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[A/N: I usually make settings up from scratch, but it's fun when I do have real-world inspo in mind. I don't know how interested people are in seeing what a luxury train-themed room might look like, but if you are the kind of person who finds pictures helpful, check out the images of the "Grand Suites" on the Venice Simplon Orient Express. I chose the Vienna suite because of Lute's affection for Vienna. If you happen to have ridden in one of these in real life...I'm a little jealous!

As a heads-up, Wednesday's chapter is my first short one in a while. It's 3600 words right now, though that might change since they sometimes grow a good bit on the revision.  So if you'd like to read this one and that one together, for a bulkier experience, now you know!]


“Wordchains are the original form of magic, according to the Palace of Unbreaking. I would take that with an ocean full of salt, because the Palace’s stance is always that wordchains are better than everything else and you might be an actual demon if you disagree.

Lute was sitting sideways in the green velvet chair, stretching his fingers one by one. Behind him, the light panel on the wall was flickering slightly behind its shade, as if the privacy booth really was a train car and a changing landscape lay just beyond the fabric.

“Anyway, they’re way old. And they work based on a simple concept—equal exchange. I give you my sense of balance for three hours. You give me yours for three hours. I take your strength today. You take mine tomorrow.”

“You told me they were common sense,” Alden said from where he was sitting on the love seat. “And that it made Chainer a common sense class.”

Lute nodded. “Aulia wants to obscure every minute detail partially because it’s so simple. I’m not an evil old politician, but I think she’s afraid people will realize that we don’t actually get…ah…that’s still an ass tattoo matter. Back on topic—my boss says the more people make successful exchanges, the more solid the chain becomes, until it’s so strong it’s doable for even less accomplished people. A person says these magic words and they get peace of mind. Even little kids and species without fingers can make some of them work.”

He pointed at Alden’s ledger. “But what happens when a wordchain is brand new? Or when it’s been forgotten? What happens if nobody ever uses it? Or if everybody only wants to use one half and so they never speak the other and always let it snap back?”

Alden’s eyes widened. “That’s so obvious.”

“I know it is. But we take wordchains for granted. Like they’re…light switches maybe? Not that many people sit down to ponder how the electricity got to them when they flip the switch. My boss tells me that Artonans, as a society, used to be very serious about wordchain maintenance. Ancient aliens would perform multiple ones every day, like it was a chore they had to do to keep the lights on for themselves and their grandchildren. Now, even though they’re still in use across the Triplanets, they’re not being cared for with the same level of dedication. So tons of them have broken, or they’re on the verge of breaking, or they’re just weakening.”

He reached over to grab the wooden case on the table beside him.

“The Palace of Unbreaking is dedicated to wordchain preservation. Scary dedicated. As part of that, they do their best to restrict access to wordchains based on their fragility. They want everyone to do wordchains all the time. But only if they’re going to do them in the right way. So when chains start to fail, they try to make sure they’re only being taught and shared with responsible people who are going to strengthen them instead of weakening them further.”

Alden lifted his new ledger from his lap. “So you’re supposed to make sure I’m not stacking up tons of debt.”

“That’s right. And don’t lie, man. If you miss listing properly completed ones every now and then it’s fine. Or if you let a few snap and have to fess up to it, that’s fine, too. But don’t neglect to mention the snapped ones and don’t say you completed one fair and square if you didn’t.”

“I wouldn’t.”

Lute nodded. “Parethat-uur has an absurdly high opinion of you, so I think you’ve probably got a lot more leeway than normal. And they don’t demand perfection from beginners anyway. But the thing is…if you do become a problematic user, there can be serious consequences for you after you’ve signed this with me. You wouldn’t like them at all.”

Alden looked back at the first page of the ledger. “Are the spaces for the teacher and student names some kind of contract?”

“No. They told me it was more like an honesty pledge. It won’t make either of us do anything or prevent us from doing anything. It’s just an official record of the fact that you agreed to be a responsible wordchain user and I agreed to be responsible for you. I send a copy to the Palace of Unbreaking as soon as you sign. If you get caught avoiding debt too often, they take away one of your rights, and if I get caught neglecting you or letting you cheat…I’m pretty sure I get yelled at. And they don’t let me have another student until I’ve sucked up a lot.”

“What right do I lose?”

Lute looked uncomfortable. “You know how when I shared the wordchain with you, you had to agree to it through the System?”

Alden nodded.

“That one.”

He took in Alden’s expression. “No! Don’t think I’m horrible! I wouldn’t actually do anything to you, it’s just that I’d be able to…and so would the rest of my family.”

“I don’t think you’re horrible,” Alden said. He cleared his throat. “I was surprised. That’s all.”

“You look like someone who’s stuck in a tiny room with a serial killer.”

“No I don’t.”


Alden tossed one of the silk throw pillows at him. “Lute, it’s fine. I wondered about the System permission thing when it popped up. It’s not like Sways have to get our permission before they do shit to us. It’s not like Lexi has to get permission before stabbing us with Writher. That’s not how Avowed classes usually work, so I thought it was strange that you had to use a consent form before laying a wordchain on me.”

Lute was still eyeing him nervously. “The Palace of Unbreaking won’t let Chainers bestow a wordchain—whether it’s beneficial or not—on unwilling people under normal circumstances. It’s counter to their entire ethos.”

Hazel didn’t have to get my permission before she sniped me, though.

The fact that she was calling in a debt that already belonged to Alden must’ve made it all right in the Palace’s eyes. Or else she got to play by her own rules for some reason.

“Your class would be something if you didn’t have that restriction.” Alden looked over at the pile of books on the bed. “You could lay endless types of disaster and reap endless positives in return.”

“But I can’t do that. And I wouldn’t.”

“I believe you.” Alden felt like he was missing something though. “Why does your grandmother not want people to understand even the basics of why wordchains are restricted? I don’t see any benefit for her. A lot of people seem to dislike you guys because they think you’re wordchain hoarders who refuse to share with others so that you can maintain your power. But you actually just work for the hoarders. And the hoarders are hoarding for a good reason.”

“Wellll,” said Lute. “We do hoard. Some. There are a lot that the Palace wouldn’t mind people using that just haven’t filtered down to Earth yet. Mostly odd effects. You could probably crack open one of those books and find a dozen. And we do get access to some particularly strong, delicate, or difficult ones just for ourselves. Aulia, for example, has The Gloss. Which she does not mind the family telling people is very extra awesome and only for her.”

Imagine that.

“Why don’t other Avowed who visit the Palace come back with all this info, then?”

“Oh. Now this is interesting. I can answer this question but only in a misleading fashion. Your friend the wizard will be able to answer it fully.”

Lute looked like he very much wanted Alden to ask.

“What’s the misleading reason?”

Lute rose to his feet and looked down his nose at Alden. “No Avowed but Chainers may work for the Palace. I’m terribly sorry, pleb. You’re never going to be summoned there, so you’ll have to take my word for all matters wordchain related.”

Alden narrowed his eyes. “So that’s it. They don’t summon anyone but you guys to wordchain central.”

“We’re special,” Lute said in the same snobby voice. “The Artonans love us so much, and we’re so special.”

“Never? None of the wizards there have ever wanted a Rabbit masseuse? They don’t want a Rabbit floor cleaner to make sure the people who prostrate themselves before you don’t get their faces dirty?”

Lute pointed at him. “You say prostration one more time and I’m not signing that ledger with you.”

Alden grinned. “Prost—”

“Oh look,” said Lute in an airy voice, “Parethat-uur sent you a present. He’ll want to know how you liked it. Here you go.”

He grabbed one of the cases and presented it to Alden with a flourish.

Alden opened it. There was a big white papaya-shaped fruit inside. “It’s a wevvi fruit,” he said.

“You recognize it from pictures? Good.”

“I’ve had one before. A juiced one anyway.”

Lute tilted his head. “A real one?”

Alden nodded.

“What the hell? I thought for sure it was just my family. They told me you basically have to have some kind of ritual event to even get your hands on…never mind. It’s you. Your oddities keep stacking.”

“Should you be saying that to me?”

“Eat up, my new beholden one, in a fashion that honors your Artonan ancestors!”

“I don’t have any of those.”

“Parethat-uur does not care.” Lute smirked. “You’re supposed to eat the whole thing. No utensils. Wasting the skin or the seeds is forbidden in this instance.”

“No juice?”

“Whatever you can gnaw out of its fibrous hide before swallowing.”

“It’s kind of large.” It wasn’t quite ham-sized, but it was close.

“I actually felt a little sorry for you when I first saw it.” Lute said, staring down at the white fruit. “He was trying to be generous. You can do it while I teach. You should be able to manage it in a few hours, right?”

“Do I really have to eat the whole thing? That’s going to make me sick, isn’t it?”

“Fine. I’ll help. I don’t want to lie to Parethat-uur about what happened to it, and I can spin us sharing it into something nice for him.” He pointed at Alden. “I get the best bites.”


The wevvi was tasty. It just wasn’t fun to chew up, and the quantity was intimidating. Alden could see why juice had become the standard way of consuming it rather than whole fruit.

While his jaws worked, he listened closely to the words of the chain as Lute repeated them for him. It was significantly longer than the weaker wordchains he was used to. And poetic, as he’d anticipated.

There were six problem words; he could say them, but Lute assured him he wasn’t saying them well enough. It was going to take a while to get those right and then a longer while to synch up the hand signs with the words properly.

“You promised you wouldn’t be angry if it didn’t work,” Lute reminded him.

“You’re still worried about that?” Alden asked after he’d swallowed his latest mouthful. “I’m not going to be upset.”

They’d both signed their names in the ledger, using a brush dipped in dark green ink. Alden was supposed to keep the ink and use it for his record taking.

“I’m grateful you’re tutoring me,” he added. “If anything, I feel guilty for asking you now that I know it’s more serious for you to teach someone than you implied.”

Lute couldn’t have another student for restricted wordchains until he and Alden had both proven themselves responsible—Alden by not lying about accidents on his chaining ledgers and Lute by making himself available to help complete a chain when necessary. The less frequently used a wordchain was, the shorter the time frame before the debt came due. Very fragile ones needed to be paid off almost immediately.

According to Lute, self-mastery was currently running at about three weeks, but in the interest of looking responsible, Alden would be trying to pay it off much sooner. If he couldn’t complete the payments himself, either due to miscasts or the wordchain just refusing to land for him, Lute would be using his skill to bestow the debt to him so that their ledger stayed balanced.

“Don’t worry about it,” said Lute. “When I found out I got to have students and realized I could weave around some of my tattoo restrictions because of it, I thought I was going to be the Velra family member who spread knowledge and ruined Aulia’s monopoly…then I realized most people suck too much to teach. They suck at doing the wordchains. And they suck even more at wanting to pay them back. I’ve taught people non-restricted ones before and watched them, and I arrived at the conclusion that I couldn’t be friends and teach them the kind of chains I’d be obligated to monitor.”

