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Chapter Title: Dawn II

Alden lay in a bed so perfectly molded to his body that moving seemed like it would be ungrateful. The healer had told him to pick any room he wanted in the hospital, and the one he’d chosen for himself was completely quiet and very dark except for a nightlight with a friendly pinkish-orange glow. 

This was the second time he’d woken. The first had been when the small oval drone assigned to him had started gently chirping to let him know it was time for him to take some potions. Even though he was sure it had only been minutes since his eyes closed, he’d obediently rolled over and accepted its offerings. After downing the drinkable ones, spraying the sprayable ones, and saying “pierce” to every injector, he’d tucked himself right back in and fallen asleep again so quickly that he probably wouldn’t have argued if someone had tried to convince him he’d dreamed the whole interruption. 

Now he was fully rested, but he had an urge to close his eyes again and pretend that he wasn’t.

The clean, peaceful room separated him from whatever reality was like out there right now. 

They hadn’t sent anyone to poke at him, and nobody had come to deliver bad news. There was no blood here, very little pain, no burdens too heavy to bear. 

And instead of trying to kill him, the water ran harmlessly from the bathroom tap like water was supposed to. 

His only companion was a small snake who’d been upgraded to a square plastic tub with holes poked in the lid. While the Brute doctor was bandaging Alden up after his shower last night, he had asked her if they had anything that snakes could live in, and he had gotten this. Plus a shallow lid he’d filled with water. 

The snake was mostly hiding in its bento cave in the corner rather than exploring the larger container. Alden understood.

Here in his own hiding spot there wasn’t even a window to expose him to the outside world. A fake one could be created along the wall to his left; he knew because it had been active when he first entered the room. But he’d turned it off with a simple verbal request and now the wall stood there, solid and comforting in its plainness. 

I should want to get up and find out what’s happened.

To Zeridee, to Anesidora, to Earth, to everyone.

He didn’t.

This reminds me of something.

He pursued the feeling because doing so gave him another excuse not to leave the bed. 

Yeah. There it is.

When he’d been a child in the House of Healing, after his parents’ deaths, there had been a stretch of time like this. An hour when he’d started to suspect the terrible truth—why aren’t they here with me when I’m hurt, and why won’t anyone answer my questions with answers that make sense?—but he didn’t actually know yet. Until you knew for sure, there was a chance that everything was what you wanted it to be. 

This moment was like that. Like the room was protecting him from whatever came next.

How bad do I really think it all is then?

Logically, the world was still out there. Moving along. If Earth evac had gone forward while he slept, he was reasonably sure somebody would have woken him. 

So it was less terrible than that at least. 

Maybe it’s not even very bad. 

He didn’t believe that. He just had this sick fear in his gut that something he cared about would be broken. Something would have been taken.

He had never known of tragedy to leave him out when it came to things like this. 

Zeridee. I’ve lost my sense of her. Does that mean…? 

Or something will have gone wrong back in Chicago. Or someone will have noticed my auriad—a doctor here, Esh-erdi, a drone I didn’t see while I was breaking into that house. 

After catastrophizing in that vein for a while, the bed didn’t feel nearly as comfortable. 

With a sigh, he rolled out and let his feet—one bare, one squishbooted—hit the cold tile floor. He went about every chore he could find for himself slowly.

Taking stock of his injuries occupied several minutes. The left hand had been doused in ointment and re-covered with the exact same kind of grabby-sucky bandage as before. He’d been told it would need more attention when he woke up. 

The foot in the squishboot would probably be staying in the squishboot for a couple of days. It was a dynamic gel cast very similar, in appearance at least, to the one he’d seen Stuart wearing at LeafSong. Neato healing footwear. It held everything in place, and Alden could put weight on it without feeling like he was putting much weight on it. Though that did make walking odd, like he had an appendage that wouldn’t give him the right feedback even as he did all of the usual things with it.

The shoulder was doing a lot better already, and everything else was just a mess of scrapes and bruises. He’d gotten one look at the side of his face that had been dragged across pavement and rooftop, and he was really glad that they’d covered it with bandaging. He looked like he’d made enemies with a cheese grater. 

What was the point of letting Rrorro rid you of a lifetime’s worth of damage if you were just going to beat yourself up like this?

Finally, Alden tried to make his first attempt to interact with the world by bringing up his interface. The first thing he noticed was the time. “No wonder I feel rested.”

Discounting the interruption from his little pharmaceutical friend, Alden had slept for fifteen hours. His internal clock was hopelessly off now. It felt like morning, but it was just after 11:30 PM on Saturday night.

There were a ton of notifications. One of them said communications were back up and running for all Avowed.

“System, place a voice call to Aunt Connie.” He was sure she’d want to hear from him even if the hour was late, and he wanted to know what had happened with her, since she was one of the two people with whom he’d chosen to share his early priority for apocalypse salvation. 

[Calls to and from Matadero are limited to authorized individuals.]

Alden read the words.

Oh…well, that kind of makes sense.

There was nothing of interest, in his opinion, for him to tell people about the facility. But the policy for Avowed working on Matadero had always been secrecy and silence.

“Can you at least notify her that I’m alive and not allowed to call her yet?”

After getting a confirmation that that was possible, he considered his situation.

I’m literally in the cube right now. I’m not supposed to be here.

B-ranks couldn’t even join the battlegroups that fought here. And almost exactly twenty-four hours ago, Alden had been nervous about seeing the place from a distance, from a boat, with friends. Upon his arrival, he’d been so relieved to be alive and in the company of competent adults that he hadn’t let the location weigh on him.

Now that he’d slept an entire day of his life away in this place and had serious thoughts about establishing this room as his personal hermit hideaway, it seemed kind of silly to be scared of it. He was here. Chaos wasn’t. So…it was just a bigass building.

With comfy beds. And surprisingly inattentive medical personnel, considering how long he’d been left to his own devices. Unless they’d come to check on him while he slept, and he hadn’t even noticed?

It suited him fine.

Even the clothes were all right. The stuff he’d come in with had been confiscated and probably declared a biohazard since it had been steeped in blood and city soup. In exchange, they’d given him drawstring patient pants with short wide legs that went easily over the boot and a gown that tied at the side. The dirty sandals he’d stuffed in his bag earlier were still with him, but he’d rather just walk around on the hospital sock they’d given him for his uninjured foot. 

No complaints from me if socks with grippy bottoms are the most exciting thing they’ve got going on here at Matadero.

As he swiped the “no calling out” notice away, a new thought occurred to him: They’re not going to make me get a tattoo before I leave, are they?

Haoyu had said both of his parents had secrecy contracts about the facility and what happened during the fights, but they actually did work while they were here. Alden should be exempt. He was only visiting. 

Visiting a massive hospital you didn’t know existed.

“Man…Tiny Snake, they’re absolutely going to tattoo me before I leave. They might do you, too. The ink is going to clash with your scales.”

If the existence of the hospital wasn’t a tatt-worthy secret, then things like the layout of the building probably were. Alden couldn’t pinpoint their precise location in the cube, since he hadn’t been paying that much attention to the hallways as they transported him from the helipad here. But he could definitely narrow it down to a quadrant. He didn’t know where Artonan secrecy ended and human secrecy began when it came to this place, but no involved party was going to be less paranoid about keeping it all hush-hush in the wake of an attack.

At least there should be some other people around to get inked with me, right?

They had mentioned other patients possibly coming in. The helicopter pilot Aulia had donated to the knights had said she was going back for more.

Guess I’ll find out how many neighbors I have when I finally open the door. 

He stared at it. His stomach gurgled.

“It is weird that nobody’s fed me.”

Healing treatments generally meant you needed more meals, not less. 

“Is there a cafeteria here or something?” he asked his ovoid potion dealer.  “Do you have food in you, too?”

The window-wall answered him instead of the drone. It brightened, and a map of the nearby area appeared, with arrows directing him toward a “Butcher’s Canteen”…which was proof humans had had a hand in naming things around here in Alden’s opinion. 

There was even a room service option.

That’s surprising. He would have assumed the Matadero fighters had something more like a community kitchen. Room service implied a dedicated cook, didn’t it?

He toyed with the idea of selecting the feature, but on the off-chance that room service wasn’t just another drone bringing you stuff, he didn’t want to inconvenience an actual person who was probably engaged in more important business than carrying a meal to a teenager with two useable feet. 

Or one useable foot and a useable magic cast. Same thing.

They’ve got to be busy with something or they’d be in here dealing with me.

The last thing he had to consider before braving an exit was his auriad. It was currently clinging to a private and uninjured part of his body that nobody should want to examine, stick a bandage on, or inject a potion into. Not his favorite place to wear it, and that tendency it had to move when he was feeling nervous or wanting to cast spells would be more awkward than comforting in this location.

But it was comfortable, hidden, and still easily accessible if he really wanted to access it. The other option he’d come up with was swallowing it. He hoped he never needed to go that far.

Finally, he stepped out into the hall and looked around. 

It was long, white, brightly lit…and empty. The faint surprise Alden felt at the sight of the pristine floor and lines of closed doors identical to his own made him realize he really had been expecting something else. 

Shouting nurses, screaming patients—something negative.

Obviously, this is better.

No chaos clawing at him, no ocean trying to drown him. Matadero at midnight was a peaceful place.

Feels wrong, but here we are.

He decided he would go find the healer, or whoever else might be awake and know things, and ask about Zeridee. She would be fine. He might have just lost targeting on her because he was drugged. Or because she was having serious magic used on her. He didn’t want to try re-targeting now, because what if it messed up whatever the healer was doing somehow?

It didn’t seem likely, but it also didn’t seem necessary to try it.

And after Alden learned for sure that she was fine, he’d offer to help the hospital staff. Maybe they needed a person pickler. Or an organ pickler.

It would be a way to help that wasn’t too difficult. He could just sit somewhere comfortable with something in his lap, watching television or reading a book. 

While the elevator carried him down a floor to what he was thinking of as the central hub of the hospital complex, he wondered if it would be all right to eat something while you held a wounded person in a hospital setting. 

It might be unprofessional. Even if it wouldn’t hurt the patient, other people might be weird about it. Like, ‘Why are you eating a mushroom burger over the body of my dying husband?’

They should give me a privacy curtain or something.

If not, I’ll just have to explain. Ma’am or Sir, your choices are me saving your loved one with a mushroom burger or me taking a dinner break and not saving them at all.

Then the elevator doors opened, and Alden came face to face not with anyone in need of help but with even more emptiness.

He walked around for several minutes, sure people had to be somewhere. The occasional squeak of his own squishboot against the floor was the only sound.

There were a few—very few—signs that other patients might have been here. In the room with the showers that delivered potion sprays, one of the doors was cracked open on a stall he hadn’t used himself. And there was a yellow medical cart in the room where they’d given him his boot and bandaged his scratches and scrapes. It hadn’t been there when he’d left. 

I guess there were only three staff members here. They could have brought in more doctors, but it’s obvious they didn’t.

Alden adjusted his expectations some more. Zeridee was in critical condition, an alien, and “the relative of a friend” of a knight. Sending her to a packed Anesidoran ER that was equipped primarily for humans wouldn’t have been great for anyone. That didn’t mean Demon Cube Hospital was open for business or would be opening for business…it meant it was open for select cases. 

Maybe a red halo or two? Artonans. Me.

“Did other people even get rooms? Did they all go back to the island? Have I just been left alone on Matadero?” 

He had slept for a long time, but surely that wasn’t a thing that could actually happen to a person?

He headed down a floor and found a section of the facility that looked a little more like a traditional House of Healing. 

This place really is stocked, he thought as he poked his head into a storage room. So many supplies were waiting here, completely untouched. Boxes covered in logograms and sealed with wax. Stacks of blankets. Vials of “essential elements” from the Triplanets and Earth. There were even restraints intended for people who weren’t humanoid in shape.

This is all reserved for something really bad. Like hundreds of Avowed and wizards living here and getting hurt here for an extended period of time…with nobody allowed on or off? 

Or with the rest of Earth in such bad shape it couldn’t supply the place.

He hoped they let him pick where his new tattoo went. If it was small enough, the bottom of a toe would be a great forgettable location.

Eventually, the smell of herbs burning and a resonant sound in the air—as if a gong had been struck a while ago and the remnants of its ring were lingering—led him to the healer and Zeridee. 

The Artonan man was fully engaged in doing…a thing…and that thing involved painting himself and his patient both in what looked like blood while he sang a song over her body in a room full of potted plants. 

Yep, I was ridiculous to think Kibby wouldn’t be stoked about me tasting her blood. I should have let her paint some more logograms on the cabinets. Done a little dance. My lack of showmanship had to be a real disappointment to her.

Alden only watched them for a second. He didn’t know how hard healing spells were, but he knew that if someone interrupted him mid-cast he might fail to properly direct his authority. He assumed the same thing applied to some extent to fully trained wizards.

So he left them there.

He went down another floor, still hoping to find at least one of the two Avowed he’d met last night. Instead, he found the morgue.

It wasn’t like Alden would have walked through a door labeled “MORGUE” and helped himself to a peek. But as soon as the elevator dinged, there the bodies were, in a place that had clearly been meant to treat the living just like the floors above. They were laid out on gurneys, tabletops, and the floor. Most of them were covered with cloths that glimmered with magic. The dead woman on the table beside the nurse’s station was stripped and surrounded by a trio of wizards. 

“You see what I mean, don’t you?” one of them was saying, her voice irritated. “You’re giving them all the same nose!”

“She looks right to me.”

“If you can’t do it, put away your casting tools and call me over. Before this happens. Or I will tell your <<affirming>> school that Dam-trinta gave all the Avowed dead his own nose. And I will smoke <<forever root>> while they <<ablate >> your diploma.”

Alden started hastily pressing random elevator buttons.

Right as the doors were closing, the woman who had been delivering the admonishment turned around. Her brows lifted as she spotted him. “A human?” she said. “I thought the <<organizer>> said not to worry about any—”

Her words were cut off. Alden leaned against the wall and let out a breath.

How many bodies was that?

More than ten. Less than twenty. 

Are the hallways and rooms down there full? Is that why they’re working on them out in the open like that?

The morticians, if that was what they were, had obviously been as surprised to see him as he was to see them. So that confirmed what he’d already ascertained for himself. Not a lot of humans in the hospital. 

Not living ones anyway.

That could have been me.

Laid out there naked on a table, having his body made presentable for family. It would have given Connie and his friends some closure this time at least.

I need to get out of here.


The problem with trying to get some distance from the corpses was that Alden only knew of two places on Matadero. And one of them was the hospital with the corpses in it. 

The other was the canteen. 

Following his memory of the map, he left the hospital by means of a corridor that came to a narrow point just wide enough for a single person to pass before it broadened into a less claustrophobic hall that connected to the bottom level of Matadero’s residential section. 

The place looked like a hotel lobby, if the hotel had given its design budget to someone who thought gray was a bold color. 

He paused on his way through to watch a video montage that had been left playing on the screen in one of the seating areas. From the looks of it, everyone in the battle group that was currently supposed to be in residence here was engaged in an ongoing prank war involving a hundred kilo sack of rice. Alden watched as a Vocal Brute named Ramona Sahu distracted someone he vaguely recognized as an up-and-coming hero from Miami with a voice throw before she smashed him from behind with the rice bag. 

There were about a dozen famous and semi-famous people laughing their asses off in the background while the victim groaned and started to clean up all the spilled grains. As the montage switched over to a scene with Ramona walking through a boobytrapped doorway and catching rice in the face, Alden shook his head.

The most powerful adults in the world are big dorks.

He wondered if they’d all left to help the island. It made sense that if it was okay for the knights to go help out now then it would be fine for the others to go, too. 

He reached another elevator and took it down. When he stepped off, he found himself in a cafeteria that looked like it had been designed by the same person responsible for the lobby above. There was a kitchen—partially visible through a cut-out wall—at the other end of the room. Before Alden had made it three steps, a man wearing an apron over a t-shirt and boxers ran out to greet him.

Hey, I’m not the only one whose crisis wardrobe needs some work.

The guy had on bedroom slippers.

“English?” he asked. And before Alden could confirm, he was being peppered with questions. “Are more people coming? How many? Do they want supper? Breakfast? Something else? Is it mostly Artonans or are there humans with you? Is the island still there? Is everyone all right? Where—?”

“I’m sixteen, and I’ve been asleep for the past fifteen hours.” That seemed like the most succinct way to convey his cluelessness. “I’m Alden. I’m a patient in the hospital section.”

“There’s a hospital here?”

Alden nodded.

“Am I…supposed to be feeding patients?”

“There are only two patients that I know of for sure,” said Alden. “One of them is me, and the other is being healed. So just me.”

He was glad he hadn’t tried to order room service. This person would have been pretty confused to get a meal request from a hospital he hadn’t even  known was right next door. 

The man sighed. “I’m Kabir.”

“Lute’s chef!”

Kabir looked surprised.

“Sorry. I know you don’t work for Lute. But Lute’s mentioned you. I’m his roommate.”

“Is he—?”

“Don’t know,” Alden said. “I’m sure he’s fine. He was on campus when everything went wrong.”

It had to be one of the best places to be. 

“I’ve been here since everything went wrong. Cooking. Galecourse—Melanie Carisson, I mean—brought me in. I haven’t even left the cafeteria. Nobody’s come. Nobody. I was starting to think I was the only person here. On Matadero!” He laughed a little nervously. “That would be crazy. But here you are. Human. Hospital patient. Lute’s friend! I’ll feed you.”

In the kitchen, food covered every inch of the place. Paella, pastries, pre-packaged pudding cups. Alden opened a huge fridge just to see how far the madness went and found a hundred individually wrapped sandwiches stacked wall to wall on one of the shelves.

