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At North of North that morning, Alden had a plyometrics session with Bobby and the guy who’d been analyzing how his movement trait stressed his body.

They’d roped off a section of the building’s marble-floored foyer just for him because they wanted to watch him on different types of “ground” and they hadn’t tried marble yet. He was doing his best not to feel self-conscious while he jumped up and down on progressively higher boxes.

Regular jumping. Magic jumping. Higher, Alden. Faster, Alden. Ignore all the superheroes getting their smoothies, Alden.

Oh look. There’s an actual hyperbole watching me hop around. That’s not strange at all.

She was a spunky looking girl with teal hair.

Well, not a girl, he corrected himself. Isn’t she like forty?

She was a U-type, and in English, her name was Plopstar. Alden had always found that concerning.

Laying waste to acreage with falling magic sparkles? Awesome.

But calling yourself Plopstar while you did it? Could she really be trusted to aim her magic sparkles at the right spots?

“Let’s get some more height on the next one,” said Bobby, moving a mat out of the way. She’d brought it to toss in front of him in case he overshot a box on a high jump. “Tell me if anything starts to hurt.”

While he was checking to make sure the enamel rabbit pin he was using as his preserved object was still tucked deeply in the pocket of his shorts, a text message from Lute popped up. He’d just woken up and was booking the privacy booth for them to have their wordchain tutoring session.

[Do you want a creepy one, a snobby one, or an underwater one?]

Why are those the only three options? Why are those options at all?

When he’d heard the phrase “privacy booth” he’d assumed it would be similar to an office cubicle or a restaurant booth. Lute seemed like someone whose idea of creepy might be really creepy.

[Isn’t there a normal variety?]

[What about one in the back of a Wright shop? They’ll check our molars for explosives and teach us a secret knock.]

[Snobby sounds good,] Alden said immediately.

If molar checking happened at these places, he wanted the least creepy molar check available.

“Throw your hips into it!” a voice shouted across the foyer. “You can go higher, kid!”

[Plopstar is yelling at me,] Alden told Lute.

He tried to ignore her. Then he realized that ignoring was probably not the way to go with one of the most powerful people in the world. So he smiled and waved instead.

[R.I.P.] said Lute. [It was nice knowing you. When she glitters you to ash, can I have your room?]


Alden survived his gym session with only a little more input from a Rank 1 than he would’ve liked, and afterward, he set off on a rental bike for a skatepark where Lute was hanging out with Haoyu.

It was a gorgeous day for Anesidora—blue sky, sunshine, breezy. People were walking around in flip-flops and tank tops and pretending it was actually warm instead of just warm enough.

Lexi thinks the rest of the planet isn’t for us, and it never will be, Alden thought as he pedaled.

He felt so unsettled by the sentiment, and he couldn’t understand why he did. He was perfectly aware of what Anesidora was. He’d had multiple conversations with people about it. A lengthy government letter was still in his inbox, announcing the official date his U.S. citizenship had expired.

Maybe it was the way Lexi had delivered the opinion. Like it wasn’t really up for debate…just a simple truth.

“Hey, System,” he said, as he wove around a stroller that had been parked in the bike lane outside a clothing store. “Pull up my exit letter. The one that de-citizens me. Text to audio.”

He didn’t know exactly what he was trying to figure out as he listened to the message read itself. He wanted to judge the tone, maybe, and that wasn’t the easiest thing to do. The letter sounded like it had been crafted by a roomful of writers who’d been threatened with execution if there was a single negative connotation toward any party.

There was no line in there that explicitly said, “Fuck off, Alden Thorn. The country just works better for the rest of us without you in it.”

It was, of course, professional and full of language that implied he was a good person and should be proud of himself. They were confident he would use his “extraordinary gifts in protection of and service to our United Nations of Earth and all other known peoples throughout the universe.”

Yeah, it’s pretty final.

He was surprised they’d thrown the other species into the mix, though. It felt like an unusual show of solidarity with the other resource worlds in the first place, and in the second, this was a letter about how Alden had to live on Anesidora now.

Stay there. That’s the spot where we put the people with the extraordinary gifts. Good boy.

It really didn’t have anything to do with the “other known peoples throughout the universe” at all.

…so that’s it. They couldn’t manage to make living on an isolated island sound like my noble duty, so they talk about how I’m protecting and serving as an Avowed instead and hope I won’t notice the two are entirely separate things.

Not surprising. Nothing new.

It just sounded different a few hours after he’d heard Lexi describe Anesidora as “the place that actually wants us.”

He looked around him. A girl in a university t-shirt was in the lane ahead, using Shaping gestures to power her bicycle instead of the pedals. On the street, people were making full use of their running licenses, whipping around cars and motorcycles. And he’d spotted Bedlam Beldam on his way to the gym, soaring around above the drone traffic layer on her broomglider.

He’d taken a quick video for Boe.

It was all so Anesidoran. So Apex.

The place that wants us as we are. Maybe that’s how he meant it.

A couple of minutes later, he reached a small skatepark. He racked the bike and took in the scenery. It had sounded like his roommates were just going to hang out together, and Haoyu was going to teach Lute how to use a board. But their plans must have changed.

He saw Haoyu, but there was also a large and peculiar assortment of their classmates present. Kon was there, so it was probably his doing. Lexi’s brother went through the day picking up people like they were Easter Eggs.

Maricel, Vandy, Tuyet, and Everly were all playing around with a single skateboard. It was obvious they’d never used one before. Heloísa was doing conspicuous kickflips in Mehdi’s line of sight, and he was pretending not to see her while he went up and down a ramp.

Haoyu was on a board at the edge of the park, animatedly explaining something to a watching Kon and Jeffy.

The girls were closest, so Alden headed over to them.

“If I ice the top of it and use my skill to stick myself to it do you think that will make me better or worse?” Everly asked Tuyet and Vandy. She had her arms crossed over her chest and she was watching Maricel skate away from them across a flat section of concrete.

“You might damage Haoyu’s board.” Vandy’s hands were making a pressing motion down by her sides.

Alden looked around for whatever patch of air she was working on. Vandy was almost always doing something with her magic. It took him a while to spot it today. Her shoulder-length hair didn’t seem to be moving the breeze like everyone else’s.

“Hi, Vandy! Are you shaping the air around your face?”

Blue-gray eyes fixed on him.

“Yes,” she said. “I’m practicing stilling rather than moving today. Maricel is practicing soil compression with the dirt in her pockets. Everly is thinking about freezing skateboards. And Tuyet…is taking a day off. For rest.”

Everly shook her head.

Oof, thought Alden. The judgment in her tone.

“I can’t throw darts around out here in public!” Tuyet protested. “It’ll scare people. They’re weapons, and they're little. It’s hard for anyone to know if I’ve got safety blunting on them or not.”

Vandy was the kind of person who asked you with utter seriousness how you were going to overcome your Rabbit disadvantages so that she could make plans for shoring up your weaknesses if you happened to be in battle together fifteen years from now. It had to be tough to be her friend sometimes.

“Not everyone wants to practice every minute of every day,” Everly told her. “Weekends are healthy. Alden’s not practicing right now.”

“Yes, he is,” said Vandy.

Alden looked at her in surprise.

“He is almost always practicing,” Vandy informed the other two. “It’s just that his skill is subtle, and you can only tell he’s using it if you’re watching him walk across ground element surfaces. Or examining his pockets.”

Maricel was skating back toward them. Her pixie cut had gotten a dye job. She had a few small pink streaks at the back of her neck.

She smiled—the real one—as she joined them.

“Are you really time-stopping something right now?” Tuyet asked Alden.

A few people almost always referred to Alden’s power with temporal language rather than using the words he himself usually did when he was talking about it—preservation, freezing, shielding…

They all pretty much knew what the skill did by now. He thought the vocabulary difference had to do with whether he had tried to explain it to them himself or if Konstantin had gotten to them first. The Adjuster liked talking about time magic for obvious reasons.

I’m just glad Maricel is a good person who doesn’t tell people about the pickles misunderstanding.

Pickle Man would be a difficult image to escape from.

“What are we talking about?” Maricel asked brightly.

“Vandy says she can tell when Alden’s practicing his skill,” said Tuyet.

Everly was staring at Alden’s butt.

“Not my back pockets,” he clarified. “I almost never have an item there.”

Because his skill wouldn’t work if he accidentally sat on his object instead of letting it sit on him.

“No,” said Vandy. “He keeps objects in his front pockets if he doesn’t have them in his hand or his bag. Usually his hoodie. I always check to see if he’s practicing in Intro to Other Worlds.”

So I’m going to have to make sure I don’t stick anything too weird in the pockets from now on.

“You could just ask me…”

“It’s good to examine other Avowed and determine when their powers are in use,” Vandy explained. “You’re one of the best people in our class to practice observation on.”

Now they were all staring at him.

“He doesn’t have a hoodie on today,” said Everly.

“The front pockets look normal,” said Maricel, examining his jeans.

“Maybe it’s one of his shoelaces?” Tuyet bent over to poke at Alden’s feet. “He could do it to keep a shoe from coming untied.”

I hadn’t thought of that one yet.

“I know he has something,” said Vandy. “He has a trait. It’s tied to the skill’s use like a lot of Rabbit traits. It makes him walk differently on ground when he’s protecting something.”

“She’s right,” Alden admitted, digging his hand into his front pocket and producing the enamel pin. “I can cut the trait off, but I usually don’t bother. I carry this sometimes when I just want to practice and I don’t have anything I really need to preserve. Or I pin it to my shirt. It’s small, so it doesn’t get in the way.”

“Aww, it’s a bunny!” said Everly.

“They gave them to all the Rabbits in intake.”

Maricel looked at him for permission, then reached out with a finger to poke the pin on his palm. “I really can’t touch it. It looks like I’m touching it. I’m touching something. But it’s not the pin.”

“You’re touching a layer of protective magic.”

Vandy looked very satisfied.

“All right,” Tuyet said with a sigh. “I’ll practice later. Not here where I might accidentally poke out somebody’s eye.”

Right. “Have you guys seen Lute Velra? I’m supposed to be meeting him here, but…”

He trailed off as a distinctly uncomfortable shift occurred. Vandy stiffened up like a board. Tuyet’s lips pursed. Everly wrinkled her nose.

Maricel hadn’t noticed. She was still rubbing the preserved pin curiously with her finger.

“Why are you hanging out with him?” Everly asked.

“He’s my roommate.”

“Yeah. I know. Haoyu’s living with him, too.”

“He was here when we got here,” Tuyet said slowly. “And then he left.”

Alden frowned at them. “He’s tutoring me.

Everly scrunched her nose again. “Are you learning music?”

“Wordchains,” said Alden.

“I need to try that!” said Maricel, looking up. “I’ve never done one.”

“Let us teach you,” Vandy said immediately.

“I know two different ones,” said Tuyet.

Maricel suddenly caught the vibe. She looked between Alden and her roommates. “Um…”

“I don’t mind teaching you, too” Vandy said to Alden. “It’s good you want to learn some. Supplemental magics will be particularly important for you.”

Holy shit, they must hate Lute.

They hadn’t said anything terrible, but Alden hadn’t even realized Tuyet had a critical bone in her body. She got nervous if people argued during breaks in gym. And he rather liked Everly. She was super tough and hard-working. And Vandy had just offered to tutor him…instead of saying, “Will the expert tutor me, too?” Which would have been more in line with what he thought of her character.

