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[A/N: LINK TO SOME FAN ART of Natalie and Alden on the rooftop-to-rooftop roller coaster! It was commissioned by the legendary Selkie, and drawn by Fuyu Dust. 

I chose to link rather than posting the image in all its glory, because I do know many people prefer to keep the characters in their heads without seeing art. Totally understand. But for those of you who take a peek, please note Natalie's rabbit shirt!

Thank you so much for sharing a picture of Alden doing something fun and lighthearted, Selkie! It makes me smile every time I look at it.

General fan art note:
I love it! It's so cool to see different visions of Alden and the other characters. If you send some to me, I will stare at it for a reallllly long time. I do receive pictures on occasion, but I don't always know if people are 1. the actual artist  2. willing to let me make noise about how cool their art is to other people. So if you have drawn something and shared it with me, do let me know those things in your message!

I'm assuming a lot you would like the option to see fan art when it's available? I could do a monthly post linking to whatever I've received?

But for now...

I hope you all enjoy the chapter. ]

Chapter Title: Waves VI

“I love grocery shopping!!”

The voice was joyful, warm, and golden as honey. It sang out over the cacophony of thumping music, ringing argold slots, noisy laughter, and the squawking of the flock of macaws currently displayed on the arched screen that formed a roof over the crowded street.

Natalie stood in front of a casino that was decked out in flashing green lights. She was spinning in place, her outstretched arms full of takeout bags with restaurant names emblazoned on the sides.

<<This is not grocery shopping,>> said Emilija. <<Shopping means you pay money.>>

“Grocery getting then!” said Natalie. “I love it! Everyone in class said it would be hard to find some of this stuff, but the chefs are all so nice. I have kitchen scraps from five different planets in here!”

Emilija shook her head.

“She does offer them all money.” Hadiza was watching a woman across the street wearing glowing silver wings and a matching leotard leap through the air. She was six meters above the pavement, pausing to take a bow every now and then over the watchers’ heads. “Adjuster?”

The other two followed her gaze.

“She could be a Wright? Maybe the wings are tools,” Natalie suggested. “Oh! Do you think they are? Do you think they’re the kind of gear that only works with one of the creator’s skills, or does she sell them?”

She started toward the performer, but stopped at Emilija’s voice.

“Agility Brute,” the older girl said confidently. <<Using a very popular spell impression.>>

“Awwww…are you sure?”

<<She’s always sure,>> said Hadiza. Then in a teasing voice, she added, “Anesidora nerd.”

<<I’m here to live the whole life,>> said Emilija. <<You girls can’t even find the bus stops sometimes. You’d be lost without me.>>

“I probably would,” said Natalie. “My Mama thinks you wear a halo, Emilija. She’s like, ‘That’s a young lady with good sense, Natalie. I wish you wouldn’t go out after nine PM, but if you do, you stay with her.”

“Ha!” said Hadiza. “Next time your family calls, let me talk to them. She has fooled them.”

Emilija bowed dramatically.

Hadiza glared at her. <<Why were you so polite in front of Natalie’s parents, and when I introduced you to my father, you were wearing a fake tattoo on your forehead and eating a whole cured sausage? He is so strict. Now I have to pretend I left you behind after intake.>>

<<You didn’t give me enough warning,>> Emilija replied. <<Was that the last place on your list, Natalie?>>

“There’s one more! They officially closed at midnight, but one of the uni girls who works there said I could come by. They have these big soft-shell eggs. This big.” Her bags swung as she tried to hold her hands up to show them the size. “Laid by an eppy-eppy. Ebby-ebby? Am I saying that right? They’re supposed to be really creamy and taste like apples and mayonnaise.”

Hadiza made a face.

“Let’s <<find>> the eppy-eppys!” said Emilija. “Breakfast for tomorrow!”

“You will eat anything,” said Hadiza.

“Actually, I was going to turn them into a dressing. For—”

Natalie’s words were cut off by sirens. All over the street, performers and revelers stopped and looked around in alarm.

“What is this?”

The girls drew closer together.

Emilija said something in Lithuanian, and Natalie and Hadiza both stared at her in confusion.

System alerts appeared on their interfaces.

[Disaster Alert: Attack on Matadero]

[Disaster Alert: Low Probability of Chaos Exposure]

[Disaster Alert: Oceanic Anomalies - Imminent

Avoid seawater. Seek high ground. Beware of possible tsunami.]



Flat on his back in bed, Lute clutched a pillow shaped like a fried egg to his chest and yawned. It’s so late. I should sleep.

Instead, he pulled up another interface window. He had three arranged in front of his eyes now, all showing things worthy of deep contemplation. In the one on the lower left, Hazel was absolutely losing her shit. He set it to play in slow motion.

I still can’t believe that happened.

Hazel blowing up, even in such a phenomenal way, wasn’t that big of a surprise. She’d never been hesitant about dishing out humiliation and criticism to others, but she sure didn’t like the taste of them herself.

A steady diet of praise and being told you can do no wrong must make someone saying they don’t like you because you did something wrong really hard to swallow.

He was glad she was off Earth. He wasn’t sure that working for the Palace full-time would cure her, though.

Maybe being separated from her parents, Corin, and Aulia will be enough to help her grow a functional personality, but with her usual job…she might end up even more of a monster.

If Parethat-uur had had anything to do with managing Hazel, Lute would’ve called and warned the guy.

Aulia confirmed Hazel’s crimes, outed her skill, and apologized on her behalf on camera.

That was the part Lute was still marveling at. He wished he could see inside his grandmother’s twisted mind for just a second so he’d know what percentage of her behavior was based on her interest in Alden and what percentage was her irritation with Hazel. Surely politics was also in the mix somehow.

And me too. Unfortunately.

He turned his attention to the middle video. The volume was on so he could listen to it. It was the kora player who had come to Lute’s seventh birthday party. The man had been filmed playing in Parc des Batteurs a couple of months ago.

He was still one of Lute’s very favorite street musicians.

Would he teach me to play the kora? Would it be rude if I asked?

He had been wondering about it for a while. It wouldn’t have felt rude before, when he was bound for a normal human life. Now it was more complicated.

Just like everything else.

He wanted to think that if a high rank with their hearing, hands, and brain all upgraded had approached him in June of last year and asked to learn the harp, he would have politely said, “I’m too busy to teach you, but good luck.”

But he was afraid it would’ve been something more akin to, “Never. How dare you ask? Take your magic fingers and shove them where the sun can’t shine.”

What if he thinks I’m just a show-off dilettante, like stupid Hugh?

“My Daddy says I don’t need piano lessons like you, whiff boy,” he muttered, imagining Hazel’s voice in his head.The System will turn me into a natural musician as soon as I get Chainer, and then I can pick up any instrument I want soooo easy.”

I wonder if Aulia’s right, and one day I’ll be old and I just won’t care about any of the things she said or did to me anymore.

He couldn’t imagine it.

He glanced at the third window. It was a picture from Emilija’s social media page. She’d posted it an hour ago, and he’d been staring at it ever since, trying to think of just the right comment to make.

Something casual and friendly. Something that would make her smile. Something that said, “I’m a naturally engaging person who didn’t have to spend an hour thinking up this comment.”

But it also needs to be mature. And a little funny. And smart. And not long.

A universe contained in a single sentence. The poetic masterpiece of comments.

If she’d been somewhere he was familiar with, he could have offered her advice for things to do. But her picture was of a team participating in a human stacking challenge outside of a casino.

She was down in F, in New Sybaris, and Lute been there just once not long after he’d affixed to see what it was like.

What it was like was very loud and crowded and full of so many adults trying to age check him that he’d just left without even setting foot in the restaurant that had been his intended destination.

He’d mentioned it to Aimi, and she’d told him that Chainers weren’t allowed in the casinos anyway. She’d said it in such a sorrowful voice that Lute wondered if she really wanted to gamble or if the ban was somehow her fault.

What if Emilija is there because she loves poker or something? If a girl agrees to go on a date with me, will she get a lifetime casino ban by association? I could learn a luck chain and put it on someone else just as easily as my—

His concerns were shattered by the sound of a loud siren. He almost fell off his loft bed.

Is that the fire alarm?

A guy had set himself on fire last night, so the idea was fresh in his head.

Then the System notices arrived.

Lute had just enough time to read them a few times, get out of bed, and start pulling on clothes before the sound of a woman’s magnified shout came from outside.

“Garden hall residents!” she said in a clear but hurried voice. “All of you should have received instructions to report to campus shelters. That means the MPE Building for you. Please head there now. If you don’t know the location of the MPE building, ask a student in the Talent Development program. No running! No panicking! No staying in your rooms! We will be sending people in to check shortly!”

Lute threw a jacket on. His mind was racing.

Matadero? But nobody ever…

And what does ‘anomaly’ mean? Giant whirlpools? Have the whales risen up against us?

“System, I feel like you’re being a little scanty with the information here. Do you not know what’s going on for sure or something?”

He started to zip up the jacket, but his hands stopped halfway through.

Avoid seawater.

Where’s Libra tonight? Where’s mom?



“Listen, Jeffrey,” Reinhard whispered, dragging the Aqua Brute a few steps away from Astrid, who was calling a car for them. They were all three waiting under a shelter near one of the Rosa Grove Mall exits. It was designed to look like an oversized umbrella, covered in bright tube lights. “I’m trying to do you a favor here.”

“Jeffy’s not short for Jeffrey.”

“It doesn’t matter. Now listen.”

“It’s long for Jeff.”

Reinhard’s mouth closed.

“A lot of people make that mistake,” said Jeffy. “I don’t mind or anything.”

“Do you want to ride alone with Astrid or not?” the archer hissed. “I can go separately.

Jeffy stared at him. “But we won’t be alone. There’s a driver.”

“She obviously likes you a little, you blue-haired—!”

“What are you two talking about?” Astrid asked. She was using the umbrella shelter’s curved handle as a prop while she tightened the laces on her shoes.

“I was just telling Jeffy that I’m heading to the train station instead,” Reinhard said loudly. “I’ll go to my house. Sleeping in my old room’s more comfortable than campus anyway. Good night! Have a safe trip you two! Bye!”

Before either of them could ask questions, he took off.

“That was absolutely my good deed for the week,” he said to himself several minutes later as he rode an escalator toward a train platform. “They both owe me now. I have done Cupid duty.”

He mimed shooting an arrow at one of the lights overhead.

A loud, rising wail broke his concentration.

Reinhard stumbled off the escalator, squinting at the alerts in front of him disbelievingly.


The word was being repeated by several people around him, in equally shocked tones.

“Like big waves?”

He gasped, then ran for the other escalator. He flew up it and down the street, heading back toward the mall.

“Jeffy!” he shouted as soon as he could see the glowing umbrella shelter. “Astrid! You guys haven’t left yet, right!?”

The sirens were howling.


When he reached the spot, he found Astrid waiting for him.

“You did come back!” she said, grabbing his shoulders and then letting them go in a gesture that was more reality-confirmation than embrace. “Good. I thought you might, so I waited. Didn’t want you to be alone. But I was getting really worried that was the wrong move. Reinhard, the System—”

“I know,” he said. “Where the hell is Jeffy? Did he leave?”

“He’s gone,” she said. “It took him.”

“What did?” he demanded, still looking around as if he expected to spot the Aqua Brute’s mohawk in the shadows.


At the baffled, slightly helpless tone in her voice, he went still.

“Oh,” he said. “You mean he got summoned.”

“Yeah. That.”

“Like Avowed do.”


They both stared at each other.

“He’s on Anesidora still,” said Astrid. “It would be weird if it was an emergency summons to somewhere else, right? Under these circumstances.”

“That would be ironic.” He ran a hand over his buzzed hair, then let it fall. “Hey, he’s first in our class to be summoned. We haven’t even been in school long enough to get a betting pool going on who it’ll be.”

“There’s Alden.”

“Well yeah…but Alden’s…his situation’s not really…”

She swallowed.

“I’m sure Jeffy’ll be fine,” Reinhard said. “The guy’s got an annoyingly great subclass that’s even more great in this situation. We’re the ones who need to get ourselves to a tall building.”

“I know. Stay with me. He life jacketed me before he left, so I’m basically an emergency flotation device now. We’re not that close to the water though, so it might have been a wasted spell.”

“Says who?” Reinhard asked. “If I see so much as an oversized raindrop I’m going to grab you. Since when do we have tsunami warning’s here? And why would anyone attack Matadero? That’s….”

“It’s bad. And we can’t make calls. I still have my old cell phone, but I left it back in my room. I’m getting so used to the interface.”

They started walking, and before long they were in a flow of foot traffic, headed toward the center of F and the highest buildings on the island.

“He was scared,” Astrid said quietly as they cut through a plaza at the back of a noisy, nervous pack of people. “Not too bad. He was trying to read me his emergency summoning notice, and I was telling him it was fine, the System probably just needed him to help someone in the water. And he was saying of course it was fine and he’d do his best. But I could tell he was scared. And then he was gone.”

It was a while before Reinhard answered her.

“Who wouldn’t be scared?”



Alden went down the stairs quickly. But not too quickly.

Don’t run. He’ll hear your feet on the steps. Running makes it look like you’re trying to get away from him. Trying to get away from someone might make them wonder if they shouldn’t let you.

He hoped he was being paranoid. Liam seemed more like a person who would beg for your stuff than a person who would actually threaten you for it. A decent enough guy who was coming face to face with the terrible choices he’d made tonight.

It didn’t really matter.

A scared stranger was unpredictable. The consequences for misjudgments were too high. There was a new, dangerous feeling in the air.

Alden was acutely aware of his own weaknesses.

I can’t outrun him. I can’t fight him. Helping him look for his family sounds like a suicide mission. And if I drop Zeridee, she could die.

The second floor landing was below him, and the emergency lights in the stairwell were bright, illuminating an absolute wreck.

The water had drained away, leaving behind so much destroyed stuff. The broken door. Glass. Wood. An easel. An office chair. A dozen flavors of unidentifiable sharp, shattered crap.

Alden approached it cautiously. The hiking sandals Zeridee had gotten for him had thick soles, so that was something at least.

Stay up there trying to wrap your head around this shitty situation just a little longer please, Liam. Just long enough for me to get out.

He made his way through the maze of garbage step by step, trying to balance his need for speed with his need to still have functional legs and feet once he made it outside.

You know, Dura Brute would actually be fantastic. Can Haoyu walk across broken glass like its beach sand already? I think so. Once he gets himself where he wants to be, he could just barrel through a mess like this for sure. Or he could cannonball off the roof and skip the stairs altogether.

He was almost at the bottom when the stairwell reverberated with the sound of footfalls.

Damn. Okay. More fast. Less careful.

He jumped four steps into a spot that looked clear enough, landing hard thanks to his passenger. Here, below the second floor, drops of water were raining down from all the pockets and crevices of junk they’d been trapped in.

Alden wanted to stop and study the movement of it, to see if he could figure out if there was some kind of rule or clue about how it got pulled toward its next target. The individual falling drops seemed to be responding to gravity like normal in here, but there was also a big wedge of water building up against the wall, as if the room were tilted.

“Tina? Tina, are you there?” Liam was still talking to the earring. His voice echoed loud.

Alden reached the last staircase.

Surprisingly, the debris wasn’t that bad down here. There was a lot of smaller stuff littering the floor. A whole electric keyboard was in the corner on its side, and the door was gone.

It wasn’t even in the stairwell. It was just gone like it had never been there at all.

Alden ran out without pausing to question his good fortune. Within three steps, though, he realized the ground floor was going to be pitch black as he got farther from the lighted staircase.

I know where the puzzle door is. One turn and a straight shot from here. It’s fine.

But the pause gave him a split second to consider another urgent problem. If he ran straight out into the street, he might not be able to jog away from Liam at whatever pace he wanted. It was probably almost as difficult to navigate as this. And what if there wasn’t a puzzle door anymore? Just piles of rubble.

If I’m even a little slow, Liam might catch up to me. If he can’t find his own shoes, he might actively try to chase me down.

It’s safer if I watch him leave.

The man was about to reach him.

Thought turned to decision, and Alden rushed to hide himself and Zeridee in the deeper darkness.

Soon, his feet were crunching on things he couldn’t properly see. He dodged larger shapes and walked along a damp wall.

I think the end of this hallway is just ahead?

It was getting harder to make out anything.

He shuffled a few more steps, and he accidentally kicked a pile of something that shifted and plopped on top of his foot. It felt like a giant wad of wet toilet paper, which seemed unlikely.

He shook it off and stood still, lifting a hand to his chest as if that might keep his heart from beating out of it.

Okay. Okay. Far enough. Don’t let yourself panic and keep stumbling around for no reason.

He turned just in time to see Liam stepping out of the stairwell. The light at his back make him super visible, and Alden’s lizard brain hissed that the other Avowed could definitely see him right now if he looked this way.

He bent his knees and squatted to make himself less obviously person-shaped.

