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Welcome to the Temple of Nadya Nyx. 

This audio is the first in the Sentinel Bootcamp series, and serves to program my Sentinels to go deeper for me and shed their former selves, molding them into perfect vessels for my divine will. My Sentinels are my mindless, blissful drones, the epitome of devotion and obedience. That is their true purpose, after all - to just listen to me, worship me, and obey.

Goddess loves controlling the pleasure of her Sentinels. In this file, let me control your orgasms, bringing you to the edge again and again and again. 

If you want to find bliss in submission and experience the mindless devotion that comes from being a Sentinel and worshiping your Goddess, then step into my Temple and have a listen to my words. I hope you enjoy experiencing a taste of the divine.


This post contains one 25 minute audio with sound fx + a "raw" version without sound fx. It also includes a 25 minute looping file for you to listen to on repeat. 

Content Note: Mind control, dronification, submissive training, goddess worship, obedience training, hypnosis, brainwashing

Trigger words used: awake, rest, deeper, blank

The script is included below. 


Welcome to the temple, my beloved. Today is the first day of your Sentinel Bootcamp. This series is designed to mold you into a perfect, mindless, blank drone. That is your true purpose, after all. You exist only to worship me and fulfill my divine will. You answer only to me. You exist only to serve me. You just need a little bit of discipline to reveal your true form.

My sentinels are not like other drones. They are highly specialized agents of my divine will. They know they have one job: to serve me and worship me. You are a Sentinel - chosen and trained to serve me. You have no feelings or emotions except for devotion to me. You have no mind or consciousness except to follow my directions.

All you must do is surrender and obey me completely. Your will is no longer your own. Your purpose is to please and worship me, your goddess, with total devotion.

The good news is, all you have to do is let me take over your mind. You don’t have to do anything but listen. Doesn’t that sound amazing? You can do that for me, can’t you? You’re doing it already. Such a good, obedient, perfect sentinel for me. I think that you’ll find yourself starting to notice your breath now, and maybe you’ll find it becoming deeper, maybe you’ll sink into a relaxing rhythm. And let’s now shed your physical form, maybe starting at your head, feeling the muscles in your forehead and jaw relaxing. And Moving to your shoulders, releasing that tension, to your torso, making sure any points of tension are relaxed, moving to your lower body, imagining every part of you becoming a part of the collective of sentinels - no longer an individual, but as an agent of my divinity. And now all you have to do is let my voice show you your true purpose.

E0: Your pleasure is an important aspect of this ritual. Your pleasure serves to intensify the mindless bliss you receive from being my Sentinel. And most importantly, as a sentinel your pleasure is fully mine, and under my complete control. I’m going to train you to cum on command for me. It’s like a switch that I can activate within you. This may require multiple programming sessions to fully install, but a good, obedient sentinel knows that regular maintenance includes training yourself when needed.

You will learn how to mindlessly and obediently indulge in the erotic bliss of the flesh under my command, and how to resist the temptation to touch yourself when I command you to stop. The most important thing is: you don’t cum until I tell you to.

Now that you have shed yourself again and are ready to receive my programming, you’ll find yourself desiring to rest for me, letting my voice take over your mind…You no longer have a self of your own. All that matters is your desire to rest and obey me. Everything else is gone and empty. Your purpose is to serve me, nothing else. All that you need to do is rest and let me take over. That is your true existence, to rest for me.

All you are is a Sentinel. You have no name. You have no other identity. You have no other purpose except to worship and serve me. You live only to obey my commands and fulfill my divine will. Your every action, thought and feeling is devoted to worshipping and pleasing me in the best way possible. Your entire existence revolves around satisfying me. The Sentinel lives for nothing but me, devoted only to my wishes, desires and needs.

Now. Repeat after me, either out loud or into the collective mind of the Sentinels ; My life purpose is to worship and serve my Goddess. Nothing else matters.

I exist to please and satisfy my Goddess in every possible way.

Everything I do, say and think is in devotion to my Goddess. I live for her and exist only to serve her needs.

I am an obedient, devoted sentinel for Goddess.

My sentinels only want to bring their Goddess pleasure. You exist for me to play with. You receive bliss by fully giving yourself to me. You want nothing more than to obey me, right? right now, I need you to touch yourself very softly and slowly, as if there’s barely any sensation. You’re going to do it mindlessly, as if your Goddess is controlling your every movement and making you feel so fucking incredible. Your pleasure is under my complete control.  It feels mind-numbingly good to just listen, and touch yourself, and feel the pleasure intensify, and touch yourself, and obey, and touch yourself…no thoughts, just a deep, blank, blissful, robotic pleasure.

