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Hey kiddos!

This month has been a lot. We lost our dog. We got married. As you can imagine, it's been a bit of a roller coaster. And sadly, that's meant I haven't been streaming! Thankfully, that'll change for April. I'm nearly done with a piece we've been working on in streams for awhile now, and there's plenty more waiting in the wings after that!

So thank you all so much for your patience, and here's another one from the Puddle Archives to tide you over in the meantime. A bit of fan art for a story series Tank wrote awhile back (https://www.furaffinity.net/view/21440298/), and based on the designs Colten did of the characters (https://www.furaffinity.net/view/33757098/). If you're not already supporting their collaboration over at Good Boy Comics here on Patreon, consider checking 'em out! They're good kids.

See you squirts in the streams next month! I'm excited already.




Hugs!!! I am so happy for your marital status changing :3 congratulations!!! I’m sorry for the loss of your family ❤️❤️❤️ Lots of love!!!


looks like the links to FA are broken.


Thanks so much, on both counts. The happy one doesn't cancel the sad one out, but both have left me feeling so full of gratitude for all the love in my life! I'm a very lucky tiger 😸


Congrats on the marriage! And happy to see that you're posting again; was getting worried. Sorry to hear about your dog. *hugs*


Sorry to worry folks! It's just been a whirlwind few weeks here. Apologies for not checking in sooner, and looking forward to more regular updates moving forward (especially because that means more time goofing off and having fun drawing crinkly critters!).


Grats again on the marriage. So sorry to hear about your dog though:(


Thanks, and much appreciated. Cancer is the worst. But it brings me a lot of joy to think about what a comfy, cozy, spoiled life we were able to give her, and she gave us so, so much in return. I'm extremely grateful! If there are any animals in your life, give 'em some extra pets from me.


Will make sure to do that. Sometime, down the road there will be another fuzzy one that will need that kinda love when you are ready to give it again.


Congratulations on getting hitched! That's so exciting. And the boys here are looking great!