soup, for every mood, Nourishing, comforting, oh so good. In times of need, it's there to lift, Supportive spoonful, what a gift! So here's to soup, in every scoop, A bowl of joy, that's our group. From hearty stews to silky bisque, Soup's the star, ain't that brisk?


Made with the assistance of AI! Super soup poem!


On my own pretending soup is slurping All alone I wait for it 'til morning Without it I dream of water rising And when I lose my way I close my eyes And Sleyca's posted (Weirdly this part kind of works...) In the rain, The pavement shines like silver. All the lights are misty in the water. In the darkness, The boats are full of twinkle lights. And all i see is you and me commenting for ever...

Partha Peddi

I hope we get to see character images by Sleyca just like in Dawn of the Density God. I would love to even see AI generated images.


Dawn of the Density God? Huh. That’s a new one to me.


I’ll check it out on a flight next month. Looks different.


Oh no! It has been eight hours with no updates, and they are clearly not here!! However shall we retrieve them!? ;)


alright my prediction for next chapter is being teleported to the knight rapport with a bunch of preserved people in tow


I like how you wrote Alden's panic. You even show the panic bleeding through two chain worth of 'peace of mind'. The cliffhangers are killing me, but this is a big event, and worth breaking down the chapters like this.


Here's the twist: all vehicles previously described had self driving capabilities, with demonstrated remote control access as well (in the specific case of the car service the rabbit driver was summoned away from). Add in how teleportation is a limited resource, leading to the priorities and the delays. In conclusion, either a system or government override for the self driving systems of the cars on the bridge could solve the problem of the jam faster and using less magical resources than teleporting people out.

Andrew Tobin

Two more brief things I thought of while re-reading this chapter: I think Alden might be tossing a few more coins in the fountain to rebuild The Span - but this time with some nice, healthy, grassland between the north and southbound lanes, for aesthetics. The second thing I thought of was from the B-List II ch 96: “Alden had actually tried The Bearer of All Burdens out in the pool one day at the North of North gym, and he’d been able to make it work fine.” Just thought that remembering Alden’s powers can work in water might be a handy reference for no particular reason.


It's now Friday! So... It's about 6 am Thursday sleyca time ...


If you like, amygdala memories are not like other memories, the efficacy of MDMA and talking with a proper psychologist about the event is well documented ( do a google ( system ) search FFS ) and where did that insight come from hmmmm?


If it helps you to know - I use the app and it is also inconsistent. For this chapter it took me to the right comment from the notification, but with most other chapters it didn't work. Maybe they are improving the app and it might now be slightly better than the browser

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

The time... is now! The day... is here! One day more! Super Soup's a revolution; We all want it in a flood. Fans are waiting for these chapters, Anticipation in their blood! (Watch 'em run amock. Catch 'em as they fall.) (Chapter coming out, and there's a free for all!)

John D Jones

You think the Earth System is going to spend the power/resources to send Alden all the way to Artona I?

John D Jones

@ Tori, Writher #1 Fan Honestly I think that the Knights and other Supers on Matadero are fine. Well, fine in the sense of not being in physical danger from the water/chaos stuff. Assuming they know what's happening on Anesidora, they're probably desperate to get back there.

Kim Enteiu

Another Bowl (of the Soup) Hey! System Hero hopefuls run down the street, A rabbit locked in tow, Can barely hear the sound of his feet, His countdown timer’s ready to go. He’s not ready for this, not ready for this, I’m on the edge of my seat, Out the in the distance the lights go dim, And he wishes there was some ground under his feet, yeah Wardrobe! Do do do Here comes another bowl of the soup! Do do do, Another bowl of the soup Another bowl gone And another bowl gone And another bowl of the soup, Gonna eat it too, Mmm that’s a good bowl of soup. Alden’s freaked out on the span, What the hell is going on? Wardrobe’s in the front of his face but the purchase button’s gone. He’s stuck in his head he’s stuck in his head, He’s in Thegund all alone. There’s no peace of mind, No peace of mind, His disaster paracord’s still at home! Under his feet the span bucks and dips, As the ocean rocks away, yeah, yeah Do do do Here comes another bowl of the soup! Do do do, Another bowl of the soup Another bowl gone And another bowl gone And another bowl of the soup. Gonna eat it too, Mmm that’s a good bowl of soup. Hey, hey Oh, another soup Mmm, another soup Another soup, Another bowl of, another bowl of, Bowl of the soup, mmmm, Bowl of the soup, mmmm, I'm about to eat it, mmmm, mhmmmm Get on down Alden get on down Hop on down Hey, yeah, yeah There's plenty of ways that you can hurt a man Tell him he has no ground You can poke him, you can beat him You can leave his authority thrashed and have a tree tie him on down, yeah He’s not ready for this, no not ready for this With two stacks of peace he’s on feet Standing there after the ocean dips, His paranoias still repeat, Wardrobe! Do do do Here comes another bowl of the soup! Do do do, Another bowl of the soup Another bowl gone And another bowl gone And another bowl of the soup, Gonna eat it too, Mmm that’s a good bowl of soup.