Kabir, a victim of circumstance, was the only person responsible for all of it. He hadn’t slept much at all in the past two days. 

“..and so she asks me to make something with the special Artona III potatoes. They are not easy to use, but I said, ‘Of course, Ms. Velra. I can cook with these. Just in case the Generals agree to take a break and dine on Libra. It has never happened before even though she’s asked many times over the years, but I don’t point this out. I just cook pink potato dumplings with clam sauce. 

“Strange recipe. I don’t like it. No one comes for dinner. So I put it away and prep ingredients for Chicken à la King before I go to my cabin.”  He frowned down at the skillet on the stove in front of him. “I think this needs fat, something creamy. Vegan. Almond butter will be nice for you.”

Alden watched curiously as the chef spooned a giant gob of almond butter into the skillet where his meal was happening. Fresh greens, mushrooms, and a lot of roasted garlic were in there already, gradually becoming a sauce thanks to starchy pasta water. 

“Ten minutes after I fall asleep, the disaster starts. The next thing I know, I’m flying in Galecourse’s arms.” He started scooping linguine into the pan with a set of tongs.  “Everyone else leaves to go help Anesidora and find family members, but Ms. Velra suddenly says, ‘Oh, Kabir. You’ll stay here and cook for the wizards, won’t you? Won’t you?”

Mushrooms and noodles flew through the air and he caught them again in the pan.

“On the sixth tray of cheese muffins, I decide maybe there are no wizards. No Avowed. Just. Me. I put up a view spell at the elevator to watch for demons.”

But he kept cooking, thought Alden. “There’s no chaos here right now, so I don’t think you have to worry about those.”

“I’m a C-rank, you know. I’m not supposed to be here.” He glowered at Alden’s food as he tipped it onto a plate. “I bet they make me get a tattoo.”

“Oh, I’m thinking of getting mine on a toe.” He took the offering. “Thanks. I would have been fine with just the soup and the salad, but this looks good.”

Alden ate his meal at one of the cafeteria tables with Kabir looking on and bouncing a leg nervously the whole while. 

“I’ve only seen four wizards since I left my room,” Alden told him between scarfing down bites. “So you might want to take a break from cooking. The place seems pretty abandoned. And it’s after midnight. I know that the time kind of doesn’t matter under the circumstances. But you should sleep.”

He started slurping on his bowl of miso soup.

“I think the idea was that Artonans would be coming here?” Kabir said. “That was what it sounded like Ms. Velra thought, but she was giving me instructions while she was bestowing wordchains on everyone. She was working so hard, she was sweating. It was very confusing.”

“We could ask the morticians, I guess,” said Alden.

The chef nodded. Then he looked up, eyes going rounder. “The what?”


Kabir was reluctant to leave the area he’d been assigned to. 

“It’s Matadero. We can’t just explore,” he protested when Alden suggested they might as well go to the hospital together and find him a bedroom. And some pants. 

“But I’ve already been that way,” Alden explained. “There’s really nothing you’re going to get in trouble for seeing as far as I can tell.” 

The man shook his head. “I’m just going to stay here. I’ll make coffee cake. It goes with wevvi, doesn’t it?”

So Alden ended up alone once more, carrying a box of food he hoped Zeridee might get to eat. When he found the healer still in full mystical mode, he debated his options and chose to fetch his messenger bag from his room before coming back down. He positioned a chair at the end of the hall in a spot where he wouldn’t interrupt the healing process but also where he couldn’t possibly miss the Artonan’s emergence. 

He’d decided not to go offer the morticians supper. He really didn’t want to find out all the details about their work or accidentally present himself as a volunteer to help them with it. He’d had enough of bodies for one weekend. 

How many are down there? Are more still coming?

He shoved the questions away as well as he could.

Right now, Alden had no instructions to follow and no knowledge of what he should be doing other than keeping himself and a snake alive. He was in a hospital, technically waiting for further treatment. He suspected he’d fallen into some kind of cross-species organizational blindspot. 

The Artonan had insisted Alden was his patient, so if the human doctor and Healer were still around, they hadn’t put him on their to-do list. 

So he’s my guy.

His left hand was worrying him more than the other injuries. Not because it was worse, per se, but because he wanted it healed better than everything else.

All I can do is ask him about it. And until then…

He guessed it was all right to do what he wanted. And what he wanted, he realized after just a minute’s consideration, was to do his homework.

An essay on whether or not humans should accommodate unpleasant social customs when encountering other peoples, for Intro to Other Worlds. Recording himself trying some difficult pronunciations for his Conversation class. Analyzing the footage from his team’s obstacle course wins.

He wanted to do it. Calmly. With attention to detail. The way you did homework when nothing was wrong in your life except for having a long, lonely stretch of time on your hands. 

So he did. Just like it was a dull Saturday night. Like classes would start back on Monday. 

Like homework mattered.




Andy Martinez

Yay! Take good care of yourself Sleyca.

Giants Craft

For those interested, I present for your discussion: Super Supportive Canon+ 2.0. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G6wgvhHTWs3n3tqvglSrchTMZZWSzC9dK2qkfqX_rW0/edit Fyi to anyone who saw the 1.0, I put this through a major revision and significantly modified the structure and content. In particular, the Artonan magic section is almost all new. Criticism is very appreciated!

John D Jones

Yay! Just in time!


Thank youuu

Partha Peddi

This is the sweet payoff of a 1 day long wait :) The perfect way to read this chapter is with background music for working or studying on spotify - if you have it.

Tannim Murphy

Thank you for the chapter!



Lucia A

Great, a short of calm chapter for Alden, he really needed it. Ps. Also Alden wtf? Where exactly is he carrying his Auriad 😱

Alan Miller

Yay Tiny snek! Edit: tiny not little

Jeremy Goldberg

Thank you for the chapter! Edit: Tiny Snake lives! Also, I was worried for a second that we were in a 30 Days Later situation.




Yes, just as we all predicted: an eerie, worldbuilding chapter that is an equal mix of peaceful, foreboding, and creepy. Love it, heh. I never know what’s coming. This almost feels post-apocalyptic (think the start of “The Walling Dead”) and then you realize that it might still be mid-apocalyptic

Anton Shomshor

Time released: “just now”. Already 4 comments. 🙄

Anime Problem

Man finally recaught up with this series I hope Alden starts being less passive with how far he can stretch both his casting and his skill because now people who chaos seeking people seem to be removing the veil of safety he had

Tycho Green

People in fantasy stories always have the most comfortable beds. At this point I want to be isekaied for that and not to obtain some awesome powers

Diana Lee

I know Alden is glad to be alive and safe but I for one am in absolute agony from my curiosity about the status of the other students (plus the intake rabbit crew).


Alden takes a well deserved rest, just like Sleyca ✨

Bob Ross

Sleyca triumphs over Patreon!

Pedro Henrique

Rejoice, people! Tiny Snake is alive!!!!!!


What is an Alden?



Emily Gurnavage

Wooooooo Didnt read it yet, but I just caught up on the last of my other Patreon stuff (after checking for this a bit ago) and refreshed the page expecting nothing but here we goooo. Edit: Creepy. Wonder why its quite so empty, even given what we know of the situation. Cant wait for explanations.


[The last thing he had to consider before braving an exit was his auriad. It was currently clinging to a private and uninjured part of his body that nobody should want to examine, stick a bandage on, or inject a potion into. ] Lololololol I was literally thinking on the last chapter, “is he gonna put it on his dick???” 🤣😭🤣😭

Twara Sandeep

Thanks for the chapter! That was really satisfying, and a good calm to counter the craziness of the previous chapters. Also, I love the arrival of Kabir. It definitely feels like one of those 'small world' moments

Cyrus McEnnis

Yay! Tiny Snek safety confirmed! /puts away pitchfork & torch Riots off, gentlefolk! We can return to our normal non-"find out" posture!


Thanks for the chapter. Alden, this is your one last refusal; Alden, it is time to face your destiny


Poor Alden needs some hugs from his friends

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

Wow, that was creepy. I hate that feeling of wandering through a large, unfamiliar building where you feel like there should be people, but there are no people.


Oof, that last line. Yeah, Alden is not okay.

Khent Mercer

Therapy homework. :)

Brett Peterson

Thanks Sleyca! Glad you were able to get some rest. I would honestly be ok with waiting for a week or two if you wanted to build up a buffer. I - and I think all of us! - would support that in favor of your rest and mental health!


Poor Alden, so traumatized he wants to do homework

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Prediction of a far future conversation: Jelnor: hey, I heard you’re a knight? Where do you keep your auriad, I don’t see it? You’ve already seen mine, I wear it in my hair- Alden: cock ring Jelnor: what? Alden: cock ring


Dang. Powerful ending. On another note, kabir knew alden was vegan, but I don't think Alden ever told him. Is knowing or sensing someone's dietary needs one of his skills?

Cyrus McEnnis

Also - an Auriad being used as a cock-ring. I've joked about Alden needing to study shibari for his rope-work before now, but I'd completely missed this possible application of that skill-set. It also lends a whole new excitingly dangerous implication to the B-Header nickname for our asexual rabbit!


Soup soup! Time to read then comment! And perfect timing — I just hopped into the bath. Good stuff! Very surreal feeling. And I’m quite suspicious of the morgue— “giving them all the same nose” implies all of them were badly damaged and need reconstruction. Secret reconstruction? What exactly happened? Hopefully those aren’t all adults who were on Matadero… I mean I doubt it. But. …but.


The previous chapter still had me metaphorically hyperventilate but finally I can relax and breathe. Like when I'm skipping homework.

Julian Bello

I love the sheer consideration in writing. The way that the empty hallways of the box make it clear this is a burocrat building, a necessity not ever meant to be used but build to insane specifications. That Aulia helped un a crisis but in such a way that it's obvious she wants to look good just as much as help (a chef, marked helicopters (but she still used her power until they had her sweating, she's not lazy just incredibly ambitious)) just. This world is so well thought out.


Of everything that I thought could happen, Alden hanging out with Kabir while doing his homework was not on my bingo card! It seems like our boy is in shock and it would be nice for him to have someone for him to actually *talk* to


tres bien


My man Kabir is going through his own Waves arc but it's all in his head


I think now would be an excellent time to affix. I suspect he's going to be on matadero for a long while while cleanup of Anesidora occurs. And from his little stunt he's probably got less than 6 months left before his mandatory affixation occurs.


Two chapters of Dawn and somehow Alden manages to miss the sun

JJ Hunter

Alden continues to happen to other people to their increasing bafflement, hee. Glad he's finally had a chance to sleep and be treated, curious if the wizard healer's ongoing casting is what's blocking Alden's sense of Zeridee as his entruster - is the wizard's authority blocking Alden's authority link somehow? is there a zone involved like one of Max's zone? Kabir's presence is making me feel much more hopeful about Jessica's likely survival, and the fate of the other people who were on Libra. There's something so human and wrenching about his response to the isolation and the lack of news being to cook for two days straight; having an easygoing, hungry human kid with a connection to someone Kabir knows - Lute! - show up and devour everything Kabir puts in front of him and pass on news and commonsense advice must feel like such a surreal lifeline. He's been waiting for Maybe Demons and what he actually got was someone having a simple problem right in his wheelhouse.


But he is supposed to affix in the largest reasonable doses. Would be still to early if he didnt gain like 4 level.


Aulia definitely told Kabir to stay in a place where no one can clue him into the fact that it was a Submerger that caused this whole disaster.


What a cool chapter. And very long! What a weighty thing. It was worth waiting for.

Matt DiMeo

Alden is not going to affix one minute before he has to. If you had a condition where you had to light yourself on fire every couple of years, would you ever think, “meh, it’s early, but I’ve got nothing going on this weekend”?


….. and Sleyca delivers us another cliffhanger…. But she had to be different, didn’t she? It’s probably the best<< null >> cliffhanger, cliffhanger ever written! What is happening elsewhere? Who is dead? Ahhhhh…..

Heather White

I just want to give Kabir a hug & send him to bed. Probably with an Artonan pharmaceutical sleep-aid.

Sébastien Kingsbury

I figured he'd do it while visiting Stewart since the system over there is a hell of a lot nicer to work with than earth system


I've been in this situation, alone in a large transit complex, no one telling me what to do, people assuming I know where and when to go places. I discovered I could get 4 meals a day after I found the near empty canteen at midnight. I was only there for 3 days. But a solo person in a transit base meant for hundreds on a skeleton crew... It was creepy.


Damn. For an “I’m safe and getting healed” chapter, this was…I guess as should be expected. PTSD on top of PTSD, anyone?


What about Kon's teeth?!🦷🦷

Heather White

He was already partway through cooking the dish when he said that. I imagine Alden told him earlier in the process.


Dawn: when the light shines the terrible truth on everything you were afraid of 😭😭😭

Robert Mullins

Seemed oddly appropriate so I clipped this southpark scene: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxoeTJYfOt8tyQglsc07eSVAOLhlQ3Q3dm?si=o1twPcBHzBLkdj0L


Something tells me Alden will be the only one who has his homework done. The dead bodies kinda confuse me. Why are they im the cube? They sound too many for them to be the demon team. How did they get to the cube, and why? Seems like a lot of effort, for what?

Tristan A

Lol magical cockring. For some reason knowing how Artonan's party I doubt this is the first time an auriad has ended up there.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

You know, when I wake up from fifteen hours of sleep after having pulled an all-nighter, I end up feeling really, really disoriented. My mental and emotional state takes some time to return to equilibrium, and I am never quite alright until after I have slept again. I wonder if Alden is actually more out of it than he realizes this chapter. His emotional responses to everything seem blurred and muted.


just because I think its a good time doesn't mean I think he's actually going to do it. He's avoiding thinking about affixations too much to do it unprompted. And I doubt that he would have affixations on Artona I. last time was an exception due to extreme circumstances and MOTHER needed to be in close communication with earth for that anyways.

William Johnson

Yay tiny snake's alright! Well, at least as alright as Alden is which is mostly okay. Do they have therapists for snakes? Thanks for taking your time and not burning yourself out, we need you healthy for many more chapters to come!

Amber Gregory

This was so immersive I got quite the shock when I got to the end of the chapter and back in my own body

Sean Carter

Poor Alden! What a haunting last line.


Yep. Empty halls can be creepy. But. My crazy mind always liked wondering through dark hallways after school was closed and the lights were off. ( People forgot to lock doors...) Make Believe In an environment like that can be 😊 fun. Though... You have to be careful not to freak others out. ( 6' tall dud.... Appearing out of the dark hallway... Completely silent with an awkward smile.....


Fun chapter :) I believe that my reaction to the auriad's positioning is best described as a "guffaw" :P He needs to consider growing out his hair and having a hair tie, or just string bracelets to camouflage it maybe. Also very interested about the Kon's teeth situation - it's pretty clear that they are not preserved anymore considering Alden's been sleeping - unless they were deposited into some kind of medical preservation canister and we're just not aware of that yet?


The imagery was really good in this chapter. Can picture the whole empty place in my head.

Desert Yeti

It's on his 11th finger! His 21st digit; his third leg; his fifth limb! "Alden, the urologist wants to see you about some weird readings on the sensors..."

Nathan Rice

I wonder if Kon's teeth were already regrown or something? He was teleported out quite early according to Haoyu.

Maddy Weller

Soup! I’m enjoying the variations on apocalypse wardrobe. I hope everyone is alright, although I wonder where they are? It makes sense that the powerful people are out helping and not in safety, but hopefully someone will come and eat all of the food that Kabir made.


Happy for tiny snake, but moment the morgue was mentioned my heart dropped. There's gonna be someone he recognises in there for sure


Ooof, that last line really hits. Alden was just getting back to enjoying normal life, and sitting alone in Matadero it’s hard to ignore that normal life just went away for a lot of people. All the little boredoms and joys that he was appreciating… gone, all over again. And this time there’s nothing for Alden to go back to the way he went back to Earth, because Earth just changed around him.


this is a pretty fun document. i see you havent covered all the forms of magic yet, which is understandable as there are at least 5 overlapping systems at play for just alden personally. six if you count contract magic as its own thing.


The comms situation will be interesting. His roommates (and teachers) don't know where he is and can't reach him (I wonder if they get some sort of "you are not authorized to contact him" message?), and we're really close to the Stuart call?

Desert Yeti

Alden needs an adult. He needs a competent and caring parental figure to tell him everything's going to be all right; that the world isn't going to end; that it's OK to be scared but he is loved and protected and nobody is going to hurt him. The best damn father figure he's had so far is Joe. Alis is a decent replacement for an older sister. Connie isn't enough,but she's all Alden has (which she realizes, tragically). Someone save this poor kid from drowning in his own head.


Not going to lie this chapter left me disappointed. It is plain and simply a filler chapter, nothing wrong with it but I was hopping for something else. Alden's mental health is definitely not good, it will be interesting to see what happens in the next few chapters.

Emily Curtis

I'm glad Tiniest Snake Stu'arth made it. Poor Alden hopefully has to catch a break soon. School can't have completely ended for good, I can't imagine we'd get just one semester in such a long planned out slice of life story.


Thank you Sleyca!

Partha Peddi

I have a sneaky suspicion that Zeridee has passed away and the doctor is performing her last rites in Artonan tradition. That would suck after Alden went thru all that effort to get her medical attention. After nail-biting excitement comes the calm before grief. This sucks if it is an accurate prediction.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

Given that Alden's classmates had a lot of time to kill while hanging out in the disaster shelters, he probably won't be the only one. As to your other point, though, the dead bodies in the cube confused me as well.

Andrew Boyer

Pulled from the water, maybe? If they’ve reached the point of retrieving dead bodies, the worst is over.