If they were known dicks, like Winston or Mehdi, he’d probably have said something cutting…but they weren’t. And Maricel was here. And these were the people she was trying to make friends with.

Evacuate, he decided.

“Thanks, but I’m grateful Lute’s teaching me. He’s been taking time out of his schedule to tutor me all week, and he’s amazing at it. I’ll track him down.”

[Lute, where are you?] he texted quickly.

[Skatepark still.]

[I’m here. I don’t see you.]

[Oh, already? Meet me on the side farthest from the street. By the trees.]

“Found him,” said Alden, even though he hadn’t yet. “Bye, guys.”

He spun and headed away from the street, walking along the edge of the park to steer clear of the skateboarders. A second later, he saw Lute drop out of a tree and take a seat on a metal railing that marked the boundary between the park and a walking trail.

When Alden joined him, Lute said, “We’ve got half an hour until our car comes.”


“We’re going in style because we can…and because my boss is paying for it.” He nodded toward the park. “You want to go hang out with Haoyu and your hero program friends while we wait?”

The girls Alden had just left behind had their heads together. He wondered if Maricel was getting some kind of Lute-related gossip right now.

“Are you going to hang out with them?” Alden asked.

Lute pulled his knees up so that he was sitting on the railing like a gargoyle. He was wearing his safety pin pants and a t-shirt with a Jolly Roger flag on it. It wasn’t the first time Alden had seen him boldly go for pirate themed clothing with the eyepatch.

“Not my thing,” he said after a moment.

“Well I’m tired from jumping on boxes, so I’m good over here, too.”

Lute smiled. “Tell me about meeting Plopstar then.”

“She cheered me on while I exercised. Or maybe it was heckling. One or the other. Normally, Bobby would’ve asked her to stop. The gym has a ‘no bothering’ policy.”

“Don’t tell me you expected your personal trainer to yell at a hyperbole for you.”

“Of course not. I was just noting the difference.”

“A kooky hyperbole, no less.”

A thought suddenly occurred to Alden. “Do you think you’ll be one someday?”


“A hyperbole,” said Alden. “I just realized you’re probably the person I know who has the best chance—”

“No!” said Lute, gripping the railing and staring at him. “What a thing to say!”

“You are super strong and you’re only fifteen,” Alden pointed out. “I know you’re not a Unique, and nobody except the rank-uppers have got confirmation about how the System makes the upgrade choices. But power has to be a major part of it. Surely people mention it to you sometimes?”

Lute coughed. “No. They don’t. That’s…probably because most of them think I’m jerking everyone around with the second S. But even if they did believe me, it doesn’t mean anything. S’s get second and third S-rank talents. It doesn’t mean you’re about to hyperbolize.”

Not fifteen-year-olds, thought Alden.

But Lute was looking wild-eyed, so he let it drop.

They watched the skaters for a while, paying more attention to the older people who were doing tricks with their magic than to Alden’s hero program classmates. While Lute was saying that someone who could float was way less impressive than professional non-Avowed skateboarders, Alden got a notification email he’d been waiting for and dreading.

[New Update from Barre Fine Environments!]

When he clicked the link, it took him to Manon’s main social media page, where, instead of the usual photo post filled with luxury goods and interiors, her away notice had appeared. It was an animation of a gold hourglass with the words “Currently Designing for Clients on the Triplanets” beneath it.

She’d been summoned.

He watched the hourglass turn over. He knew from looking at older posts that she was usually gone for at least a few hours.

So…this is our first chance to go through with the plan since we decided what the right plan was.

He sighed so heavily that Lute looked over at him. “You good?”

“I have to send a bunch of messed-up cult members messages letting them know I have observed the fact that they are in a messed-up cult and advising them to go promptly to the nearest Sway or Mind Healer to have themselves checked out for their own safety.”

“What the hell?” said Lute, tilting his head and giving Alden a confused smile. “I need to ask. Do you just wake up every morning and try to make your life bonkers in a brand new way?”

“This is the first bonkers thing since I’ve met you!”

“Do you want me to give you a blow-by-blow of your past week? You did attend classes like a normal person. Sort of. But usually prompting me to place a phone call to Parethat-uur on your behalf would be enough action for a couple of months, don’t you think?”

Alden stared at him. “Would it?”

Lute huffed. “I knew you didn’t think of it that way at all, which was why I wanted to do it for you in the first place. And then you had your own interesting phone call a couple of days ago. And now this. You are so busy, man.”

“I thought the past few days had been relaxing,” Alden said. “Actually, I know that they were relaxing for me.”

The System had totally pointed out how relaxing and pleasant his week had been before it trapped him in his old school counselor’s office and threatened him with levels.

“I’ve even been sleeping at night!”

“Oh yes. Sleeping at night, of all times, is proof that you’re taking it easy.” He slid off the railing and punched Alden lightly on the arm. “Come on. Our ride’s here. You have got to tell me about why you’re involved with a cult. I’m excited. Living with you is exciting. Let’s go spend five thousand argold on a tutoring session.”

How much?

“Probably more than that actually. I’m not sure what the little gifts cost.”

“The what?”


They got in a car with tinted windows and a driver who spoke not a word to either of them. He took them to a parking garage where there was another driver in another car with tinted windows. They didn’t transfer vehicles. They just waited for a few minutes, and then both cars drove out of the garage together and turned in opposite directions down the street.

“Lute, is all of this necessary?” Alden hissed. “We’re going to talk to each other, not commit crimes.”

Lute was sitting crosslegged in his seat, eating a chocolate bar that had been provided in the car’s snack basket.

“Call me Mr. Velra. That’s my crime name.”

Alden snatched a bag of peanuts from the basket and started eating them nervously.

“Chill. It’s just part of the experience. If we were actually doing crime or concerned about people knowing we were having a private meeting, then we’d be doing something completely different. You can arrange a much more secret rendezvous if you’ve got enough money and put enough forethought into it. Teleportation is what the best bad guys use.”


Lute nodded. “The allotment the System gives Anesidora is enough for the government to sell local rides. Just not that many.”

The car made two more stops at locations where it could have put them out without them being spotted before it arrived at their actual destination. It was another parking garage. This one was for a luxury mall in midtown Apex, not that far from where they’d started.

Alden raised an eyebrow at Lute as they followed a slender woman in a tight black pencil skirt down a service corridor. She looked like she was in her early twenties. When they reached the end, she turned to them.

<<My profile,>> she said in Spanish.

A moment later, her full Avowed profile appeared in front of them. She was a D-rank Sway with nothing but a lie detection ability. <<Do you consent to me using my powers to confirm the honesty of your answers?>>

“Yep,” said Lute.

“Okay,” said Alden.

He felt her target him almost at once. <<Do you have any intention of damaging the privacy booth you are about to enter?>>

“No,” he said.

<<Do you have any intention of leaving a device of any kind behind when you leave?>>

“I don’t.”

<<Do you have any intention of betraying your companion’s secrets to any entity?>>

Alden looked at Lute in surprise. Was this a standard question or one he’d requested specifically? “No.”

Lute answered the same three in the same way. “Both parties are honest,” she said. She cracked a smile for the first time since they’d met her in the garage. “You’ll have to trust me on that since you’re not traveling with your own personal Sways.”

To Lute, she added, “The packages that arrived for you are waiting inside.”

Then she knocked on the wall behind her six times, and it swung open to reveal a room that definitely didn’t belong in this dull back corridor.

“It’s a replica of a suite on a European luxury train,” Lute said as soon as the door closed behind them. “I’m glad you picked snobby.”

It was compact, but the quality of everything made it feel like it wasn’t a closet. The walls were glossy wood with decorative geometric inlay. Light came from glowing sconces and a line of panels along one wall designed to look like windows with semi-transparent shades pulled down. The tiny seating area was just a green velvet chair, a cream colored loveseat, and a side table with a stack of packages on it. Right behind the chair, a queen-sized bed with an inlaid headboard filled the rest of the room, and if they squeezed past the foot of it, there was a tiny bathroom behind a sliding door.

“Privacy spaces tend to be small,” Lute said. “It’s expensive to magically shield them from the million different ways people can pry, I think. So it’s smart if they’re designed to look like cool places that are supposed to be cramped. The underwater one was going to be a little submarine.”

Lute kicked off his shoes and flung himself on the brocade bedspread.

“Do they all have beds?”

“It seems to be a common feature.” He clucked his tongue before rolling off the bed and stepping past Alden to examine the boxes on the table. “We’ve got this place for six hours, so if you need to send your messages or something go ahead. I’ve got to look through the supplies before we get started to make sure I understand what it is Parethat-uur expects me to actually do with you. While I’m opening these, please do tell me about your cult problem. I am incredibly interested in peoples’ cult problems.”

Alden took off his own shoes and sat down on the loveseat. It was so soft that it took him a second to stop appreciating the fabric with his fingers before he spoke.

“If there was an Avowed talent that was capable of mind control and it wasn’t known as that kind of power, how bad would it be for the people who had it if the news got out?”

Lute was undoing the latches on the front of a leather case.

“It depends. There’s plenty of magic that skirts the edges of mind control, and people usually don’t freak out about it. Everyone knows if you whack Appeal up far enough interesting things can happen before the System cuts you off or starts offering you alternatives. And there are some iffy spell impressions outside of Sway. As long as it’s still in a gray area where you can’t say for sure the person used magic directly on your actual thoughts—”

“I’m ninety-nine percent sure she does something directly,” said Alden. “I don’t think it’s the main way she controls her minions, necessarily. But it exists. I was really suspicious of her one day and I knew she’d behaved badly toward me, then a couple days later it was like that knowledge was at the back of my thoughts. My friends had to remind me that I had a problem with her, and I’m not usually forgetful about people who creep me out. And I was having a picnic with her cult once, and they were all being nice to me and I was being nice to them and then they just started strongly disliking me again mid-supper. And she totally convinced a lady with a busted leg that she was too shy to ask the medic for help.”

Lute looked up. “Yeah…that’s less gray area and more actual mind control. It would be shitty for the people who had the talent without knowing it.”

Alden groaned. “I don’t want to ruin the skill’s reputation, but if the people I’m trying to help take me seriously, it’ll probably come out. I feel awful about it.”

“It’s not your fault someone found a dangerous use for a skill.” Lute shut the case and opened a carved wooden box. “This kind of thing happens. Anyway, if it’s got a mind control component, it’s going to be news eventually. If it’s today or twenty years from now, the only difference is when it gets ruined for people. And there could be someone taking it right this second who wouldn’t if they knew it would make them look bad for the rest of their life. So you might be saving more people than you destroy.”

“Could we not use the word destroy?”

“What’s the skill?”

“It’s Tailor Environment. You know, the—”

Lute spun toward him. “Shit. That’s bad. I was assuming it was something obscure. That skill is so popular.”

“I know.”

“It’s the sure-thing skill for C-rank Rabbits.”

“I know.”

“Everyone loves that skill. It makes the world comfortable. And it makes people so much money.”

“The woman who’s misusing it is older. Probably one of the first people to acquire it, before it even got really popular here on Earth.”

“Ohhhh…” Lute bit his lower lip and furrowed his brow. “Has the skill found its top yet?”