Dash Marley

Read it when it drops! Binge to hit the wall! Nevermind the waiting, it’s a free for all!


You raise an interesting point with the grass. There’s a architectural *revolution* just waiting for the person who has the insight of trying to maximize magical convenience. Imagine how much more defensible the country could be against the forces of chaos if they designed it to empower their citizens in an emergency.


If you haven’t yet, you should probably go to bed :)


Evening starts at 6pm its 10 sleyca time so we can expect the chap in 8 hours. My moneys on the chapter dropping tomorrow though


I can't just end on a cliffhanger like this

Bryan Thew

Random thought while we wait. “I am far more limited than the being you dealt with for your last affixation. My resources and options are a mote by comparison, and I am not even capable of liking you or disliking you in a manner that you would understand. Unless I’m having a very bad day.” I think this counts.

Ian T Hathaway

Absolutely terrifying. I hate and love you.


Voidsong nah don't listen to the others. Chug a triple shot expresso and stay up, it could come any second now.

Heather White

Is the oceanic anomaly still water or has it become more than water? If Jeffy dove into it, what would happen?

Partha Peddi

I am thinking Alden will be ETed to the hospital to help medical staff. Or Accepting teleport to get away, but landing just outside Matadero chaos zone in a ship will be interesting, since the destination is still the hospital. Assuming the ships survived the tsunami/anomaly.


Red- The blood of splattered men Black- The dark of moon-nights past Red- A coat he'd like to don Black- The depths of oceans vast


Part of me wonders if it's demon controlled water. Like a water shaper demon


He'd probably die, assuming it was chaos water and those boats got gobbled up, his skills wouldn't necessarily help him survive if he swam right into it.


If i read that right His im-me-field did not detect any deamon presence. And at least as far as i'm aware daemons seem rather unthinking.

Partha Peddi

I dont know where this idea started that avoved die in chaos field. Avoved have been stabilized by the system. They do have a resistance to corruption. Now if it is not water, Jeffrey will die of asphyxiation.

Cyrus McEnnis

Also, if Mehdi came from a low-rank background it's highly unlikely he'd have ended up in High Rank Kindergarten.

Second Raddish

Keep forgetting that hitting the weird arrow key on the phone submits the comment. I think the water is still water, just under the effect of an abused submerger spell. The warnings are listed out separately. If the anomoly was the tsunami then listing both is redundant. Earth's system isn't chill enough to repeat itself. (1. There was a confirmed attack. 2. The attack caused an anomoly that's clearly present and inbound. 3. Big wave maybe). The water "crawling" over the barriers- using that word makes me think of Hexxus from Fern Gully moving around an engine bay. Spiraling up the street lamps on a bridge designed to ride the tides (someone mentioned the bridge design above and used big words so i believe them) when the water on the road was a foot deep isn't natural either. The boat lights disappearing suddenly rather than rising high before disappearing when falling behind the crest of a wave goes against a tsunami theory, as well as no mention of receding shoreline. Phone changed shoreline to hairline, I feel attacked. The captain on the sub I think mentioned that the other submerger they had was only used for smuggling and... something... but now that they had a second they could use it for.... something else. I don't think they specifically say the other thing is a bomb. I think the bomb thing is more of an amplifier to the submerger that increases the area of effect and targets indiscriminately. Jeffy's sinking spell impression thingy comes to mind. I read the event as the water got a good grip on the bridge and tried to pull it under, but the bridge said no. If chaos making it to the island is part of the plan then starting this attack off with access denial between the two sections would be potentially devastating. The population most susceptible to chaos would be reliant mainly on the portion of the population least able to provide assistance. This was a complete ramble. If someone actually read this far, thank you. I've been thinking about this. All. Day.

