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Gnar is taking his new gift pretty well!, how nice of Teemo to stick around and make sure things are going as smooooothly as possible~ <3

Hey there!
First poll pairing for January done!, I wasn't sure on what to have them do tbh, but I think this works pretty well if I may say so myself! xD
Also as I stated before, this was colored by hubby, he tried his best to imitate my style, but you can tell some things are a little different |3c, for one he did pretty nice looking gold, I would have never been able to do that, lmao
So yeah, please let us know if you mind the coloring difference too much, I'm pretty sure it's along to what I'd normally do, but I'm curious and care if you feel this is not "me" feeling per se =w=

Take care ya'll <3

Full res:




Teemo seems to know what Gnar enjoys, but why shouldn't he, they spend quite a bit of time together~ &lt;3


I'd say the coloring looks pretty good


This is adorable and the colouring is amazing!! Absolutely happy to have your hubby keep colouring. &lt;3


Coloring looks really nice to me.


I didn't realize that the coloring wasn't yours until I read it,so.... XD


Hey, thank you for the feedback! He was happy to know too |3c, poor thing was pretty stressed about it, haha


And he'll keep at it, as long as he can at least owo Gotta see how it'll work out making BGs, but we'll see next month with them rewards coming