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[A/N: Send sleep. I am almost as tired as Alden. ]

Title: Waves VII

Alden shifted Zeridee on his back while he peered out of the gaping hole in the front wall of Apogee Artist Spaces. 

Liam had just made it to the intersection. The man’s chest was wrapped in white light; he’d found some kind of flexible, glowing tubing in his studio or the wreckage. And his feet were covered now—one with a shoe, one with  something Alden couldn’t identify from here. It was bulky and went up to his knee.

“Good luck,” Alden whispered as the Brute leaped a piece of wreckage that might have been a destroyed fridge and disappeared around the corner. 

My turn to go.

He wanted a flashlight, but while he’d listened to Liam frantically searching his ruined studio for supplies, he’d decided that it would take too long to find one in this mess. Better to get off this street and to a clearer area first.

The boom rooms had only partially lived up to their names. On this hall that connected directly to the building’s entryway and exterior, most of the rooms were standing, but their doors had been blown inward by the force of the water. All kinds of things had gotten scrambled and smashed. Some of the mess had drifted into the hallway or out of the building altogether when the water retreated through the giant gap where the puzzle door and the stretch of concrete wall on one side of it had been. 

There was an entire room missing there, just behind Alden and to his left. Reinforced walls turned to rubble. Broken pipes. So much of the ceiling gone that the second floor was exposed. 

Alden couldn’t help looking back at that area one last time before he left, wondering if he could possibly be correct about how it had happened.

It looks like a torpedo hit the front of the building and burst through there instead of just the big wave.

“Hey,” he said, staring at the thing he suspected of being said torpedo. “You don’t happen to have a package with a flashlight in you, do you?”

A glowing red hand sign appeared, illuminating an odd nook in the rubble as it waved hello. It looked kind of like something largish had been sitting there, supporting the debris as it fell all around it, and then that something had disappeared. 

Or, assuming it was a big bubble of water, drained away.

Now there was a single Post Drop in the precise center of that space, standing upright.

Alden wasn’t sure it was fair of him to be suspicious of the Drop. The mailbox wasn’t totally unharmed. Its solar panel top was broken from where a pipe had hit it. The screen that was displaying the hand was shattered. And some rubble around it ruined the perfection of the strange pocket it sat in. 

But the pocket was still there. And the mailbox was in unexpectedly fantastic shape if it was just a regular victim of a massive wave.

Its hand turned into a smiley face.

“I’m sorry, customer. I don’t recognize you. My connection to System information seems to be malfunctioning. Please input your name on the touchscreen if you’d like to send mail.”

“Where did you come from?” Alden asked it, thinking that he might at least get the name of a location he’d know to avoid as he traveled, since missing mailboxes didn’t bode well for the conditions there.

But there must not have been a programmed response for that question. The device also had a tonelessly polite voice that was much more boring than the one Alden remembered from the Post Drop he’d used to send his message to the Velras.

That feels like it was years ago. 

Before he left home. Before he was a Rabbit. Somewhere on the other side of that chasm in his life.

He took a deep breath. “All right, Zeridee. Let’s go for a walk.”

He stepped out of the building onto what had once been a pristine sidewalk, but before he could go any farther, a motion a few feet ahead caught his eye. 

Then the light of the mailbox winked out, and he couldn’t see clearly enough to make out the source of the motion anymore. 

“Post Drop.”

The red light came back on behind him. 

“I’m sorry, customer. I don’t recogni—”

Alden ignored it. He took another step, glass crunching beneath his feet, and looked down. There was a small snake, curled up on top of a piece of fiberboard beside a plastic bento box decorated with cherry blossoms. 

The animal wasn’t moving now. But it was in one piece. 

“You got washed all the way out here? That must have been a cold, scary swim.”

Liam’s snake was pencil thin and, though Alden couldn’t really make out the color right now, he knew from seeing it in its habitat earlier that its patterned skin was primarily dark orange. 

“I hear you’re friendly. But are you deadly?”

He glanced at the bento. It had a lid.

Practically fate then.

Alden groaned like an old man as he bent down with Zeridee’s weight on his back.

The bento had a pair of chopsticks clipped to the inside of the lid.

“I’m neutral on snakes,” he said, slipping the sticks under the creature. “I’m not neutral on being bitten by venomous ones. So please forgive me for poking you with these things and trapping you in a lunchbox instead of carrying you around on my nice warm body.” 

The snake was really sluggish. From the temperature and exhaustion, Alden assumed. It barely twitched as he scooped it into its new carrying case.

“Sorry,” he said, shutting the lid on the snake and tucking the bento into his bag. “The ride might be bumpy, but I think your chances are better with me than here in the street. If you live, you’ll be my easiest ever rescue. So please do that.”

He closed the flap on the bag and looked around him. The swift movement of the water out of this area seemed to have carried the worst of the debris away from this particular spot, but there was some unfathomable shit going on anyway. 

Something that Alden could only guess was a steel industrial vat was on its side in the road right in front of him, and a mound of detritus had piled up behind it. He could barely pick out what any of it was.

Whole houses are missing. That vat is big enough for cars to disappear inside it. This is all too big to deal with mentally, never mind physically.

From the sixth floor, he’d marked the general area he wanted to head toward. He was going to get out of this demolition zone and then try to dodge the places where the absence of lights indicated some other picturesque corner of Apex had been ground into suburban paste.

He patted Zeridee’s braid and the bag. 

Finding the snake had made him feel a little better. Like it was proof that he would survive, too. He didn’t care if it made sense or not. 

“Let’s all live then,” he said. “How does that sound?” 



Well, this looks different than it did earlier today, doesn’t it? 

Lute Velra stood on his toes and craned his neck to examine the crowd in the MPE gymnasium. 

The facility the students in the high school’s hero program used was huge, as spaces used for Avowed talent training and athletics tended to be. Lots of superhumans needed room for their powers to shine, and there was plenty of that here. Usually.

Right now, Lute was wondering if they were going to have to start stacking students on top of each other to fit them all in. Like in Emilija’s photo.

The image the F-rank Rabbit had taken of the human stackers outside the casino was the last bit of internet access Lute had enjoyed. And that had been over an hour ago. He’d been slow arriving here at his designated evac location because people who recognized him had kept stopping him to ask him for wordchains, and once he’d realized there was a significant problem on that front, he’d been trying to correct it. 

Only to fail very, very hard.

They’re all going to think I’m a greedy Velra who won’t share even in a crisis. That’s what everyone is going to think no matter what I say. 

The truth wasn’t much better, and his reputation could hardly sink lower. So in that sense he supposed it was fine.

People bumped into him. He was still standing in the doorway that separated the building’s front vestibule from the gym itself, and the crowd was so thick that he basically couldn’t move until everyone else did. 

Lute was being careful about how he moved.

He’d stacked a few wordchains on himself, since he could still do that just fine. Quite a few. He wasn’t accustomed to carrying this many at once. 

Hazel got her jollies by turning herself into a faux Brute. His own preferred daily chain list was more moderate. 

He didn’t think he’d gone too overboard yet, but his body still felt like an ill-fitted suit. 

Self-mastery chains—two of them—were keeping it all manageable.

He heard someone mention the TC, and he focused on the other boy’s voice, tuning out the rest of the clamor as well as he could. 

“…got in touch with her finally on Bilal’s infogear watch. Took forever. Anyway, she’s night shift, and she said they had her chipping ice off the magic symbols. Some side effect from heavy use. You’d think it would be heat if it was anything, wouldn’t you? She said the System was dropping hundreds of kids at once in the concourse, not even bothering with bays. It made them clear all the furniture out. She said the kids were there and gone so fast that she heard one batch yelling and crying, and when she turned around it was just voices echoing around the place. The kids were already in a shelter across the island.”

Lute couldn’t see the speaker through the crowd. 

There was a pause, then the boy added, “I said, ‘Mom, that’s kind of creepy.’ And she told me that was nothing. She said the tiles on the concourse floor were starting to crack in places. She pried up a piece because she thought she saw something strange, and there are symbols under there too. Just like in the bays. She asked one of the security people who’s worked there forever what that was about, and he said the whole building is actually a teleporter. The bays are just more refined or something.”

“That’s not creepy,” said a girl. “It’s cool. I didn’t know that.”

“I wasn’t done. The security man told her that the Artonans who come to do maintenance don’t just work on the building. They always check the lots and the parking garage and part of the streets around the place. When he first started working there, he asked them why the full teleportation area was so big, and one of them actually answered him.”

“What did they say?”

“That the whole thing would only be used ‘if Anesidora was no longer a suitable place to live.’”

Lute shivered. 

This is what I get for eavesdropping, he thought. Nightmare fuel.

But in one way, it made him feel better. The System was mass teleporting people. With that plus shelters being available, his parents were probably already somewhere safe, or they would be very soon. 

Mom might not even have needed a teleport. She’s almost always with Aulia. 

If nothing else, Aulia was powerful. 

And they could be living at the penthouse right now. They’d be totally safe there.  

As the throng of people finally pushed its way into the gym proper, a local interface message appeared:

[This is a secure location. Do not leave.]

“Okay then,” Lute muttered. “I will not leave. Easy enough.”

The noise level was ridiculous. A few people crying. More people laughing and joking around with their friends. There were around thirty young children in a group on the white floor, singing Donguri Korokoro with the grown-ups who were watching them.

“Kids and lanyards center floor! Kids and lanyards center floor! Háizimen…

Lute tuned out the people shouting instructions for non-Avowed. But a couple of minutes later, a young woman wearing a bright red vest over her t-shirt forced her way through the crowd toward him. 

“Hi!” she said brightly. “Are you looking for your family? I’ll find them for you if you want to go ahead to the floor with the other minors.”

“I’m an S-rank.”

She looked confused for a second, then she gasped, “You’re the Velra boy!”

Lute bit back a sigh. “That’s me.”

Please don’t ask me for a wordchain right now.

“I’m so sorry!”

“It’s fine.”

“I’m really sorry.”

“It’s nothing. I’m only fifteen.”

“But I should have recognized you! I see you all the time.You look different without your…we both have a class in Mele Center around the same time. I’m taking throat singing!”

She didn’t recognize me without an eye patch, Lute thought. He’d been too flustered on his way out of the room to worry about something like that.

“Anyway, the whole place is supposed to be safe,” she said, “but they told us to put more vulnerable people in the center of the gym floor, and less vulnerable people around the edges. If you want, you can even go sit in the side halls and classrooms. There’s more room there. For now. Doesn’t look like it’s going to last. The uni combat facility is filling up fast, too. Don’t leave the building or you might not get back in.”

A little room to breathe sounded good, even if it wasn’t guaranteed to last. 

I wonder if I should just have stayed in my room. 

The Celena North campus wasn’t very close to the coast. He couldn’t imagine the ocean reaching them here unless the whole country was screwed. 

Lute made his way slowly through the crowd and eventually reached one of the side halls. He could actually walk in here. The classrooms were open, but all the desks were full. He didn’t feel like sitting down, so he wandered for a bit, poking his head inside of classrooms to see what footage of the disaster was playing on the projection screens and listening in on peoples’ conversations.

“I swear on my skill, that’s what they said. The old Nilama high-rise was underwater for eleven seconds.”

Lute wondered briefly if Paragon Academy was still there. Then he frowned. That high-rise is where Lexi’s family lives. 

He assumed most of the new first year hero class, including his roommates, had gotten stuck at Rosa Grove when everything went wrong.

“If that place was underwater, the whole family neighborhood would be. That’s just not possible,” someone said.

“No. Re-read the System update. ‘Observed effects include: forced submersion—usually but not always of elementally defined objects, rapid motion of submerged materials, sudden influxes of water in limited coastal areas.’”

“What are you saying?”

“A building is an object. It would be like what happened to The Span.”

A girl’s voice chimed in. “I just talked to someone in the bathroom who was there. She only just made it back to campus.”

“In Nilama?”

“At The Span!”

Lute stepped aside to let a group of older teens enter the room where the discussion was taking place. A moment later, his ears picked up on another conversation happening behind him.

“You’ll let me know if they reply back, won’t you, Vandy?”

“Of course I will. Just don’t leave the building. We need to keep track of everyone.”

“I’m after Heloísa.” 

“No, Sanjay. You’re after Olive. She put herself on the list before you did. It won’t be long.”

Lute turned. He could only make out a slice of Vandy Carisson’s face and torso, thanks to the gaggle of people standing around her as she sat with her back to the wall.

He stepped closer, trying to see around the backside of an appallingly lazy guitarist he knew from Arts. 

Vandy had claimed one of the only outlets on the hallway, and she’d plugged in one of those power strips that was made for infogear. Three of the latest model phones were linked to it by their tiny chargethreads, and all of them were currently in peoples’ hands. With one hand, Vandy was passing a fourth phone to that Adjuster girl who could make illusions of herself; with the other, she was writing in a spiralbound notebook. 

“Heloísa, now that you’ve had your turn, would you go ask the instructors and the helpers if they have any messages that should be sent?” she asked. “Since they’re so busy, we can do it for them. Just make sure you get names and enough information.”

Vandy ripped some sheets of paper out of the notebook and passed them along with a pen to an athletic girl wearing sneakers and knee socks with pajama shorts and a hoody. 

“Thanks for the mission!” Heloísa sprang up from her squat on the floor and raced off.

Lute took advantage of the gap left by her absence to slip closer to Vandy. 

Are all the phones hers? Where did she get so much infogear?

She’d never carried the stuff back at Paragon, and he couldn’t imagine why she would suddenly have started once she got her own interface. 

Vandy was wearing her gym suit. Lute wondered if it was for safety, or if she’d run out of the dorms in such a hurry that the uniform was more appropriate than whatever she’d had on. 

Her brown hair was uncharacteristically unkempt, and strands were escaping from a cloud-shaped barrette to fall around her cheeks as she focused on the chart she’d made inside her notebook. There were a ton of names on it already.

One of the phones chimed, and the boy holding it passed it to her. 

Vandy read the message, wrote it down in the notebook beside someone’s name, then passed it back. 

Why couldn’t someone else have set up a calling service? Lute wondered.

She wasn’t someone who would refuse to let him use the phone just because she hated him, but he still wished he didn’t have to ask.

“Hi, Vandy.”

Her pen stopped scratching at the notebook. Her pale eyes met his. “Lute.”

“Are you sharing your phones? Do you mind if I borrow one to see if I have a message?”

Cyril had bought himself an infogear watch months ago, after moving out of the apartment Jessica had provided for him while Lute was growing up. The place was empty now. She had left messages suggesting Lute could have it.  

He had never answered them. 

When Vandy didn’t reply, Lute added, “Not right now or anything. Put me at the bottom of the list?”

She made him wait an awkwardly long time for an answer. Just as he was growing afraid that she might actually refuse, she nodded. “All right. Stay nearby. I’ll call your name when it’s your turn.”

“Thank you. I appreciate—”

“I’d like a wordchain,” she interrupted. Her voice was matter of fact. Mostly. Lute thought he was probably imagining the edge.


She didn’t mean it in a bartering way. Did she? 

“Do you mean I can’t send a text if I don’t…?”

“I’d like to be able to focus better,” Vandy said, still staring at him. “I’m finding it difficult to concentrate on what matters right now. I will, of course, pay back the debt at a later date. And I will give you money. Isn’t that how it usually works?”

Matadero. Her mom. She probably really is finding it difficult to concentrate.

I don’t actually charge people for that kind of arrangement…I’d do it. I really would. But, the thing is…” 

He didn’t blush. Blushing was for people who hadn’t spent months learning to control their facial expressions with their self-mastery chain active. 

“I can’t actually target people right now,” he confessed. “The System assist is off, and I never learned how to do it without it.”

Because why would I have needed to?

“That’s ridiculous,” the lurking guitarist scoffed before Vandy could reply. “I can still target things. He’s lying.”

Lute actually had no idea what the dude’s Avowed powers were. He also didn’t care.

“Good for you,” he said cooly. “Why don’t you try to target the right notes the next time you play instead of publicly humiliating your instrument? The System is no longer assisting me with targeting. I can’t figure out how to do it without the System’s help. Therefore, I am not currently performing wordchains for other people.” 

“Why would the System—?”

“It’s none of your business. I’m talking to Vandy.”

Her brows were drawn together and she was peering up at him. “Why would the System deny you targeting asssistance?” she asked.

Lute groaned. Internally. 

Externally, he cultivated a persona of patience and earnest apology. 

“You could do so much with your skill to help people tonight,” Vandy said. “I’m surprised you haven’t been called for duty.”

“Well,” said Lute, mentally cursing at his grandmother and his tattoo for not allowing him to fully explain, “it’s a complicated situation.”

Take it up with the Palace of Unbreaking! Chainer is theirs, and they do not want me to get panicky and cast chains on entire buildings full of humans who might bite it or shirk debt.

Not without some form of pre-payment anyway.

The only other explanation he could think of was that it was the System itself that didn’t want to play with Chainers right now. 

It wasn’t just targeting that was down. Mass Bestowal was a package that came with other significant System assistance. Some of the old people had trained themselves to do things without its help, but even if Lute had been trying to learn how, he should be a decade or three away from getting there.

“I assume if the crisis continues for long enough, and if the System actually needs me, I’ll be able to do more,” he said, hoping that satisfied Vandy.

They had a staring contest.

She doesn’t look very satisfied.

“If you can’t do it, then—”

“I will try for you. I tried for some other people tonight.”

“—then it’s okay,” Vandy finished.

Oh. She wasn’t going to refuse after all.

Lute watched her write his name on the chart. There was an odd feeling in his gut. 

Is your mom all right, Vandy? Do you know? 

He didn’t think he was allowed to ask her that.

“I’ll try,” he said. “Mental focus? There’s one I like for that. I call it ‘zone in’ because the real name is such a pain…never mind…just a minute.”

He pressed his hands together, crossing just the ring fingers over each other in the first sign. The wordchain was one he knew well enough to cast without too much thought, so he tried to think about targeting while he whispered the words. 

For all the good it’ll do. He’d tried on more than a dozen people already. More than once on most of them. 

What in Apex was targeting anyway? 

It was a brain button Lute could click on his interface. He had learned to do that mentally. 

It was a word he could say. Or pointing with a finger. It was Hey, System, help me aim at Vandy Carisson. 

When the System was ignoring you, there was none of that. 

So what was there to do other than…stare really, really hard at Vandy who is staring really, really hard at me and think about pointing my magic and my soul and the attention of a wordchain at her. 

Go get her, chain. Ignore me!

I am a mighty Chainer, and I command you!

Lute had made one interesting discovery because of this situation. The wordchains didn’t seem to affect him when he was trying very hard to give them to another person this way. He’d accidentally hit himself with a single energy chain he hadn’t wanted, but other than that, they’d just failed. 

This one was going to fail, too. 

I feel bad. Chainer could actually be cool right now, but it’s just not going to be.

Vandy was still looking at him. She’d always had striking eyes. He’d thought she was pretty that day she’d made him hand over the dice to Carlotta. He still thought she was pretty now.

What an annoyance.

Finding someone hot when you had mixed feelings—heavily leaning toward bitter and embarrassed—about how they’d treated you for years and how you’d treated them in return, was stupid. Being a teenager was stupid. 

That stray draft that blew some of Vandy’s hair toward her mouth, making her tuck it behind her ear again as she moistened her lips with her tongue was extra stupid.

Lute finished the chain. 

Sorry, Vandy. I tried my—

“You did it after all,” said Vandy. “Thank you. That’s better. I’m sure I’ll be much more efficient now.”

“Did it work?” he asked in surprise. 

“Yes,” she said, already focused on adding a new column to her chart. “Although the System didn’t ask for my permission or inform me about what wordchain you were casting. Isn’t it supposed to?”

That’s…very interesting.

“It usually does.”

She nodded. “It’s good that it worked. You should consider what you might have done differently this time from your previous attempts. You’re very powerful, Lute. You have a responsibility to take things seriously.”

He stiffened, then his muscles loosened up a second later thanks to the self-mastery.

Well, I wanted the horny killed, and she did it just like that. Amazing.

“You do always want everything to be taken seriously, don’t you?” he said. “All right. Glad it worked for you. Say something when it’s my turn. I’ll hear you.”

He strode off, trying to look unbothered. Probably succeeding.

She’s just doing her version of the right thing, like always. It’s good that she doesn’t realize she made you cry the last time she suggested you might take being an Avowed seriously. 

Her mom’s on Matadero. Give her break. 

The mood fell away from him as he walked down the hall. It was the wrong time to be hung up on such a small thing. Something had gone seriously wrong. The System was issuing disaster alerts. 

It was impossible to feel personally endangered when he was surrounded by bright lights, instructors, and hundreds of teenagers—many of whom were more excited and intrigued by the drama of what was happening than frightened. But there were still some quiet, worried faces around him. And every time Lute saw one it made him feel the knot in his own chest more acutely. 

He didn’t think anything bad could’ve happened to his parents. Not really. Evacuations were happening all over Apex and F-City. The System was helping. Adult Avowed were helping. Most of the hero program faculty and Principal Juma from Sciences were out there right now. There were hyperboles on duty. There were wizards. 

It’s fine, right?

He’d feel a lot better after he’d used the phone.

Mom can probably get her hands on infogear, too. Even on a night like tonight. She’s good at things like that.

He found a patch of wall to lean against and tried to figure out how he’d targeted Vandy Carisson. Is it because she’s an S too? I don’t think that should make a difference, but maybe it could. 

Beside him, two girls were having a conversation about how the tips of the Apex crescent were being completely emptied of people. 

“My Grandpa has a house in Punta de la Luna,” said a girl.

“That place is so nice. They have big yards. And the boardwalk,” her friend replied.

“Dad said Grandpa called him from the train, fiery mad that some speedster had told him he had to leave. He said they were just going to let the whole place go to the fish, and what did that say about the fighting spirit of Avowed?”

“Is your grandpa a superhero?”

“No. He’s a Morph actor. Have you ever seen Love Across Dimensions? He plays all the characters. Do you think they should really just let whole neighborhoods go like that, though?”

“Well, it’s a tiny area surrounded by ocean on three sides. I just hope they get everyone out before—”

“Lute,” Vandy said from the other end of the hall, “it’s your turn next.”

He was able to pick out her voice even though she hadn’t spoken that loudly. Surprised and relieved his chance had come so much sooner than he’d expected, he headed back toward her.

When he reached her, she passed him one of the phones. It was warm from being held in so many hands.

“The screens on these new models automatically recognize you once you give them permission to id you as the current user, and any messages you’ve received will appear in the inbox. You get to hold it for three minutes and send as many messages as you can in that time.”

Challenge accepted, thought Lute, the fingers of his right hand already flickering over the device’s keypad.

The inbox was showing up as empty. He hated that. He’d really thought one of them would have gotten their hands on a phone by now, but maybe they were in the same situation as him, stuck waiting in line for someone at a shelter to share.

“When you get done, it’s best if you tell the phone it can deliver your messages to me for the night,” said Vandy. “That way any that have come in will pop up automatically whenever I hold it, and I’ll send a runner to find you as soon as I get one for you. Otherwise you’ll have to wait for another turn to check the phone yourself.”

“Okay. I’ll give permission. I actually thought it would take much longer for my turn to come, though,” he said, finishing addressing a general “alive and well” message to his parents and, for good measure, Aimi. “You have so many names on the chart. You’re moving through them really fast.”

Vandy glanced up at him and then back down. “No. We’re already behind schedule. You were just on a shorter list because I assumed you were trying to get in touch with your parents.”

Lute sent a message to a couple of guys his dad sometimes hung out with, asking if they’d seen him tonight. Then he started one to Aunt Hikari. 

She was so responsible that she’d definitely answer if she happened to see it. 

Next I’ll do Roman. He likes to gossip so he might know things 

And then I’ll send something to the guys.

What Vandy had said suddenly registered, but he didn’t want to waste his time with the phone to ask questions. Just as his three minutes were approaching their end, the phone pinged, and Lute’s thumb shot down to accept the message.

Oh. Haoyu’s just sent me something. 

That’s a really long text. Wow.

“Haoyu wrote me a book,” he said. “I can’t read it in the next four seconds.”

“Haoyu texted you?” Vandy looked up. Then down. Then around. “You can have it for one more minute.”

Lute raised an eyebrow. She’s breaking a rule.

He was one hundred percent sure she was doing it for Haoyu, not for him. But he read the message gladly. 

They all got off the bridge safely? Since when were they on the bridge?! 

And it doesn’t sound like Alden and Lexi are with him. But he says they’re all safe.

Haoyu had signed the message Foe Cooker.

Clinging to the phone for a bit longer after his extra minute was up was tempting, but Lute passed it back. 

“Why was I on a short list?” he asked. “Aren’t most people here trying to get in touch with their parents?”