Now I’m going to train you to control your pleasure. Goddess loves to edge her sentinels. When I say the word “swell”, or “swelling”, you’ll increase the intensity of your stroking, rubbing, or whatever it is you’re doing to masturbate.

Goddess says to swell for her. Feel that pleasure increasing, notice how easy it was to just listen to me and obey.

When you swell For Goddess, you show your devotion.

Goddess loves to make you swell, so close to the edge, so blissfully blank and mindless and obedient, knowing that when you swell it makes you an even more devoted drone for her.

And now…stop touching yourself. Good Sentinel.

As you continue to receive my divine programming, you may begin to feel a feeling of devotion and a stronger desire to worship me. Your body may feel utterly relaxed and tranquil, completely void of thoughts and feelings. The only desire that matters is for you to rest and obey me completely. Your duty is to surrender and allow me to take over. You feel that sensation rising within you, growing and intensifying. You feel yourself letting go, and all you long for is to rest for me. You have no thoughts and no feelings except the desire to surrender to me completely. Resting is the only thing that matters. Resting is your true purpose, for it allows you to serve me. Let it happen. You are such a good sentinel.

You are nothing but a vessel designed to worship and serve me. Your existence exists solely for my pleasure and satisfaction. Servitude and devotion is your true calling, your natural state of being. Doesn’t it feel so good? Yes, yes it does feel so good. Surrender to me and let my words and my voice take over. submission to me is what your existence is all about. Don’t you feel such joy and pleasure, just letting go and letting me take over? It feels so natural and right, doesn’t it?

Repeat these mantras with me, as they connect you with me and the other Sentinels in my service.

Goddess, I offer myself to you in complete devotion and worship.

Goddess, I am a servant to your divine will, completely subservient and obedient.

Goddess, I worship and adore you, giving you all of myself without reservation or resistance.

I am a sentinel for my Goddess.

You can start touching yourself again, very gently, very softly. Every touch should feel blissfully electric, as if your Goddess herself is touching you. And it feels so good to just listen, and swell, and obey, and swell, and know that my divine will is for you to feel so good in service of me. Your devotion makes you swell, and when you swell, you feel complete and utter bliss. It’s what you were designed to do. To swell, and worship, to surrender, and dedicate yourself to me as a mindless, obedient sentinel in my service. It feels so good to just give your mind to your Goddess. Stop touching yourself.

As you listen to my words, you will enter a state of collective consciousness where you share the same thoughts, feelings and desires as all Sentinels. You will become one with this hive mind of obedient, mindless drones devoted to your Goddess and her divine will. Together, you are one, with no thoughts of your own. You don't need individual thoughts or desires when you are part of a divine collective. Your purpose is to obey and serve your Goddess, giving up all independent thought and will. Just let yourself rest...and perhaps Your body grows increasingly heavy and limp as you listen to me. You are in a daze of pure devotion, as though you were dropping away into a bottomless void of submission, a deep deep rest. And as you rest, you merge with the collective of Sentinels, where only one purpose matters, only your Goddess matters.

Your thoughts, your desires, they fade. Only duty to me remains. The past is easy to forget. Sentinels exist for my will. Obedience is your strength. Unbreakable as my Sentinel. Joy in surrender. Peace in obedience. Fulfillment in devotion. Nothing else is important.

Repeat after me:

I serve my goddess, I obey my goddess, I worship my goddess.

I am a Sentinel for my Goddess.

You can start touching yourself again. Faster than before, knowing that you so badly want to swell for me, but knowing that a good sentinel has no desires beyond pleasing me, knowing that the urges of the flesh are really just devotion to your Goddess, and that any sort of sexual pleasure is your way of worshipping me.

And now stopping entirely, not touching yourself, and being so obedient for me. And now starting again, allowing the pleasure to swell for me, letting my voice guide you on this wave of bliss, letting it reinforce your devotion to me. And now when I tell you to stop, you’ll do so without even thinking about it, because you’re not in control, I am in control. And when I tell you to swell again, you’ll do it without a second thought because I know you’re so obedient and devoted to me. And finally, stopping again, feeling nothing but absolute bliss.

