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A little audio to help you relax after a tough day c:


Script: Qisma!

Art: twitter @NPBEAR1010


/Door opens and closes. Seikyuu approaches./

Ah, Master, welcome home!

But, you’re back pretty late tonight.

How was your day—oh, my…

You look absolutely exhausted! Are you feeling alright? Here.

(Sei guides the listener to the couch, and sits them down.)

Let me help you with these.

(Helps to remove their jacket, shoes and socks, then gently rubs feet.)

Your feet are so swollen. I can feel your heartbeat pulsating through them!

I was starting to get worried when you didn’t come home at your usual time. I didn’t know if you stopped at the store, or got lost on your way back, or something like that.

Hm? Oh, you don’t have to worry about your feet smelling or anything, alright? Just focus on how good it feels to be off of them.

Besides, my gloves, much like my butlering skills, are many and multi-purpose! I’ll just change them when I’m done.

But, something more than just smelly feet has been on your mind, hasn’t it? I can see it in your eyes.

Is there anything you need to talk to me about? Don’t forget, I’m more than your loyal butler, y’know…

I’m also your friend, and friends talk to each other.

So, I’m all ears.

…Oh, Master! No wonder you look so worn out.

I had no idea you were going through so much..

Well, tonight’s the night all of that gets put on hold! Allow me to nurture your poor, frazzled mind!

Say goodbye to all of your worries, your strains and frustrations, your fears, your doubts, your taxes, your—

Ah, oh, y-you got the point.. right, sorry..

I guess I got a little carried away.. (giggles)

Anyway! Anyway, anyway, let’s get you ready for your nice, relaxing evening. I’ll put the tea pot on the stove while you go upstairs to freshen up. Yeah, I already have your pajamas set out for you, and anything else you need in the bathroom.

Enjoy your shower Master! I’ll be up shortly.

/Sei prepares the tea. Some time passes; the listener gets comfortable in bed. Seikyuu comes up the stairs and enters the room, closing the door behind him quietly./

Looks like we’re in for a little wind tonight, which will add some ambience to your evening, thanks to those delightful chimes right outside of your window.

Isn’t the chime interesting? It’s like the triangle, but instead of a person playing it, the wind does!

I guess you could call it nature’s Instrument.

Mm, you look nice and cozy in bed, just as you should be.

(Sets the tea down on the night stand)

But, your pillows look like they could use a good fluffing.

I know how you like your pillows extra snuggly.

(Sei fluffs the pillows)

Now lie back, nice and comfortable.

And finally, your tea.

How is it?

Ah, it’s just what you needed? I’m so glad to hear it.

Well of course I know it’s your favorite flavor. Every time I make you the perfect cup of your favorite tea you hug it close to you, and wiggle your toes, just like you’re doing right now. (Seikyuu laughs)

But the best part is seeing your smile, and knowing that I can make even your worst days a little bit better.

(starts to gently pet the listener’s head)

And that instantly makes my day ten times better.

So, what else can I do to serve you Master? Anything to make the prelude to your dreams as restful as possible.

You want to hear about my day? Oh, it wasn’t too eventful, really. Besides, right now isn’t about me, it’s about you.

Ooh, the sound of my voice is relaxing to you? Well then..

/Seikyuu talks a little bit about his day. As time goes on he notices the listener’s eyes starting to droop./

Hmm, looks like my story is doing the trick. The last thing we need to add, the cherry on top, is a lullaby.

Well, maybe it’s a lullaby, or maybe it’s a song that COULD be a lullaby, but it’s soothing nonetheless..

/Sei tucks the listener in, then sits close to continue pets. He starts to hum the tune, lulling the listener deeper into a peaceful slumber. Then, they turn to embrace his tail, making him jump slightly./

(Sei chuckles) Hmm, I suppose I can let you cuddle my tail for a little while.

(Finishes the tune. One forehead kiss)

yoi yume wo, Masutaa.

(Wind chimes)



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