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Just wanted to put together a little roadmap to let y'all know what's coming up. 

First off, thanks for all the support. I wanted to check in to see if anyone is interested in having a Discord server. That seems to be standard for the Patreons I've looked at but I've also read some feedback complaining about there being too many. If that's something that will make support requests and discussion easier I'm open to it.

Practical Defeat

The update that went up yesterday was mostly bug fixes but should address the core issue of the the flow being interrupted or frozen. I'll try to put up some micro-updates to tackle some of the smaller Patron requests like DDe integration but creature defeat will take a while since its an entirely separate flow.

Devious Devices NG

For those unfamiliar with this project, the idea is to expand DD's SKSE plugin in order to significantly improve its performance and consistency. ihatemykite has already done some excellent work moving expression changes (for gags) and the player's item hider to native code which reduces Papyrus overhead and log spam. I'm in the process of moving equip/unequip logic to the engine. This should yield more consistent equipping, especially from the inventory and specifically lower overhead when equipping many devices on many NPCs. You can find our roadmap on Github here.

Slaves of Tamriel Redux

This project aims to provide a challenging and immersive player slavery experience. Right now the mod is mostly structured to support a single location, Dremir Mine, where the player is forced to mine ore for the Imperials. I'm closing in on a refactor that creates an overarching framework for player slavery experiences throughout the game world.

The idea is simple, when the player is enslaved by SOTR usually through something like Simple Slavery, they can be sent to one of a multitude of locations. Each location implements a slavery gameplay loop consisting of four major elements: jobs, punishments, events, and releases.

  • Jobs are your day to day quests which will have a direct impact on your compliance score.
  • Punishments occur when your compliance falls below certain thresholds and generally make escaping tougher by applying debuffs.
  • Events are random occurrences that should spice things up since doing the same things for multiple real world hours is likely going to be very boring
  • Releases trigger on certain thresholds like # of jobs completed, amount of money earned for your captors, etc. These can range from being sent to another SoT location to getting sent back to Simple Slavery to simply being let go. Similar to events, this gives players a guaranteed "out" to keep SOTR from taking too long to complete.

For example, Dremir Mine is a location with jobs that can range from mining to being a maid in the nearby Thalmor embassy and events can include nightly visits from the guards.

Most of this logic is implemented - I'm just playtesting right now.


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