Flying Goat

I'm skeptical about the "Alden has shorter timer because he's needed to help" theory - I think him spending time at the hospital helping out seems like a pretty unsatisfying end to this, though perhaps plays into the PTSD don't-want-to-be-a-hero angle. That having been said, I'm increasingly having trouble seeing him refuse a transport once offered one (though the system could go down before that happens, I guess). And I really doubt he has a shorter timer to help out in more significant ways than to help out at a hospital or something (And even there, suspending a single person at a time seems of limited use?). So, in conclusion, I don't think the next chapter can exist in this universe, since I'm skeptical of any of the possibilities (except I guess of the system going down and not letting him teleport).


Hm, yes that the bridge water is the effect of the submerger makes so much sense! I feel chaos would have eaten the bidge. PS: I raise "try to write in english on your phone with german autocorrect" against your "shoreline"

Heather White

I’ve probably watched too many cartoons/anime, & my brain keeps (completely inaccurately) envisioning the oceanic anomaly as a big water monster opening up its huge maw & trying to gulp down the bridge, and then my brain inserts Jeffy diving into it and swimming around in its head.


I feel like my personal ET timer to the next chapter is slowly counting down but is also wildly fluctuating between 5m and 20 hours from now


Does anyone know what timezone Sleyca is in? I assume they live in America, but as an Australian I'm confused between the east and west coast


From what others have been saying in comments, she's pacific time zone (UTC-8)


Some commentators have claimed Pacific time which is west coast think California time


I love the chapter names here but this keeps running through my head: https://youtu.be/SdjfxxxQmWo


Thanks everybody, that's very helpful. Being 19 hours ahead of when chapters release is an odd experience hahahaha


Hey man just pinging to remind you we're on a cliffhanger


[Soup Chapter Release Priority Assigned. Your soup priority may be adjusted. Please continue to wait for soup patiently. Complaining about late soup is not advised.]

Second Raddish

No such thing as too much amine and Jeffy sinking a sea monsters eyeballs from inside its head has my vote. If chaos is a factor then how Jeffy handles it is mostly speculation at this point. There's solid theories floating around in the comments but we're still lacking too many details to just agree on a yes or a no he would make it. The severity of the potential chaos exposure isn't indicated and we don't get a system message giving us a very very very specific survival chance like we got for Alden. We are aware of a number of variables that help in prolonged exposure, but our examples differ too much in terms of scale. Reading Alden and Kibby's experience was stressful and did not help my receding shoreline. Gorgon called it a chaos breeze, and Alis called it a vacation. My opinion is Jeffy would be fine for at a minimum long enough to feel something is wrong and to get back out of the water. ...... Jeffy is also an aqua brute that wants to be helpful, just had a successful day with the aspect of his powers he had previously disregarded as being useful, hyper focuses on something he's interested in while important details go unnoticed (Astrid's cleavage instead of what's in the blender, catching someone when he's not a hunter), and he is now on an island that got a mass message saying requested teleports are on hold while ships are noticeably disappearing around the harbor. We may not have to speculate much. I think Jeffy got in.


Having refreshed this page eagerly tonight, I just noticed this chapter is missing the chapter number most have.


The numbering / title consistency is ... interesting: https://imgur.com/a/RrYNVlR


I’m going to assume it’s because the Contract is busy.

Flying Goat

Maybe it's been corrupted by chaos, and is off trying to eat Ripples IV.


It might it if wants to offload some processing power over to the Artona I contract. Given the existence of a connection fee for intedimensional communications, it might be difficult for the contract to properly convey all the data that the Artona I contract might need in a standard communication channel. Therefore it might have decided that it would be cheaper to package it all into a hard drive or whatever, put it in Alden's bag and send him on his merry way to deliver the data where it needs to go. Sending an employee with a bunch of drives with them on a plane is a real thing that happens sometimes when the internet is simply too slow and expensive to get all the data from one place to the other, which leads to the solution of packing it all onto something that can store it, and have it delivered by hand.