“Yes,” said Vandy. “But I made a separate section of the chart for people who had more reason to be worried about family members.”

Because they’re not Avowed? I think…that was thoughtful of her. 

“They’re probably fine,” he said, as much to himself as to her. “I don’t know exactly where they are, but the System is teleporting people away from dangerous areas, right?”

Everyone on campus had just been told to walk to shelters since they had the high school and uni gyms. 

Vandy exchanged a look with Olive, who was sitting beside her, wearing a pink jacket backwards. 

Their faces…

“What?” Lute asked.

“The System’s the one in charge of teleporting people,” said Olive. “It’s doing it in an unexpected way. Not like most people are thinking it should. Either it’s in serious emergency control mode or the Artonans are…I guess there’s not a real difference.”

“Are you saying it’s not teleporting everyone out of dangerous areas?”

Vandy set aside her pen. Lute was now officially afraid of whatever she was going to say.

“Its teleportation priority order seems to be based on several different factors according to what we’ve heard and the messages we’ve been receiving. All non-Avowed below the age of twenty definitely received the highest priority.” 

“Right,” said Lute. “Like Apex emergency priority.”

Vulnerable people first.

“But after evacuating minors, its second priority seems to be something more like combat force preservation,” said Vandy. “Balanced with some consideration for an individual’s immediate risk but not as much as we might expect.”

“We just took a message from someone who said if you reject your teleport, you don’t get another no matter how much trouble you get yourself into,” Olive piped up. “And then you have to consider how the System is teleporting around all of the people who are fighting the ocean and performing in-person rescues.” 

“Back up,” said Lute. “What does combat force preservation mean?”

Vandy looked uncomfortable. “It means what it sounds like. But don’t worry. There are tall buildings and shelters all over the place. Any inland skyscraper should be an excellent evacuation spot.”

There is no way, thought Lute, that my parents fall into any category that Vandy Carisson might call a ‘combat force’.

 “Almost everyone,” said Vandy, “will be fine.”



“This is a loooong walk,” Natalie Choir said, trying to hold a small pink umbrella over herself and Hadiza at the same time. “Whew. Okay! I’m sure we are just about to reach Bunker Street. Yay! Stay positive! Hadiza, are your feet all right?”

“They have been better.” Hadiza was looking down at the high heels she’d worn for their Friday night out. “My skill makes them beautiful. Not comfortable.”

“You can take them off soon. Emilija…um…Go, Emilija! Good Emilija! Smiles!”

Emilija sighed. “Go, Natalie,” she said in a heavy accent, twirling her own umbrella a little. “Good Natalie. Smiles.”

Natalie held a hand up for a high five, and Emilija obliged her before turning to Hadiza and giving the Nigerian girl a pained look. 

“She thinks you are someone who gets too loud when nervous, Natalie,” Hadiza said. “I can tell by her face.”

“I’m going to learn Lithuanian after this!” Natalie announced. “It’s the obvious thing to do.”

New Sybaris was near the coast. The whole district had cleared out and headed inland when the sirens started. The Rabbit girls had all three been told to head to the same place to seek safety. 

“Timer,” said Emilija quietly. 

“Mine’s longer now, too,” Hadiza said. 

“Mine, too. Again. But I wasn’t going to mention it this time because we are almost there. I can practically smell Bunker Street from here.” 

They were in a throng of people waiting to cross a street with a less auspicious name. The traffic had stopped obeying lights in some places, which wasn’t helping when it came to getting around.

“Left,” said Emilija.

The other two looked at her. 

“Left?” Hadiza asked. 

Emilija pointed left, made a walking motion with two of her fingers, then pointed straight ahead. 

“We’ll follow you,” Natalie said. “Lead, lead!”

Emilija set off, and they hurried after her. Not long after, a man walking on the sidewalk behind them suddenly let out a relieved sound, and as they all three turned to look, he disappeared. The black umbrella that had been in his hand hit the ground with a clatter.

Hadiza mumbled something. 

Emilija said, “No fair.” 

It was what they had started saying every time someone was teleported away to instant safety. 

“No fair,” Hadiza agreed. 

“No fair. Free umbrella! One for each of us.” Natalie thrust the pink umbrella toward Hadiza and ran over to pick up the one the man had dropped. “This is a big one. Would either of you like it?”

At that moment, their interfaces flared:

[Local Update: Bunker Street shelter at capacity. Head north to Norsehorse Condominiums.]

Natalie bit her lip. “That’s…new. Not bad. Just new instructions.”

Hadiza was glaring at her own notice. 

Emilija’s hands were clenched at her sides. “Why?” she whispered.

“It says it’s full,” Natalie said. 

Why?” Emilija demanded, throwing aside her umbrella to stare up at the sky. 

“She probably wonders why we were sent to a shelter that would be filled before we reached it,” Hadiza said. “I wonder too.”

“Maybe the System made a mistake?”

“Does it do that?” Hadiza asked. Then her eyes widened. “Emilija? Emilija! Where are you going?” 

Emilija had taken off running.

“That isn’t north!” Hadiza called.

She and Natalie chased after their friend down the street, then across it onto another, both of them arguing with her and yelling at her. She yelled back one and two word answers in English that didn’t do enough to explain what the matter was. 

Then they started to hear the sounds of the mob.

Emilija slowed down. The others did as well. They passed a sign that said Bunker Street Entry 2, and their own fight was forgotten as they were met with a much more serious one. 

“What is this?” Hadiza breathed. 

They stood on a one-way lane that intersected Bunker Street. A horde of people, shouting demands and swearing in a dozen languages, stood between them and the entrance to the bunker that the street had been named for. A section of the street itself had lifted like a hatch to reveal a wide ramp that led down below the surface. Men and women with red rings of light over their heads were trying to push the crowd back from the opening. Someone shot a spell at a man who’d scaled the massive hatch from behind, and he fell, bellowing.

Natalie shrieked, then covered her mouth with her hands, backing away.

She bumped into Hadiza, who never even blinked.

[Warning: Hazard in your area. Do not interfere with Avowed on assignment. Avowed on assignment are indicated on your interface.]

“We don’t stay here,” said Hadiza suddenly. She grabbed Emilija by the arm. “Come with us. Let’s go.”

Emilija was gazing at the bunker. Her chest was heaving. Her eyes started to water.

“What’s wrong?” Natalie asked. “Emilija, what’s wrong? We just need to walk in a different direction. It’s all right.”

The older girl said something in Lithuanian, her voice shaking. 

Hadiza and Natalie looked at each other. 

“Timer,” said Emilija, wiping at her eyes and spinning around to start back the way they’d come.

“Did yours change again?” Hadiza said. 

“No timer for me,” said Emilija. “None. It’s gone.”



Alden was exhausted. 

He knew because he’d started stumbling. First over one piece of rubbish he’d misjudged, then another. 

The next street will be clear. The next. Keep going, he told himself. You can take the stimulant when you get just a little farther. Don’t want it to wear off. At least it’s not that LeafSong shit that almost blew up your heart.

Rrorro had literally healed his heart. That was sobering. He usually thought about other things she’d healed because those sessions had happened when he was more coherent and in more pain. 

But a heart is a pretty important body part, and mine had to be healed. Let’s not do that again.

His Artonan tablet was in his hand, screen pointed toward his feet. It didn’t actually have a flashlight feature, so he’d set it to play one of Kibby’s saved videos as bright as it could. 

“Alden,” she was saying, “when we see each other again, how different will you be?”

It was one of her sweeter messages. Kibby had many modes—scientist, moralizer, reminiscer, teacher. This particular mode was different, and it didn’t crop up as often in the videos as it had in person, which was a great thing. But Alden still found its reappearance touching.

“For example,” said Kibby, “you might grow even taller than Distinguished Master Ro-den. You might also grow to have different opinions about people. Even people you know very well. Like me. Do you think those two things might happen to you?”

So sneaky Kibby. I will definitely never know which question you actually want answered if you distract me by mentioning me growing even taller than Joe.

“Humans become adults more quickly than Artonans,” she said. “Maybe you are becoming different faster than you realize. I think you should think about it and you should tell me your thoughts.”

My thoughts are that every time you worry about something so silly I have to increase the size of our someday matching tattoos by ten percent. 

“I will never have a different opinion about you,” Kibby said. “But that doesn’t mean that you’re the same.”

I think I don’t like how I answered this message. He’d reassured her that he’d never stop liking her and she wouldn’t find his personality that different when they met again, but he’d been less open than he might’ve been if they were face to face. A little too aware of the fact that others might see it. I’ll redo it as soon as I don’t look like hell.

He trudged on until he finally made it to a street that looked normal. Except for the power being out and the place being abandoned. 

It had taken forever. As his reward, he gave himself the stimulant. He felt better instantly. Not wonderful, but well enough to keep going. 

With his newfound energy and his auriad, he broke into a house that looked like it belonged on the cover of an architectural magazine and ignored the high-pitched screeching of an alarm while he committed burglary. 

“I should have done this before I even left Punta de la Luna,” Alden said to Zeridee and the snake while he sat on a bench at the foot of a king sized bed and put on thick socks and a pair of boots.  “Hindsight. In the future, we resort to crime faster.”

He stuffed the sandals into his bag in case something happened to the boots. 

The people who lived here kept their flashlights in the pantry, which was not one of the first places Alden had looked, but at least once he found them, all of them worked.

I owe them for three flashlights, the socks and shoes, and a cherry cola, he thought when he was done with his quick supply run. And one door.

He’d crushed the knob to get inside, and he was carrying the pieces away with him. If the house survived the night, he thought the presence of a perfectly pancaked doorknob would be more suspicious than no doorknobs at all. 

As he set out, he marked a new building he wanted to head toward. It had two flashing antennas on the top. 

I can do this. It really can’t be that far until I find people. Lots of people. Humanity, not just isolated daredevils or murderers. 

He’d been periodically peeking at the scratchpad Liam had given him, hoping that the man had found his sister and she’d activated the other half. But so far there had been nothing.

Ten minutes later, as he was checking a car parked on a curb for keys, the sound of water reached him. Alden lifted the flashlight and spun in circles.

Where is it? And where is it headed? 

This street seemed fine.

Just as he was realizing that the source of the noise must be more distant than he’d feared, the flashlight beam illuminated the car, and he stopped, staring at the raindrops on the hood that hadn’t completely dried from the last drizzle. 

They were oozing slowly in the direction he wanted to go.

So. That’s…not great. 

Wherever the bulk of the water was at, it was heading the same way as him. 

I can’t knowingly head toward what’s got to be a growing problem. But I shouldn’t backtrack either.

A sheet of paper—a flyer torn from its home no doubt—fluttered past him. Alden hesitated for a few seconds more, trying to think around his nerves, then he set out at a diagonal, hoping that would take him forward without putting him in harm’s way. 

“Zeridee, Tiny Snake, we are still moving. That’s what counts. Our night has already sucked enough now, and it’s time for it to get better.” 

Talking to his passengers was as good a way to stay motivated as any.

The diagonal path he’d set soon took him back onto streets strewn with evidence that flooding had taken place. The debris grew thicker and thicker, and after a careful examination of some very still water that had collected on the lid of an overturned garbage can, Alden decided it was safe enough to switch back to a more direct route.

Not long after that, in a place where the debris from some large movement of water had been deposited in a huge drift, he found the bodies.




I've seen more than one request for Leo. Alas, despite my love for that lover of flushing, the overall arc for this has been plotted out for quite a while and he just doesn't fit! He'll return one day. I have plans for him. For now, I did replace what was going to be a traffic light with a more garden variety Post Drop, in Leo's honor.


Bob Ross



sleep now, don't read comments.


The study of which words have the same referent / refer to the same concept is called onomasiology in linguistics. That is what part of my PhD is about. What this means is that we could test to which degree waves actually are just ripples. That, however, would require a lot of work and dedication. Therefore, it is best if you all believe me when I say that waves and ripples are the same. As such, this chapter is also a ripples chapter, trust me, I am a linguist.


I haven't read the chapter yet. But Sleyca, please have sleep. ❤️

Adam Andersson

I hope you get more rest soon, Sleyca! Take care of yourself!


Soup! \o/


Yay! Sleep well Sleyca.


It is imortant for humans to rest. We are not machines we need breaks or we break. Maybe after the Arc or sooner you could take a few weeks of.


Thank you


Thank you!


Thanks mate!

Twara Sandeep

Thanks for the chapter! Well, everything continues to go wrong for a lot of people, which I should have expected. I did expect chaos to happen but I did not expect the timer would just straight up disappear, that's more worrying in a certain way. And the scene of the bodies makes a perfect, albeit a hair-wrenching, cliffhanger. Also, I hope you get enough sleep, Sleyca! I've come to realize the importance of sleep - the hard way

Kinga K

I am sending sleepies, Zzzzzzzzz

Kinga K

Thank you so much!!


Hopefully Houyu will pass on the message about everyone at matadero being ok


It's not looking good for Lute - both parents and his girlfriend are not on any priority lists. (Unless Aulia put his mum on her personal one)

Bob Ross

"In the future, we resort to crime faster." Oh good, Alden figured out his hero motto!

John Anastacio

That was a good chapter. Thank you Sleyca. A lot of Anesidoran social dynamics are being revealed as misconceptions or at least as local foibles that don't apply outside Anesidora. Poor Lute, poor Emilija. I think Natalie will refuse to leave Emilija behind, though.

Cyrus McEnnis

As soon as I work out how to gift-wrap sleep, I'll send it your way.

Emily Curtis

I've known this snake for two minutes but if anything happens to Little Snake I'll be incredibly sad. I always imagined Aldens auriad as a blue snake coiled around his hand and arm, and now he has a real snake!


If the contract has started dropping F ranks from the priority list, it almost certainly didn't expend too much effort on non awoved adults. And Lute's mother was likely on the boat. The last conversation he had with her was terrible, I really hope she survived otherwise he is gonna regret it forever. At least there is some hope that Aulia is important enough that she got the opportunity to designate someone as her plus one and chose her, his father is likely a lost cause unless he managed to reach a shelter on his own. Also I just realised this chapter that if Anesidora becomes truly inhabitable, it's a great victory for SAL. (possibly well beyond their expectactions. I doubt the ones responsible realized the scope of the disaster they were unleashing) Restoring Anesidora or creating another seems like it wouldn't be an easy and short process (if the situation degenerates enough that it becomes necessary) and I don't think people would be so willing to be exiled there again. On the other hand after this awoved-made disaster normal people would be even more unwilling to host them so...


Uh boy, take care and sleep. Appreciate a soft bed when you can.

NonuvfOorbiz (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-22 14:49:43 Reserving this nice spot for my future comment.
2024-03-21 10:54:50 Reserving this nice spot for my future comment. Edit: finally finished reading the chapter! Thank you for the meaty chappie! Seems like Lute and Vandy might become a thing but then again Lute seems to be a horn dog so you never know.

Reserving this nice spot for my future comment. Edit: finally finished reading the chapter! Thank you for the meaty chappie! Seems like Lute and Vandy might become a thing but then again Lute seems to be a horn dog so you never know.


Alden may have to start considering that his wizard foot might not, in fact, be lucky.




Looks like Lute just accomplished step 1 (on a loooooong road) of sensing his own authority and becoming a wizard 👀. I wonder how many, if any, other s rank chainers figured out the broken ability of mass bestowal with no need for consent.

Andrew Tobin

Thanks for the chapter! It’s funny how we want action when it’s quiet and a resumption of peace when it’s action, damn silly humans. Legion Of Leo rejoice, for we have been noticed and our day of glory has be foretold!




If there's one POV that I really want to see, it would have to be Gorgon. I bet he's absolutely loving how bad of a day the System is having. He might even have escaped his bondage given a lot of it had to be backed up by System magic

Guus van der Borg

Interesting that Alden, of all people, would say to Kibby that he'd be exactly the same the next time they'll meet. Dude has actively been developing his character. Both together with Boe and by himself. There's plenty of ways to frame that you'll probably be a little different but hopefully in a good way.

Batty Corvina

Oh gods... The ending. Ominous. Also feel bad for all the non-combatant people beginning to realize that in a real emergency their value to the system is way lower than they thought. Even as avowed.


@Sleyca, I wouldn’t mind if you skipped the next chapter or two to go back and flesh out the rest of waves with more parallel view points.


thanks for the chapter! I love it! rest well and good dreams!


Damn, this really isn't how I wanted Emilija to be given some more spotlight. This is getting so much more brutal.

Lucia A

Por Alden, with his skill he always ends up alone carrying someone that can't talk back

Mecha Paladin

So Alden is straight up just walking through a nightmare. Who doesnt want to come across bodies trapped in water that drowned them by force.

Douglas Rodgers

Hoping that Alden finally uses his Gorgon abilities (the ones that were said to rival the Artonans in magic). From what I remember its a sort of wish granting thing, forgot the specifics. Hopefully he rescues best girl trio!


Alden can now join Kibby in her burglary hobby lol. Sleep well Sleyca!


Looks like Alden might make it out of this disaster with a pet. Not as cool as other Alden but maybe it can save Stuart from getting another ryeh-b't.


Tiny Snake! May I have him, in their tiny glory, on a tea cup?


I'm all for fast tracking Alden to be Earth World dictator/governer


Go sleep Sleyca you earned it this was a fantastic chapter. Also kind of a dick move to remove the timer for teleportation completely. Probably makes sense cause it can't see making room for teleportation in any reasonable time anymore for the weak ones but humans usually do better when they have false hope. But I guess the system is so busy it can't be bothered with niceties anymore which is kind of worrying

Victor Cavalcanti

The teleport priorities are looking very ominous. Hope nat, hadiza, and emilija make it out ok.(and Jeffy dies)

Victor Cavalcanti

I don't REALLY want him to die, he's just too stupid for me to like him. But this kinda situation is the perfect place for him to shine, maybe I'll be a believer by the end lol.


Oh fuck not he bodies

Flying Goat

Jeffy seems to be smarter than he acts. His use of the flotation skill seemed pretty clever.


"Heliotropic flowers are a lot like targeting flowers huh?"

H.S. Spudney

Shits about to get serious!!!!! The whole traffic light idea that when the light turns red the real danger is gonna rear its head is here!

H.S. Spudney

Poor Alden he’s gonna need therapy after this.


I'm really worried about Aldens word chain snapping on him. Ether from the normal timer or a malicious manslaughtering worker at the chainer palace . He couldn't even brush his teeth when he paid it back last time. Edit: sounds like it should be weeks or at least days for self mastery, which is great. Does anyone remember what chapter they talked about the time limits for it? I still think that Hazel could be out there potentially with the ability to manage snapping of chains on earth via the Palace's HQ magic things


Poor Alden just keeps stacking trauma after trauma.

Keven Leigh

Man i just want more Aiden. Also lute accidently becoming a mage would track with his luck so far


I have only known Tiny Snake for one chapter, but if something happens to him, I riot.


Her mom’s on Matadero. Give her break.  -- missing 'a' I’ll do Roman. He likes to gossip so he might know things  -- missing period “But I made a separate section of the chart for people -- not sure what formatting applied here but on my phone the word 'section' has just the n on the next line and the spacing is weird. So sneaky Kibby. I will definitely never know which question -- usually you want a comma after 'sneaky' I see you all the time.You look different without your… -- add a space after the period and possibly also after the ellipsis (patreon likes to turn word.word into a link, assuming it's a website) Get some sleep. These chapters are great.

Sign Dhole

Each chapter is just getting better and better. I wasn’t sure about the alt povs at first but now I can’t get enough of them. Thank you for the chapter! And I hope you can get enough rest.


Man, the system is extremely poorly equipped for this. People like Emilija are going to feel like shit, riots might get bad. I wonder if more people will refuse the contract as a result? Like if you find out you’re an F and how the System thinks of F’s why bother? Why consign yourself to live in a place that demonstrably doesn’t care whether you live or die? EDIT: I'm guessing the reason Lute's chain worked on Vandy is that, unlike everyone else, she was concentrating on granting him permission to cast it on her. EDIT 2: If Jessica dies that might constitute a breach of Lute's contract with Aulia. EDIT 3: Saving the Tiny Snake was smart. In saving the Tiny Snake Alden may have earned the gratitude of the Tiny Snake God and he will surely see Alden through this crisis.

prashanth sunder

I wonder if it's going to be the bodies of the folks from the submarine or bodies in general of other folks who have died due to this incident. All the ships and boats that sank when Alden was still on the bridge.


Yup, anesidora and the system will have to do manage control, going to the cool prison island is not so cool if when shit hits the fan they sre all stranded


Thanks for the chapter! I’m worried about Little Snake though. Can it breathe inside the bento box?

JJ Hunter

I wonder if the System has an easier / more efficient time doing mass teleports when the people being targeted are already batched together in the same area? The bunkers may be both more protected and also helping with grouping people for next stage of evacuation if needed. There's something about Alden taking the time to rescue the little snake while also taking steps to make sure he doesn't get bitten just in case that makes all the unfolding impacts here - human, animal, structural, society - land more fully. Alden isn't giving into numbness, so neither do we. Emilija losing her teleportation priority tracker entirely is a very bad sign, both for her personally and for the System's calculus about when it might need to switch over to evacuating the entire country. I bet it has the remaining structural integrity of its TC infrastructure calculated to a constantly updating nicety. I hope Emilija and her friends make it to a bunker in time. Can't tell if Lute gave placebo help or if he's discovering how wordchains can operate in the absence of System assists. Having him as our POV character on the more informed / higher priority bunker side is fascinating and heartbreaking. Appreciating Vandy finding herself something she can do to help and giving it her absolute all - it takes all kinds in a crisis, and it's great to see her showing how much admin and logistics can shine.

Sleepy Dad

Thanks for the chapter. I'm a father of four, so I can only spare you ten minutes.


I wonder if that was the plan for the people behind this. Assuming it wasn't just one crazy guy. By displaying how horribly incompetent both Anesidora and the System are, you give weight to the argument that humans shouldn't be forced to accept the contract, and that avowed shouldn't be forced to live there.


Curse of the Wizard's Foot. Like a Monkey Paw, but you don't even get to make some shitty wishes first.

John Koor

*sending sleep*


I don't think his bondage is enforced by the System. It's enforced by the Authority of the wizard who enslaved him. Wizards don't need a System to exist to use their Authority, as far as I'm aware.


ouf, what a chapter Lute will start to train and won't be a "very lazy Avowed" anymore And is there a glimpse of future redemption for his reputation? There will be also a major political unrest when the crisis is over. People might eventually (with a lot of persuasion) accept that the system conserve fighting force, but the need for more shelter, better evacuation plan will be demanded. A non system based communication system will be implanted. First through the Informant but later when officials will want one spy-free, they will implement one. Glad that Alden started to move and found some supplies (the secret ingredient is crime), and he found a pet! Some foreshadowing? "Don’t leave the building or you might not get back in" : so is Lute going out? " if you reject your teleport, you don’t get another no matter how much trouble you get yourself into" : Nathalie skipping teleport seems obvious but how much trouble will they be in? (oh, and Emilija get a spot on Lute list when he gets one :) ) Vandy always on top of things! It will be a moral booster for her after the race fiasco. And I hope that the bodies are pet/zoo animals or bodies of water. Alden definitely does not need human or artonans bodies, he had enough of it already


I wonder how Slecya is going to play this after it's over. Personally, I think the ramifications for the System and Anesidora failing so catastrophically will be huge. SAL are going to gain so many new supporters as a result of this, which may have been their goal all along. What new avowed is going to want to be trapped on a prison island, where they will be left to die if they're not considered important enough?


I'm pretty sure it's from Gorgon, and his entire race, not agreeing to be avowed/oathbound despite having (what the Artonans consider to be) chaos potential, given the fact that he has to refuse system prompts every day. Don't think it's any specific wizard that chained him.

Rui Lourenço

Makes it thematic. If they were awake, they'd share the psychological burden. Alden is the bearer of *all* burdens.


I am starting to suspect that Sleyca is just a pen name for George R.R. Martin, and I'm hearing wedding bells.


Sleyca, it is with...well, a complete lack of caring that I don't regret to inform you that I cannot award you sleep at this time. You're scheduled for another 23905230391320983140 chapters this week. If you accomplish that, perhaps, PERHAPS, we can pencil you in for a good twenty or thirty minutes of shut eye next week. That sound nice, doesn't it? Something to look forward to. Thanks for the chapter, and thank you for not tsunamiing Natalie thus far.