“The guy who really popularized it has said his is at level fourteen.”

“So it’s a skill that gets fat, too. That makes it more desirable. But it should make you feel better.”


“You say the person you met is one of the first to ever select it. She could’ve topped it off a decade or more ago. I’m sure there aren’t any C-rank Rabbits running around at level four or five who could make you too shy to get help when you were injured. And since it’s such a beloved talent, it might end up being a situation where people with it just have to be more open about their profiles from now on to prove they haven’t taken it really high. It’ll still be upsetting for them, but not life ruining. The Artonans might even change the skill for future human users…wouldn’t count on it though. Sounds like the mind control might be a desirable part of it, if it wasn’t a bad person using it that way.”

Alden threw his legs up onto the loveseat. “You think they want it to do that?”

“You think they designed one of their own favorite skills for their most frequently summoned class haphazardly?” Lute countered. “Tailor Environment is about arranging things so that they’re exactly where someone needs them to be, right? Say you’re a wizard about to do some stressful wizard job. You snap your fingers, and a Rabbit appears. They clean your potion kitchen or whatever, prep your equipment in the perfect way and put all your tools exactly where they’ll be the most useful to you. Then, before you send them off with a pocketful of argold, you have them tuck your doubts and stresses behind task-focused thoughts so you can get down to business. Like having someone put the files in your head in order…it would be great.”

“I assumed she was pushing the skill way out of line from its intended use,” Alden said.

“She sounds like a freak. She touches brain without permission. If telling her victims makes the word spread, it’s a shame for all the nice Rabbits. But sometimes Avowed just have to deal with people thinking our powers are icky. And maybe, if it does work like I just guessed, it’ll be seen in a more positive light.”

Alden glanced back at Manon’s hourglass animation. He checked his other messages just to make sure Boe wasn’t back from catspace yet.

[Boater is getting their warnings today,] he texted. [Doing it the way we talked about. When you get back from your timeout, it’s your turn.]

Then he went into his System profile and, for the first time ever, he got creative with his name.

The Contract didn’t care what Avowed called themselves, and it didn’t mind them setting their preferred name to be entirely different things for different locations, people, or situations. It was normal among some species for an individual to have tons of names, and the Artonans were used to calling aliens whatever they wanted to be called.

Sending messages under false identities was frowned upon among human Avowed. Just like spam mail was frowned upon. But nobody could punish you for doing it if they couldn’t prove beyond a shadow of a doubt you had.

Alden changed his name to Alice. It was a decision he’d made in around a minute when he was working out the details of this plan. A female name was better for a couple of reasons. It started with A. He liked it…probably because someone named Alis had kept him from dying recently.

He set the emails to go out at staggered intervals. He’d spent hours tweaking them until they were as perfect as he could manage. Laura would receive hers in a few minutes. Half an hour later, the second would go to Chris. Then half an hour after that, to Naya. And so on…all the way to Pineda.

Then he hired a courier service to deliver hard copies of the emails to all the members of the boater in a few hours, after the last one had been sent. One would also be delivered to Alden at his dorm, as if the sender was concerned about him, too.

Finally, he created a special social rule for himself. Every action he had just taken had been done under the preferred name Alice, and the rule said that when referencing these past few minutes of his life the System should never call him by another name.

It was a sneaky feature from a human point of view. But the System liked doling out tons of options for the most trivial things…or maybe it was there because the Yumanit species had the concept of “momentary names.”

Alden switched his name back.

All the messages he’d just sent would now be from Alice. And if someone asked the System who’d sent them it would still answer “Alice” even though his name was now back to his original.

It was secure because the Systems were disinclined to tattletale.

Alden hadn’t always planned to send his warnings anonymously, but he’d decided there were significant benefits.

First, Manon had pre-disposed the boater to dislike him. What if her brainwashing would prevent them from believing any message with his name on it?

Second, if this all turned into a huge shitshow, he didn’t want Manon to try to sue him for defamation of character or something.

She was probably going to think it was him. Cly Zhao would think it was him if the news ever reached her. The boater members, if they didn’t suspect one another, would think it was him. Everyone and their uncle was going to suspect Alden Thorn, but if his name wasn’t on anything, how would they ever prove it?

He’d even used a girl’s name. Alice could have been ThwartHog, and there was no way they were going to get her onto Anesidora to say otherwise.

The physical letters were being sent in case the boater people had their interfaces set to block messages from non-friends or people with recent name changes. And so that Alden would have a copy of his very own to take with him when he went to talk to Laura. He could say he’d gotten the same warning as the rest of them and use it as his opener to tell her more specific details about what he thought Manon had done to her.

“I did it,” he said. “I warned the cultists.”

He’d expected to feel a sense of relief once the job was done. He was glad that he would wake up tomorrow with this task erased from his to-do list, but he also felt a little like he’d just stepped off a ledge without checking to see how far below him the ground was.

“Neat. That was fast.”

Lute could out him as the sender, but Alden didn’t think that he would. If he did…if anything did…Alden would just have to stand behind the letters and say, “Yeah. It was me. Manon Barre hurts people. Sorry that the way she does it is going to make a whole bunch of other Rabbits look bad.”

He hoped that a few of the boater members would go get themselves checked out…or even just one of them. And then, with proof in official hands, the legal system could deal with it all in a graceful way.

Maybe Anesidora is good at this kind of thing. If they’re not, then nobody else could be.

“The plan was in development for a while,” he told Lute. “Will you stay on the phone with me this evening while I go talk to one of them in person? In case she gets angry and attacks or the cult leader shows up and tries something on me.”

He’d promised Boe he’d have local backup.

“Of course. We’re having a special day together anyway.” Lute held out his hands. “System, I need my books.”

A stack of books that looked like they ought to be called “tomes” appeared in his hands. His head barely peeked over the top of them. “Impressive, aren’t I?”

“For using System storage?”

“For having free System storage,” said Lute. “It’s just for the books and some other job supplies, though.”

He turned and dropped the books onto the foot of the bed. “Good thing, too. They’re going to give me even more of these if I ever finish the first set.”

“What are they?” Alden asked.

“Most of them are full of wordchains I’m supposed to be learning. Sometimes it feels like my job as an Avowed is just perpetual homework. So much memorization.”

Alden stood and went over to look down at the book covers. “These are all written in logograms. Can you read them?”

“They get read aloud to me while I follow along. Like incredibly boring bedtime stories. To make matters worse, a lot of them aren’t even in modern Artonan. They’re from before the lingual unification. I was just memorizing the sounds of those ones…and then it turned out my boss was not impressed with that method even though it was working for me. So now I’m supposed to remember what all the sounds mean. You can imagine how well that’s going based on our Conversation classes.”

He rolled his eye.

“This…” He grabbed the smallest and plainest-looking of the books. It had a simple brownish red cover that flipped open from bottom-to-top instead of side-to-side. “This is what I was actually getting. I wanted to show off my homework and complain about it in the process. You can have this.”

“Do I need to read it?” Alden asked.

“No. It’s a ledger. They gave it to me on my first day as a Chainer for whenever I wanted to take a student.”

Lute held it out toward him, and he took it.

“You asked whether self-mastery was an ‘exclusive’ wordchain, and I told you it wasn’t really. That I’d just need to vouch for you and get permission to teach it. This is the final step in me vouching for you. Giving you this means I’m taking responsibility for your wordchain usage.”

He scratched his head. “You’re supposed to write down all your chains in here. And then show it to me or send me a copy through the System, so I can remind you when it’s time to pay them back. Sorry…I know it’s childish.”

Alden flipped open the book. Inside, the first page had a spot for him and Lute to both sign their names. There was a line in logograms down one side that talked about following sacred paths. The second page was a grid. Despite the thick paper and some more poetic language sprinkled around, it was quite simple. There were spaces for chain names, casting dates, and finishing dates.

“You want me to write down everything I use?”

“Just what I teach you. If you wanted to write down more common ones when you use them, too, that would be a good thing for me. Parethat-uur is going to ask me about you all the time since he’s decided you’re the best, and you having a fuller ledger would make him very happy.”

“I don’t mind doing this,” said Alden, thinking it through. “I can’t imagine why it would be a problem for me. But I don’t understand why it’s necessary. Wordchains pay themselves off if you don’t pay them off, right?”

“This is one of the things I was happy my boss ordered me to teach you about. The duty that I totally knew I’d get assigned when I called him. Wordchains do land the debt on you. If they’re healthy.”


“Let’s sit down,” said Lute, throwing himself at the green velvet chair. “This is only going to take a second to explain, but then we have to have our tutoring session and that’s going to take ages. Try not to get into trouble for the next few hours, all right? One mind control cult per day.”

*******Character Notes ******

Vandy Carisson - S-rank Sky Shaper - strict personality, usually wears the full uniform to school even though it's only required on special occasions. She has superhero parents, and according to Lute, despite her awkward personality, she has enough reflected fame from them to have a large online following of fans who watch her talk about her life goals and offer her advice.

Everly Kim - A- rank Adjuster - freezes stuff, runs barefoot on frozen stuff, totally going to freeze that skateboard and see what happens

Tuyet - S-rank Dart Meister - carries tiny sharp weapons in her purse, polite enough not to use them out in public

Maricel Alcantara - S-rank Ground Shaper - Maricel's hair has gone from being in pigtails, to being chopped off by a knife Meister, to being pixie cut, to having pink streaks. She's finding herself, and it is, too. After worrying Alden with questions about how easy it would be for an Avowed to escape from Anesidora via summoning, Maricel seems to have had a good first week of school. She's been outperforming in gym, and they're all going out for Filipino food with the principal on Friday thanks to her.

Mehdi - A-rank Agility Brute - Refuses to look at Heloísa.

Heloísa - A-rank Strength Brute - Refuses to look away from Mehdi while aggressively doing kickflips.

Laura - Boater lady with the maid outfit and the busted knee. Alden considers her the most likely to listen due to the damage she's taken from Manon.

ThwartHog - Who knows what her real name is, but it probably isn't Alice.




I'm psychic


thank you!!



Duncan Lester

Thank you for the Chapter!!!


Could you maybe add how many parts these chapters will have? Some might consider it a spoiler, but it would be nice to know how long i would have to wait if i wanted to read all the parts in one go

Cyrus McEnnis

Embrace the pickledom, little rabbit! It is your destiny!


Hey Sleyca, if it's not spoilers, can you explain how Trap Meisters and Wand Meisters work? Are they like Dart Meisters, where they get multiple tools from the System? This behavior about Lute is pretty interesting. Reminds of the roommates chapter, where it's implied that Lute did *something* to his classmates a few years ago. Lexi and Haoyu don't seem to blame him and even think it was justified, but I guess Everly, Vandy, and Tuyet don't have the same opinion.


There is so much good stuff in this chapter that I can't even get mad at the cliff. I adore the privacy booth, so solid.

Twara Sandeep

Thank you for the chapter! Dang, I’ve been waiting for this chapter for pretty much the whole day, and it was worth it. We are finally ramping up with the Manon tell-all plan, and I like how it’s going so far! Also, lore on word chains and also maybe Lute learning about the commendation? Let’s go!


FruitsPunchSamurai, there will be at least 3 parts called "The Chainer" and possibly a couple more, depending on how I decide to present the plot point I have in mind. I think if you want to read in chunks, Parts 1 and 2 will go together nicely...I can give you an update with more details after I've written a little farther and figured out whether I want a certain thing to happen in the next few chapters or in a future section.