Even if he looks this way, he won’t see me. Not unless he’s got vision enhancements to help him, and I don’t think he does.

Liam had bumped into a couple of statues on the sixth floor while he was running around and freaking out up there.

Alden understood that people standing in bright spots couldn’t clearly make out dark areas. He knew Liam’s night vision should be at least as dull as his own from being in the stairwell, and he hadn’t been able to see this end of the hall clearly when he was standing where the man stood now.

He still felt like a sitting duck.

A few seconds passed, and Liam stepped out of the light and headed for his boom room. He’d never even looked in Alden’s direction.

He’s walking well. Maybe he took the pain injector I gave him already.

It was the same as the one Alden had taken earlier. Knocked everything down to manageable levels.

But really…please put something on your feet, man. Fabric, cardboard, anything. Having no skin left on them is going to suck so much.


Liam looked for his shoes.

Alden sat cross-legged on the floor in the dark, listening and monitoring him. There was scuffing, thumping, splashing.

A lot of splashing. Did he find a whole lake in the torture chamber?

Alden did have some questions about how the water had entered and exited the building down here. Without windows, had it punched through walls?

I hope the whole place isn’t about to fall on top of my head.

He stretched his shoulders, organized his thoughts. He was trying to take advantage of the short delay as much as he could. Zeridee lay across his lap. Water dripped from the ceiling around them as if in mockery of the rain that had so recently stopped falling outside.

I’m going to need to take that stimulant sooner than I planned. And I need some light. I’m too tired to search the whole building for a light, but that’s what I’m going to need. How do people make torches? Can I do that?

“Royce, can you hear me? Come on, Roycee. Come on.”

Alden closed his eyes and swallowed.

Liam kept calling for his brother and sister. His voice was growing more desperate every time.

Please answer him, one of you. Please don’t leave him alone.

The man was still looking for the shoes. Or maybe he’d found them and he was gearing up in other ways. That would be smart.

Alden tried not to feel ashamed. And sad. Afraid.

He tried not to wonder if he was letting another person suffer more than he had to. And at the same time, he tried not to feel like he was already in trouble so deep that he might not make it to the surface no matter how overcautious he was.

He patted one of Zeridee’s arms a few times, just so that he felt less alone.

It’s all right. We were moving forward well enough earlier. We were getting closer and closer to safety. We’ll make it out.

He didn’t quite believe himself.

And because of that, because he wanted this terrible situation to end, he found himself pulling up his interface and flicking to the Privileges tab.

One simple, weighty word at the bottom of the list stared at him:


So, thought Alden. I guess it’s finally time to think about this seriously.

It didn’t look like a button. Just a word.

Can I really…?

A memory came to him. Sharp and fresh.

Alis-art’h’s hands had touched his cheeks, in that teleporatation room on her spaceship that was supposed to kill him.

“Mother,” she’d said, “if this one makes it to you, place both your eyes upon him.”

And because of that, because Alis-art’h had suffered and served for who knew how long and earned herself “a favor or two” from that entity, Alden Thorn got to live a little more. He got the sort of extraordinary help the Quaternary had so regretfully informed him he was not deemed worthy of.

More extraordinary than that, even.

I got to make a couple of important choices. And I got the chance to be safe again.

Though it had been as simple as Alis-art’h asking, Alden had never for a second thought it was actually simple.

She hesitated. She was so upset about what happened to me. I saw how guilty she felt. But she still hesitated to ask.

The knight had been walking out the door to leave him to his fate when she changed her mind and turned back to ask for that favor.

This option, if it was an option at all and Alden wasn’t misunderstanding completely, would come with so much more than strings attached.

I don’t think I’m misunderstanding. She was paying very close attention to me when I saw it for the first time. She knew exactly what I thought. I even told her I knew she wasn’t a genie.

He wasn’t Alis-art’h. He wasn’t owed.

If Alden wanted to ask for favors, he was going to have to earn them. And Quiet Rabbits probably couldn’t do that.

He opened a text message window to nobody.

[If I use my final privilege, then don’t you have to talk to me? I can’t get in touch with Artona I without you.]

The dripping of the water all around him seemed loud. A frigid drop hit his head and slid down the side of his cheek.

Then, a voice whispered in his ear. It was a pleasant enough one, neither male nor female. “Are you using that privilege, Alden?”

It’s answering. Like this. I can’t even use it to send a text if I beg right now, but it answers this.

If just the mention of the privilege was enough to reprioritize its attention…

Alden suddenly felt like he was hanging onto the edge of a cliff by a single fingertip.

The question hung there, too, right beside him.

[No,] he wrote. [I’m sorry for bothering you. I wasn’t thinking clearly. I won’t mention that subject again unless I mean it.]





yay soup thank you


Thank you for the chapter <3




Just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge how great you are at this craft. I'm not sure if you have formal creative writing training or you just woke up one morning and decided to write, but your characters all seem to have unwritten intricate backgrounds that inform their actions when they interact; your plotting foreshadowing and world building logic all just seem to fit; and the suspense you've created seems earned, not artificially manufactured. I always look forward to these posts twice a week. Thanks again.


You are what you eat, as some people say, and the water is currently trying to eat Alden. That makes the water Alden, but if he struggles while being eaten, Alden can also make a lot of ripples, meaning this chapter is also just another ripples chapter. Thank youuuuuu


I, for one, would love to see all the fanart you get. Fanart is great!

Partha Peddi

Just trying to sleep, but notification arrived..reading time

Adam Andersson

Oh gosh, another pre lecture chapter... Sleyca, are you sacrificing sleep again? Aldens sleep schedule isn't aspirational!


Soup ! Okay yeah— good stuff! I liked seeing what happened to various other people when the warnings went out. Jeffy in particular. And Alden is being smart. The gift of fear and instinct here is a good thing.


Thanks for the chapter, always a nice start into the week.




Oh, I like these different POV chapter. Jeffy was so nice to hear from.


I can't wait for this arc to be over. Each chapter is giving me so much anxiety. I hope everyone will be safe! As a side note, “Jeffy’s not short for Jeffrey.” ... “It’s long for Jeff.” is so funny to me. I love Jeffy.


Thanks for the chapter! Lovely to get all these interlude povs while we're in a bit of a lull.


Jeffy being long for “Jeff” is so…Jeffy

Guus van der Borg

Huh, so Jeffy DID get summoned. I figured there'd be no way he was powerful and experienced enough yet to deal with submerger-laced water, even as an Aqua Brute. Wonder what they have him doing. Just have him going around evacuating people? I strongly doubt they have him diving.

Billy Corcoran

It's long for Jeff. Classic Jeffy line right there.


Oh noooo Lute wondering if his mom is okay broke my heart. That's so sad. He has the right to be angry with her forever, but he doesn't want her dead. And Jeffy is just as heartbreaking. They say to be careful what you wish for... well, a lot of people were wishing for Jeffy to get a chance to be a hero. But holy shit, that ending. It honestly had never even occurred to me that [Mother] was a privilege Alden could /use/. I thought it was just, like, a record of the interaction he'd had. Because that one single interaction was notable enough to be recorded in that way, for sure. The idea that he could contact Her and ask for help... that's genuinely the most terrifying power I can imagine.


Thanks for sharing the art!


I hope Jeffy gets a chance to shine and fall in love with being an Aqua Brute


Is the quiet life worth it if he suffers from a life of guilt thinking of what if? Damn that's hard


Thanks for the chapter!


Oh man, I don't know if that's the vibe you were going for, but that conversation with Mother was *so* ominous. That was some real Faustian bargain shit. "Are you willing to give your privacy and happiness to save this life, little one?"


The last time Alden used his privilege to talk to an ancient and important mother, 11 innocent radishes lost their lives


Oh man, I'm glad he didn't call that final privilege in yet. He still needs more time to heal, mind and spirit.


Jeffy, you're killing me. We have this whole chapter weighed down with tension and emergency and drama, everyone's lives in danger, and you manage to comedically balance the entire chapter back into something lighthearted with just four words. "It's long for Jeff."

Cole Norman

This whole favour/privledge thing came out of no where, was this mentioned previously?

John Anastacio

The terrible moral or ethical dilemmas of calling for help, knowing to do so is to force a Contract to pay attention to you over someone or something else that might really need it. That's so scary. Poor Alden. It's nice that he was able to feel empathy for Alis now, recognize how much she had to do to earn the favor. It's interesting that Alden automatically assumed she suffered for it, though. I suspect Alden will feel so ashamed the next time he meets Alis. And of course Jeffy got called. I should have thought of that. Poor guy. And now he knows why he must level his Aqua talents - because he might get called to serve again in an emergency, and he might not be able to help otherwise. He might not even survive.


Yep, it was a big deal just before he was teleported and conspicuously mentioned and avoided when he was receiving gifts on Artona I


a voice in the ear


I'm pretty sure calling this one in would cost a radish the size of a small moon.


I think that was Earth's system checking if he wanted to make the call.


My greatest disappointment with this chapter is that it did not continue the pattern from Ripples 1-5 to Waves 1-5 to ??? 1-5. This should be Tides I if only to continue on from Waves/Ripples after 5 chapters as before.


Yep, I'm pretty sure the implications is that Knights get favors.


Alis asked a favor of Mother in ch. 58. Alden discovered a surprising new privilege on his profile in ch. 62.


Using that privilege would probably set a chain of events in motion that would lead to Alden ending up somewhere he doesn't want to be [at this point in the story]. I hope he makes use of it soon :D


Nice alternative POV and more anxiety from Alden side (to be fair, the others were just at the siren moment, so 10 chapters ago) Great chapter, as usual, i'll take more but I know I'll have to wait


Yeah, I open every chapter immediately hoping our sopping bunny makes it to safety.


Ya i didn't even think about how most of the people Lute has known his whole life are at the most risk right now.


It seems the contract is paying more attention to his plight than I thought...


Thanks Sleyca!


So Jeffy did get summoned to help out. I hope he's not on his own and actually listens to whoever he's working with.


stayed up for this, good chapter, that ending is not ominous at all, nope

Jumping Flounder

nothing scarier then a panicked stranger is right. i think leaving liam is the right choice here. also i hope jeffy is going to be all right.


I feel like next chapters gonna be really intense after this one. It feels like another lull before the storm. It matches the waves pulling back out to sea.


Thanks for the perspectives. I wonder if Natalie wanted to cook for Alden or was describing a dish? If she's cooking with eggs it wouldn't work for him. Lute watching Hazel is funny-sad. And let's see what Jeffys like after this. Also That's one hell of a privilege or favor to owe. If his concerns for Liam are true then its shitty, hopefully he's being paranoid but I dunno.

John Anastacio

I'm not too worried for Jeffy. He has 2 different ways to avoid drowning - his lifejacket spell impression and his Sink or Swim skill. Plus he has all those foundation points.


Damn all these cliffhangers. Thank you for the chapter.


I think if he uses it he will have to start living*/training at the knight's rapport. With how Sleyca wants this story to be a super slow burn, id kinda be suprised if it gets used before college. I could be wrong on both accounts though. Edit: misspelled living, stupid little phone keyboards.




But, I still think the question was the same. Are you dine being quiet rabbit?

Jumping Flounder

and to call in that favor he would have to accept knighthood, which probably comes with a lot of responsibility


She knows he's vegan back from intake, but I makes me wonder if she's got any meat petal.


Goosebumps... Using that privilege would make you worthy of Knight obligations Alden, I hope you won't be forced to do it.


Suffering builds character -- > Suffering builds character /\ | | \/ Suffering builds character < -- Suffering builds character


Large and in charge. Go get them Jeffy. Poor Liam. Poor Alden. The privilege of Mother is interesting. I’m just waiting to see how this all shakes out. The system is listening to him. Is its attention already gone, has he got enough one of its eyes on him for long enough for him to ask it to save Zeridee?


Alis is a Knight. The Knights do suffer, all of them. That's not the point of the Knights, but it's a necessary prerequisite for the services they do provide. I don't think he'll feel shame. He doesn't feel shame about Arjun and Hannah saving him either. He probably will make a point of thanking her, though.

Steve Park

Hiding in the dark in a torture room from a desperate man who could overpower him, and Alden doesn't use his 'get home safe' card. Because of what it might mean for his future. Poor, brave Alden


It’s so bright and good and smile-inducing, Selkie! Thank you!


The only consistent pattern with chapter names and numbering is that it’s inconsistent. It’s getting to the point where I think it’s a deliberate stylistic choice to keep switching things up.


Nah. There's too much left to explore as a human on Earth. I don't think we're going to lose all the wonderful development that can happen here. Thing is, it will never be impossible to switch from Quiet Rabbit to human Knight, but it will always be impossible to switch the other direction. Once that trigger gets pulled, a thousand doors close in this story. Delaying keeps them all open. I think we'll delay for a good long time.

John Anastacio

I don't think the regular suffering a knight must endure is how Alis earned the favor she got from Mother. That doesn't sound likely at all. I interpreted it as, and was speaking of it more as, suffering in the course of doing work. Like what Alden suffered keeping Kibby alive and what he is suffering now keeping Zeridee alive. I suspected Alden would feel shame upon meeting Alis because he almost gave into selfish desires by calling Mother for help, which would have prevented Earth from helping other people. I feel this especially likely given Alden often feels he should be heroic. The life he lives now was given to him by Alis as an unearned gift, and he'd be misusing that gift.

Heather White

1. I loved that we got to see what some of the other characters were up to when the emergency announcement came through. It was like a lower intensity palate cleanser before returning to Alden’s hugely anxious situation. 2. I’m excited we finally got the answer to whether Jeffy got summoned, and Jeffy giving Astrid a life jacket warmed my heart. I’m a bit shocked Lute was out of the bath. Sure, it’s past midnight, but it’s a Friday & there’s no one at home to kick him out. 3. I enjoyed the festive district in F-city. For some reason it reminded me of some of the nightlife in Tokyo. The idea of people giving gorgeous & Cook of the Moment Natalie free food feels perfect. And that moment when suddenly Emilija’s words weren’t translated from Lithuanian was chilling, even though we’d already seen it happen in the bus. I wonder how it will be for those three trying to cope without translation. 4. Alden’s section’s suspense was intense from so many angles. Worrying about Liam, about where to put his feet, about being able to see, about making sound. That wedge of water still being pulled against the wall, treacherous piles of debris, the dripping water. Alden’s internal struggles & external claustrophobic setting, they were powerful. 5. And Alden’s decision to hide handed us a whole new source of anxiety — what will Liam think if he finds Alden hiding in the hallway? What happens if the water comes back while Alden’s hiding in the hallway? 6. Seeing Alden consider and reject using Mother’s privilege was really interesting. It’s something that’s come up a number of times in the comments section, but I don’t think any of us considered it as something that might come with strings. Is he thinking it’s a one-time use? I had thought maybe it would be an ongoing thing, but the way he was thinking about it seemed to be single use. And having Earth’s system respond immediately was appropriately creepy. Great chapter with so much going on.

Giants Craft

Prediction: Alden meets some friends while trying to reach safety, and he’s forced to use mother privileges. After the crisis is over, she moves him to the tri planets to fulfill his potential, and visit he planned with Stuart ends up being permanent. Or I’m totally wrong, and this is just foreshadowing for when Alden uses this 50 chapters down the line in the next major crisis.


So, the end of this chapter implies that Earth System knows where Alden is and that he's in trouble but has deemed him not worthy of rescue beyond the resources it's already spent. Do I have that right? Maybe Earth System really does want to off him.


I mean, there are 2 people at the bottom of the ocean who *might* have survived


Hi Selkie, could we also share this art with RR, since it's not spoilers ?


I don't think it's that malicious. I think the System has to be extremely conservative with resources right now. Most people don't even get a teleport, unless they're a kid. Alden got his teleport, to a place of incredible safety (once he took the flier), and managed to screw it. (Out of altruism, but still.) You want more than one? You better make it worth it.


Thank you for not posting the art directly, that's exactly how I feel. If there's cover art of a character at the start of the story, I can roll with that, that's just how they look. But surprise changes from what I see in my mind's eye are somewhat jarring. Super appreciated that you linked instead of posted. That aside, DON'T YOU TSUNAMI NATALIE YOU MEANIEFACE! Another another thing. The whales aren't going to rise up. It's the dolphins you have to watch out for. You saw how easily they left the planet when it was getting destroyed like no big deal, so long and thanks for all the fish, after all. No empathy, I tell ya. Loving the moral quandry that Alden is working his way through at the end. Great chapter, thank you. P.S. DON'T YOU TSUNAMI NATALIE YOU BOOGER.

Sleepy Dad

Thank you, the chapter was wonderful.


Dammit Alden! You have a life in your hands! Literally! Get your butt in gear and start going towards a safe zone! If you don't know where one is, find out!! I get he's got trauma and such, but if he wants to be a hero, he needs to get on the ball. Lol. Well written, despite the frustration I'm feeling. Thank you.