Radha Patel

Things just keep getting bleaker. At first I thought the death toll wouldn't be that high, just the people who actively refused to get to safety. Now it seems that after this, everybody on the island will know somebody who died in the waves


I wish Alden had BigSnake with him rather than TinySnake. He deserves a real break. Safe and comfortable rabbit. Thanks for the chapter ! Broadcasting sleep waves, sending sleep energy from my bed. Maybe we can do a sleepy genkidama

Michael Blue

It was funny to me that immediately after watching a Kibby video Alden resorts to crime


Lute and Vandy sitting in a gym He resents her and she resents him! First comes angst mixed in with longing, Then comes an elevated risk of bonking. ...er, thanks for the chapter! It was very tense and serious and I am going to solemnly contemplate it.

William Johnson

So I've been waiting for the asshole side of the Artonans to show up for a while and I think we've found their arc. So far the ambassador has not impressed, what with leaving their PA alone to wait for Alden, but if teleport prioritization in general is being messed with by them in a way that's endangering a lot of people that's a whole 'nother level of jerkwad. Of course the other possibility is that by and large the danger is over and that's why teleports are no longer being authorized, but in that case the system really needs to send some kind of all clear to calm the populous down.


I'm starting to get the distinct feeling that Alden is going to run into his rabbit friends.


Can seriously see Alden meeting up with the girls and using his MOTHER privilege to save them + Zeridee, with Her teleporting them to Artona I and drawing that 99 attention onto himself

Kinga K

I think it might also be because the System's running out of resources


No system targeting, evac times getting longer, full bunkers, avowed against citizens, evec time disapearing, water going the wrong way . . . bodies. Some great tention buildup.


He could call the snake "Stuart" as revenge for naming the Ryehb't Alden :p. Or "Instructor Sleeper" so we have Big'n'little Snake and Tiny snake. More seriously, if the Long siblings don't make it, naming it in their memory.


I thought Lute might have potential as a wizard, since he's essentially doing what Alden did on the Moon (accessing what used to be system buttons "manually", without the chaos obviously). He, Boe and maybe Jeffy seem to have the most potential among the characters we know, if it ever actually happens.

William Johnson

I read that bit as a placebo, like Vandy thought she was getting a peace of mind chain and so she felt calmer even though nothing actually happened.


I really liked the chapter :)


I think he's got about a week to repay it so he should be fine. (iirc Lute said so)


Yes, I have been thinking about the inhabitability of Anesidora after this. Even if nothing else goes wrong, huge parts of the city are already destroyed and won't be inhabitable for a long time, maybe months to years. So they will have hundreds of thousands of refugees that need to be resettled short term. Some can fit into the avowed zones, but they probably won't have the infrastructure for all. Some countries will let people in, maybe with heritage ties, some won't. Many of those that will get to the real world probably won't go back willingly again to a devestated island that is more dangerous than they thought. The accord to force avowed into their luxury ghettos might be done... I'm also speculating our rabbit may receive a temporary residence offer to stay on Anesidora I or III... He already has work experience in Leafsong University and an offer to get adopted by a (temporarily disgraced) professor. Stu is also there and could pull some strings.


Thank you for the chapter! Sleyca needs sleep! Post sheep! One sheep.


I wonder if this was Aulia's yacht that Alden spotted back in 132 (Ripples III) > The lights of one of the ships suddenly went out. > Alden couldn’t see the vessel the lights belonged to. It was too distant, and the dark beyond the shining Span was too impenetrable. But it might have been a yacht—something fun, probably, rather than a working ship. He’d been looking right at it because the lights were color-shifting through the rainbow and it stood out compared to the other things in that direction. I figured he would've never known if it was Aulia's because he's never seen it before. He's only heard Lute talk about it.


Good stuff once again. Rabbit girls pov makes the mini apocalypse hit harder. Luckily Alden has been training to become disaster resistant. We'll see if he gets yet another commendation for saving Zeridee.


I love this read on humanity when society (the contract) stops working in a crisis. We've seen responders, helpers, looters, selfish behavior, idiocy and denial of the situation. Helplessness and hopefulness and through it all we are watching Alden explore it like a reverse catcher in the rye situation. Very much enjoying what is shaping up to be about Aldens mental arc about who he wants to be and solidify what it means to support others. I like how Kibby is used to reinforce this change. I know Stuart is after this so I'm hoping there is some emotional outlet for Alden. He's definitely in need of a confidant. Thanks for the chapter.


Hmm. It is thematic, good point. But perhaps in the future he might be able to keep people semi conscious? Like he was in Hannah's spell, and telepathically talk.


I'm not sure why Lute's perspective is important and it makes me question things. Nat and co are in a still 'safe' spot, with a rapidly developing shitty situation, but I get why we see their perspectives as that it's about to get interesting. Little snake is fun, and will be a rabbit pulling a snake out of the hat trick later. Thanks for the chapter! Enjoyed it as always. Very glad I finally fell asleep and didn't try to wait up for the chapter.

AC (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-22 14:49:43 I think It was there weeks
2024-03-21 12:52:07 I think it was three weeks

I think it was three weeks


I hope it's just saving computation power - no point knowing you've precisely moved from rank 10 million something to 10 million somethingdifferent, or that your timer adjusts itself by a few seconds or minutes when you still have hours to wait. Even more so because of scale (adjusting real-time for everyone everytime there's a change to anyone, providing a timer and a rank, which requires ordering everyone, is a monstruous computation). It might also be because it judges it likely enough that you will reach a safe place in time, making teleportation useless and therefore calculating your timer is a waste. Finally, it might also be as an incentive for people to keep moving instead of waiting for a teleport in a "safe enough" place. I'm optimistic, and hopeful that the System has its reasons - and that it isn't just abandoning people and shifting priorities like a trolley dilemma.


This arc is agonizing to read(in a good way), it perfectly conveys aldens struggle and the people.


I heard drowned victims are the least traumatizing to see as well!

Maddy Weller

I love the perspective shifts on here, it’s a nice break between Alden being traumatized. Hopefully Lute will be able to figure out more non-system targeting after this. I can see Alden’s desired “how to survive on an alien planet without the system helping” course getting a lot more interest after this. Hopefully there will be a course like that after this.

Morog T Tiny

Hmm, so many people actually had the ability to save themselves but instead frittered it away due to their understanding of the NORMAL. Even Alden has not got himself an extra Chaos resistant jacket yet. Everyone expects the authority to save them but, the authority is doing triage and most people just, are not on their important list. People even charged into danger and got themselves killed to no real purpose. But we did learn that Alden could turn himself into a faux Brute with word chains if he keep up his studies in time.


I think Kibby was mostly expressing anxiousness about a lots of things, like being apart from him for so long, aging at different speeds, and mainly him leaving her behind (she idolises him a bit), forgetting her or losing affection for her over time. I think it's a clever child's roundabout way of saying she misses him, and that she's scared he'll be gone forever, one way or another (because they never meet again, or because they will grow up to be two different persons when they finally meet). I think she's smart enough to realise all that but she's still hoping for a kind lie, a reciprocation of her own (unrealistic) pledge, and that's what Alden provided when he said that.


I feel like the switching points-of-view help with feeling the confusion(that is not all good), and the urgency of everything going on at the same time(this I like). If it were all already written, I definitely could not put the book down before the resolution.


Also for me, when Lute is being confuse without his eyepatch, the "time.You" is red (in “But I should have recognized you! I see you all the time.You look different without your…we both have a class in Mele Center around the same time. I’m taking throat singing!”)


Same but the fact it seems to no longer have the capacity to pander to people's mental states by giving them some small sliver of hope definitely is worrying




Manual activation is possible for avowed I’m fairly sure


Did Emilija lose her teleport slot because she went the wrong way? Did she lose it because her priority is too low? Did she lose the slot because she lashed out? Did she lash out because she lost the slot, or because she was furious about being rerouted? I'd be angry too. You're headed to a place that's supposed to be safe. You are exhausted. You can see the end... and are turned away. Moving the goalposts is a cruel thing to do. If Emilija is any indication, Alden has zero chance of getting System assistance. He did not immediately get in the flier. Earth's System must be really struggling, for it to not be capable of anticipating this level of turmoil when evacuations go poorly. Should've started evaccuating the whole island via the big teleporters.


"I do not recognise the bodies in the water. I do not recognise the bodies in the water. I do not recognise the bodies in the water."


Agreed. Although for that they should conveniently ignore that the attack came from SAL. The thing is, the argument for Anesidora is still strong in my opinion. Having Avowed all other the world multiplies the chances of random abuse of power exactly like that. So the powerful Avowed will feel vindicated in their opinion and the lesser Avowed will flee to SAL. We're looking at a schism even bigger than before.


The way the Earth System has handled prioritisation during this event has some far-reaching consequences and will damage trust in the System... the same one that's responsible for handling affixation. Could one of the consequences we see in the future be the first Chaos monsters arising from humans who refused level ups because of their distrust or total rejection of the System? I'm aware the System can forcibly affix people but that's costly to it in some way but I suspect it normally only uses this service for Knights who must always be forcibly levelled. Would it be willing or capable of extending this service if enough Supers rejected levels globally? Is this the quiet start of Earth's Chaos Corruption arc? ... Now that I've got all that doomposting out of myself, I'm going to bed. Night all!


Well, that's getting even scarier. The ramifications are going to be insane


Our poor boy. :( it's what? His third or maybe fourth week at school? How should this comtinue for years and years of school and university afterwards when he can't go a month without getting re-traumatized and having to think the world would end any second? How should he ever recover from that trauma now that it got shoved in his face again in such a fashion, while he didn't really recover from the last time. How should he ever again be able to feel the slightest bit of safety?

Master Program

Oh boy, are we going to get to retraumatize Lute by making him an orphan with the added tragedy of his last conversation with his mom being an argument where he refuses to acknowledge her? It would be the ultimate irony if the majority of the immortal Velra clan Aulia worked so hard to build die as an indirect result of her personal submerger being stolen as well as the way they raised and then wrote off Orpheus and his downward drug-fueled spiral which led to the theft in the first place.


I don't think it's fair to say the system isn't equipped for this. Considering the system was probably designed for the entire populace of avowed to be spread out, it's more accurate to say humanity created a critical failure in their own defense by stacking all the avowed in one place and treating it like a glorified puppy mill.


Yeah, my browser was treating that as a link too, which is why it is red


“But after evacuating minors, its second priority seems to be something more like combat force preservation,”. And they took the B-rank rabbit first. The Alden conspiracies are gonna grow a lot after this arc.


My thought from those chapters was that word chains breaking was in some way a chaos causing event. Like the act of all that reinforced intention breaking causes a massive break in whatever protects the universe from chaos normally.

Eitan G.

I have wish. I wish… that in the absence of all humanity in the area and lots of things already severely demolished… Alden tries out his triangle spell just once…


This is already like a near 15 chapter arc. "Go back and add more viewpoints" is wild to say.


I think the question is how much control do Humans or any on-planet Artonan's have over the Contract's response in this situation. Is the Contract just running through it's protocols or is there any guiding hand trying to help? We know that Zeridee and we assume the Ambassador had some insight into the system's responses, but are there any decision makers like the Anesidoran High Council that can override them? Maybe the Knights on Matedoro, but how clued in are they to the situation?


I do not sleep often so you can some of mine. Perhaps that will make me sleepy and I can generate more sleep than I usually do?

Jason Harpster

(Inventory Status) Item : Uninterrupted Sleep Last Recived : 08/04/2012 Quantity : -1 Would you like to substitute passing out from exhaustion for the requested item?


I think it says something about your writing when I'm more annoyed by the Lute sections in these chapters because I'm more interested in the Alden situation than anything else and these keep pulling away from that. Especially when it feels like they drag on about things I care less about. The Natalie section did not annoy be, probably because it felt relatively short and the appropriate amount of tension compared to the Alden sections. I'm also suspecting you're going to have Alden run into Natalie's group at some point.


Take care of yourself Sleyca, a healthy work life balance is key! I wish you much sleep and sweet dreams.


I'm curious about the political ramifications of this incident. If the system isn't targeting people as people would expect, it's going to lead to backlash and anger. Throw in the fact that anger is from the people who are most connected to the system and it could lead to some interesting results and political fallout for both the Artonans and the system in general. I could easily see this event create MORE anti-system people and radicalize a lot of more neutral people.

Zenopath (AEV)

I'm guessing the system now considers F-ranks to no longer be worth rescuing. Like just flat out, I can't save all the avowed, I'm going to focus on rescuing the ones that have value. Emilija is the only F-ranked character we know.


Losing a teleport timer could mean a lot of things... maybe the System thought it would have resources to teleport out an F but was wrong. Or maybe an actual terrorist attack of some kind is causing it to redirect its resources. Or maybe Alden bothering it with his privilege caused it to waste additional resources and so someone got knocked off the list...


Thank you for the chapter. I'm looking forward to rereading this section, later down the road.

John Scott

I think you’ve got to recognize what is because of the system and what is because of human politics. The system usually accommodates the human evac order, but in a crisis, ultimately it’s the arbiter of the warrior contract, so it makes sense that its base priority is preservation of force. The system is limited, it must pick and choose who to evacuate, it clearly can’t take everyone. It’s hard to envision any prioritization strategy that wouldn’t be problematic in some way, so the system is true to its nature when making an impossible choice. But the system doesn’t require people to live on Anesidora, that’s a human rule. It’s the human governments who made the island of exile, who revoke the citizenship of new avowed, who require they leave. This is an overwhelming victory for SAL and the anti anesidora crowd. But this is also the sort of things governments will pint to and say “see! This is why we can’t have avowed live with us. If an island full of super hero’s was that badly affected, what would have happened to New York or Los Angeles?” There’s going to be a lot more tension between the government and the avowed, with a simultaneous crack down on rogue avowed and emigration exodus from anesidoria.


@Sean the Lute chapters made me wonder if lots of people dying at the same time without paying back their wordchains can do major damage to a wordchain.


This is a good point. There's a solid case to be made that the crisis is due primarily to the Council's failure to plan for the safety of Aneisidorans in the event of a crisis. They offloaded that responsibility to the System and consequently forfeit some of their right to dictate who gets saved first. The general lack of availability of communication, for instance, is a good example of people just assuming the System would always be around to help them out.


Take care of yourself, Sleyca. Don't sacrifice the whole for immediacy. Let yourself have some time. Soon. To write about nothing, to write for fun, to not write, whatever. Burnout is real. I'm enjoying these characters, I'm enjoying the words. I want to see more. But I've written characters I enjoy, and I've written words I enjoy, and they are tucked away, half forgotten, because I burned out pushing myself past the enjoyment. Let yourself sleep. If you have to finish this arc first, then watch how you're feeling during the writing, and think about what might be a better format for you when it ends. In this time of overconsumption, you're a creator. We will consume what you deliver, don't deliver pieces of yourself you don't want devoured.

Emily Gurnavage

Who is Leo, and how does a Post Drop box relate to him?


Thanks for the Almost Leo ! :) this can go either of 2 ways now to resolve everything, either Alden Does not need to access Mother, or he does. IF HE DOES, he needs to be with someone -the girls- to help him get dressed in his new Uniform that Mother will send (ie from the 99.9 wardrobe section), and see their shock when alden Changes his clothes and goes from a "B" Rabbit who can preserve/timestop what he is carrying to a "B" Rabbit Knight-Wizard in Uniform who can also preserve/timestop stuff he is carrying. the Ramifications of just the uniform being on when someone who knows would be immense. (personally i WANT him to get a Uniform during this event) If he ends up NOT needing Mother, then imo he needs to be able to drop Zeridee off with someone with healing to save her and then most likely use his ability to do "something" to help fix the issue. imo he gets teleported to the base and "carrys" whatever item that caused this all to happen. or something completely different, i don't know, i love this arc so far though....


Anyone else starting to have the feeling this is the Velra's Gloss rebounding? Because this appears to be a global event, and the Gloss was global and it didn't sound like it was this large before.


On re-responding to Kibby, perhaps afterwards, he could record his school/class and ask for her opinion and guidance on his education and behaviour of fellow stude ts in class. I'm sure that'll put any thoughts of Alden changing too much for her to connect with right out of both sides of her mind.


Leo is the post office box in the Teleportation Center. See chapter 20, An Ordinary Mailbox.


Dang that horrifying scene at the end.. I hope its not anyone we recognize. Also, the other perspectives really hammer home just how much of a shock this crisis really is to a vast majority of people. It's such a contrast to Alden's perspective, I love it. It just highlights the huge gap in experiences between people, and the fragility of relying on something that they thought was deeply constant and stable. Heck, despite everything Lute, Vandy and the people around them are still pretty fixated on social dynamics (perhaps that kind of thing doesn't really go away even in a crisis) and only now the girls are confronting the reality of the situation. I wonder where this is all going to go..


I think it might've been Marks doing, perhaps he set off the dominoes, its only a matter of time until we find out his true nature..

Josh Brooks

Yoooooooo! What a chapter! I love these alternate POVs so much!!!!!! Agh. I’m losing it. BODIES? crazy stuff. Thanks for the soup!


Tiny snake plushies in a bento box, new merch idea.


Man, I bet Lute's thinking about the last thing he said to his mother. And Alden's probably trying not to think about all the corpses, Jesus.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

I was intrigued by the cross-section of the crisis we got to see with the POV changes this chapter. Lute is in a safe place, experiencing the crisis indirectly as a dread of what is happening to the people he cares about and an upending of what is normal for him. Natalie, Hadiza, and Emilija are experiencing the disaster a little less indirectly, as they are struggling to find safety, but have not been confronted with the catastrophe directly just yet. Alden, on the other hand, is in it. Ever since leaving the ambassador's residence, he has constantly been believably moments away from harm, directly witnessing the affects of the disaster around him. Between those three viewpoints, we have seen a pretty good representation of how most of the population is impacted by the event. Anesidora will not come out of this unchanged.


@Sean, waves is only 7 chapters, and we already have viewpoints for 2 of them. I really like the different perspectives in the last two and I think it would be cool to have a few paragraphs to show what else is going on around the island while Aden is running around.


We need a JEFFY POV!!!! (post teleport to action)

William Forrest

I always assumed the person Gorgon tried to kill and who imprisoned him was Mother.

William Forrest

Do we think dead bodies count as Objects or would they still be to closely associated with the Life element.


I agree about the impact of the Rabbit girls' pov! It makes the disaster feel more real and more poignant at the same time. My heart hurt for Emiljia. Right now, of course, I'm worried for her safety (as she probably is too). But once this is over I wouldn't be able to overcome the absolutely certain awareness that I was living in a place where I was not valued as highly as my peers - not even my roommates and best friends. I've hated this Anesidoran dynamic for a while, but this really made it hit home again.


Isn't the wardrobe broken? It was one of the first things Alden tried. He could open it but couldn't buy/retrieve anything from it.


It's funny to see the girl's shopping trip and Lute's perspective with all the typical angst and perception issues of a young guy, and then Alden's perspective. The girls are interesting in this context, because I remember not exactly who, but they viewed Anesidora as a pretty great place to live, pretty much a goal to reach if you weren't born there. I wonder how they and others who have the same perspective as them will be different after this. Maybe more people will opt out and reject living there if they do become Avowed.

Partha Peddi

Wow, timers for some Avoved have been removed. Either they have been marked safe, or it is conserving more resources for something else. Lute's mom is definitely in more trouble than previously anticipated. Bodies Alden found must be from the boats.. dreading what we will find next.


This is not the moon of Thegund, this is not the moon of Thegund, this is not...

Heather White

I don’t think he’s sensing the authority that would make him a wizard. That would be his free authority. Instead, he’s starting to have more independent, direct control of his skill (which only involves his bound authority).


"thus far" as positive as Vandy's "Almost everyone will be alright"

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Haoyu's message says Alden and Lexi aren't with him. Maybe it's been long enough that A ranks are getting their teleports and Lexi is higher on the list than Haoyu, but perhaps Writher has been deployed to whip the ocean.


OMG when the other Rabbits hit their timers, will they really leave Emilija alone? They aren’t heroes, though they’re avowed.


I keep thinking about how the school board ppl deliberately gave Alden a less good therapist so he could get cleared to start school sooner, and it just pisses me off more on his behalf as this arc goes on.


Alden: uses Seperate From Whole to leave burden’s head un-preserved. Head: bounces on floor Alden: oh, << untranslateable >>

Ano Ano

Lexi might have split off to go to his family. If evacuating to tall buildings was deemed acceptable, they do live in a high-rise.


Sleyca has mentioned previously that the Gloss has already been entirely repaid months ago. She's also mentioned that the affects of the Gloss are limited to when its active and only to the Velras. It's not "do these things now and it'll improve your life in 6 months" kinda luck. It's "cupcakes fall from the sky into your lap" kinda luck.

Ano Ano

Vandy is a very interesting and believable type of teenager. She's very proper. She strongly believes in following the rules and doing the "right" thing. She never in a million years would have done what Alden did and stayed behind to protect an Artonan who was directing her to leave. Basically, Vandy is not a bad person, but she's not exactly a good person either. She needs to replace some of her rules worship with her own moral convictions if she wants to ever be truly heroic.


there's a question imo of whether they actually offloaded that planning onto the system, or if it was another "unintended uninformed choice" the Artonans made for them. It's unclear if anyone other than the chosen few were even aware planetary evacuation was a thing that NEEDED to be planned for (see: how many TC staff were kept in the dark about the actual extent of their facility), and they/Alden might be contract-forced to not reveal that info. I would not be surprised to see a spontaneous space race break out now that it's been revealed how little of humanity is considered with saving, as governments try to find their own solution to the threat.

Stonedwarf Stonedwarfson

Sleyca, take a break, please! A two or three-week publishing break while you write only as much or as little as you feel like while spending most of your efforts on your non-writing life. Don't publish again until you have your comfortable backlog back. You should never feel like you have to pull an all nighter for us. We will all be here for you when you return.


Known active potential supervillains so far: Alden “The Pickler” Thorn: Uses magic to break in, loot and ransack during emergencies Kib“Thunder Lettuce”-vee: bombs research labs, heists valuable magic weaponary under the nose of the Quarternary, plotting to replace the Primary

Jason Harpster

Life is funny that way. On the plus side a key portion of the Tat is the intent of "doing whats best for the family".....and Lute is in a position to own the non-narcissistic non-deluded route. The tat is basically ego driven. The absolute certainty of being right is all he needs to pop it like a water balloon. Disaster, mom maybe dead, desperate to help others.......he could finally force the one prohibited decision that breaks the contract.


Being low rank sucks so much. Emilija was the one who said she knew she wasnt real avowed iirc, but at least got to live on the special island. Now, she gets to see her survival priority when all has gone to shit. As an F, hiding would be easier and so much safer in comparison to whats happening within months of her signing the contract and registering with her government.


Interesting that the system ported Alden to one of the two regions of the city that are noted as being abandoned. Surrounded on three sides by water. Almost like it’s trying to get rid of him…or force him to use his privilege.


Or she can be a hero who is directed by the local government and just does what she is assigned to do. Basically a superpowered cop or soldier


Wellll, she also breaks rules if its to her benefit. As she did here and was pointed out by lute.

Andrew Boyer

That might be bad, since that building appears to be an ex-building now.

Andrew Boyer

Me personally, I don’t trust that Mail Drop. He’s just one bad letter away from going postal.

Jason Harpster

"Emilija with her chipped paint skill" I so want her skill to be useful repairing things like the teleport runes and other things. But........well.........repair is not as important as vaporizing a city block.

Heather White

I wonder if it’s going to be the bodies of Liam’s siblings & Alden’s going to have to use the scratch card to let Liam know.

Emily Howarth

She probably also sent that message after she stole the auriad from the museum. She was still trying to protect Alden, but is now feeling like a bad person. But as long as her relationship with Alden is still the same, then she will be okay.


I didn't get that sense at all. He explicitly didn't sense anything. He just controlled the skill without the system.

Jason Harpster

By using a triangle based spell you have attracted the attention of the Trilateral commision.


I am hoping that the vanishing timer is because she lashed out and disobeyed instructions. That would be vindictive and cruel, but understandable.

Jason Harpster

(Replaces NameGame's Desktop with a full screen JPG) (Waits for hilarity to ensue)

Heather White

Or maybe the overburdened, freezing teleporter is getting to the point it won’t work much longer, and the System has stopped countdowns for people so far down the list that it knows it won’t be able to teleport them.


Why in the world would it snap? Snapping while in use just isn't a thing. Yes, it might run out, but paying back the debt is something that happens days or weeks latter.

Jason Harpster

There was literally an escape flyer. All he had to do was get in and he would have been wisked clean out of danger immediately.


It's not the rebound of the gloss. It's the long-reaching consequences of decisions made months and years ago. Chaos theory.


I didn't expect another PoV jump. Last chapter's PoVs should have been earlier? Or maybe we're building up to something next chapter. Is the system going to order the island to evacuate?