Aspiring Moth

presumably the knights recovered bodies while out on their expedition to the flooded areas. as for why, for the same reason that bodies are recovered after a disaster in our world


So true about Joe. I hope he comes back into the story. Even if he’s not exactly the best role model.


Dawn, huh? “friendly pinkish-orange glow…” That color choice…red sky in morning, sailors do what exactly?


I was waiting the entire chapter for the System robot to be casually sitting around the next corner—So Alden, now that you are feeling happy and at peace, let’s discuss all those levels…


He could probably call Stuart. Can’t imagine his sister doesn’t have access to call and receive calls from Madero


> [Calls to and from Matadero are limited to authorized individuals.] He totally could have texted still. It only said calls were limited.

Carl Earl

But he's not doing that. He's watching the door to the the Artonans woman's (forgot her name) healing room, waiting on their doctor to come out. I think he would love to be able to talk to someone, but he needs it to be someone who knows what's going on. Kabir was even more clueless than Alden, and I don't think Alden has the emotional strength left to be the knowledgeable responsible person in a conversation.

Partha Peddi

Alden could not find his target, means Zeridee is off Matadero, which I hoped fervently till the part where the doctor is doing a blood ritual :(


Im thinking it wasnt her powers that had her sweating, but the potential heat coming her way when they try to find out where this dangerous submerger came from.

Michael Blue

Laughing at the thought of Alden being the only one to have submitted their homework fifteen hours after part of Anesidora was eaten by magic water. Unrelatedly, this chapter cemented a thought I had that Alden (really) should’ve gotten a secrecy tattoo after visiting Stu’s house, purely from an operational security standpoint.


Nice Chapter. Winding down. :)


Well, it is reasonable to assume the bodies from the submerger boat crew and passengers may have been recovered. There were likely some other boats cruising around the area at the same time, and those people could be casualties from the disaster.

Partha Peddi

At least we know that Libra did not get decimated right after the incident. If Kabir got moved to Matadero, others on Libra were safely evacuated as well, including Jessica. Aulia is a great tactician in handling the situation properly.


The doctor-wizard just has that area fully enclosed and locked down under his authority. Everything is fine, especially Zeridee, who is just sleeping


Love the doc, reading through: You say that Alden is the only non-Artonan wizard, but the foot note refers to Chapter 60 (minor note. the footnote says 80) where Mother confirms he’s “so far ahead of the pack [etc]”. her answer was in response to Alden’s question: “Alden glanced down at his auriad. “I’m not…the only human Avowed with an authority sense, am I?” Which was about a) authority sense and b) human Avowed only. So there might be another reference confirming this but this one was a bit narrower in scope. (I actually recall another mention implying that non-human knights (and therefore wizards) might exist or have existed, but that’s just from memory, if I find a real reference I’ll post)


I was thinking the same thing. Basically nothing happened here. Its nice for Alden to have a quiet moment to destress, but I'm not sure why it needs an entire chapter rather then a couple paragraphs.

Alex Scriber (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-05 20:22:41 Alden should take a picture of his foot in the Artonan cast. They can be squishboot buddies.
2024-04-05 01:05:06 Alden should take a picture of his foot in the Artonan cast, and send it to Stu. They can be squishboot buddies.

Alden should take a picture of his foot in the Artonan cast, and send it to Stu. They can be squishboot buddies.

Alex Scriber

Alden got the same kind of boot as the Primary’s son? They’re taking good care of him!

Aspiring Moth

this captured the creepy feeling of empty public spaces perfectly. Alden seems to be understandably traumatised from the last 24 hours. sitting and doing his homework as a form of escapism from the reality of the situation reminds me of Alden talking about how he wants to go home recently. Home is safety, and even homework can be a reminder of that I suppose

Aspiring Moth

loss of entrustment was expected, but the loss of zeridee as entruster is interesting. my initial thought is that her brain was somehow disabled so that the wizard can work? we know sleeping doesn't cancel the entruster status based on kibby retaining it for 6+ months. and zeridee probably isn't dead, or the wizard wouldn't still be working on her 12 hours later. stasis doesn't cancel entruster status, although a stasis spell from another person might. but if her brain was turned off so that the wizard could work, then maybe she wouldn't count as a valid entruster?

Giants Craft

Yeah the non-Artonan part is me making a logical jump. However I do think you’re misreading the first quote; the “small pack” mother referred to was human avowed when Alden asked if his authority growth strategy was effective or not. She’s calling the human avowed population small and primitive, not saying that there’s a group of Avowed wizards out there. Yes, Mother says that, at one point, non-Artonan Knights existed. She also says there aren’t any currently active, so that implies there aren’t any non-Artonan Avowed wizards other than Alden at this time.


Not holding out a lot of hope for a Dawn, IV. Uff da...

Victor Cavalcanti

A mushroom burger sounds more depressing than the actual disaster.


Matadero has such a creepy liminal feeling.. the "morticians" in the basement certainly don't help with the vibe either

JJ Hunter

That detail about the physical entrance into the hospital section having "a narrow point just wide enough for a single person to pass" is quietly unsettling in its implications. That's the kind of design you see in old castles and active warzones, places where the builders take the possibility of intense and desperate in person fighting very seriously, where having a robustly defensible chokepoint protecting access to the wounded and healers could be the difference between life and death. What kind of chaos breakthrough fighting have Artonans done on other planets where this has become their apparent standard for fortifying at the point most vulnerable to incursions? Think how hard it would be to orient if the walls weren't providing maps on request...

Heather White

Nah, this is just a good ol’ page turner. Sleyca always keeps us engaged & looking forward to seeing what’s next. This was actually a quiet, reflective, unsurprising ending. Our poor traumatized Alden is craving some normal in his life. “A cliffhanger is when a story or plotline ends suddenly or a large plot twist occurs and is left unresolved.”

Andrew Reise

To be fair, if Tiny Snake is alive despite not being preserved, Zeridee should totally be alive. I figured the little guy was on his way to a farm upstate

Morog T Tiny

Alden needs to pay for his word chains, now befre he might need them again.

Ano Ano

Thank goodness you're not writing the story. These kinds of chapters are precisely why this story is so good.


Healers in this setting are generally pretty slow and limited compared to the video-game-style healing that we often see in other stories. So probably not. Especially when there are presumably a lot of other people with a much higher triage priority.


That’s reasonable - and the point for sure is correct that we as readers don’t know of any currently active non-Artonan wizards. I do read her as answering his stated question, but IMO your take that she’s responding to his inner monologue on leveling strategy is reasonable given Mother’s other interactions (she’s reacting to thoughts/memories), so could totally be taken that way - the rest of the,conversation is certainly in line with that. Thanks, good stuff!


Right with you there! I was like what... oh that's the end of the chapter. I was in the zone.


I'm really worried it might be one of Natalie's group


What an unsettling chapter! Thanks, Sleyca! XD

Partha Peddi

Distance for sure looses target/entrustee. The rest is speculation till Sleyca confirms.


Isn't Kabir specc'd towards cooking? it might be a skill like "select the dishes that your target would like the most"

Josh Delgado42

Thank you for the chapter! There's something eerie about a hospital with almost no one in it

Neil H

I was half-expecting the hospital to be overrun with zombies

Douglas Lilley

Alone in an alien box with no communication to the outside with a bunch of human corpses below him doesn’t seem like the right time to turn up the anxiety. Give him a few days.

Alex Scriber

Wandering, through an empty build is creepy, but also fun. It’s indoors, so it still feels safeish.

Partha Peddi

@Skeys13 That is my paramotor on my back in the pic. Running to fly is fun.


It’s policy! But teenagers aren’t big fans of OpSec: “Why go out the window, though?” “If my family realizes that you are just here instead of here after being summoned, they will want you to form a contract with someone.” At Alden’s alarmed look, he hastily added, “Only the standard Privacy of the House agreement. It’s like a promise not to share certain kinds of personal information you might learn here. Anyone who works for us has to do it. I could argue that you are my guest, and therefore should be exempt, but I’m not sure…” That was no big deal. Except that it was. Alden wasn’t sure, but he thought that forming a contract might hurt like hell right now. “The window sounds like a fantastic idea.”

Paul Sneddon

I don't think he could call, but Stu's sister would likely have the authorization to make a call to Matadero.

Douglas Lilley

Guessing those teeth in Alden’s bag are probably not getting saved anymore :) Also, whoever called the below-the-belt auriad hide wins! Runner up was the hide it in the stomache comment!

John D Jones

Alden got the same kind of boot as the Primary's son and the same kind of boot as pretty much every other Artonan who suffered broken leg/foot bones.

Paul Sneddon

If i remember right everyone thought he was approved to be there only Stu found out otherwise. And based on what all he said i don't think he pointed it out to his family. He did say he enjoyed knowing something everyone else there didn't if i remember correctly.

John D Jones

Maybe he's already paid off the Body Assistant one during his 15 hour nap.

Barrett Fogarty

It felt like the old Bill Murray movie. Lost in Translation. "Disoriented by feelings of jet lag and culture shock"

Trevor Perry

Great chapter! Absolutely not enough, and still have a nagging need for resolution... Thanks for the chapter!

Alex Scriber

Dawn? Feels more like twilight. Silent. Empty. Eerie Twilight.

Aspiring Moth

Partha Peddi - does it? I know that the entruster can no longer entrust a new item via long distance communication once a certain distance has passed, but I can't remember a case of the entruster status being lost the longest distance I think we've had entruster status be stretched over is one of the following 1) hazida entrusting Alden an ice cream before he goes on a tour of celena North (from intake to celena North campus is approximately the diameter of anesidora) 2) from the teleporter on Thegund to the car where kibby was with her family 3) from the lab to the abandoned car on Thegund I don't remember there being any weakening or dropping of entruster status


I read the first sentence of the chapter out loud to my partner, and we both confirmed it was the sexiest thing we’ve read in ages.

Radha Patel

Red sky at night, sailors' delight. Red sky at morning, sailors take warning. Except this is another Ripples chapter! No dawn here, no siree. In fact, it's around midnight!


Wouldn't it be funny if they thought they were Aldens and implanted them in him

William Johnson

Yeah we still haven't seen what a bad chaos outbreak looks like, but it makes sense. Like, if there's chaos bees all over the place having a single point of entry in to your hospital so someone doesn't accidentally leave a window open and kill everyone scans.

Trevor Perry

Ever seen the inside of an emergency shelter designed for a percentage of a city when a minor disaster requires a very small part of it to be used? Feels just like this. It's like Alden thought, it's meant to be used when Very bad things are happening on a planetary scale, this is just anesidora, so, not used much.

John D Jones

I admit that I was expecting a little more... more. Like Alden interacting with... pretty much anyone other than a nervous chef. But I'm okay with it. After the white knuckle tension of the previous chapters, I'm fine with a "cool down" chapter. Plus, since this one came fairly late today, that's less of a wait until Sunday(early Monday morning).

Partha Peddi

I guessed stomach.. didnt think of the obvious option. The stimulation must not be comfortable in hospital pants.

John D Jones

Alden probably would have recognized whoever it was had that been the case.

Marcus Rodriguez

Kabir is still a low level long sight brute. He would not be offered any cooking specific skill or spell impressions now since any Artion would take a cooking rabbit for that job.

Michael Blue

Yeah, I remember why Alden didn’t get the tattoo, and I’m not saying it was a massive oversight (assuming only Mother could’ve teleported Alden to that area unnoticed). Just purely from the Primary’s perspective, no visitors should be able to talk about his home layout when they leave


He doesn't even know if the school survived.

John D Jones

It's kind of hilarious to think that the girl who was sitting on Stu'art'h and smoking alien ganja is a "general."


"Absolutely not enough, and . . . a nagging need for resolution..." You described the feels from this chapter pretty well! I wonder what it says about me though that it's a *good* feeling? Or about Sup Sup, more likely.


TFTC! The empty hospital gives off really creepy vibes. I work in abandoned buildings every once in a while and they're unsettling even if they're still lit up. It feels like when I was in an empty office building that was finished but never really moved into by the startup that contracted the work. I hope someone can come give Alden a hug soon. That kid really needs an adult!

Barrett Fogarty

Last we heard it was sliding down his back and into his pants. Why does it have to be around his member? Can't it be up his butt?

Mecha Paladin

We know people were being brought to the cube, i would assume thdy didnt all survive, or bodies brought in by the submerger, or just bodies that were found in general and as was implied horribly disfigured that they needed to have their faces reconstructed away from prying eyes, hell maybe the system is sending bodies thsre so people don't stumble upon them nos that the disaster is over.

Partha Peddi

I am guessing the next chapter involves Alden talking to Kabir and recounting his encounter with the Submerger/sinker sender, the devastation at Punta de Luna caused by the explosion, and Kabir suspecting it being stolen from Libra's engine room. I am sure Alden will want to pass this on to Lute somehow. How will the information flow to outside Matadero for Lute to finally seek his revenge over Aulia? Will it conflict with his renewed feelings for his mom, Jessica's safety/wellbeing?


Mushroom burgers are delicious. Personally I prefer the kind of mushroom burger that refers to beef with mushrooms as a topping rather than a burger made of mushrooms, but Alden understandably doesn't have that option.

Heather White

I really enjoyed this chapter, with its interesting blend of calm and creepy, Alden getting some downtime while wandering through empty halls filled with Matadero’s Artonan/Anesidoran strangeness. So quiet and peaceful, yet there’s a horror film vibe to his aloneness, to this building’s near-lifelessness. And then he runs into morticians butchering the faces of the dead, a voodoo doctor chanting while smearing himself and his patient with symbols in blood, and a frightened, jittery chef who’s one demon away from imploding. Just a quiet rabbit having a quiet adventure.


The damage on anisedora is gonna be crazy, isn’t it? I wonder how long he’s gonna have off of school

Radha Patel

The first time Alden went to Thegund, he was able to preserve something Joe entrusted to him on Artona III through the teleport. That distance is from Artona III to the solar system of Artona I without losing the entruster or dropping the burden.

Heather White (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-05 20:22:41 I wondered about that hallway detail. It’s much scarier now. But I like their priorities. Forget the patients, protect the food!
2024-04-05 01:51:28 I wondered about that hallway detail. It’s much scarier now. But I like their priorities. Forget the patients, protect the food! (Edit: darn it, just reread & realized I’d forgotten that the narrow hallway was leaving the hospital, not entering the canteen. Looks like I was projecting my food-protective priorities onto the Artonans) XD

I wondered about that hallway detail. It’s much scarier now. But I like their priorities. Forget the patients, protect the food! (Edit: darn it, just reread & realized I’d forgotten that the narrow hallway was leaving the hospital, not entering the canteen. Looks like I was projecting my food-protective priorities onto the Artonans) XD

Pedro Henrique

Its possible the authorities(or what passes for them in Anesidora) will make a show of force of fixing things up extremely quick , throwing resources at the problem to conceal weakness. But with 9/11 likely never occurring in this Earth it is more likely they will just be reeling for a while yet, as they dont have a historical equivalent to what just happened.

Nathan Coppernoll

Thanks for the chapter. Kabir must be a nervous cooker.

Tim Gonsalves

A really well written winding down after the craziness, thank you!

Wesley Miller

Mushrooms, & therefore mushroom burgers, are fire. Dont get me wrong, beef is my favorite meat, but mushroom burgers are amazing too

Darth Xaim

Danger Noodle survived fine! And its name is Tiny Snake! It is gonna live with Alden now or does it go back to the self torturing siblings?

Heather White

It feels like Alden’s trying to fill in his bingo card where the theme is “ways to be alone”. Poor guy.


Jelnor: The System is saying you keep it on... poultry? They really need to fix the translation modules


Or they put them in the snake. Tiny bucktoothed snake haha!


It's really weird. Humans have morticians. Maybe a wizard can give you an open casket funeral when a human couldn't, and it's part of the contract that they do it in some circumstances? ...My priors on them doing something sus are too high to assume this is the case.


Well it was clinging to a part of him, not curled in a nook in him


This is the first time I've seen it named Stu and I love it


I know right? Potted plants made me think mini-forest. Magic Artonans go night night with the plants :(

Robert Smart

Scarey/deadly -> eerie/lonely -> i hope he gets to comfortable/safe soon.


Thanks for the chapter! I wish I could hold off for three chapters and read them in one go.... But not a chance. I thought there was a lot of interesting parts in the chapter. Little snake is alive, we have a morgue, and very few others except for a dancing blood healer.

Heather White

Well, he trains with Bobby so he can use Azure Rabbit intensively without injuring himself, he repeatedly used the gym’s pool to train his ability to use his skill underwater, he coordinated his obstacle course team’s teamwork planning session, he nearly turned himself inside out unlocking his ability to preserve objects thrown at him by people trying to hurt him, he learned how to use his skill to break enchantments, he has been practicing being able to use his skill to know where objects entrusted to him are even when he can’t see them, and he figured out how to use his skill and a specialty climbing rope to decapitate someone. And I’m pretty sure I’ve missed some. I just don’t see him as being passive towards his skill development.

Second Raddish

If the next chapter opens with the wizard sticking her head first into a potted plant I blame you.


My thought is Matadero has some sort of Authority blockers in it. Not enough/the type to keep Sways from playing telephone or knights from feeling Zeridee drown, but something to keep strong Avowed from smashing things two floors away.

Daniel Keogh

Humanity has so much historical equivalent for how to react to natural disasters though. And terrorist attacks.


So it seems like we have reference now to Vandy's mom. Galecourse—Melanie Carisson.

