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Hey squirts,

February was a bit of a slow month. I've been juggling a new big work project, some family health issues, and planning a wedding here, and if I'm honest, my grip on sanity isn't particularly firm even when I'm NOT multitasking 😅

So here's one from the sketch archives to tide you over, and we'll have some more soggy content for you kids soon!

Hope you're all being good and staying healthy!  --Pp




Aww, maybe less embarrassing to just skip the shorts until you find some that fit!

Glyn Wolf

Did I hear that someone is getting MARRIED? Are congratulations in order? ❤️


Grats! My Mommy and me are also knee deep in wedding planning so my heart goes out to you two.


Awww, little pup is so embarrassed, I love it


Thank you. We got engaged mid 2020 so we have had time to have things fall into place nicely though its been still stressful at times


OOooo....it's nice to see the lioness from the picnic table diaper change pic again.


The more we get of this lioness, the better!