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Just wanted to thank everyone for their input on the latest poll, it immediately became clear to me that the idea posed in it wasn't something a lot of you were interested in, and that's totally fine, because I wasn't particularly interested in it either, haha. I've gone ahead and taken it down since I didn't need the remaining 6 days to decide, but again, thanks for voicing your reasons, it's super useful to have a few different opinions weighing in on an issue. There won't be any changes as far as old content goes.

I hope you've all had a chance to read the post for changes in 2019, I think they will be a good way of allowing you all to be more involved with what gets drawn here, as well as giving you more rewards for supporting me! I'm always on the lookout for how to give back more to you all, so I'm really happy with what I've come up with in that regard so far.

That's all for now-- Back to drawing!


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