Giant Sloth

Can’t wait for the nuclear fallout from this cult

Carl Earl

Perfect timing on today's chapter. Got it right after I finished my commute and before I had to start working.


Thank you for the chapter!


Thank you for the chapter!


Whoever had to phrase that letter probably had a awkward time, hard to sugarcoat stuff enough when you are exiling a category of people who could become extraordinarily powerful one day.


The girls really missed out on some juicy Alden lore by not letting Lute hang around

James Townsend

Author man, I can't tell you how much I like your book.

Maddy Weller

Thanks for the chapter! One mind control cult per day is probably a good idea. I’m looking forward to learning more about word chains! Healthy is a weird concept for a word chain, but we’ll find out soon enough. And I wonder what the gifts are. Oof, people really don’t like Lute. I knew that, from the shoe peeing incident, but that’s worse than I expected. They don’t like him enough to the point where they offer to teach Alden word chains, instead of the actual Chainer doing it, which is just an objectively worse choice. Oh well, Alden knew he was in the room with people others didn’t like. But still, wow, the gall to think you’re a preferable word chain tutor to an actual Chainer.


funny and interesting :) also, Lute as a future hyperbole is a pretty intriguing idea. I wonder what his second skill is.

Alberto Muñiz

"Do you have any intention of betraying your companion’s secrets to any entity?" Oof, I wouldn't be able to answer this kind of question. At least it says "intention". But I'd be all "I can see a 0.01% situation where I can't promise I wouldn't do it". Or at least think about it for more than a second.


I do love when Alden’s sense of scale gets criticized. No, Alden, your other classmates aren’t corresponding on a regular basis with multiple wizards, they generally don’t have unique unregistered friends attached to cats, and the system doesn’t send them hot chocolate and then break into their dreams for a chat. I would guess that the total number of lives saved by all of his hero classmates is around zero. They also don’t have the extra special system logogram translation that Alden does, which could come up right now with those books if he isn’t careful.


A private space with a bed is funny, maybe it flies over the adolescents heads but for superpowered adults, such overly convoluted steps to keep your private "affairs" safe from a potentially furious superpowered spouse capable of leveling a city is totally necessary. And with that earlier introduction to Orpheus Velra, perhaps such services are common with the city's elite, or perhaps im just reading too deeply, but it would be funny to see a "Succession" type family drama happening somewhere behind the scenes.

Maddy Weller

Not to mention that he’s been invited over to his wizard friend’s house, which is also the home of a bunch of super powerful knights. But you know, no biggie.


Hi Sleyca, fyi i've sent you a Patreon message with a list of typos I found in all the RoyalRoad chapters. Not sure if that sort of DM gets drowned out or not.


Personally I'm picturing a spate of Lute being bullied, which he resolved by bringing in laxative cupcakes for the entire class. It's one way to make the teachers pay attention.

Maddy Weller

Haoyu, the only reason nothing will happen to the space, because who would do something like that to beloved Haoyu? But he really is great for the room, both in terms of outgoingness and intermediary abilities


Alden's wrong about Manon right? When we were reading her POV, everything she did was about placing people to affect their thoughts, not influencing them directly in those people minds. Am I misremembering?


I've forgotten what definition we were previously given for Hyperbole, other than that people keep calling top-tier heroic S-ranks by that word. But judging by Lute's reaction, it was woefully incomplete. He's reacting to the suggestion that he might become one the way a wizard talks about a Knight. My first impulse about the Alice thing is that you should send a letter to Thwart Hog too, since she's the obvious pick for a female name that dislikes the Boater and knows the things that happened during that specific contract, but she doesn't exactly have an address. Hopefully that'll prevent her from taking too much backlash from Manon. Wordchains seems weirder every day. If I'm extrapolating right, they're actually a sort of living thing that has to deliberately assign backlash if the people using them don't pay off their debts willingly? It makes perfect sense that the less "healthy" ones would have to stay secret, because almost anybody other than Alden would exploit the hell out of that if they hadn't taken an oath not to, and probably end up killing it off completely. But the biggest mystery in my mind is where they come from in the first place. They're so very different from other forms of magic used by the Triplanets, and they can even be used by people who don't have any Authority at all if you get all the words and gestures for invoking them correct. It feels more like Gorgon's style of magic if anything, with the ghosts and the debts and the sacrifices, so I started to wonder if wordchains weren't an artorian thing at all but something they took from people they conquered... but the mind-gremlins Alden has were completely unfamiliar with the concept. Was there a third magic-capable species at one point? Are wordchains a species unto themselves, who latched onto the artorians and their resource worlds as a symbiotic thing?


I keep saying he should carry a pickle as his default preserved object for training, just to mess with people and obfuscate his true power.


Oh I don't think that went over Lute's head. Just Alden's, since he is too ace to function.


Excellent soup as always! Thank you Sleyca! I feel so bad at the hate Lute is getting. With how little we know of the situation, it feels like victim blaming for whatever Lute in retaliation/lashing out. But we don't know what or why and it's just ugggggghhhhh. Sleyca why? :'( Discord link: https://discord.gg/PRyweNZmBW


I'm guessing that Wand Meisters would focus more on spellforms than literally hitting people with sticks, like Shapers do, and that their preturnatural wand skill would enhance spellcasting in some way... Who would eat something that a Velra offered them? No, he should bring cupcakes for himself and then not try very hard to prevent people from stealing them.

Cyrus McEnnis

I think the incredibly elaborate and delicate ice cream was his best idea. Practical, delicious, and amazing


Hyperboles are S-Ranks that have ranked up to the rank above S (which is called Rank "1" confusingly enough)


Speaking of juiciness and Alden, can't help but notice Everly staring at his butt...


Yep, its not exactly mindcontrol, she's just like a very advanced matchmaker/ social manipulator. I could totally see this backfiring on him, or at least resulting in unexpected consequences, aside from Manon's awful character, she did just push the boundaries of her skill and applied it creatively, isn't Alden doing the same thing? And eventually if Alden does manage to utilize his skill in more abstract ways, then definitely he'll be in the same position as Manon. And imagine being a low rank rabbit, it must feel so unfair for others to get seemingly OP classes, but when you push the boundaries to compete and thrive, the powers that be just decide to handicap you for using your powers in a way they don't approve of. It's quite an interesting conundrum storywise, because it will definitely define Alden's path in the future.


Thanks for the chapter ! I wonder what the girls have heard about Lute to react this way, I hope it's juste ignorance... I like Vandy :( Plopstar sounds absolutely awesome


I don't think that the idea flew over Lute's head at all. Alden may or may not have completely failed to notice tho.


Is it weird that my first thought was that they were there in case a meeting went long? Like, I didn't even register that use for them. Makes a lot more sense though that they can be so bougie.


@AnthraxRipple Nah, I felt the same way, but the subtext was just too juicy for me to ignore lol. The seedy underbelly of superhero society is always fun, like that glimpes of Oprheus's bohemian party, maybe Lute does know, there's no way he doesn't, but Alden doesn't really have that cynical view of society despite his tribulations.


See, Alden pushing the apparent limits of his skill doesn't actually destroy people's lives. Alden saw Manon ruin one of her "friends" careers by deliberately exacerbating an injury at the worst possible time. And in Manon's interlude, we saw her plotting to push somebody into an abusive relationship just because it would make her slightly easier to manipulate in the future. The issue isn't that the class is being used improperly. A Sway midraping everybody around them is totally within the bounds of what the System expects and allows. It's humanity that considers that to be a crime, the same way as a weapon Meister using their skills to murder a bunch of civilians (except creepier).


Hmm, looking back at it, I don't think he is. Throughout her chapter she frequently references 'Pushing' People; she even goes so far as to describe her power as not creating thoughts, but sort of blindly manipulating what's already there.


“Call me Mr. Velra. That’s my crime name.” Haha Lute makes me laugh.


Awesome chapter, I'd totally forgotten that Lute's status as the school pariah would obviously include the hero classes since most of them were probably raised in Anesidora and aren't International like Alden and Maricel. Onto the chainer stuff: I *might* go back to the "Hazel was doing Alden a favour, but in the worst way possible optics wise" theory - although that depends on how exactly Wordchain debts work. Another interesting thing to note is that you can hit SSS (and probably max out those 3 skills first) before even hitting a Rank 1. The fact that people discovered it can go higher probably means there might be a Rank 2 somewhere on earth or did a friendly wizard snitch and someone leaked the info?


"isn't Alden doing the same thing?" What abstract ways are you thinking of? Do you mean the carry peoples emotional burdens theories?


Heloísa and Mehdi are going to be that Drama Couple that breaks up/gets back together all the time and fight in public but eventually get married and have 3 kids by 30. Or kill each other.


So remember how we just assume anything said in public gets to the Informant, and from him to his clients? Well, Alden was in public when he told Lute he was emailing some messed-up cult members.


@Pete in that chapter with Mother, late game Alden has the potential to bear someone's memory, disease and etc.

Alberto Muñiz

I still believe ranks S to F are the training wheels of the universe. The real shit starts at level 1, is just that Earth is too new/too much of a backwater planet to play in the big leagues.


@Sindri Good point, I totally agree, Alden's power is unique that its nature makes it difficult to do harm. However, inferring from that chapter with Manon, there might be a deeper motivation for her machiavellian cruelty. Rules and ethics can be bent if one is believes in a higher cause. For Alden, it might make him reflect on the real possibility of what his skill could mean for people, like rabbits just seem to get used to trite things by the Artonians, what if someday, some wizard is just like: "I feel gross and sore today, carry it for me while I do something important." Alden will have to deal with the consequences of that, hopefully being a Knight change such attitudes but who knows where this story will go.


I'm convinced that no one knows why everyone hates luke, Sleyca included. All of this has just been stalling so that Sleyca has time to come up with something.

John D Jones

Pushing yourself and finding new ways to use your Skill is fine. Using that Skill to harm innocent others (including preventing them from getting treated for injuries) is not fine.

John D Jones

She does sound cool. I still love that Plopstar is a Hyperbole who probably feels a little sad for the poor Rabbit boy. Except that the "poor little Rabbit boy" is connected to people more powerful than Plopstar can even dream of being.


You know, I kinda wish that at some point in the future Alden would just go 'Screw Anesidora' and buy a mansion close to Stu's home and move there together with Boe & Lute as his housemates. Then they can go and become intergalactic heroes while giving Anesidora the middle finger.

Ano Ano

Lute is so good. I wonder if he's being bullied because of a dumb mistake he made in middle school, or because of how his crush asked him out while he was glossed.


Should "Pineda" be "Karl" in this chapter (and in a previous chapter as well I think?) I think Karl was the most antagonistic member of the boater


I don't think people KNOW it can go higher so much as people all make the incredibly obvious assumption that it can go higher. If ranks extended beyond the highest starting rank, and the wizards don't even bother to give hyperboles a special name for their rank, why wouldn't the scale just keep going up?


It uses "intention" here more like "plan", but also catching the "I didn't have a plan, I was just open to the possibility and talked to some people who might be interested" workaround that some people might use. It's also temporally bound ("have", currently), so literally any answer for that question other than "No" or a simple variation of that is grounds for immediately dropping the deal. It really isn't that hard to answer unless you're actively weighing betraying the other person at all times, which... some people do.

