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Hey folks, I hope you're all doing well.  

I recently learned that my Grandmother's health is declining rapidly, and so my mom, my sister and I are all going on a short trip to visit her for what is likely to be the last time we get to see her.  I just wanted to let you all know, because it's unlikely I'll be able to work while I'm visiting her, and so some of the patreon rewards might end up being a little late this month.  

However, I've started all of them at this point, and I'm very nearly done with the second Randomizer pinup, so here's a WIP preview of that

That's all for now, take care everyone!  And if there's someone in your family you love, but don't speak to very often, you might want to consider giving them a call <3 



Oh my god. I’m so sorry to hear this. Please take your time, and I wish you will. I know how hard something like can be

Alex Reid

I'm sorry to hear that. Take as long as you need, and all the best to you and your family &lt;3


Yes, family before us. Take all the time you need. Best wishes.


Take all the time you need! Much love to you and your family. &lt;3


Take care of yourself and life first. We’ll be here when you get back.


I don't post here much and am relatively new to your Patreon, but as someone currently taking their mother to chemo treatments focus on your family. I don't think anyone should give you flack for taking a break regardless how long to focus on family.


Family always comes first, all the best x


Abosolutly spend this time with your family. We understand completely. Family first.


I'm glad you're going to be there for her when she needs it. We all understand. Take the time you need.


Hey you take the time you need. I just lost my grandma and father in October. We're here to support you ❤ travel safely.


I am very sorry to hear about what's happening. Take your time on the Patreon stuff and wish you and your family all the best. Safe travels.


My prayers to your grandmother, Marcus! Safe travel. 🙏


Sorry to hear this. :( Take your time and hope you have a safe trip, Marccus... all the best.


Do spend time with your family. Work can wait. And this piece is awesome. Will he have a thick bushy pubic hair?


Do take your time. Work can wait, like it have been said already!


Hope she gets well soon


I'm so sorry about your grandmother! safe travels and hope you enjoy every moment together as a family!!


Big hugs if wanted. Sorry to hear about your grandmother. Hope it will go as well as it can with the situation being as it is. (As for the artwork, I am test-woofing already to be prepared for when the full version drops.)

Cheikh Diop

Sorry about your grand Mother. :(


Of course we understand. Take as much time as you need buddy . Family should always come first


I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. I hope that you and your family do have a good visit with her. 💗

Vita Ayala

I'm sorry hun. Hit me up if you need anything. Much love &lt;3


Best wishes to you and your family Marccus ♥


Spend some great quality time with your loved ones Marccus!