Efram Manechiwz

After reading this chapter I'm fairly convinced that we are reading a horror story. It's not jump scares and or a gorefest. It's the horror is having certainly removed every time you think you've recovered it. The slow pacing makes a lot of sense if you think about ratcheting up the tension. The number of traumatic experiences Alden had been through means that every chapter could be the one where the next disaster starts. Thus creating an ever present feeling of uncertainty in the reader. And that's why I think this is actually a very long horror story. The question is will this be a Koontz style story with a happy ending or a King style story that just makes you feel even more unsure 🤔


Thanks for the chapter Sleyca! It's great that Alden is feeling a bit rested. He has a bit of buffer before having to rejoin the real world and the disaster out there. For the other commenters, join us on the super supportive fan server if you feel like discussing this chapter! Discord: discord.gg/SuperSupportiveFans

Jason Harpster

When in doubt cook! I can respect that.

Anime Problem

He was actively hindering himself in class to avoid people noticing that his skill can last for most likely days if he is only minimally stressing it this leads to him not learning about how his power actually is supposed to work because he isn't using as much as he can bring to bear. Yes he was training and pushing himself that doesn't hinder my point that he was being passive with it not going too deep even though he knew that skills are based off authority and have temporary training wheels he never thought about holding something with only his authority that was the first thing I would've tried if I knew everything he knew. Second he refuses to tell anyone whose supposed to be training him the deeper aspects of his skill the ones that are fine to tell people about and won't have the system restricting him about saying them important things that his trainers should know so that they can actively push his skil further. Third him not telling people how far his skill can actually go is actively hindering any team he's apart of being able to preserve an enchantment is incredibly useful and could be actively used in his training class as a potent tool he shouldn't be holding this back especially because hiding it when it could be used to save lives or deal with an enemy and him simply not being skilled enough because he hid it is incredibly short sighted.

Jason Harpster

I've been the creepy thing in a long dark hospital corridor. Ages and ages ago couldn't sleep and made my way down to the lobby/meeting area. Scared the daylights out of some poor nurse who walked up on me.

Barrett Fogarty

So is Sleyca playing with Chekov's Matadero? Again Alden isolated, injured, no outside communication, next to chaos breeding farm and overseen by a contract with unspecified "fragilities". What could go wrong?


Was he healing her or doing complex funeral rites? Hmmmm… Alden didn’t lose his entruster targeting when he or Kibby slept, after all. Though perhaps the healing triggered his loss of targeting.


Alden solos a chaos demon next chapter. Everyone who is supposed to deal with it is back home helping to clean up the city.


I doubt it will happen, but it would be really nice if Connie got a redemption arc. It'd have to be somewhat off-screen for obvious reasons but realization is the first step to change.

hercule pyro

The (or a) point of the story is that he isn't protected, nobody really is, and people and things hurt each other all the time. His whole life has been having that truth hammered into him over and over (and coming out more or less healthy on the other side) so it seems strange that you think he now needs someone to lie to him


I think it's simpler than that. The Doctor-Wizard is filling the space and actively treating Zeridee with their Authority. As we've been told, a fight between skills becomes a test of Authority. It would be no surprise that "targeting" is the weakest use of Authority. Magically speaking, I'd expect healing to be like an operating theater - as sterile as Artonanly possible.


Huh, Alden's been separated from the world for a pretty long time. With system comms up but him still being cut off, at least some of his classmates must be curious. I'm sure Kon and Lexi want to know where the teeth are. Jeremy's also probably heard the news by now. There are strong liminal space vibes at Matadero now.


This feels more like an asylum than a hospital.


I don't know. It's dawn on a Saturday. Things are always quieter early on a Saturday.


Given that Alden no longer has to physically hold what he is preserving and he can preserve more than one thing. He got a Signifigsnt upgrade in his ability to defend himself. It is super eerie he was left alone here, but the morticians just doing their job in the basement means it’s probaply super safe.


They're gonna need to since they'll likely be housing shortages --- short term you can stick people into intake, any hotels that exist, with friends (and worst case, gyms!) but that's not really a good long-term solution, and it's not like people can move to a different city...


Thanks for the chapter! I'm excited to find out what is going on!


@Second Raddish So every chapter after we've caught up with the writer... For me, it's been a long 6 months of twice a week hits followed by the shakes...

Gray Bruer

Having an opinion about other people's opinions is perfectly valid as well though, Stentorian. You're the one shutting someone down here, Ano Ano is simply vehemently (at worst rudely) disagreeing.


Alden's ability to not act like a protagonist and check his status is legendary. Almost every story has a big thing happen and the MC is just chilling with one leg while reading over some new skill upgrade. Idk why I expected it for this story but I always feel like parts are missing during cool downs like this.


Thank you for the chapter! Alden needs all the hugs. So lonely... feels like he's going with the flow, for now. Kabir is a friendly sort. If Alden wasn't worried about Zeridee,  they would keep each other company. Speaking of Zeridee : 15h later, and still being operated on. I worry.


He lost entrustment to Zeridee when the Knight picked her out of the water and he had to have her give permission/entrustment again. It's probably just simply the same mechanic with the Artonan doctor.


Not sure if this was intentional but initially it is said that he was bare foot and then it read to me that he was wearing the hospital sock.


So Vandy's mom is a Sky Shaper named "Galecourse"? Guess she's in the family business. Maybe with trades it's not surprising. Haoyu, Lute, Vandy - anybody else we know following in their family's specialty?

Heather White

One debate put to rest this chapter — when he tried to call Aunt Connie we got confirmation about his second emergency evac. person: “since she was one of the two people with whom he’d chosen to share his early priority for apocalypse salvation.”


He’s probably going to need to practice the not-holding-physically bit before he can do it reliably

David Bailey

Damn. Our boy needs a hug and someone to let him cry... 😕

Zenopath (AEV)

Not sure what the point of this chapter was. I mean its vaguely interesting and helps establish a mood? I'm not complaining or criticizing so much as genuinely puzzled. I suppose maybe its like a brief breather between the climax from last chapter and the arc's epilogue. Maybe that's the point? Maybe it establishes the location, which makes me think Alden is going to be stuck there a while if Sleyca feels need to dedicate an entire chapter. I honestly thought he'd be shipped back to dorms right away, but now I think he's there for a while for security reasons maybe? Maybe someone wants him there so they can have a long talk as soon as there's time to. Is Alden going to be interrogated regarding the dead avowed, or did the knight figure out his wizard status? Or is Alden right and they sort of just forgot about him?

David Bailey

I guess lower ranks can bunk up in avowed zones, but that's problematic if Apex got hit harder than F-City.


Starts speaking in a calm, yet stentorian tone "Picture, if you will, a lone Rabbit walking down an empty hallway. This short stroll, while seemingly calm and almost meditative, is marred by the ominous feeling barely felt in the background. His journey takes him, not to any intended destination, but slips through the cracks in reality...and into the Twilight Zone." Unnerving, slightly off key music swells and morphs into the recognizable theme....

Nathan Coppernoll

Hope this is an Alden feels shook chapter. And not something evoking the beginning of Dead Space with a bunch of creepy stuff to establish the mood. Alden PTSD, not Alden on the creepy quiet moon before the chaos comes to eat people.

Nathan Rice

I think it's more likely that the next chapter is a "what happened while Alden was sleeping" catch up.


He's "actively hindering himself" by double running his skill, something which is difficult enough that he is able to exhaust it even though it's considerably stronger than expected. That's more training, not less.


Affixing doesn't take him out for hours or days, it takes him out for months.


It's a cooldown chapter. We just went through an immense amount of tension, it's understandable to have something relaxing before dealing with the extremely wet ruins of his new home.


It’s a mini time skip there. I can add a line in if it’s confusing!

Allora Lee

How do I express how much I loved this chapter. Such a good liminal space mood


The lack of secrecy tattoo is part of why I believe Alden is going to tell Stuart that he's a wizard. He's a big believer in reciprocity.


Alden doesn't want to get bad news about the outside world, and he really really doesn't want to get bad news on the outside world while he's tripping on bad vibes.


mood is definitely the point, Sleyca has done this multiple times now, multiple chapters just setting what Alden is feeling in a real believable way after events, I like that we get to see him process

Spirit Stones

Sometimes I forgot he’s still a teenager


as long as this isn't the calm before storm 2.0


How many Avowed actually have useful powers for detecting and/or fixing water damage? Water shapers, some wrights, some kinds of sensory brute, specific rabbit skills? It's a pretty limited subset.

Zenopath (AEV)

@Baines That seems possible. But feels like there were some odd distractions involved if that was the point though. Alden could have stayed in his room and eaten a drone-provided meal while processing his thoughts. Did the morticians show up just as a grim reminder of mortality and how real the crisis was? Alden reaction was just to think "I need to get out of here", rather than ponder the inevitability of death.


We saw her back in chapter 135. She seemed a lot more casual than her daughter.


him having an ability to see a person's preference would be a cool small detail

Calum Donaldson

I think it's a pacing breather after the absolute chaos that has been Ripples & Waves.


I feel like this is a chapter I'll appreciate more on a re-read, right now I'm a bit disappointed we didn't find out anything new and that we're still essentially in the same spot as the end of the last chapter. I'm happy we got confirmation that Alden's snake buddy is alive, though.


From the looks of it Sleyca is setting up feelings of isolation and suspense for Alden. That and taking stock of everything that's happened so far and what the consequences will be going forward


To be fair, as we saw with Rrorro, healing is a field where more time results in better repairs. Zeridee has different injuries and Alden and I'm sure this healer isn't nearly as good, but there's no one else coming here for treatment and a Knight personally dropped her off. So we don't actually know how much time was needed to stabilize her vs perfectionism. That being said, Alden got some bandages, a boot, and a few drugs, so maybe I'm overestimating the perfectionism.

C. Adkins

Wait. This just made me think of something. The submerger is the issue. How it will come to light that it was the grandwitch. Hazel knows exactly where it came from, and the complete line of transfer of it (along with the why “drugs”). Hazel ALSO has an axe to grind. She could rat on grandwitch or even try to Frame Alden or lute (probably less successfully though).


It does not say where he was wearing the hospital sock. Early Red Hot Chili Peppers, sock wearing?

Desert Yeti

Even if that's the point of the story, I can still desire safety and security for someone like Alden. Also, you may have confused me with someone else - this is one of very few comments I've made since paying for patron access about 3 weeks ago. In any case, I don't think its a lie that he's going to be ok and that there are people who care for him and are looking out for him. And if it is, well, he needs reassurances anyway. We all do. And sometimes, when it's bad, you tell loving lies to children so they don't suffer needlessly.

Zenopath (AEV)

It could be that this chapter is mostly about setting a mood. But it's a strange mood, and a strange way to set it. Usually after a crisis you would get either grief at all the fallen or relief at surviving, rather than isolation and creepiness. There has to be something more. I think something important will happen in this location before he gets to go home.


we are at the starting point for our indie game/Outlast style survival horror arc, featuring a chef, and a tiny snake

Invalid Entry

Honestly a lot of this last arc felt extraneous to me, like it could easily have been compressed into a couple chapters. I love this story but that is one major weakness; quite often especially during crisis we get page after page of Alden freaking out, then a tiny little bit of the plot or action happens, then it’s more pages of his panicked navel gazing. It’s a huge case of ‘better to show than tell.’


Ah, I missed that. It looks like you used ellipses in Kabir's dialogue ("...and...") to represent a time skip, but in addition to adding a line, maybe it would be more clear if you added a break a little earlier as well, like “That would be crazy. But here you are. Human. Hospital patient. Lute’s friend! I’ll feed you.” *** In the kitchen, food covered every inch of the place... Lol up to you ofc though


@Memoryofgold I, for one, don't trust that snake!


> I honestly thought he'd be shipped back to dorms right away Is he supposed to swim? Also, I got the impression the healer isn't done with him. I suppose we could get a time skip, but skipping over exploring Matadero would be a really weird choice.


For me it's the opposite. It will definitely get skimmed on a reread but it is nice to have anything when we are drip fed the way web novels work.

Zenopath (AEV)

@hmmm Supposedly Matadero is like a military base, and Alden is basically a civilian. Suppose some crisis ends up with you at a military hospital at a secure high clearance facility. Wouldn't you get sent elsewhere as soon as it was safe to do so? It's been 16hrs, surely there's available transportation... The fact that he's still there probably means the Knights specifically wanted him to stay.


Haha I thought Auriad cockring was a bit risque but I guess Alden figured it's a good hiding spot...


It doesn't make any sense to me that getting Alden off of Matadero would take priority over rescue operations. The knight just wouldn't have sent him there in the first place if that was the case. Regardless, all of the hospitals will be overwhelmed, and the Artonans should have some idea of Alden's VIP status. Of course there could be various reasons the knights would want him to stay, but there certainly don't need to be any beyond reliably getting his injuries treated.


at the description, my first assumption was that he'd shoved it up his ass. damn comments last chapter primed my brain for that particular assumption. good to know he won't be cheating at chess anytime soon though!


Isn't that where he put his auriad? The sock has to be elsewhere.


The kid in his expecting the unexpected class. The one who he traded cudgel meister for chainer with.


Ultimately I think one of the big things the story set up in the beginning was the inherent conflict of aldens ideals, helping earth, and being a super hero specifically FOR earth, and technically being an artonan resource. What we can expect from this is for the story to swing back and fourth from his avowed duties as a resource world, and his desire to be there for his own people, friends, and family.


So what we can expect, since we just came off of his school life, is for him to swing back the other way and engage with artonan society again. This is probably a transitory chapter for that. We know that alden has a date with Stu for his affixation coming up soon. We also know the wizard had asked if Zeridee cast a spell so he might of felt aldens spell? Which if he thought it was important enough to ask about it he could think it'd be important enough to dig into. And finally we know that kibby's own auriad likely being a different color is a possible time bomb for alden being ousted as a wizard(at least to the art family and her teacher). Any or all of these might be what's next.


If this is a transitional chapter for that I worry the tone is going to be dark af. I can only remember Joe talking about different artonan factions about avowed and alden possibly getting summoned in front of a moving bullet for being a human equivalent wizard.


We also know that mother rejected his permissions. So that might also play in? Idk. Of course that all assumes there isn't something else that gets introduced next chapter.


Boe is the other. Zeridee mentioned his choice as another Avowed with a unique skill.

Guus van der Borg

My best guess is that this is the silence before the storm. The only moment Alden will get for proper introspection until (social) hell breaks loose. Kabir implies that a large party of Artonans will be coming. I think there might be a lot of events happening that Alden is only periferally a part of. Lots of important people being important at each other loudly, whilst some of the people that Alden is vaguely connected with (Haoyu's dad, Vandy's mom, Aulia, etc.) wonder what he's doing there, whilst the knights decided he should stick around for some reason. Dealing with all that won't leave that much room for proper introspection


I'm thinking blackmail. It isn't clear to me what she could expect to get, though. Aulia can reasonably say that her exile is in her best interest.


The moments after a disaster when things crumble, smolder, drain away, and settle have this sort of feeling. The time between immediate danger passing and seeing the extent of the damage has a sort of surreal quality. There is a burden to knowing how badly things were damaged, because when you see the damage there is grief at the loss, yes, but also the weight of all that must be done to clear away the debris and to rebuild crashes down on you. That after everything it's broken around you and you're left with nothing, now you have to do hours or days or even weeks of work clearing the debris away and cleaning away three seeds of the disaster just to get back to the point that you can even START to rebuild some of what was lost. Wanting to wait and avoid that confrontation is a natural response from someone who has lost something in a disaster, and i think this chapter captures that surreal in between time perfectly


Alright, we can finally relax, Tiny Snake is safe. You know, if I were trying to hide a piece of string somewhere on my body, I would put it in my hair rather than genitalia. But you do you Alden.


If I were binging the whole book at once I think I might appreciate chapters like this less, since it would go by quickly with little content. But reading updates as they come out helps to emphasize the emotional state that Alden is in, and the contrast between the desperate action of the previous day against the sudden silence.


I liked the detail of the one hallway that narrows so far only a single person can fit through. That's defensive architecture, right there. Meant to create a chokepoint where one combatant can hold off a horde. Just coming across that, randomly, in Matadero where the hospital meets the living quarters is a nice little bit of quiet horror.


To me it feels like this might be a PR/morale management move. They're probably bodies recovered from the floods. The Artonans know there's going to be a lot of unrest in the wake of this disaster. This is a very small way to get in front of the unfolding issues, but it's something these three can do.

Zachary Barker

Omg so stressful! How/what is Alden going to tell Kivb-ee?!


There's a vague possibility that the messenger bag has even more interesting properties than we already know about. If not... well. Goodbye, Kon's teeth.


Joe seems more like a wildly irresponsible uncle to me. The kind that's way more permissive than your parents and tons of fun, but absolutely terrible at gauging how much freedom is appropriate and safe for a seven-year-old to have. And I kind of viewed Hannah as a much-older-sister sort of relationship, but that's gone. Snake or Arjun or Torsten would all make better father figures for Alden if any of them were to step up to that role.


These quiet contemplative chapters are some of my favorites. Tftc!


Partha, that's incorrect. Distance prevents Alden's entruster from entrusting new things to him, but does not lose targeting, nor does it negate entrustment. Alden has never before lost targeting for *any* reason, and has kept his sense of his entruster's direction from considerable range. My guess, honestly, is that the wizard working on Zeridee "cleaned off" all the magical influences affecting her, including Alden's targeting. But Alden being drugged, like he guessed, is a plausible explanation too.


Thanks for the chapter!!


