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Chapter 14 Page 17 - http://bit.ly/1IAe9vy Not much to say about page 16 other than it was fun drawing all that wind. Page 17 features more of Briar's tsundere charms, which frankly never gets old. Some might feel this character type is too predictable, which I can admit. It's okay to have some predictable characters around, those ones you can rely on to react a certain way to situations. Briar's just like that. Also worth noting that this is the first good shot of Nell's broom/staff, being used as an actual broom. I imagine her broom to be like one of those decorative straw brooms that people with country sensibilities put in their houses, but that can't actually sweep much of anything.


Comics - Ch14 17

In the City of Aria, the last great capital of the world, life revolves around mysterious dungeons and the monsters that crawl from them. Adventurers gather from the world over to battle in these dangerous labyrinths, seeking the fame and fortune that comes from exploring them.


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