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First Doctor Stone audio I've ever done! I hope it's okay ^^ 


Script and Art: Quisma! (thank youu ;A;)

[ pouring liquid]

[stone cracks, breaks open]

So, you’re awake.

Took ya long enough.


Hey, relax. Don’t stand up too quickly. While the serum is a healing agent in itself, your equilibrium still could have undergone some adverse effects during your petrified state...

Yeah, you heard right, but I'll explain in a moment.

First, take my hand. I may as well help you up; I don’t intend on carrying you back to the village, too.

So, tell me, do you remember who you are?


What’s the last thing you recall yourself doing?

Hm, I see. So that’s what’s kept your mind going after all these years…

Well, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but the world you once knew has been destroyed, and humanity underwent a strange phenomenon, turning every person on Earth to stone.

Some, such as yourself, have recovered, and are surviving…

Others, not so lucky, to say the least…

But many are still petrified and waiting…

[Walking. Birds chirp]

The year is 5723 A.D… Over 3700 years have passed.

Modern-day society has ceased to exist, and the concept of man vs. wild has become a reality.

Thousands of years of evolution had been decimated in the blink of an eye, lost in a green light that swallowed the world…

(Chortle) You should see your face right now. I know, it all sounds completely illogical, doesn’t it? I really wish that was the case. I couldn't believe it myself at first…

But telling you about it isn’t convincing enough, apparently. Here, come with me, and I’ll show you proof that will 10 billion percent change your mind.

[Walking through tall grass]

I’ve been rattling my brain over it for months now, and only 3 hypotheses keep coming to mind:

A virus from an unknown source.

A government experiment gone horribly awry.

Extraterrestrial experimentation...

I sound like some kind of mad scientist, eh? I wouldn't say mad, but I do support every aspect of it.

Science made life what it was, and I'll do whatever it takes to bring it back..

Even if it means going to war..

Science is the reason humanity was able to accomplish unfathomable feats, and balance the necessity of brain and brawn to make it happen.

It’s exhilarating, watching thousands of years of dedicated work being re-created like it's brand new..

Even so, I intend on returning centuries of evolutionary accomplishments in a sprint. The Kingdom of Science will restore the world to its original state, before humanity was turned to stone.

And I need as much help as I can get to do it..

I found you during a good time of the year. Had you woken up too soon, you would've had a 10 billion percent chance of catching your death.

This would have definitely been the case had I left you bare ass naked.

After taking note of your physical measurements, I had one of my village seamstresses design you  some temporary clothing until we returned to—

Huh? Yeah, you were naked.

Ya think clothing could survive 3700 years of elemental impact? Yeah right. That's illogical thinking at its finest.

Besides, it’s no big deal; we all start that way, am I right?

Anyways, before I had your clothing made, I  examined your body, and made certain every inch of you was undamage—

No, I didn’t do anything to you! I dunno if you've already forgotten, but you just broke free from a stone prison!

(Scoff) I’ve got more important things to think about than feeling up a statue.

Just calm down, would ya? (mumbles) You’re worse than Ginro…

Look, we can talk more about that later.

Come over here and help me collect these Echinacea plants. I had originally ventured out here to stock up on medicinal supplies.

Plus, the fresh air will do you good.

[walking, birds chirping]

It’s impressive, isn’t it?

The flowers and plants that used to be on the brink of extinction now flourish, which gives us an even stronger advantage.

[Picking flowers]

Lucky for us, Echinacea is perfect for curing illnesses in this age. The air is healthier, so ailments like the common cold, flu, or absolute worst-case scenario, pneumonia are all we have to keep an eye out for.

At least for now. Even so, there are no hospitals to go to, so all medicines are made from scratch.

(Chuckle) I impress you with how much I know? This is just kid’s stuff.

Just wait til we get back to the village..

I’ll share some deep, contemplative chemistry with you that’ll really get you excited..!

There, that should do it for the first step. Let’s head back.


What's that? I never introduced myself? (Chuckles) I'm pretty bad at that I'll admit.

My name is Ishigami Senku.


You recognize my name from a NASA broadcast?


Yeah, that… that was my father you heard. Didn't think the guy would ever get his ass up into space, crazy old man.

But he did it, and I couldn't have been more proud of him. If anything, he helped pave the path I’ve been following all my life..

Even now.

If it wasn't for him, I…

What? I look like I'm about to cry? Please, sentimental emotions don't move me one millimeter.

But we have stuff to do and not enough time to do it, so let's get out if this field.

Professor Senku has a lot to teach my new little villager; you better get excited!




Omg this is already gonna be amazing I can just tell haha. Huge crush on senku.


Hehehe, same here! I always thought Senku had a unique charm about him; I think his intelligence and demeanor make him even more appealing. 💜