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Script and Art: Quisma! (thank youu ;A;)

(Crickets) (Shuffling)

Ya just gonna stay down there, or do you have a reason for snooping

around my hut again? Just come up already.

(Steps, curtain opens)

Look, Chrome, I know you're excited about the exhibition, but we have to wait until--

Oh, it's you. Sorry about that; I thought you were someone else.

Funny though, you strike me as the night owl type, too.

So, what's got you all bright-eyed?

Oh, can't get to sleep either, huh? Join the club.

Then again, this isn't new to me. I'm usually over by that telescope at this hour, searching for answers to this conundrum we've been forced into..

Have I found anything?

(Stands. Walks)

No, nothing yet, but I'll find it... (Glass clanks) Just gives me another reason to get up there.

(Pours drinks)

It's funny... When I was a kid, I remember claiming the moon was always

following me, like it was obsessed.

My old man had jokes, claiming it was in love with me..

But as I got older, I came to realize that I was the one in love...

I craved more; I could never get enough of it.

There's so much about Space that we don't even know yet; reaching the end of our Galaxy was just scratching the surface..

There is no definite end to it, which makes it more complicated to detect recognizable abnormalities within it.

It also doesn't help that we're still years behind on resources and equipment..

Heh, in a way, Space has been quite an elusive mistress.. (Approaches listener)

But it's gonna take more than just a few thousand years to keep me from getting to her..

Hmm? Yeah, this is wine. It's simple enough to make,  but a real pain in the ass if

you're just starting off.

Fortunately, we've improved our wine-making methods so it's way easier to produce.

Here, try it. If you don't want to, you don't have to, but one sip won't kill ya.


Ooh yeah, that's a 10 billion percent improvement from the first batch.

Eh? I look too young to drink?

(chortle)  Taiju said something similar to that when we first made it; I'll tell you what I told him:

We're over 3700 years old, so I'd say we're totally past the legal drinking age.

Think about it logically. Despite the lack of effect time had on our bodies, it never stands still, so we continued to age.

Besides, I don't drink it regularly; it's just enjoyable on a night like this.

My mind, as I'm sure you've noticed, is always going; nowadays it's even moreso, so it helps me relax.


Aside from the obvious, no matter who you are, nobody is ever truly prepared for the end of the world..

But when you get the opportunity to restore it, there isn't a millimeter of a chance you'll find a

strategy guide for that.

I never imagined that I would be doing something as intricate as this..

I was even lucky enough to find my friends to help me with this journey.

As far as I know, we may not even complete everything in our lifetime, unless we miraculously come up with a way to stop the aging process without petrification..

Why do I want to bring it all back?

(Chuckles) Because there's a big difference between taking a risk, and taking a life..

When everyone's lives paused is where we're gonna continue.

Granted, some people may not be able to adjust to such a culture shock, and everything won't be exactly as it was before.

Life in our time was the way it was because Science allowed us to live that way..

Many of them would be convinced they couldn't survive in the wild..

That's why it's imperative we make life livable for everyone, and restore civilization one step at a time..

There are certain people I'm looking for, ones that can make it happen.

I've noticed anyone from our time share a unique trait..

You wanna know what it is?

Turn around and take off your shirt..

(*SMACK!*) GAH!! What the hell was that for?! No, I'm not being a creep, I'm trying to prove a point!

Here. (Rubs) Feel that scar? Bet you didn't even know you had it, huh?

Anyone that's broken free from the stone, myself included, has these unique scars.

I'm convinced it's a sign they served a specific purpose, and can bring

their knowledge into the stone world..

Then again, this is merely a hypothesis. I have no definite proof yet.

I can say I've never seen a scar pattern like yours before, though.

You could be quite useful to me, but we'll see as time goes on..

Well, that's if you choose to stay..

I want to get to know you better, and there's so much I'm willing to teach you, if you think you can keep up.

Also, I want to see what else you can bring to the Kingdom of Science.

You've helped so much already, and you show great promise.

So, whaddya say?

(Chuckles) That's exhilarating!

Let's make a toast... to a new ally.

Welcome to Ishigami Village.

(Glass clanks)



Akemi Kaname

Good science boi. Very cute and baby.


Could we possibly get a NSFW version please!!