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Heyo there everyone =w=

So far the catching up hasn't been going too smoothly as expected. I wanted like a reward done every 2 days, but as you can see, some of these are taking me way longer x3;;;. It doesn't help that sometimes I get art blocked for no real reason, like this week hubby had to go see grandparents and I was home alone for 4 days. I thought "cool, I can use this to concentrate on as much work as possible" (Not like he is a big distraction, but I spend more time cooking good stuff for us than when I'm alone, I barely cook when it's just me xD)
But alas, I couldn't concentrate at all these days, I just managed to do the doodling for one reward in all this time :v
I even finished the Gnar piccy I posted today before those days, but didn't upload it. I dunno why but I could NOT concentrate these days. As a matter of fact, this post was meant to be done yesty x3;;;;

Either ways, because of the slow catching up, I'm gonna have to take the month of July as well for catching up. In reality I think I need August to catch up with everything completely, but I don't want to take forever catching up and not make new comics for ya guys. So I'm gonna try to catch up as much as possible until the end of July and then get Patreon the same way as it was before, with the new comic starting then as I catch up with the (hopefully) last rewards as I go.
I think this is the fairest compromise =w=

That said, it's time we spoke comics!, I want to start planning and storyboarding the next comic before it's time to start it.
Soooo as previously stated, I'm gonna have you guys decide on the next comic "pairing".
I don't want to go too much into detail on what each comic will be about. None of them is very complex tbh, I haven't started training my writting muscles yet, so the result is gonna be close to the last digimon comic or the Teemo x Gnar one.

That said, these are the current ideas/pairings I want to put ahead and the amount of pages each:
1-Gnar x Teemo
This comic will have around 30 pages and it'll contain some other surprise guys in it as part of the plot~

2-Digimon Hotel
The sequel to the "Mischief on the rocks" one, It'll be...ooff...hmm...Trying not to expand it too much with side stuff, probably around 60 pages. it'll involve all the main digimon in the last one and even include some Guilmon x Wormmon just in case xD

3-Veigar x Teemo
This one will be around 20 pages, a pretty short smut comic between the 2 of them |3c, it's not vanilla Teemo tho~

4-Morgana x Cait Sith (Persona 5)
Lastly we got this one at around 20ish pages, pretty much very short plot and a lot of kitty humps <3. Just in case people dun know, Cait Sith is a recurrent persona in the series that was added later in Persona 5 royal, so it's not in the vanilla game, in case some people played 5 and can't recognize 'im =w=. it's totally not FF7 cait sith, lol.

Of course the amount of pages might vary, kinda how Mischief on the rocks was supposed to be a 40 pages comic, when in the end it was 77 |3;;;

Now personally I don't like talking too in depth about projects, since it takes a little of the will to work on them out for some reason (Kinda like when I'd draw random stuff at school. If a classmate saw it and asked me what I was trying to draw, it'll usually end up with me giving up on said drawing before finishing it x3;;;) but if knowing the plot and resolution is part on why you'd vote for a pairing, then say so and I'll try to talk about 'em xD;;. Tho know that there is no specific hardcore fetish on any of the comics, specially considering Patreon doesn't like certain things </3

All the comics that don't win the voting now, will be up for voting after next comic is done (With one new idea added to the poll), since they are all ideas I'd like drawing someday |3c)

And with that, thank you for listening (aka reading) to me blabber and have a garner at the voting!
have a good day everyone =w= <3



Oh god please let the digimon win xD ~ &lt;3 I want all of these comics though damnit.


Hence why I'll put them again into rotation once the next comic is done |3c, I also want all of these to be a thing, haha


You've got this hon. &lt;3 I'm sure we'll all be with you for the long run either way


If the digimon comic wins, I'm so sorry that you'll end up making a 120 page comic. xD ~ Just take your time no matter what wins! xxx


I do think it'll be longer than the last one by a lot xD I kinda thought on saying that maybe it's not a good idea to go for the digimon one right away considering the last one was digimon. But it's been some months since then, so it should be no problem, lol Besides, more digimon practice will stick this way!


And if it's the digimon comic, it'll be a LOOOONG way, lmao


Char char you silly boy. You need me by your side to whip ya to work! &gt;:3


Lol, that might be the case! Maybe a good whipping is what I need to focus better x'D


I'll give very good rubs after, don't worry


I hope the Gnar and Teemo comic is up next, personally think 2 digimon comics back to back might be a bit tiring lol Though I think having 2 LoL comics on the poll might be a bit unfair since it both weights the poll towards LoL content and splits the LoL voterbase.


That's true, maybe having 2 yordle comics in the poll is not a good idea, but honestly I'm still working out on what to do for some other comic ideas that I have that would have worked great as PMD stuff, but can't because of "them reasons" xD So I had to put them yordles up against each other~ I also considered making mock up pages to illustrate each idea, kinda how ArgonVile did at some point, but since I'm busy catching up I could not do it &lt;/3 I'll try next poll to replace one of them yordles ideas with something else =w=


Nooo, teemo and gnar must win ;-;


Lmao, it's pretty much doomed at this point x3 Honestly that was the next idea I was gonna work on before I decided to put it up for voting mooonths ago. Maybe next time it'll be dah thing~ &lt;3


Tiene que ganar Digimon honestamente me quedé picado de saber que pasara


Hahaha, eso ya es casi de seguro |3c, a menos que todos cambien sus votos repentinamente. Normalmente solo se obtienen cerca de 90 votos por encuesta, asi que se puede decir que ya todos han votado y Digimon ha ganado xD &lt;3