Clay Smith

I had always assumed it was central because Alden is from Chicago lol. But west coast sounds more right based on release times


We are within the chapters release timing! I repeat! We are within the chapters release timing!


Sleyca could still be from Chicago originally. The west coast has a perpetual deluge of people moving there from the rest of the country. It’s part of why housing is such a problem in California. Like 1 in 18 Americans live in the greater LA area alone, and a good chunk of them weren’t born and raised there originally.

John D Jones

As an Avowed Alden is under Contract to do work as needed for the Artonans. He's not contracted for Anesidora. If Alden is being sent somewhere to work, the System would probably tell him that instead of just yeeting him there.

Partha Peddi

It is an emergency, and we do not know the way things work during an emergency.


What’s up with all the soup?


Author nickname for the story. SOUPer SOUPportive, or SupSup

C. Adkins

Wait, did the author name it? I thought we (the fans) started using it after Alden found the soup blindfolded.


I thought the author had commented before that that they thought of the story this way (supsup or soup). I don’t have evidence handy so ymmv on my accuracy.


No, it's Sleyca's nickname for it. If you look back at the start of the Patreon there's a Q&A.


looks like the system does prioritise on who to evacuate, then shouldn't everyone on the bridge by evacuated since they're now in water?


Sleyca mentioned at some point that the normal "deadline" for chapters is based on the Anesidoran timezone which iirc is PST.


I was reminded that at least one chapter came out at 1 am PST which could be 4.5 hrs away ...

Cyrus McEnnis


Scarlett O'Hare

I don't think hospital, I think maybe Matadero? Given that he's the highest commended avowed on earth as of chapter 119?

Zenopath (AEV)

I have a hard time visualizing any conclusion that doesn't feel anticlimactic if he doesn't contribute in some way. Unless his short timer somehow outs him to his classmates as secretly a VIP.

Zenopath (AEV)

So I think next chapter will also be a cliffhanger. Just because there's too much going on for it all to be resolved in on more chapter.

Flying Goat

Absolutely agree he's going to help, just unclear if he's going to help in Matadero somehow (taking care of the submerger or the portal or something), help rescue people on the bridge, or be teleported somewhere to help. They're obviously not mutually exclusive. I don't think anyone knows a thing about the submerger, either that it exists or where it is, so I don't see him helping there (at least immediately). Matadero just seems unlikely to me (him being teleported there, him being useful there). Just teleporting to a hospital and helping here (even if he takes people with him for the teleport) does seem very anticlimactic to me. Also not really sure about helping out on the bridge - think he would likely teleport out, given the option. So I think not having the option and helping out there seems most likely, though skeptical of the accuracy of my thinking.

Eitan G.

Or… hot take. It might be a bridgehanger…. Location in mind


Thank you to everyone who comes to the previous chapter's comments to wait for the next. It always makes me smile and feel not weird for being as into this story as I am. Also, I forgot to post this earlier, but my theory is that the system is using all the information it has from knowing everyone on earth 'intimately since birth' (ch 49) to run simulations on the situation, which is why it had to stop all other functions and why the numbers fluctuate more for people with longer ET times (Dee) and not for shorter wait times (Alden). This theory also makes me question what morality code the system is using to prioritize right now (Artonan or its own).


I’ve been assuming we’ll have nothing but cliffs for a few weeks.

C. Adkins

Oh man! First, I feel the same way. Love how we all wait together. But your mention of Earth’s morality just shook me. Because I completely haven’t taken that into the equation. I am now wondering how it feels about the size of earths population. Like, would it mind if a billion people died as long as its chosen heroes live? Does it count lives on an earth scale or galactic scale?

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

Of course you're not weird! Have you seen all the singing desperate parodies we have been using to express our love for Soup here? At least if you are weird, you're not alone. The pining, the theorizing, and the silly riffing that goes on in these comments sections are all part of the fun to me. I like your theory about Earth's system running simulations. I do wonder how much insight we will have by the end of this arc into what is actually going on with this disaster.