*flushing sounds* He's the most underrated character in this story. If there's any kind of balance in the universe we'll be getting a Leo-interlude shortly. *flushing sounds intensify*


This was so good! Thank you for the chapter!! I’m a big fan of the multiple POVs - I really hope Emilija and the girls will be okay… The biggest eye opener was the fact that giving chains without system assist is done without alerting the target?!? I feel like this is ripe for Sway-like manipulations, like forcibly giving someone Peace of Mind instead of just calling in the debt like Hazel did. And that’s just one example! My favorite part of the chapter is without a doubt Tiny Snake… I sincerely hope Alden gets to keep him haha, wouldn’t be surprised if he returns TS to Liam (if everyone survives at the end).

Jason Harpster

Irony being Hazel was saved by the nonsense at the party, and will probably be a returning character.


sebsebs it was pointed out that some of the older chainers can already do that without the system. Just because Lute can fumble around in the dark and trigger his own bound skill doesn't mean he can sense anything or access his free authority.


Do I remember correctly that the submerger camera from the Velras? It was what Orpheus paid for drugs with, right? If that is the case i see two scenarios: 1. The ship has its own submerger that is able to protect it from the broken submerger. 2. Orpheus stole the one originally on the ship, which will have caused it to sink during the event. The ramifications of the second scenario could be crazy. Lute's grandma refuses the emergency teleport because she believes her ship safe, and then drowns together with other prominent Velras. This causes the family to crumble, the chainer monopoly to break, and Hazel loses her leash allowing her to grow more obscene and cause mayhem in the future.


There was one. If there were two, Alden would be on his way to the Amazon. The system knows people, models people and knows that Alden had a very good chance of staying rather then leave someone else behind.

Erik Borgstrom

She might have refused it because she didn't want to leave her friends since they were so close to the shelter.


He has been in therapy since he got back from Thegund.


Well, that was the ambassador's fault. He was ported there to take advantage of the flyer, remember?


Lute's grandma is at Maradero. She is one person who will be fine.

Heather White

To add to us seeing what’s happening to people, the theme of this arc is largely ‘how people react to a crisis’, and this chapter’s cross-section expands the range of what we’ve seen so far. Marks, the thieves, people carrying piles of belongings to the train, people begging for shelter at the ambassador’s home, families not letting their children teleport, the guy in a tux who ran back for his dog, motorcycle girl, Liam & his siblings, Natalie et al last chapter, and Lute in bed… these have all been us seeing individuals or just a few people together responding in different ways. And in this chapter we also see Emilija’s response to her countdown disappearing. Of course, we also keep seeing more of how Alden reacts. I’d say most notable this chapter are snake-rescuing, & becoming a burglar. However, until this chapter, the only time we’ve seen anything like a mass response to the crisis was right at the beginning, on the Span. Now Lute & Natalie’s group are showing us two additional crowd responses: how people are behaving in a shelter (gym) and people rioting when denied entry into a shelter (the one Natalie’s group was sent to). I enjoyed how Sleyca pulled the camera out a bit this chapter to show us a larger perspective.


I doubt the system expected him to delay taking the shuttle, encounter a pack of looting avowed, and have Zeridee choose to use the shuttle to defend him from the looters before he could get evacuated. It's a pretty unlikely set of events, and he should have been safer than most.

Heather White

Haoyu is surely one of his mom’s’ plus-two’s (him & dad, I assume). With her having 2 commendations, I assume she’s on the highest priority list like Alden. So Haoyu is probably in one of those special evacuation points Alden was supposed to be sent to (in his text to Alden he was kinda cagey about where he was). Haoyu isn’t actually with any of their classmates. He just didn’t mention anyone except his & Lute’s roommates.


I think they meant that Alden assumed he was safe until being summoned again so he hasn’t made a go bag yet (with jacket) yet.


The system isnt tailoring rescues for people right now. If there is shelter its tossing people into it. Ambassador arranged a flyer and that apparently counted as sufficient effort. It would be sufficient too if alden didnt stay behind or zeridee didnt get jumped by looters.


Nah— system is stained and it dropped the f-ranks. Ooph.

Partha Peddi

They have a helicopter, so they might be ok. But if they got caught by the explosion debris, they sunk first. I hope their bodies are not in the ones Alden discovered.


You open the bento box expecting noodles, but it's full of tiny plush snakes instead! I'd buy it in a heartbeat

Heather White

I think that’s why targeting is so hard for Lute unless he’s using the system-assist. It implies that the Chainer class is set up to be super-dependent on system-assist, because bestowing chains through the system allows the system to require permission. As Lute & Vandy discovered, when the system is cut out of the loop no permission is required.

Aspiring Moth

I say life element still. plants removed from their source are dead or dying, and haven't been noted as more difficult to move for life shapers. life shaper necromancer is potentially on the table if so


People are obsessed with the annoying post drop from when Alden dropped off the Velra letter.


Personally I hope it’s months or years before he takes a uniform. There’s a lot more to story to tell first and that would be a shonen move.

Aspiring Moth

to be fair, BoaB has a different targeting component than other skills. the heliotropic flower analogy probably wouldn't help even if he had an authority sense

Eitan G.

No…. No he needs to know what his only real combat spell does and that when he casts it, it casts. … I would like to know this as well. It’s giving me anxiety.


I don’t think so, but I also don’t think Lute is truly figuring out how to feel his authority. He just leaving the system hand holding behind, and with it the system restrictions. Those don’t really make sense when you consider the nature of Avowed power, so it’s more like the targeting halo, an extra helping feature for the poor Earth noobs avowed.

Aspiring Moth

the snake report is amazing. I wish the author would return, even to work on another story


Given the rarity and the comment that Orpheus had tried to break into the yacht engine room, pretty sure he stole the one from the yacht.

Alan Miller

(Someday) "Alden, after the whole soup thing what can you teach me about targeting?"

Douglas Lilley

Alden’s definitely high off the Artonian meds in this chapter or he’s snapped. He’s calmly contemplating a mailbox while carrying an injured person while he’s effectively in a race for his life against the ocean.

Aspiring Moth

the card hasn't been activated from the sister's end, so isn't usable. not to mention that Liam isn't the one with the other card, it's the sister


I would think Aulia would put Jessica on her list as she is the most vulnerable


Oh my gosh, Alden taking the snake as a pet and calling him Stuart would be so cool!

Jeff Scott

I was very happy to get a cameo by the post drop, even if it wasn't the forgotten hero. I kept expecting him to return to it and find a present inside that was delivered just for him, but sadly it wasn't to be.


At least I think Alden might be able to visit Stu earlier because classes wouldn't start up again soon...


I suspect that there will be a crisis of government after all this. The rank divide has always been a part of their society, but this will irrevocably link it to personal safety for the first time. People might trade freedom and status for safety, but they won’t trade it for nothing. In the end, the high ranks have traditionally held the wealth, extraterrestrial influence, and greater abilities. However, the lower ranks are far more populous and thus have massively more voting power. Those two areas of power are going to really clash after this and the fallout will almost certainly spill over to the non-Avowed populations. There’s a reason the Artonians are not a democratic society.

Alan Miller

@Shawn he's talking about the other half of the 'Gracefulness' chain that Alden used doing the obstacle course, which based on on earlier chapters isn't very widely used (=not robust) and will snap back within a few weeks.

John D Jones

This is worse than the moon of Thegund. Alden spent most of his (and Kibby's) time there in relative comfort. He also had companionship with Kibby. Right now he's alone even with frozen Zeridee and boxed Tiny Snake, having to see corpses (some of which were made right in front of him) and picking his way through an active disaster which isn't nearly over yet.

John D Jones

Maybe I read it wrong, but it seemed like Alden found Tiny Snake in the street after he left Liam's building. If Alden gives Tiny Snake to anyone, he should give it to Big Snake.

Alan Miller

It sounds like their times are pretty long still, and if priorities are based on combat use.... Hopefully they'll be in a shelter before that and the shelters are all mass teleport sites.


Bodies are indeed an odd choice of meat to put in soup, but it's good you still liked it! Jokes aside, I'm with you on this. The povs then the bodies was such a chilling way to end the chapter. I'm excited to see who/what our mystery meat is..


Do not look at the bodies in the water

Alan Miller

I think none of Gorgon's people were ever brought to Artona I, based on “I never had the opportunity to join with one of his kind and come to an understanding.”


We NEED a Leo Point of View...and he was cute, totally not annoying.


I also kept thinking that he can't truly be in danger, it is still a place full of superheroes and the System and Zeridee said the risk is super low. But the last two chapters have made me so scared, the extent of the damage is so much bigger than I thought and the emergency measures so limited...


After the disaster, there’s still going to be a massive housing crisis… on a very isolated island with very limited space… that no one can leave… and that must still continue taking on new Avowed. What a nightmare.


Maybe Haoyu has already been teleported because he was his parents' plus one

Heather White

My brief freak out: “Leo? Leo?!?!” “Whew! Not Leo’s voice. Not Leo.” Nice fake out, Sleyca.


@Mack For sure, Alden needs to conserve mental and physical energy. He probably can't spare the time to test either. BUT his auriad spells use free authority, so at least it wouldn't tire his skill out!


Sleyca definitely read the comments in the last chapter saying people are worried about the animals :) And damn, why does it feel like the scale of the disaster is larger than the System predicted? Wasn't the risk low? Didn't the Artonan ambassador feel the risk is low accordingly to Zeridee? Why is the System having to cancel people's timers and Alden is finding bodies. I'm struggling to wrap my head around this magic water thing. If you are far inland and not at the coast, shouldn't it be relatively easy to get people to safety before the water can reach all the way there?


I’m wondering if the two girls on Jacob’s ship can still be alive. Fragile Atmosphere only works for like 7 minutes. It’s hours later and the water is still trying to submerge everything. Unless they made it to Matadero proper or got picked up by a Knight, they should be goners.

Jason Harpster

.......technically they might have taken Jeffy first. The timing is a little tight but Alden didn't teleport until they were at the end of the span. Jeffy teleported in the length of time it takes to run into a building and back out.


I also want to brag a bit and say I called it regarding the massive political ramifications of the crisis all the way back when this arc started. The ripples from this event to me was always primarily the changes it was going to bring to Earth and Avowed society as a whole.

Charles Hinton

Is it too much to wish that somehow our hero ends up rescuing some poor stranded rabbit girl that refused teleport to stay with her friend.


Jeffy definitely went first, but that was an emergency summons that makes sense for an s rank aqua brute, not priority evacuation


Maybe resources were used up to bring in security for the bunker.


Hinting at abandoning the apartment island points to the goal being the continued defense of everything else.


Just wait until the disaster is over and the inevitable housing crisis begins. With much of the supply eaten/damaged by the sea, the only part of the demand that will be able to afford a new roof for a good while will by the richer high ranks. It’s about to suck EXTRA bad to be F-ranks.

John D

Great chapter, nice to see what's going on with some of our other characters. I'm glad you enjoy what you're doing Sleyca, I've certainly been up late working on stuff I'm excited about. I hope you're taking care of yourself along the way. Thank you for this story you've gifted us.


That’s wild. It makes me think of Chainer as a much more flexible and powerful class now, even regardless of Rank! Very cool

Heather White

The system and ambassador were specifically referring to the risk of chaos exposure being low. So far there’s been no chaos (except the human kind).

Partha Peddi

Will Alden take pictures of the bodies for later identification? Will he find anyone alive there? Or is it too creepy and he avoids it and pukes his guts out? I am dreading that Jeffy is one of them after he exhausted his skill saving others. I hope Sleyca gives us Jeffy's story soon.

Heather White

Vandy noticed a pattern in who’s being teleported, telling Lute that the System is “preserving combat forces”, but she doesn’t clarify what she means by that. First possibility: they’re being teleported before others in order to be sent to locations on Anesidora where they can help manage the crisis. That’s what we saw with Flopstar on the Span. Second (more ominous) possibility: the most important Avowed (most useful combat forces) are being transported to safety, probably to the secret evacuation points where Alden was supposed to go. [edit: I should’ve said they’re being teleported to places with transportation that can fly them to the secret evacuation locations] If Earth’s most important combat forces are being sent to the secret evacuation sites, that would mean they’re being preserved for the Artonans’ use (fighting against chaos) rather than protecting the island & its population. After all, the Interdimensional Warrior Contract’s primary requirement is for Earth to provide people who can help the Artonans in the fight against chaos (ch. 3) If option #2 is what’s happening & Anesidorans realize it, the fallout could be huge. [Edit: Possibility 3: very similar to #1 except that combat capable avowed are being evacuated from dangerous areas even if they aren’t being sent immediately to help others. It’s just that the System is prioritizing getting more ‘valuable’ avowed (those useful in combat) to safety.]


Fragile Atmosphere doesn't protect you from giant explosions so I'm pretty sure they're dead.


Alden called it Liam’s snake, though the tribute to Big Snake seems appropriate lol


No he found TS while going out, around the last boom room that was eviscarated. It is even refered as Liam's snake when giving it's color and size "Liam’s snake was pencil thin and, though Alden couldn’t really make out the color right now, he knew from seeing it in its habitat earlier that its patterned skin was primarily dark orange. "


This crisis won’t be over when the ocean stops either. A huge portion of the living space on the island has been destroyed or damaged enough to be unlivable. Queue the huge housing crisis, which will get political very very fast. The low ranks got deprioritized for rescue once, and they’ll be hair-triggered about getting overlooked again during the rebuild.

Aspiring Moth

I have nothing solid to back it up, but I get the feeling that Orpheus turned to drugs to deal with family pressures. remember when people said that lute was being spoiled? he responded saying that you can't spoil someone in a family like this and on an island like this with things. the pressure was probably too much for him, so he looked for an escape


It's a pretty small island, "far inland" is very much a relative thing. There's also the question of risk scale. The planet Earth is at pretty low risk. Anesidora, on the other hand...


I think from what we learned from Vandy, the system is going to prioritize the evacuation of combat forces now. Emilija is far far from any sort of combat force, not a child or non-avowed and so she has been completely deprioritized. Now granted, the other girls are too, but their level and class skills means that they can at least tank some hits against chaos, or support the combat forces in some way so they are still on the timer. I bet a lot of this has to do with folks Rank as mentioned on Alden's special tab of his interface.


Ah ok, that makes sense. But I still get the impression that the scale of the disaster is outside of the System's original estimate. Maybe that Submerger was a really, really old one and those particles are more difficult to get rid of than the System estimated


the submerger particles are trying to submerge magical objects. Neither of the girls are objects, so I assume they should be fine based on that. There's a good chance they died in the explosion, though.


I think this is the setup for Lute’s future self-improvement arc. In theory, S-class Chainer is an absurdly phenomenal support Class. However, he’s experiencing what it’s like to be useless in a crisis because he was content just using the System as a crutch. Chainer was always a side project to him. He’s been a singularly obsessed musician, but as Kibby’s message brings up; people change. IMO, his fixation with being the team coach was foreshadowing. He was even sneaking into gym to watch them after. Lute really likes helping people and this is the ideal opportunity to drown him in that realization.


I'm predicting the Knights will save Alden. He might let off an authority scream closer to them than Zeridee was. Or they come across him by some other means. I was thinking back to how we have been hearing of these Knights since many chapters ago and even got that little mention of the male Knight checking who is the nr 1 most important Avowed, but so far they haven't really done much to justify their placement in the story in this arc.. It feels like all those mentions of them and how they know about Alden would make sense if they help him out of this crisis.


Alden can't take out the knight uniform on Earth. In the Mother chapter she says it's only available on Artona. It's far too early for him to become a knight, too.


By the time Waves turns back into ripples, Alden is going to be carrying an entire department store. He will not yield, he will not break! He will save them all in ONE. TRIP.


Alden found a new noodle friend. The System might stop helping targeting for Lute not because the Palace wants to monopolize Chainers but because the system doesn’t want Chainers applying wordchains without system oversight. The information/acceptance window might just be system related and has nothing to do with Mass bestowal. Finally, the pancake spell in action. Some questions for the next chapter(s) Alden stumbles over some bodies, someone he recognises? Is someone in the pile still alive? Will Alden stumble into the rabbit trio? Will Lute leave the Gym to look for Emilija?


I don't think Natalie would leave her. She seems like the kind of person who wouldn't abandon her friend, even when there's not much she can do to help. I guess we'll find out.

Bob Ross

Brag on, what chapter and time should I look for your comment on? Or I guess, what'd you say exactly? (I don't mean to sound sarcastic, I mean it for the record. Happy to engage in conversation. and compliment you for your accurate prediction)

Bob Ross

How very like Vandy to hear "what does that mean?" and reply with "Um, exactly what I said." And this arc has me wondering how much info in the contract is actually available to humanity. It feels like this is all stuff Human Avowed should know, at least the ones like Lute who grew up studying the Contract and what it actually says. Like "in case of emergency, the Avowed will be evacuated in their order of usefullness" shouldn't come as a surprise to them, right?

Andrew Boyer

Gorgon will get some converts in case 2, but they’ve all already accepted the contract.


Emilijia’s section was heartbreaking. Lots of stuff before that was stuff I’d describe colloquially as heartbreaking but was perhaps just sad, and the Emiljia section and ending was actually heartbreaking. Like watching someone grieve a loved one, in another situation it might bring you to tears yourself, just to see it. This has absolutely been fucked. Literally one chapter she was here to ‘live it all’. You’re so cruel Sleyca. And I see your plan, you know, should they all live — should they not be in this pile of bodies and it all turn out to be asynchronous — Emiljia and Lute’s interest. Who would get it more — the F rank experience was still a half step better than he thought he’d get but he’s a double SS and how can she express this to him and expect him to be the exact right person if she doesn’t know what we know. Also, the F rank avowed life really is awful. Lost to the human world. ‘Worthless’ in the new one. (Edit: loved the chapter and the ability to empathise with the horribly negative experience of a made up figment of your imagination, if that’s not clear from tone, which it can’t possibly be. You write good.)

Alex Scriber

The wizards foot is clearly very lucky. Unlike Alden, it is safely back on campus. If only Alden had his wizard’s foot with him!


True, at least the Artonans have the very real Chaos threat to put everyone in line. From what we've seen of Earth it still really hasn't sunk (aha) in that it is THE major threat. And it's unfortunately the kind of threat that warrants the use of authoritarian power like the Artonans use. To be the advocate of Evil, I think Anesidora is a poorly designed way to keep the Avowed in line. But I'm not sure there is a better one, especially since you just know that if it didn't exist there would just be Villains popping up everywhere (not to mention chaos beast if they stopped getting their Authority affixed) .

Bob Ross

"How often would Alden need a complicated image capture spell, really, when he had a camera in his pocket that would work in a tenth the time?" -Chapter 24, Rabbit. Looks like you found the answer Partha Peddi!


The girls might not be objects, but all the clothes they’re wearing are. I’m also not ready to assume that Fragile Atmosphere won’t protect them from the explosion. The System descriptions have been shown to be missing big details. Like how the lab coat wasn’t listed as chaos-resistant.

Ano Ano

That's it exactly Lustratio. She's got fledgling cop brain. And you know, ACAB.


He doesn't have it with him, which explains why everything is going wrong. All of the events of the night = totally his fault.

Cyrus McEnnis

Best I could find is one with a pattern of dragons being humped by dinosaurs, good enough?

Cyrus McEnnis

Something happens _other_ than getting uplifted by a friendly wizard like the Snake Bros. puppies.


I think Alden is full up on people to rescue right now. Alden would really like for Alden to get rescued.


What this chapter is saying is that Alden is pretty much screwed. The shelters are full, places like the campus gym don’t let anyone back in once they go out and the system doesn’t offer second teleports. In other words, he will have to find an improvised safe space.

Carl Earl

I think the rebuilding will be much faster than people expect. There are super powers, a system, and aliens to help with it. Not to say that everything will be alright, but I don't think the housing crisis/rebuilding will take months.


If I understand the city layout correctly, the rabbit girls are on the other side of the span. So I don’t see them running into each other


Well that somehow turned darker. It went from problems for Alden and a few people who were too foolish to follow evacuation orders to a much bigger catastrophe. Gross. I'm really really worried that Alden will end up being forced to choose somehow between preserving Zeridee and someone else important to him.


Yup. Tools of the regime are not heroes. Legality and morality are entirely different things.


The avowed should just tell the world governments to get fucked, and that they'll live wherever they please.


or he can invoke his favor and increase the intensity level. The system is really twisting his arm here without having to explicitly do it.


Honestly, Alden's situation is mostly Zeridee's fault. She stupidly insisted on staying to do some meaningless work while in imminent danger. Alden made the correct decision to not abandon her. If he had, she'd be stuck all alone at best. Most likely, she'd probably be dead, since those thugs would've shown up to loot the place anyway.

Alex Scriber

My heart calls out to Sleyca in good faith. Today, I will grant you a portion of my sleep when I am well rested. Later, you will grant another an equal comfort of sleep.

Carl Earl

That last sentence hits hard. I think that one is going to stick with me for awhile. Would you be offended if I used it myself on occasion?


Alden's gonna keep Tiny Snek and show them off to Stuart and Kibby.

Carl Earl

For some reason I thought the girls were in F-City not Apex. Am I wrong?


They absolutely can leave. They should just go back to the nations they were born in and dare the government to do anything about it. "I've been an S Rank brute for 30 years. What the fuck are you going to do? I'm bulletproof."


I disagree, for a couple of reasons. The primary is that I don't think they'd leave Matadero. Securing the source of Chaos on earth was priority number 1 in an emergency and frankly everything else is such a distant second as to have a priority equal to Emilija's teleport timer. The second reason is simply that he's kind of in the middle of nowhere. It's an area that's been evacuated. I assume the knights would prioritize places where the safe-zones are or more people are in danger. You don't put the population in danger because there might be one person out there somewhere. If number two somehow happened (I doubt it), then I guess I could see an authority scream being useful to summon them but it just feels far-fetched and rather dues-ex even though they've been on-screen a couple of times.


Do you really want him to have to choose between a rabbit girl and Zeridee? That might just break him.

Heather White

The sentient postal box who makes flushing sounds & gets excited when he reads & sends info about good mail. We met him when Alden mailed his letter to the Velras before the funeral.


I think Haoyu’s mom is on the same priority list Alden is on, and Haoyu got teleported out early as one of her two extra people. He’s probably sitting at the evacuation site in the Amazon right now. Haoyu said his mom works with the same team of people when she gets summoned so I’ve been imagining her as part of a knight support team like Kraaa and the others on Thegund with Ali’s-art’h.


I rather expect some variation of scenario 2. As others have said we have enough clues that Orpheus probably stole the one from the ship. Aulia is one of the few Avowed old enough and presumably with enough favors to possibly possess such an ancient SinkerSender. The fallout that I expect is primarily that Aulia will step down as head of the family because that would be acting in the best interests of the family. Who ascends to leadership is a different question and I think long-long term could be Lute but he's way to young right now. Realistically I think she'll likely remain in power but have to make a show of cleaning up her own house which began with Hazel but will go well beyond Orpheus and his abomination of a conscience.

David Burchfield

I think Lute flipping the contract (disagreeing with the interpretation of it and forcing his interpretation because he has more authority) is more likely than breaking it.


The question is HOW do they leave. The government isn’t going to let them teleport wherever and the politician’s conversation with the Informant revealed there’s a multinational blockade around the island. Plus, the top 0.1% getting to do whatever they want is nothing new. Higher ranked individuals might be more capable of escaping, but they’re not the ones getting fucked over right now. The greater horde of low ranks are the ones who will want out the most, but don’t have the opportunities or resources. But they do have a shit load of votes.


I get the feeling she's a little spectrum-y which can include rigid rule following.


Do we know how many humans have commendations? I need to go reread the knight PoV section. We know Alden has the top one and Mrs. Zhang-Demir has two but we cannot guarantee that leaves her in the top 10. Edit: I strongly suspect she's top 10. Just playing devils advocate here.

Zachary Sloan

It seemed kind of obvious to me that she was just being vague about higher-Ranks being prioritized (something we already basically knew from Klein's interaction with Alden about Alden's own timer).


no she says she did not want him to take one now, but she would let him, it is just available. He has the tab ON EARTH, so he can select one and receive it almost instantly, but Mother specifically said(i checked ch62) a record would be made of his withdrawing a knight uniform. so Antoran Knights and those supervising said knights would know that the uniform was issued to a NON ARTONAN-which has not happened in a very long time apparently. Since there is zero monetary cost associated with choosing a knight uniform, he CAN take one out of his Wardrobe. Will he during this arc is the question. With all the chaos/panic happening only a few-on Earth- would know exactly what the uniform Means since most Earthlings have no idea what a Knight IS. imo most of them would be "hey cool hero uniform."


Francis I'm a little shocked we haven't seen more adjusters attacking the ocean in various ways, the system is really limiting that to a few really strong avowed. Heck, if Alden's power were more developed and he could preserve a building I think the Sinker Sender particles would expire fighting his authority.