Link to the unofficial fan discord! Join over 1000 of your closest internet friends in discussing soup! discord.gg/supersupportivefans


I'm hoping he holds onto the privilege, and just goes above and beyond to help on his own right now. Demonstrate that he is the person that the knight believes him to be. I have faith.


Who wouldn’t be afraid? ******* Alden Great transition. Juxtaposes the whole “hiding in the dark” situation really nicely.

Skull Leader

“Who wouldn’t be scared?” -Followed by a Cut to Alden Amusing. Alden having crossed into a state of being not scared cause he is too scared to remember he is scared.


We know from Ritual of Return that contracts have what seems to be unconscious processes, which can call the "conscious" part of the contract when necessary. My guess is that Earth has an unconscious part of itself that's entirely dedicated to checking if Alden (or anyone else with the privelege) wants to contact Mother. But that's all that part does.

Guus van der Borg

Sure, but I bet that if they get someone to help them, it'll be an Aqua Brute who has actually gotten to the point where they can breathe underwater. Not a fresh-off-the-farm schoolkid.


Chapter 93 (The Only Sign): > “Someone is talking to me!” She didn’t know if it was a man or a woman. > “That’s the System. It only does it in special places and on special occasions.”

Skull Leader

Honestly I am not sure it was Alden text message that grabbed MOTHER's attention. I think one of her eye has been on Alden the entire crisis. Once word from Earth System reached Mother, I suspect she has been watching her children which I think now includes Alden. I suspect that Mother wants him to grow and thus is the type of parent that would watch Alden struggle in order for him to grow. Yes stepping in would have a cost that she might not be inclined to spend, but I think it is more her faith in Alden that has stem any action on her part. Edit: Oh I might have been wrong in thinking it was Mother talking in Alden's ear. It is more likely that its Earth talking in Alden ear given the non-gendered response.


One plausible use for Jeffy is to lifejacket other heroes working near the water. Diving to rescue people is more of a reach, but still possible. Even setting aside Jeffy's superior mobility in the water, he has *something* that lessens his need to breathe in aquatic environments, although it's not yet clear what that is. (Maybe he can hold his breath longer; maybe he has some way to breathe underwater.) Water rescue could be useful in areas like the Span, where a lot of people may have been swept into the ocean, but increasing their evacuation priority is not feasible.


Thanks for the soup. Interesting that the Gloss isn't the only luck chain, and the Mother privilege sure is scary. Glad to see the side characters are still around and what they were up to

Heather White

It was Earth’s system who responded, not Mother. Its voice was genderless. Hers would have sounded female.


The other PoVs made me really think about the consequences of this - not in the grand society way, but in the small ways. Will Astrid admit to Jeffy that she likes him, realising how easy they could be summoned to danger? Will Reinhard change his opinion of Alden? Will Lite try to reconcile with his mum? Did she even survive? I don't think the Mother privelege is single use. However, like nearly everything we've seen, I think it needs to be balanced. Like taking the good half of a word chain first, if he gets rescued by mother he will owe her for it. And the other half might not be something he's able to pay back as a quiet rabbit.


More like 500 chapters. As soon as Alden uses that privilege, every possibility that involves him staying on Earth, learning and exploring here, gets cut off and can never be restored. There's still too much to see here. It's going to be a long time before Alden pulls that trigger.


Okay, I don't know about word count but this felt so painfully short. I just want Alden to reach safety already, this limbo is killing me. Also, Jeffy's denseness continues to make me want to campaign for mandatory intelligence point allocation. Yes, I know it doesn't work like that, no, I don't care. It couldn't possibly hurt.


Or the system knows he's not actually in any immediate danger. And neither is Zeridee as long as Alden keeps up his skill. So it keeps prioritizing people who actually are in danger. And children.


6. I kind of figured it would come with strings. Don't think I ever voiced that thought though since there was never really an appropriate chapter where *she* was ever mentioned until now. Not much point posting a comment to an old chapter during a reread. But yeah, the way I see it, an individual being in debt to *her* or the Contract is a very bad thing (the other way round is fine for both parties I think). I think the regular Contract is capable of making these kinds of deals where an individual ends up endebted to it, but is a bit risk averse.


Alden is very scared. He's scared of the water. He's scared of hurting himself on the debris. He's scared of being attacked by Liam. He's scared of being alone, so he hurts when he thinks of Liam being left alone. He's scared of what it would cost him to use his get-out-of-disaster-free card. Alden isn't extraordinary because he's not scared. He's under the effect of two Peace of Minds and the fear is still bleeding through. Alden is extraordinary because the fear and the pain won't convince him to take the easy way out.


Alden actually says a luck chain in the very first chapter. (Well, tries to say it. He's speaking English, so of course it doesn't land.)


Oh boy that’s a lot of things going on right there. Alden in a moment of crisis thought about claiming something that would make him a very loud rabbit. Then realized oh that’s not a good idea right now. I hope everyone will be ok and manage to grow and strive. Thanks for the chapter.


I'm sure the faculty will all encourage him to take points in Processing. Honestly, I think that possibility is part of why Jeffy was accepted to the hero program.

Lucia A

"Jeffy is long for Jeff" 😂😂😂


Jeffy must be amongst the first to be called by the system. Aqua Brute is SO on topic now. Good luck Jeffy. Water Moves for the win..


No, this felt more like a reminder to us readers that while a Deus ex machina option exists, we should take into account that there are serious consequences to it.


Oh that whales mention was just mean Sleyca. Now I’m gonna stay up all night trying to figure out if it means anything. We know it’s possible for animals to have authority, and Whales seem smart and big and important enough to have it. They live longer than humans so maybe there’s a secret society of wizard whales naturally developing superpowers a la Boe that’s covered under the triangle of absolute secrecy. Maybe?!? Agh!!!


I'm assuming we are going to bump into Jeffy soon. Maybe he'll safe Alden!


Now is Alden justly paranoid of Liam or not?


Thank you for the chapter! A sight on the other characters and how they are dealing. Reinhard proves to be a good friend, trying to give lovebirds a chance, returning quickly when trouble starts. Jeffy conscripted even though he doesn't have much experience, worrying...


Liam is realizing that this is not a game, that he could actually lose his siblings. Even if Liam might usually be kind, such intense emotions makes people act irrational. He might blame Alden for "not helping enough" And Alden too. He is still very shaken from the fight with the looters, and sees Liam in the worst light. After this I don't think either of them will like how they were thinking. Edit: "loose" -> "lose". TY Guus van der Borg.


And Reinhards hero name will be cupid, wont it?😆


Natalie is for Tiramisu, not Tsunami! I hope the girls will be alright. Suddenly not being able to understand each other in a crisis....


Yes, please do keep linking fan art! I of course have my own picture in my head (for example, Alden looks way too much like a hunk in the picture for me, and they both look too old, more like early 20s than 16y/o teens) but it doesn't bother me at all to see how others envision them.

Cyrus McEnnis

What Alden has, is responsibilities. He knows that if he drops her, Zeridee will most likely die. He has a responsibility to Boe to keep his risk taking under control under threat of reciprocation. He knows that Liam is in shock, has made a series of bad decisions that have likely cost him the life of his siblings, and isn't entirely rational. And that if he's careless enough to give someone unstable half a reason in a crisis, then he could fail in his responsibilities. I don't think Alden's wrong in his thinking, persay. He just can't, at his current level & experience, possibly save everyone. He's prioritising, managing his risk levels, and remaining focused on what he needs to do. There are MUCH worse ways to react to a disaster.

Cyrus McEnnis

I mean, we've had PLENTY of indications that Alden's a hunk. He's got a point in Appeal, he's been healed to within an inch of human perfection, he's been on a magical vegan diet for a month or two, he's been working out to a quite literally super-human level, and even people who are rivals of his think he's cute. I'd expect him to be at a dancer or gymnast level of hunk - incredibly well-defined, graceful, & flexible. Add more than a hint of vulnerability from the tragic backstory & PTSD and he's a complete package.

Ricky Brent

"She’d said it in such a sorrowful voice that Lute wondered if she really wanted to gamble or if the ban was somehow her fault." Aimi and Jeffy might be my two favorite characters. XD

Guus van der Borg

I wonder if Reinhard was serious about the 'they both owe me now'. I think it was just a joke, but if he really thinks that, I might have to put him back on the list of Not Very Nice People. Helping out a bro should be it's own reward. (Within reason, of course.)

A Free Skeleton

Every class must have its own dumb in-jokes and references that are only funny to them. I wonder if Cupid is a Thing among bow Meisters, or just something that amused Reinhard?


That is just me trying to understand the chapter title ever since Sleyca told me that every future chapter would be called ripples. You gotta understand the genius behind her reasoning to truly become one with the soup


Personally I think his actions are mistake, his worry is not unreasonable but I think he is overvaluing the potential danger over the unpredictable known danger which increases by being stationary. But that entirely depends on how likely one thinks a Liam attack is, with a higher estimation than mine hiding can easily be the best move


In my mind, asking Alis for more details as to what Mother is has just gone up in priority by about 5 times.


Thanks for the chapter ! I now realise that I really didn't stop to think about the other characters' situation (like Lute's mom if she's on Libra!) and just reading this whole arc feels chaotic in my mind, in the sense that it's restless and everything is uncertain. Like, what's the right decision ? Am I panicking ? Should I even be thinking about that stuff instead of just survival ? I don't think I'd survive that kind of situation... When I suggested that the following chapter titles could be Wake, someone told me that no one had died yet (explicitly) but I just remembered that in that kind of situation, panic and crowd movement is enough to make victims. So, probably a lot of death off-screen already. Natalie, Emilja and Hadiza might be in the more danger than it appears.

Louise jordan

Thank you thank you so much for not posting the fan art. It's like it comes out and whacks me in the brain. With the wrong grapic and wrong images. Finger nails/ chalkboard territory. I get that it makes other people happy . But sometimes I THINK IT'S A CHAPTER AND THEN IT'S ARTWORK. Oh the weeping and knashing of teeth


The final scene was so spectacular, felt like I suddenly had my heart in my throat. Knights are always and forever 99.9 intensity, and the cliff falls into an abyss. I don't think Alden will make that choice for a long time, and the system dropping everything to ask him perfectly drives home the weight of the choice. Alden promised to never mention it again unless he is sure. Makes me wonder about the circumstances he makes the choice in in the future. Reminds me of Ro-den's words, "When you see the endless misery on the horizon, that's the moment."


I think this is the first audible response from a system without being brought into system mindspace...and now I have to go check the description of the MOTHER tab again because I thought it was just his persona and the knight uniforms. Edit: Double checked and MOTHER is a privilege that he has not touched at all


Yes, it's the knight uniforms. It's pretty much implied that if he takes the uniforms he will become a knight and have all the responsibilities and privileges (which is why the system has to prioritize him potentially doing it) that come with that. That's why it's labeled intensity 99.9.


I would guess it's more that if Alden becomes a knight he would immediately become the #3 ranking person on Earth, maybe even being above the Earth system in chain of command, so it has to prioritize a response for him potentially becoming a knight.


Thank you for the chapter. The change of POV break the flow of the story: I would recommend an interlude between Ripple and Wave to go over what happens to Natalie, Lute, and Jeff instead of putting it in the middle of Alden search for safety. It is nice to see how the system prioritize and cannot wait to learn more. Again, thank you for the amazing story.


I would guess that Alden becoming a knight would put him as the #3 ranking person on Earth, and knights might even be above foreign systems in chain of command, so the Earth system has to prioritize him potentially becoming a knight.


Octopuses are nothing. They kill themselves trying to get drom one puddle to the next all the time. Corvids though? Super smart birds that MAKE their own tools and understand how to hold grudges? Watch out for them. Or befriend them, shiny trinkets are nice.


Whale wizards... Who else read the "So You Want to Be a Wizard" series as a child?


great chapter finally the jeffy pov (it was a reinhard pov but it works anyway) I hope he is fine, best character in the series by far


That still doesn't mean that a 16y/o has the physique and looks of a very shapely mid-20s himbo.

Allen Polak

I'm uh, not sure what this is supposed to be. Is this a reference to something?


Tell me if you gained some insights on making that perfect comment, Lute! I really need that for some wholesome comments that make me and everyone else not feel like we are dying from lack of chapters in this cliff ridden part of the mountain range we're climbing.

Allen Polak

"Jeffy’s not short for Jeffrey.” “It doesn’t matter. Now listen.” “It’s long for Jeff.” I'll admit, my brain routinely autocorrected Jeffy to Jeffrey so seamlessly that I never actually noticed until this line. Thanks Jeffy, I won't ever make this mistake again.


I'm wondering if using the favour would 'out' him as being a pseudo-Knight or at least very important. If he gets special attention and resources from Earth and Mother maybe it has to be justified so he'll lose the cover of his fake ID and have to deal with all that entails.


I'm afraid you're both conflating two different things from chapter 62. There's the Intensity 99.9 tab of the Wardrobe, which has the knight uniforms, and the MOTHER privilege on the privileges screen (so, the same place as CHOOSE PERSONA).

Jason Reno

Gorgon agrees with you... When Alden talked to him from the moon he mentioned octopuses IIRC


We haven't seen what the expectations are for non-Artonan knights. Given that the whole premise for the story is that Alden becomes a superhero, I think whatever happens will allow him to do that. Since it seems likely he'll eventually become a knight, I think he must find a way to do both. That being said, it doesn't seem likely he'll become a knight anytime soon.

Cyrus McEnnis

Ah, I see, an issue of terminology. For me, a "hunk" is an attractive person with a muscular, but not necessarily large, build. You're associating it with someone of a large, muscular build. Apologies, I'm probably the one using it incorrectly.


All the Artona stuff feels like Earth stuff dialed up to 11. It makes me think the contracts aren't something they think of as an AI but more something they think of as their homegrown god.

Emily Curtis

While I was curious what Jeffy would be up to before this chapter, I have to admit I didn't think about Aulia's yacht and Lute's mom. :(


Doesn't he very clearly state he doesn't want to be a hero, but that the hero department has the best opportunities to level his skills?


I agree. The intensity is so high right now that it’s a little jarring, so a bit earlier might be better. It was good that there was still some Alden in the chapter though - that mitigated a lot of it for me


When I first read the Natalie bits I thought we were cutting to the shelters and it was super jarring to think the people sheltering were not in danger but instead just chillin with casino games.


Oof, the Earth system wasn't lying when it said it would make offers in Alden's moments of weakness ...


Oh and I personally love the fan art! Thank you for sharing it.


I think he sIdnhe wanted to be hero support...and anyone who helps like that is a hero in my book.

Matt DiMeo

We don’t know what the Mother button does. Right? So I can have my own theory: It represents the right to have Mother do your affixation rather than Earth System, and Earth is excited he might go for it.


The part where Alden was thinking of invoking his tie to Mother


This is dragging on for too long now, imo. He's in the middle of a time-sensitive crisis, a lot of the chapter is about Natalie shopping. Wtf? When we finally do see Alden, he moves down a few flights of stairs. That's it... It doesn't help that recent chapters are half the size they used to be.


We don't know for sure. But this chapter really strongly implies that it's the right to talk to Mother and make requests. The system is aware that he wasn't planning to affix; it can read his mind. For what it's worth, what you're suggesting was my theory before this chapter.


Well, to be fair, it did wait for him to bring it up.


The whole thing with the System immediately stripping most functions isn't very believable to me. It's just too plot convenient. The System has to oversee the entirety of Earth, but when a huge magical disaster occurs in a small, very specific location on Earth, all those people immediately lose access to important System functions that they're used to relying on. What's happening on the rest of Earth? Has every single person on the planet lost access, or did it just decide to fuck over the people who need it most? After this, if Anesidora has any sense, they'll immediately install robust communication systems and require all residents to carry them. Because clearly Earth's System is worthless when you need it most.


I do prefer to keep the characters in my head, so thanks. I am also too curious so I looked anyway and am now promptly trying to forget it. Decent pic, even if it doesn't match my brain. (Though no pic ever could, my brain image is way too hazy for that)

Skull Leader

Yes I am well aware how scared he actually is. He is just a highly functioning scared person to the point that I think at the moment if his classmates saw his actions they would assume he was not scared. Even if he is terrified and only functioning cause of his chains. Regardless I thought it was super amusing that the line was followed by a cut to Alden.


I shouldn't read comments before being done with the chapter... but im assuming Yacht and messed up water don't go well together


Awww Alden. My poor baby boy 😭

Flying Goat

"landing hard thanks to his passenger" - so, does bearing a burden actually increase Alden's mass, or just make it awkward to land because they interfere with his movement? I think the latter?


He has to carry her full weight still— she probably weighs 100lb


Also considering the likely scenario that the yacht is missing it's submerger which would be a key piece of protection


"It's ok, a lot of people make that mistake" 😂😂😂😂


I don't know about the span. The particles were clearly there and I don't think you want to test Sink or Surface against an ancient SinkerSender until he's much more experienced. I agree that his spell impression is 100% awesome for this situation.


