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Nice reactions as always!!! Thank you for doing the album review! The key in the ending you’ll understand after you listened to levanter, I think! Clé is also French for key. So the whole clé series is connected hehe 😉 Thank you!!


"Side Effect" sounds like it would give you a headache, It was the first time psychedelic trance was used in a k-pop song. Around this era is where the hate for skz begins for his "noisy music" It is seen that Koreans do not like these types of sounds very much so this song did not have much hype, the sound can be controversial yes, but the true concept of the song is what makes it great in my opinion. Side Effects represents the cycle of anxiety (mental health problems in general) & not only in the lyrics. It builds up & gets louder, faster and a lot of optical stimulition that feels kinda crushing and even screaming. Did you notice during the drop the background voice? saying "common side effects include nervousness, insomnia, nausea, agitation, anxiety, weakness, sweating, vision problems, psychosis, numbness, dizziness, headaches, weight loss, skin irritations" so clever, and well that's the theme of the song, mental health and all the little game of lyrics and sounds In conclusion, side effects is not for everyone? It's not for everyone, but it's a work of art