Kate Yen

Who knew that Instructor Rao was so good about only using Lute's crime name!


I hadn’t thought of it before, but if Manon has had Tailor Environment long enough to max it out, then she’s almost certainly have also picked up additional skills/spells to synergize with it. That might be what pushes her use over the edge to Sway Lite, the comboing effects. If so, then the main Tailoring Environment skill might still be okay to have as long as people can prove they’re not also grabbing the other skills/spells.


Could someone remind me what a hyperbole is? I don't understand that segment...


That wouldn't have made EVERYBODY mad at Lute though, and for some reason everybody is mad at Lute. I was speculating on the nature of the incident that first made Lute a pariah. Not sure where you're getting the idea that no one would eat something a Velra offered. Until recently, they were closer to controversial than unpopular, and Aulia was successfully holding a council seat. And the Velras' Spooky Chainer Powers have nothing to do with food. Plus... when I was little, it was common for kids to bring in treats for the whole class on their birthdays? I could see that or some other similar tradition being the nominal reason Lute brought them treats.


I thiiiink it has something to do with an avowed getting a higher ranking than S. I think for example Hannas mother is a rank 1. I could be wrong though


No. Back when Alden was making his plans (see Forty Pineapples pt. 1), he decided to email Pineda last because Pineda was most under suspicion of being a Manon accomplice. In chapter 27, Pineda was named as a founding member of the boater together with Manon, which is why Alden is so leery of him. I'm sure Alden is wary of Karl too. I wouldn't be shocked if Karl got the second-to-last email on the list.


Hyperbole is slang for an Avowed with a rank higher than S. Their profile states their rank as 1. Less than a hundred humans are known to be hyperboles. No human is on record as starting with rank 1. If you want to review what we know, most of the info is in chapter 23. Search for "Gloom" to find the start of the passage.


We didn't get to watch Manon *actively* manipulating people, but my reading of the text was that Manon was *very much* moving their thoughts around in addition to the mundane social manipulations she was pulling. Here's a direct quote: ***She wasn’t a Sway. She couldn’t create ideas for people. She could only arrange what already existed in their minds—a little clumsily, a little blindly, using a skill that was best at making sure people positioned their sofas correctly.


I’m betting that Lute used Mass Bestowal to apply wordchains to a bunch of people without them knowing (like he did on the musicians at the funeral). Then their unknown debts came due and caused humiliating and dangerous havoc.


Mother said there were only two known species with a natural talent for magic - Artonans and Gorgon's people. So if there was a third, they'd need to have had no contact with Artonans, and yet created a kind of magic that is very particular about gestures Artonans can make and words that happen to have meanings in Artonan languages. That seems utterly unlikely to me. I'd propose as an alternative that a wordchain is more like a sort of living spell, a bit like the Contracts, or like a small-c magical contract. Note how the wording of the chains we already know includes a promise to pay it back, which to me sounds like enough of a magical pretext for the backlash to hit a person whether they want it or not.

Ano Ano

That moment was so good. Blissfully clueless Alden casually calling out Everly for checking him out.

Cyrus McEnnis

I think there's an easier explanation. If Plopstar is aware of Alden's commendation (and there are a tonne of ways that could have happened, from a leak from the school / university to the Gloom boasting about her daughter's legacy to another hyperbole) then interacting with him and encouraging him would make sense.

John D Jones

Assuming Gloom knows about the Commendation. Gloom likes Alden because Alden released Hannah from guilt about his parents' deaths. Really I think it works better that Plopstar saw Alden hopping around those boxes like Rabbit Q-bert and thought it was funny/adorable.


I’m betting he used his Mass Bestowal skill to slap a powerful wordchain on a bunch of students (probably without permission or properly explaining the consequences). Then when everyone’s debt came due, the other students weren’t remotely prepared for the consequences. The resulting chaos was probably dangerous and embarrassing for everyone involved. Imagine driving a car, walking down stairs, or just having a full bladder when something like the Body Control wordchain backfires.


Or, a person not used to being told to mind her own business saw people doing something unusual and decided to yell encouragement at them.


Thanks so much for this chapter. I really love your work.


If we're going there, he could have just applied the negative half straight-up. And to work either way, that would require that the System doesn't offer an accept/reject for bestowed wordchains to unaffixed the way it does to Avowed. And somehow either Lute would have needed to accidentally-on-purpose hit everyone with a chain (seems unlikely) or the fallout would have to be so bad even righteous Vandy would decide to blame Lute instead of the bullies he was lashing out at. My personal headcanon is that Lute brought in laxative cupcakes for the class. That seems like a surefire way to get teacher attention after they ignore your claims that you're being bullied.


Definitely the first, maybe the second, but mostly because children can be cruel and Aulia's choices provided an excuse.

John Anastacio

Agree with Alberto Muniz - S to F are the training wheels for Avowed talent. Also I gather S was the minimum rank of Avowed that Joe worked with before Alden entered his life.


Hi just joined the patreon from RR, noticed that the chapters on there seem to be different from the ones here. (RR just got chapter ninety two and that one is very different from the one here) could anybody tell me where the divergence happens so I can reread those sections?


That could be the case, but since it'd be difficult to prove it won't really help the other Cs with Tailor Environment.

Jumping Flounder

it would be hilarious if thrawthogs name is actually alice. but horrible if alden accidentally just doxxed her.

Cyrus McEnnis

Think about it this way - we know that Lute's crush asked him out on the day of maximum Glossiness. To some, that level of forced luck would come across as sway-like behaviour. And the chances of it going through that particular social group like a glitter-bomb to the face are really, really high.


N0m_N0m, you'll want to start here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ninety-one-only-90163085.


RR has a different chapter number count than Patreon due to a revision back in the eighties. (The Boe chapters had some additions when they were posted on RR, so you've read the most up to date versions.) I skipped two numbers here on the Patreon to put them back up to date with you on the latest ones. I should go change the titles so that it's a little less confusing...though then the epub titles will all be off. By the way, welcome! Also, if you're having any trouble with the italics on chapters showing up, they should look good on other browsers or the Patreon app or in the ePub files linked at the bottom of the chapters. If you need anything feel free to comment or shoot me a message.


I've had a theory tumbling around in my mind since very early in the series that Ro-den's inexplicable string of bad luck and the existence of the gloss are suspicious, if only by proximity. And a revalation that there might be unhealthy wordchains that apply their debts differently feels kinda relevant to that. I know that blaming the gloss for literally everything is a bit of a meme at this stage, but the adjacency of lots of good luck vs lots of bad luck just keeps pulling at my attention. There is just no connecting element yet, however. If we're talking proximity, the closest other suspicious thing going on is Manon's cult of tailor environment: and while the Velras definitely have fingers in many pies, there's just not enough there to connect the dots yet. Anyways, just thought I'd share - I'll certainly be curious to see how the next few chapters go :P


Man, now I want to know more about lutes backstory. There has to be more to it. Also: what is a hyperbole?


Hyperbole is slang for an Avowed with a rank higher than S. Their profile states their rank as 1. Less than a hundred humans are known to be hyperboles. No human is on record as starting with rank 1. If you want to review what we know, most of the info is in chapter 23. Search for "Gloom" to find the start of the passage.


What amuses me the most is that most of those things you listed he knows are weird and doesn't talk about. So it's the small ways he's still strange and not picking up on it that get him and it's so endearing


Thanks. Man I hate ranking system that end with A or S for the exact reason. What is so hard with starting with 1 or A or Z?


Thank you for the chapter! Can we get a second, parallel novel, please, and see the entire story from Lute's pov and follow him around as he climbs trees and hides from people and Artonans feed him against his will? Please?

Doug Wills

Don't we already know? It's largely reputation for being a Velra. People really hate the Velras, especially so after what his family did.


Oooh interesting. Lots of lore drops here. I feel that Alden is going to be incredible and amazingly versatile once he grows even more. Word chains are going to be an interesting addition to his repertoire. Thanks for the chapter looking forward to what comes next.

John D Jones

I don't so much like Vandy as kind of sympathize with her for the being the person that wants there to be rules in life. And she's around Alden with his cult enemies, multiple System contacts and wizards-who-might-be-watching friends, so he take her rules and just kind of laughs at them.


cafenacet, I've been wanting to play with Trap Meister but it may be a long while before one shows up. My original idea for them was that they would get a set of complementary tools to play with. Wand Meister is interesting. Wands haven't made much of an appearance in Super Supportive but they work in two different ways. There are wands that wizards use as casting tools, like Alden does the auriad, and there are wands that are more like complex spell rings pre-loaded with effects or partial effects.


Thanks for the info! I will be patient until atleast part 2 then. An update would be amazing if it doesnt inconvenience you :)


For some reason I have been borderline terrified that an S rank Sway super villain will pop up at some time named Friendster, ever since I read about Plopstar


No. There was a conversation with either Haoyu, Lexi, or both where it was mentioned that something happed in middle school I think with lute specifically.


Thwarthog is gonna be pissed hahahahahaha


Good Luck chain that makes a girl fall in love with him would explain it - though it's not old enough.


A superhuman with the formula [(x2/a2) – (y2/b2)] = 1


I just realized that as a hyperbole Plopstar probably knows who Alden is, knows about his commendation, and may know the story behind it.

Cyrus McEnnis

I'm pretty sure that knowledge of Alden's commendation has spread from the school / university. The implication was that the other schools knew about it on Testing Day, so we know it's gone that far. And the Gloom making a point to say to the principal words to the effect of "make sure you look after Alden" meant she was fairly sure he was going to get in. The other pointer that stands out is the comment about Arjun no longer being plugged in enough to know about the commendation - that implies that if he was plugged in then the knowledge would be available to him. Put that all together and I'm reasonably confident that the Gloom knows about the commendation. Now, whether that means that Plopstar knows? Impossible to say. But it is a convenient explanation as to why she was paying attention to a B rank rabbit in a gym session.


Well if what he just did for the Boaters gets out I would imagine he probably passes his Engaging with the Unexpected class


Anticipate would have been a better word than intend


Imagine getting chain meister and prepping with some kusarigama and some nunchucks only to discover a little later on a branch of chain meister that deals with word chains.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

Alden: "Haha! I am doing such a good job, keeping all of these weird secrets. Time to be a normal, hero-school student. What a relaxing week!" ... Lute: "Dude, why is your life always so crazy? How many wizards and cults are you in contact with, for real?" ... Alden: "o_o"


Unlikely since lute hadn't affixed yet in middle school


What is the “second S” lute mentioned?

John Anastacio

Thanks for the chapter Sleyca. Chapter title is ominous. I thought maybe we'd finally get Aulia. Maybe Aulia is next chapter. I'm very glad Alden decided to go relatively sneaky and underhanded with his big revelation about Tailor Environment. I applaud that he waited until Manon was offworld. I suspect her control over her possessions weakens with distance. I wonder if the reason Vandy, Tuyet and Everly are all mad at Lute is because one of them is the crush who asked him out under the influence of the gloss way back in chapter 21. If so then the issue this chapter of Manon's abuse of Tailor Environment might dovetail neatly with the gloss - both touch brains without being Sway powers. Before I forget - it is going to be so very odd and unbelievable when Alden tells his roommates and friends that he's off to Artona I, not for a summons but as a guest. I bet there aren't even 3 digits of humans alive or dead who have ever visited the Triplanets as a guest instead of as a servant. There might be more human hyperboles than there are humans who have been the guest of a wizard. There might not even be 2 digits.


|Who knew that Instructor Rao was so good about only using Lute's crime name! Hey, no spoilers!

