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hello! here's a WIP animation for animation class. we have to make a short animation as our semester project (or however it's called), and i chose the voidling because this animation idea has been living rent free in my mind every time i listen to this track. i hope you like it!

you might notice the style is quite different than usual, that's because i've decided to try out drawing with the lasso tool (or rather a modified version of it that instantly fills stuff/erases stuff as you select it) and i'm having a blast! it feels quite fast and i really like having color so soon in my process, makes me more happy looking at the work in progress.

here are some voidling sketches i made at the start of this week right before starting the animation! also done with lasso tool.

besides that i have been drawing 1 million very self indulgent patapon doodles with the lasso tool which i may or may not share here, eventually. thank you all for your support! 


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