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ssick ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆

i definitely think he idolizes chani too, like all of them do <3


The next 2 kids room is one of my favorites and super underrated, can't wait for you to see what a simp Hyunjin is for Seungmin.


yeah chan was pretty scary as a trainee but he relaxed more lately. also you're right about all of them idolizing him, you can see the massive respect each member has for him in every individual episode of these w him because they'll all joke around and stuff but at the end they never forget to say how difficult it was for him and how much responsibility he had to take on at that age, they often talk about how they don't think many people would be able to to do it like he managed. and also about not coming to him w their worries i get the same vibe that they wanna lessen his burden in a sense and that's why lee know and changbin are sort of like his wings where the members come to them for advice a lot, plus all the 00s have amazing connections among themselves so it helps out in that regard too. the next episode is crazy you'll see a new side of hyunjin and i think you're gonna love how much of a simp that man is


I love how relaxed this two kids room is, the way they fully face each other, crossed leg like that, it's just so sweet.