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UPDATE: The first episode is here! 

Hello, my beloved devotees 🖤

Because I don’t typically answer DMs, I wanted to find another way to connect with you. I’m going to start a new series where every week, you can submit questions and I will answer them in an audio recording.

Here are some ground rules:

1) Don’t be weird or an asshole. I hate that I have to say this. I don’t think any of you will be, but I had to get that out of the way first.
2) Address me as Goddess — you are in my temple, after all. ;)

Actually, that pretty much covers it. I’ll probably have to add or remove rules as this series continues.

Please comment your questions below!

xoxoxo nadya 


Jack Nocturne

Goddess 🙏 Do you have any tips on becoming better at going very deep for you?

Society Slave

I don't have a question, Goddess; I just wanted to say thank you for being mindful of consent and caring about the well-being of those who would seek to enter your temple. I look forward to going where you would lead.


Thank you for your comment :)I recorded my response to you here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/confessions-of-99136140?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link

Leah Moranus

I also am looking forward too where you will lead Goddess