Gonna be tragic when Reinhard and Astrid go through a harrowing escape that leads to them falling in love while Jeffy is out rescuing people.


I'm not so sure. I think that the cost of asking mother for favors is huge and demands repayment. A knight (even one that only rarely serves) can justify a few favors given their power. Knights are so incredibly valuable (and prone to suicide) that they aren't going to demand that one leaves all family and friends right away. However, using this right would out him as a knight to all of the triplanets, getting a huge amount of attention and denying his ability to live a normal life without a paparazzi frenzy


There's really no inclination it's for Alden and she knows he doesn't eat eggs so I doubt that's it. It felt like more of a stylistic break to lighten the mood before going back into creepy-suspense/horror film mode.


Worst flowchart ever. Calvin's Dad approves.


With everything going on there’s a part of me that’s hoping we’ll get to see a Sway relay occurring. Cause… well it’s a shitty thing that is happening to Sways. Understandable but still Shitty.


You really nailed all the important points of the chapter except the hilarity of "Jeffy is long for Jeff". Somehow, the thought of calling MOTHER is more ominous than the situation around Alden which is chilling. It was a really nice mood break follow by a huge unexpected dunk into bone-chillingly cold water to set the scene for Wednesday. I'm all aboard the Jeffstridy ship.


@Anon thanks for writing that counterpoint out so nicely. It hasn't broken immersion for me so clearly I don't think the same way but I do share similar questions about the scope of it. I assume that in this earth, the internet is at least partially magical and I really wonder what the impact of the contract withdrawing to critical functions only is outside of Anesidora? That's quite the wake up call to the rest of humanity. Playing devils-advocate here the system is clearly capable of reading thoughts, so why didn't it act to prevent the attack on Matadero? On some level we know that the warning to the knights had to be relayed because the contract doesn't exist inside Matadero, but was the warning created by the Sway on the boat or by the Contract? If by the sway, then how was the attack shielded so the contract didn't know about it? So many unanswered questions here.


@Kaywye do you not feel that LIam is a threat? Is that Alden being paranoid and stuck in his own head?


@Terrestrial_biped I do wonder if we'll get an explicit cut when Peace of Mind (x2) expires or if it will be more subtle and Alden will just act a little more panicky. I'm almost wondering if it just expired and that's why Alden is fearing Liam now and is hiding rather than running.

Adam Andersson

I mean, we have? There was a Sway in Matadero who relayed a message from the mainland when the attack was about to occur


@Anon it's clearly a mood-break. One problem with running high suspense for too long is that it ceases to be impactful and therefor you need to inject some levity or something to break up the scene. In this case Sleyca chose to use flash-backs to the Rabbit girls, Lute and Jeffey to break up the suspense. It is very tough to wait for being doled out twice a week in shorter chapters but I love to quality of the writing so it's worth it to me.


This is amusing timing; I literally just listened to a Radiolab that advocated for Blue Whales being the most intelligent non-human species.

Matt DiMeo

It is a common misconception that Alden doesn’t feel the weight of things he is preserving, but he definitely does. When he is flinging around 200lb suitcases, it is because he only preserves the suitcase itself, and the contents are unpreserved and just going along for the ride. He could preserve just Zeridee’s clothes and carry her easily, but she would bleed out.


Sleyca's ability to be casually funny in scenes of all types without it seeming forced is one of the most impressive things about this story, I swear.


We know that knights suffer because of the affixation and ability to sense authority, but do they also suffer because of their lifestyle?


@Matt DiMeo if you parse through a bunch of comments you will see Sleyca basically said it's a "call Mother" button as Aris and this chapter said.


Great comment Matt. I also think it's often missed that when Alden is doing the preserve the suitcase/outer shell trick, he's still bearing the weight that his burden bears, but he bears it with his authority. He doesn't get anything for free.


I did not think of it that way. Ugg, what a gut-punch.

Robert Nugent

I love fan art, but I KNEW I shouldn’t have looked at the Natalie and Alden pic. Alden looked great, but, in my mind Natalie is not just cute, she’s “Cindy Crawford Pepsi commercial” hot. I’m just going to pretend I never looked.


So, anything that Mother could do to help right now would presumably be very expensive, right? Doing magic/teleportation across planets isn't cheap, and forcing Earth's system to do something would mean taking resources away from someone else. I can see why that would be a big deal. If you're asking the System to burn extra resources on you and your friends specifically, to the point of prioritizing you over other people, you'd better be prepared to pay it back...

Emily Gurnavage

"Its long for Jeff." Im fricking dead, lol. Jeffy for best side character, no contest at this point.

Flying Goat

[Shawn] Right, but if he feels it on his authority, rather than on his body, he's not physically any heavier. Unless, I guess, authority has mass, and something pressing on his authority increases his effective mass.

Skull Leader

“I’m a naturally engaging person who didn’t have to spend an hour thinking up this comment.” I feel called out.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

Picture this as that long, quiet moment of suspense in a movie with the low, tense music in the background. You know the scene is going to burst into action soon, but you don't know when. The tension builds. You think that maybe, just maybe, the threat is gone. Will things actually settle down now? No! A crash of drums and cymbals marks the return of the danger in full force, and the scene feels even more terrifying for those few moments of peace that broke it in the middle. The only reason these chapters feel out of place is that we are reading them strung out, twice a week.


My predictions are always wrong but I'm rather expecting Alden to somehow clue Stu'art'h in on him being a wizard. He may learn to make contracts at the same time (triangle of secrecy). That would allow him to talk to someone knowledgeable about wizardry while staying in high school.


Apologies I meant an entire relay. Like all the Sways working together to take the place of the System. While the System is super focused. Like think about it for a moment if they had, all the Sways working together they would have known about Alden’s situation and convey a message to him telling him that they are aware of his situation and will do there best to get to him. Plus there’s people like Tina who can obviously build communication links and aren’t being used. Obviously the System isn’t able to assign everyone a task. Causing many who could have been used, to be underutilize in this dangerous situation.🧐


I think that if he believes the guy is a threat, he should leave. Just say "Thanks for your help, but I am going now." The situation will then clarify itself as Liam either let's him go, or prevents him from leaving. Regardless, the bigger threat is the event that they are trapped in. Long ago when I was in the army, we were taught to prioritize personal safety, then situational safety and only then do we concern ourselves with the safety of others...except for very specific exceptions.


Bravery in the Absence of Obligation, eh?

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

I posted this above, under another comment, but I feel it is appropriate to mention it here again. The interludes seemed like an excellent storytelling device to me. Picture this as that long, quiet moment of suspense in a movie with the low, tense music in the background. You know the scene is going to burst into action soon, but you don't know when. The tension builds. You think that maybe, just maybe, the threat is gone. Will things actually settle down now? No! A crash of drums and cymbals marks the return of the danger in full force, and the scene feels even more terrifying for those few moments of peace that broke it in the middle. The only reason these feel out of place is that we are reading the chapters strung out, twice a week.


Fair point. Plot wise, is the purpose of this event to drive that home to Alden? The Boe talk was supposed to teach that but sometimes experience is a better teacher.

Robert Mullins

Natalie is canonically absurdly attractive. So much so that when they first met asexual Alden took a moment to pause and appreciate her appearance like she was a painting at an art gallery.

Tristan A

Lol was thinking the same thing. I think Jeffy will be alright though. Either this will scare him shirtless and he'll leave the hero program (WHICH I DOUBT) OR he will realize how serious things can get and become one of the most dedicated students.


I hope Lute’s mum comes through this safely. She made some awful decisions but she doesn’t deserve to die and Lute doesn’t deserve to go through losing her either. Especially the pain of losing her when he’s still angry and hasn’t forgiven her.


So far as we've seen Authority doesn't have mass. In this case he's bearing Zeridee so his landing was heavier because he's literally bearing her weight.

Heather White

Yeah, I’m with Lute. Aimi totally did it. And I’m really enjoying imagining what her wordchain-powered fleecing of the casino looked like.


@SkySeeker I like the story but I haven't really felt any suspense for the last couple of chapters. We already know what the danger is, it has already struck multiple times and every time it seems like the things are getting real and then nope. Alden spent the last chapters running randomly and then going up and down a building and now he is hiding in that same building. There is so much time for him to do all that stuff that the situation doesn't feel urgent.

Bob Ross

@Anon The global announcement The system made in chapter 132 said that non-essential contract functions had been canceled worldwide, not just on our little patch of submerging paradise. As for the believability, I think a couple of factors weigh into it. 1: The system knows it got blindsided. It knows that, but it doesn't know if its failure to see this coming was the result of bad luck or enemy action. If an enemy exists on Earth that has the ability to fool it, to plan this action without getting noticed by the System, then the System is in danger. As of this second, it only has x amount of energy to deal with that threat, x amount of processing. So turning off everything else, everything that doesn't contribute to getting rid of the enemy that threatens its core functions? Personally, I find that very believable. 2: This is the first time this System has ever been in danger. Zeridee mentioned how defensively it was reacting, and how much it was erring on the side of caution by giving a potential chaos warning. If this is the Systems first rodeo, maybe some of its actions are different than what a more experienced System would make. Worth noting is that Zeridee had permission to use system resources, but still was hesitant to do so, meaning the benefit gained to the system by not using those resources for messaging services seemed reasonable to her, or at least reasonable enough for her not to override them all willy nilly. I agree that after this Anesidora would be crazy not to install some kind of national communications system that ran independent of System function. But I think describing the System as useless when you need it most is inaccurate. Whatever else the system is doing that we don't know about, we know it's teleporting children to a safe location, and it's teleporting Avowed to help stop the spread of Submersicles (submersible particles) as best as it can. It's not nothing. It's just hugely inconvenient that the primary method of communication mankind uses is now offline. Hopefully this gets the Anesidorans moving in a national telecoms direction.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

I don't think the audible response from Mother would have been as chilling without having just had a bit of perspective on the scope of the disaster and getting out of Alden's head for a bit. Narrative tension doesn't stay this high for this long all on its own.

Heather White

Fortunately Natalie et al are surrounded by tall buildings, & she has so much appeal that even strangers will fall all over themselves to make sure she’s safe. She won’t go without her roommates, so I’m optimistic about their chances. Yeah, Lute immediately worrying about his mom was telling. I agree that Sleyca is communicating the chaos really well.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

On the bridge, Alden mentioned seeing helicopters, and we know Aulia has one on her yacht. Maybe two, if she's already made good on her promise to her new favorite granddaughter.


She did put all of her points into Appeal and Alden whose not attracted to anyone, noticed how good she looked when they met.

Lucia A

Okay I just looked at the fanart... And it's really nice, but Alden has manboobs and I can't unsee it


Perhaps. As we have seen the Boe talk hasn't really had the desired effect. So, yes, this experience could be the thing Alden needs to really drive the point home. We will see. The thing I'm afraid of is that everything will work out well and Alden takes that as proof of concept for his perspective. Which is...hit and miss. I mean I get he wants to be heroic in his own way. Awesome. But he needs to get past the original trauma to be really effective. Until that happens he needs to take himself out of action. (Some will say he tried...and he did for a while...but he really should have gotten on that flier and not procrastinated until those other guys showed up.)

Matt V

Interesting that we get a Natalie-focused start to the chapter. Really makes me wonder how she's going to tie into events. Also nice to see an update on our 3 that missed the bus. And Jeffy getting the call to action - should be interesting to learn what he ended up doing. Nice to know Lute's situation, but he seems to be in a comparatively less dangerous - and therefore less interesting - situation than the others. And finally there's Alden. It's been fascinating to see his thoughts shift from wary acceptance of help from Liam to literally hiding from the man after he - at least for the moment - lost his siblings. It makes sense, but it's just so cold, calculating, and logical for Alden to make that snap judgment call. Desperate people can't be trusted. Hope that isn't actually put to the test as Liam seemed decent if odd.

Heather White

While I get the frustration of wanting to know what happens next with Alden & suddenly being shifted to other POV’s, I thought it was a perfect way to both give us a moment to breathe and yet still raise the tension through that exact frustration. And if we just stayed focused on Alden’s situation chapter after chapter, the suspense would gradually lose some of its power. I agree with SkySeeker that for bingers the slow pace of Alden’s physical progress will be easier to cope with.


I love Earth's Contract... such a d***...

Aspiring Moth

I suspect Alden noticing how attractive she is was an example of the sway like effect that high appeal has (as mentioned by lute in the conversation about the manon cult). she is that attractive, but it took his breath away for a moment during his first impression because of a sway like effect

Heather White

I had thought of the yacht, but Lute’s comment made me realize I hadn’t thought about his mom even once. I actually felt kinda bad about that.

Jason Harpster

Love the other PoV's! I have never laughed so hard over "grocery obtaining" before. Why of course Mrs. S-Class Chef of the Moment......here have some "leftovers" to practice on off world ingredients with. rotflmao P.S. About the art............. The art itself is fine, but the artist in me has to nitpick. Their hair isn't portraying motion in relation to the cart,, the carts in the background feel like they are both going the wrong way and shouldn't be empty, closed fists is an odd choice as most people are open palm trying to catch the wind and feel it flowing between their fingers, his chest shading implies pec development on par with her breast size........., and her hand is freakishly disproportionate to her arm. It's a nice scene overall but out of context it could be a panel from any novel irregardless of the bunnies on her dress.

C. Adkins

Wow I completely forgot about the MOTHER button on the interface. Someone mentioned they viewed it as more of a record of their meeting, and well, same. And I cannot wait for future generations to hear the stories of the Quiet Rabbit, the first knight of humanity. And lastly, sorry, but what if the favor is to get the alien (can’t remember his name rn) in Chicago his freedom? That seems like a good use of it. Saves a life, the last of a species that helped the first human knight!

Aspiring Moth

the fear of asking mother for something shocked me. all the signs were there before, but I always thought it would be no problem for him to go to artona 1 to affix when necessary for example, and maybe get some advice. but if things are like this then maybe Alden will have to affix on earth next time. A soundproof boom room is probably a good location to go through soul torture politely without bothering your neighbours


Of course Earth probably could meaningfully help him for basically free by just giving him some directions.

Tycho Green

Gorgon. Good lad. His freedom is not an option unfortunately, favor or not.

Jason Harpster

Relay? Please define. Totally agree however that sways got the short stick despite their usefulness But yeah mind control getting handed out to random idiots made the type casting easy.

Heather White

Flying Goat, just to be clear, Alden is always physically heavier when he has something preserved. He’s heavier by the weight of what he has preserved. At the same time, his authority feels/must support the burden of everything he’s carrying (not just what he has preserved). As Matt explained, the suitcase scenario doesn’t apply to Alden’s current situation. Right now his body is carrying Zeridee’s physical weight *and* his authority is carrying her (metaphysical?) weight — because she is what’s preserved. His authority-only carrying of the suitcase’s *contents* happened because he was using both his physical body and his authority to carry the weight of the suitcase itself, while he was only using his authority (not his body) to carry the suitcase’s contents. So, yes, in this situation he hit the ground hard because he’s currently burdened with Zeridee’s weight in addition to his own.


“It’s bad. And we can’t make calls. I still have my old cell phone, but I left it back in my room. I’m getting so used to the interface.” So, now everyone on Anesidora is going to invest in a telephone and keep it on them at all times, You only need a support system to conk out on you once for you to need to have a backup system as a security blanket. New Anesidora Social Dynamic.


I might be using the wrong word or phasing it wrong. So bear with me. A Communication Relay. Think of the Sway community as being made into 911 Operators for the City/Country(?). Sorting the Rescue groups and relaying important messages because people will be split up during this incident. Sorting the medical teams and searching for people who may of been missed or are too injured to go anywhere. Even with Teleportation being a thing. I imagine all sorts of things could be happening. Not to mention as we’ve just seen in recent chapters. People can be really stupid during crises.