“Aren’t they just hurting themselves if they make the chain slap them with the debt at a random moment?”

“People procrastinate on things they don’t like. And they all imagine their future selves being a more self-sacrificing version of who they are. They want the good right now, and the payback feels like a problem for another person…so they take it. And then it turns out Future Them doesn’t miraculously want to spend several hours being weak or frightened or clumsy either.”

He went back to showing Alden the various gestures and words. Alden set his half-finished wevvi aside and repeated them after him. Toward the end of their six-hour window, the gremlin was starting to take an interest.

“I think I’m getting it,” Alden said after finishing several attempts on his own.

Lute was draped over the foot of the bed, head hanging down toward the floor while he watched. “I think you are, too.”

“Is it a problem for me to cast this in public? Do I need to hide out in bathroom stalls or something?”

“It’s a gray area,” said Lute. “You can cast it wherever you want, but I generally cast in private until I’m good enough to mutter or even abbreviate them. I think if other Avowed do pick them up from us and use them incorrectly the Palace might assign a Chainer to give them a talking to…and that doesn’t sound like fun for me. Obviously don’t go out and have a tutoring session like this with someone else until you’ve gotten permission to be a teacher, too. And—”

I get permission to teach at some point?” Alden asked in surprise.

“I assume you do. The Palace lets all of their Artonan members teach restricted chains once they’ve made it out of the novice echelons, so I don’t see why they wouldn’t let a human do it, especially if his heart contains all the light of the sun within it.”

“Prostration,” said Alden. “Prostration. Prostration.”

“Just don’t say it in front of the girls, jerk.” Lute looked like he was on the verge of falling off the bed. His blonde hair was brushing the rug. “Do you like Natalie?”

“Yeah, of course.”

“‘Of course,’ he says. ‘I have both my eyes.’”

Oh he meant like that.

“We’re friends. I’m friends with all of them.”

“I know. But…if I’m thinking about developing a crush on one of them, I want to make sure it’s someone you’re not into. That wouldn’t be cool.”

“You plan your crushes in advance?” Alden asked with interest. “I’ve never heard anyone mention that was an option.”

“I got burned last time. I could like Emilija. She’s funny and cute. All your intake friends are hot. And she’s seventeen, but she didn’t treat me like a kid. She didn’t make a big deal out of any of the things people usually care about…probably because she’s not from here. And I don’t think she was mad when my self-confidence chain made me tell her she looked amazing in the bikini.” He bit his lip. “She seemed happy I’d complimented her, right? It wasn’t too much that I looked up how to say it in Lithuanian?”

Alden was growing more and more sure that the self-confidence chain was dangerous.

“I must’ve missed that one while I was watching the fireworks. It’s fine with me if you develop a crush on Emilija. She isn’t dating anyone as far as I’ve heard. Do you…am I supposed to ask her if she likes you back?”

That sounded so awkward.

But Alden had encountered a lot of people asking about crushes recently. Maricel had asked her roommates if they liked him. Her roommates and others at the party had asked him if he liked her. Jeremy had a serious girlfriend. Maybe it was just time for them all to be doing this kind of crush-checking regularly?

“I’ll murder you if you do,” said Lute

Or not.

“Just offering,” said Alden. “Anyway, go for it. I heard she scared some assholes who were giving Natalie a hard time into leaving intake early, and she’s so positive about everything on Anesidora, and she’s good at <<funny-mean>>. I think she’s cool.”

“You just use Artonan in casual convo sometimes?” Lute shook his head. “You really are in the wrong language class.”


Before their last few minutes in the privacy booth were up, Lute gave Alden two jewelry-sized boxes. One had an inch-long silver piece of metal in it, shaped like a rounded rectangle with a hole in the center.

“It’s a chain link,” said Lute. “Symbolic. You can earn more by being a good wordchain user in the Palace of Unbreaking’s eyes. It doesn’t do anything or get you anything, but you can string them together and feel proud of yourself.”

“Like earning badges or gold stars?”

“Yes. But alien,” Lute said dramatically. “Don’t throw it away. You’re supposed to keep it with you at all times. I don’t even do that with mine. Just shove it somewhere where you won’t lose it. I keep them in my closet.”

The second jewelry box had a flattened piece of cloudy crystal about the size and shape of a checker.

“I was surprised when he said he was going to give you this.” Lute stared at it. “Apparently, it’s because you’re an Avowed. They don’t give them out to most of the palace members. Just some people. It’s more inconvenient than the chain link. If you don’t want to use it, you should give it me, and I’ll do it for you.”

“What is it?” Alden asked.

The small piece was heavy in his hand. It reminded him of the material the trading table had been made of in the consulate building.

“It’s an Opposite stone. If you have it with you while you perform a wordchain, it glows for the person that has the other one. It’s really just symbolic in your case. I checked. They don’t know what you’ve cast, and they don’t become your literal Opposite for chains. It’s going to be a notification toy for you and the person who has the other half. But…it probably means a lot to that person. Because they got a stone suddenly when almost nobody else gets one.”

“I need to do it every time?”

“No. But if you’re not going to do it at least every few weeks, I’ll take it.”

Lute held out his hand.

Alden looked at him. “Do you want me to give it to you?” he asked. “I will. But it won’t be trouble to stick this in a pocket or something while I cast.”

“If you’re sure you’ll do it, that would be best,” Lute said slowly. “But I know it’s a pain to keep track of a little thing that’s not actually significant to you. I ran mine through a washing machine a few times because I forgot about it…which was very crappy of me.”

He’s serious about the rock, thought Alden.

That seemed odd. Lute was even pretty casual about the ledger. He didn’t think it would be a big deal to Parethat-uur if Alden botched wordchains every now and then, but he clearly didn’t want him to mess up with the Opposite stone. Even though he’d just said it was only a toy.

“I’ll be careful with it.”

Lute was still staring at it.

“I’m great at carrying random objects. It’s what I do. If I’m not using wordchains for a few weeks, I’ll pass it off to you. How about that?”

Lute finally dropped his hand. “That would be…it’s better if it’s you. Your Opposite will be so honored that it feels wrong to lie about who’s making their rock blink. But they might be crushed if the rock never blinks. And I don’t know if they get to keep being your Opposite if you lose your stone. They might assign you someone else for some crazy Artonan reason.”

“It’s a religious artifact for them. I get it. I’ll be careful.” Another thing struck him suddenly. “You said the Palace is giving it to me because I’m an Avowed. And you think the Opposite will be honored. They’re not a wizard, then?”

It was the natural conclusion to draw. An Avowed got the special rock when most ordinary wordchain students didn’t. And regular people could cast wordchains. The Palace probably had a large non-wizard class membership.

“Most likely not,” said Lute. He sat down on the green velvet chair again and started putting on his shoes. “…it’ll be someone your age. Born on the same day as you, as close to the same minute as possible. They go all-in on the matching if they can.”

“Oh,” said Alden. He smiled down at the stone. “So they’re a kid.”

An Artonan exactly his age should be physically and emotionally closer to human twelve.

“That’s amazing—imagining that someone born the same minute as me might be holding their stone right now, too.”

Lute finished tying his laces, then stood up. “All right. Money spent. Tutoring completed. Bed jumped on. Alien gifts given. Some Chainer secrets revealed.”

“Crush selected,” Alden added, reaching for his own shoes.

“Crush selected,” Lute repeated. “Wevvi fruit…”

He craned his neck toward the case the fruit had come in.

“I just finished the last bite,” said Alden. “And because of that, I may need to stop by a dispensary when we leave for another one of those ‘unruly stomach’ injectors. My guts are wondering why I’ve chosen to put a whole raw custard-flavored pumpkin in them on a beautiful Saturday.”

<<We all make sacrifices for the Unbreaking,>> Lute intoned as he collected all the things they’d be taking with them when they left.

“Thank you for teaching me. This was awesome of you. It’s great for me, but you’re getting nothing out of it except for tons of my company.”

“It’s not like I have a glorious social life. I would just be sitting around playing my harp and studying.”

“Still…” said Alden. “If you think of some way for me to return the favor, let me know.”

“Tomorrow. The girls—”

“That’s just me having a good time with all of you, Lute. It wasn’t a favor last weekend, and it isn’t this one either. And now I’m asking you to spend even more time on the phone with me while I go down to F and possibly piss off a mind-controlled Brute lady.”

Lute was quiet for a second. Then he said, “Well…that’s just me having a good time with you, Alden. I’ll watch you piss off Brute ladies every weekend. It sounds very entertaining.”

Alden laughed. “Sorry, but I hope it’s boring for you. I want to get to her apartment and find out that she’s not even there. If she’s at the healing hospital right now getting checked for mental manipulation like I recommended, that would be the best possible outcome.”

“Fine. I’ll root for that this weekend. But next weekend I’m rooting for a Brute lady to take a swing at you.”

Alden stood and looked around the privacy booth. He made a decision.

“Hey, the thing on my profile that made your boss excited…”

Lute’s eye fixed on him.

“It’s not something I’m embarrassed about, but it doesn’t feel like me. I don’t know how people will see it, and I definitely don’t want to introduce myself to everyone I meet that way and then have to, like, prove it with every breath I take.” He shrugged uncomfortably. “Anyway. It’s just a commendation.”

“A commendation?” Lute’s fingers tightened on the box that held Alden’s new inkwell and brush. “You mean…one for fighting chaos. Like the kind Haoyu’s mom has?”

“Does she have one? I didn’t know.”

“Two. I think she got one before he was born and another when we were in seventh grade. His dad has one. I’ve heard him mention them before. And there were a couple other people in our school whose parents had one.” Lute looked away from Alden to stare at the cut-crystal sconce on the wall in front of him. “Most of them were really proud.”

“Mine’s not for fighting chaos,” said Alden. “I was sitting in a little bit of chaos for months and trying to stay alive, and then I was running away from it. The commendation is for taking care of someone while I was there and taking her with me when I left. I think. They just gave it to me. It’s not like there was an explanation.”

Lute didn’t say anything.

“I figured you were probably curious. And I’ve learned a lot about your Chainer stuff,” Alden said. “I’m sure the faculty know, and I trust you more than any of them so there’s no real reason to keep it a secret…I just don’t want people to look at me and think ‘Guy with Alien Accolade’ instead of ‘Guy Trying to Remember How to Do High School.’”

“Yeah, you’re terrible at that,” said Lute. “You speak fluent Artonan, you study way too much, and you try to save cultists. You need to get some chewing gum stuck to your learning cushion next week, accidentally set one of your rugs on fire, and fail to turn in homework. Then you’ll be cured.”

Alden felt relieved. “I did set a shirt on fire.”

“Oh right. The tag tried to kill you so you defeated it with your spell impression.” Lute gave him a half-smile. “Thanks for telling me. That’s…it’s cool.”

“It’s just a thing that happened.”

“Which commendation is it?” Lute asked. “I know there are different ones.”

“It’s for Exceptional Bravery in the Absence of Obligation.”