Squishy Boot, Right? >The last thing he had to consider before braving an exit was his auriad. It was currently clinging to a private and uninjured part of his body that nobody should want to examine, stick a bandage on, or inject a potion into. Not his favorite place to wear it, and that tendency it had to move when he was feeling nervous or wanting to cast spells would be more awkward than comforting in this location. >But it was comfortable, hidden, and still easily accessible if he really wanted to access it. The other option he’d come up with was swallowing it. He hoped he never needed to go that far It's his foot inside the squishy boot, right? Tell me I am right My other two guesses say disturbing things about my college years and the Black Rose in Washington D.C. ( DO NOT CLICK [ https://br.org/contact-us/ ] ) 🩹


I agree with you Sindri -definitely feel like reading this one at a time distinguishes this chapter as a suddenly-calm, recovery chapter while also introducing new characters and new questions (why is it so empty? Why are there morticians dealing with a dozen bodies but so few living people around? Were Alden and Kabir just left behind while other people handle the post-catastrophe? How are people and relational dynamics and views on/of Avowed going to change? Will Alden cling to normalcy? Did all of Alden’s friends’ families survive? Will Alden or someone realize the Velras’ carelessness allowed the disaster?) I have so many questions but the next chapter is unlikely to answer them all 😭


Thanks for the chapter!


Thanks a lot! Poor Alden really is traumatized, he really deserves some rest 😭

Slightly Morbid

I kind of don't expect to know what the point is with a chapter directly after reading it. The answer might come in the next chapter or even in 20 chapters. This has happened before. Sleyca is very good at plotting, worldbuilding and dropping details along the way that might become relevant later. On the whole, this is the annoying thing in reading as a serial instead of binge reading a book at a time. But one to be expected in all but the simplest of stories.


Thanks for the chapter. Most of it was fairly solemn which makes sense. I too have lain in bed that but longer trying to avoid reality a little longer. I love the morticians. The idea of them giving the bodies the wrong nose cracked me up 🤣


Alden really has a knack for surviving extreme crises and then finding himself wandering around extremely restricted and/or top secret areas with absolutely no guidance or oversight.


i didn’t mind this chapter at all. It immediately felt like a inversion of the “wake up after the climax in a comfy bed with dumbledore there to explain everything and make it right” trope. A catastrophe has occurred, things aren’t alright, and no one is there to look after him. It’s unsettling in a way that gels with a running theme; sometimes you have to grow up and figure it out yourself.

Temp One

I'd argue the fact the Knight explicitly sent her to Matadero strongly indicates the Artonan doctor there might be the best there is on Earth. Since Anesidora in general likely has the best healers on the planet already. He might not be Rrorro level but I think we have plenty of indicators that he's incredibly good at his job.


Is it a piece of string? I was thinking it was more like a gel-like bracelet


He has been trying to lift stif with only his authority. He was doing it with the money card enough that they where annoyed at him.


The last anyone heard from Alden, he was at the Ambassador's house. As far as they knew, he was about to take a flier to an evacuation point after helping Zeridee and updating Haoyu about the Matadero battle group. That was about twenty hours ago. Comms go back online. Everyone is trying to reach everyone else, just to make sure they're all still alive, and no one can reach Alden. I wonder if Alden is going to have to re-record his Intro to Outer Worlds homework. Usually, recording is prohibited in areas like this. Imagine you're his teacher. This one student of yours submits a video of himself in the hospital, practicing Artonan, while covered in bandages.

Anime Problem

Sure and if his trainers knew he could double run his skill do you think they wouldn't be pushing him if they knew he could preserve enchantments do you think they wouldn't try to help him find out exactly how far he can push that.

Zenopath (AEV)

Gave the chapter a reread. Couple things jumped out at me I hadn't noticed first read. Its 11:30pm in universe, so it's not surprising that the place is mostly empty. The chef guy was on the Libra and he was evacuated fine, so Lutes parents are probably fine. This means Grand witch probably wasn't worried about her family when the knight talked to her, instead she was worried about submerger. Why are there so many human corpses on Matadero? It does not make sense and the way the morticians suggest humans shouldn't be around to see this is sketchy, especially as they are doing it at 1130pm. Why are they doing cosmetic surgery on multiple corpses? Many one guy got face smashed, but why would half a dozen need new noses? What exactly happened to them, and why did the bodies go to Matadero if there's a shortage of transportation for living people stranded by flooding? All I can think off is that they might be disguising corpses for some reason or did all the bodies that needed new faces get routed to Matadero?


to be specific, he said the planet has fragilities. While it does appear to be common for people in this story to conflate the two, it is probably worded this way to indicate a societal issue rather than a contractual issue.

Alen Alijevic

I wonder if Alden can pic-preserve his auriad, and what would happen with his connection if he did. I feel like this will happen at some point and unlock something new


unlikely. he said he only got 10 minutes of sleep before he was being dragged over to matadero when the disaster already started. So he clearly was just chilling out and someone had a bright idea to not leave the skeleton crew unfed.

Guus van der Borg

I'm not worried about the morticians' actions. Making corpses look pretty is a large part of their jobs. The corpses probably need quite a bit of plastic surgery as it seems the primary method the disaster killed people was by violent relocation through massive amounts of water. I'm not surprised a lot of people needed noses. What the corpses are doing on Matadero... no idea. You'd think the teleport slots would be used for something else... My current theory: Since Matadero was pretty much completely unharmed and, apparently, pretty huge, it is likely that Matadero will be used as a temporary base of operations for the avowed government and a bunch of other institutions that temporarily need a new headquarter. Matadero infrastructure hasn't been compromised at all, after all. So if there's any sort of grand memorial service being held, it might be done on Matadero? And that's why they shipped the bodies there? At least of any body they couldn't identify? I dunno, best theory I could come up with.

Matt DiMeo

Decent chance Lute’s mom was on Libra, but his dad lives in F city.

Matt DiMeo

The boot is wrapped around an injury in need of further treatment. His auriad is in an uninjured private place no one needs to see or inject.

Matt DiMeo

I picture Aulia thinking “Kabir never shuts up. If he finds out about the submerger around the wrong crowd, I’m screwed.” and panic-stashed him on lonely matadero.


Ah the parallel with Tiny snake staying in his bento box was so poignant...


I also thought so Spygeneer. What was also interesting is that Aulia have invited Knights to Libra multiple times, but they always refuse. Perhaps her Artonan connections are lacking Knights...


And I wonder if Stuarth has heard of the situation yet.. could be that the Earth situation is a bit unusual and that the Primary heard if it and mentioned to Stu. Or the Knights did. So Stu would call Alden as soon as possible.


I always thought that Mother and the people at Knight Rapport was being set up to be his new parental figures...


That makes sense, thanks for sharing I was perplexed about it


I agree with Temp. When the doctor said she will be fine, it didn't come across as a loving lie imo


What snake do people think it is? Is it deadly? the siblings tried to scare each other right, I would be really scared of a deadly snake even if there was an antidote near by..


It really does! That feeling of "what will be taken away this time". I really felt that in my gut


So the question is - was someone taken from Alden? No one close to him was in danger, right? Unless perhaps the Rabbit girls?


Unlikely : it is not an Object, it magically is an extension of Alden. He can't pass his foot to someone, to have them entrust it back to him (unless Alden's luck turns very bad and the foot is cut-off, probably a mishnen's fault). Likewise, Alden relinquishing the auriad, even for a short loan, would require magically severing the bond. EDIT : he could maybe entrust the auriad to another Bearer Of All Burdens, though.

Partha Peddi

I agree that Matadero is unharmed, but what better place to restore corpse looks at an empty place instead of other packed Anisidoran hospitals? Matadero is restricted to normal avoved anyway, and a chopper for transport will not cost teleportation slots.

Robert Mullins

Emilija was in the most risk I believe. Since she was only f rank and would have the least priority.

Andrew Boyer

That could have gone worse. At least it wasn't the resident-evil-waking-up-in-the-hospital-alone scenario.

Andre Pham

I think the soup comments are getting to Sleyca.. soup has a minor role in this chapter. Alden gets miso, the city had “city soup”, and of course we get our soup. Sorry Snek… no soup for you.

Blake Noyes

Did I miss something about her being related to the submerger in some way?


I'm shutting someone down? This is some weird projection stuff.... All I'm saying is that I don't think it's particularly cool to gatekeep someone for no reason.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

This chapter captures something so real. Thank you for giving the story the space it needs to have these kinds of moments. The multiple viewpoints a few chapters back makes it even lonelier now and more obvious there's a lot going on we don't know about yet, but like Alden I'd like to review Friday's gym footage and get fed snacks and not look at the news


I seem to recall some crime shows talk about how fast fish will eat dead bodies. Especially little bits that stick out like noses and toes. I’m hoping the magic shrouds will prevent the bodies from decaying more. Dead bodies are hopefully not a security threat, though I would think they would all be checked for bombs before they were brought to Matadero. I think they just wanted an out of the way place to store the bodies before they are claimed by next of kin.

Matt DiMeo

Her son orpheus, previously reported trying to break into the yacht engine room, sold it to Hazel’s party +1, jacob, present during the attack, for drugs.


It's Patreon, so everyone here is a fan, there's no reason to immediately twitch to 'well thank God I don't have to care about you' or lecturing the person at the first sign of mild criticism or disappointment.


Sleyca... We're you writing this while hungry? Please, eat some soup 😂 Thanks for yet another cracking chapter 🧡 P.S. I am in absolute awe of how deep into the mind of your characters you can go. The bit about relating Alden's experience of uncertainty in hope and anxiety from waiting to hear about his parents to the period he's experiencing now? That's... It's so on the nose, it almost feels like this isn't just literature, but an authentic diary. Thank you for showing us once again what depths someone can achieve in character-centric writing.

Matt DiMeo

Alden should have asked kabir if there was any meat petal in the supply closet.

Alex Scriber

I wonder if Alden can floss with his auriad? Stick with me here. The auriad is string like, much like floss. The auriad is protected by Alden’s authority so probably wouldn’t be damaged. Alden already thought about putting it in his mouth (to hide by swallowing it). The auriad moves like Alden wants it to - perfect for flossing those hard to reach places.


Thanks for the chapter ! Can't wait to see what's been happening on Anesidora

Neil H

I forget, was it stated the snake was orange? Could be a corn snake, which are apparently fairly popular as pets: https://www.thesprucepets.com/corn-snakes-1236771 > It is generally docile, relatively easy to care for, and does not get very large; it's a great choice especially for beginner snake owners. However, these reptiles are also favorites of even experienced keepers due to the array of beautiful colors and patterns selective, captive breeding has produced. Closely related to the rat snakes (as cousins in the genus Elaphe), corn snakes are sometimes called red rat snakes. They are native to the southeastern United States, are mostly land-dwelling, and are active mainly at dusk and dawn.

Neil H

Jeffy was also presumably summoned into a high-risk situation with fairly little training.


The vibe in the hospital definitely feels appropriate for the location of Cthulhu’s Point Nemo. I feel like the best way to end with the proper sense of looming existential horror would have Alden looking in the mirror…and realizing that he too now has Dam-trinta’s nose.

Neil H

I wonder if Chaos/demons can do something really unfortunate to/with bodies of Avowed, which is why they'd want to contain them in a secure area.

Gaffer (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-05 20:22:41 It’s ALWAYS The Floss
2024-04-05 15:54:03 Everyone ALWAYS blames The Floss! (But given the hard-to-reach place it’s currently nestling I rather hope that’s not its next destination.)

Everyone ALWAYS blames The Floss! (But given the hard-to-reach place it’s currently nestling I rather hope that’s not its next destination.)


sorry. is alden implying he has an auriad condom on rn? i’m not crazy am i? also i love the self soothing mode of doing homework but also that his first instinct was to try and help as much as possible. makes me think alden soothes himself by trying to help others? i weep for the torture boe has self inflicted by saying he’ll do all the good things alden does. he doesn’t stand a chance lmao

Calico C

I’m caught up after letting 3 weeks of updates go by. I can’t handle the tension if I don’t know when it ends. Thank you for the chapter!

Neil H

I hadn't thought about that, but from the last chapter Aulia being worried about the Submerger would be another explanation for her reaction (besides her family on the Libra): > “Is she -tender of feelings-?” Esh-erdi asked. “I did not think so when we first met, but after I explained the nature of the crisis, she seemed even more deeply affected than the other humans.”

Ian T Hathaway

"Like homework mattered." is such a fantastic callback to Alden first affixing, and realizing his Chicago classwork no longer mattered. Feels like good growth to be forcing it to matter to himself now

Neil H

Likewise! It reminded me of the chapters in the lab on Thegund, e.g. "Thunder Lettuce." Basically, slice-of-life in an unusual environment and dropping elements that will be expanded on later.


Maybe there’s something to Aulia’s belief in “significant people” lol She found out the disaster was caused by a submerger, realized the chef will leak who likely lost it, and tried to put him as far away from everyone else as possible to maximize the amount of time she has to do damage control. In the process, she somehow placed the potential info leak in the one place where it’s almost certainly going to spill: because Alden is there and is one of the only humans in the world who knows what caused the disaster. So, when this gregarious chef who he’s stranded on an island with inevitably asks, “what happened, anyway?” Alden is going to tell him! Alden is also close friends with Lute who is actively looking for crimes/evidence to convict Aulia with. That pursuit is also about to turn into a crusade if any of his family on the yacht died while she sent the rescue helicopters to do damage control.

Matt DiMeo

Haoyu safe, kon safe. Rest of bridge crew probably safe. Liam maybe rescued. Lute probably safe.


aren't there vibrating cockrings? Holy hell, Alden's a grandmaster


Noooo not even Sleyca would kill off Jeffy! He is the MVP!


Oh my word, his friends are definitely going to worry about him being out of reach.. and Haoyu would tell them that Alden was at the ambassador's house.. which is now destroyed


I love how we can never know in which direction Sleyca is going to take this story next. Is this freaky hospital just a wind down from the action before Alden is reunited with friends? Or is another storm coming? Or will Earth be deemed too dangerous for our nr 1 Avowed and Stuarth manages to get Alden sent to Knight Rapport? So many possibilities, and the truth will almost certainly not be one of the things I mentioned above...


Why are there so many snakes in this series anyway?? 😂😂


Third major upheaval in Alden's life in less than a year, that's gotta leave lasting emotional damage. I do wonder what's next for Anesidora because i'm sure with the types of abilities S ranks and Hyperboles have they could probably rebuild it in record time - but would anyone even want to there anymore after this disaster?

Temp One

Alden runs from the mirror, screaming about his nose, only to come face to face with Dam-trinta. Who leans in close and whispers: "You look right... To me."

Temp One

He definitely has an auriad condom. I'm going to think about where that Auriad's been every time he uses it now.

Temp One

I'm curious because there's two sides to that star-crossed coin, isn't there? Like Alden is incredibly important to the family, but it might be because he'll bring ruin instead of glory to the family. If Aulia begins to think of Alden as a nemesis, someone whose existence is an active threat to the Velras, would she try to eliminate him with the fervor she's known for?


"…he’d offer to help the hospital staff. Maybe they needed a person pickler. Or an organ pickler." I'm glad to see that pickling is now part of Alden's default vocabulary. :D

Temp One

I'm imagining Zeridee's reaction when she wakes up, and I think I can only see her being upset that Alden risked himself to save her. But maybe begrudgingly thankful after the initial tirade wears off. She's definitely going to want to go over the significance of Alden's commendation. Since he clearly doesn't respect his importance to the mental wellbeing of the Art'hs. I also really want Zeridee to find out about Kibby somehow, and for her to work with Kibby on rectifying Alden's Artonan etiquette failings. Maybe Zeridee catches Alden watching a Kibby video, or composing a video to Kibby, when she wakes up? Since Alden feels that he needs to redo his recording to give Kibby stronger reassurances that he meant business when he told her he'd be getting matching face tattoos with the next primary.

Heather White (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-05 20:22:41 At the moment I think Snake would be the best option as an father-figure to be supportive, because so far he’s the only one who really sees Alden as a person. Arjun sees him through the lens of their shared trauma, and Torsten sees him through the lens of his rank & class. Of course, as they get to know him that may change. Totally agree about Joe. “Here kid, have a bomb!” I also think that right now Alden would reject any adult who told him everything’s gonna be alright. He was just reflecting on how people have told him that many times before & it’s been a lie. He wouldn’t trust those words now.
2024-04-05 16:58:43 At the moment I think Snake would be the best option as a supportive father-figure, because so far he’s the only one who really sees Alden as a person. Arjun sees him through the lens of their shared trauma, and Torsten sees him through the lens of his rank & class. Of course, as they get to know him that may change. Totally agree about Joe. “Here kid, have a bomb!” I also think that right now Alden would reject any adult who told him everything’s gonna be alright. He was just reflecting on how people have told him that many times before & it’s been a lie. He wouldn’t trust those words now.

At the moment I think Snake would be the best option as a supportive father-figure, because so far he’s the only one who really sees Alden as a person. Arjun sees him through the lens of their shared trauma, and Torsten sees him through the lens of his rank & class. Of course, as they get to know him that may change. Totally agree about Joe. “Here kid, have a bomb!” I also think that right now Alden would reject any adult who told him everything’s gonna be alright. He was just reflecting on how people have told him that many times before & it’s been a lie. He wouldn’t trust those words now.


"He looked like he’d made enemies with a cheese grater." Fun fact: When climbing on slab (rock walls that are less than vertical, that lean away from you, the opposite of overhung), when you fall, you've got to be careful not to cheese-grate your way down. So, yeah, I've got a visceral reaction to that word choice. Nice job!

Matt DiMeo

I could see the artonans putting their collective foot down against the concentration of their precious avowed resources on a single island.

Jean Bohdel

Yay for the chapter. Had to point out that “discounting the interruption” had made it impossible for me to read further. Here on the East Coast US we’d just say “not counting the time” and never met anyone in SF, Seattle, or Portland who would say otherwise. Discounting just makes me think of sales. Sorry for being a jerk, but my brain just wants you to have a story people will understand and not get tied up in strange phrasing.


