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Something Right

Hey there! Seikyuu is here with a positivity alarm. I wrote this after I thought about a visit with my doctor. With my own body, I have a lot of issues - conditions that I don’t want to have, and goals that feel so far away to reach. And that thought makes me sad. There are many things that I feel are “wrong”. I don’t particularly like that phrase, but, having things that I’m not happy with right now is fine. That just means I’m human.

I’m alive. But, I want to be happy, and it is times like these where I think it could be best to have a flip in perspective. Instead of beating ourselves over what’s wrong with ourselves. Let’s take the time to remember that there are many things that are right! I hate that I have tinnitus, but I love my voice.

I love my eyes, I love my kindness, I love my determination, I love my ability to understand and empathise, I love myself, rights and wrongs.

Your turn! Let’s try it for 1 minute! Tell me what is right with you, because if you’re here and alive, there must be something right with you! I’ll be listening.

Breathe one minute.

Aha. Thanks for being a part of this! It’s not the easiest thing in the world to do, but I’m proud of you for thinking of some stuff. Even if you haven’t figured out the right words to say about yourself, I’m hoping that you’re beginning to. Please keep at it. Something is right with you, and you’re powerful enough to say it out loud!

See you soon!

Be safe!

(art by hemmmlock) https://twitter.com/hemmmlock




I love that I’m constantly striving to learn/grow as a person. It’s full of growing pains, but I’ve done so much for myself recently. I love my curls, my eyes, my health, my singing/speaking voice, and how I try my best to be there for others when they need it. ...I love that I try, every day, to be a decent person. I love that I care about bringing joy to someone’s day. Thank you for this Positivity Alarm, Seikyuu. I really appreciate you. You’re amazing~!! ✨❤️✨


I love that I am a survivor. A survivor of many things. That is one thing that I am most definitely proud of. I strive to look for the beauty in life. And to find beauty in the smallest of ways. Life is beautiful. Cherish it. I love how that's how I view life. It used to be the opposite but as I've grown I definitely changed my views. Thanks for the positivity alarm. ♡♡


I have tinnitus, too. But I'm get used to it. It will get louder when the surroundings is quiet. Almost sleep with it every night. I’m trying not to use earphones and other ways to protect my ear. Hope I’m not going to be deaf XD The first thing I love is my drawing and art, it’s really amazing to show own thoughts on the pictures. The other thing I love is I’m fortunate enough to meet such beautiful voice(I’m not a hentai plsXD