“Well that confirms that your heart really does burn sinners to death.”

“Shut up.”

“I can’t help that words have meanings, man. The meaning of those words isn’t open to interpretation. No one made you be brave, and you chose to do it anyway.”

“It really is just a thing that happened.”

“I won’t bother you about it,” Lute said. “I do understand wanting to be High School Guy instead of something else. And it would be peculiar to introduce yourself to people with, ‘Hi. I’m Alden the Commended One.’ Don’t do that. Everyone will think you have issues.”

Alden snorted. “I’ll try to avoid it. By the way, I don’t want Haoyu and Lexi to hear about it yet.”

Lute looked surprised. “You haven’t told Haoyu?”

“No. I only told you because we’re getting to know each other and your boss was acting like I had a supernova in my chest. It was nice of you not to push for info.”

“You should tell Haoyu. You two get along so well and he’s going to be thrilled. He’ll probably carry you home to his mother like, ‘Look! I found another one of you! Compare stars while I take notes!’”

“I’ll tell him if it comes up naturally. I’m not desperate to keep it from him or anything. I kind of want to do better in gym before it comes out, though.”

“That’s random.”

“I’m positive they only let me into the hero program because of the commendation,” Alden explained. “And not because it says I’m brave. They didn’t talk about bravery at all in my interview. I don’t think they consider it the most necessary quality. They were just afraid of making the Artonans mad or something, so here I am. I’d like to show all of my classmates I don’t suck before they find out about the star and start guessing about it.”

Lute’s expression darkened. “I hadn’t thought of that. Being the class weakling is…bad. Being the class weakling and having something that will make other people jealous? That can ruin your whole life.”

“I’m not the class weakling!” Alden protested. “I’m doing well. I just think I can do even better.”

Lute gave him a look. “Be realistic. You could be levitating a meter off the ground, weeping diamonds, and exhaling clouds of poisonous gas, and some of those privileged little rankists would still know right down to their bones that they were better than you because you’re only a B.”

“They’re not that bad.”

“They are,” Lute muttered. “Trust me. I know several of the people in your program. Some of them are better than others, and not all of the ones who buy into that mindset are dicks because of it. But it’s like…this is the puddle we all grew up swimming in. Even if they understand that it’s wrong and they actively try to reject it, they still default to thinking that way a lot of the time.”

A chime sounded through the room suddenly, and the lights flickered.

“That’s our two-minute warning,” Lute said. “Before they open the door and kick us out.”

“I’m ready to go when you are.”

Alden grabbed the wevvi fruit case. None of Parethat-uur’s gifts had been sent in anything that looked remotely disposable. The cases, chests, and small boxes were all wood and leather with embroidered cloth interiors.

Rich people need to stop giving me things that are too expensive to get rid of. I don’t know what my dorm room’s going to look like a year from now at this rate.

Dozens of boxes full of lavender and alien curios probably. At least he was going to smell good.

Lute’s fingers hovered over the latch that would open the privacy booth’s door. Alden waited, but he just stood there, facing the paneled wall.

“I do think it’s amazing,” he said as the lights flickered again. “The fact that you earned a commendation. I feel like I need be clear about it. I think it’s amazing, and I’m glad you made it back to Earth and that you’re alive.”

Alden raised his eyebrows. “Thanks. You don’t have to say stuff like that, though.”

“I do,” said Lute, still not looking at him. “Not to make things weird for you or anything, but just so you know…I mean it. I think it’s terrible something bad happened to you, and I hope nothing like that happens to you again.”

He hooked the latch with a finger and pulled before Alden could ask what the sudden change in tone was about.








Lucia A

I don't ship Alden with anyone because he's a kid and he's ace, but if I did it would be with Lute after this chapter

John Anastacio

Amazing chapter. Thank you so much Sleyca. I'm amazed Alden actually told a peer about his star. I'm even more amazed Lute said such nice things to Alden at the end. Didn't expect either. Palace of Unbreaking and their weird rules about wordchains make so much sense now. They're forging a metaphysical chain.


The friendship between Alden and Lute is awesome.


I always tell myself that Im going to save up a couple chapters, but when they drop I can never help myself. 😅


Isn't Chainer class excellent disabler of criminals? Imagine high and mighty Avowed suddenly getting confused to hell and back for limited amount of time without any indication of spell happening.


I'll read the story just now, but after seeing the Author's note and as a Patron of your work - I wouldn't mind you buying tickets to the train and other fancy/interesting places for "research purposes". In fact I heavily encourage it for "improving the worldbuilding of the story"😉


Tftc. So the secret is finally out (in a limited matter). I feel for Alden. This commendation will lead to a lot of ill will, when it becomes more widely known.


I don't think the system/artonans recognize human crime for the most parts, and you need to either revoke a system privilege or get the targets consent to saddle them with the drawback. Seeing as the criminals are unlikely to give that, and the Contract probably won't be used to punish human crimes, unless they're severe/harm avowed performance.

Michael Majcen

There are good ships and there are wood ships, the ships that sail the sea. But the best ships are friendships and may they always be.


So, Lute definitely thinks Alden likes Natalie, right? Alden said yes and never quite backtracked, then he approved of his second choice of Emiljia. That signals Lute that yeah, he's into Natalie. I'll be waiting for when that eventually gets to the girls.


Interesting. And here I was thinking that the secret to word chains was that you could pass off the bad side to people who accepted them. So that this palace place and all the Velra's could take the positive effect and then give away the negative to other people/worshipers. I had this whole vision of the Velra paying F ranks to take the negative effects of word chains. And the palace summoning Avowed chainers to take the debt (training them in exchange for the inconvenience) And that is a big part of the reason they were so disliked.


Word chain question. The words for the two halves of the chain are similar but opposite on key words. Are the gestures slightly different for each half as well?

Ano Ano

Lute was a real weirdo and kind of a jerk the first time we met him. Now I love him so much. He's falling in friendship with Alden so hard that it's genuinely moving.


It's not a cliff but why does it feel like a cliff 😂 Lots of things confirmed about wordchains, I love it. I love that Alden shared the commendation with Lute. Don't worry about the short Wednesday chapter!


Flags! Lute. My need for conflict thanks you.


Oh lute, it’s going to happen to Alden again and again and again. Probaply not any time soon in story. But it will happen.


It was stated though that consent requirement exists due to Palace of Unbreaking meddling otherwise Chainers as Avowed could do much more. At least that's how I understood it. If sways can use mind control without consent finding a way around System enforced consent should be possible

Flying Goat

Love Alden's friendships - they're all a bit wacky and fun to read about. That last line from Lute... I'm sure absolutely nothing like that will ever happen to Alden again, and we'll never be seeing any more chaos outbreaks, or Alden forced into desperate situations, ever again for the rest of the series.


Correction. Only Chainers belonging to Palace of Unbreaking seem to be saddled with arbitrary limits.

Ano Ano

Alden, as clueless an Ace as there ever was. I strongly suspect that Natalie has at least somewhat of a crush on Alden. He is maybe the only boy she has had extensive, friendly, normal interaction with since she dumped all those points into appeal. Lute's misunderstanding here could spiral into some prime drama. Alden hasn't thought about the party for Rabbits in December for a long time, but I suspect Natalie might invite him.

Maddy Weller

This was a great chapter, and Lute is fantastic. I’m really glad Alden told him about the commendation. It’d be really funny if Haoyu did bring Alden home to show him off XD

Ano Ano

I don't understand what exactly they're talking about when it comes to Alden losing some rights if he is an irresponsible word chainer? Is the "right" the system protection that makes it so chainers need explicit permission to transfer around wordchain debt? If he lost the "right," the chainers could dump debt on him as much as they liked?


"But Alden had encountered a lot of people asking about crushes recently. Maricel had asked her roommates if they liked him. Her roommates and others at the party had asked him if he liked her. Jeremy had a serious girlfriend. Maybe it was just time for them all to be doing this kind of crush-checking regularly?" I really want to make fun of Alden for being so oblivious, and I would, if I hadn't found myself in the same situation on three separate occasions. Why is this thing so much easier to recognize when it's happening to somebody else?


Yeah, normally Avowed don't have any restrictions about using their powers on other people, but either the class designer or the Palace of Unbreaking gave everybody the 'privilege' of getting to refuse when Chainer powers are used on them. If you sign up to be a student and promise to be responsible, and then you not only screw up your balance but try to hide it from your teacher, then they revoke that privilege and any Chainer can impose any wordchain they want on you from that point forward. Which means they can take the good half for themselves and give you the bad parts every day.


Glorious Soupy goodness :') Ty sleyca. Discord: https://discord.gg/PRyweNZmBW


Alden told Lute he had a commendation. He didn't mention that his commendation was awarded by the Quaternary. I feel like Lute's boss might be more interested in that fact than the actual commendation itself. I think Alden might be missing this point.


It's not so much that he was brave. It was that the fourth most important being in the universe decided he was brave. If I were an Artonan I'd want to be nice to him too.


He's had a real rough go of it, and it's made his shell prickly. I get it, and I hope he can heal a bit.


Interesting explanation of the chains. It's a little confusing though. Is there a meaningful difference between repaying a chain and the chain "snapping back" on you? I thought they were the same. Maybe they're the same from the perspective of the user, but bad for the chain itself? Sounds like letting it snap back makes it more fragile, which reduces the time until snapback and makes it more precise/finicky to cast. And I guess a broken chain is one that has regressed to the point it doesn't work at all? It sounds like Lute avoided the question on why nobody else gets summoned to the Palace, probably because the butt tattoo only lets him give a misleading explanation. I hope Alden does follow up with Stu. > “I do,” said Lute, still not looking at him. “Not to make things weird for you or anything, but just so you know…I mean it. I think it’s terrible something bad happened to you, and I hope nothing like that happens to you again.” This kinda feels like Lute is talking about his eye here. If Lute did lose his eye to the Gloss, I wonder how much of his family is expressing sympathy, and how many are saying it was worth it to get Hazel Chainer?


IS Alden Ace? I figured he was just too focused on his goals to think about or just doesn't think about sexuality. Not that it doesn't exist in him - he's just got bigger things to worry about given the life he has lived so far.

Jeff Scott

I'm slightly disappointed there wasn't a phone call with the Artonan, which is what I assumed was coming, but this was great too. I just have to keep waiting for my most anticipated scene, someone not from Stu'arth's family meeting Alden and freaking out over his commendation in person.

Alan Miller

Repaying the chain is letting the air back out of the balloon. Snapping back is letting it out by the balloon popping. Neither is graceful but one is less so, and maybe there are aftereffects or echos?


Lute hasn't exactly been subtle about his disdain for his family, their schemes and conspiracies and cult behavior, and especially for the Grandwitch herself. I'm fairly confident that he was not well liked by his relatives, and got minimal support from them even before he moved out in disgust. Hazel on the other hand is the golden child, worth casting a Gloss for even though they knew how dire the consequences would be for everybody involved. I doubt that any of them care very much about his eye, except maybe the ones who have already cut every tie they can.