What we haven't seen is Lute's reaction to Vandy's comment on who gets priority to be saved. Does he leave the gym to rescue his mom and dad? What are Lexi and Kon doing to save their sister or parents. We just know from Haoyu's text that he got teleported before them but they crossed the bridge so they might be safe but they might just be putting themselves in danger to rescue someone. Can't wait for next chapter.

Aspiring Moth

the F and D ranks will definitely be unhappy. the system booted at least the F ranks off the teleport priority list. I can see a lot of sympathy for avowed rights groups from low ranks after this, even if one did just cause this disaster


Well its a good thing Alden is from Chicago, and that people can have a whole range of phraseologies.

Andrew Boyer

I remember looking at a list of the major life stressors at one point, and the top ten was like a checklist of my life. I feel like Alden has at least the top 100 checked off.

Andrew Boyer

I can see Lexi and Kon freaking out. They have a functioning family, which lives in a building that no longer exists. Lute kind of cares about a few family members, deep down, but not very strongly.

Andrew Boyer

You can’t trust people from Chicago, look what they put on their hot dogs

John D Jones

Chi-town hot dogs are deeply strange (but still good). Deep dish pizza is amazing, though.

John D Jones

Alden would just need to point out to Zeridee that if she had died, would have become very sad and depressed, which in turn would (potentially) have made several art'hs sad and depressed.

Partha Peddi

I wonder if the 3 on the boat were being restored as well. Alden can recognize 2 of them. Are the Artonans restoring bodies also working on figuring out the perpetrators of the attack? If they are, Alden might be asked if he recognized any of them.

John D Jones

The fact Alden actually did his homework when almost everyone else was freaking out and/or chatting about the disaster will probably make Vandy think that he's even hotter. No more conspiracy walls for Vandy Carrison. Now she's going full stalker.

Aspiring Moth

I don't think that reaction is universal. I would have never thought of sales from that phrase. it sounds like a regional thing

Heather White (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-05 20:22:41 This chapter is a great example of Sleyca refusing to deliver the expected, avoiding conventional narratives or plot progression. I love it when she surprises me. Here we expect what Alden does — that leaving his room will mean him being thrown into the aftermath of the disaster, learning more about Anesidora’s current tragedy. But Sleyca gives him and us something completely different. In his room Alden felt protected. He saw it as a hideaway from the chaos of people and bad news right outside his door. Instead, when he finally found the courage to open that door, he stepped out into a building that’s a vast, empty, ominous waiting room. He knows something horrible has happened, but no one’s giving him answers, reassuring him, or breaking the bad news. Aside from a brief break for dinner, there’s just the isolation, the fear, and the waiting. Of course, some of the bad news was delivered by the night’s devastating events: “Even here you’re not safe”. And after experiencing the island’s apocalypse personally, he knows there’s so much more bad news to come. However, instead of getting the instant gratification of answers, he’s stuck wandering through an institutional ghost town whose very existence delivers its own unexpected bad news. Long hallways, multiple floors waiting for patients, and an incredibly well-stocked supply closet tell him far more than any authority figure would be willing to. The current crisis isn’t even near the worst case scenario. This enormous hospital is here, virtually unused, waiting for a far worse disaster. The people who built it know that Matadero, Anesidora, and Earth are not the safe places most people think they are. Both the hospial’s size and emptiness reinforce & escalate the night’s message that “you’re not safe on Earth — not now & not in the future”.
2024-04-05 18:24:48 This chapter is a great example of Sleyca refusing to deliver the expected, avoiding conventional narratives or plot progression. I love it when she surprises me. Here we expect the same thing Alden does — that leaving his room will mean him being thrown into the aftermath of the disaster, learning more about Anesidora’s current tragedy. But Sleyca gives him and us something completely different. In his room Alden felt protected. He saw it as a hideaway from the chaos of people and bad news right outside his door. Instead, when he finally found the courage to open that door, he stepped out into a building that’s a vast, empty, ominous waiting room. He knows something horrible has happened, but no one’s giving him answers, reassuring him, or breaking the bad news. Aside from a brief break for dinner, there’s just the isolation, the fear, and the waiting. Of course, some of the bad news was delivered by the night’s devastating events: “Even here you’re not safe”. And after experiencing the island’s apocalypse personally, he knows there’s so much more bad news to come. However, instead of getting the instant gratification of answers, he’s stuck wandering through an institutional ghost town whose very existence delivers its own unexpected bad news. Long hallways, multiple floors waiting for patients, and an incredibly well-stocked supply closet tell him far more than any authority figure would be willing to. The current crisis isn’t even near the worst case scenario. This enormous hospital is here, virtually unused, waiting for a far worse disaster. The people who built it know that Matadero, Anesidora, and Earth are not the safe places most people think they are. Both the hospital’s size and emptiness reinforce & escalate the night’s message that “you’re not safe on Earth — not now & not in the future”.

This chapter is a great example of Sleyca refusing to deliver the expected, avoiding conventional narratives or plot progression. I love it when she surprises me. Here we expect the same thing Alden does — that leaving his room will mean him being thrown into the aftermath of the disaster, learning more about Anesidora’s current tragedy. But Sleyca gives him and us something completely different. In his room Alden felt protected. He saw it as a hideaway from the chaos of people and bad news right outside his door. Instead, when he finally found the courage to open that door, he stepped out into a building that’s a vast, empty, ominous waiting room. He knows something horrible has happened, but no one’s giving him answers, reassuring him, or breaking the bad news. Aside from a brief break for dinner, there’s just the isolation, the fear, and the waiting. Of course, some of the bad news was delivered by the night’s devastating events: “Even here you’re not safe”. And after experiencing the island’s apocalypse personally, he knows there’s so much more bad news to come. However, instead of getting the instant gratification of answers, he’s stuck wandering through an institutional ghost town whose very existence delivers its own unexpected bad news. Long hallways, multiple floors waiting for patients, and an incredibly well-stocked supply closet tell him far more than any authority figure would be willing to. The current crisis isn’t even near the worst case scenario. This enormous hospital is here, virtually unused, waiting for a far worse disaster. The people who built it know that Matadero, Anesidora, and Earth are not the safe places most people think they are. Both the hospital’s size and emptiness reinforce & escalate the night’s message that “you’re not safe on Earth — not now & not in the future”.


BeepBeepBeep! BeepBeepBeep! [INCOMING CALL] Bweeep! Tiny Snake : "This is Snake. Colonel, do you read me?" Colonel : "Loud and clear Snake. Situation report!" TS : "Infiltration of the secure facility sucessful. The guards are unaware. Congratulate operative Cottontail for me." C : "Excellent Snake, the cold and retirement haven't slowed you down one bit. You must procure equipment on site" TS : "I have a bento box. Plastic isn't as good as cardboard, but it'll do. Commencing operation!"

Temp One

I'm with Aspiring Moth. I live in the Seattle area and have definitely heard and used the phrase in Sleyca's manner. It's meant to indicate debiting the event from the overall experience. If you want to get financial about it. Taking the phrase 'discounting the flaming clown, the party was quite nice.' as an example: [party] - [flaming clown] = [quite nice]. This also politely implies: [party] != [quite nice].

Temp One

@John D Jones, Weaponized guilt, I like it! Zeridee seems like a very no-nonsense sort, so, like you say, I think she'll drop any reservations over Alden saving her quickly.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

“As he stood over his defeated enemy, he pondered how to best rub it in. He leaned forward, and bent down to whisper in their ear: ‘By the way, the spell that took you down? It was from my auriad that I keep wrapped around my dick. Just thought you should know.’”


I think that’s exactly where this is heading

Kim Enteiu

Since Kabir knew he needed to cook Alden’s food vegan, I’m wondering if Aulia told Kabir about Alden or if this is the first confirmation about Longsight having potential skills beyond visual acuity and pattern memorization.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

You know, Alden should just keep it there permanently If it ever shows up on any magic scans people will just squint, think he’s some sort of freak for wearing a magic cockring in public, and not ask about it As opposed to some magic looking bracelet under a leather band

Kim Enteiu (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-05 20:22:41 I just love sore Sleyca leans so casually into the cannibalism references now.
2024-04-05 19:57:01 I just love how Sleyca leans so casually into the cannibalism references now.

I just love how Sleyca leans so casually into the cannibalism references now.

Kim Enteiu

Any time someone says scary, but not dangerous, snake I think milk snake. Bright colors, looks close enough to lethal varieties to fool predators.

Zenopath (AEV)

I was thinking that... I mean not specifically condom, but maybe coiled a few times so it doesn't fall off?


Anime Problem, but then his skill level and fake profile don't make sense. Which leads to revealing his real profile and level .... which doesn't leave him an intensity level 4 life. You know.... his primary goal.

Aspiring Moth

I wonder what Alden would have to do for mother to get the same soul enchantments that the artonan knight children get, the one that stu-art'h had that is presumably similar to the 3 foundation point contract signing bonus, except probably larger. it would be a good opportunity for a fake level up

Anime Problem

Survival is his primary goal Survival while comfortable isn't an option anymore also he could just lie and say his skill is just really efficient


I said this last chapter and got a lot of disagreement but I think the whole "My patient, chant, chant, stab, stab" bit the My Patient is very important and is the Healer's method of targeting and invoking his authority over Zeridee. I'm not sure why that would make Alden lose her as entruster unless she has been suspended or otherwise locked away by the doctors powers.

Kim Enteiu

His friends are going to get communication privileges back, message him, and Alden’s out-of-office auto-reply is going to be “calls to and from Matadero are limited to authorized individuals” 😆 Alden is trying to live his best life but he is so, so bad at laying low.

Aspiring Moth

I'd guess that the bonus is 3 points because that's about the most that can be cost effectively done for a single stat without affixing from free authority. so the version given to baby knights is probably equivalent to 3-5 points in each of the major physical stats


R R I'm taking the doctors use of the Phrase of "My Patient" as invoking his right to target and heal Zeridee while also being more important than Alden's targeting, and thus it usurped Alden's targeting.

Kim Enteiu

This chapter is entirely about Alden coming to terms with the disaster. He starts in a place of comfort and security, realizing that he’s lost his sense of Zeridee and rather than ignoring the whistle and feeling sorry for himself he goes out to confront the unknown. The conflict is entirely internal and at the end he tries to make his thoughts as empty as the hallways he has been walking through by giving himself a task to work on while he waits for this stage of Zeridee’s treatment to finish. The morgue scene also called back to a cultural reference that Stu mentioned; the stripping of educational credentials for incompetence. It makes me wonder, if Artonans can remove honors after they are given, can they further endorse honors, like the commendation, now that a second knight of the mother planet has observed the same “bravery in the absence of obligation.”


ohh good call, I never put that piece of info together with why Kabir is here from a story perspective. Operative Cottontail is on the case!

Kim Enteiu

I am very curious how many levels he gained for bearer when he unlocked that aspect. The system is going to have to give him an update on his fake profile to cover it.


I'm sure that Alden told him off camera before he started cooking.

Sean Hibbitt

Loving the story! I binged royal road, realised I can't wait... bought patreon and binged the rest today... loving it so much!*

Heather White

Welcome! You picked a great time to catch up, right at the end of an arc. Binging a whole arc is the absolute best.

Sean Hibbitt

Thank you! It is, and this has been a great arc to binge, I can't wait to see what's happened to everyone else 🫠😬🤞

Heather White

Shawn & Anime Problem — I think you’re both right. When Alden got back to Earth, he had two primary goals: 1) become disaster-proof and 2) live on Anesidora at intensity level 4. Since he wanted to survive his next disaster, he set up intensive training for himself both by going to hero school and by doing a lot of work outside of it. At the same time, since he saw Anesidora as safe & knew it’d be a long time until he got summoned again, he did hold back his actual levels from his teachers to keep from getting too much attention. Earth doesn’t feel safe now. It will be interesting to see if losing that sense of security on Anesidora will change how he approaches training and whether he will decide it isn’t important now to live at intensity level 4. Someone commented a few chapters ago that if you look at the actions Alden took to survive this crisis, many of them were developed since he arrived at Anesidora. The comment had a good list of them. So even with just a couple months on the island he was more disaster-proof than when he arrived.

Heather White

I think Aulia was just trying to suck up to the Artonans she thought would be there. Kabir said she always invites the knights to have dinner on Libra & they never come, so it’s like she’s trying to show off her cook by bringing him to them. She just didn’t realize the place would be empty.

Temp One

The Artonans are also incredibly technologically advanced. I think Stu just got physical enhancements without wasting his authority.


Which is exactly what Alden doesn't want to feel/realize. He was enjoying living in his "average" hero high schooler life, making friends, having fun. Getting his feet under him. But now it may be dawn, but he is adrift.

Nathan Coppernoll

Matadero looking less like a annual containment facility and more like a castle for the VIP Islanders to retreat to and not away from. That's troubling... Why would you need that?

Anime Problem

I agree with you I don't actually think it's a problem with the story I was pointing out that it is a flawed descion that has led him to being under prepared for the situation he's now in he did say he would push himself he also said he wanted to maintain intensity level 4 these are literally contradictory things that's okay humans aren't perfectly rational I just want to see him push farther now because I do want to see Alden grow I want to see how the skill truly functions I want to see Alden being a hero so I do want to see him removing some of his self restrictions. His passivity as I said was him hiding things that would allow the hero program to really push his skill. I suppose if you have a different word for it you can call it that so long as we're referencing the same things.


I can see it now... everyone is worried because communications are back, but no ones heard from Alden. Some start to worry that maybe he died, but then Vandy, having just finished and submitted her homework is like, no he's fine - he turned in his homework even before me!

Heather White

Discounting has two main definitions. The first is the financial one, but the second is as Sleyca has used it.

Heather White

Sleyca has said in an earlier comment that it was a mini time skip. When Kabir says vegan, he’s already got a skillet full of veggies on the stove. It’s reasonable to assume that they talked about Alden’s diet before he started cooking.

JJ Hunter

@Heather Yes, well said! I keep coming back to the messages Alden internalized after his parents' deaths - the violence was a one off, you are safe, nothing this bad will ever happen to you again - and how moon Thegund unsettled them. That was an alien world, Earth was still safe; Contract Thegund had been failing for a long time with ongoing chaos exposure before it finally broke; Contract Earth is whole, Matadero is the only place demons come and they are scheduled and defeated every time. Now those assurances are sounding more and more like loving lies. Alden is healing and lonely at another threshold of knowledge he doesn't want and can't avoid having to reconcile. No wonder he's reminded of the aftermath of his first life-shattering loss; it's happening again, it keeps happening again. Even all his preparation was only just enough this time. Alden's not the only one getting a life-altering reality check this time, but I expect he's getting far more of the real scope of it than all but a few of his fellow humans. Maybe safety is not something he's willing to assume the adults have fully in hand after this. I've been thinking for a while what could possibly ever motivate Alden to purposefully walk toward a path that might have him donning a knight uniform. I don't think he's there yet; he needs to heal, and think, and grieve. He needs more allies, and a stronger foundation. But I don't think events or Alden's own capability will permit him the luxury of waiting until his 30's to step more deliberately towards the path of helping ensure his planet's safety, and others', in whatever small ways he feels he can.

Aspiring Moth

it's certainly possible he got physical enhancements, but the shard of his super dense enhanced bones turned out to be made of bone as normal rather than some metal alloy. and I think it's unlikely that free stat boosts that are offered to avowed aren't offered to knights


I actually saw the morticians as interns. There were a lot of avowed that needed work (like others have said, smashed and partially eaten) and they were practicing on using their magic on humans - which is possibly a new experience for them.

John D Jones

It's a ribbon-bow like on a present. A special gift for Alden to give someone if ever he and someone else find themselves attracted to each other.


I wonder if the auriad is washing machine safe 🤔

JJ Hunter

Lexi and Kon's parents are still off-world with their sister, no? ETA: Ack, no, we found out they had gotten back in chapter 105. Worried about them now!!

John D Jones

Clearly the OP is of some strange and insular clan of weird linguists on in the Lovecraft Country of the East coast, much like Cthulhu is located near Point Nemo.

Aspiring Moth

in all likelihood, 0 levels. a level is a ~10% increase in authority quantity. he last levelled up 7 days ago. it took him 6+ months to gain 8 levels in a far more intense environment (Thegund). power discoveries are great, and working at the edge of their abilities seems to be good for power growth, but a level up from this is quite unlikely

John D Jones

Vandy is the child of not-Superman and not-Wonder Woman and has 100K people following her online. Casual is something that Vandy cannot afford to be.

Aspiring Moth

to be fair picking Jeremy would mean splitting him from his family. Boe is all but an orphan, and aunt Connie is Alden's only living relative

Aspiring Moth

why do I get the feeling that Lute's operation: odin's revenge will involve exposing the source of the submerger as Aulia's yacht?


" But here you are. Human. Hospital patient. Lute’s friend! I’ll feed you.” In the kitchen, food covered every inch of the place. Paella, pastries, pre-packaged pudding cups. " I chuckled at the last sentence. Seems Sleyca had a hankering for P food at that moment, unless there is a more subtle reason for all the p foods? A few sentences later, Kabir was thinking about pink potatoes...

Flying Goat

I live on the East Coast (Boston area), and it didn't seem out of place to me, at least.

Flying Goat

Am I the only one who imagined it as high up as it would go on his thigh (under his underwear)? So potentially brushing up against it, but not actually around it.

Zenopath (AEV)

Honestly, I had not considered the possibility of fish eating people's noses as an explanation of why they needed cosmetic touch up on so many. But I suppose that is a reasonable explanation...

Zenopath (AEV)

@Flying Goat I mean, he could be wearing it as a really low belt, depending if he has boxers or briefs, no one would spot that.