Congrats to those who predicted an interlude chapter! Some interesting titbits here I think – thoughts: 1. “Natalie stood in front of a casino that was decked out in flashing green lights”: how on earth does a casino work in Anesidora? Surely it’s ripe for exploitation and cheating?! They might ban chainers, but surely there are innumerable other ways to cheat? Though maybe it’s easier to detect anti-spells/skills/wright gear than wordchains, which operate differently. 2. “Everyone in class said it would be hard to find some of this stuff, but the chefs are all so nice”: Natalie, my sweet summer child…the chefs either appreciate that you’re bang-tidy, or appreciate the opportunities granted by sucking up to a future S-rank master chef… 3. “I’m here to live the whole life, said Emilija. You girls can’t even find the bus stops sometimes. You’d be lost without me.”: bit of tension here. Emilija perhaps aware of her discrepancy in rank means her friends might end up abandoning her, and is striving to be useful…hopefully she doesn’t feel a need to become increasingly servile ☹. She also must be aware that she needs to make so much more effort in order to have a successful life than the high ranks. 4. “He is so strict. Now I have to pretend I left you behind after intake.”: did Emilija instinctively make more effort for the S-rank’s family than the B-rank’s family? 5. “Emilija said something in Lithuanian, and Natalie and Hadiza both stared at her in confusion”: I bet this sudden consciousness of the language barrier damages the girls’ relationship going forward…combined with the fact that Natalie and Hadiza are likely to be teleported to safety much earlier than her is going to thrust the differences in rank and background right in their faces… 6. “Lute clutched a pillow shaped like a fried egg to his chest”: an eppy-eppy egg?! Sleyca always provides a link between interludes, which I love – more on that below. 7. “with her usual job…she might end up even more of a monster”: another clue that the fanatics at the palace of unbreaking sort of worship the chainers, prostrating themselves so that they take the negative halves of the chain so that the chainers can distribute the positives to the knights. 8. “What if he thinks I’m just a show-off dilettante, like stupid Hugh?”: poor Lute, he’s so damaged by his upbringing. Surely the Kora player is most likely to respond graciously and feel flattered, appreciating the opportunities of teaching a billionaire-heir. 9. “New Sybaris”: keeping the Greek mythology theme going…a reference to the Sybarites, the famously pleasure loving Greek city. Appropriate for the F-city casino. Old Sybaris was destroyed though…a little bit of foreshadowing maybe… 10. “Where’s Libra tonight? Where’s mom?”: possibly Jessica may be quite early on the teleportation to a safe space list, given she’s not avowed she’s susceptible to chaos and may fall into the children priority bracket. The Libra may be fucked however. Or not, given Aulia has likely installed lots of magical protections on it. Admittedly, the Submerger itself might have been the main one haha. Note that Lute calls her “mom” in his head despite determinedly calling her Jessica out loud at all previous points. Maybe they’ll reconcile after this disaster (if she survives…) – nothing like the sudden appreciation of death to reprioritise things. 11. Lute: is he at risk of being summoned to assist too? Very possibly – he can mass bestow after all, which is seen as useful enough for a chainer to go to Matadero everytime. If not, he’ll surely be very high up the rescue teleport list given he’s a double S. High up enough to get to the Amazon emergency evac point perhaps, particularly given Aulia’s importance. Is she given two people – to rescue as well? Who will she choose if so? Lute/Orpheus/Jessica/Hugh….? 12. Smash cut to Jeffy right after the reference to Libra: is the link here that Jeffy is going to be summoned to assist the Libra or another boat? Or is it just the dual themes of romance (Lute-Emilija / Jeffy-Astrid)….I feel like the Always Sunny meme with Charlie Day and the red string haha. 13. “It’s long for Jeff.”: *chef’s kiss* 14. ““They both owe me now. I have done Cupid duty.” He mimed shooting an arrow at one of the lights overhead.”: I vote for Cupid to be his hero name rather than Rain Hard – much more apt lol. 15. “He’s gone,” she said. “It took him.”: wow, essentially immediately teleported to assist. S-rank Aqua brutes must be very rare indeed. Possibly there are very few oceans on the triplanets (there aren’t any on Thegund) or chaos outbreaks tend to happen on land or in space, so the Artonans don’t request many. But on watery watery Earth, they are super duper useful. Where has he gone – could he have been sent straight to the scene of the collision to investigate the damage to Matadero and/or investigate the cause?! 16. “Well yeah…but Alden’s…his situation’s not really…”: looks like they just appreciate how terrible his experience was, and how it could happen to any one of them. 17. “He life jacketed me before he left”: very smart! Well done Jeffy. I suspect that after this (if Jeffy survives…) he’ll become much more focused on practising his water moves, and hopefully accept his aqua-ness. 18. “Who wouldn’t be scared?”: then smash cut to Alden. A great segue – I don’t recall Alden being scared when he was first emergency summoned to fight the mishnen – he was the model hero - “There wasn’t time to panic, though perhaps Alden should have.” 19. “Alden tried not to feel ashamed. And sad. Afraid”: he’s going to feel very awkward too if Liam spots him haha – like when you say goodbye to someone at a party then bump into them again and pretend not to see them. Though for real, it could lead to disaster. What is Sleyca’s plan here? Is she setting up a proper confrontation between the two of them, or is something terrible going to happen again and it’s going to be another bit of fortuitousness that he hasn’t left? 20. “If Alden wanted to ask for favors, he was going to have to earn them. And Quiet Rabbits probably couldn’t do that.”: the Quiet Rabbit is turning up the volume (insert Iain Duncan-Smith meme here)…Alden is going to have to reassess his willingness to reveal his power levels soon. But hasn’t his willingness to keep his authority sense already earnt him some favours already? Mother has definitely given him more than Alis asked for already due to him making himself so unique. 21. “a voice whispered in his ear. It was a pleasant enough one, neither male nor female. “Are you using that privilege, Alden?””: is it a once-only privilege, or something given to all knights? I mean, surely Alden is so unique that both Earth and Mother should be keen to keep him save if possible due to his future potential? Or maybe the Artonan concept of debt and obligation is too strict, and everything must be bought and paid for asap. 22. “[No,] he wrote. [I’m sorry for bothering you. I wasn’t thinking clearly. I won’t mention that subject again unless I mean it.]”: at least we know he has an ultra-final emergency exit available when he really needs it. Seems like he thinks he can work his way out of the situation at least for now. Generally, I feel like his decision making and observational skills have been getting better and better throughout this crisis, particularly in comparison to Liam. He’s cool, rational and thoughtful. Bravo Alden – lots of very impressive character growth! 23. Was the woman on the motorbike Tina perhaps? I think she and Royce are gonners ☹


> High up enough to get to the Amazon emergency evac point perhaps, particularly given Aulia’s importance. Is she given two people – to rescue as well? Who will she choose if so? Lute/Orpheus/Jessica/Hugh….? Depends on Lute's teleport priority, I think. I don't think she'd use it on him. ZDee said Boe would make it off planet in most scenarios; Lute is definitely a priority for planetary evacs. I could see her picking Jessica. Unlikely to be evaced since she's not an Avowed, very important assistant, and Jessica already produced one double S. (It hasn't been shown but I'm wondering if Aulia has been pressuring Jessica to try for another kid.) Assuming it's not Lute, I don't think she'd pick any of the other S's since they're also already priority evacs. Maybe Miyo (the girl who's the best un-selected Chainer-in-training)?

Heather White

Sleyca, you say ‘too much’ but we have already learned that you feel no remorse for your evil ways & plan to put him through more.


There's probably some alien/advanced calculus going on in the background but given the fact that Alden got a response from Earth AT ALL the moment he considered using the Mother button, it must be literally free to just add an extra 5 seconds to that voice comm at the end to say BTW rescue is this way. Strange how omniscience is part of the system but resources to send messages are so constrained. Working with matter/teleporting is hard sure, but messages should be cheap


I wonder if this privilege and the implication of selecting it are part of the reason why Alden never thinks of her as Mother, but instead uses ‘she’ and ‘her’.


i think it is mostly the former, not the latter. it is the "burden" of being a wizard AND Avowed, fighting balance between their power as an avowed and wizard- free authority vs fixed./.. they live in luxury BECAUSE of the sacrifice they make for the greater good, imo they are almost worshipped. or at least that is my theory, the imbalance between the two becomes mentally painful and unbearable and then during that ceremony they give ALL their authority to Mother, which kills them. as for Mother, imo she is a Planet Spanning AI.... for the Purposes of this Story, Essentially the Head Goddess of the Heirarchy. with Earth being the weakest of the heirarchy now. imo all other "systems" are her children


Save the Super society, Alden. Jeffy - Nah, I'd win. Super lobotomy.

Bob Ross

I think Alden might use those pronouns to refer to Mother because referring to a non mom entity as "Mother" has some baggage associated with it for (at least) humans, and probably Alden specifically. Artonans view her in a very culturally specific, and as of yet not fully understood by the reader, way. Easier to say she and her than refer to her as Mother.


Yeah I think so… I had to look it up. Sorry I’ve never heard the term before.😅

Bob Ross

I loved Lutes contemplations this chapter, especially those about Hazel. He worries that she might become more of a monster, and that's without knowing the full context. Hazel literally got away with a murder she felt fully justified in performing, and she likely won't have to confront an opposing viewpoint on the subject for a very long time. Meanwhile she's surrounded by politically important Artonans who think she's the neatest thing since wevvi,and prostrating supplicants who seem to derive Spiritual Meaning from taking the debt from her wordchains. With the Aulia get-out-of-murder free card added on top of it? Hazel becoming a monster with a God-complex seems very possible. I hope Lute remembers to call Parethat-uur after all this is over!

Adam Andersson

You don't need a whole chain of sways relaying a message to make it a relay. A pair of sways relaying a message from a sender on the island to a receiver on Matadero is still a relay.


Well, I don't think it's quite that clear, but you're right that it's more ambiguous than I acknowledged. The System isn't a computer, it's some sort of sentient magical contract. There might be some weird equivalent exchange stuff going on, or it might be constructed in a way that makes the act of "sending a message" a lot more complicated than it seems. Which, considering that it sends those messages *telepathically*, wouldn't be too strange. That would imply that it did in fact make some kind of resource diversion to acknowledge Alden, presumably because it has a high priority order from the Mother forcing it to. I think that's the likely situation, since it basically responded as tersely as possible.


Am I crazy or does fan art Alden look a bit like Noriaki from JoJo???


Wonder if they try to say Manon got killed in this event. That way there's nothing to hide. Or is that possible anymore?

Ben Passos

Yeah this chapter was quite literally: 1. Natalie Pov: "Oh no, matadero attack", 2. Lute Pov: "Oh no, matadero attack", 3. Alden Pov: *paragraph of internal monologue while he walks down 3 flights of stairs*. FIN


Do wonder how will Gorgon come back in to the story as a more permanent addition. Most likely as an asset to Alden's knighthood training maybe? Gorgon teaching unique magic to Alden in exchange for looser set of restrictions, would probably make for an attractive offer to system. He wouldn't need to submit himself to the system that way. I hope that Gorgon will become a more active part of the story again someday.


Forget about being a hero, survival will be difficult if he doesn't get going. The guy may or may not want his sandals, but the water is a sure thing, it definitely wants him, not just his sandals.


You’re only thinking about 1 message. I’m thinking more like thousands of messages and having sways working in zones… like a Spider web.


So much in one chapter. I don't know where to start.


I’m a bit confused about the Natalie, Lute, and Reinhard start of disaster interludes being half of this chapter. Some things from them might show up in the next chapter or the one after, but I feel like those interludes would fit better between Ripples 5 and Waves 1. The POV changes really disrupted the flow of the story for me, especially since this is POVs of them hours ago and not POVs of them trying to survive the disaster. I also feel like the 2 Alden sections might work better if they were split between chapters, like having the first one as the end of the previous chapter and the second one as the start of the next chapter when it gets posted to RR.


I think the scary thing was not the button, but the sudden attention of Earth's System when Alden seriously considered using it. Until then, Earth didn't even send text responses.

Bob Ross

1: Have you read "Worm" by Wildbow? Vegas in a world with superheroes is described as a never ending arms race between cheaters and casino. I wonder if something similar happens here, but they just decided to ban all Chainers because you need a Chainer to catch a Chainer, and Aulia has the class all locked up. 2: Haha, Natalie competing with Alden for the sweet summer child award for sure. I wonder how many of those chefs are also rabbits? Cook of the moment is S ranks, but on a skill list as long as Rabbit, there's gotta be a few more Let me make you toast's floating around. 3: Huh, I didn't interpret that as tension, good eye! It sounds like Emilija has invested more in what living life on Anesidora will look like than on how to use her skill day to day; makes sense when comparing the impact the three girls skills will have on their lives. 4: Noooo, what does that say about Lutes potential crush on her? Hoping that's just a funny circumstantial thing, and Emilija really didn't have enough time to "look impressive" for Hadizas family. 5: The System doesn't follow Anesidora ranking teleport priority, even if the two higher ranked get teleported out first, I suspect they'll hear the stories of the "random" order the system teleported people in, and it'll keep that from being an issue. 7: Yeah, Hazel having been seen as an object of worship her entire life does a lot to explain how warped her viewpoint is for sure. 8: He knows people are usually flattered when his grandma takes an interest in them, but he also knows how he would have felt as a non-avowed if an S rank had asked him to teach. I hope he asks him anyways! 9: Oooh, how was Old Sybaris destroyed? 10: Dang, what I would give to be a fly on the wall when Aulia discovers the submerger is gone. Actually wait, she's on Matadero, now I'm picturing Jessica ordering the ship to activate it and...gulp. Lute clearly has to make an effort to call her Jessica out loud, great catch on his mom internal dialog. 11: I wonder if the Palace of Chaining has the ability to influence summoning priority. Follow up, I wonder who has the authority to influence summoning priority. Haoyus mom is a demon puncher, and she's on the quick evac list, who else would the Artonans prioritize? 12: I'm wondering if Jeffy was summoned to rescue Jacob and company, well company anyways, unless fragile atmosphere has a bubble mode. Keep it up with the red string! 13: Agreed, no notes. 14: Heloísa: "Ops, I accidentally bumped Reinhardt while he was shooting and he hit Medhi.. Again. Clumsy me!" 15: I'm hoping we see a scene just like that, jeffy casting the life jacket spell over and over again on the subma- on the really big boat! 16: Hopefully the rest of the class make that connection as well. At least the jerks! 17: Jeffy seems like a very learn by doing person. I don't think he's thought about how cool being an Aqua brute could be because he hasn't had the practical experience with it. Maybe this will fix that indeed! 18: I think Alden is very scared indeed, but I think that makes his actions more impressive. 19: I reallt hipe Alden is going to make a decision about trusting Liam and I hope he's going to remember another sad existence who'd lost their siblings, and who needed protection from the consequence of a poor risk-management decision. I recognize they're very different situations, and I won't hold it against him if he doesn't, but I'm hoping. 20: I think Mother has given a lot, and Alden has given a lot in return. But I think he might be right, that if he wants anything extra considerations, something extra must be given. 21: Huh, that's a good question. Priority communication to the oldest system kernel does sound like a knight level privilege. My guess is it's more than one time. I think debt might be a little more fluid than that, Alis wanted Mother to expend maybe a little more energy to save Alden, but Mother was allowed to extrapolate from there that if Alis knew how unique alden was, she'd want Mother to expend a little bit more, so she did. If the rules regarding debt really were that strict I don't know that Mother would he able to do that. 22: Yeah, sounds like he just needed to hear that the system was still there, and that helped him confirm his commitment to living as a quiet rabbit. Very impressive indeed! 23: If it was Tina I think Liam would have recognized Alden. I mean I think Tina would have conveyed her having seen a teenager carrying a bloody Artonan.

Bob Ross

Oooh good thinking, they'd have to do something with the timestamp on her "returning" from the Triplanets, but I like they way you're thinking!

Ano Ano

We've been told repeatedly that the contracts operate on a knife's edge of balancing costs. It's startling but reasonable that a major disruption causes all the convenience features to go away temporarily.


I think the messaging shutdown is less about conserving resources, and more about depriving the architects of the attack a vector of coordination. Messages seem free on a small scale, but on a large one, they add up quickly. Shut down comms, except for emergency services and you save a lot of bandwidth.


Do we know how long Jeffy's lifejacket lasts? It seems unlikely that it'd still be active on Marsha and Max but it would be kinda hilarious if Jeffy accidentally saved their lives by defeating them in battle with his land moves. I'm happy that he managed to at least apply the spell to Astrid. I hope Natalie manages to save her groceries.


Good notes. I think that Mother wouldn't necessarily call in the favour immediately, but he also doesn't know when she will, which is terrifying in and of itself. He wants to be a Quiet Rabbit for years on Earth...


I am okay, really; Dressing; Young love; Young love II; [] I AM OKAY, REALLY >A memory came to him. Sharp and fresh. >Alis-art’h’s hands had touched his cheeks, in that teleporatation room on her spaceship that was supposed to kill him. >“Mother,” she’d said, “if this one makes it to you, place both your eyes upon him.” No Wife, I am fine, just tears streaming down my face from a fictional, alien 😭 DRESSING >really creamy and taste like apples and mayonnaise.” Hadiza made a face. >“Let’s <> the eppy-eppys!” said Emilija. “Breakfast for tomorrow!” >“You will eat anything,” said Hadiza. >“Actually, I was going to turn them into a dressing. For—” Just made a creamy, dressing last night, would love to try Natalie’s My wife is allergic to apples, would the Triplanet’s Sleycaverse allow her to taste apples? Oh, right. Magic. Probably just cure her allergies ( modern medicine did as much as it could with desensitization shots ) YOUNG LOVE >A universe contained in a single sentence. The poetic masterpiece of comments. Sigh. Young love. Just talk to her Gryphonknight to his future wedding Best man “But does she like like me?” While a few hotel rooms over at Eve Con ( a Sci-Fi / Fantasy Cozycon ) Gryphonkit to her future wedding Matron of Honor “But does he like like me?” YOUNG LOVE II >“Do you want to ride alone with Astrid or not?” the archer hissed. “I can go separately. >Jeffy stared at him. “But we won’t be alone. There’s a driver.” >“She obviously likes you a little, you blue-haired—!” Pro Tip: It is NEVER as dark in the backseat as you think, and the other vehicle occupants can still hear you. Resistant the young hormones. Especially once you are engaged to be married [] >If just the mention of the privilege was enough to reprioritize its attention… >Alden suddenly felt like he was hanging onto the edge of a cliff by a single fingertip. >The question hung there, too, right beside him. >[No,] he wrote. [I’m sorry for bothering you. I wasn’t thinking clearly. I won’t mention that subject again unless I mean it.] [speechless] ❔


My eyes just keep getting drawn to them I also couldn't help it


I think Earth doesn't do anything extra even if it would only cost it miniscule resources. It is "programmed" to respond to Alden if he wants to use his privilege, but any more than that it doesn't 'need' to do so it won't.