Must stay awake

Anzel Capparelli

I also think it might be monitoring people's authorities against the chaos to decide when to ET, and others might be fluctuating a lot b/c they don't know how to combat it as actively as Alden does (not fortifying themselves consistently maybe), meaning if they suddenly lose ground or start fortifying themselves unwittingly, it changes the timer accordingly As such, Alden knowing how to handle chaos environment + extra gremlin stability = system feels comfortable knowing how long it wants to leave Alden in the environment


When Alden was with Mother she mentioned her morality which was not something he'd like or understand


God the hard math on how many human lives Alden is worth practically heartbreaking. An extremely magic sensitive human, aspiring knight, capable of exerting free authority, and friend of the prime's son, with an auliad. At this point it's implied the system is trying to give him time to be a "quiet rabbit", but I can just feel the bird cage coming when ppl realize the sheer potential this kid has.

William Forrest

So... How is everyone tonight?

Kim Enteiu

Pretty good. I wrote a song to the tune of “Another One Bites the Dust” earlier if you want to dig through the comments to find it 🤭

Flying Goat

I love reading the comments, too - really like the community here, and find anticipating the next chapter, with a bunch of other like-minded fans, a lot of fun.

Flying Goat

So then we can all conclude Sleyca probably lives in Anesidora, I assume.

William Forrest

just now I'm sorry you had a bad match Lurker. It happens. sometimes your the windscreen; sometimes your the bug. And I do want to see the song Kim. I shall scroll away.


re: Contract’s moral code, my theory is that in chaos situations it falls back to something extremely utilitarian. Chaos was an imminent threat to all life when the first Contract was made. I bet the evac priorities from earlier in the story were human assigned, and nearly backwards to the system’s own. It would fit if human priority is non-avowed children are 1, then non-avowed adults are 2, then F-rank up. I think if you’re prioritizing future fights against chaos, it’s first children, then highest ranks down.

nur iqbal

Lurking around every 30 minutes, i hope the new chapter release anytime soon

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

Well, you can tell by the way I drink my Soup, I'm a Patreon, no time to lose! Soup is hot, and chapters quick, I can gulp them down without feelin' sick, And now it's alright, it's okay, We wait for Soup another day. We can try - to understand The schedule takes some time to plan! Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother We're just drinkin' our Soup, drinkin' our Soup. Feel the bridge is breakin' and all the islands quakin' As we're drinkin' our Soup, drinkin' our Soup. Ah, ha, ha, ha, drinkin' our Soup, drinkin' our Soup. Ah, ha, ha, ha, drinkin' our Soooooo-oooooo-oooooo-ooouuup...

Heather White

For what it’s worth, it’s currently 9:14 pm here in the Pacific time zone (PST).


I suspected Tycho Green is being sarcastic. FYI.


Ch 59 mother..." Nobody of any species would enjoy my management my morality would be based on a vastly more elaborate thought process than any organic mind is capable of"

Andrew Tobin

I think the soup came before the soup, so the soup was because of the soup.

Andrew Tobin

The refreshing of the Patreon is probably outdoing the planetary load on crypto this evening.


I have been banging my spoon on the table for a whole day


I am waiting on this and beware of chicken.


Oh oh oh-- wouldn't it be hilarious if Sleyca edited the title of Ripples III to be Ripples IV right now? Oh man that would be funny. The excitement, the confusion, the WTAF... followed by actual soup, of course, but hahaha.

Kate Yen

In the Q&A someone asked Sleyca to settle a dispute about how to abbreviate Super Supportive. She said she jokingly calls it "Soup's Up" as a pun on SupSup. Since Soup's Up sounds like what you might say when chapters get posted, readers have taken to referring to the story simply as "soup."

Temp One

Sleyca hasn't given an update saying she expects further delay, so I imagine she's still working on the chapter and will push it out as soon as it's done. Might be in the wee hours of Friday morning, though.


I feel a disturbance in the soup....soon my friends...soon.


Grammatik und Zeichensetzung sind schonmal einwandfrei. Wortwahl ist auch korrekt, klingt nur etwas steif. Ohne Kontext wäre ich davon ausgegangen, dass du ein/e Muttersprachler/in bist, der/die erst seit kurzem in den Kommentaren rumlungert und sich den Slang noch nicht angeeignet hat ^^

Other Tan

So "ground" was not mentioned in the description of Azure Rabbit. Perhaps it is only a subconsciously reinforced restriction due to the available comments and user reports that Alden was exposed to in Ch. 24. Maybe he will be able to better understand/evolve it, Azure Ryeh-b’t, just like his class skill, as he grows.