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Wormmon has his eye on the prize!
Better get their head on the game or they'll miss out or something |3c

My gosh I couldn't finish the comic before the end of the month ;w;, I tried everything to finish it, but this took me forever. Sooo many characters I had to draw for this page, lol. Specially slow since I had to go back and study some I don't usually draw, like agumon!
Also while working on it I realized I forgot gabumon's hat on the last page :v, so I had to rush and fix that, lol.

I'm still working all I can to finish the last page, but sorry for the inconvenience. To everyone who'll be dropping next month and want to see the finished page, poke me with a PM with contact info so I can send a link to the finished page once it's done, since I feel bad that I couldn't finish it in time ;w;

That asides, back to work!, lol

Full res:




Whoever drops yer patreon cuz you've finished this huge project deserves a kick in the nads. Lucky wormmon, hope he enjoys his new boyfriend 8)


Lmao, it's totally understandable tho!, not everyone have the means to support for too long, so better do it when they get to see the most stuff |3c, so if comics is that stuff, then yah! Also totally!, I know I drew it, but I'm jealous myself of the bug :v <3


Absolutely loved this comic, me and my partner loving every moment. <3 Thanks again for the great work Vitrex x


Hehehe, well thank you for following it all this time <3