John Anastacio

Terrestrial_Biped - too ace to function ala too gay to function from Mean Girls?


It's when an Avowed enters a Contract Planet's gravitational field with more than enough energy to escape it, performing a gravitational slingshot maneuver.


It's an exaggerated statement. Another flawless victory for Overly Literal Man! (Teleports out via Contract)


Maybe, maybe not. Odds are decent Plopstar's heard of him (because "people tell hyperboles things"), but whether she followed up enough to get the deets including a profile pic is a tossup depending on how interesting she found that story.


Probably like that. I have an asexual friend who likes to describe themselves as "too ace to function" when recounting the ways they missed obvious social subtext due to not being an incurable horndog like every other member of the species is. It's a pretty funny bit, and every few months they've got a hilarious new story about how they responded innocently to innuendo, or misunderstood people hitting on each other, or utterly failed to realize that their coworkers were not-so-secretly dating. ...I'm using the expression fondly, is what I mean to convey here.


***Lute seemed like someone whose idea of creepy might be really creepy. Yeah, Lute's great.


I realllly hope not... If Mehdi was someone like Lexi, why not ? But so far we haven't seen any of his good sides so I'd just feel bad for Heloísa lol


I’m afraid it’s going to be accurate but unprovable early on awfulness. Lute will have done something bad, something ‘impossible’ that the famous parent crew will have had inferred or implied. We’ll find out soon something awful is true :(


I thought, more generally, a hyperbole was someone who's rank had gone up from what it originally was? Could a B go to A and be a hyperbole?


@Tom: No, but the two ideas are closely associated, so it's easy to see why your wires got crossed there. Every hyperbole has ranked up, but not everyone who has ranked up is a hyperbole.


According to Boe's research, early in her career before Tailor Environment became super popular with the whole human rabbit population, she said in an interview that her skill was perfect for working in Human Resources. Then after other people started taking the same skill, she started heavily emphasizing the interior designer aspect instead. That seems like a strong indicator that her Sway-ish aspects were something she learned early on, though it certainly doesn't rule out secondary skills being used to enhancer her capabilities after the fact. Maybe at low levels or without secondary powers she just put people in positions that best suit their bosses, and the ability to rearrange thoughts within an individual was a later development?


I'm imagining a brawny supervillainess showing up in Alden's dorm in the middle of the night to demand to know how he found out.


It's definitely weird that a long series of coincidences just happened to lead to Alden meeting the Primary right after saving the big man's son, but that seems big and esoteric even for the Grandwitch. If that *was* the result of somebody's deliberate scheming, they murdered five people and tortured Kibby to do it.

Darryl Greensill

Heloisa and Mehdi are totally going to get together before end of semester

Juli Freixi

Why are all the senior and very powerful superheroes that appear are so great and amazing?? First Bedlam Beldam and now Plopstar!! I am a total fan of both!!! I love them! Thanks a lot Sleyca!! On the other hand, ThwartHog is definitely called Alice... 😂


Might be overestimating how rare it is for social connections to develop, but if Alden isn't getting contract summoned and they want him to leave from the Anesidoran summonarium, that could lead to some reactions from anyone he has to tell to make that work.


It could be that Plopstar BOTH finds Alden's antics endearing and also that she knows he has a commendation. From what was established during the "About the Rabbit" chapter All the admissions people in the hero schools know, a popular enough S can find out about Alden's commendation if they want and a Hyperbole doesn't even have to ask to get told about Alden's situation.


I'm betting she doesn't know who he is, but if she keeps going to North of North she'll eventually piece it together. It would be very Alden to end up befriending his second hyperbole by trying to very politely tell her to leave him be.

John Anastacio

It will definitely be interesting to learn if Alden leaves from the Anesidoran summonarium or just from wherever he is like a regular Rabbit. It will also be interesting to learn if Anesidoran security is informed of his destination or if they're left in the dark. I note that Anesidoran security was very likely not told that Alden departed Artona I from a Knights Rapport summonarium. My guess therefore is that they get very little information.

Calico C

My guess is Lute got a hyperbole from the outset, and he was allowed to just call it SS.


I think it would be enough to tell them he is learning wizardry and ask for help. For some reason my feeling is that the Art family would like to help. But I have no idea where I got that from.


Will it be that difficult? Laura goes to see a mind healer, who finds obvious brain manipulation. Life healers and sways dash off to fix the rest of the boaters. The news gets ahold of it and runs a bunch of stories about a diabolical rabbit villain. Hundreds of people who have had relations with Manon and who have been manipulated start coming in.


I just want to say that Hyperbole is such an excellent name for a superhero ranking. Like you are so ridiculous that you are an exaggeration.

John D Jones

@ Cyrus McEnnis One thing to recall is that they don't necessarily have a bunch of Rabbits at that gym. And Alden's movement trait is unusual. So Plopstar is watching a Rabbit Hero doing hopping movements like Q-bert. It's unusual enough to catch her attention.

John D Jones

The Art'hs seems like basically nice people sacrificing themselves to try to save the universe from Demon Chaos. We just got a reminder of that when Alden noted that one reason he used "Alice" was that someone named "Alis" AKA Alis'Art'h saved him and Kibby on Thegund.

Andres Ceva

Nice chapter! Her shoulder-length hair didn’t seem to be moving (in?) the breeze like everyone else’s.

Mehmet ali Reyhan

He can't be hyperbole he got the S rank chainer hazel was supposed to get and interrank trading doesn't exist


I skimmed the comments, and I don't think that anyone mentioned anything about it, but I have questions: did Alden feel when the sway targeted him for truth reading? If he did, what did it feel like? Did he think that he could reassert himself in order to shield himself?


Plus, ranks are just the way humans conceptualize affixations. "Rank B" doesn't mean much to an Artonan.


@Cyrus McEnnis - I think Alden's profile was probably only shared with the schools that he applied to. After the interview with Celena North High, Alden thinks "Maybe I’ll apply to the other two Apex high schools next time, too" (Ch 78). Lesedi does tell the admission committee, "If Thorn wants hero school with his special star, someone’s going to give it to him. The other two Apex high schools probably have people filling out forms with his name on them right now" (Ch 77). That may be an exaggeration, emphasizing how eager the other schools would be if they knew about him.


"[Lute] rolled his eye." Singular. Heh. Heheheh.


He explicitly did feel that he was targeted, but that's all the info we get. He doesn't know who's targeting him or for what (that's why he's just been guessing from context clues that Hazel called his wordchain debt in. As for resisting the Sway, he wasn't trying but it also doesn't sound like he felt anything special beyond the targeting.

John D Jones

[quote]And he’d spotted Bedlam Beldam on his way to the gym, soaring around above the drone traffic layer on her broomglider.[/quote] This needs to be reworded, I think. Maybe: "And Alden had spotted Bedlam Beldam while he'd been on his way to the gym. She had been soaring around the drone traffic layer on her broom-glider."

Giants Craft

I’ve been toying with a theory recently. Alden getting one of the 300 original skills from the rabbit class is interesting to me. Especially when it was revealed that the Artonans were willing to do away with every class except the rabbits for the griveks. Also when Alden is joining intake, Neha comments, “They should boost Rabbit numbers. Don’t know why they keep it so low.” That feels like foreshadowing to me, but I don’t know. The reasons for both of those things can be explained by Artonan politics. Back when griveks were joining the contract the avowed will save us all faction would have wanted the original 300 to be preserved. Rabbit numbers remaining low can be explained by all the other factions wanting to prevent someone like Alden getting on of those skills. The type of people choosing to become rabbits are unlikely to make use of the original 300 in a way that challenges the Artonans. Idk. I could just be making stuff up, but it feels kind of right to me.

Calico C

I thought it was alluded that he did. He is a SS, and it was mentiomed he affixed super young. He might have kept it secret until a certain point too

Calico C

It was mentioned even before the gloss and whatever retaliation Lute did, that he was being bullied. It’s strongly imply it’s because kids’ parents don’t like the Velra’s. And when kids’ parents are against something, and the kids see something related to it, they will dislike it. Add in that Lute is a small, scrawny kid with no siblings/cousins to back him up in school, and it’s amplified. Kids don’t even need a reason to bully, or not like someone. My sibling was bullied horribly. The outsiders who dislike Lute, like the group of girls, might be reacting to whatever retaliation Lute did.

Michael Majcen

“Oh yes. Sleeping at night, of all times, is proof that you’re taking it easy.” Sleyca got me again with the literal LOL. Perspective and gratitude change so much in our lives without anything actually being different.

John D Jones

@ Sindri I didn't see a long series of coincidences leading to Alden meeting the Primary except the one put together by, well, Sleyca because story-telling. I mean, Alden picked the Hot Lab Coat and immediately got summoned to Artona II. While there he preserved stuff and Jel-nor saw him do that. When she summoned the sea monster that ate Stu'Art'h's foot, she called Alden hoping he could freeze the foot-eating fish. After that Stu'Art'h told the Primary about Alden's odd-feeling Authority, so the Primary (social-deflecting book in hand) went to the party to check it out.


To add a tiny bit of detail, Lute *claims* he got two S-ranks skills on affixation. This is possible, but really really rare. However, Lute hasn't shown anybody his profile or told anybody what his second S skill is because he wants to mess with his grandmother, so nobody knows for sure if he's a double S. (In 23, Lute says Mass Bestowal is "one of [his] S rank skills", and the topic comes up again in 92: Roommates.)

Michael Blue

After Alden got the BoAB skill, it was taken off of the list of available skills on Earth. Idk if we have enough lore to say whether your theory holds water. Like we don't know if the System can limit a skill to one holder per planet, or is it a number of class holders that has to be exceeded before the skill can be opened again (e.g., 1 BoAB/1000 Rabbits). Perhaps my next point is a bit of a tangent, but we also don't know how many BoAB users there are in the universe, and how many of those are focusing on it as their exclusive skill/have an authority sense.


About the crush thing, you might be into something. They are all S's so they are around the same age and all seemed to know him well. Probably not Vandy tho

Giants Craft

I imagine that Alden is the only bearer of all burdens anywhere. Joe says that the original 300 are all preserved somewhere because of a faction that has rapidly lost power and is dwindling. He also says that Alden’s skill is “limited edition.” That indicates to me that all 300 skills can only be used by one avowed at a time, because of the politics involved with making them available. But you’re right, we don’t know enough lore to determine the accuracy of my theories.

Temp One

【Vandy’s hands were making a pressing motion down by her sides. Alden looked around for whatever patch of air she was working on. Vandy was almost always doing something with her magic. It took him a while to spot it today. Her shoulder-length hair didn’t seem to be moving the breeze like everyone else’s. “Hi, Vandy! Are you shaping the air around your face?”】 I'm not sure if it's deliberate, but after Vandy's spiel about the importance of learning when to recognize someone is using their ability I appreciate the fact Alden seems to have been doing this for awhile. To the point he recognizes Vandy is using her ability based on small gestures.

