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Not many play DnD, but Twitch is always willing, as long as you are willing to play with his homebrew rules~
Smolder doesn't have many options than to accept such rules, even if it means getting pumped silly and bred quite often on such sessions...
It's just so unfair to play with someone this lucky on the rolls, but the much sweeter once he finally does! At least that's the mantra Smolder is going for~

First pairing of March donezo uwu, thinking of having a bigger dom for Smolder than the yordles had me choosing Twitch...and then I remembered he had that medieval skin...and Smolder IS a dragon...I put 1+1 in my head and this idea popped up inmediatly. I'm glad this pairing won because I totally wanted to draw this scenario |3c
Had to even make a BG for it, so it'd fit better, lol.

One more pairing that should go fast (Stitch and Reindog) and I'll get full steam with the comic~
Naughty stuff is coming on that front, let me tell you~

Full res:




I won't make a repost of what I said earlier, and while your art is super good as always, I hope that you didn't overwork and stressed yourself for this.


Always wonderful seeing you draw twitch. No one draws the cutie so thank you ~


Thank you uwu, I totally didn't overwork. I was actually working pretty happily at it~ Backgrounds always suck for me, but I was having fun working on this, so no pressures uwu <3


Hehehe, it's true, tho I think I have been seeing him a little more lately. It might be my impression at least owo Either ways you are so absolutely welcomed~