No. It's built into the skill/system itself it seems. I highly doubt it would be possible without Lute gaining an authority sense, and Alden would absolutely NOT wish that upon him.


Aldenxthat one artonan girl with the gum at leafsong.


Can't wait to see what kinds of jobs the Rabbit of Exceptional Bravery gets summoned for as soon as his vacation time runs out!

Juli Freixi

Aaaaawwww so cute!! 😊 Thanks a lot for the chapter Sleyca!


Hi Sleyca, one question: When Lute first appeared, you wrote in the chapter that he wasn't only very short, but only looked 10 years old. Did you exaggerate a little then or does Lute really look 10? I feel like that's relevant when he tries dating. He is 15. But looking 10 and trying to date 'other' teenagers seems difficult for, well, many reasons. Thanks for the chapter!


Love this! Love how you do your lore/exposition info dumps. They never feel like a slog to read through like some litrpg. Its always fun!


Chapter states clearly that it's Palace not System not wanting Chainers to bestow debts without consent. What if Chainer does not belong to Palace? There are maybe ways around this restriction as seen by certain asshole girl manipulating MCs debt.


He did say they're friends and that he's friends with all of them. But yeah Lute may be avoiding Natalie in part because of misguided consideration for Alden. Although, I also suspect that Lute doesn't have nearly the confidence that would be required for that. He's been bullied a lot, after all. Plus, Lute *might* be being a teeny hypocrite here and fixating on the F-rank for his own sense of security. Like how he talked about rankism being a framework he and the other natives grew up with. I certainly hope not, but you never know :/


Any speculation as to who got the other side of that shiny rock? My first thought was that Hazel is the same age as Alden and people keep trying to prove they're connected by destiny, but it sounds like the shiny rocks are only provided to the students of Chainers rather than Chainers themselves...


Well not paying the chain back yourself seems to make the palace have to do it for you. And they don't want those kinds of people to touch the more sensitive/potent chains and be all irresponsible.


Ah, I haven't seen a Jel-nor shipper in a while! She did offer to share little square hamburgers with him. And she tried to force him to fight a crocosquid. And she macrames skin. And she showed him her auriad while she was blowing up Stuart's foot.


So chains really do require an opposite to be casting the other half at the exact same time? That's not what I expected at all. I figured they'd just bottle up the magic and people tap into it for boons/sacrifices as needed.

Lucia A

I'm pretty sure Seylca has confirmed it once or twice in the comments


Lute had a rock, he says he accidentally ran it through the wash a few times.


Getting her in debt to Joe was apparently enough to make her want to share some gum with Alden... I wonder if subsequent events have made her more or less interested?


It's just a torrent and they're making sure there are enough seeders.

Pax Grey

That's how I read it, yes. Which would mean someone like Hazel could force some really horrifying effects on him at any time.


I don’t think it needs to be at the same time, which is why healthy chains have a set amount of time before they snap back. The issue is that there are chains were almost nobody is using it at all, so there is no build up of magic bottled up

David Burchfield

I could see this working out for Lute in the long run if things don't work out with Emilija. Showing that he is honestly interested in an F rank, and isn't just fawning over Natalie (which I am sure she has to deal with a lot) could make him seem more appealing to her and give them both more time to get to know each other in a lower stress/intensity setting. Regardless I am both interested to see their next set of interactions and borderline dreading it (teenage romance is always awkward to read).


Since Hazel is a chained and avowed, she should have her own rock. The other side of Alden’s is likely a youngster at the palace, or possibly just a random artonan youngster

Juan Diaz

Sleyca, I have an important question! Does Anesidora have any Boy Scout units?!?


It might not need somebody else to deliberately cast it at the same time, but I'm pretty sure it transfers the [peace of mind/strength/control/luck] from somebody else immediately. Like, I doubt that somebody else was performing an Anti-Gloss at the very moment that the Grandwitch set that shit show in motion, but the luck that the Velra family gained was almost certainly matched with a bunch of people across the galaxy getting inexplicably unlucky over the course of the same day, and the backlash where the Velras got particularly unlucky in the weeks that followed was probably matched up with a bunch of people across the Triplanets and their resource worlds getting luckier than usual. Or it might be even more widely distributed, so whenever Alden casts Peace of Mind on himself he isn't making a random individual more anxious for a few hours, but rather increasing the baseline level of anxiety that *everybody* feels, by an amount too small to be noticed?


It would be great if Alden’s opposite was Kibby. Then they should really get matching face tattoos.

Paul Sneddon

It also implies it would to me, that he has some kind of connection with Alis.


I am curious as to whether we will explore the broader Ace spectrum though. A lot of writers tend to land on Aro Ace, but regardless of how it shakes out, I trust Sleyca handle it well.

Stonedwarf Stonedwarfson

"Hazel didn’t have to get my permission before she sniped me, though." Damn it Alden! Say the silent part aloud. Who else but Lute is going to explain the crazy?


I think it's more that a chain has infrastructure that can handle the temporal disconnect and allow people to swap things back and forth without matching exactly. But if not enough people use a chain, the infrastructure withers, and if people let it snap back, it knocks some supports out of the infrastructure. In either case, it becomes less able to deal with storing debt temporally and dealing with snap backs.


Thanks for the chapter ! I really like Lute, I hope he makes more friends (even if Alden is enough of a friend to compensate !) :) I ship Alden and Natalie because it would mean amazing food and wholesomeness forever, and Lute and Emilja because they have sass synergy

Allora Lee

Lute 🥺🥺🥺 I’m in love. I love him.


Did I miss something? NEW VERSION OF POST Argh I do not understand word chains, chainers and The Palace of Unbreaking THIRD ATTEMPT I think I get it Word chains can fail the good debt, the bad debt, and the duration between the two Fails damage the word chain Non chainers can use health word chains with good users balancing out bad users Responsible non chainers can use less healthy word chains but need to track mistakes so they can be fixed Chainers can repair mistakes by completing word chains for others - bestowing good debt, bad debt or immediately triggering the unused half ( like Hazel did ) - and tell when something is messed up - missing good debt, bad debt, or duration between two halves too long The Palace of Unbreaking has chainers, wizards and possibly Knights that can repair mistakes from ( lower level / less skilled / less powerful ) users of word chains Example If Grandwitch messes up and does not properly use The Gloss, The Palace Of Unbreaking will fix the Grandwitch's mistake sort of a debt collector for a Bank If Grandwitch messes up The Gloss, and does not report it, a chainer can tell when they run into each other Doesn't Grandwitch hiding these fact about word chains actually damage more word chains as people on Earth use them improperly and weaken them or is the family constantly going around fixing damage to word chains? Wouldn't an unregistered Earth chainer be the worst nightmare for The Palace of Unbreaking since they could teach people to min / max word chains without maintaining them? What happens if Lute is off world when Alden fails a valuable word chain? Or Alden is off world? SECOND ATTEMPT I think I get it Word chains are healthy when used enough But that makes The Gloss word chain super crazy because it can NEVER be healthy since few people can even use it Did the Granwitch deliberately stab Lute in the eye because such a powerful, and fragile, word chain cannot automatically pay the bad debt For the debt to balance The Gloss, doesn't someone else have to cast The Gloss? What happens when there is an odd number of The Gloss cast? Does the Contract buffer the debt? Shaking My Head, I am just going to put word chains under magic spells and stop trying to figure out the rules ORIGINAL POST I thought Lute was supposed to explain about concluding GOOD debt early Shouldn't it just randomly manifest the good debt just like Bad debt? What about using word chains with debts you cannot pay off because you are not healthy enough? Does it shatter your authority? The chapter was amazing and well written for anything not including word chains But I am more confused about word chains now than before the chapter Especially The Gloss How can a super powerful word chain still be super powerful if no one ever uses it and no one using it is supposed to make it weaker Two alternate frameworks I could see Powerful word chains are made up of less powerful word chains Or ( Faith / Story / Reputation ) based magic 🔲


Hazel shouldn't be able to since she is just B rank and she needs the S rank mass bestowal to do that. Aulia could tho

Neal Mayne

As someone that looked twelve at eighteen I can say it's a pain in the ass trying to date. Typically the only ones interested are others that look super young and if you get hit on by a stranger instead of being flattering it's creepy.


I would disagree with you there that bravery is not as important than the fourth. Remember Kibby’s explanation on how wizards are ranked and rather than being known for being powerful wizards, Knight’s are know for bravery. I speculate a commendation say you are brave might be the highest rank. Having the Mother’s favored daughter grant it to you is a cherry on top


The commendation does not mention the 4th General being on a vacation choas assignment because of post pregnancy The equivalent being the Rabbit is fatally shot attempting to stop the robbery of a grocery store that an off duty General just entered to do her grocery shopping So the commendation APPEARS to be for extreme bravery in a situation REQUIRING the 4th, or higher, General's personal intervention If Someone told me that, I would assume a Demon big enough to squash most generals below two hundred was involved in whatever the Rabbit was helping 🔲


Is it possible Kibby is Alden’s opposite? Age wise she might be?


Gotta make sure there's enough miners that nobody can do a 51% attack.


Ah that makes much more sense. That would also explain how more people doing a chain means it's "healthy".

Michael Blue

😭😭😭 Lute I’m not on the Boe hate train, but I’m glad that Alden can have heart to hearts with characters other than Boe. Love that Alden is coming up with an English-Artonan equivalent of Spanglish. At the beginning of the chapter I was laughing to myself when Parethat-urr gave Alden the wevvi fruit, as I had previously commented that I thought it may have been him who gave Alden the hot chocolate after finding out what he likes. Nope, there seems to be less consideration for what the commended one would enjoy eating or drinking. Albeit, there’s cultural significance to wevvi and Alden doesn’t find it that bad if it’s natural. I’m sure we’ll eventually meet the Artonan Alden was matched with with the rock. Very curious about that, although I can’t imagine that happening any time soon.

Michael Blue

You know, I’m suspecting that Alden might have been pulled into one of the weirder, more worshipy aspects of the chainer class by being given that stone. It wouldn’t surprise me if he found the dynamic between him and the person who holds the other stone to be problematic once he gets some facetime with them, or another person who has a stone matched with a chainer.


I just remembered that Lute's crush confessed to him during the gloss. Considering the moral sketchyness of luck and romantic relationships, even if Lute handled it well, it gives his classmates reason to hate him, especially the girls.


Interesting how it’s similar to Boe and Alden at first. And Stu’art. Alden seems to win over the frenemies.


