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Gotta be good digimon and clean up all their messes =w=....otherwise Agumon would get an earful from his Monodramon friend!

Oh gosh, work flow has been pretty bad lately xwx, I'm working to make it with the last 2 pages before the end of the month, but man I'm cutting it too tight, lol!
Admitedly it's totally my fault, I have been caught putting this fire emblem iron man stream on the background as I work...and I end up staring at it more often than not <w>;;;;;
But I'm totally gonna ignore it now!, I swear!
Wish me luck xD

Full res:




Keep those trunks unwashed, they probably smell good.


I can't believe this comic is almost over! It's been quite the journey


Oh, Fire Emblem Iron Man Streams are fun! :D


They probably do, since they took them off inmediatly before the sexings xD


It is!, like, meeega close Looking back at the style "change" makes me feel so bad, lmao


Omg they tots are x3 But my god, the player might not be taking any action and just talking about the game, but I can't stop watching the cursor not moving at all! I thought it'd be easier to concentrate with content like that, but can't miss seeing them 95% miss moments! *Shot?*


You're bound to of had some growth over that long period, I wouldn't sweat it!


It's true, I never thought I'd be doing the comic for more than a year xD