Zachary Sloan

The real reason that Emilija's timer was removed is that the Earth System supports Lute/Vandy.


I think the big limitation in rebuilding is getting supplies there. I rather expect that with all the powers and low-rank brutes available that manual construction projects should be fairly easy.... then again there's a reason construction companies require permits and proven expertise, especially when building high-rises.


If they were going to the secret exits they wouldn’t have been teleported and could have just refused to go. It probably just has a disclaimer that the system will act on its own judgment during crisis situations with no more information.


I believe Gorgon asked him specifically not to do that.


Anon good Wizards aren't criminals because they don't get caught. Bad Wizards have the Institutions that certify their competence renounce them.


They do have magic to make building houses easier but yes there will be a problem. They could also call the gloom over to make sure that sleeping outside isn’t dangerous


The POVs seem to be catching up to Alden, time-wise. I assume Sleyca delayed them so that we could experience things as Alden did first, alone and abandoned.


yes but he literally used that hours ago, not days so it's not a worry unless Sleyca is just causing extra trauma that is distinctly against how chains have been shown to work for the entire story. Rob's thought of people dying while owing on a chain is very interesting.


Heather that would be so rough. Especially when he's been actively afraid of Liam and trying to avoid him but I think the moth is right. We haven't seen the scrach card work.


I don’t see why she would need to step down her only mistake (in this case) was to not control Orpheus enough he will be the one in trouble

Alex Scriber

Wolf-murdering and child-exiling government replies: okay, so you’re bulletproof. Are you missile proof? The problem with might makes right is there’s always someone stronger.


One shelter is full. There's clearly still space at the gym, for example, even if it's not in the center where it's safest.


Stylemys I agree with you, he's really enjoyed interacting with people and teaching in general and he'll probably start doing more. I think the real problem is the island-wide group of supers suffering such trauma. Many people will lose property, most will probably have someone they know die, some will lose someone close to them and that's without the low-ranks realizing how little importance Artonans place on them. How will they bear up? How bad will the riots get?

Heather White

Zachary - Except it’s more specific than higher-ranks. She specifically says “combat force preservation”, which probably does mean higher ranks, but it specifically means high ranks who are combat capable. The vague word is ‘preservation’. It doesn’t suggest being thrown into battle. It sounds more like keeping them safe (though it could just mean teleporting them out of dangerous areas, not necessarily evacuating the island). FuriousDee — Alden was teleported to where he could get in the ship, so if they were being evacuated they would have been teleported like he was. Klein was teleported without being given a choice to refuse, so they could have been too. However, I do wonder about them refusing to get into whatever transportation they were teleported to. How would the Artonans have convinced them to leave Anesidora? Lied to them? Told them it was a summons they couldn’t refuse?


Honestly, at first, I thought Alden was going to put the snake in the post drop box to keep it safe. Apparently it’s a tank and the insides might be designed to protect the contents.


Yeah if there is a political crisis on Anesidoria then blaming the rest of the world who no one on the island likes for a variety of reasons seems like an easy way to shift blame for politicians. If the system tells them it thinks it was an attack then they may blame SAL instead.


She's just saying that higher ranks are being prioritized over everyone who's not a child. The "preserving combat forces" is simply her unable to face or say the harsh truth that the System doesn't care(or cares the least) about non-Awoved


@William: I don't think Mother gets out much. And I really doubt there is any meaningful way to attempt to disembowel her. I highly doubt that she had any direct involvement in Gorgon's imprisonment. The Primary could have, though.


Let’s call it the Ambassador’s fault too, because he likely ordered her to stay, clean everything up, and give her emergency flyer to Alden (there were 2 Artonian staff members; if he took one flier then a second one also being there was not mere chance). It just took Alden mentioning Stu for her to realize that in this case her duty to the Primary’s family outweighed her duty to the ambassador’s cleanup order.


It's possible she sent the message after the heist, but not actually probable. The last call to Stu was actually the day immediately following the heist.


Thanks for the chapter!


Option 2 is absolutely what is happening and Vandy knows it (which means Anesidora as a whole will too). Remember, they’re surprised the System is moving Avowed around over more vulnerable individuals, so they’re already talking about the ETs in terms of evacuation priority rather than an emergency summons. I’m more curious about whether Vandy will find out how early Alden was ET’d and consider what that means for how System views his combat potential.

Heather White

Dessico — I think part of why Sleyca has given us Lute’s and Natalie’s POV’s is because they are S-ranks. She’s showing us a rabbit and a Chainer, who are S-ranks but not combat forces and who aren’t being evacuated. Vandy is so uptight (and blunt) that she wouldn’t be imprecise with her words. We can’t ignore that she said ‘combat force’. I’m not saying I necessarily believe it’s option 2. I’m just saying that the chapter leaves both possibilities open. [Edit — after a reread, I’m leaning towards possibility 3, which I just tacked onto the top post]


Using authority still tires him out though doesn’t it. Besides there might still be cameras or info gear nearby and it really doesn’t seem like a priority to test at the moment.


SAL didn't do this. A lone wolf who killed the five people with him, who was at least mentally unstable and possibly being controlled, did this. Although SAL will certainly end up as the scapegoat, so I suppose the rest of what you said stands.


Orpheus didn’t seem very cut off given he was at the boat a bunch even though he was known to steal things. He was also trusted enough to be allowed to take care of Hazel a bunch of the time


I'm glad you're enjoying the POV shifts, Kettle! I wouldn't mind a few more in preceding chapters myself, but I'll have to look at it all when it's complete, decide if I have time, and then if I do, see if there's something that will add even more depth to what's happening. When I started doing finalish plotting for this arc, I had a debate about how much I'd be ensemble casting it. Something like this is a rare opportunity to go *super* wide lens with the story if I wanted since it's the first event of this scale I've had happen. The floods aren't happening everywhere, obviously, but since the System's gone drama-mode, the events on Anesidora have very large ripples. :) I was aiming for Matadero for a long time, and then right before Ripples started, I spent entire days just deciding what I would most like for Ripples/Waves/X to do for the story. I had ideas for showing what's happening with every member of the gym class and showing what's happening elsewhere on Earth. Connie, Jeremy, a few members of SAL, loads of adult Avowed we haven't met yet, *Joe*-- a PoV from practically every significant character was on the table to start with. When I decided I actually wanted the arc to be more closely focused on Alden's experience of the disaster, I chose to cut my POV's down to the ones that I thought would play well with what's going on with him. And of course give readers just enough of a look at the rest of Anesidora! I'm honestly looking forward to reaching the end and then reading it all together to see if I've accomplished what I set out to do.


If it tells them that it was prioritising combat force because it believed this was caused by deliberate action people will probably forgive it, besides most of those higher ranked were teleported to act as emergency responders not to safety. It should forcibly level someone before they turn into a demon that is the whole point of it being able to do so. Maybe if most avowed forced it to then it would run out of resources but that seems unlikely particularly if it started offering higher tier skills which could make life significantly better for lower ranks when they get enough authority. Besides most people probably won’t be using their skills enough to level if they don’t intend to actually level.


Heather, someone else called this out above so I cannot take credit, but there's a good chance that other than just learning to target without the system, maybe this chain worked because Vandy was explicitly accepting the chain?


i wonder if the System cut off Lute's targeting because it suspects his family members due to the submerger's origins.. or maybe Lute's right and it's due to the Palace

Heather White

Zeridee needs a medical center, not just a shelter. Hopefully the hospitals (or wherever they’re doing medical treatment) aren’t full.


The school board did not give Alden his therapist. The therapist was assigned to him by Anesidora upon his return before he even left the teleport bay. The "bad psychologist" the school hired was the one responsible for screening out people with vendettas, fresh traumas, personality disorders, and other red flags from among the hero applicants. That person has never directly interacted with Alden; they have only reviewed his application materials.

Jason Reno

Alternatively, Vandy managed to give permission without the system as well.


I don’t really see how there will be fallout on the Artonians for this. Maybe more people refuse to work for them but I am sure they could make that up from their other resource worlds. The only real unique value humans have is being one of the two non-Artonian races suited for word chains but the chainers are the least likely people to let this disaster get in the way of their relationship with the palace of unbreaking because to do so would be to cross Aulia.


The system doesn't give a crap if they lash out or beg or whatever. It just calculated the resources it had and realized it needed to drop non-Awoved and F ranks from its teleportation list. It would have dropped the children without potential or F-rank potential as well but it knows that the people around kids will cancel their own teleport if the children aren't evacuated first.


Named Stuart, because they are both missing feet.


The normal timer on Self Mastery is three weeks. The timer on Peace of Mind is even longer. Alden is in zero danger of those chains spontaneously snapping tonight.


I hope not I was enjoying the school arc and would like some more of it later


Almost every Avowed who cares to do so can target their skills manually. Lute managing to do so is not surprising, nor is it indicative of a developing authority sense. It is rather more surprising that Mass Bestowal is apparently harder to target with than other skills are.


His free authority does protect him from chaos which is something he is terrified of. So, he likely wouldn't spend free authority unless he has to

FuriousDee (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-22 14:49:43 The other reason I don’t think teleportation priority is being messed with by the Artonians but by the system trying to be ready to respond to the next attack that might becoming and so prioritising people who will be useful for that
2024-03-21 19:56:04 I don’t think teleportation priority is being messed with by the Artonians but by the system trying to be ready to respond to the next attack that might becoming and so prioritising people who will be useful for that

I don’t think teleportation priority is being messed with by the Artonians but by the system trying to be ready to respond to the next attack that might becoming and so prioritising people who will be useful for that


True we only saw one shelter being full. But that’s at least a few hours before Alden will arrive anywhere. Pretty sure his chances of still getting in are slim


Obligatory periodic reminder that agreeing to the Contract and registering are two different things. You can be a Contract denier who is registered, and you can be an Avowed who is unregistered. I suspect registration is going to take a much bigger hit than Contract agreement, because registration is the one that ends with you living on Anesidora.

Ian T Hathaway

I know objectively Alden is in the worse position, but I'm here crying for Lute


Given the system is viewing this as an attack it makes sense that it is prioritising having a response force for any follow up attack


Another tragic possibility: it could be Gudrun and her owner. My money's on randos, though.


Yeah, this event is a failure of governance. The system doesn't determine the number of safe spots/houses or build them. The island government does. Its almost certain that the safe havens haven't kept up with the increasing island population. There's also the fact that the only comms the island has other than the System are the creations of a single Awoved. That's insane! I bet there's gonna be a lot of infrastructure changes after this.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Boe should be there too then, right? Maybe the teleport lifts him out of catspace. Maybe Haoyu is currently in the process of befriending Boe, making use of all his Lexi experience. By the time Alden gets there they will be good friends.


Just answer regarding canon facts about the wish granting thing (no spoilers): He has to eat part of the person and get Gorgon's help and then there is an authority sacrifice involved . (I have not expounded on the consequences or lack thereof for that sacrifice). So the goblin magic is pretty hardcore and hard to pull off. Gorgon did also tell him not to try it, since Gorgon says he didn't plan for Alden to have this ability at all. He thought he had the skills to pass off a shiny little bit of his inheritance without giving up the gremlin or dying; and as a result, Alden has more features (quirky broken ones) than Gorgon wanted for him to have and less features and knowledge than he needs to actually do what Gorgon himself can do.


And it's the very video where Kibby is worried Alden will grow up at human speed and stop liking her. Little does she know they have even more in common now.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

remember Alden doesn’t know exactly how a submerger operates, but observes that there’s a weird pocket where some support was there but disappeared around the post box - the submerger particles are not only covering objects with water, but forming a protective layer around them while it transports them Possibly sitting in a car or something is a safe thing to do? Maybe toss zeridee in a garbage can and preserve that so he has something to hide in when the water comes? I guess in the end that’s still riskier than just finding a tall sturdy building


@brandon C's (I think), D's, E's and F's can live in the Avowed zones in some countries. B's and above must move to Anesidora, and the rest are optional. They can choose to move there.

William Forrest

@my fellow Terrestrial_Biped: (As an aside, I really struggle with formatting on this website so I apologize for the following mess. ) I guess I'm basing this on a few things. In chapter 11 Alden and Gorgan have this exchange: Alden sighed. “Whoever bound you with such overkill restrictions should be kicked in the ’nads.” “That would be impossible for a number of reasons,” said Gorgon. “But I appreciate the sentiment.” That doesn't sound to me like a still living, flesh and blood person imprisoned him. On the other hand, the nads of an incorporeal System would be unkickable for many reasons. We also know that gorgon wants revenge, presumably for the death of his people, (also from 11: If the price has been paid, the work must be completed. The echo sounded more confident now. No matter how long it takes. “Oh, the price was paid,” Gorgon muttered. “It was paid and paid again, by those who could not refuse to pay it.”) We also know that there are rumors (the truth of those should obviously taken with a grain of salt) that Gorgon was imprison for attempting to kill an important Artonan. I don't think the death of a single Artonan (even the primary) would balance the scales in Gorgon's mind or by the standards of his people. Sure, it would be a blow, but ultimately the Secondary would become the Primary and everyone would move up a spot. Maybe avowed have to be used more heavily in combat operations for a few decades until the Secondary's authority grows to match their station. I think the rumors are right about the attempted murder but wrong about target. The Mother is basically the Artonan god. They swear by Her. They curse by Her. They named their planet after Her (or visa versa). Her pronouns are capitalized in the narrative. Her death I could see balancing the scales. Now, Is my theory right? If it is, it would probably be the first time ever, but the basis of it is revenge, unkickable nads, and attempted murder.


Only if they lack ruthlessness or act too slow. Take hostages to ensure good behavior, a missile is nice and all but as soon as a mix of leadership and their loved ones would be collateral damage you likely have time to dismantle the military. Or better strategically employ sway to subvert the leadership secretly. I think the bigger problem is convincing enough avowed, don't see that happening at this point.


True, I guess we would need a SAL pov to confirm this. But there is the very possibility that they are super happy about it and just haven't done it because of a lack of means.


This stuff is so good! Is just such a shame that the chapters don’t come faster. I want to stockpile them, but I always end up reading them as they come. I can’t resist!

Andrew Boyer

Maybe when the danger noodle’s teleport comes, he’ll take Alden with him.


In a moment of levity really enjoying the thought of an actor's union trying to compete with a Morph Brute who plays every character in a show. Loving that throwaway bit of worldbuilding.


And when you're down here, you'll float too!


That's a very generous donation from a father of four! Thank you!

Cyrus McEnnis

Remember, at this point Alden has to bear the burden of something he pickles. That means he can't just get inside a container & pickle his way to safety.

Cyrus McEnnis

In all honesty I was thinking earlier that Hazel was so lucky to get banished when she did, that maybe the Gloss didn't entirely drop from her >.>


The phrase "elevated risk of bonking" sounds kind of like Vandy started speaking and then Lute interrupted...I feel that this really adds texture to your rhyme.

Flying Goat

We know more about Lute's family than anyone else's, and they were out in the middle of the storm. And Hazel is being set up to be a villain. Losing the Grandwitch to reign her in (who is also potentially the only one who knows she's a murderer) could end poorly.


Well Ds and Fs (and maybe Cs I forget) can live in the avowed zones around the world, that don’t have to live in anesidora. So I think more likely you’d just see an exodus/new people moving instead to those zones in their countries


That video from Kibby was so sweet. I can actually feel the anxiety that Alden might no longer care for her one day that she’s trying to hide. I really hope we see Aldens reply when he redoes it.


Man, the system is going to rightfully get so much shit for this. The Artonans aren't going to stand for Alden's situation and humanity will be rioting. Bad instructions, cryptic directions and 'Oops you walked too far' so you get to die. Nobody will stand for that. It needs some serious work. 1 out of 5 on disaster response so far.

Heather White

Aspiring Moth — you’re right, the sister has to activate the card. I’d forgotten that. I only remembered that Liam had the second card. Here’s the passage: Liam dumped the folder onto the desk. Bric-a-brac tumbled out. He grabbed a pair of black cardstock rectangles and passed one of them to Alden … “Yep!” said Liam, holding the other card. “Don’t scratch it right away. They’ve already been paired, but Tina has to cast a spell on her half to make them start mimicking each other. She’ll write you a little note to let you know it’s active, and then you can message us with this.”


Yes! I will take this item instead of the passing out, please.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Yeah, it might be a bumpy ride but more survivable than not being inside a submerger-protected garbage can when the water comes But i meant as an easy way to carry the garbage can around so it’s always on hand, he could toss zeridee in there then preserve can + zeridee as one object - have zeridees hair sticking out of the can somehow


At the end of the day, the System's primary job is to find, assess, monitor, affix and transport Warriors to fight Chaos. So, those most likely to fit the term of a warrior who can fight chaos are being prioritized for evacuation and maybe even emergency teleport if needed. That may not be what the people of Earth think the System's job is, and they are getting a rude awaking to that fact right now. The Contract/System isn't about saving lives. I bet that it's using the rank of each Avowed, as we were shown on Alden's extra screen on his system tab, to determine who has the highest priority.


They're in F and he's in Apex. The odds of this even being possible aren't zero, but they're close.

Flying Goat

You left out Alden's cat! Smuggling an actual supervillain! And dropping stuff on the floor - I don't believe that wasn't mentioned specifically, but it is a cat.


The direct rebound of the Gloss was probably Orpheus figuring out how to break into the engine room unnoticed (if only the once). That was always guaranteed to end poorly somehow. Especially if he happened to zoom in on the one piece of super valuable, rarely used equipment that no one would notice gone for a long long time. We’re just seeing the long term fallout now. Sort of like how Aimi ran over their family Healer during the blowback, but the real consequence is that he’s still ghosting them even now.


There is a *smidge* more to the Gloss than has currently been revealed in story, but Curtis is correct. The usage of it that landed both those cupcakes and Alden in Aimi's car has already been paid back. The Gloss can have all kinds of far-reaching consequences, just like any major event can, but the active magic is over until Aulia rolls the dice with it again.


Even having a fully stocked go bag wouldn't have helped Alden unless he carried it with him everywhere.


Being at the teleportation center, Leo is actually very safe and no doubt witnessing a lot of exciting stuff right now.


There might also be enough chaos leaking out to increase the difficult of teleportation too. Not enough to be a serious threat to life, but enough to gunk up the works a bit. Thegund’s system was hurting long before the chaos storm actually and visibly happened.

Guus van der Borg

True, but (as far as we know) its the only piece of semi-advice Lute has gotten with respect to 'how do I target'.


No, you're correct. They have basically zero chance of running into each other unless Natalie gets teleported to a shelter in Apex.

Cory C.

In addition to Lute developments it also served to highlight Vandy's theory of combat force preservation right before Natalie's part. An S rank like Natalie's timer keeps being pushed back and Emilija was taken off the roster.


Alden cant preserve the submerger. The crisis is happening because the tiny magic particles that let the submerger do its job have scattered when the submerger exploded. It would be like trying to preserve all the grains of sand on a beach.

Heather White

I’d really like to know what it is that Lute can’t say about this situation because of the tattoo.


fragile atmosphere provides species standard gravity and pressure too, not just air. explosions are fast moving waves of high pressure so fragile atmosphere could potentially protect them


Also "here's a communication system which is perfect so everyone only uses it, whoops here's an emergency and it decided to break at the worst time".


I figured that the targeting was a skill Lute had but the System was suporting Lute with casting it. I wonder if you can use spell impression without the System? Alden mentioned that he felt like a robot when casting his noizy spher spell. Is that the system that is casting through Alden?

Second Raddish

We don't know why it's full while people that were directed there are still out and about. The go somewhere else notification came in suspiciously close to Emilija losing her spot in the portal queue.


Very true. Also, I can’t see the explosion being that much worse than the crushing pressure at the bottom of the ocean. If it can’t handle the burst of exploded air, then it wouldn’t handle being continuously imploded in on all sides by the deep water outside the ship. In terms of their survival, the bomb is redundant. Considering the other sign-on bonuses were expensive soul enchantments that lasted a lifetime (under nominal conditions), I expect an equivalent option that lasts only 7 minutes to be able to handle conditions ABSURDLY far beyond nominal.


He'll likely just push that off on his having the commendation from the quarternary. There probably isn't another avowed on the planet with a commendation from someone that high ranking, and a lot of people already know about it.

Ano Ano

I don't think there's water there anymore. Just debris that was moved by water.


I absolutely 100% thought that Alden was going to put the bento boxed snake into the post drop box. He said it seemed like fate and had just brought up the box. It sort of made sense too. The drop box was still okay despite being thrown through a wall and was presumably designed to protect its contents. Someone could get Bento Snek as a surprise gift in the mail.


One missile attack on someone just living their life, would see every politician and military commander involved dead within hours. Besides, what are they gonna do, drop a cruise missile in the middle of Prague? Might Makes Right doesn't reside with the non-Avowed, in this case. They simply can't prevent their leaders from being killed by S Rank combat classers.


I am suddenly extremely invested in the fate of Liam's Snake. I could take or leave Liam himself, but if he doesn't return to claim his snake Alden needs to take care of it forever. It always confuses me when people are distressed to hear about the additional levels of contingency that are available if things get worse. I guess they don't want to admit that it's possible for really bad things to happen or something? Like if a safeguard exists that guarantees that it will be needed? Reality is usually the opposite. If you paid for and worked to maintain every possible emergency option, that guarantees that 80% of them will be wasted. But if you skimp on the really unlikely ones, that makes it all but certain you'll regret doing so. Based on exactly one data point, I conclude that it's easier to Target somebody without system assistance if they're hot.

Zenopath (AEV)

I can't imagine a large number of people refusing to level in protest. People like leveling, you can accept things you like from a government, while still bieng really angry at government. I know people who hated government response to covid but had zero problems accepting stimulus checks.


Hmm, interesting thought! I never considered that. I saw other people speculating that they might be the people from the boat, but that seems incredibly unlikely to me. They were extremely keep underwater, and I'm pretty sure the ship's protective bubble collapsed. The sudden pressure would make them very much not "bodies" any more.


Yeah if Nat's timer comes up while her friends don't even have a countdown anymore, there's a very high chance she refuses. She might not have any applicable skills, but she's still got the basic stats of an S-rank and she doesn't seem like the type to abandon anybody she cares about.

Zenopath (AEV)

Chances are good that schools will be closed a few weeks or even a month. It might be a good time for Alden to affix, in that downtime. I assume his recovery time will be shorter if he doesn't push his affixtion to its breaking point. But then again it is a boarding school, they might not be able to fully shut down if it means a lot of unsupervised teens, could go either way...


Yea using spell impressions is system-assisted. Can't do them eith it if you remember from the moon arc


Imagine being an F rank and a damn snake gets evacuated before you, lol.


Klien, Jeffy, Plopstar all emergency summons Not ranked s on down else Natalie would be earlier but Non avowed and f ranked rabbits no timer no system nonessential services only - What is the informer doing?


A kid whose parents refused their ET would be even worse choice. I was worried that Zeridee’s rant about that was foreshadowing. Just like how Kibby’s dad kept putting off his daughters’ evacuation for fear of their safety and being separated from them. Because of that protective instinct, Alden already had to leave one pair of parent and child corpses behind on Thegund. Imagine having to see something like that again, and getting to maybe save a child again, but only by abandoning yet another alien woman that did her best to help him. Alden would try to carry both of them until failure was completely undeniable.

Jeff Wells

I don't remember if it was explained elsewhere or not, but Lute implies here that his targeting works differently than most Avowed specifically because of how controlled Chainer is. I think normally targeting is a feature built into the Avowed's skill, so the System doesn't provide any assistance at all. Notice how Lute talks about clicking a mental button or "asking" to target? Nobody else's targeting has been described like that, certainly not Alden's. He just thinks about targeting them and they are targeted, and he maintains the target as long as he wants. The actual targeting is a function of Authority, but it sounds like Lute wasn't given the piece that most people get that lets them manage their own targets, and so has to learn how to do it himself.


So random thought, I think that all humans have the ability to be avowed, but the ones that don't get chosen don't have enough free authority to be even F rank. The system contracting with people doesn't do anything other than add "training wheels" which let's people use their authority, but everyone has the innate capacity. Chaining by itself doesn't use a person's own authority (and non-avowed can do it but they usually aren't dextrose enough to do it reliably) but it's sort of like "aligning" what authority someone a certain way to get a benefit. I wonder if we'll find out that someone with more authority or a stronger "self" also get a larger effect from chains. The "backlash" after is their authority alignment rebounding in the opposite direction. Kinda like a magnet the alignment of their authority effects the world around them and the total "polarity" of a particular chain is zero-sum across everyone in universe

Robert Nugent

“Well, it’s a tiny area surrounded by ocean on three sides. I just hope they get everyone out before—” This bit was very helpful. I have a general idea of the geographic layout of the island, but this really clarifies what our Hero is facing.