I love the idea of the Opposite Stone..... It's not a reflection of a wordchain..... It's a reflection of chain debt because it only glows when the other holder performs ANY wordchain. So now we get two new plot points. Who will own Alden's Opposite? A new unintroduced character? Stu? My guess it that it will be an " ...'art " child family member but not Stu. And the second plot point is what happened to Lute's stone? Is it broken? Did his opposite's break too? So many questions can spiral from this mechanic. And what's the point? Knowing that someone else just created a wordchain, and thus incurred a wordchain debt, seems kind of pointless, don't you think? Unless the point is that the Opposite holder is somehow responsible, indebted, part of the now wordchain debt even though they have no agency. And how does this correlate to Alden's gremlin? To me, it seems like a similar mechanic to ensure balance is something to strive for because of consequences. You know, like the creation of demons if too much unbalanced magic exists.


I might be simply imagin but there should be a bit of borrowing from your future. Even weak and brittle charms can wait 30 minutes. I think wordchains work by negotiatin with the Universe Gremlin in the same way that Aiden had to prove his Gremlin that he would pay it back. When a lot of users use a chain then the Universe Gremlin feel safe in that it is constantly repaid so the payment can be a bit more inconsistent. But if it is something new, rare or brittle then you need to prove that you keep it fair. And if it gets to out of check then the Universe Gremlin simply start saying no.


I'm sorry I am so dense. I just don't get it. In this chapter, we were supposed to find out what Lute's butt tattoo was hiding. The secret of the chainers. My denseness in rereading the story three times did not pull out what the hidden chainer secret was.... Could someone help out a fellow patreon subscriber and give me the TLDR synopsis? A dummy's guide to chaining? A fellow ace? Thanks in advance!


Honestly, at this point i'm pretty sure that Alden won the title of Lute's best friend by default, i mean Alden is actively trying to be a good friend/roommate and that combined with Lute being a social pariah so i'm pretty sure Lute is latching onto Alden and probably won't let go


I don’t think it being the quarternary is actually the most important part anyway. See the school saying none of their alumni had that phrasing on the commendation. See Lute mentioning that Haoyu’s mother has 2 and a few other people have them. Commendations seem to be very rare.


It makes sense that chains function better, for the chain and the recipient, when they're completed properly and with consent. Forcing the blowback on the chainer must be tough on the chain in the same way as affixing an avowed without permission is for the contract, although to a much lesser extent obvs.


They mentioned doing the interview would be insulting after they looked at Alden’s profile.

Mason Bially

I actually think the part that makes the Palace of Unbreaking most interested in the last part. "in Absence of Obligation" their whole thing is about maintaining a system of magic that many people screw up by ignoring their obligations. And here's a guy doing the hard stuff when lacking obligation to. Yes the 4th most powerful person ranking them for bravery probably increases the *weight* of it, but the point they probably liked the most was the last bit.


If Kibby doesn't get the opposite stone then we riot >:(


A) she’s younger and b) not affiliated with the Palace of Unbreaking at all.

Mason Bially

I forgot about the gremlin a little even though it was mentioned in this chapter. Alden is never going to screw up a chain debt lol.

Mason Bially

I think the main "secret" was what was teased at the end of the last chapter. The health of chains, the need to pay them back or they break/fray (that the snapback is bad for unhealthy chains, and the fact some *can't* snapback), and the role of chainers (by way of the Palace of Unbreaking's rituals) in ensuring their health.


Probably a rare ship but I ship Alden and Stuart’s older sister. If Alden is revealed to be a wizard I feel like they might station a lower ranking knight on earth to tutor him, and she would be my candidate. Also, do you think it’s possible earth’s system will end up developing a personality like mother? If so Alden being responsible for it would be cool. I thought about earth’s system taking on a name if Alden named her, would be great if the rest of earth found out he gave her a name


So Lute said "Aulia wants to obscure every minute detail partially because it’s so simple. I’m not an evil old politician, but I think she’s afraid people will realize that we don’t actually get…ah…that’s still an ass tattoo matter." The 'secret' is basically that there is no secret. Chainer is a very simple class, that allows you to do some interesting things with wordchains. But the power of the class comes from wordchains which anyone can learn. Aulia is invested in making the class seem more mysterious and powerful than it really is. Notice where Lute got cut off; Aulia isn't worried about people realising what Chainers *can* do, she's worried about people realising what they *can't*.


Relative side note: We learned this chapter that chains are old magic that at the time required an equal but opposite reaction. I wonder if Chaos is the natural reaction to Artonian magic that, aside from requiring authority, doesn't have that limitation as far as we can see


A) Alden said his opposite will be someone with the mentality/physicality of 12 year old. Kibby can fit that description, right unless she was described as being even younger? B) the moon Thegund seems to have religious practitioners associated with chaining, based on Stuart’s talk and Kibby asking Alden to say chains for her family. Conceivable she is religious in that aspect. C) Alden and Kibby have something going on. They have the same favorite color and I like the idea of them having a way to somewhat communicate with each other across space. One can know if the other is in trouble if there is a long radio silence.


I think the point is just to make people feel a tiny bit more accountable by involving someone else. Same with filling out the ledger.


I was thinking that might be the reason they hate him too, but that happened recently and the original incident that turned classmates against Lute seemed to occur in middle school.


Reading between the lines, I'm pretty sure of two things that Lute wanted to say but couldn't. One, Chainers do NOT get more than they pay for. Chains are an equal exchange, always. And two, the Palace of Unbreaking doesn't only summon Chainers; it only summons trusted individuals, out of protectiveness for fragile chains. That includes Chainers by necessity, but could also include people Chainers teach. It's weird that Aulia wants this stuff kept secret. Keeping this knowledge secret doesn't provide her with a competitive advantage that I can see. But as Lute says, secrecy for secrecy's sake is her MO. She apparently thinks it's valuable to cultivate a mystique, even one built on pure bullshit.


From what I understand Hazel just called in Aldens debt. Basically she caused it to snap back on him. But she didn’t actually cast a chain on him so she didn’t need his permission. That’s my take anyway


I think the Opposite Stones are about giving you a personal connection to this unfathomably ancient tradition. They're functional the way most rituals are functional; not about the physical effect achieved, but about the emotional effect on the person doing them. I vote for random, non wizard, dedicated child for Alden's Opposite. Because it will be a window into a new segment of Artonan society. I think something totally did happen with Lute's Opposite, but he didn't lose the rock at least, because he wasn't sure what would happen if Alden did.

John Anastacio

Yeah. Alden picked Lute first to confide about the commendation, even over Haoyu. Might be the first time in poor Lute's entire life where he got picked first.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

I like that it just sort of goes under the radar this chapter that Alden is about the most likely person in existence to pay back his wordchain debt. Not only is he generally a responsible person, but he also has a gremlin grumbling at him any time he is "unbalanced."


To add, I think that Chainers can look like they're getting more than they pay for by passing consequences off onto volunteers at the Palace.


So, reading between the lines, I've got a number of suspicions. One, Chainers do NOT get more than they pay for. Chains are an equal exchange, always. Two, the Palace of Unbreaking only summons *trusted* persons, to protect their fragile wordchains; it's simple opsec. And they have the most uses for Chainers. There's no hard rule about only Chainers, though. Three, the PoU has means of monitoring wordchain usage across the multiverse. Four, Chainer gets Sympathy for Magic stats too, or some sub-stat of SfM. There's a lot Lute didn't say, but some of those silences seemed loud to me.

Azalea Ellis

I thought we were going to get to meet Parethat-urr this chapter. I would enjoy more interactions with Artnonans.


Weird thought, Who thinks that demons are a result of the accumulation of magic. Word-chains work according to Lute in this chapter, by “equal exchange. I give you my sense of balance for three hours. You give me yours for three hours. I take your strength today. You take mine tomorrow.”” So what if Magic and avowed powers work the same way. What if a wizard or an avowed take magic, but don’t return it and this debt accumulates as chaos. Eventually becoming demonic energy. Thus the demon fight offshore isn’t the arturians teleporting one of their demons in. Rather is might be cleaning up the excess magical debt from earth magic. Joe’s third law of thaumaturgy For every magical force there is an equal and opposite anti-magic.


"Hi. I’m Alden the Commended One" Is absolutely something I hope he pulls out of nowhere later on. Lmao

Charles Hinton

You forget Alden and the Primes class they will have the ability to move around sides of chains. If you remember Stuart mentioning his family's connection to the palace it is probably his father doing that.


Chaos can also just be an element of the environment, before it's concentrated enough to create demons. If someone lets too many wordchains snap back, it can weaken or break the word chain. Which is an increase in entropy (aka disorder/chaos). Maybe.

David Burchfield

I do think the Nature of Chaos is somehow related to all of this. We don't have enough information to know for sure, but I tend to think of it as a Pollution like side effect of Magic. It is possible that it is simply irresponsible magic that causes this (but as we have seen at the Leafsong party Artonans can be pretty hedonistic and irresponsible). This would also tie into the idea that the Palace holds of Word Chains being Better (or else you might be a literal demon).

Jumping Flounder

i could see that, the other magic power we’ve seen (gorgon’s magic) is also centered around balance and equality.


Kibby and alden likely do not have the same favorite color. Kibby was trying to convince herself they did so that no one would be able to tell the difference between her auriad and his. Whether she succeeded or not is entirely up in the air. I can't confirm, but I always pictured kibby as closer to 8 or 9. She might be twelve years old in actuality, since artonans age slower, but she won't match aldens age. It would be neat if it was kibby, and I certainly won't object if that's your current head cannon. But I don't think its likely at all.


I know the answer is probably "lots of practice" but I still want to know how Sleyca is so good at this.


Lute: "I’m glad you made it back to Earth and that you’re alive... I think it’s terrible something bad happened to you, and I hope nothing like that happens to you again.” I feel like this is something Lute would like people to say to him about the loss of his eye. Except, the Grandwitch cannot apologize sincerely because she would do it again in a heartbeat.


It seems like all wordchains exist as two parts; "gift" and "debt". But would then Hazel forcing the "gift" part on Alden not then have to be done by forcing a wordchain on him? Or she could have some ability to snap back a wordchain prematurely, but this seems like it could damage the wordchain itself, meaning it would count as a failure to her duties as a Chainer?


Also, is Lute facing the wall during this speech enough to put a tally mark in the "Alden got stuck on Thegund because of the Gloss snapping back" column? Is that guilt I hear? He did not say he was sorry (which Lute vowed never to do again when it's not his fault), but it sounds really close.


Idk about that ship. That's definitely something. I do think earth will, over time, get more "human". I don't know if it'd really be on the time frame reasonable to this story though. I was thinking decades at least. I could see alden end up giving it a name and I can see that being important to Earth in some way in the far future. If it ever took up the name I think it'd be something like "this is the name bestowed upon me by an ancient, long dead friend".

Daniel Viana Rodrigues

I can already imagine that artonan kid becoming a celebrity in a few decades, when Alden becomes the greatest avowed ever.

John D Jones

@ KB I think that Alden is actually missing a bit of the point but deliberately missing other parts of the point. He's giving a "reasonable explanation" to Lute why Lute's boss would be so high on Alden. However, Alden specifically does [i]not[/i] mention that the Commendation was awarded by the Quaternary or that the wizard Lute asked to translate "dickwad" was Alis's nephew because Stu'art'h is the son of the Primary who is the Quaternary's twin brother. I don't think he distrusts Lute so much as he doesn't want to hit Lute with too many crazy Alden info-dumps.