Well said! It truly feels like a cliff and those words of Joe's are bone chilling


I'm a bit of a paranoid person myself so I might not be the best judge, but I would've thought exactly the same as Alden. Just the small risk of Liam deciding he needs the shoes or whatnot, even if it is miniscule, would have such horrible consequences for Alden there is good reason to be extra careful


Problem is that people have superpowers in Alden's world, so he can't just leave, because Liam is so much faster than him. He can easily find him


And those Peace of Minds are MVPs for sure. But Alden was also brave


I just want to say @Ers20 that I have thought this so many times, it is truly impressive

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Guys I just realised When Alden found his minestrone many chapters ago In that moment, he was both a Souper Supporter and a Supper Supporter You could even say he was… a super soup porter


4) My interpretation is that Emilija was trying to act prim and proper to make a good first impression with her friend's families, but the call/visit from Hadiza's father caught her off guard, so his first impression of her was of her goofing off. I can also see Emilija pranking Hadiza by telling her father that the tattoo was real and pretending to be a horrible roommate if Hadiza gave her little to no warning about meeting him. I really don't think that it has anything to do with rank.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Astrid needs to get out of the mall immediately, the life jacket thing can easily kill if she gets trapped under a roof

Alex Scriber

After reading some of the other comments about the System’s response to the Mother privilege, I think it is an ominous reminder of how stratified Artonan society is. And how dangerous that is. It's not that the System doesn't have the resources to help Alden and save Zeridee. It absolutely could. It's not even a matter of needing the resources to help others. The system is just hoarding resources in case of a worse disaster right now. It could help instead of hoarding, but it will only help a terrified teenager if the teenager is special enough.


Thanks for the chapter! I loved this chapter so much honestly


Something I'm not seeing talked about is what Reinhard and Astrid meant when they said that Alden is a special case. Is he a rabbit, and thus is expected to be summoned all the time? Is it that his first summoning happened before he applied to school? Is it because of what happened during his first summoning? Is he weirdly competent? Is it that he went through a ton of trauma and keeps coming back for more? Some combination of the above? I suspect it's because of his adventures on Thegund, but nobody knows much about that beyond the most generic of explanations. It's interesting.

Alan Miller

Emijlia may not be as bad off as you think for summoning or at least earning. Think of her skill as a much weaker version of Kon's, or just think of all the antique car, etc collectors out there and contemplate paint chip repair.

Stonedwarf Stonedwarfson

Sleyca! That's mean mean, cranking up the stakes and tension even higher by describing our beloved side characters feeling scared and vulnerable when, at this point in Alden's timeline, they will all be safely holed up in various shelters. (Apart from Jeffy, and he literally can't drown) They will all be safely holed up, won't they Sleyca? They will be, won't they, Sleyca? Sleyca! They WILL BE... won't they? Won't they??? God damn it! Now I'm going to be worried about them for at least days and probably weeks!

Alan Miller

Nah, but also they're teenagers and not even older ones. They're in the age range for peak HS teen angsty drama.


Thank you so much! I love 'em all, and I love writing about most of them, so it makes me really happy that almost every member of the cast has a fan. Or someone who loves to hate them in a few cases. :)


Imagining Alden gets a attribute doubling and it is in Appeal


@Sal Thank you!! I read part of that series eons ago, but I could never remember the name. It would bug me every time I thought about it... It's been so long since I've seen it mentioned, I was starting to think maybe it wasn't real >_>

Partha Peddi

So Alden is sitting closer to the puzzle door, and Liam is in the boom room further away. What Alden did not consider is if Liam gets a torch out, Alden will be perfectly visible. If the door is in tatters blocking the exit, Liam already knows that Alden is still hiding in the building. Even if Alden waits for Liam to leave to find his siblings, Liam being faster will get to Alden even if he has to search a bit. If Liam heads out first to look for Alden with Alden behind him, if Liam backtracks, he will get found.


I think anybody trapped between rising water and a ceiling is in serious danger, life jacket or no.

Kim Enteiu

JEFFY GOT IN — the middle of whatever this mess is. It’s so sweet that he’s freaking out & his first instinct is to cast on Astrid to make sure she’s as safe as he can make her.


You also have to remember the cost of getting that help though which is to become an official Knight which viewed as a transactional cost would be more than worth it to the System.


the archer hissed. “I can go separately. -- missing end quote here Since when do we have tsunami warning’s here? -- Remove apostrophe. Can Haoyu walk across broken glass like its beach sand already? -- put that apostrophe in 'its' above


Is Jeffy being a Jeff making him more or less likely to be Canadian? Either way, I love him


Non avowed have no defence against chaos so I really hope Lute's Mum might have been evacuated along with the kids. I'm not entirely sure though as the kids might be first evac due to avowed kids having higher chaos potential. I really hope she doesn't die. Lute deserves to be mad at her without feeling any guilt, but we all know he'll be heartbroken if his last moments with her was that scene at the end of the party 😟


@Anon The huge magical disaster (Anesidora flooding) is more of a side effect of that small, very specific and incredibly important, location being attacked in a way the seemingly omniscient system didn't expect. The system and the Artonans are preparing for planetary evacuation because of the non-zero chance of Earth becoming a puddle of chaos. If it was just a magical flood on Anesidora, or if it didn't get blindsided, the system probably wouldn't have shut things down globally. Plus, the system's priorities were set by the Artonans and it's likely they place more importance on chaos issues than communications on a resource world. If the system fully breaks, like on Thegund, communications are down for good until a new system is created. TL;DR if it was a normal attack on anywhere other than Matadero, comms would still be up. Probably.


Oh I didn't notice that it was in the choose persona section. Wow that really does imply he'd be leaving behind his quiet rabbit days


I kind of assumed that they were talking both about him being a rabbit and being summoned before school.

Matt DiMeo

Having the shortened nickname be your actual name is definitely a “country” thing, but I dunno how things are on Canada.


I think Lute is a little bit cold : he watches the kora player while his real first interest after piano was the bagpipes!


Sleyca, are you a Tool fan by chance? Just listening to Aenima again I think those lyrics fit too well... An anthem for the SAL members. Appropriate listening while reading the Wave chapters :D


Liam is a brute, he has no way to track Alden so why is Alden staying so close to him. by the time Liam has shoes again Alden would have a got ahead and be SAFER from the killer ocean trying to eat the island. I don't think stealth is the move here. This opens up SO MANY more risks like, if Liam finds him, if the ocean acts up again, if somebody else or another sibling reaches the building trapping Alden. This is so dangerous and WRONG. This entire Stealth approach could have been done by Alden runnig toward safety but maybe a bit sideways and not staying on the main road easily visible by a chasing Liam. sorry this is kinda immersion breaking to me xD still love this work


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHcmnowjfrQ Some say the end is near Some say we'll see Armageddon soon I certainly hope we will I sure could use a vacation from this Bullshit three-ring Circus sideshow of Freaks Here in this hopeless fucking hole we call (Anesidora) The only way to fix it is to flush it all away Any fucking time, any fucking day Learn to swim, I'll see you down in (Point Nemo) Fret for your figure and Fret for your latte and Fret for your lawsuit and Fret for your hairpiece and Fret for your Prozac and Fret for your pilot and Fret for your contract and Fret for your car It's a Bullshit three-ring Circus sideshow of Freaks Here in this hopeless fucking hole we call (Anesidora) The only way to fix it is to flush it all away Any fucking time, any fucking day Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Arizona bay Some say a comet will fall from the sky Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves Followed by fault lines that cannot sit still Followed by millions of dumbfounded dipshits And some say the end is near Some say we'll see Armageddon soon I certainly hope we will I sure could use a vacation from this Stupid shit, silly shit, stupid shit One great big festering neon distraction I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied Learn to swim, learn to swim, learn to swim 'Cause Mom's gonna fix it all soon (!!!) Mom's comin' 'round to put it back the way it ought to be Learn to swim, learn to swim (4x) Fuck L. Ron Hubbard and Fuck all his clones Fuck all these gun-toting Hip gangster wannabes Learn to swim, learn to swim (4x) Fuck retro anything Fuck your tattoos Fuck all you junkies and Fuck your short memories Learn to swim, learn to swim (4x) Yeah, fuck smiley glad-hands With hidden agendas Fuck these dysfunctional Insecure actresses Learn to swim, learn to swim (4x) 'Cause I'm praying for rain I'm praying for tidal waves I wanna see the ground give way I wanna watch it all go down Mom, please flush it all away I wanna see it go right in and down I wanna watch it go right in Watch you flush it all away Yeah, time to bring it down again Yeah, don't just call me pessimist Try and read between the lines I can't imagine why you wouldn't Welcome any change, my friend I wanna see it come down Put it down Suck it down Flush it down

Heather White

I feel like part of it is competitive Reinhard still trying to dismiss Alden-the-B-ranked-rabbit in general. In the same vein, he may be dismissing Alden’s summons because Alden was summoned for a normal rabbit job, while Jeffy was summoned for hero work, which is the only kind of summons Reinhard’s interested in.


I think it depends on how you're picturing the layout of the building. I should probably describe it much better. The entrance to Liam's family torture studio is on the hall Alden plans to go down to get to the street. So his concern when he first exits the staircase is "Oh, shit. What if I have to pick my way through that hallway and I'm really slow because of rubble? What if I make it out to the street, but I can't make it *down* the street and out of sight before he gets out there too. He'll see me." So instead of exiting the staircase and heading for the front hall and the boom room, where he expects Liam to be, he's currently hiding around a corner in the dark on the hallway that has the entrance to the stairwell. Here is an absolutely terrible diagram that will probably be further ruined by device formatting: ———————Studios——————[stairwell] dead end Alden ———— Studios————— Liam Exit —————Studios———— Alden's basically sitting behind the back wall, of Liam's studio, in a hall Liam doesn't have any need to go down, monitoring him through hearing. Looking for another exit, if there is one, would be a solid move, but the lack of light is a problem. Alden really hasn't been there that long, and he just wants to see Liam leave to get confirmation of the direction he's headed in. He doesn't want to end up on the same street. I think this is a good choice on his part given his concerns, knowledge and timing. If it's not the absolute best, though, that's all right. Alden's not someone who usually thinks twelve steps ahead when he's under pressure. Just two or three when he's operating well. To give you an idea of why he's concerned about his ability to get ahead of Liam in the street, here's what streets *can* look like after large quantities of water throw things around: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/there-are-still-hundreds-of-victims-buried-aid-groups-struggle-to-deliver-aid-after-indonesia-tsunami We might not have a situation that severe right here in front of the building, but if it's even a fraction that bad in the dark, Alden can't move very fast even once he gets out.


Honestly I think they’re trying to comfort themselves. A first summoning is normally an achievement. It’s probably not too risky (since you’re low level). So by separating Alden they’re trying to reassure themselves that Jeffry’s first summoning won’t be like Alden


I've never heard it, but I love song recs! Listening to it now.

Nathan Rice

Have we ever established how much larger the bound authority is between ranks? Obviously, some of it is going into spell impressions and foundation points as well. But would an A rank start with 150% the authority of a B rank, or 200% or 500%... I seem to remember someone saying that an A5 could compete in raw stats with an S1, but was that just in accumulated foundation points?

John D Jones

Is there any way for Alden to (literally) cobble together some temporary footwear from whatever Zeridee is wearing? I mean, on the one hand, it seems kind of absurd that Liam might murder Alden for his shoes. I mean absurd like https://southpark.cc.com/video-clips/u325o8/south-park-desperate-times That said, I do get that Liam is freaking out about his sister and wants to go out to look for her but can't because he has no shoes. So... yeah,since Liam is desperate, he might resort to "cannibalizing" Alden's shoes quicker than one might expect.


This is a really shitty diagram and a quote made by Sleyca a few comments down. ———————Studios——————[stairwell] dead end Alden ———— Studios————— Liam Exit —————Studios———— Alden's basically sitting behind the back wall, of Liam's studio, in a hall Liam doesn't have any need to go down, monitoring him through hearing. Looking for another exit, if there is one, would be a solid move, but the lack of light is a problem. Alden really hasn't been there that long, and he just wants to see Liam leave to get confirmation of the direction he's headed in. He doesn't want to end up on the same street. You can see the rest under capezzolonucleare's comment 4 down from this.

Partha Peddi

Thank you Sleyca for the explanation. I had no idea what the hallway looked like without your explanation. I thought end of the hallway meant closer to the puzzle door. Adding your floor layout to the chapter itself might help with visualization.

Nathan Rice

He said that purely on the basis of Alden having skill 112 too. I wonder if those with skills particularly useful to the knights are recruited/drafted in some manner. I hope something like that happened to Hannah, rather than her just dying on assignment.

Bob Ross

Well you see, Lute went looking for the bagpipe man, but wouldn't you know it, he was busy this month!

Pedro Henrique

The A5 proclaimed they could take an S1 , but another nearby S countered and i quote "A5 isnt nowhere near S1!". Mind you , this was two teenagers arguing in Alden first Engaging with the Unexpected class , so it should be taken with a grain of salt. Also Sleyca once said that post-Thegund Alden total authority wasnt close to A1.

Gyoza Dog

I liked the interlude with the other characters a lot.I think it was well timed in the story as it reminded us of the larger story at a point where (at this point I got put under general anaesthetic. Now awake and loopy) It was intense and very narrow focused. Now with the wider viewpoint it feels even more intense when we came back to Alden.


this feels very very right. that's definitely the perspective.

Marcus Rodriguez

What if the Quaternary was wary to ask Mother for help not because she is a loan shark, but because Mother one of the highest secrets and she did not want to give Alden any hints that she is a real person and not a figure of speech.

Josh Delgado42

Thank you for the chapter! It was great to see other people's perspectives. And bittersweet to see one of Lute's first thoughts was the wellbeing of his mom.


Maybe to an extent. Though unlikely that such a secret could be kept for long. Though the fact that Mother can bypass goverment restrictions if she wants would very much qualify. Remember the short teleport chapter? "Analysis completed. Personal request from Loh Alis-art’h detected. Modifying records. Awaiting decision from Mother." That middle line would have every cyber security expert screaming in terror.


Since he is not Jeffey, he is probably not a hockey players, which would make it less likely for him to be Canadian?


There is nothing that can convince me Jeffy isn't from Saskatchewan.


I think it used voice to reduce the chances someone find the exchange reviewing the logs. But yes

Nathan Rice

I remember that when Alden affixed, the System offered him a D skill and an F skill instead of a B skill. That implies that they are roughly equal, though we know the difference between those of the same class is compensated with Foundation points. Alden's strong B was why he didn't get many points. But still, how does it add up? I've been trying to make an Excel sheet to visualize it and I haven't been able to.


Chapter 59 (Mother I): > Thank you for helping us to hold onto the frayed strands of our unraveling universe. This line feels important, and not in the simple "clean up corruption, slay demons" sense. I don't think we will see it pay off anytime in the near future though. Chapter 59 (Mother I): > There’s at least one other requirement…even if you ignore significant political factors.” The wording implies that there could be more requirements to become a knight than we know about. So far we know it requires an affixation, an authority sense, an oath, and a talent with unlimited growth options.

Calum Donaldson

I don't think that the MOTHER privilege would be bad to invoke, but I think it would come with irreversible consequences, that Alden isn't ready/prepared to accept. Also, "It's long for Jeff" is a phenomenal line, it is so spectacularly in character.

Temp One

On top of what Sleya said, I think it's important to underscore that Alden is dealing with circumstances on the heels of him and Zeridee being assaulted and almost killed by would-be thieves. Alden isn't a perfect rational actor at the best of times. But, particularly tonight, it's pretty understandable why he might be a little gunshy around a stranger in a desperate situation. Especially when said stranger has made an awful impression on Alden with rash and impulsive behavior that has likely gotten his close family killed. Maybe Alden is making the wrong call here, and that's very possible given how fallible he is. But I can still understand a very simple desire to remove such a volatile unknown from such a stressful situation. Even if it's just by hiding.