I'm starting to think they might not get to go aboard Lute's Yacht


Kibby: "I'm worried that Alden will grow and change faster and be a completely different person the next time we meet face to face..." Alden: "...so anyway, I delayed about two minutes too long when evacuating from a Chaos-based disaster, and ended up having to carry a dying Artonan girl out on my back with a broken foot..." Kibby: "I'm worried that Alden will neither grow nor change and be exactly the same person the next time we meet face to face."


Is he? I've been trying to work out the exact layout - I know the Ambassador's house he was ported to was near Punta de la Luna, which is obviously by a coast (surrounded by water on 3 sides), but I don't know where that is in comparison to Apex/F.

John D Jones

[Rankist Asshole] That makes perfect sense. Real animals (not Wright-made robots) are rare and valuable on Anesidora. F-ranks are a dime a dozen and it's good that the tsunami is thinning that herd a little. [/Rankist Asshole]


I figure they will draft at least the hero students to help with cleanup/recovery.


Personally, I think Anesidora IS well-designed to keep Avowed in line. It keeps them as comfortable and safe as it possibly could when they don't have the option to leave. There is good free healthcare and education and housing and public transportation. And people become voting adults the moment they affix, so none of them are left feeling disenfranchised. These things are all GREAT for stopping people from doing crimes out of physical need or even because their lives lack dignity or social mobility or agency. It's more of a soft touch approach than an authoritarian one, but I suspect it's very effective.


Sorry got it figured now after checking back - the North Island (Apex) is crescent shaped, and connected to main circular island that hosts F-city by the span. Alden's currently heading inland either Northeast or Northwest away from the Southern tip of the moon shape of Apex, which means he's moving away from F-city. This makes me more worried for Emilija :(

JJ Hunter

I was honestly thrilled to see pancake spell get some real-life action! Also amused Alden carried away the flatten results because they might be Too Revealing.

John D Jones

Nat has all the stats of her normal human self except in Appeal, which is where she put all available Foundation Point. Smiling at the tsunami probably won't make it go away.

JJ Hunter

@Anon - we know there's more than one boat out there! I really hope we're not about to find Jessica deceased in that pile, or someone Alden wouldn't necessarily recognize on sight as Tuyet's brother...


High ranks are being teleported before low ranks. Combat classes are being teleported before noncombat classes like Rabbit. "Preserving combat forces" is, indeed, what it sounds like. None of them are being teleported off island; Zeridee told us that.

John D Jones

I don't think Lute really needs redemption for anything. However he might absorb a little of Alden's Worst Case Scenario Survival Guide mentality and try to push and level to be a little readier for the next time the fecal matter strikes the rapidly rotating blades.

JJ Hunter

If Lute had affixed Water Shaper, he might have been one of the Avowed on assignment right now, with all the risks involved. Jessica wasn't wrong to worry about the possible risks, just messed up in how she chose to act on that worry. If she doesn't make it through this - heck, if anything awful happens to Jeffy as a result of his nonvoluntary service during this - Jeffy, who is relatively close to Lute in age and also S-ranked, who did go for a water-skilled class and is now burdened with very adult responsibilities and a fraction of the training he likely wishes he had - I bet the cruel ironies of it all will hit Lute like a freight train and then some.


I am totally not torn. The collective may be, but I am just waiting for Alden to take a nice, short trip to the mother planet to visit Stu. Maybe play with the other Alden and drink some alien beverage (I forgot the namek

Matt DiMeo

It didn’t really occur to me before this chapter, but anesidora may end up needing to be abandoned entirely. Earth is already triaging away F ranks into the “good luck on your own” category.


Boe's going to be so sad when he leaves catspace and finds out Alden died again

Andrew Boyer

When/if it gets published as a book, it would benefit from some high-level maps of Aneisidora with points of interest.

Andrew Boyer

It just occurred to me, didn't Big Snake bring some giant wolf puppies to the island recently?

Cambria Layton

Oh man poor everyone. The aftermath of this is going to be BRUTAL. When all of Alden’s classmates are talking about their experiences during the disaster he’s just going to be sweating the whole time because nothing they say could possibly top Alden’s solo trek across Anesidora with a half-dead Artonan and he saw Dead Bodies and the looters tried to KILL him and wow


'So what did you do during the evacuation?' 'Oh, you know, pretty normal. Lost my shoes but walked out of there just fine.' 'Wait hold up, I saw you show up at the hospital with a dead girl wrapped around you?' 'nah, she was just mortally wounded. Completely different thing.'


TFTC! You're a beast putting out all these solid chapters. This arc is haunting, but I love where it seems to be headed. Anesidora is demolished and the revolution abowed start making trouble. Time for some good guys v bad guys action for our heros!


Thank you, Jamie. This is quite eloquently put. I hope the worlds you've tucked away rise to the surface one day as bright and shining as when you first met them.

JJ Hunter

@Tori - I'm desperately curious to know if Alden's sharing about his aunt and his two close friends back home (“One of them is practically my brother”) with his classmates back in chapter 129 might set the stage for Haoyu to seek out Connie and Boe if they are all in the same top secret Amazon evacuation place. Heck, given Haoyu was already trying to figure out whether it was Boe or Jeremy who was the friend back in Chicago taking care of Alden's cat for him, he may be primed to ask Boe about how the cat's doing, which would land unintentionally close to home on Boe's part. I also wonder if something about this whole emergency evacuation prep experience might finally reveal Boe's selected status to Avowed responsible for doing something about it; lancing that secret within the bigger secret of the evacuation zone, and an unfolding disaster context vividly illustrating why non-combatant Avowed might be highly motivated to avoid getting deported to Anesidora would be quite the payoff. Maybe he'll get to avoid getting a prison sentence afterward entirely...


Exactly as the grandwitch planned it. The grandkids can’t get you convicted of crimes if the ocean eats all the evidence.

Aspiring Moth

no, they're still in texas. he got fired because he punched a tank that went to kill them


"Post Drop #1301 liked to think of itself as Leo. It was a big no-no to think of itself at all according to its creator, but Leo only sort-of-kind-of-sometimes cared what she said."


I hope it’s not heading towards shonen level good guys vs bad guys — I hope we’ll take some time. And even if we did go that route, remember Alden is still a kid and probably won’t be central to it.


Yeah it’s a giant crescent, and Alden was at one of the tips — he’s heading towards the middle where it’s furthest from the ocean. The span connects the crescent shape (high ranks) to the other portion of the island (f-city) I think?


Alden: "...while using multiple Peace of Minds and artonan drugs to get over the hump, with lots of stops because of water..."


What do you mean by “you walked too far you get to die” tho? Emiljia was probably dropped from the teleport list because she’s an F and not important in these circumstances when the system has to play triage. I don’t think the system has the resources too care let alone monitor anyone walking in the wrong area.


He’s only gained two levels, so affixing now seems premature. His authority growth is going to speed up the longer he goes without affixing, and he has enough actual levels that he can pretend to be leveling at a normal speed for at least a year or two just by making his fake profile look a bit more like his real one.


If enough of us start casting wordchains will they become reality? They would be so convenient.


Alden wasn’t sure he could target without the system either— that’s why he never once untargeted Kibby after shit started to go wrong, he was worried he wouldn’t be able to target her again. I’m guessing that the one dude who could still target just had a class or skill that “came with it” in a way most don’t.


What Lute probably can’t say due to the tattoo is just what we already know — that the palace of unbreaking owns chainer, etc. lute thinks about it right after. Or something similar. I don’t think it’s anything we readers don’t know.


Oooooh— talk about trauma for parents! Accept the system teleport for your kids? They lived! Turned it down? Well, sucks for you all, your kids are dead and so are you because there wasn’t another teleport and you didn’t get them out in time. That’ll resonate with every parent everywhere, even if it’s only a small percentage.


The system never made or mentioned an estimate about anything except chaos exposure potential— which was, and still is, very low. The only chaos was at matadero, and the knights took care of it. Unless another demon appears that’s not a thing. The system never mentioned general risk/danger— so we don’t know what it estimated or thought. But I lean towards thinking it didn’t underestimate. It went from 0 to 100 immediately in terms of priorities.


But I thought that Alden's Dealing with the Unexpected teacher came into class late talking about the puppies and how cute they were?


Pretty sure they can teleport where they want — the system and Artonans don’t care. Is just the governments on Earth that are keeping avowed on anesidora, and if anesidora authorities decide to teleport people off the system won’t stop them afaik…. BUT! I am drunk on vacation, so ymmv on this comment.

Jason Reno

Don't forget the doubled peace of mind. I don't think it's worn off yet. It lasts almost 4 hours IIRC.

Douglas Lilley

Fair point. Maybe Alden miscalculated how much of an edge double Peace of Mind could take off.

Heather White

I’ve always loved Uncle Corin’s aside to Aimi when he called to tell her to find Alden: “I got the description from a… Post Drop. I’m pretty sure its creator has done something highly illegal, but that’s beside the point.”

Benjamin Collins

Is it just me or this a really long one love it tyftc

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

Winston: "He didn't even do that much! Sure, he carried someone into the hospital, but it couldn't have *actually* been an Artonan. They all got evacuated early, anyway. The System was weird with the timing on a lot of people's teleports, so it doesn't have to be a big deal that he got teleported early! I don't see why everybody thinks Alden is so great, just for surviving the same thing as the rest of us."


I think the audience reactions to the Gloss is extremely telling on why its such a big deal when it happens in universe + how much people hate velras. Luck is such an amorphous concept that just about anything good or bad can be attributed to it. It gives a huge impression that anything good that happens is just cheating and when a nationwide disaster strikes, well that's unlucky and we all know what that means.

Slightly Morbid

Snek Stuart will not last long after Victor the Cat gets his paws on him. Hope he isn't poisonous.

Josh Delgado42

Thank you for the chapter! I'm dreading what he's going to find with the bodies. Also appreciate how he saved tiny snake (as opposed to big snake the hero)


I've been loving this arc but I have to ask. Back in 125 Sleyca wrote: "“You don’t have to pretend it’s reasonable. I know it isn’t.” Alden went back to studying the cord. “Even if I do end up in a crisis, the chances of that crisis involving me being stuck on a planet without a System and nothing but one companion and a rope we wove out of natural fibers are astronomical.” Alden is currently stuck on a planet with no System and one conscious companion (the snake). We're exactly 1 improvised rope away from "we were told this was coming."


Can’t wait to see Tiny Snake’s alternate form, Huge Snake.


Victor is in Chicago, having smuggle Boe there via catspace.


yeah I've been saying for a few chapters now that the island is gonna sink like Atlantis. There's a few clues about it sprinkled throughout the story.


If they could teleport wherever, then Jacob would have just done that instead of going with SAL. This whole disaster started specifically because Avowed can’t leave the island.

Zenopath (AEV)

Its probably 3 now. But yeah according to the advice he's received he should hold off. But that advice fails to account for how problematic finding enough downtime to be skill less for a month is...


@Heather I suspect that if Alden walks into a place with healers around, zeridee will be prioritised fairly highly on account of being one of the few artonans hanging out on earth. so in their minds, OF COURSE she must be important enough to receive assistance.


Alden, I hope you realise that's a snake and not a pool noodle


Don't actually have him looking in the99.9 tab on earth

Juan Diaz

Tiny Snake has joined the party!

Heather White

It’s been noted before that Zeridee’s braid, which he’s using as a rope to hang Zeridee over his shoulder, is woven out of natural fibers.

Heather White

“Sorry I’m late, everybody!” he said, yanking his long dark hair back with an elastic band as he skidded to a stop in front of the board. “I was arguing with someone about wolves.” “Aww. Did Big Snake get caught smuggling in the puppies?” a girl asked, her mouth turning down in a pout. “He was going to let our class play with them if we beat up the Uni freshmen!” “As motivating as that sounds, Penelope, we can’t have enhanced apex predators running around Apex. Even if they do start out small. And fuzzy. And so cute you just want to…” — ch 82, Guess


There is a system. It's just not actively interacting with him.

Jesper Hansen

Man, Vandy is so well written.. I don't think I've disliked a "hero of justice" as much as her before.. The way she completely lacks empathy(empathy, not sympathy) is amazing

Nathan Rice

I'm pretty sure the Rabbit girls are on the other island, where F-city is. Alden is fleeing from one of the points of the crescent moon of Apex island.

Nathan Rice

There are Avowed regions in parts of Earth right, like the one in Tibet mentioned earlier? I wonder how they work. Do you have to be below a certain rank to live there?

Nathan Rice

Jacob not being able to leave is because Anesidora was policing the arrivals to make sure they stayed. If Anesidora changed its policy, then it would be trivial for Avowed to return. There are even Avowed regions in certain parts of the world. Dakota, Tibet, and Australia have all been mentioned. It's a government issue.


Winston: "Everyone said the Artonan looked like a doll, I bet Alden made it just to draw attention"


Just remember that every resource that MOTHER makes earth use is a resource that will be denied to another human who might have otherwise deserved it more in that exact moment. It wasn't a problem for the teleport from the spaceship to artona I because there were wizards around to supply enchantments and power the ritual from the source, with a very powerful contract that had no other immediate need for resources reserved for emergencies at the destination. In addition, there was no need to breach the dimensional barrier because the source and destination were in the same solar system.


Regarding the targeting - Alden has felt before that the universe slightly bends towards his target or something alomg those lines. And what was Lute doing with Vandy? Concentrating on every facial feature and blocking out the rest of the universe... Very similar if you ask me


Thegund didn’t have any knights on site though. Earth has two of them sitting right next to the chaos pressure valve.

Guus van der Borg

I don't think the system will be getting any sort of shit for this. At most the contract will be altered. The ambassador, however, I think is absolutely going to lose his job and then some. Artonan society probably does not mind that he left his assistant there to die, but to not make absolutely sure all the VIPs get evacuated? I bet that's going to cause a massive stir (in his circle at least).

Guus van der Borg

I think it's pretty much confirmed that everything that is sapient has some level of authority. (From the Spirit Quest with Gorgon.) And I bet it goes even further than that. I'd assume even rocks have SOME level of authority because it's been described as something's right/capability/capacity/authority to EXIST. (It's possible that enchanting anchors into this authority?) As for the Chain part. I doubt beings with more authority get more EFFECT from a chain, it's based on equivalent exchange after all, but I wouldn't be surprised if they could stack more. More authority to anchor on to. As to how chains interact with authority in general is a subject I'm actually super curious about. They obviously do in some way, as wizards can interact with chains, but it doesn't seem like chains USE authority. Maybe it's what I said earlier? Chains kind of anchor onto your authority? Like soil for plants? And wizards can affect the 'plants' by moving the 'soil' around?


Ive been saving this chapter until my graveyard shift! It was worth it. Now to go read all the comments and fill my head with y'all's crazy brain poison (wild theories) 😁


Or, it ends up washed ashore right in front of our intrepid heros, ripe for the picking and, suspiciously unwarded! Edit: Spelling

Guus van der Borg

I don't think he miscalculated so much as that the duration is working against him now. When he cast the chains he BADLY needed two of them, maybe even three of them. At this point one of them is probably enough. Which means he's got one 'excessive' Peace of Mind now. I wonder how his mental state would've been if he had been successfully evacuated. If the baseline is 'relatively calm', would two Peace of Minds pull you to 'apathetic'?


object alignment relies on how much manufacturing has gone into it. if anything, a dead plant would become ground, but I reckon it will still be life.

Guus van der Borg

Yeah, but that's like defusing a bomb by hitting it with a bigger bomb. If people (read: Winston) are going to make a big deal about Alden's evac priority, I doubt telling them 'Oh, that's just because I'm the most highly commended human on earth' is going to calm things down...


she's got a little bit of improvement in other stats because that would increase her appeal, but yeah she's probably pretty close to a bog standard human in everything except prettiness and cooking

Guus van der Borg

@Shawn To be fair, it's been noted that Artonan educational institutions don't frown on ILLEGAL actions, but on INCOMPETENT actions. As long as you do crime competently, they're happy. :)

Callum Brocklehurst

I agree we know they're here we know they can detect his use of his authority, author definelty laid the foundation for them to swoop in and save them. Will also progress the story to them knowing he can use his authority and that he has a auriad etc


But she did have empathy she made an entire list for people that she thinks need to contact others so taht they dont have to fear for them.

Second Raddish

Big Snake Little Snake, Tiny Snake.


The ambassadors are from the factions they rotate often go back sit on committees ( probably of the grand senate ) and argue about the four major factions votes on what to do about chaos, demons chatting with senior wizards, resource worlds, avowed, knights. Earth is a holiday zone , most contracts must triage constantly and the enemies of contracts, our unraveling universe question. Or how the Artonans respond to this little glitch will be telling...

Cyrus McEnnis

A system that's not actively interacting with people is functionally identical to not having a system at all.

Aspiring Moth

hey everyone, could we have a story recommendations thread to help keep us sane in the time between chapters? like most people here, I enjoy progression fantasy. the only problem is I hate 'numbers go up slop', where meaningless numbers with no real weight going up is seen as a substitute for actual story. if any of you have recommendations for more story based progression fantasies where the progress feels earned and has weight, I'd love to hear them. I'll start: The Gilded Hero - a subversion of the isekai trope of heroes being summoned to save the day. instead, heroes are summoned in large numbers, and if they don't show immediate potential, they are used as enslaved footsoldiers of a colonial empire with zero value placed on their lives. the story follows one such untalented individual in their scraping by day to day. the main character gets stronger, but is weaker than basically everyone they meet. it is by the author of the also excellent snake report that a few have mentioned in this comment section. unfortunately it is on hiatus, but the first arc is complete and is a great read that I have completed twice already


Some other Patreon readers here have mentioned that this event is going to send ripples through Anisedoran society - and I absolutely agree. For one, a new communication system will definitely be set up, probably in collaboration with the Informant, and human Avowed authorities are going to do their own planning, independent of the system; because this is steadily turning into a trainwreck in terms of managing messaging and response. I wonder whether the system would appreciate that being taken off its plate, or if it would feel stung by them taking away its disaster management role? For two, I suspect that Anisedora will create a much larger landmass around the inhabited bits of the island to avoid a repeat of this scenario. No more cramped island, yay! And three, I suspect that this event will shake confidence in Artonan and Anisedoran authorities, especially among the low ranks. That would mean a significant increase in SAL and other non-registered activity. That in turn would lead to a crackdown on such groups, as well as unregistered avowed in general. All the unregistered avowed who are just leading quiet lives would be suddenly intensely persecuted, further feeding radicalisation. Enter Boe?

Jesper Hansen

But that could easily be explained away "being the right thing to do"(this mixes well with Lutes comments about her own sense of justice) or just simple sympathy. Haoyu is a much better example of empathy, he thought what Lute did back with the dices were an asshole move, but he understood it from lutes point of view.. I don't think Vandy have done much if anything that are inherently mixed with empathy, and the fact that she doesn't even try with lute makes me think she's just in capable of it. She just follows what she think is right, as Lute said, she follows her own justice.

Jean Bohdel

Wevvi. I remember because it sounds (in my head) like cutesy name for beverage ==> Bevvie ==> wevvi.

Jean Bohdel

Where I’m from if you’re in trouble you are “in the soup” which, really, seems appropriate about now.


Heather I agree. Barring some aspect of Artonans’s need for Rabbits: Natalie not being transported as an S rank when Hayou already has been as a brute does strongly imply they’re choosing those who can throw hands and her appeal ain’t helping right now.


Always remember: Jeffy isn't short for Jeffrey. It's long for Jeff. 😂😂😂 Probably the funniest line of the whole story which has had some great moments.


That or the prison boat where the sway who gave warning is?


Just gonna quote a past chapter: “Even if I do end up in a crisis, the chances of that crisis involving me being stuck on a planet without a System and nothing but one companion and a rope we wove out of natural fibers are astronomical.


The only other story I'm subbed to is Player Manager. It's about a man in his early twenties who gets access a System related to football/soccer after a strange meeting with an old man. The story is about his progression into and up the ranks of the footballing world. Even if you don't like football/soccer, I would recommend it. I don't really watch football anymore, but I love this story. Plenty of his subs aren't football fans either. It has amazing characters, loads of drama, tense action on the pitch, comedy, etc. The only downside is that it's stubbed on RR, but if you have Kindle Unlimited you can read several books there.


@Andrew That's an interesting thought. I never considered that the Artonans themselves might intervene. Considering that stupid human prejudice and politics has put their precious Avowed at risk, it actually makes sense that they could mandate the revocation of the Anesidora agreement. @puppy0cam If that does happen, I really hope it's slowly enough to properly evacuate the island.


Wow. I hope whichever douchenozzle tried to murder some big puppers gets disowned.


I would really appreciate if Slecya could design/commission a map.


D and F’s and live in Avowed zones in the Dakotas, Australian Outback and Tibet, but if you want city life as an Avowed you need to live in Aniseodora.


@Shawn the chaos problem has been dealt with. And I can definitely see them abandoning less important humans to rescue the nr 1 Avowed. The only thing that doesn't make sense is how they will detect him, but there are ways to let that happen in a believable way... And @Callum, thanks for reminding me, I didn't even add that we got the tidbit of them detecting his authority fist bump. So either everything is lining up perfectly or it is all a huge red herring


dang it was in the wrong window. and searched for something and lost my post. Crap. had a nice list. here it goes again, just shorter: Books i follow on Royal Road: #1 Beware of Chicken- first few books only on Amazon #2 Spiteful Healer #3 Trinity of Magic #4 Ultimate Level 1 #5 Gamer Reborn #6 Heretical Fishing #7 Ashborn Primordial #8 Chaotic Craftsman Worships the Cube #9 A Jaded Life #10 Dawn of the Density God Would you like to know more?....(points for those that get the ref)


Exactly, it feels out of control, which is weird if you think how many magic users there must be on that island


@Sleyca Do you think you will ever put out a map of Anesidora? I have a vague idea of what it looks like, but it would be nice to say Oh, Here is F-city, here is the Span, here is Apex, here is Punta de la Luna, here is Matadero. Obviously it has to be pretty big to accommodate the number of people and the time it takes to get from one area to the other.


131 Ripples 2 I said: "The true fallout from this event is going to be the political ramifications, I'm calling it now. It is going to prick a hole in the balloon which is Anesidora. Things are slowly going to change in the world, lining things up for Alden and Boe to have a SAL arc in 10 years time" Aaaand then I predicted that Alden won't see any action except for preserving the school bus... Which was waaay off the mark


cheat use an existing island, i suggest so we have bridges etc an island like turks and caicos.. it has a bridge that is like a mile long. has 3 main islands etc, so you could have f to the south, etc etc. island is like 20 miles long and about 8 wide. that is plenty of space for a LOT of people to live- over a million with there being skyscrapers etc. a million people on an osland 8x20 would be about 1 person per 4000 sf of land area. a skyscraper -residential- covering an acre footprint- would have say somewhere around 60 people PER FLOOR. if 100 floors somewhere around 6k people per acre(43560 sf) https://www.google.com/maps/@21.7217838,-71.7788772,10.44z?entry=ttu


@Francis - yes the demon that was present was dealt with but that's the one area of earth where chaos is allowed to enter specifically because there are knights and occasionally human avowed there to deal with it. Just because the chance is miniscule you don't abandon that post to go help out on Anesidora especially when the source of their problems was an *attack on Matadero*.

Temp One

There is definitely going to be resentment internally from lower ranks directed at higher ranks. Like not only are they gifted with more power, but the System apparently prioritizes them for evacuation. Anesidora is a tiered class system in every meaning of the phrase. As for SAL, the biggest problem here is that their main appeal was being a non-violent advocate organization petitioning for super human rights. This? This will be seen as an attack on super human lives. Not to mention, if it damaged matadero, they could have destroyed the planet in a chaos cascade. Where the risk was apparently high enough for Artonan planetary evacuation procedures to activate. Even though it wasn't actually SAL, I could see this event as what destroys whatever legitimacy the outfit had. Instead it could be seen as a threat to human existence.


“Lute,” Vandy said from the other end of the hall, “it’s your turn next.” He was able to pick out her voice even though she hadn’t spoken that loudly. That’s some subtle Air Shaping by Vandy.


@David, I think that was meant to be humorous but now has me going "what if she let Orphelius..." and it's creepy.


Ch. 115 - The Chainer, coda ------------- “Why would we laugh about that?” Alden asked. “Because…I didn’t take much. I spent almost all the free points I had on my hearing.” Haoyu pointed at him. “You accused me of eavesdropping, but you’ve got super ears!” “Cool,” said Alden. “Also, Haoyu, we didn’t accuse you of doing that. You were literally doing that. You confessed.” “No, you guys,” Lute said. “It was already going to enhance me so that I could pick up and interpret sounds better. I asked it to give me more conscious control over it, so that I could not hear things if I didn’t want to. I basically asked it to give me the ability to hear worse than my new superhuman best.”