I imagine using either half of a wordchain is kind of like balancing a ball on a high, perfectly level shelf. Eventually, some tiny vibration will nudge the ball or the shelf enough that it will fall, all on its own. However, a person can walk up, kick the shelf, and make the ball fall without ever touching the ball itself. Hazel walked up and kicked Alden's shelf, and the wordchain snapped back on him. She didn't have to touch the wordchain itself; she just helped causation along to its natural conclusion. Apparently artificially completing a wordchain like that *doesn't* damage the chain, because being available to help Alden that way if he can't cast the second half of a chain is one of Lute's explicit duties.


I thought Lute was pretty clear that Parethat-uur decided it was rude to involve himself too hard right now, and the call was off the table. I was a little disappointed when I realized that myself. Meeting weirdo aliens is one of my favorite things ever. But, we got some great things here regardless. And I bet Alden *totally* gets summoned to the Palace of Unbreaking some day. He's going to establish himself as trustworthy in their eyes, after all. We'll get to meet so many weidos! Probably including whatever lucky kiddo got their own Opposite Stone to match Alden's. And Parethat-uur. And the prostraters.


It was mentioned in a chapter that she was 12 which made her 8 equivalent

John D Jones

@ Kbzzy Evul'art'h feels like she in the "early to mid 20s" maturity/age bracket. She's Stu's older sister who's in college or graduate school. If Alden weren't so ace, I could potentially see him developing a crush on her, but I can't really see the reverse happening. Maybe in another seven to ten years when Alden is fully grown up (and probably a full Knight). As far as tutoring goes, I don't want Evul to do that. I want Joe to get sent to Earth to teach "Magical Theory" or something and just terrifying the shit out of all Celena kids (except Alden). As far as 'shipping goes, I very much 'ship Joe and Instructor Plim.


I'm hype to meet Random Dedicated Nonwizard Child who has the twin to Alden's stone, who thinks it's a kind of reward for working hard to learn their wordchains and saying them often.


I'm also on board the Evul x Alden train! She seems awesome! But if something like that happens, I think it'll be after a weird Natalie x Alden relationship and after Alden gets drafted as the first human knight by the Primary and partnered with Evul for training or something.


When Alden was struggling through eating the wevvi fruit I was reminded how Sophie said she would celebrate his return to life by chasing her prey more slowly and prolonging its death. With how ritualized the wevvi is, maybe Alden was right to spend most of the session working through it? Seriously though, fun chapters! Lute sent up a few red flags for me when he reappeared in the story with his eccentric clothing and new facial scar (among other RR progression fantasy tropes), but I like his character more with every appearance.

Azalea Ellis

I must have forgotten that, or I missed it because I was reading at 3am lol. But yes, very much looking forward to what's to come.

Giants Craft

I think chaos results from word chain debt or magic for sure. It could be that since artonans use authority without any trade off, it results in chaos. We know that the systems are created to stabilize avowed with high chaos potential. And when Alden asks Joe why avowed were created, Joe tells him that “it’s to manage a problem that can never be fully solved.” I read that as an indication that chaos is a byproduct of how artonan society functions; like pollution stemming from industrialization, it can be minimized but never completely eliminated.

John Anastacio

Theoretically Alden could call Parethat-uur himself. Alas he's not likely to want to talk to someone who will effusively praise his luminous heart.

Giants Craft

Recently, I’ve been thinking about how Kibby and Alden mirror each other. Both lost their parents at a young age, but can still remember them. Both of their traumatic events caused them to become absurdly driven to do good, and they are both extraordinary in some way. Libby’s a genius, and Alden has boab and wizardry. They do have significant differences though. Alden is a saint, especially for a teen. The dude never said a single thing to Lexi when he was being an ass, and he befriends people he would be better off leaving alone. We saw in the Kibby POV chapter that she’s more prickly and finds it harder to make friends. I also find it fascinating that those character traits determine how they accomplish their goals. Alden becomes a wizard because of his maturity on moon thegund with kibby, gets commended since he’s a natural hero, and transforms into part ancient creature for befriending gorgon.


I think the secrecy itself is her advantage. If the other commenter is right and anyone trusted can get summoned, then as long as you can get a single Chainer Velra to teach you, you can eventually start getting summoned and start accumulating wordchains the way the Velras have. Sure you’ll be missing out on some advantages without the Chainer class, but if the majority of the class’ power comes from the chains itself, Aulia really wouldn’t want people to realize that.

John D Jones

I hope that when he comes home from his Dec. 15 visit he brings a cup of Stu-made Wevvi juice for Lute.

Heather White

It would make sense — I’ve always been curious about Systems saying it’s expensive to do something against an avowed’s will. If that means expensive in terms of amount of authority that needs to be expended, maybe it’s the same for chains. Maybe snapping back costs the chain authority in a way that paying voluntarily doesn’t.

Heather White

Or she might just be an adolescent who doesn’t care if she does a tiny bit of damage to a highly robust wordchain.

Calico C

Alden seems to gravitate towards the outcasts (Boe, Lute, Lexi). Alden’s extremely sociable on the surface, but he definitely has things that make other people wary/not know how to relate to him at all (parents getting killed, almost dying, getting raised by an extremely neglectful parental figure, nearly dying on moon Thegund in a way most people around him can’t conceptualize, casual mentions of influential figures, etc etc) Traumatized people gravitate to traumatized people

Heather White

Sleyca, you are so great at grabbing my attention with your characters’ nonverbal moments. I am absolutely fixated on Lute’s fingers tightening on the ink/brush box: “A commendation?” Lute’s fingers tightened on the box that held Alden’s new inkwell and brush. “You mean…one for fighting chaos. Like the kind Haoyu’s mom has?” I have a few ideas what he might be thinking/feeling in that moment, and I kind of love that I’m still not 100% sure. But with a single small action on his part you showed that this was an important moment & that he was feeling something strongly. I love that you show instead of just relying on inner monologues or dialogue.

Brandon Steele

So you are saying there is foreshadowing that Alden might get summoned to the palace of unbreaking .


Lute had been having a truly terrible day the first time we saw him. On one hand, he fully expected the backlash of the Gloss to ruin his entire musical career. And on the other hand, the girl he'd been crushing on for years asked him out immediately after the unnatural luck chain started, leaving him unable to ever have any kind of positive relationship with her without being haunted by the question of whether she actually consented to any of it or got mind controlled by his grandmother, so the only halfway ethical thing he could do was to cut ties completely and immediately. That's the kind of thing that would *fuck you up*.


Alden isn't as close to Haoyu, because Haoyu doesn't really need Alden. From Boe to Gorgon to Stu to Lute, Alden always attaches himself to the people who are most in need of a friend. And being drawn to wherever he's needed most might not be ideal for his own long term health, but it's perfect for a Support Hero and for a Rabbit.


I keep hoping that an Arturian visiting wizard brings Sophie the grivax as a guard and she comes over to couch surf at Alden’s place,


I feel like Evul is too old for Alden. But Joe x Plim seems like a match made in... well I'm not entirely sure which of the outer planes but definitely somewhere potent.


Somebody was saying that grivecks were forbidden from visiting earth, probably on account of their policy of never eating anything you don't hunt yourself and considering humanity to be valid prey, so Sophie seems unlikely to visit any time soon, as awesome as that would be. And if she did, she would probably have to dig her own burrow instead of sleeping on a couch. But if the Quaternary plays along, I don't think anybody could object to Kraaaa being Kibby's escort... he could introduce her to all his Rabbit friends!


Wuh?! Who said that about grivecks?!


Oh my word. Some of y’all are just too funny. Haha.


So uhhh what is he oblivious of again?

Temp One

【“I do think it’s amazing,” he said as the lights flickered again. “The fact that you earned a commendation. I feel like I need be clear about it. I think it’s amazing, and I’m glad you made it back to Earth and that you’re alive.” Alden raised his eyebrows. “Thanks. You don’t have to say stuff like that, though.” “I do,” said Lute, still not looking at him. “Not to make things weird for you or anything, but just so you know…I mean it. I think it’s terrible something bad happened to you, and I hope nothing like that happens to you again.” He hooked the latch with a finger and pulled before Alden could ask what the sudden change in tone was about.】 My guess here is that the revelation of the Commendation revealed to Lute how much Alden had been underselling what he'd gone through. Like someone joking to you about going on tour in France in their youth, and then you finding out later it was during WW2 and they got a Medal of Honor. I imagine Alden's earlier comments about his week being so great he even slept at night might also be playing back in Lute's mind. That Alden was being serious, and whatever he went through left him in a state where, months after the fact, restful sleep is unusual for him.


Found it, chapter 33 by the royalroad reckoning since that's easier to search than Patreon: <> it was the same conversation in which Alden was reassured to know that it would be considered rude for Sophie to eat him after exchanging contact info, and that only S-rank Griveks get assigned the Ryeh-b’t class because only the most powerful are willing to take non-combat powers. Edit, oh for fuck's sake how bad can your comment section formatting be? the quote that should have been in the middle there is "We are unlikely to meet in person again. You’re too weak to handle the gravity on Sreeeakk. And I would like to see Earth, but your planet does not allow griveck tourists for some reason. I appreciate the sentiment, though."

Michael Blue

I agree, I also tend to find myself reflecting on parallels between Kibby and Alden’s relationship and Alden and Hannah’s relationship


Maricel asked all her roommates opinions on Alden in the exact same way that Lute is asking Alden's feelings about Natalie and Emilija right now. And her roommates were asking Alden how he felt about Maricel. It's not clear if she requested their assistance in gathering information before she worked her way up to making a move, or if they (correctly or otherwise) came to the conclusion that she had a crush on Alden and decided to "help", but there's clearly scouting going on.


I also feel like Lute might be recontextualizing his own life after talking to Alden. Like, for a 15-year old who's been through as much shit as Lute, it's easy to feel like you've been dealt the worst hand anybody's ever got, and end up wallowing in that. But then some B-rank bunny shows up and is trying to be cheerful and nice to everybody while occasionally letting slip something truly horrifying...

Calum Donaldson

Too add onto what Terrestrial_Biped said, she's essentially preserving scarcity and ensuring the Velra family retains a monopoly. This is basic profit maximizing.


I have the sudden inkling that this may be a case of Anesidora social dynamic that Lute is aware of, but Alden is not. Lute, for instance, may know that Haoyu's parents got those commendations after getting wrecked on missions and having to spend months in recovery afterwards. Alden may not realize just how much he told Lute about his space horror story.

Temp One

After Alden's talks with Boe about hero personalities, I sometimes think of that old Bakemonogatari argument. Where a character talks in the vein of natural born heros versus the ones that struggle to be heroic. I think the same argument crops up again with Parthanax in Skyrim. The question being, what's more heroic at the end of the day? A person who unconsciously manages the feat? Or the person who accomplishes the same feat through great self discipline and effort? From that perspective, I think Alden's struggles with being a heroic person actually elevate him. That he's someone who sometimes struggles with doing the heroic thing, yet he still does it anyway.