Can’t wait to see another artonan 1v1 Alden’s gremlin over a contract.

Temp One

@Nathan Coppernoll, you're right... That's another good reason Alden should keep it there permanently.

Nathan Rice

It's a long loop of string but it's also a bright blue/purple so not exactly camouflaged.

John D Jones

@Barrett Fogarty Try cramming a headband/neckerchief/handkerchief up your rectum and then tell us all how comfortable that is. I'll go with "not very." Alden having it around his penis means it's comfortable and very private.


I'm also more worried about the rabbit girls from a narrative perspective. Alden was never going to be in a position to save them, but now he's not likely to even hear about what happened to them until long after it's done. I think they'll probably pull through, but it feels like they've lost plot armor.

Heather White

“…everyone in the battle group that was currently supposed to be in residence here was engaged in an ongoing prank war involving a hundred kilo sack of rice.” … “The most powerful adults in the world are big dorks.” This. This video-watching moment is where his Matadero tattoo became a certainty.


Look, if I had left you to die, then when I visited Stu in his family estate next week I would have to talk about leaving you to die. Do you know how bad that would have made him feel? Now instead we get to joke around about matching squishboots and how I seem to find a way to end up carrying a dying girl out of a chaos based disaster no matter how safe and innocuous my circumstances were supposed to be.


Jeffy is an S rank aqua brute. He's gotta be in the least danger of any Avowed in these circumstances, even if he was dropped in the worst of it. I'm sure that we're gonna get an interlude about him saving a bunch of people, possibly including Emijila, any moment now. Aaaany moment now. 100%.


Yeah but people put brightly colored string in their hair all the time. Also, if you lay it flat against the scalp near the roots, it should be completely covered against casual glances.


Come on, you can definitely trust the guy with a Commendation from the Quaternary. Who need "security clearance" anyway?


Okay now that’s not a tone I expected, hah!!


Yup. It was a quirky and weird human trait before, now it’s a problem.

Zenopath (AEV)

Several years latter as Alden is about to make out with his first real girlfriend... "Alden, why are you wearing blue string down there?" "Oh, right, shit. I totally forgot about that. I've been wearing it so long I just kind of forgot about it." "My mother warned me about perverts like you..."


Right? Joe is clearly an expert. He alludes to lots of contracts, the contracts with the students after the lake incident. And he was /sweating/ over a contract that Alden generally agreed to.

Alex Scriber

Now I want cheese muffins. They’re sooo good. I wonder if Kabir made the kind made with tapioca flour?


It's looking like Matadero was meant for much, much worse battles than the little kiddie-league stuff that's been going on since the '60s. Giant hospital, powerful magical barrier, massive quantities of emergency supplies in the closets, basically empty at this point in time – it's looking like a facility meant to fight very serious demonic incursions into Earth's dimension, which they haven't experienced... yet.


Oh, the silly things you just forget to include in an overly-specific family secrecy contract.


At least the Auriad is under conscious control, unlike *some* anatomy.


Mother did have a chaos-resistant variant at the ready to replace Alden’s lost one with. I think it’s safe to assume, those are what Knights normally get.


Kibby could hold it tho chapter 60? A polite request Edit : and this is why we don't talk about cockrings


Hi there's a nice person I d like you to meet she's like you!


I don't think it minds uneven deals, it cares about poorly aligned contracts.

Jean Bohdel

@John D Jones Why do you refer to me as “OP” when you call other people by their names? I’m an ex-editor who loves language. I believe it evolves. If everyone else has heard this, cool, but it really took me out of the story. As an editor I would just ask writers to consider non-standard usage that might offend or distance people—the way that you failing to name me, where I have seen you name others, distances me and turns the whole conversation rather clinical. As someone who loves Soup like you, why would you want to other me?


(personal opinion from a prude) auriad wrapped around the upper thigh would have felt more realistic, and spared me from reading some inappropriate comments 😅


That was my thought as well; corn snake

John D Jones

@ Jean Bohdel Well, discounting the fact that I was mostly making a Lovecraft/Cthulhu joke/reference, you had replied several times, so I was designating OP for Original Poster.

Partha Peddi

Is Aldine the feminine version/name of the male/reyh-bt name Alden?

Partha Peddi

The question becomes, does Lute's tattoo stop him from disclosing origin of the submerger? It requires proof beyond just an accusation.


If they can put Stuart’s foot back together from parts, I’m sure they can do the same with Kon’s teeth.

Matt DiMeo

If he needs Aulia in jail, sure. But if he’ll settle for wrecking her life, he just needs a plausible story.

Kim Enteiu

Textures are different but flavors can be even more umami than meat if cooked right. Sometimes I sauté mushrooms in a pan before I cook my burgers to get the extra flavor.

John D Jones

@ Alex Scriber Would you want to try to floss with a bandana? That's what I imagine the auriad generally resembling.

Kim Enteiu

When I was a child I looked forward to Saturday morning cartoons almost as much as I look forward to Sunday Soup now.


It's not surprising that people are joking about it, because it is pretty funny, but there's no reason to think it *isn't* on his upper thigh. It's intentionally vague, that's a fairly private area for most people, and I'm sure the auriad wiggling around down there would be pretty uncomfortable...


I wondered because I knew this guy who had a room full of venomous snakes, could never understand the point.. but perhaps he was trying to level up :)


Yes!! I would be up before they played the national anthem. And I would just have the off air color bars... I am definitely telling my age with this... 🙃


Or they might forget that part and he will be able to tell his roommates and give Houyu ammunition over his parents!

Aspiring Moth

you guys had the anthem before cartoons? here in the UK, we had them starting at 6am but we don't really have the culture of national solidarity around a flag and anthem. I only hear the anthem very occasionally did any of you also spontaneously wake up without an alarm just before cartoons started? I swear kid brains have an inbuilt clock or something

Heather White

“that nobody should want to … inject a potion into” I don’t know about Artonans, but in human hospitals nurses give a lot of shots in the glutes, and if you’re in there long enough they work down to your upper thigh. The upper thigh just isn’t as safe a hiding place as that other more private thing that an auriad could cling to.

Ano Ano

Proof? Hazel's drone took a picture of the one dude picking up the submerger at her house. If that picture gets out, it's over for the Velras.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Going alllll the way back to Waves, I: “For you to die so young and so soon after they have have ———- their affection in you—” “Why are we talking so seriously about me dying now?” “I am sure the commendation you have earned for your actions is not a ————— political move by the Quaternary!” What could this have meant? Why would people assume it might be a political move?


I was appreciating this exact parallel with the knight rapport from arc 1. I'm willing to self-delude a bit so we can have these narrative moments and get these peak behind the curtains. If you act like you belong enough people will think you do!

William Forrest

I don't think we have enough information to say with certainty, but... I'll give a possibility. Alis is stupidly powerful. She is traveling with a retinue that is (while far less powerful than her) also stupidly powerful. We know from Joe that wizards generally form 4 major camps with regard to how they view Avowed. If Alis were a known member of the Avowed-are-gifts-from-the-holy-universe faction, her crediting a weak Avowed, who was in that situation due to random chance, with a major victory might be seen a cynical ploy by the other factions who want Avowed either tightly controlled or crippled/purged.

Temp One

I posted about it awhile back, but I think it has something to do with humanity explicitly. Alis already has Commended Avowed. So there has to be something unique about Alden being Commended which would make the move overtly political. And we know from our brief insights into the Art'hs that they haven't really interacted with humans at all before. We also know that being Commended is a big thing for making humanity as a whole look better. So I think the implication is that there's a faction of Artonans who are arguing humanity is unworthy. Perhaps for denying them access to Skills, or something more nefarious? The only other thing I can think of is that Alden and Kibby pretty badly snubbed the eye of some Artonan corporation. And likely made some waves in Artonan media regarding how garbage the corporation was for putting Artonans in a situation where a human child had to risk his life to save them. Alis Commending Alden could be seen as Alis giving that corporation the middle finger.

Heather White

Depending on how good the ambassador’s information sources are, another possibility is that he found out that the commended rabbit is the same one who transported Alis’ nephew to the hospital at LeafSong. The commendation could look like favoritism.

Flying Goat

Playing the national anthem before cartoons? Where was that? The US? 've certainly never heard of such a thing.

Matt DiMeo

we also know the ambassador has the same last name as one of the kids in the mishnen incident,so that could be a thing.

Temp One

The Ambassador thinks it was a political move though. Not favoritism. He thinks Alis was sending a message to the Artonan government by Commending Alden.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Oh shit, after reading the replies I have an idea - humanity is special in that we look unbelievably similar to artonans. I would not be surprised at all to find out there was a major political faction that sees this as some sort of sign from the universe and wants to (in the long term after some growth) make humanity a real partner to the Artonans, in a category above all other races and second only to themselves. Possibly mostly composed of or majorly aligned with the Palace of Unbreaking - maybe Alis’ move is seen by some as announcing her support for the Palace of Unbreaking’s political stances Edit: in that vein - I reaaaaallly want to hear more wordchain lore from Sleyca - Gorgon confirms that there are other fundamental types of magic in the universe, or perhaps only in certain dimensions. But Gorgon’s magic seems universally applicable, while wordchains can only be done by species with at least 2 arms and 5 fingers on each arm. Does that imply it was manufactured instead of being natural? Or are there other variations of word chaining, and the artonan style is simply the most well-researched?


Yes. Fairly common in the US in the 80s between the channel being off the air and scheduled programming starting. I would totally wake up on my own. And if I was quiet and didn't remind my parents that I was up and watching TV (TV was quiet and I fed myself breakfast) I could watch until 10am when my mom had me help her clean the house.

Jason Harpster

I actually thought they were hilarious. How many noses have they had to reshape after having been destroyed? Gosh I'm 197 noses in and am tired of fiddling with it via system profile image. Hmm....Going to cheat this one a bit and just give him my nose.....nobody will notice.

Kim Enteiu

Every American Public School I’ve attended or worked at started each day with “The Pledge of Allegiance” whatever personal pledges the specific school wants the kids to make, and a typically very political/nationalistic song. Growing up I didn’t even know we could decline until I had kids in my class who were exempted due to religious beliefs. The start of the broadcast day was around 5am & some stations would start it with the National anthem, others had a very specific corporate startup they would do before programming each day that talked up their broadcast company specifically.


Good authors (ie Sleyca) do that... make it so the leap is less a leap and more like a natural progression forward. That way when Alden turns his life on its head we won't be like - I totally didn't see that coming ... except that this is Sleyca and she will, of course, do something that we totally didn't see coming on the first read. But when we read the story again we will see the bread crumbs and be like, of course!!


I think Kim Enteiu has a good point. I remember Alden noting it's brightly coloring. In my "deep research" on the internet it appears that the corn snake is less brightly colored than the milk snake.


@Kim Enteiu I hadn't thought that the system would give Alden that type of "out of office" message. But if that happens Alden will be in a world of questions/weird voice messages when he gets back. I can just imagine th first person who gets the message telling another and the story spreading until what you have is Winston leaving an incomprehensible message peppered with swear words after a lengthy pause while his brain tries to comprehend what was just said.

Jean Bohdel

I had only replied once. After your comment I replied again. I guess I don’t get the Lovecraft reference. If it makes sense, cool. I’m an old.


If there is a faction that want to make humanity a true partner, there is one that is against (Artona for Artonans) For the wordchain, it is a old form of magic (the first one that the Artonans used). If the artonans find another species with 2 arms/5 fingers (or more) they would be able to make the wordchain (if the vocal chords also follow). So yes we are special but not unique (there is an alien race better than us but they don't want to interact) On magic, the way I see it (but Sleyca always surprises everybody) is that the cause of chaos is magic but the "modern" magic. Everything has an authority and yet there was no chaos break prior to the Artonans on earth. And Gorgon's race did not seems to have issue with chaos. Gorgon's race magic used your accumulated authority to alter reality and the wordchains pay their debt with the second part. In those case there is no "deficit" to the alteration of reality. (perfectly balanced, as all things should be) "Mordern" magic let you alter reality as much you want without balancing the books, and this is what create chaos. Like when a worchain snapback, it's the universe trying to correct things.

Partha Peddi

From google search: The name Alden is a British name for boys that means "old friend". It comes from the Old English word Ealdwine, which is made up of the words ald, meaning "old," and win, meaning "friend" or "companion". Alden can also mean "wise protector". Alden was pre destined to be a Reyh-bt with BoaB.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Well yeah it’s an old form of magic. But such a specific requirement (5 fingers?) feels like it’s an API to the actual magical phenomenon (Artonans stumbling across something that an even higher race created, that have since exited the universe?) , as opposed to the source code, and I’m excited to find out the lore about it either way

John D Jones

@ Temp One To be fair, someone like Fourth General Alis'art'h probably packs a lot of multitasking into every gesture. So, yeah, a little of it might have been political, but I think for the large majority of Alis, Commending Alden came from guilt and frustration. I mean, lets face it, personally and politically Alis'art'h is an extremely powerful person. The word "can't" rarely appears in her vocabulary applied to herself. When Alden and Kibby found themselves in her presence, that should have been it. They should have been full on saved right there. But Alden wasn't, because Alis could not see to him without abandoning her responsibility to the people of Thegund Moon. So Alis was angry and frustrated. She couldn't heal Alden. She couldn't save him. She couldn't even << righteously smite >> (if there's an Artonan word for righteous exit due to poor education, there's definitely one for that) Worli Ro-den for putting Alden in this position in the first place because Alden cared about him and clearly didn't blame him. So she did the very least (in her opinion) that she could do. She gave him the highest possible Commendation, which he had earned. All this is a roundabout way of say that the Ambassador has well and truly fucked up. Because Alden isn't some mildly useful political tool. He's the brave ryeh-b't child that Alis couldn't save who was saved by a miracle via Mother. And the Ambassador, through his thoughtless neglect, put Alden in peril yet again. Worse, Alden doesn't know or like the Ambassador, so there is nothing to deflect a << righteous smiting >> from the fourth most powerful person in the universe whose brother is the most powerful person in the universe.


Jeffy is long for Jeff.. q_q I hope Jeffy isn't one of the avowed getting new noses in the morgue... He might be waterproof, but not building-proof


He has bandages on his face, so maybe he thought the healer would notice when changing them? Or when checking for additional head injuries

John D Jones

@ Temp One I don't think Alis'art'h would Commend a human just to bitch-slap a corporation. She'd just bitch-slap that corporation. I think Alis can be subtle, but wouldn't be about stuff like that. You will know (and bitterly regret) that you have badly screwed the pooch.

Andrew Boyer

I'm not sure that the Art'h family is known for subtlety when it comes to serious business.

John D Jones

@ Jean Bohdel Lovecraft is also an old (heyday during the 1920s/30s). To give an idea of what I mean, here's "The Shadow Over Innsmouth." https://www.hplovecraft.com/writings/texts/fiction/soi.aspx

Jason Harpster

Earth is in good shape chaos wise right now. Matadero was built for when it isn't?

Antony Laporte

But let's not forget that them being subtle includes hiding behind a plant at a party.

Jason Harpster

TS: I've encountered an unusually difficult enemy, I think it is The End....going radio silent. (two weeks later) TS: Everything is fine now.

Alan Miller

It wasn't so much before cartoons, it was the last thing before the station went off the air overnight and the first thing as it was coming back on the air in the morning.


I think it's just that they know that Alden saved Stuart during the mishnen incident, so they think that the Art'h family are grateful and now are trying to pump up Alden's value to all Artonans


From Sydney it's now about Sunday sleyca time! Only about 24 hours to go? Now about 10 or so!


It is very funny though. But it probably shouldn't be, I don't know why my humour is sometimes still at teenager level (my little kid even has me laughing at toilet humour so I'm not a good standard though)


Thanks for that Heather! After reading your comment I think that is probably the main goal of this arc - taking the last safety net from under Alden's feet, so that he realises that there is nowhere to hide, he can only fight back. This hospital episode makes so much sense now, it tells him that this disaster is just a taste of what could come. I can't wait for the convo he is going to have with the Knights


Well as someone who is actually *not* from the USA, and who was brought up on British English, as many of us are, the phrase made sense to me.


Ooh if Alden does end up having to get a tattoo this is a good opportunity for him to find out more about how they work. Silver lining :)


But the Art'h family are already super important politically because there are so many Knights and Knights are "noble fightin' wizards", top of the food chain, so it may be trying to reduce the importance of their pet

Temp One

@John D Jones, Oh- I absolutely agree! I was just positing what political message the Ambassador thought Alis was making. Without realizing that Alis was being genuine in Commending Alden. It took Zeridee a fairly short amount of time to decide Alden was the genuine article when he turned up. I'm guessing his bringing along another human in the teleport to save them probably went a long way towards her coming to that conclusion.


Hi! Chapter is lovely. No typos, so delay paid off, clearly.


If it makes you feel better: I've had a couple moments like that too. It's not something to take personally.

John D Jones

I doubt Alden can remove contract enchantments that are on himself for much the same reason that he can't entrust things to himself or preserve himself.

John D Jones

@ William Forrest Alis in a Knight. To most Artonans she IS a "gift from the holy universe."


I'm half expecting Zerdiee or a Knight or Alden himself to point out and posable dwell on the perspective of his most recent ordeal that if he had just followed his original simple instructions he would have been safe and Zerdiee would not have been expecting to take the flyer with him and would have left in time to catch the last train, so she would have been safe too. The three avowed robbers would either still be dead or would have survived alive but either way if Zerdiee wasn't there she would not have had to kill anyone and live with that experience. While he had the best of intentions, by imposing his will on the situation he ultimately made things worse or at lease more dangerous and difficult. Perhaps in the grand scheme of things it will end up better this way. Certainly all his all of his choices seemed reasonable at the time and that's generally the best anyone can do but this could result in an extra helping of humble pie for our favorite MC.

