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It's almost ridiculous. Even cartoonish... how much he's cum already. After saving him from being under a "charm" spell, well, Joker is back to his usual self, being the romantic boyfriend you love him to be. And, trust me, he's really enchanted by you tonight. By now, you're overflowing with his dripping wet seed, and he's got much, much more in the tank. Well, as they say, to the victor and hero, go the spoils. You saved him. You've earned it.

enjoy it.

Kind of a sequel to: https://www.patreon.com/posts/66806627

(but listening to that one first really isn't necessary)

Script/Improv: Seikyuu

Art: torso by Sasaichi.booth.pm


*snap* transition

Akira is on top of the listener, already deep inside, continuing the night for just a bit longer…

Beautiful…absolutely beautiful. You’re simply the perfect match for me, my cute little love. The mess we’ve made on the sheets…well, you should know I’m proud of it.

Huh? You’re saying it’s no fair cuz I got buffed up from getting charmed?

(Big fuck)

I dunno about that. You drained me pretty good back there in the palace safe room…

But…even if I did still have some of that spell inside of me, who better to enjoy it with than you, huh?

I can’t think of anyone one else who’d be able to last with me like this. Ahaha.

We’ve even run out of those flavored condoms you like so much.

… Hmm… actually, you know what, I’ve got an idea.

I just gotta pull out a sec, as much as that idea pains me.


Let me see…I think I’ve got a backup-backup condom under the bed.

Oh. Yeah we used that last time, huh.

Then, the backup backup backup under the flower pot.

Wh-what? That’s used too?? Damn it. We really do get kinda funky, huh.

I-I mean you’re right, I’ve already cum inside so much today it’s not gonna matter, but I wanna try something out. Something I’ve been forgetting to try out with you.

Hmm…backup to the fourth power…that’s…Ah!

Right, right. It’s between the pages of that new book I bought. Ghost Encounters. It’s a scary book, so that’s why it’s backup to the fourth power.

Ahem. Sorry for the wait…now then…


I’ll come closer to you…hey.

You can see it up close right? The condom feels so much tighter and loose because of how much dripping wet love you’ve given personally to my cock. Ehehe, you’ve done well.

I want you to take a good look at how much cum I shove deep inside you…kay?

Huh? It’s embarrassing? Headpat headpat. Don’t be. It’s something for you to be proud of. Aren’t you curious, anyway? Just…pay attention…okay? To my cock getting stroked…


(while he strokes himself, your hands begin to brush against your own sensitive parts…)

Ah…t-there…Love…you staring so closely at it…is giving me a whole new set of goosebumps…damn it…Are you getting hypnotized… When I rest it on your face…do you get a good idea of how much your cute little bitchhole can take?

Ah-ah-ah (no-no-no)

As much as I’d love it, no using your tongue right now…ah….there…g-gonna…Ah….fuck….

I-It’s….gonna….I’m gonna…. fucking…cum….Ah! Hah…Ah!  G-Grab it! It’ll fly off! Ah….ha….

Ahh….i-it’s pumping into the condom…s-still…

Ahaha…s-so maybe the spelis still in effect…huh? It’s…kind of impossible considering how much there’s already inside of you.

(he pokes you there)

I’m starting to think it’s a shame that it’s not flowing inside you right now…

Heh. Change of plans! Right on the fly!

I just gotta lift up your legs! Right to the sky!

There… I’ll support your back with my left hand…spread you open with my right hand…and finally…

Bite the tip of the condom with my mouth…like so…

So…get a good look, okay? Let’s see my energetic cum, vigorously drool into you…


It’s mesmerizing…it’s like pouring syrup into a cup…

Ah…dang. Gravity’s not enough to get it through…

One more idea! I’ll shove the end of the condom into you…come. Hold it in place, please. One end inside you. The other hanging off and against the bedframe…


(drop onto the bed)

Now hold still. I’ve got to aim it just right to get the perfect kick.

Huh? Yeah kick! Let’s push all of that cum inside you in one blow!

(Hah!) (kick)


Ah…you feel full? I bet…it pushed your tummy out a bit here…(slap)

Seeing you like this…oozing my cum. It’s really a perverted sight.

It’s got my cock so hard again…

(pull elastic)

Love…I…I just want to do it again…okay? I have a feeling…it’ll feel the best that we’ve ever done it…

You feel excited too…?

Eheheh…good. (kiss)

Then, before it leaks…I’m gonna bury my cock in you. Gonna be slippery, I bet…so hold on, okay?

(pick up)

(tap tap tap)


Ahh…when you wrap your legs around me and look at me so cutely like that…t, I just…can’t stop…no matter how much I cum inside you, you know? You’re incredible, my love. So sweet, with such a slappable butt.


Heheh, sorry. I couldn’t help it. Was it too loud, you think? I felt you clench all around me…

Probably because it got so wet from everything, huh…

Hey. Grab hold of my neck too now, I’ll pick you up…like…this!

Ahaha, too cute.


Let’s keep going… Huh? There’s a mirror behind me. Good. (step step)

That way you can catch glimpses of yourself, and see the kind of cute faces you make when we’re together, and when you drip, drip drip onto the floor.

Don’t let go…okay?

Keep screaming my name…okay?

Huh? You’ll pass out of embarrassment like that? Huh…now you’ve got me curious…

Let’s see if it’s true.



Haah haaah


Yeah again. I can’t help it…like  said. You’re just so beautiful…and you turn me on so much…Don’t you know my favorite color is red? My tomato-faced fuckdoll should look in the mirror again, then!

Fuck fuck fuck…




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