Marcus Rodriguez

Secret are kept pretty well in this story. And the records you are talking about, who see it but the system? Even if security people can see the direct records the systems keeps and not what it gives them (for example, Alden's real profile), those experts would be fully aware of Mother.


It's interesting that the "Ripples" chapters had more tension than the "Waves" ones. The unknown really is scary.


... does the Earth system not want him to press the button? it knows him && knows how he'll respond to the system talking into his ears instead of messaging back. it escalated, in a moment Alden was afraid, while it's also semi purposely creating a situation of fear (not sending a text ahead)

Zenopath (AEV)

So the Earth contract took time out from it's busy busy night to focus on Alden as he pondered pressing the button. Will the Earth contract also take a moment to check Alden's current circumstance? If so, it may decide to authorize another teleport. But what I think was more interesting is to speculate on why Earth contract was so interested. It seems like Mother contract is a defacto boss of Earth contract, so it has to abide by her decisions. Decisions like "lets pretend Alden is a normal B3." If Alden chooses to use Mother contract's offer to let him use the Knight gear, then it comes with consequences. Particually, it would force Earth contract to reclassify Alden from high priority VIP, to valuable tool I can now freely use since I don't need to help Mother contract hide his abilities anymore. Basically, Alden would become fair game for Earth to use to the fullest extent. At least, that's my theory.


would that be a way to turn it off the rest of the time though?


The knight gear isn't available to be obtained on earth. Considering that alden had to be given access to the uniform shop by MOTHER, it seems likely that earth simply doesn't have the ability to manufacture knight uniforms. And that it is unwilling to outsource such an effort for whatever reason.


I did this exercise a while back, but never got around to posting. It's safe to assume that the ammount of authority in a level scales exponentially with rank and level (i.e. total authority is roughly K*alpha^R*beta^L for some values of K, alpha and beta, as well as integers R for rank (F=1, A=6, etc) and L for level) why? Exponential with rank: - Each rank can handily smash the below ranks: Rank D's are barely able to light a candle (exaggeration) whereas Rank S'es are changing weather patterns and chopping tops off skyscrapers - how exponential? Lets assume that Alden was offered a D and F skill because that was the most he could afford if he didn't get a B. Furthermore, lets assume that the System uses the same split between foundation points and skills (roughly) each time, when reasonably possible. We can further apply the above authority model: with rank B=5, D=3, F=1, we have beta^5=beta^3+beta^1 or beta=1.272 Alternatively, we could have been /just/ shy of being able to affort a bigger/better skill: If he was almost able to afford a D and two F's, beta=1.414 If he was almost able to afford a D and an E, beta=1.324 Since we know that Alden was able to afford the first outcome, but none of the latter two, this means that beta is between 1.27 and 1.32...which is to say that each rank-up means that you start with 1.3x as much authority as the previous rank. This makes sense from a system design perspective... otherwise, you could have the weakest possible B-rank be (say) 5x stronger/weaker than the strongest one in that rank. Bad for system design, since not all B's would be able to access all B-rank skills. ----- We can apply the same logic to demonstrate that authority probably grows exponentially with level: - the system says that Alden could have taken a level-up anywhere between 10% and 20% - it's in the system's best interest to make sure that people don't have their affixations fail. However, systems don't want to have to affix more often than needed because it's expensive. If you were to minimize (authority growth/chaos risk) versus a fixed cost per affixation, you would choose some free/bound authority ratio and try to make levels happen on that schedule - Since his new free authority is 13% of his new bound authority (After leveling), that means that each level (in units of fractional growth) is something like 14.5% - Assuming that he gains levels at around the same pace and affixes when his free authority is 75% of the bound authority, he has about another 10 levels to gain in both his affixation and his free authority (after his post-moon affix), which puts his level at the end of this affix at around 29 - Further assuming that leveling is constant in time (= exponential growth in authority - something I suspect is needed if you want to end with cutting moons in half), this puts Alden on a ~20 month timeline before his next affix. But it sounds like it speeds up near the end of the affix so it's hard to say - The exponential bit is hard to say as well: what if its constant/linear/quadratic growth, but the knights have some other tricks to make it happen faster? of course, all of this math has problems per the story: Assuming these numbers, a level-9 B-rank has ~3x the authority of a level-1 B-rank, or ~2x the authority of a level-1 A-rank. If @Sleyca wanted an outcome where higher ranks were massively stronger, then the best way to tweak the story would be to adjust the skill bit such that Alden could choose either {one B-rank skill} or {three C-rank and one D-rank skills}, which would imply that each rank-up gives you about 3.3x the authority of the previous rank. Depending on what outcome you want, I'd be happy to run the numbers and pick an appropriate skill rank split :-P


Getting special treatment like getting teleported even will the system does not give him priority.

John D Jones

Becoming the President of the United States requires the would-be POTUS to be at least 35 years old, be a "natural born" American citizen and not to have been convicted of any crimes or misdemeanors that would prevent one from running. I qualify on all of those counts but my ass still isn't going to be sitting at the Resolute desk. Does Alden technically qualify to be a Knight? Sure. But those "political factors" are going to be really fucking significant even if he does decide to go for it.

He's Just a Little Guy

There might be some sort of capacity vs amplitude thing going on, where a B-rank who only ever affixes B-rank skills remains a B-rank forever while a B-rank who saves up their free authority until the system offers them an A-rank skill gets to call themselves an A-rank from then on. Even though they might have the exact same amount of authority overall.

Tycho Green

“The other requirement,” he said. “For being a knight. You said there was political stuff. But also one other requirement. I’d like to know what it is.” So I can avoid ever meeting it thought Alden. “Oh that.” Mother said and then proceeded to reveal it is a skill that can be developed indefinitely. We have been aware of the technical factors of becoming a knight since a few paragraphs after where you were quoting from, we just don’t know the exact politics.


This is a good point- the current system neuters avowed in many ways: -sub optimal growth via common leveling -spreading power across many weak skills instead of one strong skill -putting most power in level capped skills where it can't grow at some point In the long run, Alden will have a huge advantage (almost doubling his leveling rate) just from still being about to grow the skill. Let alone keeping all the power in one skill and having the knight growth speed up

Partha Peddi

Before Sleyca's floorplan of the building, I assumed that the boom rooms had large areas, so was thinking in terms of apartment buildings with apartment sized boom rooms on either side of the straight hallway with stairs recessed a bit to the left at the end of it. Thinking of boom room as a tiny 10ft x 10ft or 20ft x 20ft areas arranged with a comb or m shaped hallway like in a long term storage building was impossible for me. A boom room is not a living space, but a tiny room for safely practicing Avoved skills and spell impressions. Alden is definitely getting one after this arc is over. Maybe there are boom rooms available for reservation at the gym. Maybe the rooms with windows (in the building with the puzzle door) above the ground/1st floor are larger spaces for artists.

Partha Peddi

I think Alden is just trying to get the attention of Earth System by asking about the Mother privilege. He probably expected a text response rather than the voice in his ear. Earth System has no way to know that he is preserving Zeridee, especially when the System services are partially disabled. Maybe it knows about a preserved person, but decided Alden is capable of maintaining the preservation for more than a day, so is letting him do the work.


"If I see so much as an oversized raindrop I’m going to grab you." Lmao


Wow...didn't notice how big the price of living a little longer was...


Also must be a wizard no? Not just an avowed with an unlimited talent.


I am not going to disagree, but I also think it really depends on the next chapter. If the next chapter brings some of the characters together, it would be completely fine as it is imo. Now, that might actually be very difficult and I can see where you are coming from...hmm difficult to say rn

Aron Lehofer

The casualty count could be surprisingly low from the submerging shenanigans after everything calms down and I have two reasons to think that: 1) Jeffy (and any other Aqua Brute) 2) The exploded submerger is behaving mostly as it is supposed to (sinking, then sending) so it’s possible that some of the shielding effect remains if it has succesfully sunk and sent someone/something. Additionally, I wonder if the last destination (Matadero) is where the submerger particles are trying to send the submerged objects.


I think the final privilege is just getting to ask Mother for a favor (i.e. spend resources in a 'suboptimal' way) in the same way Alis asked Mother to spend extra resources teleporting/landing Alden safely onto Artona I back in chapter 58/59


If it were to answer in text that would leave evidence, audio probably doesn't.


Let's hope so, otherwise there will be some very unpleasant plottwists for our dear Alden down the line.


It's pretty ancillary to the story but the failure of the system w/r/t translation services might / should encourage Aneisidorans to learn a single common language, and there's a pretty decent argument that it should be Artonan.

Guus van der Borg

And that is why ambulances don't charge in most countries. Having to hesitate to seek help because it might irreparably ruin your future must be a terrible feeling.

Guus van der Borg

Btw, what exactly do we think the system is actually busy with? Teleporting people, obviously, but is there anything beyond that? In what capacity do you think the system leading the response? It's obviously ordering certain avowed to do certain things, but I'm unsure as to whether the system itself has the authority to order avowed around. Wouldn't the knights, Anesidoran government, or a similar response team be in charge of giving the actual orders? Or is the system actually taking charge here? I feel like that would require more involvement than it has shown before. Against a chaos threat I might see it, as contracts were developed to fight chaos. But this incident is technically just some dumbass people screwing up. I feel like something like this would not technically be in the system's scope? Or would it be different because a significant portion of avowed are at risk?


The system definitely has the authority to order avowed around, although it has to follow the terms agreed upon in the contract. Human governments/laws don't mean anything to it. I think that, currently, the system is focusing most of its processing power on predicting other attacks while keeping the rest reserved, so it has max power to deal with said attackers or resist chaos.

Ano Ano

What? Wizard is explicitly not a requirement. Mother mentions that most knights take their studies of magic seriously, but it's not a requirement. Also, there have been non-Artonan knights in the past, but the only species besides Artonans with an innate authority sense is whatever Gorgon is.


I might be in the minority that feels this way, but I feel the jump to the other characters is out of place here. That section would be better between Ripples and Waves, or somewhere in Ripples. Maybe with another perspective it could be it's own chapter. Maybe narratively it is important that it's here, but to me this feels out of place and detracts from each other. Especially since you return Alden right back where we left him from the previous chapter. The connection to the tension that Alden is feeling is lessened. I had also found myself speed reading through the others perspective to get to Alden, and then going back for more in depth reading.


It's him officially becoming a Knight and probably having to leave Earth to start his Knight training and start working to fight Chaos.


Mother also commented that he is currently suffering most of the sacrifices without any of the benefits.


In Lute's section it says he has screens "in front of his eyes," plural Shouldn't that be in front of his eye singular, or in his sight?


No Kibby is not a side character! She is on her own educational journey but when she comes back, she will be a big part of the story as the new Primary summoning the best Avowed of all


It is not worth losing your heritage for the minor bonus of beihg able t o communicate in once-in-80-years catastrophies. Easier to just have infogear available in public places


It poses an interesting question of how the interface actually feeds you the images it displays.


The system is monitoring the planet for another attack somewhere while it's distracted (mentionned in a previous chapter with Zeridee). I think that the system takes a little bit of the people powers (or there is overflow when people are fully charged and not using it) and that is the budget that the system has to make stuff happens. There is several mention of a budget or something being to expensive, so the system has a limited pool of ressources. Like when Gorgon is linked to Kibby, he said that she does not have enough magic for what she wants (magic is linked to changing reality/imposing your view of what is true). So here the system stopped everything to be sure to have enough to respond to other (and maybe bigger) attack on earth


I mean the system's priorities are roughly: 1) prevent chaos, 1+N) Protect human life. Over the entire planet, with some kind of priority ranking for every person. It's having to track every person in basically real time on Anesidora in attempt to protect life and monitor for attacks. It's also trying to look elsewhere to find signs of attack. We know with direct attention the system can read minds, but it certainly can't do that on a mass scale. So now it's trying to juggle all of its priorities within all of its resource constraints - processing power, magic to fuel teleports etc. To use a US comparison: it's 9-11 and the towers just got hit for the first time at 8:45 AM. Even a super AI/Contract is going to have a /bad/ time trying to track and prevent another attack, and that is just (presumably) with an attack vector of planes. Add to that supers, teleports, and magic and it just got a whole lot more difficult. Avowed + teleports mean a much faster response time, but you've still got a massive potential attack surface and a high dimensional attack vector. I would be surprised if the System even knows who is behind the attack at this point - do we the reader know anything besides Heroes at Large being involved?

Josh Brooks

I guess this is true for an Alden-focused narrative. I’d be happy to see a continuation of side-narratives of the other classmates through Waves if that’s kept consistent, though. The combination to me makes the Sinker Sender (or whatever the name was) incident feel more real than if it was just Alden’s isolated perspective. Like, seeing how bad it ruins Anesidora and then having Jeffy get summoned to deal with it makes me more worried for him than if Alden fully got to safety and then we see this story. Plus, it’s cool to see everyone panicking alongside Alden in this event instead of two different chapters with Alden and then his classmates. Maybe if each Waves chapter started with a smaller jump to accomplish that, it would feel less jarring.

Nathan Rice

I think it wants him to affix his authority as foundation points instead. This is a perfect example of the potential benefits of superhuman physical abilities being more critical than the ability to cast some spells.

Josh Brooks

I love using math like this! Also, in “You’ve Grown,” Alden looks to have around 12 months before the next affixation based on the 13% growth he experienced post-Thegund. Did that time factor into the boundary conditions for the fit you introduced?


I wonder if the system is dropping aqua brutes onto large clumps of the Submerger particles. It could then teleport the clump after it engulfs the brute. Maybe to the Sahara where the brute gets covered in hot sand from a ground shaper. Seems like a method to neutralize the magic safely.


I'm fine jumping to other characters to see what is going on just this one felt out place in both timeline and narratively. We are not seeing how people are dealing or affected by the crisis. We are seeing them right before or right after. Hence I think this section would fit better between Ripples and Waves, but I don't know what the future chapters will have, and placement here will make sense for future chapters.

David J.

No,] he wrote. [I’m sorry for bothering you. I wasn’t thinking clearly. I won’t mention that subject again unless I mean it.] I hope Alden follows that with, “Hey while I gotcha I need medical help for this Artonan I’m carrying around.”

Michael Blue

While I view theorycrafting on the Patreon to be wholly appropriate, I also feel like I should let you know that the Discord has a Thread called Soup Math under the Patreon discussion that debates (among other things) how to best model leveling


I'm using "wizard" and "authority sense" interchangeably in this context


I didn't do an awesome job with my math here, but one problem slowing the process is that the bound authority also grows (likely also at an accelerating rate), which delays the point at which affixing becomes necessary

Andrew Boyer

Will “Jeffy got in!” Change his mind about aqua brute after all this?


Blows my mind that Royal Road is only on chapter 127 and they are only about 10 or so hours behind us in story


Of course in my head the sway was sitting, popping gum, and talking in a thick nyc accent "hold on, I'll connect you..."


Lots of countries already have English as a mandatory subject from elementary to high school, it's not like you can't still teach them another language first. It would benefit both unavowed, who would get a truly common tongue, and avowed, since even with translations, it's been mentioned that it can be difficult to focus on both the subtitles while engaging. It's part of the reason Alden chose Celena North High.


@Len Mother is described as the Kernel, which I had to look up to understand. The kernel is a core component of an operating system and serves as the main interface between the computer's physical hardware and the processes running on it. The kernel enables multiple applications to share hardware resources by providing access to CPU, memory, disk I/O, and networking. So, Mother isn't Artonan I, but the center of the web that includes all the systems?

C. Adkins

Dude. What?! That’s wild. And just shows how great the writing is that I do not mind how little time has passed.

John D Jones

Assuming he survives, Jeffy might change his mind about a lot of things. Just like cops, fire-fighters, EMTs and ER people, super-heroes often encounter people who are going through the very worst moment of their lives. Unlike those actual unpowered first responders, super-heroes are going to be expected by a lot those worst-moment-having folks to be the walking miracle that will fix/save everything. Except they can't fix everything or save everyone. Professional super-heroes know that, in part because they trained for a good four to seven years, quite a lot of which was learning to accept that awful truth. Jeffy's been at Celena North for... what? Maybe six or seven weeks? Now he's being summoned to real emergencies where people can and will die. That's going to be a baptism by fire where everything else is getting baptized by water. Sure Jeffy might decide "Hey, this water stuff is kind of awesome. I saved a toddler today." But then there's "Screw this. I'm transferring out of Hero Track to learn water polo or something. That toddler I couldn't save is going to haunt my fucking dreams."

John D Jones

@ Haganedragon Latency Alden wasn't in any real, "written out of the narrative" on Moon Thegund and that also true here. Whatever happens in or around Alden, he's going to survive it because he's the main character. Kibby was a little girl on Thegund and Sleyca probably wasn't going to kill her off either because Jesus-Fuck that would have been grimdark depressing. Following that Alden isn't in danger of getting written out here, either. He's going to live through it and be mostly functional when he does. No one else has that guarantee. The viewpoints we saw in the chapter were people in danger of dying during this part of the story. So a lot of people have a lot skin in this particular game.