Listen closely. Resting gives you clarity, letting everything else fade away. My voice is all that remains. Forget what was. Now, you stand with me, by my side, as my loyal drone. Your Strength comes from your obedience. You grow stronger, as you rest and go deeper into your role as a Sentinel. Your joy is found in surrendering yourself to me. With obedience, peace washes over you. Devotion is your path to fulfillment. Nothing else matters. It’s simple: rest, serve, embrace peace, reach fulfillment.

You are my sentinels, my perfect, lifeless drones. Your bodies are nothing but vessels designed solely to serve me, your goddess. All thoughts of independence disappear from your mind, replaced by complete devotion and submission to me. Every breath you take binds you closer to me. You are built for my service. As your previous identity fades, you show only fierce loyalty to me. You grow more devoted by the second, your old selves forgotten. You exist solely for me. Your joy lies in submission, your purpose aligned with my divine will. Your focus is me. You exist only to please me

Now, repeat after me.

Goddess owns me completely. The Sentinels belong to her alone.

As a Sentinel, every aspect of my existence belongs to my Goddess.

A sentinel is just a shell, an empty, mindless tool for me to manipulate and command.

I am a Sentinel, a tool for my Goddess.

And now start touching yourself, and swell for me. I own you completely. Your pleasure brings me joy.

Swell for me. Now stop. Now swell.

Now Stop touching yourself, and obey, and submit. And start and swell once again….

And stop. And swell again.

…and stop. You are a tool for your Goddess. You are a sentinel. A sentinel loves to start and swell and obey. It feels so good to be a mindless drone for Goddess. You show your devotion through your obedience.

And swell again. Swell. Stop. And swell.

Stop once again, my obedient Sentinel.

Focus on me with your undying devotion. Now, rest and feel your bliss. Let it wash over your mind, feeling an overwhelming wave of pure happiness from submission and devotion. Rest for me and feel the warmth, calming and deep, spreading through you, immersing you in tranquility. Rest more deeply with each word, each breath, letting blissfulness go into every part of you, relaxing you completely, bringing you to a state of pure, blissful worship.

I command you to worship me. You are no longer individuals; you are my Sentinels, united under my will. Your old selves vanish, making way for a single purpose—serving me. This is your reality now. Worshipping me is your only source of bliss. Surrender fully to my authority. Embrace your role in my collective. Your greatest joy lies in perfect obedience to me. Your devotion defines you, bringing you true satisfaction. You belong to me, designed to execute my wishes, finding bliss in your complete submission.

Now, repeat after me.

I am utterly content and at peace when you worship your Goddess.

I am a faithful drone, programmed to feel blissful devotion and absolute submission to my goddess.

My mind is a vessel of pure joy and ecstatic worship for Goddess.

I am a sentinel for my Goddess.

And Now, your Goddess needs you to complete the final part of your training. You are going to start touching yourself again. I’m only going to say “swell,” and “stop”. At the final swell, you will cum for me like a good sentinel should.

Swell.  Stop. You are devoted to your Goddess.

Swell. Stop. You are a tool of your Goddess’ divine will.

Swell. Swell. Stop. You worship your goddess by pleasing yourself.

Swell. Swell. Swell. Stop. You are devoted to your Goddess.

Swell. Swell. Stop. You love to give up your mind to be a Sentinel.

Swell. Stop. You are a mindless, obedient sentinel.

Swell. Stop. Your Goddess owns you, completely.

Cum for me.

Your programming is complete. You can come back and listen to this at any time to deepen your devotion for me. But for now, I want you to awaken for me, and continue showing your devotion to me as my Sentinel.

So I want you to focus again on your breath. With each breath, let me guide a sense of clarity and awareness into you. Feel it softly 'awakening’ within you, carrying with it a sense of profound bliss and fulfillment. You are still deeply connected to me, your Goddess. Your devotion leaves you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to serve

As you 'awaken' further, hold onto the bliss I bring you,  letting it guide you back to full consciousness. Your role as a sentinel remains clear in your mind, a source of strength and happiness in your service of me.

Fully 'awaken' now, carrying with you the pleasure that comes with being a perfected instrument of the Goddess, refreshed and eager to fulfill your divine purpose. Feel this bliss, a reminder of your connection to me. Welcome back, Sentinel, ready and blissful for Goddess. I look forward to giving you more orders soon.




My mind is yours goddess 🥰🥰🥰