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Hey everyone, I hope you're having a great day or night!

Since I'd like to release some batches with multiple characters and a similar theme, I thought how I should sort them for you in the Mega folders. So I'd also like your opinion on this.

The way I did it this time is by creating a new folder dedicated entirely to batches with multiple characters (you can find the folder amongst the other character folders). However, what I don't like about this is that if someone is only interested in one or two characters, they'll have a harder time finding pictures they like in the mixed batches.  

My second idea was to keep doing it as I've been doing it until now and simply add a folder for each character with only that character's pictures from the mixed batch (I hope that makes sense?). Basically, instead of a "Multiple Characters" folder where I'd add today's Shion, Koyori, Moona batch, there'd be a new folder in each character's individual folder, only containing that character's pictures. The downside is that there won't be a "complete" folder for the entire batch.  

Let me know what you think and which way of organizing the folder will be best for you!



As you have right now is good enough (Character\Batch)