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Hello folks, I hope you're all doing well! :)

As I mentioned in my last update, I spent the last week visiting with my Grandma, who doesn't have much time left, and I was really thankful I got to spend a good chunk of time with her before she passes.  

I wasn't able to get any work done during the visit, so it's likely I'll be continuing to work on November rewards in December, and I'm sorry for the delay on those.  I appreciate your support a ton, and I feel bad about being late with your rewards, so I decided to make an additional version for this pinup. I hope you all like it! <3




Dont ever think you need to apologize for spending time with your loved ones. Im glad you are safe and i think many of your followers will agree that your emotional, physical and social well being stands above whatever patreon projects you have planned. Having said that glad to have you back &lt;3


You take all the time you need. You have our support! I'm sorry that November has been hard for you. You're a wondeful person so there's no need to apologise. ❤ take care of yourself.


I'm sure we all agree that there's no need to apologize for wanting to spend time with your loved ones, especially in this kind of situation. Take your time. We'll support you all the way :)


Don't feel bad. Take your time!


I'm glad you could spend some time with her. It's important to be there during that time. I still regret that I did not go before my grandpa passed away when I was little. Back then I was not expecting that it would be the last chance. I wish you strength and good to have you back


I love Kratos. More please~


I'm glad to hear you got to spend some time with your Grandma. Mine was in a hospital for a while and was supposed to be sent home a day after. For some reason, despite being really tired after work, I went to see her in the evening. She was conscious for the first time in two weeks, and we spent two hours together. The last words we exchanged were "I love you". She died that night. If I didn't go I wouldn't have had a chance to keep this as my memory of her. Gather those memories while you can. I can only speak for myself, but I'm happy to wait a month or two if necessary. Your grandma doesn't have that time. &lt;3 Big hugs if wanted. And to say something that's actually related, those "hairy" versions do THINGS to me.


Happy to hear you were able to spend some time with your grandma :D and btw don't feel bad for it!


The world doesn't deserve you Marccus, you are too kind! Thank you so much for your generosity. Glad to hear you got to spend time with your grandma ♥


New patron here: Don't feel back about some delays here, IMHO; family is more important. I'm sorry your grandmother isn't doing well, but I'm glad you got to spend time with her!


P.S. Your art is wonderful :-)


No hair on the legs? guess he wants that smooth texture lol