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Too intense for the poor worm boi~
Guilmon is not done yet tho, so he better buckle up because the ride is not over!

Heyo there everyone!

As pretty much customary, apologies for the lateness on uploads!. I actually have been sitting with this page finished for a good...5 days? something like that xwx.
With my new living schedule uploading at night has become harder, so everytime I end up being "tomorrow then!", but then I forget until later |3;;;;. Totally my bad!

That said, my days have been better, I'm getting into a rythm for working and adjusting to the schedule. So work is gonna come out a little faster from now.
Also, as a side news, hubby wants to help me out with art so I can catch up and not be so stressed with that. For those who don't know, he used to be an artist on FA until artistic pressure got to him and decided to quit. Now he has been practicing with old pics of mine to learn and do coloring for me. So I'll be doing the lineart as always and he'll do the coloring as close as how I do it as possible, tho it might look a little different. He is pretty cool, so I bet you'll like what he wipes out =w=

I'm working on sketching the poll pics to give him to work with while I tackle the comic pages, but the idea is to catch up on the 3 pages I missed last month and do the 4 for this month as well. If all that goes well and I get to catch up with the comic, then that'll mean next month I can work on rewards and the comic as it should be! xD;;;
So yah!, wish me luck!, haha. By tomorrow hubby will have the first poll pic colored, so I hope you can pitch in and tell us if it's up your alley or if I should be doing it myself exclusively.

Love you guys and thanks for the patience as always!
Char char out!

Full res:




Oh my god that poor gazimon xD How awkward, does he just sit there, does he join in?!


I loved your husbands old art btw, so I'd love to see what he does with the pictures! Cannot wait to see <3 Sounds like a great combo~


Eyyy, didn't think many would remember, it WAS quite a long time ago, maybe 10 years? lmao I hope ya'll like the "collabs" |3c, it should be similar to my style anyways, so things don't divert too much, so stuff!


It looks like he is trying not to give into lust and start fapping X3


Aaaah, Gazimon! He needs some action too! :D


Same |3;;; I keep seeing things that make me realize just how so many years have passed already in mah life, haha At least I can ignore most of them thoughts since I'm always keeping myself busy xD


Absolutely! As long as he can keep his cool |3 ...and even if he can't!, lol