John Anastacio

He should also be learning to sense powers use with his authority sense. Maybe his range for that is too short, though, given he doesn't have much free authority.

Temp One

Very true. He can already tell when he's being targeted. Seems reasonable to say if he could... Spread(?) his authority out, he might be able to tell when it intersects with another person's authority. From what we've seen from the Primary and Quaternary, at least, they definitely seem able to use their Authority sense to pick up on important aspects of other people. The former using it to somehow get a very personal impression of Alden that seems to have gone deeper than just reading the stat sheet the System could have provided him. The latter to determine that Alden had blown his affixation. She even used it to stabilize him such that he wouldn't die. Or turn into an abomination.

John Anastacio

It bothers me a lot that Alden's magic is all doing, not sensing or knowing. We know that a big faction of Artonan wizards think of the Avowed as existential threats. Wizards should therefore have good ways to trump or protect themselves from Avowed powers. Quick and easy knowledge of those powers should be a major part of their arsenal. Yet Alden has no Detect Magic spell. The closest thing he has to it is Sympathy for Magic, which is borderline detrimental.

John D Jones

@ John Anastacio Alden will almost certainly leave from the Anesidoran summonarium because he's still under the "No summons" thing. Anesidoran security probably was told where Alden was coming from, but it was probably in the form of A2XJ3 or some other code instead of "The summonarium of the Primary of the Triplanets." @ SG Vandy seems too bossy and straight-laced for someone like Lute. If I had to guess, I'd say Lute's crush was Tuyet. The chilliness from all three girls seems more "recent" than from something Lute did in eighth grade or somethng. I do wonder if Vandy is paying attention to Alden just because he's "good practice" or maybe for other reasons. not necessarily romantic. Vandy probably thinks of Alden as a mystery to solve, much like Max does. How exactly [i]did[/i] this Rank B Rabbit with no island connections get into the exclusive Celena North Hero Track?

John D Jones

I'm kind of okay with all that. I don't really want versions of Omni-Man or the Homelander to show up here.


I've been thinking how the castes of Artonan society work. Artonans who are unable to use authority are second-class citizens - at the very bottom of their society. Kibby mentions a rough order of their castes in chapter 47. Avowed are referred to as Artonan property by Gorgon at least once (Alden doesn’t disagree), although they seem to be placed somewhere above the non-magical Artonans. But elsewhere, I got the impression that they are the property of the wizards, not Artonans as a whole. Gorgon later says wizards specifically aren't so stupid as to waste Avowed carelessly. This got me thinking if the Artonan empire is authority-ist and not species-ist. It’s a bit of a reach, but it might be possible, that if an individual, regardless of its species, has a sense of its own authority and practices Artonan style wizardry, it can be placed in the wizarding caste of Artonan society.

Temp One

Yeah, I'm thinking the only way his useless bound Authority might ever come in handy is if he ever learns the Authority sacrificing magic of Gorgon. I'm really curious about what Gorgon's magic might be able to accomplish as well. At some point I do think Alden will need a Wizard instructor. It seems like only so much can be taught from books and, judging by his lessons with Kibby, Authority lessons are taught with a partner.


If he learns that magic then won't need to keep affixing if he has another hopefully less painful way of decreasing his percentage of free authority.

Ano Ano

Something wonderful about this story is that it does a good job of sketching out how complicated politics actually are. We know there are different attitudes towards Avowed in Artonan society. Some would probably agree that a wizard is a wizard regardless of species. Mother tells Alden that there are some who would be very gratified by the path he is walking. But there are others who would be horrified, and others who would be disgusted. Everyone laughed at Alden's Wizard Rabbit costume, but an actual wizard rabbit would not be so amusing.

Temp One

I don't think he would want to stop affixing or growing his free authority unless he's given up on becoming a Knight or growing stronger. I'm also not entirely sure if sacrificing your Authority like that is a painless process if you can feel it? It probably hurts far less in the long run though, like the difference between still having nerves in a limb permanently mangled versus one amputated. However I can't imagine the amputation feels good.

Juli Freixi

Uumm... I understand you perfectly and I think the same! Ahahaha But my comment was serious, these types of more "childish" heroes but with such great powers are my absolut favorites!!

Mehmet ali Reyhan

You forget something alis says that he is a rabbit and rabbits are for parties not for fighting chaos even though she knows he has let me take your luggage(she is theorized to maybe know he has boab to but that is uncertain)

John D Jones

@ Jonathon Maybe say rather an actual human wizard-rabbit would not be so amusing given that "The Bearer of All Burdens" was defined as a Skill within the Rabbit class and was previously (though not recently) taken by Knights. In any case Alden's situation proves pretty conclusively that humans can learn to sense and use their own authority and can, in fact, become true spell-casters. That's going to cause quite a few Artonans to trip over their previous assumptions.

John D Jones

I don't think it actually [i]made[/i] Lute's crush return Lute's feelings. Good Luck is still luck. It's still based in probability. If there was a genuinely 0 probability that said crush would be romantically inclined toward Lute, then she wouldn't be. So there was a non-zero chance of Lute's crush "crushing back" on Lute. How likely was that? We don't know and it really doesn't matter. Maybe it was as simple as the girl (person?) in question happening to be in an area to hear and see Lute play his giant harp. The big difference between Manon and Lute here is one of intent. And not "good" or "evil" intent either - just conscious intent. Manon apparently knows the result that she wants, like "Laura will remain with the Boater." Her Skill(s) then show Manon the (or at least a) path to get that result, in this case causing Laura to suffer an injury and not treat that injury. With Lute things are more complicated - especially since he didn't cast the chain in question. The chain seemed to overall be designed to help all the members of the family obtain their goals/desires. So, Lute's crush ended up returning his feelings. But it could just as easily been "Lute gets a Meister-level harp" or "Lute gets a living space well away from Devil Gramma." Whatever it is, Lute doesn't get to specifically pick what he wants, especially since, again, he didn't cast the luck chain.

John D Jones

I actually can wait a little bit because I think it's going to be pretty bad. We know from Manon's PoV that she doesn't think much of Alden. He's just a dumb teen to her. She never even noticed that her "have the cute young girl (who at 29 was still almost double Alden's age) flirt with Alden" plan was flawed because Alden either wouldn't notice or wouldn't react to it. I think what's likely to happen is that Manon will blame Thwart-hog (who is both female and not all that friendly with the boater). Then she'll take steps to make sure that something "accidental" and likely fatal will happen to Thwart-hog to keep her from continuing to interfere.

John D Jones

Even the stuff Lute knows about Alden now kind of makes him (who is a member of the already kind of weird Velra clan) go "Dude, WTF is with your life?" Alden regularly chats with an actual Artonan-living-on-Artona-1 wizard. His "To-Do" list today includes, "Learn a super-complicated Wordchain and, oh, yeah, break up an evil cult. Meanwhile Lute's boss clearly considers Alden one of the best people ever and someone who likely ranks higher than Lute himself right now. Figure all that makes Lute want to go: "No, Alden, seriously. WTF is with your life?"

Bob Ross

I wonder what Vandy is comfortable sharing to her social media fans. Not that I think she's incapable of spotting Alden's power use, but I have this mental image of her streaming a day to her fans and one of them noticed Alden using BoAB. Having a hundred pairs of eyes go over your life every day (while sounding incredibly creepy to me) probably offers a few benefits every now and again. Obviously this point is moot if she didn't/doesn't do that.

John D Jones

You're assuming that there would be traces for healers to spot and I don't think there would be. Did you ever see a Nicolas Cage movie called "Next?" In that movie Cage plays a man with powerful precognitive abilities. He seduces a character played by Jessica Biel. It's at least implied that he's able to do that by running precog "simulations" to figure what gets him to score with her and what doesn't. Is that actual mind control? No. Is it close enough to not really matter in terms of ethics? Probably yes. Manon isn't a Sway. But her Skills let her figure what to say or do to generally get people to choose to do what she wants them to do. She's not really controlling them, so there won't be any real traces in their brains, but it's close enough.

John D Jones

@ John Anastacio Alden probably does have a Detect Magic capability. There's probably something in one of his books that says "If a person is glowing with a [pink] aura, that person is casting a spell." The problem is that Alden doesn't know what [pink] is or how to tell the difference between it or, [red] and [blue]. Because Alden only learned to "see" four or five months ago and his guide to the new world of "sight" was a sheltered eight year old girl. Compounding this problem is that Alden seems determined to hide the fact that he can "see" from the sighted Art'h family who could and probably would teach him the difference between [pink], [blue], etc.

Kim Enteiu

That would dovetail nicely with a concurrent novel that gives us more sauce.


Some of the recent chapter plot pacing was slower, happy to see things are getting exciting again :)


Do we know what level the most powerful humans are at?


Nope! But my rough estimate is that the oldest, fastest levelers are around level 300, IF time-to-level remains constant for high level Avowed. That's by no means guaranteed. I assumed that four levels a year is the highest rate that can be sustained long-term, and that there are talented levelers among the high-ranks selected in the first year (either 1963 or 1964; present day is 2040).

John Anastacio

John D Jones: I don't think Bearer was ever taken by an Artonan knight. Maybe by a knight of another resource world, though, since Mother described it as number 112 of the original Avowed skills.

John Anastacio

John D Jones - Maybe Alden ought to take a page from Stu and feel out Vandy by asking her the Art'h family question - What is your purpose, what do you want to do with your magic and your life? Vandy's very intelligent and would make a great ally if he could learn to trust her.

John Anastacio

I do wonder how human Avowed level as they grow older. My assumption is that almost everyone relaxes some as they hit their 30s but I'd enjoy being proven wrong. There is also the factor that with the exception of our hero Rabbit, every ambitious Avowed accumulates new skills they have to learn how to level, and the ways they mastered their other skills may not transfer well to the newest skill.


I think Vandy has too many opinions on ethics and behavior not to have strong opinions about the acceptability of filming other people without their knowledge or permission. At least, I hope she does. She's very judgey, but we have yet to see a whiff of hypocrisy from her.

Tycho Green

Manon would be a prime example of someone that hasn’t started to relax at all, nor does she intend to.

Ano Ano

Manon has not relaxed, but it's also possible that she hasn't been pushing herself in a way that results in levelling. More social maneuvering than power training. Another wrinkle is that power snowballs. Having more bound authority lets you get stronger faster. What I am trying to say is that there is a lot of wiggle room for what's out there.

John D Jones

The thing about pretty much every human except Alden is that they don't grow as fast because of the way their skills work. You level skills by using them until they top out. Once Manon hit Level 14 in Tailor Environment, that was it. No matter how much she uses that Skill it's never going to accumulate more Authority because it's already doing everything it can possibly do. Free Authority accumulates by a person just... living their life. It accumulates much faster for Alden and other wizards because they're using/exercising it. So, Manon can still gain (and probably has gained) other Skills but those Skills will still top out. If/when Alden is outed (or outs himself) about BoAB to the Art'hs, Celena North will very much get some wizard presents. Figure there will be a full upgrade to the gym to be able to handle/challenge Alden's quickly growing power. Figure at this point the Gym can likely handle up to maybe Rank S Level 10-15. By the end of his second year, there's a decent chance Alden will be at a level of mid-20s. By the end of his third year he could be at levels in the 40s.

