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Study date with Todoroki! But...it looks like it's at his house. It's a bit short, but here's his welcome!

Written by: Roxyfox

Art: https://kimbapchan.tumblr.com/ https://twitter.com/kimchiloid?lang=en


T: Can you get snacks on your way here?

[Knocking sound ]

T: { chuckles opening the door} Hey…. You’re here then Nevermind ...

Mc: [ Makes a bit of loud Scuffling ]

T: Hey Hey shhh! Remember you have to be quite My father can be here at any moment of the day not that he comes near my room to start with but still… come in my brothers and sisters are in their rooms but they don’t mind plus they are all studying…

Mc:[ giving a sad sigh]

T: I know it's hard to meet here like this if only my dad Could see you for you and not your quirk….. Here give me your hand lets head to my room I’ll take your jacket

Mc:[takes off jacket]

T: my room is down the hall to the third right ill get some tea and hang up your jacket...

[ heads over to get hot tea returning to his room finding mc sitting on his bed ]

T; Are you comfortable? need anything else?

Mc:[ sakes their head ]

T; [ sitting next to mc handing them a cup of tea ]

T: Hey don't look so down you know ever since I brought you to meet my mother she has been asking about you a lot ….. I think she is overjoyed that I found someone I truly love….not falling for your quirk but you…... I know she doesn't want her children to end up like my father and here so she loves you quite a bit you know she is already calling you her daughter

Mc: [ surprised almost dropping the empty teacup but Todoroki catches it ]

T; Woah there are you really that flustered over that? Haha I actually find that super cute I'll have to tell mother how excited you are about it

Mc: [protest but Todoroki shushes them with a kiss ]

T: Remember I told you you can't be your normal quite self so settle down we should get started with studying? Get your books out we both want to get into the same agency so we both have to work hard I’ll get some snacks…….

[ Shoto gets up walking outdoor slides open and his steps fade out ]



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