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Little after meeting Reindog, Stitch just HAD to know if he was another experiment ("cousin") like him or not.
Only one way to find out~

Second pairing of March uwu, Reindog totally looks like an experiment, this pairing had to happen at some point |3c, not many people draw this big fella. Honestly he was kinda difficult to draw xD

Either ways, now I am working on the comic pages~
I actually finished this piccy 2 days ago but I have been exhausted with some stuff one day and the next my connection fell as I was trying to upload it :v, effing typical, lmao~
Either ways, be on the lookout for them hotel bois bonding |3c

Full res:




I'm sure he can fit the knot in Stitch's mouth, just need to thrust hard enough, Stitch can take it~


As a good weapon of destruction, I like to think he is stretchy and adaptable for all these sorts of... "battle" scenarios |3c

ライロス (Ryloth)

I always shook my butt as Reindog. Heh Me and my BF always talk about Reindog sexually. XD