William Forrest

While I'm bored at work on a Friday, have a prediction. I think Lute is going to go supervillain. He hates that he was chosen. He hates HOW he was chosen. He hates his affixation. His father rejected him because of his affixation (or what it revealed). He doesn't want to live on the island. He doesn't particularly like his job for the Artonans. He hates most of his family. The system has left his parents and crush (the one planned specifically to avoid backfiring) to die. They are only in peril because an Artonan gave his grandmother (whom he hates) a stupidly powerful/dangerous thing, and his drug addled family member gave that to an idiot for drugs. Envision the future: His mother/father/crush/all of the above dies to a disaster created by his S rank relatives and Artonan bosses while the S rank relatives who caused half the disaster are teleported to safety (to conserve combat forces) and then he has to show up to work Monday morning and work the the people who caused the other half of the disaster. Meanwhile he just discovered how to target people with the bad half without notifying them or getting their permission while being acknowledged as very powerful. This gives him a lot of reason to be pissed and a lot of power to do something about it. Edit: I should also note that he doesn't like most of his peers (and this is mutual). It would also create a great contrast: B rank rabbit vs. Double S Chainer.


Thanks for the recommendation, I'll check that out. The only thing I read reliably besides this is The Wandering Inn. I'll occasionally binge read something like Mark of the Fool or He Who Fights with Monsters but they're not nearly good enough to recommend to anyone. There are a bunch more like Selkie's healer series and Beware of Chicken that were really enjoyable initially but I eventually put down.


Vandy is not a bad person, and she is in fact trying very hard to be a Good Person (emphasis intended). However, she is a very regimented thinker and has a hard time seeing alternate viewpoints if they don't conform to her belief of priorities.

Jeff Petkau

Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

Jeff Petkau

Some of my favorites: The Weirkey Chronicles Tori Transmigrated (complete) Stray Cat Strut Ave Xia Rem Y A Practical Guide to Sorcery


Given the system is acting like it is under attack, which is why it was trying to keep the route Alden would take to the escape point hidden. It is probably preparing a countermeasure against any further attacks. So if the guy who caused this had friends waiting to take advantage of the chaos it could drop a dozen S ranked brutes on them with orders to handle them.

Jesper Hansen

I don't disagree with anything you wrote Meridun :) just because I dislike someone doesn't mean they are a villain or a bad person or something "has a hard time seeing alternate viewpoints if they don't conform to her belief of priorities." This sounds exactly like someone who lacks empathy.


Supervillain origin story in this arc? In my soup?? Honestly I'm here for it, I have no idea where the story will go from here and that's pretty exciting


I think what's great about these characters I think is that they aren't solidified into these archetypes yet, Vandy to me is like that typical studious, rigid by-the-rules person in school, that doesn't mean she's bad but she lacks the life experience to develop her character, it could totally go in any direction depending on where Sleyca wants to do with her character. And I can't wait to see it!

Aspiring Moth

Andrew Duan - most of the stories mentioned are on Royal Road, some are now on amazon though. the one I mentioned is on royal road

Barrett Fogarty

spygeneer, I don't get why you say he can't preserve the wayward water. Does Sleyca say no? Why can't he just perceive a mass of magically controlled water as one thing? It's just stacking and Alden does this all the time. For example, he took the door, which was made of a matrix of blocks, preserved a bunch he wanted and then stripped off the magic. It seems that the hard part would be getting Z's permission and then isolating an amount within his power limits.

Barrett Fogarty

Hi, i'm wondering why Alden is not seeing the wayward water as obviously magical. He can tell by how it's moving, but he also has extra formation points for magical sensitivity. In the past he has seen magical items as sparkly. In addition, there is his authority sense which should make the evil water obvious. What is going on, or is Sleyca saving something for us.?

Aidan Gorman

I agree with the above points but, I think this is going to send ripples far beyond Anisedora. I believe Avowed (already registered and on Anisedora) will start pushing to be able to live off island en-mass, which could lead to major power changes on Earth. Also, I don't think that SAL will get enough of the blame. We have seen how Sleyca accurately depicts people in times of stress, unwilling to follow orders, resentful of authority. I think they will start to blame the people and governments that made them live next to Matedora and won't let them leave. "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky animals and you know it." -MIB


The Zombie Knight Saga. It's honestly one of the best written fantasy webnovel I've read online (actually the only one who could contest it for the number one spot in my head and heart is SupSup). Also for all the binge reader out there (so everyone here), it's been ongoing for 10 years, so there is quite a bit to read.


It's likely I will hire a fantasy cartographer to make us a really good one someday. It won't be very soon, though, as far as that goes. I need to do a bit more research/city building. My own mappy doodle is truly a doodle with things penciled so I can remember where neighborhoods are in relation to each other, but it's not to scale. Anesidora is shaped like this: (---O Notes: It is oriented north to south with Apex on top. Apex was built after F-city. Apex is smaller. Alden is currently on the western half of the crescent, unfortunately pretty near the tip still since he's not moving very fast. The center of the crescent, where the Span connects it to F, is more urban, with tall buildings. The largest skyscrapers on Anesidora, however, are actually down in F. The Rabbit girls started the disaster in New Sybaris, which is near the southern coast of F. The street they were on when everything went wrong looks kind of like a magicky, superhuman version of Fremont Street in Vegas, with the overhead canopy providing weather coverage and entertainment. (Mentioning because I meant to mention it when I posted the last chapter for anyone who wanted to know, but I forgot.) Additional fun fact I don't know if I've ever mentioned: F-city is short for Franklin City. Nobody calls it that anymore (maybe oldtimers with strict personalities like Archibald Carisson), but that's its original name and it's why Franklin High is called Franklin High. Who was/is the mysterious Franklin? The surname of the first Avowed to set foot on the island once it was completed. The name isn't an important plot point or anything, but Franklin is adding some thematic notes with its meaning and the fact that it sounds like "F-rank" (hence its devolution into F-city) so I've always kind of liked that I landed on it.


Alden is a One Trip Trooper. Taking more than one trip to bring in the groceries is a weakness we should all strive to overcome.


A map would be fun to make, but writing-wise it can be a bit of a trap (depending on what kind of map it is). In the sense that by precisely drawing something, you are making concrete many aspects of the worldbuilding which can tie you up if you aren't careful. If there were maps or drawings of somekind, they should allow for some imaginative wiggle-room so to say. Maybe a child's drawing of Anesidora or maybe a series of vignettes of each location, that would be cool.


@Sleyca Awesome! A bit of clarification, in your diagram, the dashed line is the Span and the circle is F-city? And Apex is at the tip of the crescent, which is pointing north?


'tis the Lute super hearing in this case. He can hear well and even hear selectively to a certain extent.

Tycho Green

The Gilded Hero is amongst the best stories ever published on RR in my opinion. Great pick! Change: New World Has some stats that definitely mean something. MC is called Hide Mayo. Story starts out inside the school. Shortly after they make it out the story got dropped. Wonder where the author intended to take it. Reincarnation: First Monster One of the top rated ongoing fictions at its time. Has a harem tag, fortunately it wasn’t ever realized. A unique dragon learns about his dragon hood and dragon society as he embarks on an adventure. The Iron Teeth. Blacknail the goblin is the protagonist. Quite a few chapters out and manoeuvring unique situations created by his heritage. Blacknail has magic and improves, story stands on itself overall. The Gam3 Possibly what you’re looking for if you didn’t read it yet.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the island, Jeff "Jeffy" Jeffreys, is saving the universe with both his land and sea moves.


@Memoryofgold Imagine my diagram is vertically oriented instead of horizontally! Circle is F-city. Crescent is Apex. The inner curve (I guess we could call it a giant bay?) of the crescent is what connects to the Span.


High five and a miserable acorn to anyone who looked up Donguri korokoro.


Well now I have and accept it as the official soupy soundtrack if, and only if, the catfish from the version I watched is involved

Tycho Green

I didn’t and I won’t get baited!! Probably. Hm. Sounds interesting though. .. Would you just search or use a private tab, asking for a friend.


I spent a lot longer than I should have trying to find just the right, reasonably popular non-English nursery song written pre-1963 with appropriately foreboding lyrics.


@Tycho It's totally safe! It's a Japanese children's song about an acorn that falls into a pond, has fun at first, and then starts to cry when it realizes it can't escape and go back home.

Tycho Green

There is a completed story that I’ve been trying to find occasionally for the last two months. It goes somewhat like this: A centuries old wizard is the last survivor on a dying planet. He creates an experimental last resort ritual and finds himself in the body of a baby. The new race is similar to humans but not quite. Can’t recall details. They might have had tails, 50:50 on that. He goes through school and learns to navigate the world. In a neighbouring kingdom he is friends with their eccentric leader. Leader was described as short, possibly described as dwarfish. Different race. He grows up and has kids with his school crush, kids who later pull a couple hilarious stunts themselves. The conflict inside the story peaks at some point and gets resolved. Author somehow pulled all this is of in less than 160 chapters I believe, drawing the story to a conclusion I couldn’t complain about. This story has no stats and no system. The species has some inherently magical members instead, much like Artonans. If anyone knows what the story is called, please let me know. I can’t recall the name or find it no matter what.


Oh, that is awesome, thank you. That helps a lot to picture it. And I understand what Memory is saying too where that can limit you, and I don't mean to do that at all. In my mind I had an idea that it was oriented opposite what you had (Apex on the right) and I didn't think of it to the north at all. Then is Matadero somewhere to the east or west of the islands?

Alex Scriber

That diagram is handy. I’ve been wondering for ages which direction the crescent of Apex faced. I had pretty much convinced myself that it was the opposite (facing north) since that would give it more room to grow. This makes sense too, with the arc providing a harbor-like shelter to boats moored on the inner crescent. Which handily explains why there were boats moored near the span. The middle of the crescent provides the most shelter and thus makes it the best place to moor boats, despite having to deal with the added complexity (and thus risk) of the nearby span bridge. Edit, it just occurred to me, the waves here in the middle of the Ocean must be huge on even a normal day. I bet there’s a truly amazing surfer sub-culture.

Alex Scriber

I didn’t recognize this reference, but I really appreciate all the effort you put into making cultural references feel authentic. I am married to someone from another country and it makes my heart warm every time I see a reference to their culture that’s accurate. It feels good to be included, and to see others included <3


@Dee The issue with people losing trust in the System is that whatever it says can now be questioned because it may not be in a lower rank's best interest. We have already seen some examples of fringe groups like that family who set their brute sister on fire when she was selected and Jacob's father who thought everyone who was chosen were broken(?) in some way. I can imagine similar groups popping up around the idea of levelling. Yeah, most rational people will see through it but how many others will support it? Offering increased levelling rewards would exacerbate the problem due to the scale. It's fine to do that for Boe and the other U-types because there's such a small number of them. I think it was mentioned the low ranks made up a double digit percentage of Avowed so it would be impossible to hide it if it started doling out that as a reward. Everyone would wait for better rewards no matter their rank and you'd have groups like Liam's family who would push the limits of it thinking, maybe if they wait long enough they can go from B to S.


Thank you. I had weavy in my brain but I know that was wrong


A Haiku, add your own: Bento box empty This burden is so heavy Alden found a noodle

Nathan Rice

I have a bad feeling about Lute's mom. Certainly anyone on a boat has been in serious trouble.


@Sleyca There is Fairy and Flarey... Might we have The Crime Fighting adventures of Pickle Boy and his trusty sidekick Nope Noodle??


It’s okay, Aulia was smart enough to equip the yacht with a powerful Submerger just in case something like this ever happened. Oh wait…

Melody Haren Anderson

That said, he MIGHT be able to, in a pinch, pull the effect away near himself. Of course, that's an ability he has less experience with and could be hard to use under the circumstances. Though, he's going to level up a bit here isn't he once things calm enough to allow it.


One more, and then bed: It's hard to target Her eyes are so pretty and blue Lute can hear Vandy


@Zenopath I don't think people would stop using their skills but it's possible they won't find levelling when prompted by the system to be in their best interests. There could be all sorts of crazy theories that arise and as long as it involves putting off/delaying new levels, it could be problematic for the system at scale.


I vote that Lute and Boe team up to create a supervillain podcast that cynically pokes fun at everything.

Matt DiMeo

you need a pretty gradual beach slope for good surfing, and I doubt they have that on an artificial island in the mid pacific.


@Guus That's human thinking. The ambassador would be the most important person and therefore the person who should be evacuated first by Artonan standards. The peons are to make sure the VIPs go.

Jesper Hansen

I think I might actually hate that, lol.. That sounds incredibly cliche, and I don't think Lute have shown anything that makes him a possible villain, actually the opposite, he regrets how he treated the others in the past(while I don't think he have much to regret at all) and he continues to engage with them, even tho they are the ones constantly shunning him.. Maybe if his mother died it would make sense? still be cliche, but atleast then it would make sense


Thanks for the chapter. I do have to admit that this arc/segment really feels like it's dragging. How many chapters is Alden going to be stumbling around in the dark. I know we had the intermission in the building with the guy, and maybe I'm just not in the right mood.


One thing that really sticks out to me on a reread of this chapter is that it feels like the System, as part of its “fighting force preservation”, is selecting for obedience as well as strength. If you don’t take your first teleport, you don’t get another. If you don’t follow directions to the right shelter, you lose your teleport timer. You do what the System says or else you’re dead weight.


Fortunately it looks like the System wasn't rescinding the offer to teleport kids if the parents turned it down. We saw in chapter 134 that a Mrs. Chandola had turned down a teleport for her kid, but was talked into accepting, and her kid immediately disappeared.

Guus van der Borg

I doubt that Lute will go supervillain. Dude's life has finally turned around. He's got friends he loves hanging out with, and he's starting to discover the joys that being a chainer can bring. He's showing hints that he enjoys helping people out, and through his friends he's finding ways to do that. Having said that I CAN think of one thing that might push Lute into being a supervillain. If Alden died tragically right now. The old trope of 'build someones life up just to have it all come crashing down'. If his new BFF who helped him rediscover the joys of life tragically dies.... Beware the Lute of Doom. But unless Sleyca decides to do a radical MC shift, (not discounting the possibility) I doubt that'll happen.

Guus van der Borg

Be pedantic all you want. Poisonous is the correct term here. The comment is talking about what happens if Victor the Evil Kyat tried to eat Tiny Snake. In wich case being poisonous would be the problem, not being venomous.

Guus van der Borg

I dunno, it feels like the kind of thing that won't do well in political circles. Artonan society might be heavily stratified, but they also seem to think bravery is more important than might. I feel like making sure that all the important (emphasis on important) people are safe would be a thing that's expected of an artonan leader.


its probably the effect of reading it one at a time. kind of like the lute chapters. it would probably feel better to wait a couple of weeks and read them in a single sweep.


I think this event might be the perfect lever for someone to push(or force) the rest of humanity to ACCEPT more avowed. kind of like: we cannot be completely impared or killed in one single incident so a 10-20% of the population needs to be in the rest of the continents and if the countries complain FUCK them, WE have the power and our survival is more important. if I was a politician on the side of returning to mixing normal humans and avowed I would jump HARD on this disaster. the system in place (not The System) is dumb and this kind of disasters is one of the reasons its dumb. imagine if this disaster was slightly worse, and a great percentage of avowed died because of this: earth would be chaos fucked so fast because they created a big single weak point.


Well the anesidoran agreement is dangerous and dumb, if someone smart gets to decide (some smart wizard maybe) they will force humanity to stop being stupid. But I doubt the island will sink


You guys keep saying that it takes a month to affix. but it was the first time, it was 8 levels and his authority was basically broken. the time he needed to recover was definitely longer than normal. There is no way that knights need basically 2 months of downtime every year just to affix... the next affixation will suck, but the recovery will be much faster, days not weeks. Also Alden is more openminded and accepting of his authority now, we saw multiple times that perception is incredibly important for authority manipulation, so he will deal with the next much better.


Considering the amount of death and destruction Jacob brought to anesidora he will probably be better dead than alive. If he lives he will live with guilt and shunned by the entire humanity if nobody kills him first anyway. The system might even enslave him forcing him into a contract because he almost killed milions and endangered the system.


History is the greatest predictor of future actions. If you reject the resources once you’re more likely to be someone who rejects them twice. The system appears so omniscient to us that you think it would be able to discriminate, and the fact that it isn’t it worrying. I wonder how much this is an Earth contract personality issue.


Can we stop blaming the gloss on everything? The gloss is a strong spell, but it's ended. Stop please.


Apex is a hat F-City is a big head North of North makes sense

Benjamin Collins

Has anyone pointed out that this is now the second time artonans have teleported Alden into unnecessary danger. And with there culture as I know it so far and Alden being a child I bet they bend over backwards somehow to make it up to him. I bet he goes to see stuarth soon

Alex Scriber

Matt, Neat. I am not a surfer and did not know this. Thank you for getting me to go look this up. According to national geographic you need a beach to surf safely. https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/surfing/ However, there are several other features that can cause waves to break and thus be surfable. Apex has two points that can generate dumping waves even if there aren’t any conveniently located underwater trenches or reef-like work-in-progress additions to Anesidora to break waves. Now, all of these features generate very dangerous waves that absolutely will kill inexperienced surfers. Or even experienced surfers who get unlucky. Certainly not safe enough to recommend anyone surf there in our world. But I can still see bored Anesidorans with access to wright-made safety gear and emergency teleports being willing to risk it. Learning is fun!


She lost her teleport timer because the system gave up on Fs I think

John D Jones

I kind of love Vandy. She clearly wants to be a great superhero team leader but how no idea how. If Harry Potter is somehow a thing in this setting, everyone calls Vandy Hermione.

Joel Wells

So, I’ve been thinking about the Ambassador. Does anyone else think that he is but of a bastard for planning on making Zeridee to wade through all the danger alone. If you think about the timing. Alden probably left carrying Zeridee around the same time when she would have finished her duties cleaning up. She already said that she would be walking out. If she had done this, she would be in a similar position to Alden. Yeah she wouldn’t be carrying anyone and could probably move faster. But still. Absolute dick move.


@Matt DiMeo, perhaps its a floating, artifical island, and they could engineer certain parts of it to taper gently towards the ocean. Otherwise, if it were like a natural island, the amount of earth to break the surface of the water at that area of the world would be truly immense. Whoever did that must be an unfathomably powerful Avowed


Yeah I don't really want to see this turn into my hero academia lol. It could be cool to see him shadow a hero on the job, or just be a sidekick something like that. But you're right he's still really young and is going through serious trauma less than a year after Thegund.


I was rereading 129:They feasted and get to the commercial for a language academy "< < Most people don’t have a translation in front of their eyes,> > said the advertisement on the wall.< < Make sure your children can talk to the world> >" I was smiling, fooled once again by Sleyca. Then I continued reading and it hit me, Sleyca NO! : "The dinner ended with a lot of people planning increasingly absurd funerals for themselves."


While I like the idea even if it's making the relation Earth/Artona even worse than it is, I also think Emilija lost her timer before going towards the full shelter. The "Why" before she starts to run are (IMO) for the timer going away. Going over it again make me even think that the timer disappered when she said "timer". And she asked why when she gets the shelter full notification because she thought that the timer disapearred because she was getting close to safety.


Good catch. Amazing catch. I hadn't even thought of that and wow now that's what I call foreshadowing. Wow. Thats so morbid and amazingly fitting.

Barrett Fogarty

Would Alden drop Zeridee to save the lives of his three Rabbit friends? If given the choice what would he do? I’ve been thinking this arc is an Artonan demonstration of the trolley problem. For those not familiar, the trolley problem is where a bystander is given the choice of letting an out of control trolley kill five people or pulling a switch and letting it kill just one. Most of the trolley decisions in the arc are being made by the Earth Contract. The problem of course is that the Contract is fundamentally the product of an alien, non-egalitarian, culture. A culture where the Primary and Knights are ranked the most important. Higher ranked must always be supported in their struggles. Why then should there be outrage over the Ambassador’s abandonment of Zeridee? Wouldn’t Alden drop Zeridee to save his friends? The current crisis is bringing home what earth truly signed up for. And Anesidorans are carrying the burden of most of the trolley decisions.


I can't envision a scenario where dropping Zeridee would allow Alden to save them.


Absolutely. It was a complete dick move to leave her in the middle of a disaster zone. I hope he sees some serious repercussions for playing politics during a crisis.


I think the issue here is the interference from the ambassador. Alden would normally never have been teleported there, so he must have interfered.


It's mostly the wait, but there have been a couple of chapters that felt unnecessarily stalled. The ones where almost the entire chapter is Alden's internal dialogue/rambling while he moves about 100 feet in real time. Even if I were reading the chapters one after the other, I would find that frustrating during an urgent crisis. That's down to personal preference, I suppose, but I really don't like reading pages and pages of inner monologue when the character should be running the fuck away as fast as possible.

The Ox

The mental mention of the Palace of Unbreaking when Lute was unable to target indicates that Chainer is a skill with very different design than standard skills. It has boutique features and quirks built around how the Palace wants its exclusive Avowed to operate.


Ah, gotcha, I had misunderstood that part. Not quite as bad as I was thinking then, but still pretty unethical-seeming.

Jason Harpster

bleh to the trolly problem. It was invented as an no-win scenerio to see how you deal with being forced to fail horribly no matter how well you succeed. The proper answer from a generically walking pace trolly? Yell at the fat person or pregnant woman to brace themselves to sit on the front bumper. Minimal chance of injury, no real chance of death. Physics beats psychology every time.


As I understand it, it is currently Friday evening into Saturday for Alden. The last time he talked to Stuart was the prior Monday night (briefly) and then all day that Tuesday. Does this sound accurate? As they are on a 13 dayish schedule, we can expect Stuart to attempt a call Sunday or Monday. Assuming this mess goes on another 24-48 hours, it’ll be interesting to see if the Contract is willing/able to patch that phone call through.

John D Jones

It's currently in the early AMs on Saturday morning AKA before 6 AM. Alden was expecting Stu'art'h to call him on Monday. Figure the call will end up being earlier once the Earth System is back doing that sort of thing. Figure we'll also learn what Artonan is for "What the fuck, dude? Are you okay?! What the fucking fuck is happening down there?" Lute will be sad that he missed such an... educational conversation.

John D Jones

Not a dick move. An asshole move. That said, I doubt the Ambassador or anyone else (except the one who planned the bomb strike) had any idea that it would be this serious. Still ignorance is no excuse. Which sucks for the Ambassador, because he's probably going to be pretty desperate for some excuses to cover his ass from the fallout from this.

John D Jones

I don't think the Artonans are directly to blame for this. Indirectly to blame, maybe. Alden's Commendation put him in the VIP section. Most likely the Earth System sent an FYI to the Ambassador, who told Zeridee to give Alden some tea and then stuff his ass into that Amazon-bound Flyer.

Jason Harpster

All depends on her actual evacuation plan. If she was to be teleported out seconds after disposing of the party booze, and shoving a rabbit into an evacuation hat? Not so bad..... If she was to leg it? total jerk.


Sounds about right. And once any Knight says something like ‘what’s going on down on Earth?’, there’s going to be interplanetary magical FBI doing whatever they do as soon as the initial dust settles. With sways and a couple millennia of experience tracking magic, it’s hard to imagine it’ll take them more than 20 minutes (including wevvi break) to roll the entire Velras clan up as culpable for some kind of criminal negligence at the least. Unless they’re already dead on a boat. I just hope Lute doesn’t get too burned by it.

John D Jones

Zeridee told Alden that she was going to walk to a (pretty far away) shelter. That was why he stuck around and was helping her with the idea that they'd both get in the Flyer except, oops, looters.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

I think of it more of a rephrasing of ‘what are your weights concerning harm through inaction vs harm through direct action’ It’s an intro question meant to have follow ups, not an attempt at making you feel guilty Although admittedly I’ve seen people use it in the way you described, I don’t like those people

Marcus Green

I don't think there's been a time where it was clear where Alden should be running that he was just standing around talking to himself. I have pretty different reading tastes that make these some of my favorite chapters of the story, but while you either like the chapters or you don't, I think your memory may be exaggerating the details of how slow paced they've been.

Alan Miller

Is Artonan society caste based? Noting also the lab workers left behind on Thegund. Is it an asshole move if you're part of a society where that's the norm? Knights, Wizards, indentured servants of a sort, what's normal society like?


anything written by Thundamoo. the most classically progfic of her work so far is probably Vigor Mortis

Tristan A

This is totally off topic from what is going on. But, I have been hankering to hear about some of the villains that exist on Earth. I think have the love I have for superhero stories is dealing with villians. And ya know you'd think it would be something talked about. Like infamous criminals who haven't been caught, rankings etc. Like so far the guy who killed Alden's parents is the only straight up villian that's been mentioned.