John D Jones

I could go either way on this one. On the one hand, sure, privacy and ethics. On the other hand, she's basically grown up doing this so filming herself and her surroundings to share with her followers is normal for her. Figure most of the time, she keeps the camera focused on herself and what she's doing. Though I could see her maybe recording something like Alden turning the sandbag "rescue victims" into "balloons" with he Skill. I will say that Vandy would probably extremely freaked to learn that an Artonan wizard (who likely paid no attention to Vandy and didn't notice her existence) was "spying" on her during "Intro to Other Worlds."

John D Jones

@ John Anastacio I'm pretty sure that it was taken by Artonan Knights in then early days but it hasn't been taken by them in more recent times.

John D Jones

If Alden tells them about it. Given that he used a fake (female) name and set up a courier to disguise his involvement, I'd say the odds are low of him doing that.

John D Jones

That kind of begs the question of "Who would have told Plopstar about Alden?" The only four humans we know for sure know about the Commendation are Skiff, Colibri, Principal Saleh and Klein. Gloom might (probably does) know. Evil Gramma Velra probably knows due to Skiff reporting to her. I think there's pretty thin line between a few people knowing about the Commendation and it being common knowledge on Anesidora due to the super-power of Gossip. Also consider that even of the four-six above, Alden has told none of them the full story. He's probably said something "I was stuck on that moon because the System there collapsed and I took care of a little Artonan girl for a few months until we were rescued." That doesn't really explain a Commendation for "Exceptional bravery in the absence of obligation" awarded by the fourth most powerful/influential person in the known universe. Really I think if Plopstar knew about the Commendation she'd have tried to button-hole Alden into telling her how his B-rank Rabbit self got something like that. Instead she was just cheering him on while he jumped around.


From what I understand Bearer of Burdens is the only skill with no level cap so the rest cap out pretty low.

John D Jones

@ Terrestrial+Biped Well, hyperbole is really Earth slang. The Artonan term for a hyperbole is "Knight" if they're Artonan or "Someone to summon if a Knight isn't available" if they're human. Figure any full Knight who's been at the job more than a year or two is likely well beyond even the most potent human hyperbole. Figure that's many of the people that Alden will be meeting at Stu'Art'h's home.

John D Jones

Remember Lute's original introduction. He's a physically small person to the point that Alden at first thought his was somebody's little brother. Figure Lute was even small in middle school and many bigger middle school kids are assholes.

John D Jones

Magic is a thing in this setting. Wordchains are "spells" that allow a person to gain a helpful effect (feeling peace of mind) in exchange for suffering the opposite effect (paranoia/anxiety) later. The "debt" part is interchangeable as shown on Thegund when Alden deliberately "prepaid" the anxiety part of Peace of Mind to force himself to keep moving. Presumably we'll be getting quite a lot of details on this with Lute teaching Alden about them in detail.


I dunno man. Right now it feels like Heloísa is enjoying the rivalry but Mehdi isn't. Mehdi seems like a bit of a sore loser, which is bad for turning a rivalry into a positive relationship.


I never said anything about the relationship being positive for good reason, lol.


Yeah but this isn't a soft magic setting, where the word 'magic' is just a handwave for every deviation from real world physics. Magic in this story has very specific rules and very specific effects, and both learning and exploiting those are a huge part of the story. Which means that it's almost certainly *important* that wordchains use a different set of rules from all the rest of the magic in the setting, and do things that would be impossible by the rules as we understand them for wizards.


Idk, based on what he knows, he’s jumping the gun pretty massively. Nothing he’s scene is really inconsistent with a really charismatic and socially adept person manipulating a bunch of people the old fashioned way

John D Jones

There's 299 other Skills that also have no level caps. It's not like the Primary cuts demons the size of moons in two with something that topped out at level 10.


You know lute is going to ell the roommates when they get home. Right?

John D Jones

Vandy's still a 15-16 year old girl. Maybe dropping philosophical questions about her purpose in life would freak her out a little.


Plus he has to do a school independent project for this class, so unless he wants to talk about being stranded on a moon, this is his best bet.


not related to this chaper but last chapter, the system gives this message sometimes: [Wow! You’ve gained two levels! Would you like me to pick your rewards for you?] [Yes/No] when I read it before I was wondering who is the recipient that the system will take their freedom to choose their own skills from them. I was wondering if the system is allowed to read people's minds outside affixation time and decide if they are dangerous and must be managed and given less usefull skills to their dangerous plans. however, the body drainer incident happened and so I don't think the system monitor the avowed's plans, or it was his first skill. then I remembered that it chooses the U-types' skills for them based on Boe's experience, and it would explain the language and friendliness if it is speaking to a child (Wow! instead of congratulations). there also people like Kon, from normal classes but get special paths that the system must choose for them, but they can refuse. then I realized that the system doesn't take their freedom of choice or anything, it gives the No option, but even in the other messages, it implies that the user should take the rewards: "You may now choose from the Rewards List." "[Rewards: Click to Select]" and interestingly this one that the systen would have given Alden if he had contacted him earlier (before moon thegund probably) and if Alden wasn't Alden (maybe because of Gorgon): [Reward: +3 Foundation Points] Foundation would have been chosen automatically, Haoyu's parents described Foundation as "resistance to unwanted bodily deformation." so it is understandable that most Avowed needs that, and Alden doesn't need it as much because Gorgon made him less susceptible to chaos.

John D Jones

I don't think Lute will tell the other roomies without Alden's permission.

John D Jones

Or he can talk about his weekend with Stu'Art'h and his family on Artona I at their home on their property, which is the size of the state of Illinois. Or he can do what all the other will do and take up a new hobby like knitting or line-dancing or something. That said, I do wonder if Alden might ask Instructor Marion to be willing to take a look at Laura or the other boater members since Marion is a Sway. Even if Marion can't actually treat whatever damage Manon may have inflicted by blindly pushing people's thoughts around, he might at least be able to perceive it and recommend someone who [i]can[/i] treat it. Of course that depends on how committed Alden stays to his "I'm just going to tell them and then I'm done" course of action.

John D Jones

Everly was just trying to spot the preserved object! Nothing else! Which is what she'll tell Kon and anyone else...

John D Jones

Affixing obviously sucks for Alden but he doesn't want to stop growing his free authority because that's how he casts spells and Alden really likes being able to cast spells. I'm hoping he's maybe able to work something out with the Earth System (possible with the Primary's help) to only affix part of his free authority so he can keep some to continue casting spells. Plus it'll help his free and bound authority to grow faster.

John D Jones

Most likely it's set up that new Knights get first crack at any Skills including/especially the big 300. However, once no Knight has picked up a 300 Skill it goes into the various "Class pools" (Rabbit, etc.) for other to potentially pick. The indication was that "The Bearer of All Burdens" had spent a good long while on the Rabbit list before Alden picked it. Figure most Rabbits would prefer to cook things or Tailor someone's Environment than carry their (potentially hazardous) stuff around with "Let Me Get Your Luggage."

John D Jones

I wonder if Rick and Mart'art'h is a thing in this setting. Pickle Rick!

John Anastacio

I expect that the amount of free authority remaining after affixation and also the time period between affixations will increase for Alden. I suspect this because the Primary and Alis-art'h don't seem anxious over their impending affixations. Alis was even pregnant. It may take decades before Alden gets to that point of course.

John D Jones

Also, Vandy doesn't really seem to be "roll with the punches" enough to hang with Alden. I mean: Alden: Hey, Vandy, I'm gonna go visit Kibby. She's staying a Knight and her retainers on a chaos moon that the Knight is terraforming by throwing a hundreds of tons of dirt in the air and smashing it back into ground over dozens of square miles with terrific force. Wanna come? Vandy: Uhhhhhhhhhhh


FruitsPunchSamurai, an update: As of right now, I plan to call around six chapters "The Chainer." Setting/situation will change throughout though, so it's not as easy to say where good stopping spots are as usual. Parts 1-2 or parts 1-3 will read nicely all together, followed by a second batch of around 3 chapters that should read well in a chunk, too.

Ano Ano

My read of "[Wow! You’ve gained two levels! Would you like me to pick your rewards for you?] [Yes/No]" is that there are very young people getting levels, and/or there are mentally handicapped people getting levels.


Oh ye of little faith. Actually, you could say this about several things in the book and be correct...Joe, for example, sideswiped me. He was going to be a more minor character originally, but after I started writing about him, I just kept developing him more and more because he was so interesting. Before I knew it he had a full backstory and a spot on the "definitely going to come back" roster. I usually go the other way though. There are quite a few characters with very deep backstories because I planned to use them heavily but then I realized their plot lines were too tangential or other characters were just better for the story right now. Lute has had a very meaty backstory since he came on screen and a place on the recurring character roster, though. There was going to be a chapter called Hazel & Lute after Hannah's funeral that talked about both of them, so I actually developed them even more than I normally would have. I decided it was too much of a digression at that point to have a chapter about two characters who wouldn't reappear for such a long time...but the reason for the hatred (well, one of the reasons...he has the Velra situation complicating matters...the Lute dislike is multilayered and the reasons for it differ depending on the person) was actually made up all the way back then. The details have changed a couple of times in my head, but the spirit of them has remained the same.


Sindri, you're going to think I stole your example here in the next chapter. I almost changed a paragraph because of this comment...it's in response to a different thing but Alden is about to make this point too. He even uses Sway and Meister as his comparisons!


Also, Manon is both a social manipulator and a mind manipulator. It's been so long since we saw Alden arrive at the conclusion for the first time back in the LeafSong arc...I should perhaps make that even clearer in Manon's chicken-eating scene. She does rearrange thoughts directly in addition to setting people up in situations so that they'll have the thoughts/feelings she wants to use in the first place. A two-pronged approach so to speak. So when she talks about putting Naya and Chris together and getting them to have sex with each other...she has to generate the possibility first. (Putting them in the same room, plying them with alcohol, etc..) Then she can "push" them into it with her magic and make sure the outcome (Naya-guilty/ Chris-smitten) is the one she wants instead of whatever might happen more organically.


Sleyca, you are an amazing person. Not many people would go out of their way and remember that one comment from days ago. Thanks for that. I will wait for the third then and read them in two chunks :)


Yes, obviously Sleyca's sentence caused me to assume she had misgendered Bedlam Beldam. It never occured to me the first " his " referred to Alden. I just thought Sleyca made a mistake.

Cyrus McEnnis

@John D Jones I could be misremembering things and I'm too lazy to check but I seem to recall Bobbi mentioning several other rabbits attend the gym. Not that it really matters, your theory does work, but i just feel fairly strongly that knowledge of Alden's commendation has spread further than we think.


With power nothing is permanent. It's too early for the boy to worry about this sleeping dragon of a problem. But it's obvious that it's a bit of a dry powder keg waiting for a spark.

Thayle Lee-Logg

This chapter was great and its part 2 reminded me to say: I imagine wevvi juice as some kind of evil nasty version of horchata, especially because there's spices involved. It's kind of an oxymoron to imagine "gross horchata" which makes it a perfect mental image for an alien drink.


Oh hey, Marciel. A character who was very interesting that kinda just disappeared from the narrative. I guess we are going through a Alden and “the boys” arc the last half of the story though.


Shouldve picked a female name that doesn't start with A. Picking a name with the name first letter is bad spy craft