Heather White

“I will not stay too long after the last train leaves. Once I’m sure that the neighborhood is empty, I will walk to safety. It’s not very far.” (Ch. 134] Zeridee said she’d be staying until after the last train left. That’s why Alden decided to take her with him in the flyer. “If safety was the nearest inland skyscraper, as Alden suspected, then it was a very long walk.” Since she planned to walk, Alden didn’t think she was likely to make it to a shelter safely.


yeah, if Alden hadn't waited for her, Zeridee most likely would have died. She would have left even later than she did with Alden, because she was still in the process of cleaning up when Alden mentioned being friends with Stu. Then she suddenly decided they should go immediately.


Fair enough. I could still see Alden beating himself up a bit but your right, she was planing to miss the train which refutes most of my point.

Milan Seyed Mahmoud

When Lute was explaining word chains properly to Alden, he explained that word chains are manufactured by the Artorans, and that only a collective will and mutual practice of them is keeping them functional.

Heather White

Well, I can definitely see Boe getting mad at him for not just getting in the flyer & heading for safety. This is a pretty good example of Alden almost dying because he put himself in a dangerous situation to save someone, which pisses Boe off. Zeridee wouldn’t have been the priority for Boe.

Jeff Petkau

The robbers would still have robbed the house (and presumably attacked her if they found her), and she was still going to hang around doing chores and leave even later if that didn't happen. So Alden probably saved her life.

Jean Bohdel

@John D Jones, I know who Lovecraft is, I didn’t get your joke. I know that Soup takes place in the same area, but don’t understand what that has to do with me living most of my life on the East Coast.

Jean Bohdel

I have had a hard time finding a good example of why “discount” sounds so odd to me (mostly because I haven’t been able to find a style guide that even bothers with it because it must be too new). This was a decent explanation, showing how “discount” is more like “exclude” than simply “not counting.” https://ell.stackexchange.com/questions/27798/if-you-discount-me-you-are-9-is-that-okay


if earth wont allocate another space for the Avowed and they don't allow mass migrations of avowed to live amongst every nation, then I believe there will be a mass migration of the Avowed to Artona 1-3. probably a temporary measure till everything is repaired. Alden going to live with stu maybe?

Alan Miller

Something just occurred to me that I REALLY HOPE Alden doesn't get another commendation or at least gets a chance to decline first if one is being considered. Sure Alden saved Zeridee as a B rank rabbit, but this was a disaster situation where a LOT of people no doubt went above and beyond including other B ranks. Alden getting a commendation might send all sorts of wrong messages - discounting what others did (particularly people who had a lot more overall impact), shoving a 'the least Artonan is more important than almost any human' attitude in humanity's face, etc.

Alan Miller

No reason to remove the one on Lute. Lots of foreshadowing when he got it that he's basically going to become the one driving the family - it's about what's best for the Velras, not what's best for Aulia.

Tim Stanglow

Commendations are only rewarded for Chaos related evemts, so no Alsen (nor anyone else) will receive commendations this time.

Temp One

I think it's been implied by Zeridee that Commendations are only awarded when Knights are particularly moved by a person. Such that it would be distressing to the Knight in question if they died. Likewise, I don't think there's really a commiserate relationship between the Commendation awarded and the feat performed. Otherwise Alden likely wouldn't have the highest ranked Commendation on Earth. Since, as you say, there are likely humans who have performed extreme feats in the decades prior to Alden that saved far more lives than that of a single child. Personally, this also makes me think Commendations are ranked by the Knight giving them, rather than the feat performed. So I think it could be very likely that a Knight gives Alden another star, even when people out of the Knight's sight performed far more impressive feats saving lives in Anesidora.

Alan Miller

Such as a baby rabbit being so focused on saving an Artonan that he forced his skill to evolve without even recognizing it? And the Artonan is related to a friend?


What do people think he won the star for? I like to believe his incredible perseverance in crossing the moon played a part but to me the true heroics was when he showed bravery and compassion in the face of death at the base after.

Heather White

The next time the roommates are in the sauna together (assuming it survived): Everyone: *staring at Alden* Lexi: I thought you weren’t supposed to be summoned for a few more months. Alden: I’m not. I haven’t been. Lute: So where’d you get that new tattoo? Alden: *grumpily* They wouldn’t let me put it on the bottom of my foot. Lute: That’s not an answer. Haoyu: Hey guys, don’t be pushy. He doesn’t have to tell us. Lute: He absolutely does. Wait, was it from Submersion Night? Alden: … Yeah. Lute: C’mon, fess up. It’ll make you feel better. Alden: …

Alan Miller

He kept a little girl alive for months as they waited for rescue, and she's a wizard even if she's weak. He did it at a level where he likely shouldn't have even survived himself, then carried her out on his back with obviously no concern for himself, then demonstrated maturity way beyond expected by continuing to take care of her as much as possible. On a scale of 1-5 he came in at a solid 10 for exceeding expectations.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

LOL. I had NOT been thinking about the social implications of Alden randomly getting ANOTHER tattoo. His roommates will probably think it is both hilarious and somewhat concerning. Alden "Danger Rabbit" Thorn.

Barrett Fogarty

Since we are discussing what avowed are expected to do by contract and how they are awarded, I'd like to point out that we don't really understand how Artonans determine this. It's a society with a bunch of classes that we don't know how they relate or know what is extraordinary to them.

John D

I think a big part of what sets Alden's commendation apart is the Absence of Obligation. I imagine almost all other commendations to Avowed are issued after they were summoned to do something requiring bravery, rather than being summoned for something innocuous and then acting with Exceptional Bravery.

Nathan Coppernoll

Just looking at the text, Alden really sold Z's achievements and undersold his achievements, both to himself and Esh. So, I lean no commendation. So we'll have to satisfy ourselves with new friend, the snek, and maybe whatever gremlin might be able to shakedown from the ink wizard.


Esh-erdi seems to have a weird sense of humor, so he might find it amusing to give Alden another commendation, since he technically did earn it.


@"why 5 fingers" I think it is simply creator bias. Artonans crrsted thefirst wordchains and hve 5 fingers. We also know that wordvhains take a lot of colectivr will and practice to keep functional. Therefore I theorize, that species with different limbs cpuld hypotheticaly create their own wordchain tradition, that uses their own limbs, it is just that no one has done it as it would probably be a several hundred years of effort to get them working at all. Tldr; wordchains probably can be manifested in a lot of ways, artonans just happen to have very human bodies and it takes a lot of collective will and time to create new ones for different species

John D Jones

@ Nathan Coppernoll Yeah, but Zeridee will be able to tell Esh about the prelude to Alden carrying her. Also, Avowed kind of have GPS in terms of the System, so Esh could probably trace Alden's path from the Ambassador's residence to where the Knights found him and Zeridee. Plus, figure Knights aren't morons. Alden didn't get away with blowing off his own contributions on Thegund because Alis was there and could figure out what he went through to get from the Lab to her base. Esh and Lind are both here, on Earth at the disaster zone, so they can figure that shit out as well.

John D Jones

I don't think Alden is going to get a "Gag Order" tattoo. Alden wasn't displaying his Commendation when he met Esh. Esh probably knows about Thegund (just from basic "Knight Reports"). He probably knows that Alden has met the Primary and possibly that he's a good friend of Stu'art'h. And a quick scan of System social media would show that Alden hasn't said a fucking word about any of that. Alden could have shed a whole bunch of light on who and what Knights are and what they do, but he's kept everything pitch dark. Alden makes old school Mafioso members who swore Omerta look like chatty Cathys. The boy can (and does) keep secrets.

Andrew Boyer

I think Alden’s fake stats must have the commendation, or the school wouldn’t know.

Partha Peddi

PSA: Sleep early and wake up to a new chapter ;P


Well darn, now I also have a craving for those, and yet I have no tapioca flour. Curses!

John D

I'm in the path of totality, just have to hope it's not cloudy. If I miss it, it will be a good excuse to head to Spain in 2026 or 2027, or New Zealand in 2028.

Alan Miller

I'm about 300 miles north of totality and considered a road trip, but I'm not sure I or my budget are up to a 600+ mile day with heavy traffic returning to Chicago after it's over. I'll have to console myself with > 90% coverage where I am instead.


They specifically broke into the house for the flyer they thought was abandoned. They might have tried anyways, but one of them seemed to have been opposed.


Will there be a delay notice, telling us that soup needs to cook longer, or will soup be done by tonight. We'll see

Andrew Boyer

There’s a certain morbid delight in watching the speculation on RR as this arc starts up. Definite popcorn time.

Aspiring Moth

Good advice, but counterpoint: I could also stay up rereading old chapters for the 17th time, refreshing the page despite having email and push notifications to my phone, and then read the chapter in the morning while too tired to process the words

Zach Joe

Knights can read between the lines and know that there's more to the story than what Alden says. The school admission committee did so too, making me think Alden is not good at this deception. I don't know if that means he'll get another commendation, but I'm all for it. I think it'd be fun to just have Alden continually pick up medals when he's not trying. If the story's going that direction, that he'll visit Stuart and earn yet another medal when an abomination warps into the murder forest

Flying Goat

Only getting a 93% solar eclipse here in Cambridge, MA. I don't get out of bed for anything less than a 95% solar eclipse. Edit: More seriously, I'll probably take a peak out the office door, but not doing the whole solar eclipse glasses to look at the actual eclipse itself thing.

Flying Goat

I grew up in the US, and was watching Saturday morning cartoons in the 80s (and certainly did the daily pledge in elementary school. Think it was dropped by the time I made it to high school), but I don't remember the national anthem before Saturday morning cartoons.

Flying Goat

I'm not sure I'd call myself a prude, but that is where I imagined the auriad was from the description. The thigh is thick, but the auriad has shown a lot of flexibility in where it can fit, so I've been assuming it can magically adjust itself to fit.


$10 it is a baby Burmese Python and rapidly grows to monstrous proportions. I really want a visual image of Alden with an enormous snake wrapped around his neck like a huge Auriad in a few years.

John D Jones

@ Andrew Boyer Both the real and fake profile have the Commendation as well as more minor commendation he got from Leafsong for helping Stu'art'h during the foot-eating fish incident.

John D Jones

@ Skyseeker (etc) Probably not me. Not only do I have to work tomorrow, but it's supposed to be mostly cloudy where I am when it happens. So I'll notice it get slightly darker but that's it.

John D Jones

Depends on how you define "tonight." Assuming the Soup gets served as usual it's still going to be 1-3 AM Monday morning for me. Generally if it's going to come later (more the six hours or so) Sleyca will post that it's delayed.


I caught the total eclipse in Hawaii in 1991... and it is only a partial eclipse where I live now.


@Aspiring Moth That sounds like my normal MO... I am thinking I might try something different today... maybe...


Alden has the highest commendation, not because he was brave, it is because he was not under a contract, hence the "without obligation" part. Every time an avowed is summoned, they are acting under a contract, and are obligated.


It really was nice. Our group of astronomy science students went out into the Ka'u desert and for most of the big island it was overcast and then right at the beginning of totality the clouds parted and we were able to experience the main part of the eclipse. It was magical.


I live in Aotearoa New Zealand. I get soup on Monday evenings. But Sunday nights are what most people here consider to be soup release time so .....

Heather White

Holy cow. I had started going through them earlier this week & then got distracted, but your comment made me go back to look again & wow… I feel like a time traveler. My favorite assertion so far is: “I don't think this will change much on the mainland of Anesidora. They have Avowed galore, and they should be able to stop a Tsunami from affecting anyone.”

Aspiring Moth

@PatienceHoney just one more hit, this will be the last time also patreon really needs basic forum features like tagging people

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

I'm convinced that Haoyu levels by doing all-nighters. Supsup addiction would be the perfect training tool for him

John D Jones

@ Heather White One thing about this tattoo (if Alden actually ends up with one) is that it won't really intrude on any of Alden's own secrets. Alden can just say "When I got rescued, I ended up on Matadero and now I literally can't talk about anything I saw there."

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Guys, I think she titled the chapters Dawn because that’s when we’re supposed to get it Anyways, goodnight (I’m lying)

Heather White

That’s true, but everybody’s gonna want to know why he ended up on Matadero, and that’s a story he’s going to feel very uncomfortable telling. I almost gave him a last line up there instead of the ellipsis: “What happens in Matadero, stays in Matadero.” But I thought it was funnier without it.

Douglas Rodgers

Me rn ref5 reshing my emails every 5 mins waiting for new chap


In a pot, a hero brews, Super Soup, the comfort true. With each spoonful, troubles cease, Supportive warmth, a soothing peace.


I gotta wonder if Zeridee doesn't lean closer towards the "Avowed are cute pets" camp than other Artonans we've met. She's nice enough to the Avowed she knows, but even before the head injury she was fairly patronizing towards Alden.

Kim Enteiu

Early to bed with tiny snek, Then up much later for a dinner break, Alden wanders empty halls, “Stop giving the Avowed dead your nose,” the head mortician calls, “Or I’ll smoke -forever root- as your college -ablates-your— Dam-trinta is chastised once more, As Alden smashes close on the elevator door.


Prediction for next chapter: Alden participates in the battle for a bag of rice, easily winning it because everyone else is on emergency summons.

Andrew Boyer

Or Alden stumbles into the rice trap someone has laid and ends up preserving the rice bag.

Kim Enteiu

I feel like Earth is intelligent enough to avoid putting Alden in that kind of situation, but it doesn’t care enough to make a separate rule for his messaging and calls from the actual battle group. “Calls to and from Matadero are limited to authorized individuals” feels like a canned response that Earth uses as a blanket when anyone who isn’t authorized calls in or out. The funniest part for me will be if Stu’s call goes through anyway because Knights are by default Authorized Individuals.


So ... Like me, my Sunday soup takes 40 hours to prepare...and now only a lamb roast away!


I'm expecting half the chapter will involve Alden doing homework and constantly losing track of what questions he's trying to answer. The other half shall be the hippie Artonans gathering up the clumpy water and storing it in an evidence jar.

Temp One

There will also be a cameo of Lute wandering the ruins of northern Anesidora. Yelling 'howdy doody!' at everyone he encounters. As Lute does.


I've always known Lute was a howdy doodler.


Part of it too though is the idea that he wasn’t summoned for this task whereas the other avowed were summoned specifically to areas that they could handle. But overall I agree, a commendation here doesn’t make sense.


Can’t wait for this chapter. I really don’t know what to expect! Best guesses are that (1) someone shows up to interact with Alden like the Knights or a professor, (2) Alden realizes Zeridee is not okay after all, or (3) we get POVs from loads of others. All of those things sound great!

Temp One

Artonan#1: "By gawd. Look at this!" Artonan#1 points imperiously at a puddle in the ruins. Artonan#2 leans over to investigate. Artonan#2: "Looks like a puddle, sir. Should we book em'?" Artonan#1: "Bake him away, toys." Lute stumbles across the scene. Lute: "Howdy doody!" Artonan#1 & #2: "Howdy doody to you as well!" And scene.


Oh thank heavens you posted the chapter. I was waiting on Sleyca's version of events but a nice synopsis will tide me over until the morning.


No chapter today?


Well sleyca said there would be a delay notice if it get's into the maybe zone. So there is hope


Yeah, that's what I thought too. But isn't it way past midnight in most of USA by now?

Temp One

It can still turn up. But if it's past midnight for you, and you have a stronger sense of self preservation than most of us in this thread do, consider getting some sleep.


It's late Monday morning for me already. I've long since stopped expecting chapters to come out on Sunday for me.

Andrew Simpson

It's gonna be an outrage buffet with all the pacing whiplash we've been through this arc lmao. I'm excited to watch it unfold.

Andrew Simpson

I don't think commendations are only awarded for chaos events, but I do think commendations are only awarded when you're on the clock as an avowed. Alden wasn't, he was just doing some hero shit. There are lots of heroes doing hero shit, and many of them died doing it apparently.

Andrew Simpson

Was busy today, and I got psyched realizing I could read the new chapter before I went to bed. :|


Jea, i'm in my second office-coffee too. I Always hope to get a chapter as a wakeup goodie.

Cyrus McEnnis

Sleyca is good about letting us know if it's not going to land. So it's likely just going to be late.


Yeah, that's how I treat chapters too. Read them over morning coffee at the office. Good start for a workweek :D

Cyrus McEnnis

He could always place it around or near the triangle of secrecy and claim "It's from the Night of the Living Water when I was taken to the Abattoir for medical treatment. I can't talk about what happened there" and use it as an explanation for his pre-existing secrecy condition.


One time very sleepy sleyca recently was about 3-4am PST

Partha Peddi

Now RR is having connectivity issues, was reading Super Genetics.


/waves back from Kirikiriroa (totally not jealous)

Jason Harpster

Just finished rebooting Solar.Primary.EXE, didn't get an option to reset the simulation however 😆


I had wondered why Kibby acted like an event when Alden offered to drink her blood. There is a lot of work to be a helping wizard. And I agree with Alden, not interested in what those three wizards doing down there. It is way too awful to truly know how much bodies were there in the aftermath of all things.


I’m super curious! I don’t think it was ‘just’ collecting the dead. Something more interesting was going on with the noses commentary.


I would think scones would be best with wevi since it's some kind of hot juice. It would soften the edges of the palette.


It took me a reread to catch it, but I think it’s telling that Kabir always prepared the ingredients for Chicken-a-la-King after making preparing the special food for the knights that won’t ever show up for Aulia. During the Lute saga, we learned that’s her comfort food. Getting the Knights attention must be pretty pivotal to her plans for it to stress her out consistently enough for Kabir to know it.