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"No one’s going to help you. Let’s cut to the chase. Where the fuck did you hide the key?"

Script by: Galaxii

Art by: @Cosmicpens // https://twitter.com/Cosmicpens


The dark and lacking oxygenic atmosphere mixed with iron scents from human remains is spread cubically around the chamber. Human decay was unbearable to see and worse to take a scent from. A steel door slams shut, the lights flickering, and sound of shoes hammers the silence.

(Foot steps gradually increase volume to his victim)


( Slaps his victim ) ?! (Yah!/Hey!) Wake up! I don’t have much time to be chatting with a peasant.


( Confused and shuffling their seat while screaming for help) …


(Threatens them with a knife) No one’s going to help you. Let’s cut to the chase. Where the fuck did you hide the key?

Listener pauses from the sight of his machete appearing close to their throat and looks at Jungkook like they received amnesia.


What key?


… “What key?” you asked?... ( Fake laughing ) … You’re joking huh? Augh ?? (shi-bal/fuck) … Are you playing games? Or just dumb like Jimin?… In fact, I’m surprised your ass woke up from being induced from strong melatonin

Listener tries not to cry from the amount of stress they’re receiving.


(Grabbing the listener’s hair while sliding closer to them) LOOK. AT. ME. Let’s try this again. The key. I’m here to retrieve that metal bullshit to open a volt… You ... (Gripping harder on their hair) know where it is…. Or so I was told- (Shoving their head away)

Jungkook checks his Rolex watch as his victim wastes his limited time.


(Trying to reassure Jungkook that they have no clue what key they’re looking for or how they’re involved with this mess)


(Scoffing) Pardon? … I’ve heard worse bullshit that came from that mouth… but your face says something else…

Jungkook grabs the bottom of the listener’s jaws and levers their head to look at the dusty ceiling.


(Tilting his head, whispering closely to the listener) Do you enjoy this? ….. Is me gripping onto your hair a pleasure for you? … Are you pleased to be constrained? … Masochistic slut. (Slapping the listener again) ... ?? (shi-bal/fuck) ...

Swn: omg yesss dadddddddyyyyyyy

Jungkook’s impatient level soared to space. He takes out a simple gun and places a bullet into a single round in a revolver. After he clicks back the barrel into the device, he spins the cylinder until another click alarms.


(Breathing heavily, keeps on reassuring him that they have no clue where a “key” is)


Shut up. If I could right now, I would have sliced your abdomen and choke you with your intestines…. (Licking his lips) We both know that you know where the hell that shit is … except you’re wasting my time. It would have been a “to-go” order, but unfortunately, I have to speak with YOU (Pressing the muzzle onto the listener’s forehead) I’m sure you’ve heard of this game before. You know… Russian Roulette … If you don’t tell me the answer, you have a 5… 3… or maybe 1 out of 6 chance to live…


(Highly intimidated by Jungkook’s game and shuffles around the chair)


(Snickering, shouting) ??! (pal-li/Hurry up) ??! ??! ??! ??!


(Highly stressed out and continues to escape)


?? !!!!! (pal-li/Hurry up)


( He pulls the trigger, but fails)

His victim’s heartbeat bangs harder against their throat and the only sounds that ring their head. Jungkook’s first shot was a fail, but a fortunate chance for them.


I should take note on your name. You’ve lived longer than these people accompanying us in this room right now.


(Trying not to give in)


Huh? … So, you’ll admit it? It’s been (time) minutes and (time) seconds, dear. This better be well spent together… (Snickers once more while spinning the barrel again) Be quick about it before this muzzle shouts…


(Shaking from head to toe)


3… (Clicks the gun) 2 …


(Stares at Jungkook with horror)


1 …. (Stares back and pulls the trigger, but once again fails)






(Admits to Jungkook that they ate the key that he’s looking for)


Hehe… heheheh… (Laughing gradually increasing louder)

Swn: (Shrek voice) this is the part where you run away


ARE YOU SERIOUS? THIS WHOLE TIME? … If that’s what you confess … ( Takes the knife off the table and points directly to their abdomen)

A muffle and terrorizing scream zoomed. Jungkook’s hand was placed on top of their mouth to block the rest of the volume from interfering with his hearing. Nearly five minutes have passed, the screaming became silent and their blood trailed onto the floor; his hands were covered in crimson along with his clothing. With no remorse, he dug through his victim’s abdomen to discard the key from their system.


Roxy Fox

Omg the last sfx got my gut doing flips >~< but I loved it!! I'd love to e Hear like a story or like how they both got to the current situation


Seikyuu Fandom: Alright....who did this? Army:....huh?....oh...us??? Noooo.....we just gave him a little nudge. Seikyuu Fandom:.....nudge....YOU PUSHED HIM OFF A CLIFF Army:Exactly....nudge*sips tea*


im- 세이큐씨...왜 이것을 만들었 니....