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Hey there everyone! Seikyuu is here! If you are in the tiers that have the reward of the Discord call, please message me when you can so we can schedule it!

Also! I'm thinking about releasing a tier that offers a shorter call for a shorter amount of money. For example, 20$ for 20 minutes? How does that sound?

Also! When would you guys like to have Karaoke Night? Maybe instead of karaoke we should just have a movie night XD



$15-$20 for 20 minutes sounds reasonable tbh👌👌 ALSO A MOVIE NIGHT WOULD BE AMAZING


Great idea for the 20$ - 20 minutes!! Also, Movie night?! Heck YES!

Roxy Fox

I am soooo down for a movie night :3 that's a cool idea call wise ^~^ but make sure your able to manage that all kyuu! And not over do it ^^


It'd be cool if you can interchange between movie night and karaoke night each month :D