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Hey folks!  I'm very happy to be able to say that everything on my end has calmed down quite a bit, thank you all so much for your messages of well wishes, it really helped a lot to be able to read them while things were uncertain and rocky on my end. 

The relevant information:

  • All rewards that I planned to finish and post during February will be sent via message to anyone who was an active supporter during this month, as well as posted directly on patreon.   So, for anyone who has decided to cancel their support this month, you will still receive all the rewards you were meant to receive during February, even if you aren't supporting during March.  The late rewards include: the second patron requested pinup, the personal illustration of my choice voted on by patrons last month, and for the $10 tier, the exclusive illustration for February. 

However, you won't receive any rewards that are specific to March unless you re-pledge during March.

To summarize even more briefly:  late rewards from February will be sent to you via DM as they're completed. 

Additionally, the poll for voting for March's personal choice illustration, as well as the post for submitting February's pinup suggestions, will be posted later tonight.  

That's all for now, thank you again for your support and for your patience! 



So glad to hear things have been improving for you!


Glad to hear everything is going back to normal for you! An ocean of love and support and fingers crossed soon everything will be great again.


happy to hear things are working out for you!

Neil Ryder

Great news Marccus, am looking to this months pack with eager anticipation


Good news! Take your time still, we can wait. Your art is worth it!


I’m so glad things have turned around for you.


I'm new to this site, to your work. Sorry to hear things have been uncertain and rocky. And glad that seems to have passed. Your work is phenomenal. So glad to support you.


I'm so happy things have improved!!! :-D <3 <3 <3