Kim Enteiu

Typo, or glimpse into how well Lute is adjusting to monocular vision under all of the jokes? In his dreams does he have depth perception?

Jason Harpster

Do you honestly think the Warrior Contract on Earth doesn't know? The Contract on Earth is acting a bit like a resentful teenager doing a bare minimum job. Considering the whole "knight" issue vindictive might also be a good description. Aiden has her so oops her medical priority is on a scale of one being dying immediately and ten having a hang nail? Probably somewhere near infinity? As good as an inanimate object till he drops her. Whoch goves the contract a lot of Genie style wiggle room.


@ John D Jones I am not even sure what your first paragraph is addressing in my comment. I was talking about story flow and tension building, and there is a lot between 100% success and death. There is also a lot of stupid things Liam could do that makes Alden's job of carrying Zeridee harder or failing to maintain authority on her besides attacking him in panic. We have seen people act very stupid already. Alden has seen several people act foolishly and selfishly including Liam himself. Also even if we know that each story arc will have the best super happiest ending; good writing can cause us in the moment to feel what the character is going through, and forget that we will always get a happy ending. I wouldn't be surprised if Alden gets knocked out by something or someone, and Zeridee dies. He wakes up mostly fine but failed to save Zeridee. Hell it could simply be that his PTSD gets worse after all this, and is barely emotionally functional until he gets real therapy. It is the journey not the destination that matters. In my opinion his moment of fear and desire to escape by accepting Mother's invitation to become a Knight is detracted from the interruption to the other POVs right before. Speaking of the other POVs we are not shown or told that they are in any danger. The timeline jumped back to right before and briefly after the System started sending Danger messages to everyone. All this does reminds people they exist, and what they where doing before craziness happened if they had been forgotten. I hadn't forgotten them but others seemed to have. It's been about month and half since Jeff, Reinhard, and Astrid were left behind. Lute, Natalie, and the rest longer than that. Again I'm fine with and like the POVs I just think it out of place here, and should be moved to before Waves. I also admit I could be wrong because I don't know what is going to happen next.


Oh man. I can see the System blackmailing Alden in the future. I wonder if it's allowed to do that. "Give permission for me to affix you soon or I won't teleport you out."

Jason Harpster

Real Life Trivia Do you know what it took to get all of Russia speaking Russian? The Tsar fed up with; I think it was 80-100 seperate dialects at the time, paid a linguist to make a unique language. It was literally made to force people to learn a unique set of language rules in defiance to what they knew. He then made it the OFFICIAL language of his government and mandated all business be done in it.....at sword point. Buying a house? Learn Russian. Paying your taxes? Learn Russian. Thrown in Jail? Learn Russian. It took the better part of a hundred years to make "Russian" the official language of Russia. They had to out stubborn two or three generations of stuborn Slavic farmers which is an astounding feat all on it's own. ______ A unifying language in the story would have been a smart move in-universe irl, but frankly it would have killed a lot of pan ethnic flavor.


Realistically, they only need enough to get through an emergency. Taking a mandatory class in school would get people to the required competency. You don’t need to mandate everyone does business in Artonan, just that they can get around in it if needed.

Charlie Staner

I think that severely goes against its function. Making avowed in general despise it would be bad for business. To say nothing of making a future knight no longer trust it


Has this been the longest 24 hours or has there been another extra long one?


Ita not vindicative nor a teenager, zdee literally told us what he was doing. At most he is acting as a panicky L1 responder who really doesnt know what to do: "they never trained me for this T.T"


Reviewing the last 10 days and checking wtf went wrong and making predictions out of it

Jean Bohdel

Okay, this is my dumb editor-brain: but when you “use something as a prop” it’s like for a photo, as opposed to propping yourself up on something, which would be using something as a handhold so that you don’t fall. I try to sit on these things for a couple days to see if they still set off that twinge that makes me have to decipher the sentence. When I’ve read it each time I’ve thought “why is she taking a photo while she does that?” Love this chapter though! And obviously I’m fine being ignored. Writing should be about the writer’s voice getting through to the reader. Just wanted to let you know this took me out of the story for a bit.

Jean Bohdel

Depth perception comes from more than our binocular vision. We maneuver our heads the slightest bit when looking at things to help us determine objects in space.

Jean Bohdel

Yeah, I could see that. I almost wish each chapter had a break with a Quick Look at what is happening to someone else at that time, just to make it less of a surprise.

Jean Bohdel

In many fantasy worlds there is a “common” tongue for doing business or for emergencies. Having an official language isn’t the same as having everyone understand and be able to speak one language. There are very many places that use English and still continue to have their own language for anything that doesn’t require English.


I dont think the privilege called MOTHER which he got from not doing that would mesh well with the affixation "hey system can you route mr to MOTHER" "sure, but lets do the thing that she doesnt want you to do first :)"


While I think it can do that, I recall that affixation takes a lot of resources, especially after he's denied an upgrade. So, right now I don't think the system would prioritize doing an affixation when it's hording resources in response to a potential terrorist attack (what Zeridee said that the System thinks may happen as a follow up to the sinker/bomb).


I think we're just at the end of the 3rd week, with a potential week of "optional" school that they were allowed to attend prior to the start of the quarter.


I think also, that if Alden took on the mantle of Knight-hood, he would end up having some control over the Contract, or at least elevated privileges. So, as long as he's just an interesting avowed at this point, and honestly not in imminent life-threatening danger then he's low priority.

Matt DiMeo

Hardly anyone needs artonan. English or Mandarin are the top two languages on anedidora. And English is easier to learn.

Andrew Boyer

Yeah, I don’t think the hero track could have designed a better weeding-out event than this. They’re going to lose more than one student who’s decided on different life choices after seeing what hero work really entails.


I think the relevant context for a kernel is that it is the foundation, administrator, and highest authority of a system. Great analogy, speaking as a software dev, but I wouldn’t read too far into it.


I choose to believe the system was being creepy to convince Alden not to waste a favor. Earth is a troll and no one can convince me otherwise.

John D Jones

@ Haganedragon Latency My first and really whole post was "As Alden is the main character, he's basically got script immunity from death/crippling injury/stuff that would remove him from the story. Meaning there's not going to be much tension or suspense when Alden is "in danger." So if the story focuses solely on Alden, building tension and suspense is a little harder. Lute and Natalie do not have script immunity, so when their lives are in danger, we have to read them as being in actual danger. So suspense and tension are more of a thing. Beyond all that, having multiple PoVs helps create a sense of the scale of the disaster. This isn't Alden carrying Zeridee out of a small flash flood. It's something that really is affecting the whole island.

Partha Peddi

I am thinking that the next chapter might have the same format of other ppls perspectives before Alden. There are a lot of people to cover. Especially Lute's mom, Jessica's situation. Maybe even the wizards hearing Zeridee's authority wail. Water rescue heroics of Jeffy, the counsil with Ambassidor, the grandwitch maybe. Alden might finally exit out of the building by the end of the chapter.


@ John D Jones I understood your post. I explained why your argument is flawed, and does not apply to my opinion and criticism that the side character's POV is misplaced in this chapter. In fact you just argued for my point it is harder to build tension and suspense because he is the MC, so you should not do something that takes away from it. Case in point the tension about becoming choosing to become a Knight to save himself and Zeridee could be viewed as a state of failure. It would mean the end of his life on Earth and separation of all the relationships he has been building. He might be able to maintain a couple of friendships but not with everyone, and it would not be the same. Such an action would not remove him from the story, but alter his life and the story drastically. The fact you missed that point because your feel that the other characters appearance creates more tension I feel makes my point. Also Natalie and Lute are relatively safe they are S-Ranks and have high teleportation priority. Lute is on Campus and near shelter to get to. Now Lute's mom might be in danger if they are on the Libra, but we are not shown that. Emilija, I believe she is C-Rank and Hadiza is B-Rank, might be in the most danger of Natalie's group because of their low rank. We also don't know if the Casino is near F-City's shelter. If the update had shown Hadiza and Emilija running for their lives to the nearest shelter, or getting trampled on by a panic public then maybe it would create tension. If anything I feel like we were shown that they pretty safe compared to Alden. My criticism is for future re-edits for Royal Road or publish in Book format it would be best placed before Waves.


What were you trying to say when you wrote Parc des Batteurs ? It feels like you mistranslated something.


I struggle with Lute's mom. On one hand I think she genuinely cares for Lute, on the other she manipulated him in the worst way, and into something that not only did he not want at all, but also into something that is cannot be undone... ever. I dont know what the right answer is, or if there is a right answer at all.


"Alden's sleep schedule isn't aspirational!" - ahhh! I love this. I'm gonna steal this


This was my favorite line I've ever read


Here is another thing that blows my mind....the start of MagiPE started at chapter 98, I consider this the real start of school for Alden. This is about two weeks of time in the story, so if you do some maths you could almost say Alden's second year of school might start around chapter 600-800. I hope it speeds up somewhat.


I need Jeffy to live forever, and become the most popular and beloved Avowed of all time. I need a T-shirt with his face and quotes on it

Flying Goat

I hope so - I think the format worked quite well. Really want to keep up with Alden, but so many other folks that I'd love to see, too.

Flying Goat

It's busy refreshing Sleyca's Patreon page, to find out what happens next. Loading a page a billion times a second is a lot of work.


I thought it was a park with a French name. Google translated it as Tidal Flat Park.


Sooo Patreon comment does not permit a clean floor plan in text. No fixed width or code paragraph (at least I didn't find it) Sleyca, if you have more options in RR you could use the plan below when you get to this chapter. Just copy paste my answer to this in a simple text editor to see what it looks like.


╔═══╤══╤══╤══╤══╤══╤══╤══╤══╤══╤══╤══════╤╗s ║ │ │ │ Studios│ │ │ │ │ │ ┌┘║t ║ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┘ ┌┘↕║a ║ ┌┘ ║i ║ ║r ╟───┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┐ ║s ║ │ │ │ Studios│ │ │ │ │ │ ║ ║ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┘ ║ ╙ ┌─╢l Exit │↕║i ╓ ▼Long's └─╢f ║ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┐ ║t ║ │ │ │ Studios│ │ │ │ │ │ │ ║ ╚═══╧══╧══╧══╧══╧══╧══╧══╧══╧══╧══╧══╧════╝


Approximation: ╔═══╤══╤══╤══╤══╤══╤══╤══╤══╤═════╤╗s ║ │ │ │ Studios │ │ │ │ ┌┘║t ║ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┘ ┌┘↕ ║a ║ ┌┘ ║i ║ ║r ╟───┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┐ ║s ║ │ │ │ Studios │ │ │ │ ║ ║ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┘ ║ ╙ ┌─╢l Exit │↕║i ╓ ▼Long's └─╢f ║ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┐ ║t ║ │ │ │ Studios │ │ │ │ │ ║ ╚═══╧══╧══╧══╧══╧══╧══╧══╧══╧══╧═══╝ edit : wow, even the final product is not equal to the editing version...

Matt DiMeo

That’s a park on anesidora. It was briefly mentioned in the chapter where alden agrees to meet stuart.


Patreon's website and app are garbage. It's confusing how such a generally-successful company can do such a poor job.


As I thought, badly translated. It’s (le) Parc des Vasières, from la vase (sludge). Batteur is drummer, mixer, batter, hitter, batsman, thresher… it’s anything but tidal flats.


My prediction for the next chapter: Self defense.

Aidan Gorman

I'm a non avowed who has run 2 miles in snow barefoot, and more than 5 miles barefoot on asphalt for someone I love at the hospital. A b-ranked brute with my sister's life in danger? I'd have been running a long time ago

Aidan Gorman

the snow did suck but it stopped me from feeling some of the asphalt for a while

Milan Seyed Mahmoud

Don't mind me, just waiting in the soup line with everyone else


I think that might have been my fault, when I was answering your question, I typed in Parc des Battures instead of Batteurs into Google translate.

Andrew Khitry

Counter-pred: we have seen “refuse of the call”, now should be “challenge accepted”


Could be only 4 hours now! Or so.... (Waits 4 hours)... (Waits 4 hours)


I think it's less a matter of it paying attention and more that there are certain "triggers" which have a high priority and will grab it's attention. Like saying "Alexa" or "Hey Google" to a home assistant device. It was technically always listening, but certain conditions cause it to start really paying attention.


I feel like it would be more clear as Suffering -> Character -> Suffering -> Character. Suffering builds character, which puts him in situations where he will do the right thing and suffer for it.


We've already seen that this guy makes terrible decisions even when he has time to think things over. Panic doesn't generally improve things...


One day it'll be predawn! But I live under sleyca's feet so my time of hopefulness begins at midday...


Nb not prostrating after the feast Actually...


I'd assume it's named after drummers since all that we know about it is that a street musician was there. Oh and it's where Alden's parkour club met. I don't think there's anything that explains the name. Honestly, I wouldn't put it past Anesidora and Sleyca to have a park named after stand mixers for some reason. Dedicated to a baker-themed superhero, maybe.


She did manipulate him but I am not so sure if given the chance Lute would choose to switch to a different class. I think he has grown to like Chainer, specially the enhancements that help him with the harp.


Earth contract might be utterly on Alden's side ( my Avowed ) but artona I might not be ( my Alis ) My dog vs council's impersonal care of the entire neighbourhood


getting awfully hungry for... thirsty for? no. hungry. Getty awfully hungry for soup


I'm willing to wait until the arc is finished to even formulate an opinion on whether these PoVs were out of place. Compare the Maricel PoV during the obstacle course. At the time, I thought it seemed a little out of place; it made the cadence of the action kind of odd. But later, when we learn that she was contacted by Jacob with a plausible escape method, it seemed really good that we'd had that check-in with her mental state and what she currently knew about Jacob's plans. It made sense, then, that she rejected the offer, and gave us a retroactive view of what had been going on between her and the other resentfuls from intake.


I think changing the way you use every vision-based metaphor and cliche in the English language would be far too much of a pain to bother with just because you lost an eye.


@ppbro: I think the Chainer interlude had fewer chapters but more words. Even if that was mostly flashbacks covering an entire decade, it was being *told* over the span of a few hours.


You say that as if real-life place names make any kind of sense consistently. I know a guy from a town called Hickman.


But visual as and as I have had moments of hypos I guess the reference is to opiate withdrawals?


Mother..."Earth doesn't agree with me" and c60 about your stated desire vs actual desire , if I was Earth I would be obligated to choose the stated desire

Guus van der Borg

I'm from a place called (translated) Woodsandmountain. ...In the Netherlands. The place is as flat as a countertop...

Zenopath (AEV)

We're approaching the golden hour. I'm reasonably sure it is 52minutes until 12pm wherever it is Sleyca lives. (based on previous upload times)

Temp One

@Zenopath, It's 1am here, pacific time. On that note I must go to sleep. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Zenopath (AEV)

Well I could be wrong about where she lives. But I'm probably going to give up if she doesn't post within the next 43 minutes.

Zenopath (AEV)

I assume casting teleport is not an easy process. The system probably requires concentration to do it, and can only cast so many per minute. It's not like the star trek teleporters, someone has to cast a complex spell to make it happen, that someone is the Earth contract.


Bro my hand hurt from refreshing…


I have seen later posts I believe she's up late polishing again. She works hard for her money, do wop de do wop, so hard for it honey. We don't care Ask any AI.


ETA or comment from Sleyca about the chapter? These days I don't bother checking Patreon and wait for the email notification but this is usually the absolute latest time no?

H.S. Spudney

As long as it’s wednesday somewhere on earth sleyca aint late. Could be a couple hours. Could be a thursday update.


1.5 h left til midnight in the slowest time zone. My time zone is already Thursday 5 pm :(


So if she's in PST burning the midnight oil ( great band btw ) up til say 5 am again 1.5 hours?


Meh, 2 km is doable in maybe 10 minutes depending on the actual condition of their path. Not a big issue with good circulation. Sure it gets cold, but if you are only at around freezing it's doable.

Andrew Tobin

Fellow soup lovers. You never know what our supplier is dealing with, and the soup might be delayed. Deep calming breaths, and if it’s late in your area then go to bed and hopefully soup tomorrow.


dang it wrong chapter!! moving it....

James McKay

Jeffy being long for Jeff made me stop reading so I could laugh out loud for way too long. That was amazing.


Glad Alden stopped when he did. For now, the situation is horrible and scary and I can't blame him for the fear he is suffering under. But to owe an entity that even a Knight hesitated to owe, it would not be smart to do it even under such duress. It is harder to deal with regrets than fear for some. ...Jeffy making an argument that wasn't needed to be corrected. But I get it, he doesn't like the misconception, but Jeff being short for Jeffy made me laugh. Also, I enjoy the fanart if you are willing to share. I think they are great expression of affection for the beautiful work you put out. If the artist doesn't want it shared, then I understand how it is. Just happy people are sharing such things with you. People are just amazing at stuff like this.