And parties with drugs. Yes, when Alden was lab assisting Sophie said avowed have higher status than nonpowered assistants and stu'art noted his problem with his assistants


We also heard of a ground shaper making a secret base below lake Michigan, I believe? He was mentioned again recently. (EDIT: in ch 139) Then again the human media villifies avowed that don't register. I'm sure the guy just wanted a cool place to hang out.

Partha Peddi

I can see Vandy getting closer to Lute in the aftermath of this arc. She is already breaking rules for him, what else will she do to comfort him in his time of anxiety or grief? Lute's story might turn into a love triangle.


I get the feeling that Lute is gonna lose family here. Maybe lute and Alden bonding over lost parents is coming up

Mehr Nissa

Completely off topic question here, but does system translation happen when someone sings in a different language? Or does the system specifically know the difference between speaking and singing to translate selectively? That seems like a big drain on system resources


That could still endanger a lot of people. A massive sinkhole is a big danger. Just because you did not mean it, doesnt mean that it isnt dangerous.


Or Emilija goes rogue after her disappointment in the system. Goes out Anesidora with SAL and we get a confrontation years later while Lute is with Vandy (he already found her pretty in the chainer serie)


I don't remember an occurence but it should translate. The translation is subtitles so you do not lose the musical part of the song with translation


I don't think a ground shaper making a place to stay will make it collapsable without intervention. The sinkhole would happen if the base is attacked or maybe decades after the shaper death and no one taking care of it


So Emilija is in danger and we get much Lute screen time who is loaded up on chains. I wonder if those two plot lines will be connected.


More on the ground shaper : First mention in chapter 5. Ended up in intensive care after the pursuit, and Skiff was not feeling too proud about it. Probably not a Villain that used tunnels for drug smuggling or human trafficking, :Skiff would not have remorse then.

Andrew Boyer

There was a bit about it having trouble keeping up with conversations in a crowded party, so if you’re listening to music by yourself maybe it does, but in a crowd maybe not. Not sure about a concert with screaming fans…

Andrew Boyer

I like this idea. He could have his chaining working for his dating life instead of against it, like the gloss.

John D Jones

One thing to consider is that Vandy is roommates with Tuyet and Everly. Everly was with the team when Lute came to help Reinhard, Astrid and Njeri with their word chains. Figure there was some point between the end of the obstacle course runs and the disaster (AKA, during the Feasting) when Everly probably talked about that to Vandy. It was probably something like "Alden asked him to help and he did and he wasn't even much of an asshole about it. I was surprised. He was there for a good four hours helping them." Figure that was enough to make Vandy at least consider that "Maybe Lute isn't as much of the vicious little bastard who wished my parents would disappear or die an on off-world mission." It's not like there's going to be wedding bells in the near future, but we've at least gotten to the point that Lute and Vandy can have civil conversations.

John D Jones

A good way to look at unregistered Avowed is as "illegal immigrants." For the most part their crime rate is lower than that of citizens because they want to stay off the authorities' radar and committing crimes gets you on that radar really quickly. Granted there's always exceptions like Body Drainer and others.

John D Jones

I hope Ami's okay. I like her. I'll feel bad for Lute if something fatal happens to Lute's parents, but I won't miss them. Hazel's parents are horrible people so I'm kind of rooting for the tsunami against them. Ditto Orpheus. It would really suck if Lute's remaining family ended up being Hazel (who's off-world doing penance), Aulia (who's on Matadero with two Knights and a shit-ton of powerful Avowed) and Keiko (because she's presumably in Japan and well away from the death water right now).

John D Jones

I'd guess that the devices that non-Avowed use to access the System probably have to built-in RAM to help with stuff like that. Meanwhile, there probably aren't enough Avowed to strain the Earth System when it comes to translations under normal circumstances. Alas, these are far from normal circumstances.

John D Jones

Technically the Gloss was working really well for Lute's dating life. It just did so in a horrifying, amoral manner that Lute rejected because it was too much like mind control. Cute animal murdering mind control. My wild-ass guess will be that Vandy and Lute will end up looking for Emilija. Lute cares about her. And Vandy, I think Vandy really, really wants to do super-hero stuff in the real world. One reason that she's so interested in Alden is that Alden has done super-heroish stuff in the for real dangerous universe. Even beyond the extremely self-deprecating way that Alden tends to describe his time on Orbital Stonechild Thegund (yeah, that needs to come back occasionally), Vandy knows that Alden saved/cared for a little Artonan girl for six months. She also knows (probably from Everly who would have gotten it from Kon) about how Alden quietly took charge and got Soren to the hospital while everyone else was losing their shit or gossiping.


I don’t care much about lutes parents but I’d feel bad for lute because his life has been pretty ass so far and the last thing he did to his mum was disrespect her. But I think I’m terms of character deaths lute’s parents and maybe some classmates are the only potentially impactful ones to the readers


Sadly I hate to rain on your parade but unless something crazy happens, the earliest that they would be able to look for her in any capacity is after everything has calmed down and the span opens back up. As they are on Apex at the school and the rabbit trio is in F-city on the opposite side of the span, just about as far away as you can get from them.


@John D Jones What's the difference between a dick move and an asshole move?

Bob Ross

"...and it wasn’t like the System itself cared if people lived or died. Probably there were all kinds of intricate rules, settings, and exchanges involved that Alden knew nothing about." - Alden musing on the Systems human life prioritization back in chapter 34. ... Sleyca, conservation of detail called and they say they'd like the first law of thermodynamics back!

Bob Ross

Forgive my rant, and I mean this in the most sane possible way but... don't you put anything in this story that doesn't mean something?!


Actually I think the tea was all Zeredee - because the last time they corresponded she mentioned meeting him at her favorite tea shop to deliver the package.

Second Raddish

I think we should blame the guys breaking into houses and stabbing people for this one, homies.


@John D Jones Well maybe Hermione from book 1, but she loosened up after the troll incident. But, in my mind, Vandy is probably on the autistic spectrum (potentially what used to be refered to as Asperger's) and is navigating by her own rigid rules because that is what has worked for her in the past. She observes people super hard (kind of like Stu) - I think (1) as a way to improve herself and (2) to understand people better. But, I get the feeling that sometimes she gets in her own way and comes off as worse than she is. (1) No Alden don't learn from Lute, he is (probably happy that you got stranded) is mean and I need to save you from being hurt. (2) Lute give up your game set (spout knee jerk reason) so this uncomfortable standoff can come to an end.

Benjamin Collins

Naw the artonans will take the blame because it wouldn't have happened if they hadn't interfeard. So far the artonans come off as ridiculously polite and humble so I don't see them not taking the blame for this

Benjamin Collins

Obviously lute and vandy are the yet to be couple and this is where there relationship goes from frenemies to cautious friendship which later will blossom into more Oh and Emilia is Gunna die somehow


Regarding the housing crisis and school... part of me is hoping that Alden et.al. get to spend time at Leafsong while their HS is being rebuilt better than ever (with REAL learning cushions and no eating in class...) I would love for Alden to get to spend real time with Stu, maybe serving as his aid in Master Worli Roden's class since his other aids are so scared of him... Then he might get to learn some Wizarding stuff on the DL and Stu might get some more friends. I think both Lexi and Lute would pass Stu's focused and life purpose questions (if they took the questions seriously). And Haoyu would just charm the heck out of Stu.


Is this a reference to LOTR or something else? I thought it was LOTRs, but I didn't understand others responses.


It already meant something. Boe was making Victor more happy with his emotion powers. Happy life and more eating equals weight gain.


Non-Chapter comment: Does anyone else find themselves using Soup language or situational context in everyday life? Funny-mean, mean-mean, ass-abused, gorkorach, etc. And those turns of phrase that stay with you for their insight, humor, or personal impacts: "Facts are facts, they are not required to be fair." "For multiple, long-considered, personal reasons." Hero Type No. 3 (or as I like to think of it Worker type number 3 - cause work will happily take until you can give no more) "one who helps after taking his own safety and sanity into consideration.” “I can’t help that words have meanings, man. The meaning of those words isn’t open to interpretation. No one made you be brave, and you chose to do it anyway.” "If having your own behavior described in public makes you feel humiliated,” said Alden, “maybe you should behave differently" "May you gain knowledge all the days of your life, and may your days be many."

Barrett Fogarty

This is a wonderful list and yes i use some of them. Plus my wife is getting tired of my soup musings.


Same! I swear I can actually feel my husband stretching his patience muscles every time I bring up Soup! 😇

Jason Harpster

Jim get's IT. Ano Ano Might be making a serious reply. But I would suggest just googling IT.

Jason Harpster

Don't forget Boe "The Cat Burgler" : Last seen trespassing and breaking thru Customs with just a cat carrier as a disguise.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

Dang. This is impressive. I tried to think of some random detail that actually meant nothing in the story so far. I scoured my memory. I looked at some of the old chapters. Nothing is without meaning. Whether it is world building, character development, or something that moves the plot along, every random piece of narrative carries some weight beyond just set-dressing. Some details haven't paid off to much yet, but I don't doubt that they eventually will. What a story.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

There had better not be a Jazz Funeral coming up. It was such a funny bit of banter before you made this catch. What would Writher do without Lexi?


Ties to his first skill, that he named when he was 11 (speculation).

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

@Pedro Henrique, character development. It foreshadows the fact that he is also a Unique, while pointing to the fact that he has a hidden, softer side underneath all the brusk cynicism. Lastly, the fact that he is a fan of Bedlam Bedlam is used multiple times in the major conversation he has with Alden about his own powers, giving us a point of reference for his silly naming sense and adding some much-needed levity to the conversation.


What I like with the idea of Lute and Vandy together is that Lute is by his own terms a "extra lazy Avowed" and Vandy trains 24/7 (if she could)


Prediction for the start of the next chapter: Alden pukes


That's a really good list. I would add "loving lies." Sometimes I know someone is telling me a loving lie, and that's how I think of it now.


Loving lies is a good one! It also helps me to think of it that way, rather than, "they're just being nice," or other such ways we think of them. To instead think, "they are being loving and telling me what I need to hear."


@tychogreen my best guess: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/2850/beyond

Calum Donaldson

In story it makes sense for Lute to be worried about his mom, but I'm fairly confident that Aulia would be a high priority save for the System/Artonans, but she's on Matadero so we don't have confirmation. However she gets to pick 2 people to have her priority and there is 0% chance she doesn't pick Jessica (who else, Corin? I don't think we know the Avowed classes of Corin? Benjamin is an A-rank Chainer). Honestly, I can't think of anyone else she would put as important aside from Hazel (who isn't on planet). This is likely why Haoyu got teleported out so fast (his parents are important).


@ImNotHere: Disagree. Being a Ground Shaper doesn't give you a degree in structural engineering. Unless this Shaper has powers that specifically work to make excavations structurally sound *without* the Shaper's continued intervention, they're taking risks with the landscape. Probably even with such skills, since it's not like they can safely test the skill's limitations.


The Artonans did not teleport Alden into danger. They teleported him to a serene residence where an escape flyer was waiting to take him to someplace even safer. It is firmly not their fault that Alden stuck around after the area stopped being safe.


@Cayos: That is incorrect. Spell impressions CAN be used without the System, with the exception of signing bonus spell impressions like Wardrobe Change (and probably Device Identification). Spell and skill targeting is something everyone can theoretically do without System assistance, but not everyone bothers to learn. Mina, for example, learned mental targeting to impress schools. There does seem to be an implication here that Chainer skills are deliberately made more difficult to target with. It would otherwise be unusual that only Lute's much older relatives had managed to figure it out. The Velras are a lot of things, but they do work hard at being competent Chainers.

Partha Peddi

I think Aulia's second was Hazel at one point of time. I hope she changed it.


I love the way patron doesn't allow Artonan {{this}} but not <>


Do you think everyone will survive this ordeal? I mean characters we care about, we know randos have died


I think if someone from class croaks, it will be bow guy. Idk just getting those vibes


Reinhard! only Shrike is called by his tools (knife guy) And death is so severe, Winston could lose a leg and I would not lose sleep...


Yay, just one more sleep before soup! 🥣

Slightly Morbid

We have absolutely no idea if being a ground shaper gives you a degree in structural engineering. Maybe it does, depending on what skill you pick and how far you level it.


LOL Thanks Hypervion! That's souper helpful! So, one's a bit of a pisser and the other is a total sh*t... Gotcha!

John D Jones

@ xXM1g420Y0I... Vandy is a S-rank. She's probably pretty strong. And she can fly. She don't need no stinkin' bridges.

Alan Miller

Does she get to pick 2 people or is that a commendation thing? Does she have one that I don't remember?

Calum Donaldson

Alan, I'm working under the assumption that Aulia is considered as important as someone with a commendation. Seeing as she still helps on Matadero but there's no way the Palace would let a Chainer be combat summoned.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

I should move to a different timezone so I can read a new chapter during dinner, instead of losing a couple hours of sleep twice a week

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

Do you remember that mythic era of Soup when there was a backlog? Chapters would come at all times of the day! We would start to worry for Sleyca if the sun had set and no chapter had yet been released. Ah, the nostalgia...


God i hate Winston. Then again, isn't he like 15? 16? Wait am I thinking of Finlay? Which one is the A rank with a complex?


"my wild-ass guess" *Presents very logical and well-reasoned analysis and predictions*

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

while you're waiting, here's a fanfic of what the spider, snake, and scorpion have been up to this whole time https://archiveofourown.org/works/54695644/chapters/138614548


Given the way it translated "moon" as the literal "orbital stonechild" when Alden was speaking Artonan, I'm guessing the subtitles are very literal


If the System is prioritising combat assets, its likely a lot of Rabbits will be left behind, even at higher ranks. The one class that has an abundance of people who are likely to have (or easily form) a lot of connections. I don't have anywhere I was going with that other than to add more weight onto this PR disaster. On a related note, since Rabbits are empathetic and generally inclusive from what we've seen from intake, we might see the Rabbit girls (and others) in situations where they'll help rescue others on the way to the next shelter. This could be the start of their heroic miniarc! It would be ironic if more Rabbits were awarded Bravery in the Abscence of Obligation than the hero classes.


1, I don't think so. She was hurt directly trying to help him and was only still in the line of fire because he hadn't left yet when he could have done so. She was put in harm's way because he was stubborn. No chance he doesn't fix it. 2, They're on different islands, aren't they? Or were they shopping in apex? I thought they were in F city 3, he'd never steal the spotlight from Lute like that

Marcus Rodriguez

Winston is the A-rank speedster with the issues, Finley is the S-grade nice speedster. Most kids in Alden's gym class are 15, maybe 16. Alden is the 3rd oldest, behind Lexi and Max.

Alan Miller

Commendations seem unlikely since they'd almost certainly need to come from Artonans who are likely in short supply on Anesidora right now.

Zenopath (AEV)

So did Zeridee's boss try to kill her? If so why? Is she like an employee he didn't want, like leftover from previous Ambassador and difficult to fire via normal channels? Artonan public service must be pretty cutthroat if leaving her to drown is a better choice than reassign her to another posting...


We've only got the one example but I'm thinking there would be other circumstances where the medals were awarded like if an Artonan or the Anesidoran council were to review the footage of the disaster and noticed something. Since the System is working this time, perhaps it could also be used for recommendations in the aftermath.


I think Hawaii would be a late dinner and Japan would be an early bird dinner. But the east coast of Australia looks pretty ideal for dinner Soup! If you need me I'm headed to Wollongong! (Man is my husband going to be surprised with this move...)


These late chapters work pretty well for Australia. I get them around/after dinner and can read them before going to bed. I do the same with the regular schedule but I usually have to resist reading at work, get back home, finished my chores and make sure I'm comfy before I start. So at least one person's happy with the delays, thanks Sleyca!

Andrew Tobin

Wollongong looks nice and all, but if I could afford it I’d look further north on the coast. That said, I’m bushwards, far from the coast and I’ll probably get the chappie tea time.

Nathan Rice

I think he's just an asshole who doesn't give a shit about humans, but she's been stationed there a while and made friends with the whole neighborhood.

Zenopath (AEV)

So more like random abuse from a petty boss than attempting to murder her? Its possible, but if anyone understood how dangerous the situation he was putting her into it would be ambassador. He could have arranged for another escape flyer for her.


A tea time chapter would be excellent as well. It has been 33 (YIKES!) years since I visited Wollongong. I'm pretty sure it has changed... And my next move will take me closer to an early breakfast chapter... Cereal is pretty close to soup, right?

Alan Miller

Zeridee is semi permanent staff not associated with any of the rotating cast of ambassadors. Without those ties she's easy to assign the cleanup duties remaining when you the ambassador pull your chosen staff out.

Temp One

I'd thought about this before. The only conclusion I came to was, if Zeridee's boss really had something to do with this, he might be part of the faction that sees humans as an existential threat. And wants to nuke Human/Artonan relations. He'd be offing Zeridee, who I suspect in her longstanding Ambassadorial assistant position is the real grease that maintains Human/Artonan relations. Especially considering the Ambassadorial position sees such a high turnover rate. Her death alone would be a huge diplomatic blow, but the expertise she brings to the board is likely irreplaceable as well. Without her around Artonan Ambassadors would likely be fumbling relations badly with the humans for the foreseeable future, especially when it looks like Zeridee takes up tasks with humans that Ambassadors neglect. Alden is likely another fly in the ointment. From the hints we've gotten his presence is highly undesirable to some parties. Perhaps ones that try to cast humans in some negative and unworthy light? Having a human with a commendation from the 4th General might disrupt that narrative. To the extent they think the commendation was deliberate political maneuvering by Alis. If Alden died, and humans killed him. Said parties might be able to work it into their 'unworthy, hateful, dangerous, human' narrative. On that last note, interestingly that would make Alden a priority protection target for humanity. As his presence is an enormous Artonan political boon. Far beyond the scope of just school funding.


I actually don’t think the Abassador could have arranged another flier in this situation. Assuming he took one flier himself, that means there were exactly 2 fliers on site for the exact 2 Artonian staff members. He didn’t simply not order one for Zeridee, he made her give Alden the on-site flier meant for her. Assuming it was actually the already departed Ambassador that summoned Alden. Personally, I suspect Zeridee did it herself once the Ambassador was gone out of a sense of duty towards the Knights. She implied that the Ambassador thought his accommodation was political, so he wouldn’t have been as concerned. But Alden kept not cooperating with her dutiful self sacrifice, and then he revealed baby Stu was his friend and that just made the situation worse enough that she gave up and went along with him.

Andrew Tobin

In that both cereal and soup can count as meals at any time? Sure. They’re superfoods like ramen or ice cream.


I know they are all teenagers and that their upbringing has a lot to do (like Hazel). But being a legless speedster might be a good reformative experience for Winston.


I don't think so -- I think he needed someone to stay behind to make sure Alden got all his stuff, and that fell to Zeridee (or she volunteered).


I think someone we know will die -- I'm worried it'll be Jeffy, but I don't actually think so. I just got some 'death flags' for him, but could easily be just growth flags instead as he truly gets to both shine and see the worst of this disaster.

Zenopath (AEV)

@Stylemys That's an interesting theory. So maybe that flier was originally meant to be Zeridee's but she chose to ask system to summon Alden and gave it to him? Its possible... But why would system listen to her? I was assuming the system was the one who assigned the flier to Alden, why would Zeridee have the rank to tell the system what to do but not get a teleport of her own? And why didn't the Ambassador ask the system to give her a teleport?

Zenopath (AEV)

@Temp One I don't think anyone was targeting Alden. How would they possibly know he was too stubborn to take the flier until it was accidentally sent away? By any reasonable standard Alden should have been 100% safe, it was only by chance that he wasn't.


I don't think that's the correct motivation -- the system is busy AF and can't keep wasting time and resources on people who aren't going to use them. For all we know slotting them back into queue screws up 0.0001% of its processing power that could be better used on something else People like Klein didn't have the option to refuse their teleports, after all, because they were needed.


This is fantastic, thank you :) If it matters, this is EXACTLY how I pictured it from descriptions in story @Sleyca. Noice!


I don't think she lacks empathy, I think she can just be judgemental about people who don't fit into what her view of the world is or behave in the ways she think they should. I totally understand disliking her for those reasons, even if you view it as lack of empathy instead. I like her though, I think, but I'm not sure I'd want to be friends with her outside of class / hero work.

Alan Miller

I frequently stay up until release because my sleep schedule is trash anyway, but I have to leave for jury duty in 7 hours so not tonight.

Andrew Tobin

Is there any reason to not be eligible for jury duty better than an addiction to soup? “Your honour, I believe all mean-mean people should be publicly humiliated and leave the planet for volunteering and self-reflection.” Hope it goes okay for you and isn’t too exciting. Every time I’ve gone there’s been a cancellation due to a last minute plea, thank dog.


The only two stories I've read online via RR or Patreon or Fictionpress or KU or whatever else that are of the same quality as SupSup are: 1. Mother of Learning https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/21220/mother-of-learning 2. Tori Transmigrated https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/47030/tori-transmigrated If I had to pick a third to go on that list with Super Supportive, it'd be the Last Orellen. But that one just isn't quite far enough along for me to feel like I should include it, which may not be fair. I've read most of the other things mentioned here and then some, though I have to check out Player Manager now. A few other names that I didn't see mentioned are Practical Guide to Evil, Game at Carousel, Salvos, Runebound Professor, Victor of Tuscon, Defiance of the Fall, Beneath the Dragonseye Moons, Silver Seeker, Eight, Delve, Journey of Black and Red, and various others such as those listed above that I didn't mention again. But while I have subbed to these on occasion, they don't quite make the Top5 (and SupSup does, along with the others I mentioned early).


Where do y'all get that the Ambassador ist a Bad Guy? To me antorians seem extremely dutyfull, maybe dismissive of Things that are not duty and Kind of Personal Honor. I, Kind of think that zeridee stayed Back because she thought that was her Job.

Jean Bohdel

Jason, the trolley is rolling down a hill and the brakes are shot. Having lived in San Francisco I can tell you an elephant wouldn’t be able to survive if all the emergency braking systems were disabled. It may be a poor outcome either way, but the reason it works as a thought exercise it because it is supposed to help you work through what you think of as “not losing” in a no-win scenario. Does your action or inaction make you culpable. You shouldn’t poo-poo something just because you don’t understand it.

Jean Bohdel

You have now made me realize that when someone does something that is a cross between the two it should be called a “taint move.” I’ve always thought an asshole was so self-centered they didn’t think of anyone else, whereas a dick has some idea of other people’s suffering, they just chose to ignore it

Jean Bohdel

Agree with Marcus. Also, running around when you’re in danger without time to consider your plan and a couple backups is a dangerous reaction. And when in mortal danger your brain’s ability to think speeds up, making time appear to take longer—leaving you a lot of time to ruminate on much of what Alden has been thinking about. I’m looking forward to when I get to these chapters in my re-read and can go through them fast, but I have been loving these chapters.

Jean Bohdel

Can I get two for knowing it already? I live in a place with many ambassadors and their families and my son’s best friend in preschool sang this most mornings as we walked over.

Jean Bohdel

+1 to Jesper. Lute has shown too much empathy and remorse to turn supervillain. He may end up hating the system, but I couldn’t see him hurting others or doing anything that would hurt others. And I think he likes his job. The way he shared with Alden and the other SHITs (super heroes in training) showed a care and intellectual-curiosity that leads to a successful and satisfying career.

Benjamin Collins

Naw I don't see it that way. Regardless of how it turned out he is in danger because the artonans interfeard. If they hadn't he wouldve been teleported directly to safety instead of into a main disaster zone

david tudury

Thank you for the visual descriptions of the water disaster! (I guess we really hadn't seen an active effect up close before) ... Meant to post this to following chapter... :)

Nathan Coppernoll

I wonder if vandy tries to get in on the free chainer tutorials lute is doing now that she declared detante. It did seem odd to Alden that she had not tried to in the past, vandy obviously respects chain boosts, and she just saw how her team got smoked by a chained team, topped off by a b-Rabbit decapitating her A-speedster.


Everyone's pov gives a taste of the situation around the place, but I do feel bad for the Rabbit girls. On the other hand, Alden making the most he can in his situation. I just realized no one named the snake, or I don't recall Liam naming her anything.


Yeah, Alden wouldve been better off if he had been sent to a regular evac spot. Guess the artonans didn't realize that somebody who got a commendation for bravery in absence of obligation may refuse to be evacuated in order to help people. If he had gone to a regular evac location he would've been safe without moral problems. He also wouldve been safe if they had been just a bit faster and skipped stuff like tea or laundry. Bad timing. Just like Kibby. She, her sister and Alden wouldve been fine if they'd left immediately. Bad timing always sucks.