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Hello everyone!

Firstly, I'd like to thank each and every one of you for the amazing support you've showed and for all the ideas you've provided for content you'd like to see.

Since the summer is here and it's hotter than ever, I'll be taking a step back for a while, as I'll be quite busy with travelling, work, holidays and other activities in the upcoming weeks or possibly couple of months that might prevent me from meeting your expectations. Due to this, I just wanted to inform all of you that while I'll still try to post content as often as possible, it will definitely be a lot less than it is now. Please keep that in mind if you do decide not to cancel your subscription. 

Of course I'll keep posting whenever I'm free and I'll continue uploading everything immediately after posting as I've been doing until now, so you shouldn't notice any changes when it comes to that.

Another thing to note is that while I'm busy, I won't be able to take requests, as those take quite a while to create. As such, I'll rename the "Personal Requests" tier to "Amazing Support" for the time being. For any current patron of "Personal Requests", I'll continue taking your requests until your plan expires, just keep in mind that I might be slower than usual with delivering them.

Since we're on the topic of changes, here's another one: I've been sending you the links to your content by making a post for each tier. Moving forward, the link for each month will be sent to you as a direct message on Patreon either when you first join or when a new month starts. I think this will declutter my page a bit and allow you to interact more easily with informative posts such as this one, as well as with polls. This change will be implemented as of August.

Once again, thank you so much to everyone for showing your support and appreciating what I do. In case you need any help, want to ask questions or just talk to me, feel free to message me!

I wish you all a great week ahead.



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