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NOTE & SPOILER: The next Designer update includes Designer repos. I need this page so I can link in Designer so i'm making it now. At this time this isn't available but will be available in v2.2.3. I highly suggest visiting discord if this is something you are interested in. Multiple people in discord have already created repos. Discord: https://discord.com/invite/yAEw8JPAag

A Designer repo is basically a folder setup on your phone or pc that contains themes you have made. These are uploaded to a github repo (free) so other users can install your themes. Below is instructions on how to make this repo on a jailbroken iPhone or iPad. No pc needed.

Items you will need from installed on your jailbroken phone. git, newTerm(2 or 3), Filza.

You will need a Github account, create one on https://github.com. After you make the account click on the repository tab then click new. Give the repo a name.

On Github go to settings > Developer Settings > Personal Access Tokens > Tokens (classic) save the token as this will now be your password.

On the phone, open newTerm. It should say yourname:~mobile% type cd Documents

You will now be in the Documents folder. Type

git init DesignerRepo

This will create the DesignerRepo folder

Now type cd DesignerRepo

You will now be in the DesignerRepo folder. This is where you will put the themes and upload them to Github.

You must setup this git a little more so while in the DesignerRepo folder type this command, but change the YOURNAME  to your Github name and change the YOURREPO to your repo name.

git remote add origin https://YOURNAME@github.com/YOURNAME/YOURREPO.git

That is letting git know where to connect. There is a few more things to setup. Do each of these commands.

git config --global http.postBuffer 157286400

git config --global user.email "YOUR EMAIL"

git config --global user.name "YOUR NAME"

That's it the repo is setup and now you can add your themes. Make a themes folder in /var/mobile/Documents/DesignerRepo/ this is where you will put all the themes you make.

You will also need to put a repo.jpg square image 100x100 recommended. This will give your repo an image that will show in the Designer repo list as shown in the image above. It goes in /var/mobile/Documents/DesignerRepo/

In Designer settings go to Edit Theme. Find the theme you wish to export and tap hold it. Press the Export Theme option.

In Filza go to /var/mobile/Library/Designer/exportedthemes press the edit button in the top right, select the theme folder, then press copy.

Navigate to /var/mobile/Documents/DesignerRepo/themes/ and press the clipboard icon in the bottom left to paste that folder. You have now added a theme to your repo.

Below in the attachments is a push.sh file. Put this file in /var/mobile/Documents/DesignerRepo/

Once you have added your themes and your repo image. Open terminal and navigate to your repo. If it says yourname:~mobile% type cd Documents to go to Documents then cd DesignerRepo to go in the repo folder.

If it says yourname:~DesignerRepo% then run this command. ./push.sh

If an error shows type chmod 777 ./push.sh then type ./push.sh commit message

This script goes through all the themes you have in the themes folder. It makes a themes.json for you and will upload everything to github. You will be asked for a password, which is the Personal Access Token you setup before.

Once you have ran this script look at your github repo. It should look like this. https://github.com/JunesiPhone/RepoExample if it does go to Designer press Download Themes then press the plus at the top. Enter a name for the repo and the address is JunesiPhone/RepoExample of course replace this with your name and your repo name.

Thats it. Now all you have to do is add themes to the themes folder and run the script to add and upload themes.



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