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Hey there, everyone! Seikyuu here! While I've been taking care of the whole Youtube stuff and getting everything situated, I realized that it was about that time of year I made a Patreon account. Back then it was a little tiny seed that was nothing but a seed for 9 months, being kept alive by the money I saved up from my part-time job at college.

And now, this seed has blossomed into a loving and supportive community. I...I sincerely am thankful for all the kindness that you've shown me. Especially during the times where I've felt down and out. You've been here to support me and give me reasons to keep going.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you. You've brought more happiness into my heart than words can ever achieve. It's not much, but I've updated the "About Me" Page that shows here. I want to get together and have a celebration sometime soon, but this whole youtube termination fiasco has me staying up late and being busy with an endless list of things to do. Hopefully, we'll be able to have a little celebration soon!

Tomorrow, Monday, I'll be giving myself time to work on the Nagito Komaeda audio and the Joker Versus Akira audio too. They're both pretty long, so I hope you'll be prepared for them!

With a smile on my face,



Tania B

Yay!!! This announcement is a little B-Day gift. Glad to hear you’re still going strong. Keep up the great work, Seikyuu.