John Anastacio

I'm thankful that we now have a better idea of how many humans have stars - the answer seems to be just a handful, though maybe Lute's understanding is mistaken. For instance, there should be other humans with stars who don't have kids around Lute's age. Also, this chapter recontextualizes this sentence in the character notes in ch 76: "The Brute was a well-respected Anesidoran boy named Haoyu, and the way the fight went down has made the Wright very unpopular with some of the other Anesidoran teenagers." I have believed Haoyu was well respected because he's such a nice and happy guy and because his parents are superheroes. Now I wonder how much of the respect the other kids give him is due to both his parents having stars, and his mother having 2 of them. Edit: Just occurred to me now that Alden is probably the lowest ranked human to earn a commendation, in addition to being the only Rabbit to do so. It could be there aren't even any A-ranks who have a star - the few who have them could all be S-ranks or hyperboles. That might be one of the reasons why Torsten Klein was so skeptical about the inherent value of Alden's star - he can't imagine how a low-rank got one.


That's exactly what I'm saying. I'm hype for it. We can meet all kinds of weirdos there! Parethat-uur, a kid who is very excited to have been matched with a commended Avowed as their opposite, the prostraters...


I feel like Alden and the human instructors might be underestimating the value of his commendation, and it makes sense considering how there hasn’t been a record of a human avowed receiving that particular wording so they don’t know what the Artonans actually mean by it. But if I remember correctly, Kibby mentioned how Artonans value bravery over strength when she was explaining the concept of knights to Alden and why knights are looked at so highly by them (ch 47). So Lute’s boss reacting so badly to Alden’s commendation might not just be because of Alis’s rank, but also because of the particular wording. For Artonans, it might actually be considered as one of the highest of praises that one can get. Stuart also mentioned that Alden was commended ‘so highly’ by his Aunt (ch 70). Also, it’s ironic that Alden feel insecure and undeserving of the commendation, like he has to prove it, when he’s literally about to confront a cult and put himself at risk, without anyone else actually telling him to do it.


To be fair I didn’t really think about Evul’s age. I thought she was more like late teens

Jeff Scott

I knew we were past the interview, I just thought he would be there for the first lesson, like a kind of welcoming ceremony.

Ano Ano

My suspicion was that the Palace of Unbreaking only summons chainers because they're priced in to summoning chainers. It's not that only chainers are good enough for them. It's that they're politically a fairly marginal faction, and they can't afford to waste their limited summoning budgets on anything but the kind of avowed most suited to their purposes.


Alden needs a girl who can keep up with his life choices and knows what to do with a crocosquid.


the person who has Alden's stone is a 12 year old (by human developmental reckoning) Artonan initiate/trainee/whatever they would be at that age in the Zealous Flagellant Monk Order of Wordchain Debt Repayment Fanatics, otherwise translated as Palace of the Unbreakable knowing what we do right now I'd say it's most likely that the Artonan kids who get the honor of having the matching stone to an Avowed probably gets emotional and religious based reinforcement in the need to pay wordchain debt by the stone glowing, showing that their mirror is using a wordchain

Adam Andersson

I have a feeling that the reason why barely any humans have received it is that the bravery required is the kind that makes most receive it posthumously.

Tycho Green

I missed that as well for some reason. Was it mentioned in chapter 105?


It's probably going to happen when the Wizard comes to perform maintenance on Celena North. All the test proctors were talking about how they wanted to have him there when they welcomed the wizard.


Well Sleyca in a previous RR chapter answered that it's a little more complicated than simply "Alden is ace and isn't going to date ever" and romance might be in the story but will not be a big priority or expanded on much if at all. Then also something about if it makes sense plot wise, Alden might even go on a date and kiss a sentient moss creature


The thing about that though is I don't think Maricel is actually interested in Alden at this point in time. We did get a POV from her recently and her opinion of Alden seemed like she thought he's a generally kind person who's just trying to make sure she feels comfortable ever since she told him she hates it on Anesidora. I think her friends don't know that though and think the extra attention Alden is giving her is because they like each other or are dating on the low


My theory on the commendation's importance/wording is: Artonans have a strong emphasis upon contracts, people agree to do A because they will get B, and this ties into the cultural relevance of the wordchains, as well as magic contracts, as well as the interdimensional warrior contract. The thing is, the knights volunteer to take on the enormous burden of tortured authority, and they don't get a commensurate reward: as it does not exist. They are viewed with reverence because they give so much and literally *can't* take back enough to balance things out. They're self-sacrificing in a culture that really insists that there should be a relevant paycheck to tidy the ledger. The Artonans feel indebted to the knights in a way that they don't ask them to do what they do, and can't meaningfully reward them for their sacrifice - so Alis-Art'h acknowledging something similar about Alden makes other Artonans freak out.


IMO you can only get that wording "bravery in the absence of obligation" if you're a non-combat class and/or on a non-combat assignment. If Obbu is right, then this breaks a cultural convention. A combat class/assignment is expected to be dangerous, and has commensurate rewards. Going above and beyond on an assignment nobody was expecting to be dangerous is worth much more in the Artonans' eyes.


Remember Lute said his boss could also force a wordchain to complete. Lute just said the boss would only do it in situations where it is appropriate/needed, which probably means only if an unhealthy wordchain is about to snap back. My guess is Chainers (some? all?) are given permission to do this with the expectation they'll be responsible and only do it if they see someone misusing an unhealthy wordchain. Hazel is simply abusing this power. It's different, though a bit subtly. One is forcing a wordchain (good or bad) on someone, and thus can only be done if that person broke the contract with the Palace; the other is simply calling a wordchain debt, that the person agreed to, due a bit early.

Temp One

【“You should tell Haoyu. You two get along so well and he’s going to be thrilled. He’ll probably carry you home to his mother like, ‘Look! I found another one of you! Compare stars while I take notes!’”】 This makes me nervous. I want to say Lute is fantastic at reading people, and Haoyu is solid. But what happens if Haoyu (a person who looks up to his commendation-clad parents so much he modeled his class around theirs) just feels envious and somewhat threatened by someone his age with the thing he's so proud of his parents for having?

Eitan G.

Hot take: “funny-mean” is “sarcastic” in the Artonan-English dictionary.

Heather White

This reaction would seem possible for most people, except Haoyu. It would go against everything we know about him.


I wonder if Lute suddenly are the one that best understand what Alden has gone through?


This magic in this story seems like it works based on trades, equal exchange and informed decisions. If you don't consent then it is hard to say that something is equal.

John D Jones

Per the misleading part. Figure only Chainers can work for the Palace as an institution, but they might be able to give massages/etc. for individual wizards in that institution. Also, there's no reason why Avowed can't just physically travel to the Palace if they know it exists.

Doug Wills

My horrible conspiracy: Lute is using Alden to get in the good graces of his grandmother. That's why we haven't seen Hazel. If she talks to Alden it would be ruined pretty quickly. My reasoning is as follows: 1) This all started with Alden being put off by Hazel triggering his chainer debt. Lute heard this and was more than happy to tell Alden that she's a horrible little monster. Yada, yada. His family sucks, blah blah blah. 2) Following that when Alden talked about the fear of his grandmother Lute said, "Oh, well just show up to a party and act like you're not important!" What a great way to get him to go to the party with Lute and end up talking to ol' grandma. 3) Lute was happy to teach him chaining knowing full well it could mean that Alden is at least somewhat beholden to him, even if only in spirit. 4) The way this chapter went had all kinds of weird vibes. Lute was CLEARLY uncomfortable about the opposite stone. I think it's because he genuinely likes and respects Alden at this point and the opposite stone is a lie. It's something that they're going to use to monitor him. 5) The way he responded to the commendation felt a lot like, "I'm so sorry that I did all of this, and I want you to know that I really do think highly of you." He realizes now just how genuine a person Alden is and feels bad about what he's doing. 6) In this chapter Lute did a really great job of making his family seem mostly like "good guys" rather than bad guys. Sure, they hoard a little still, but mostly what they're doing are good things. 7) Seemingly EVERYONE hates Lute. And yet he's nothing except an ideal and wonderful friend for and to Alden. It would make perfect sense for him to be a self-serving asshole. I could be completely off base, and I hope I am because I LOVE Lute. But the longer this goes without any contact from Hazel the more suspicious I am. And this chapter was just DRIPPING with red flags for me. Lute might genuinely like Alden now. I know all of these things have very innocuous explanations. That'd be what makes it good writing. But it's my conspiracy and I'm really worried about it. But I super duper hope I'm wrong.


This makes way more sense than anything I was thinking. If the Palace is mysterious mainly because they're too poor to afford other Avowed, then it would be a huge hit to the Velra's prestige if that became known.


Lute's comment that there are "different ones" along with a few other comments make me think the wording of the commendation has extremely specific meanings. I think "Exceptional Bravery" might be the kind of wording that involves taking a course of action that is nearly certain to result in death. The kind of award that is usually posthumous. Lute's reaction makes a lot of sense if he just found out that Alden came really close to death via his own actions. Both empathizing and also gently implying Alden should not risk his life in the future.


On point 7, we've seen that there was apparently some kind of incident back in middle school that a lot of this hatred stems from. Lexi and Hayou don't seem like the type to put up with the kind of scheming you are talking about, so that probably isn't something he's known for even if he does it. And if this is a plot to make Granny like him, it's an incredibly poorly thought out one. He introduces this super important Rabbit, but the Rabbit has a pretty terrible view of the family now. I fully disagree on point 6, that he's making the family look good. Chainers are Contractually obligated to do these "good" things, they aren't doing it because of some morality. Alden knows this. The real choices Granny and the Fam are making are only ever presented in a selfish light. The reaction to the commendation could just as easily be, "the 'exceptional bravery' wording is normally only given to people who rushed into near certain death, my friend almost died doing something extremely dangerous and I need to make sure he knows he is valued so that he doesn't take huge risks again." The opposite stone thing is very easily explained by Lute being genuinely uncomfortable treating the stone lightly because he knows how important it is to some child out there. None of the rest is especially noteworthy to me.

