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Hey there everyone, Seikyuu here! Unfortunately and very sadly, my youtube channel was taken down by youtube late last night. Apparently it was taken down because of multiple videos depicting NSFW stuff. I did everything right by age-restricting the videos and all, but...somehow we’re in this situation now. I...I know that everything will be okay, but I’m scared and I’d be happy to hear any advice from you all. I want to keep doing my best, but it’s been a pretty hard blow. Sigh. At least Patreon is still okay. I don’t know what I’d do without you all.



Keep your chin up! We're all here to support you! Maybe it'd be good to think about branching into sites other than youtube? I'm not sure what's out there but wherever you go we will follow and help you grow!


Did you Know AkiraDubs has the same problem? His channel was always been taken down by youtube couple of times, but he still creates account whenever it happens Or try talking to the youtube support? And probably discuss it? I mean Youtube keeps getting shittier everytime


Maybe you could make your nsfw previews (keep them relatively sfw) but if you want people to have access to the free full version you could link to another place? Like google drive or something?


That sucks massively!! Maybe try making nsfw previews, with the tame stuff in the video and when it gets steamy you end it and link to maybe soundcloud? Maybe make a few back ups?

Janelle Blake

YouTube is just a shit place and just when you started streaming too 😣😣. Maybe try talking to the support team and such, but I would start thinking of other places to go to. Maybe SoundCloud? I don’t think they’ll take down your audios.


YouTube guidelines are really tricky to traverse, so a lot of ASMR role players follow this basic formula for NSFW content: 1. Post a preview on YouTube but ending it before it actually gets mature. 2. Link in the description to the complete role play, which is either their Patreon or a link that expires after a certain amount of time (most people use Google Drive as it archives and it’s easier to remove the content yourself).


I don't know if this is the path you want to go, but I make NSFW audio fiction and I just upload it to PornHub. I know there's a kind of stigma associated with porn sites, but I wish there wasn't. Adult content, adult artwork, is just as valid as any other kind. The vast majority of humans are sexual beings, and sexually stimulating material makes us happy. I freely admit this and anyone who wouldn't is probably lying! So maybe consider a dual-channel solution? And with PornHub, if you get big enough I'm pretty sure you can monetize your channel, which YouTube would probably never allow for a channel with NSFW content. Either way, I wish you the best of luck with whatever direction you decide to go in! We have your back, don't give up. YouTube has screwed over a whole bunch of channels I love recently, not just NSFW ones. They're honestly not a good platform.


I don't think i could agree with Christin unless you want some unwanted attention, but I do agree with whatever else she and everyone else said. Don't let this get you down. Speak to them and reason with them. Make it clear that you were following the rules regarding your content and try to convince them that you are doing nothing wrong. I know you got this, and I'll still have your back! Chin up!


Not sure what you mean by "unwanted attention"... the people on pornhub are just people, the exact same people who use YouTube, in fact. We're all human. It's not like they're monsters or something! But anyway, that's the last thing I'll say on this issue.


I am with what others have said hun. It is unfortunate that Youtube chose to do what they did, and I know it is hard, but don't let it discourage you or stop you from doing what you enjoy. As others have stated as well, We are with you, so... yeah ^.^