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Hey folks, I mentioned on the discord that I had a rough week last week, and without getting too in depth, part of that was due to a big upheaval in my living situation and I'm still experiencing the fallout of that. 

The internet where I'm living just got shut off, and other utilities will likely get shut off as well before things settle. It isn't an issue of not being able to pay the bills, but rather that the person who had initially set up these various accounts is gone now, and seems to be intentionally making it difficult to get ahold of everything that's necessary to continue maintaining things at the house (essentially making the transition as difficult as possible), so I am not sure what things are gonna be like on my end for a little while. 

I'll still be working while I have the capacity to work (basically, while I still have electricity), but I'm not sure how long it will take to get everything normal again, or at least the minimum required to be able to do patreon work normally, so some of the support rewards for this month might not get posted until early next month. 

I'm doing my best to keep my head above water, in the meantime thank you for your patience in all this



Of course, you take your time to figure all of that out.

Alex Woolfson

Of course we understand. Agreed. Take all the time you need.


Do what you need to look after yourself first and worry about the rest later. You can always get back to things once your situation is stable. Rather then give yourself more stress trying to do patreon work if not needed.

Thomas Polk

What a nightmare! Chin up, you can handle this.


What an awful circumstance... No worries on delays or anything, I'm just happy to be able to support you in some way. Take care of yourself first, and if you happen to have the time, energy, and circumstance to make art? Awesome. But you come first, and I wish you all the best.


That sounds terrible! Thank you for the update. Please take are of yourself!

Gabriel Lampert

Sorry to hear all this. ugh! I don't suppose your roommate has relocated to Mar-a-Lago?


Oof, that sounds rough. Hope you get it all sorted soon.




Hope it all works out for you, take care of yourself


Take all of the time you need! Hope you are able to figure everything out!

Neil Ryder

Hey Marccus, Life has a habit of kicking us in the butt every once in a while. No one likes those times, but they do eventually resolve, and often teach up a bit of wisdom. Keep a positive attitude, and this too will pass. In the interim, know that your amazing work inspires and is always anxiously anticipated. Be Strong.


So sorry, @marccus — that sounds miserable! I hope you can get things worked out/new accounts/SOMETHING worked out soon . . . for YOU of course. Don't worry about us! Ugh, I wish I could help, but it doesn't sound like anything we can help with (but please correct me if I'm wrong). ;-( Good luck!

Lord Memnar

Pretty sure depending on the state you live in that can be considered a criminal charge since its tampering with maintaining billing.


Take care of what you need to, we'll be here when you get back. Thank you for letting us know!


Sending hugs and positive energies. I will wait, however long it takes. Be well.


Take your time, we will always be here for you. ✌️

Micah Williams

Take your time. Your art is more than worth the wait!


You take care of your self first. I am sure I am not the only one that is willing t wait for your amazng work. Stay safe


Sorry you're going through a difficult time, we'll be here when you're ready


We've all had our moments of life drama. Hang in there! You and your art are worth an unexpected delay.


What an awful situation; I’m so sorry to hear this. Good luck!


Aww Marccus I am sending good vibes your way man. I really hope that improves. I can wait for the art, you being in a good situation is more important. Again i hope it improves soo my friend.


So sorry to hear about your situation. You take care of yourself. Don't worry about sending out the rewards, your art is worth the wait. I hope for your sake and sanity things will settle down soon. Take care.


So saddened to hear that your circumstances have taken such an unpleasant and apparently unnecessary turn. My fervent wishes that this turbulent period in your life will be very shot lived. Stay focused on getting your life back to normal so you can do your art. The rewards and the rest of it will take care of themselves.


It's terrible that you have to go through this. Take your time, hope it gets resolved as soon as possible


As I say, I'm new here. And wow, you are beloved by your fans and supporters. I'm glad to see that. I like what Thomas Polk says: Chin up. You can handle this. Yep. Deep breath. Chin up.