Doug Wills

I mean, I'm aware there are innocuous explanations for all of this. I said as much. I also said that the incident in his past could easily be something that goes perfectly with him being a little shit. And lastly, I don't think Hayou and Lexi are in on it at all. All of this is easily explained away or it wouldn't be a conspiracy theory. It'd just be facts. I said as much in the initial post at the end: "I know all of these things have very innocuous explanations. That'd be what makes it good writing. But it's my conspiracy and I'm really worried about it. But I super duper hope I'm wrong. " I agree with you that everything you said that those things are acceptable explanations. The only thing I don't agree with is that he didn't make them look good. He did, they aren't just contractually obligated to do good things. They are explicitly going out of their way to keep wordchains functioning. Alden even says it in this chapter: '“I believe you.” Alden felt like he was missing something though. “Why does your grandmother not want people to understand even the basics of why wordchains are restricted? I don’t see any benefit for her. A lot of people seem to dislike you guys because they think you’re wordchain hoarders who refuse to share with others so that you can maintain your power. But you actually just work for the hoarders. And the hoarders are hoarding for a good reason.”' That is him having a much /much/ better opinion of them than before. Alden took the given information and came to the conclusion that it would be helpful to the family's reputation to be more open and honest. Because people misunderstand them. He is FAR more predisposed to be helpful to them now than he was a couple of weeks ago.

Temp One

On the note of the opposite stone: I'm pretty sure that Lute's reticence to give it to Alden comes from projecting his own experiences. Which he hints at when he talks about forgetting it in the washing machine and the like. He probably doesn't expect Alden to take it seriously, and why would he? He's just newly inducted to the Chainer mysteries, and has absolutely no context to the importance of some odd alien bauble. From the way Lute talks about it, I'm imagining he met the holder of his opposite stone at one point. And it was a sad Artonan child who was absolutely crushed that their Avowed spiritual partner was neglecting wordchains, neglecting them, or both. He probably feels guilty about what he had done, still. And wants to save the feelings of another Artonan child if Alden isn't going to take it seriously.

John Anastacio

It would be weird of Lute understood but the human instructors did not. Unless the human instructors are somehow ignorant of what a commendation really means, which is possible. They might be reluctant to ask the known star holders, who in turn might be unable to give answers because they're bound by secrecy tattoos.


I hope he remembers to wear an armored poncho when he meets the Brute lady.


Anyone else make silly pronunciations for Artonan names? I've decided Lute's boss is named 'Parrot Hat Earl'.


From Sleyca's Q&A (between Ch 64 & 65 on Patreon): Sleyca: "The gloss is focused on the Velras only. Specifically on the members of the family who are linked together to disperse and share the effects of the chain. So whoever lost their cupcakes will not be karmically repaid. And Alden's bad/good luck once the gloss had ended was not a result of the wordchain anymore, except in the sense of any event in your life having ripple effects." Sounds like I don't need to be quite so paranoid. :)

Box Jellyfish

I get the feeling that the Velras hoard Artonan knowledge, and Lute has access to relevant info that neither he or Alden realize is not common knowledge.

John D Jones

I'm not gonna do a point-by-point refutation but I'll address a couple of these. Hazel has appeared "onscreen" in this story twice. The first time was to receive Chainer from Alden. Once that was done, she wanted Alden to skip Hannah's funeral long enough to watch her Affix Chainer (and presumably fake a System Faint). The second time she (apparently) blew his Word-chain debt before attempting to chat with him. Maybe Hazel isn't "a little monster" but neither of those incidents (especially the first one) paint her in a very good light. Also worth noting is than when they first met way back at Hannah's funeral, Lute was actively urging Alden to just leave Hazel, high, dry and affixing as a Rabbit. As for meeting the Grand-witch, Lute's advice on that seems pretty spot on. Dodging meetings with her will just make her more curious and determined. Also let's note that Lute constantly refers to her as Grand-witch, Devil Gramma or something else like that. There's no "Yeah, she's a little controlling but she's not too bad" from Lute. Any mention of Aulia from Lute paints her as ruthless, manipulative, tyrannical and kind of an awful person.

John D Jones

We just listened to Alden talk about the Commendation in this chapter and we've seen how he talks about it. He's pretty much doing the opposite of "See this? That's a personal Commendation for Exceptional Bravery that was awarded by the Quaternary herself. You people have anything like that? No, I didn't think so." He doesn't wear it around school. Any time it comes up Alden tries to downplay it or what he did to earn it. I don't see Haoyu getting jealous of Alden and if he started, his mom would probably chew him over it. "Haoyu, no one gets something like what Alden got without going through absolute Hell. You watch over that poor child."

David Burchfield

In response specifically to "Wouldn't an unregistered Earth chainer be the worst nightmare for The Palace of Unbreaking since they could teach people to min / max word chains without maintaining them? " I don't think so, all Avowed are still Artonan property, and would probably get a talking to then some sort of action taken against them if they didn't listen to the Artonans at the Palace of Unbreaking.


This is a pretty wild theory, but I'm only going to reply to point #4. My read was that Lute got an opposite stone and treated it like a meaningless bauble, and ended up either losing it or telling an Artonan at the Palace that he thought it was stupid. Then he got one of those life lessons in not being an asshole where he learned that it meant the world to the non-wizard Artonan kid who had the opposite stone he lost or maligned.

Doug Wills

I don't know anything about Hazel (there's very little to go on that hasn't been straight from Lute's mouth). My assumption is that her attempt to get his attention led to him blowing her off. A perfect opportunity for Lute. Her not talking to him is because Lute is making progress, and grandma doesn't want her to ruin it. It has nothing to do with her being good or bad. She could be anything from my POV, as you said, we've seen almost nothing of her. And I don't know her motives for anything she has done. Also, the assumption about her faking fainting and things is based on Lute stating it. It may or may not be true. But again, my theory isn't about Hazel being good or bad. Lute also hates Hazel for his own reasons. We just trust him because we know and like him now. Had Alden gotten to know Hazel and she was the one trying to manipulate him, well, we might think differently of Lute. If my theory ended up being right, nothing Lute said about her is actually relevant. Because anything he said is with the purpose of benefiting himself and making himself trustworthy to Alden. Alden comes to complain about Hazel, he hates Hazel, so he leans into it and simply exaggerates how awful she is. Again, this can all be wrong. But I don't think anything we know about Hazel that comes from Lute is relevant to it being right or wrong. Because in my scenario his word is unreliable. And that's definitely not true. In this specific chapter he gives a much, much kinder picture of her. Him talking about how awful she is prior to this is a perfect way to build trust with Alden. Alden hates her. So he acts like he absolutely cannot stand her and wants nothing to do with his garbage family. Then, when the chance comes (here), he softens how "awful" his family is. To the point where Alden himself pretty explicitly says that she is not as bad as he had first thought: '“I believe you.” Alden felt like he was missing something though. “Why does your grandmother not want people to understand even the basics of why wordchains are restricted? I don’t see any benefit for her. A lot of people seem to dislike you guys because they think you’re wordchain hoarders who refuse to share with others so that you can maintain your power. But you actually just work for the hoarders. And the hoarders are hoarding for a good reason.”' Hell, re-reading it just now he even sets it up for Alden to find working for The Palace to be an interesting thing. He can't actually tell him, but he can "give him a misleading answer" in which he's incredibly sarcastic, and is even able to tell him how to get around the misleading answer? That seems odd to me given how we know these tattoos work from Joe. Like, even his shoddily made one seems like it's probably better than this one, and I'm guessing Lute's tattoo was done by an expert. Being able to tell him the answer is misleading, where to get the real information, and to be able to reply with so much dripping sarcasm he may as well have just said the truth seems... well, not in line with the rules of the tattoos. Just want to note I appreciate the chat about this, and that I really love this interpretation from another comment: "My guess here is that the revelation of the Commendation revealed to Lute how much Alden had been underselling what he'd gone through. Like someone joking to you about going on tour in France in their youth, and then you finding out later it was during WW2 and they got a Medal of Honor. I imagine Alden's earlier comments about his week being so great he even slept at night might also be playing back in Lute's mind. That Alden was being serious, and whatever he went through left him in a state where, months after the fact, restful sleep is unusual for him." This is really what I want to be true. <3

Doug Wills

That is the straightforward interpretation. 100%. It's basically what is in the text. But I posted it as a wild theory cause it's fun. And like I said, I'd rather be wrong than right. Because I adore Lute.

Doug Wills

That is the straightforward way to read it for sure. It's basically exactly what the text says. My read on it is one in which that's the lie he was told to feed Alden, and now that it's time to give him this object he feels guilty about it and was having second thoughts. I genuinely do hope I'm wrong because I really love Lute. And I love the idea of opposite stones as written here (and want Alden to have one).


I had to reread the last bit again because it was so sweet. LUTEEEE 😭


Kibby will love her video update when Alden shows her his special rock


The system is subordinate to the Artonans, and the Palace of Unbreaking is presumably a powerful political entity. Otherwise the restriction wouldn't be there. And that was her calling in his debt early, not giving him more debt, very different things.


Luckily, sleyca is not a bad writer so this is not going to be the case


This is great

Michael Blue

I largely agree with what’s been said, although I don’t think it’s illogical for Grandwitch to enforce secrecy about the class. If she’s trying to build wealth and political power, it would make sense for her to want a monopoly on the class, and for the ins and outs of the class to be secret. It’s easier to bluff in negotiations if people don’t know all your cards.

John D Jones

I kind of hope that if Natalie has feelings for Alden she gets over them quickly. If she had been selfish/etc like Hazel, the situation would be kind of funny. Right now it's a little sad that the thing that might be making Natalie hot for Alden (him not being entranced by her high Appeal because he's ace) is also the thing that ensures that Alden won't ever be hot for her.


My speculation: the palace can't afford other avowed. They get subsidized summoning of channels only. Granny doesn't want people to know because she'll look low-status by association.


I agree, but the fact that Lute feels he has to say it and the change in tone makes me wonder if it isn't more personal to Lute. He said once he fell into the weird side of Chainer almost accidentally... maybe his first summoning was difficult for him, and maybe it was worse because he had nobody who could tell him "it sucks" , or "welcome back"


Me too! I kept thinking: what did Lute just realise? Is it that Alden's trip wasn't just the relaxed camping trip he made it out to be?


I thought that Lute wanted to say that Chainers don't actually get wordchains as part of the class


Yes! I kept thinking that Lute has no idea how Alden would never be able to forget about paying the debt


Alden is also the only one who truly understands about secrets and being different


I liked how Lute could say it will ruin Alden's life with so much certainty - he knows how quickly people can turn against you


By the time Alden tells Lute he is going to visit his Artonan friend for the weekend and his family are Knights, Lute is just going to say: whatever man, nothing about you can surprise me anymore, I won't even be surprised if you say you are secretly an Artonan wizard


Sindri i completely missed those implications... Alden is just going to get summoned for crazy shit because of his recommendation. People will expect him to handle dangerous stuff all the time

Kthryn C

My guess: The Palace is in the "Avowed will be the death of us" faction which is why they maintain strict control over wordchainers and refuse to summon any other class.


I was under the assumption Artonans matured faster than humans. Kibby is 8 and she seems far more mature than that. Well, mature in some contexts, immature when it comes to drugs etc :) I guess it evens out.


Hes telling Lute about the commendation, but he is conveniently glossing over the fact that he got it from the quarternary rather than some random artonan


Kibby is developmentally equivalent to a human eight-year-old, not actually eight years old. The conversion factor given in this chapter suggests her chronological age is about eleven earth years old.