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  • Added creator repos
  • Set date default to en_us
  • Changed theme sorter
  • Added previews to test different devices
  • Added two export options
  • Allow camelcase in theme names
  • Added Papyrus default font
  • Added GradientImage support
  • Added pad increment to rotate, cornerRadius, and borderWidth
  • Added hints on element picker
  • Fixed wifi info when wifi is off

Change Details

Creator repos is a way for a user to create a local repository on their device. This repo allows users to then upload them to Github. Other users can then add their repo and download their themes. I have more details on getting it setup on this post. I do plan on making a video soon on me doing it on a device. It may seem complicated but is rather simple.

Setting the date to default en_us shouldn't effect the end user, besides fixing issues that arise with weekwidget and other date specific elements. Since I make them in en_us I want them to display in en_us. Some users had issues with their region or language preferences changing this.

Previews is location in the creator settings menu. You can choose multiple different devices and the creator view will change to that resolution giving you a preview of what it would look like on that device. This is visual only.

Export option gives the user an easier way of sharing their themes. There is a normal export which will create a folder with all theme elements in /var/mobile/Library/Designer/exportedthemes then they could zip this and share with anyone. The expert export option is for those who setup a repo. If you follow the instructions to setup a repo Designer will directly export that theme to your repo. Then you only have to run the script to upload making it very easy to share to your repo.

GradientImage is a very exciting feature. To apply a gradient or pattern to any UILabel you now have an option to provide an image. Put a gradient image in /var/mobile/Libraray/DesignerAssets, then choose that image on your UILabel. Thats it! Now you have a very customizable gradient text.

I will plug the discord again. It's so exciting to see what people have made with the new features added and if you have a question about designer this is the place to be.
Discord Link 


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